of cancer in late February 2019 plunged me into a strange new world of sights, sounds, and sensations both frightening and reassuring at the same time. A year later, as that world of examinations, surgical procedures, and chemical treatments was becoming familiar and routine, the coronavirus pandemic massively disrupted the entire system and demanded new procedures and levels of precaution that are still in place to this day. Eventually these became familiar enough to allow my eye to begin seeing and recording pictures. All of these photographs were taken with my phone camera while I awaited various exams and procedures.
At the beginning of 2022, as I began to plan for this book, the remnant of the “Delta” variation of the virus caught up with me and landed me in intensive care for a week. The last four pictures are from that time, a labyrinth within a labyrinth.
Frank Cost Rochester, New York August 2022