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Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living to to alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received by alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received the first of the month for consideration for the next edition. by the first of the month for consideration for the next edition.
LifeSouth Blood Drives

Spring January and February Sports The LifeSouth bloodmobile is scheduled Registration to be in Franklin County on the folJan. 1 through Feb. 1 Jan. 29 through March 7 lowing dates: Jan. 12 at IHP in Russellville from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; The Russellville Parks and Recreation Department will Jan. 18 at Listerhill Credit Union in Russellville from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Jan. 20 at Franklin Homes in Russellville from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Jan. 25 at Red Bay Hospital in Red Bay from noon to 6 p.m. Donors must be in good health, 17 years old or begin spring sports older or 16 years old with parental permission, weigh at least registration with soccer 110 pounds and show a valid photo I.D. For more information signups Jan. 1 through visit www.lifesouth.org. Feb. 1. Youth soccer is for boys and girls ages 3-12, and cost is $35. Teams will play their games at the soccer fields by the Chucky Mullins Center. Youth softball signup for girls ages 6-12 will begin Jan. 29 and continue through March 7, with a cost of $35. For more information call 256-332-8870, Franklin County ext. 14.Basketball Tournament

Jan. 10-14

Red Bay, Tharptown,
Vina, Belgreen and Phil Rockin’ at Campbell teams will face off on the court for the the Roxyannual Franklin County Varsity Basketball TournaJan. 11 and Feb. 8ment. Teams will play at Belgreen High School for The second Saturday this year’s competition. night of each month at 7 p.m. is the monthly Kerry Gilbert Band Divisions will include A-Junior Boys, JV girls, B-Varsity boys, and varsity boys and girls. concert at the Historic 4 Roxy Theatre in Russellville. The KGB will be joined by a special guest for

Franklin County Rockin’ at the Roxy Basketball TournamentJan. 14 and Feb. 11
Jan. 14-18 The second Saturday night of each month at 7 Red Bay, p.m. is the monthly Kerry Tharptown, Vina, Gilbert Band concert Belgreen and at the Historic Roxy Phil Campbell Theatre in Russellville. basketball teams will face off on the court for The KGB will be joined by a special guest for each show. Doors open at 6 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and the Franklin free for children younger than 6. County Varsity Tournament. Teams will play at Red Bay in this annual competition among county teams.
Scale Back Alabama: Weigh-In Week
Jan. 20-26 The Weigh-In Week for teams participating in Scale Back Alabama will be BTCPA’s “A Bad Year for Tomatoes” Jan. 20-26, kicking Feb. 9-12 off the two and a half month program. SBA is a free statewide The Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts in Red Bay will stage its second production of the season, “A Bad Year for Tomatoes,” Feb. 9-12, with dinner available before the play for all weight-loss performances, at the Weatherford Center. Tickets go on sale campaign designed Jan. 30. For information about bringing a group, contact Beth to encourage Hammock at 256-668-0045. Alabamians to get healthy and have fun doing it. Since the first challenge in 2007, Alabamians have lost more than 1 million pounds. For more information, to sign up or to find a local weigh-in site, visit www.scalebackalabama.com.
LifeSouth Blood Drives
Jan. 22 and Feb. 1 The LifeSouth bloodmobile will be in Russellville Mountain Valley Hee Haw Jan. 22 at IHP and Feb. 1 at Cricket There will be live music at Mountain Valley Hee Haw in Phil Campbell every Saturday night beginning at 7 p.m., featuring The House Band. For more information call 256-810-4840.
Franklin living Wireless. The bloodmobile will be at IHP from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at Cricket Wireless from noon to 7 p.m. For more information visit www.lifesouth.org. For additional questions