Excessive Absence Withdrawal
Students are expected to prepare for and participate in all classes for which they are registered and to act in a manner consistent with the College’s values of respect and responsibility while attending classes. When the college determines that a student has unapproved excessive absences, the student may be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal could significantly impact a student’s financial aid, athletic eligibility, academic standing and progress towards degree.
The Registrar, in consultation with the VPAA, may administratively withdraw a student from all courses or from individual courses for unapproved excessive absences. A student is considered excessively absent when he or she has missed two consecutive weeks of class. Such students will have seven calendar days to respond to e-mail and written notification that their continuation at the college or in the course is in jeopardy. Students are responsible for maintaining an accurate mailing address with the College. Failure to respond within the seven-day period and to correct the behaviors to the satisfaction of the faculty member(s) involved will result in an administrative withdrawal. Students wishing to return to the College after being withdrawn from all courses must apply for readmission.
If the withdrawal for excessive absences is processed prior to the established semester/term deadline to withdraw from classes, a grade of “W” will be assigned. This grade will not affect the student’s grade point average. If the withdrawal is processed after the established deadline to withdraw from classes, a grade of “WP” or “WF” will be assigned. The grade of “WP” is not calculated into the GPA. However, the grade of “WF” is calculated into the GPA as a grade of “F.” The student will forfeit applicable academic credit, tuition, and fees for the semester or term regardless of when the withdrawal is posted.
AP Credit
Franklin College will accept credit for selected College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement exams (AP). Franklin College does not administer the AP test. However, students may receive credit by examination by providing an official record of examination results. The following table includes the examinations, passing scores, hours of credit allowed, and Franklin College course equivalences.
Advanced Placement Test
Art History
Score of 3
Score of 4 or 5
ART XXX (4 cr) ART 116
Biology BIO 114 BIO 114
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
(and AB subscore of 3 or higher
MAT XXX (4 cr) MAT 135
MAT 135 MAT 135, MAT 140 & MAT 142
CHE 121/123 CHE 121, CHE 122, CHE 123 & CHE 124
LAN XXX (4 cr) 4=LAN XXX (8 cr); 5=LAN XXX (12 cr) (fulfills foreign language requirement)
Comp. Government & Politics POL XXX (4 cr) POL 355
Computer Science A CMP XXX (3 cr) CMP 141
Computer Science Principles
Economics: Macroeconomics
CMP XXX (3 cr) CMP 130
ECO XXX (3 cr) ECO 115 (or ECO XXX 3 cr if only score 3 or higher on one of the two ECO exams)
Economics: Microeconomics ECO XXX (3 cr) ECO 115 (or ECO XXX 3 cr if only score 3 or higher on one of the two ECO exams)
English Language/Composition
English Literature/Composition
Environmental Science
ENG XXX (4 cr) LA 101
ENG XXX (4 cr) LA 201
BIO XXX (3 cr) BIO XXX (3 cr)
European History
HIS XXX (3 cr)
French (language & literature)* FRE 110
Music Theory
Human Geography
Physics 1 & 2
Physics C Mech & Electr/Magn
LAN XXX (4 cr)
LAN XXX (4 cr)
LAN XXX (4 cr)
LAN XXX (4 cr)
HIS XXX (3 cr) (will satisfy one course in Category C of the History curriculum)
4=FRE 110 & FRE 111; 5=FRE 110, FRE 111, & FRE 210
4=LAN XXX (8 cr); 5=LAN XXX (12 cr) (fulfills foreign language requirement)
4= LAN XXX (8cr); 5= LAN XXX (12 cr) (fulfills foreign language requirement)
4=LAN XXX (8 cr); 5=LAN XXX (12 cr) (fulfills foreign language requirement)
4=LAN XXX (8 cr); 5=LAN XXX (12 cr)
MUS XXX (3 cr) MUS 110
GEO 220 GEO 220
PHY 201/ 203 & PHY
202/204; PHY XXX (5 cr) if only did one
PHY 211/203 & PHY 212/204; PHY XXX (5 cr) if only did one
2-D Art and Design
3-D Art and Design
MAT XXX (3 cr) (placement into MAT 135)
PHY 201/ 203 & PHY 202/204
PHY 211/203 & PHY 212/204
MAT XXX (3 cr) (placement into MAT 135)
PSY 117 PSY 117
UND XXX (3 cr) UND XXX (3 cr)
UND XXX (3 cr) UND XXX (3 cr)
SPA 110
4=SPA 110 & SPA 111; 5=SPA 110, SPA 111, & SPA 210
MAT XXX (3 cr) MAT 224
ART XXX (3 cr) ART 160
ART XXX (3 cr) ART 130
ART XXX (3 cr) ART XXX (3 cr, fulfills Creative Arts exploratory)
U.S. Government & Politics POL XXX (4 cr) POL 110
U.S. History
World History
HIS XXX (3 cr) HIS 120 & HIS 121
HIS XXX (4 cr) HIS 205
*Franklin College will accept AP credit for advance placement in foreign language; however, students should be aware that they can also get advance placement by taking the College’s foreign language placement tests. Please note further clarification listed under Spanish and French Curricula.
Franklin College does not award credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject exams; however, CLEP exams may be taken to demonstrate proficiency in the foreign languages.
College-wide assessment of college learning outcomes is an essential activity at Franklin College. Students will be required to participate in regular assessment at various points during their careers at Franklin College. Incoming first-year students will be tested upon entrance. Students wishing to register for their senior year may be required to show evidence of participation in specific assessment activities in order to register.