Strategy For Social Media Marketing - Frank Lao IFA

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Strategy For Social Media Marketing

Introduction ď ˝

Social media marketing is a process of drive the traffic or attention through the social media sites. It is the use of social media platforms and website to promote the product and services.

Strategy For Social Media Marketing 

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Here are discuss the strategy for social media marketing such as: Identify The Business Goals Set Marketing Objective Identify The Ideal Customer Research competition Create a Content Strategy Allocate Budget and Resource Assign Roles

Identify The Business Goals ď ˝

In this step, the every piece of your social media strategy








undoubtedly come up with the various personalized goals

but there are few that all campaign should

includes in their strategy such as: increasing the brand






reducing the marketing cost are relevant to every one.

Set Marketing Objective ď ˝

Marketing objective is define how to get a successfully fulfilled goal. You determine your objective with the smart approaches. So make your objective is specific, measurable , achieved and relevant and time bound.

Identify The Ideal Customer ď ˝

If a business is suffering form low engagement on their social profiles it is usually because the don’t have an accurate ideal customer profile. When you know targeting audience age, income , interest , motivation and objection then it is easier and cheaper target them on social media or any other media.

Research competition ď ˝

When it come to social media marketing then researching your competition not only keeps you apprised of their activity.

Create a Content Strategy ď ˝

Content and social media have a symbiotic relationship: Without great content social media is meaningless and without social media nobody will know about your content. Use them together to reach and convert your prospects.

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Allocate Budget and Resource

The budget for social media marketing and look at the tactics you have to chosen to achieve your business goals and objectives.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing       

Increase the traffic Reduced the marketing expense Improved the search ranking Improved the sales Garneted the leads Grown business partnerships Developed the loyal fans

Who I Am.. ď ˝

Frank Lao Alhambra is a digital marketing expert who will provide the help in content marketing and social media marketing, currently who lives in United States.

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