Giant Buckets of Cheese Frank Cost
Giant Buckets of Cheese
Frank Cost
Giant Buckets of Cheese Frank Cost Copyright Š 2015 Frank Cost and Fossil Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any mechanical or electronic means without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Published by Fossil Press, Rochester, New York. ISBN-13: 978-1514140154
Dusanka asked us for a ride to the Greek Store on Culver Road to purchase some Feta cheese.
She needs the Feta cheese for the preparation of special food for a Macedonian religious holiday.
The Greek Store usually opens at noon on weekdays in the summer.
Except on Fridays.
On Fridays the Greek Store is closed!
Now Dusanka has a problem.
Where can she go to buy a large quantity of Feta cheese at wholesale prices?
Patty has an idea. Isn’t there another Greek store somewhere in Rochester that sells bulk Feta cheese?
Dusanka’s friend Tina would know!
Dusanka calls Tina, and Tina tells us to go to a restaurant supply store called the “Restaurant Depot.�
Dusanka doesn’t know where the store is located, but Tina explains to Patty how to get there.
Restaurant Depot only sells to businesses. Fortunately, Dusanka’s daughter-in-law is a florist.
It is a huge place hidden at the end of a cul-de-sac off of Jefferson Road, just east of the 390 overpass.
Dusanka presents her Restaurant Depot membership card . . .
and we are in!
Now to find the Feta.
Dusanka says, “in here!”
Through these hanging curtains . . .
into a giant refrigerated warehouse!
Now Dusanka has to determine which kind of Feta cheese to buy.
There are several different kinds.
We’ll take one of these.
A seven kilogram bucket of cheese!
Euphrates brand. Enough cheese to feed an army.
OK, great! Let’s go!
But wait! Dusanka calls Tina to see whether she needs to buy more cheese.
Tina explains to Patty what we should do.
So we head back into the freezing warehouse . . .
to pick up another gigantic bucket of cheese. This one from Bulgaria.
OK, now we can go.
Out of the cold and back into the warm!
Time to check out.
Two enormous buckets of Feta cheese. “Will that be all?”
“Thank you, and come again!”
A private press devoted to making documentary work that will gain value with the passing of time.
Š 2015 Fossil Press 100 Parkwood Avenue Rochester, NY 14620
About the photographer Frank Cost is the James E. McGhee Professor of Visual Media in the School of Photography at Rochester Institute of Technology. He has taught a wide variety of courses in the field of visual media for more than three decades. Frank has been photographing professionally since 1975 and has authored both textbooks and experimental photobooks exploring new forms of graphic expression enabled by digital technologies. He can be contacted at or by phone at (585) 415-3158. This and a variety of other Fossil Press books are available directly from Amazon. Search for the title or for ISBN-13: 978-1514140154.