Need. A unisex skincare line by P&G. 2012 Branding and Visual Identity.
Typography / Overview
Need. Introducing UV Protection We love the sun, and we think you should too, that’s why we’re introducing our new UV protection line for Need. It’s the same great reusable and refillable bottle you know and love, but with some powerful SPF goodness for your skin.
See for more details
1 Typography / Case Study
Type and Imagery
Color Pallete | Product
Color Pallette | Text
Primary Shape
Typography / Elements
Reusable Bottles FTW.
Not only does Need benefit your skin, it benefits the environment as well. With our unique reusable bottle and built in concentrate, you can feel good about running out. All you need to do is just add water, and the bottle will do the rest to mix in the concentrate. We believe that feeling good isn’t just about yourself, but about the good that we achieve around us, that’s why we strive to create sustainable products that benefit you, and benefit environment.
Need. Brand Equity
Equity “More than just skincare, but a lifestyle” Skincare that encourages people to explore, discover and define their unique selves.
Brand Character A simple subtlety of confidence and uniqueness that’s not afraid of the unexpected and spontaneous.
Benefit Equities Need provides skincare that’s modern, unique and ecological Gen Y’s lifestyle approach. Not only does Need strive to consider the needs of your skin, but to alsp provide a social interconnection with other real people/stories, that goes beyond just skin.
Iconic Brand Identity
Simple, “transparent” logo type that becomes dynamic through the graphic images of everyday people through the use of black and white images with overlayed iconic color. Representing male and female as a set, using everyday people.
Branding / Equity
The first true unisex skincare line from P&G.
Holistic product that targets Gen Y’s needs.
Reusable bottle that uses water and concentrate.
Clear communication design to build a regimen.
Social brand that is interconnected with consumers.
Need. A holistic skincare brand for Gen Y. People
The foundation of Need can be seen in its name. It’s a simple but bold statement that defines the brand. As a skincare brand, our goal is to meet people’s needs and to help them feel confident as their own, unique selves. In order to truly acheive that, Need can’t be just the average skincare product. Gen Y sees beauty not just in themselves, but all around us in our environment, and that is why Need strives to enhance it by designing holistic, sustainable products.
As a brand, Need must connect not just through the product, but through the philosophy and story on which the product’s foundation is based upon.That is why the branding strategy is equally split between people, product, and environment. By interconnecting these three aspects, it allows Need to become not just a “moisturizer” or “lotion”, but a holistic product that is meaningful to the person using it.
Branding / Overview
Need. Advertising
Telling A Story “In order to connect to the consumer, we must create an identity in a way that's native and natural to millennials. Young people have always experimented with questions of identity. Part of the natural process of growing up is to wonder and play with who we are and who we will become. What would it mean for a brand, we wondered, to be engaged in a process of constantly curating and refining its identity, especially in this online environment.” That’s why for Need, our branding will emphasize individual stories of young people, with their own unique perspective on their experiences and what defines them.
Branding / Campaign
generated on
Branding / Campaign
generated on
Branding / Campaign
POMEGRANATE LIME Sustainable Skincare with built in refill system
Revitalizing, uplifting, 30-minute showers, skincare. Need.
HYDRATION Sustainable Skincare with built in refill system
Cooling, crisp, hydrating, fresh-on-my-face, skincare, Need.
UV PROTECTION Sustainable Skincare with built in refill system
Protective, light, oil-free, moisturizing miracle worker, Need.
NATURALS Sustainable Skincare with built in refill system
Natural, clean, rejuvenating, sustainable, skincare, Need.
In a day and age where people are more interconnected than ever and social content is king, has become a major platform for communicating the brand as well as an online distributor of our products. The homepage reflects the subtle, but bold design that can be seen throughout the brand, highlight everychanging content that can be read, commented on, and shared by friends and followers.
Allowing people to connect not just through their skincare needs, but through multiple venues of media such as music, fashion, culture, and trends is key. Developing Need as a “culture” is significant in that it invites consumers to be a part of something bigger, and creates a more personal connection with each consumer. Not only does it widen Need’s spectrum as a culture, but it allows the consumer to curate based on their needs to help define who they are to themselves and to others.
The homepage consists of three main modules. The first module called the “showcase”, which highlights stories of real people that people can connect with. The showcase will also feature new products and campaigns and anything that is significant to the culture of the brand. The second module is called “features”, which highlights product, whether its what’s new, regimens, or how-to videos. The last module is called “latest”, which features the most recent blog posts from our Tumblr.
Online / Home Page
Online / Home Page
01 Latest
About Us / Blog / Lineup / Store
02 Features
Say Hello to Need. And goodbye to the typical regimen.
The Color Campaign Debuts We’ve put together our first campaign, celebrating our debut collection of skincare products for both men and women.
Reuse again, and again, and again.
Friends w/ (Skincare) Benefits
Online / Home Page
Follow us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr
About Us / Blog / Lineup / Store
8.01 The Color Campaign Debuts 01 Trending
The Color Campaign Debuts We’ve put together our first campaign, celebrating our debut collection of skincare products for both men and women.
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Coming Soon, Need Naturals Read these roommates experience of how they benefited from sharin g the same skincare products.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse molestaie cillum. Tia non ob ea soluad incom dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen legum odioque civiuda et tam nam liber.
Friends w/ (Skincare) Benefits See the new naturals line featuring a blend of refreshing mint and soothing avocado oils.
B 02 On Twitter @BlackKeys, Have you seen the new #Need commercial? Goes sooo well with “Everlasting Light.�
B @Need, Hydration cleanser is a miracle worker, face feels refreshed even in this 100 degree microwave that is my car.
Need. Online Store
Filter Easily filter through our products based on multiple needs, whether you’re looking by face/body, product, or need, the store makes it easy to plug in one factor or multiple to find the perfect match.
Color Each product line is color coded by need. Red products are anti-acne treatment, yellow products are sun-care protection, blue products are hydration, and green products are our naturals line.
Social Regimen When you click on a product, you’ll find below real stories of people who have used that product and how they’ve incorporated it into their regimen. The store makes it easy to connect to people with similar needs, as well as favoriting and sharing your own skincare recommendations and regimens.
Online / Need. Store
Online / Need. Store
About Us / Blog / Lineup / Store
Filter By Face Body
Acaí Berry Cleanser
Acaí Berry Toner
Acaí Berry Moisturizer
Lemon-Ginger SPF Cleanser
Lemon-Ginger SPF Toner
Lemon-Ginger SPF Moisturizer
UV Sun Protection
UV Sun Protection
UV Sun Protection
Green Tea + Mint Cleanser
Cucumber + Mint Toner
Green Tea + Mint Moisturizer
Natural Protection
Natural Protection
Natural Protection
Sea Mineral Cleanser
Sea Mineral Toner
Sea Mineral Moisturizer
Toner Moisturizer Sets Accessories Refills
Need Acne Blackheads Exfoliation Dry Oily Sensitive Hydration Sun Protection Naturals
Online / Need. Store
About Us / Blog / Lineup / Store
Face / Toner / Acne, Blackheads, Sensitive
Acaí Antioxidant Toner Description Our foaming cleansing gel synthesizes natural grapefruit extract with amino acid-based cleansing agents. Unlike traditionally harsh detergents that can be drying, stripping and irritating, this formula gently and thoroughly purifies and hydrates to ph balance all skin types, especially sensitive. Rinses residue free, eliminating the need for a toner. Perfect make-up removal. Natural fragrance and color. Easily integrated into daily maintenance and prevention regimen.
ANTI-ACNE + BLACKHEADS Sustainable Skincare with built in refill system
Select Ingredients Glycerin and sodium pca hydrate. Grapefruit is known for its naturally cleansing, exfoliating and anti-bacterial properties.
01 Jeffrey’s Regimen “I have dry, sensitive skin and tend to have breakouts, so combining the acne toner with a light cleanser really gives me the protection I need for the rest of the day.” Profile
02 Sunni’s Regimen “I always breakout, it’s definitely an issue, so combining the acne cleanser and toner really helps fight it. The SPF moisturizer is a nice enhancement to my regimen.” Profile
P&G | Manager: Huong Doan | Designer: Franklin Gaw