2 minute read
Faith Focus
Unless the Lord builds the house
Often t h e plan ning begins a full year in advance. After all, there is so much to do! From selecting and reserving an amazing venue, to choosing an outstanding caterer and menu, to agreeing on which guests to invite, the list of tasks could go on and on. Planning a wedding involves a mountain of work!
Couples fall in love, plan a stunning wedding and dream of living happily ever after; however, one of the most important aspects of planning for “happily ever after” often gets overlooked. Major time, planning and resources are directed toward the wedding day, while much less emphasis is given toward planning for a great marriage.
Scripture reveals that marriage was first conceived in the mind of God. Since he invented it, the institution of marriage belongs to him. As the divine owner and creator, it should come as no surprise that he has explained who can be married, as well as the way in which husbands and wives are supposed to treat each other.
In other words, God has explained how to have a “happily ever after” marriage.
By inspiration Solomon wrote in Psalm 127, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” While not specifically making a reference to marriage, he is reminding his readers that true prosperity comes only from the Lord and through his involvement in a person’s life. For couples who intend to experience an unforgettable wedding day followed by a healthy marriage that lasts, the following practical advice is sure to be a blessing:
First, as a couple, be devoted to making sure you know what God intends for your life. Both of you should be committed to spending time in God’s Word every day.
Second, if your goal is for the Lord to be involved in building your house, agree before you get married that you will be together in His house every week. Couples who enjoy healthy marriages know the value of worshiping together and that a strong church family is a necessity.
Finally, invest in quality pre-marital counseling from a Christian counselor. It will cost far less than your wedding, and it will bless your relationship every day of your married life.
If you will allow the Lord to be involved in “building your house,” your “happily ever after” marriage will far outshine your unforgettable wedding day!
Philip Goad is the minister at North Highlands Church of Christ in Russellville. He is married to Marla, and they have a daughter, Kayla Thorne, who is married to Josh. They also have a son, Preston, and one grandchild, Greyson Thorne.