Group Work Self Assessment Form Course :
Graphic Design
Year :
Module :
Date :
Project Title :
Print x Universe
Group Members :
Francesca Roberts & Oliver Cassell
Specific Project Responsibilities:
Francesca Roberts
Screenprinting, poster development, postcards, Iphone app.
Oliver Cassell
Web design, poster, flyers, book marks, zine.
3 4 5 6
In the table below, you are asked to determine the relative contribution / quality of each member of the group, by allocating 10 marks between the group members for each category, and then totaling each member's score. Contribution: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Workload / Effort Quality of Work Professionalism / Teamwork Leadership Total
Using the above scores as a guide, you are asked to decide whether a differential in the grades given for your project should be allocated. Your project will first be given one overall grade. The differentials agreed below will form a recommendation to your assessors that this grade is adjusted to reflect the individual contribution of each member of the group. You may allocate to a team member a positive score up to +5, a negative score up to -5, or a neutral score, 0 . The total group score should be zero, when all these differentials are added together, eg. for a group of five : +5, +2, 0, -3, -4 (= total zero). 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group member : Differential Grade : "The above evaluation of the group's contribution to this project has been agreed by all members of the team." Signed : 1 2 3 4 5 6
NB: The agreed differentials are a recommendation to your tutors, which in normal circumstances they will accept. However, the assessors reserve the right to override the recommendation, if other evidence suggests that this analysis is incorrect .
Group W ork Self Assessm ent Form - Student Guidelines
The Group W ork Self Assessm ent Form is used to help tutors to evaluate the shared group elem ent of assessed work. The process used is based on the principle that the tutors will assess the overall grade which the project deserves, based on the brief's learning outcom es, but the student group will take responsibility for evaluating and agreeing any differentials in quality and contribution which each has m ade to the group elem ent of a project. And this agreed differential will then be applied by your tutors to the overall group grade in determining individual grades for the work. To facilitate this process, it is recom m ended that the attached self assessm ent pro-forma is completed and agreed by each group, and subm itted along with the assessed work. The assessm ent of the overall grade for a group production by the assessors will create a m ean score, which is varied by im plem enting the differentials agreed by your group, up to a m axim um of +5, or -5 m arks. It m ay be, however, that the group decides all m em bers have contributed equally, and they wish to all be awarded the sam e grade. Before com pleting the form , it is im portant that you each check the brief carefully, to understand precisely which assessm ent elem ents are to be assessed as a group, and which elem ents will be assessed individually. The decisions you reach on the self assessm ent form will only be applied to the elem ents of the assessm ent which will be assessed jointly. You should m eet together as a group to com plete the form . You m ay wish to each com plete a separate form in advance, and com pare results, before com ing to an agreem ent. O r you m ay wish to discuss the form as a whole and agree the scores for each m em ber at the m eeting. To decide whether to im plem ent differential grades, you are asked to first describe your individual roles in the project. Then analyse the contributions each of you has m ade in term s of four aspects - workload, quality, team work, and leadership. This can be done by allocating 10 m arks between the group m em bers for each category, and then totaling each m em ber's score. For exam ple, in a group of four, you m ay decide that 1 person deserves all the 10 m arks for leadership, but that for workload all four deserve 2½ m arks each. You can then determ ine from this analysis total differential scores for each m em ber of the group. You m ay allocate to a team m em ber a positive score up to +5, a negative score up to -5, or a neutral score, 0 . The total group score should be zero, when all these differentials are added together, eg. for a group of five: +5, +2, 0, -3, 4 (= total zero). During assessm ent, your group project will first be given one overall grade. The differentials agreed by you will form a recom m endation to yo ur assessors that this grade is adjusted for each m em ber of the group, to reflect their individual contribution. Your assessors will expect to see a relationship between different parts of the form . In other words, the description of roles and analysis of contributions should be seen as a form of justification for the decisions reached regarding differential grades. W hen you have signed the form to agree the differentials, they will becom e a recom m endation to your tutors, which in norm al circum stances they will accept. However, the assessors reserve the right to override the recom m endation, if other evidence suggests that this analysis is incorrect. In such circum stances, the m em bers' grades and the rationale for not accepting your recom m endations will be explained to you in written feedback. In m ost cases, experience suggests that all m em bers of a group will agree the self assessm ent form . In cases of dispute, however, there is an arbitration system . If
the group cannot agree one self assessm ent form , all m em bers are asked to present an individually com pleted sheet, presenting their view of the situation. The tutors will then allocate an overall project grade, based on the m odule outcom es, and then also determ ine any differentials. The tutors m ay also request a m eeting with the whole group, or individual m eetings with all the m em bers, in order to discuss the project and the self assessm ent form s, before deciding these grades. Your tutors m ay in these circum stances allocate a m axim um of 5 additional m arks to the strongest student. But the assessors m ay also decide on a reduction of up to 10 points for any weaker students. You should be warned that taking this course of action will transfer responsibility for determ ining the differentials to your tutors. It will also be interpreted as dem onstrating poor group working skills, which m ay be taken into account in the assessm ent process.