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Education Corner
RCS shows strength and resilience
It is hard to believe we are already beginning a new A simple shift of mindset can make all the differyear. After the year 2020 was for most people, I’m ence, especially as we continue to navigate this pansure the thought of a new year is a welcome one demic together. for many of us, since it usually means a time for Even though we might be tired and weary of all renewal and for starting fresh. things related to this virus, I want to remind our com-
And while I believe this will be the case in several ar- munity that you play a large part in how our semester eas of my life and others’ lives, we are still facing some plays out. The overall health and wellness of our comthings that are lingering from this past year, many of munity affects our schools, so what you do in managwhich are the result of this ongoing pandemic. ing this virus matters here, too.
As we enter this new year, I find myself hoping When the virus first started appearing last spring and praying for the same things I did back when school started and schools had to be shut down, we had so many spring in August—for good health for our students, faculty, and staff; sports athletes and students involved in extracurricular activifor good attitudes in the midst of a school year that looks differ- ties who were brokenhearted when we had to cancel their seaent than any other year we’ve ever experienced; for new and fun sons and events. These students work very hard to hone their ways to teach and learn in a time of masks and social distancing; skills and their talents, and we want to do all we can to ensure for as many in-person learning days as we can get; for full seasons they have the opportunity to see their hard work pay off this for our spring sports and extracurriculars; and for as normal of a semester. school year as possible for the sake of our students. So I want to encourage everyone to continue to be cautious, to
I know many of us hoped this pandemic situation would be more be proactive, to wear masks, to wash hands and to social distance under control by this point as we approach almost a year of restric- when necessary. Let’s do whatever we can to limit the spread of tions, quarantines, masks and social distancing, and I know to many, this virus here at home — for the sake of our students, for the it can be disheartening that this isn’t the case. But as we start a new sake of our elderly and immunocompromised and for the sake of year, and as our students and teachers start a new semester, I’d like each other. If we do that, I have no doubt this semester will be as to encourage everyone to stop and remember the good things that great as the last one. came from this past year — the memories made, new traditions that As always, it’s GREAT to be a Golden Tiger! might have been started, new babies, marriages, or even just extra time to be with your loved ones while we were all forced to slow Heath Grimes is the superintendent of Russellville City Schools. He and down and spend time together during this pandemic. his wife Amy have three daughters: Leah, Halle and Erin.
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