OPENING CEREMONY The first Shell Beijing SCJV site built using all Franklin Fueling Systems equipment opens in Chengdu City. PAGE 14
Take a look at the latest in Franklin product development.
Catch up on the training events Franklin is conducting with Shell.
See how Franklin is leading the way in making things easier at Shell.
6 SUPPLY 3 GLOBAL AGREEMENT UPDATE A brief update on Shell’s Global Supply Agreement with Franklin Fueling Systems.
PERFORMANCE 4 BUSINESS REVIEW A team of representatives from Franklin, Shell, Jacobs, Artelia and Johnson Controls talk progress.
6 PRODUCT SOLUTIONS See what Franklin is doing to meet Shell’s needs for innovative product solutions.
8 FOR 11 TRAINING SUCCESS We’ve been busy training new installers and designers all over the word.
YOUR 12 ATSERVICE Check out how we’re putting our expert product knowledge to work at saving time and money.
FIRST 13 SAFETY Franklin Fueling Systems conducts safety days at many of our locations around the globe.
UPDATE IPSWICH, ENGLAND Welcome to the Autumn edition of the GSA Bulletin. The GSA Bulletin is produced by Franklin Fueling Systems, Shell’s global petroleum equipment manufacturer partner. It highlights recent stories of achievement resulting from our global partnership. Before we take a look at all of the latest activities, let’s take a step back and look at how the partnership began and the accomplishments thus far. As part of Shell’s global design standard (GDS), FE Petro™ brand submersible pumping systems and UPP™ brand piping and containment systems (two well known Franklin Fueling System brands) have been successfully installed in Shell stations throughout the globe for years. As Shell looked to establish a partner who could deliver a total system solution, Franklin Fueling Systems was awarded a Global Supply Agreement (GSA) contract in 2012. With the GSA in place, the GDS grew to include a complete system of petroleum equipment, all supplied by a single manufacturer. The GDS now includes a host of vital site components including under dispenser containment (UDC) sumps, tank chambers, a
STEPHEN de WILD Shell Account Director
complete pipework system consisting of electrofusion welded pipe and fittings, tank top hardware, and shear valves to name a few. With our mutual pursuit of focus on total cost of ownership and dedication to Goal Zero, the partnership has grown beyond that of a typical supplier relationship. The relationship has served as a catalyst for change in the way Franklin Fueling Systems viewed itself as a petroleum equipment manufacturer. As a result of the partnership, we at Franklin have sought to reduce on-site exposure time through design optimization and new system-based product designs. We have increased our global footprint of certified installers to ensure any new Shell site owner in the world has access to contractors that can install our products correctly. And we have dedicated ourselves to Goal Zero through increased safety awareness at every Franklin Fueling Systems location throughout the world. Please enjoy reading about the real-life examples of these initiatives in action throughout the following pages.
REVIEW WITTLICH, GERMANY In May a diverse global team met in Wittlich, Germany: the home of Franklin Fueling Systems Europe, Middle East and Africa operations. The purpose was to hold the annual Business Performance Review (BPR) and was led by Jacobs. In attendance were representatives from Shell, Jacobs, Artelia and Johnson Controls. The event, held over three days, resulted in a deepening of communication and understanding
around the key objectives of of total cost of ownership and Goal Zero in underground petroleum equipment systems. A central part of Franklin’s involvement has been progressing the use of the Shell global design standard (GDS). New products and services as well as a focus on areas for improvement were also discussed at this event.
“It really was a pleasure meeting Franklin Fueling Systems and the team and my compliments for the organisation of the event. I learned a lot and took with me some actions for even better cooperation and communication in the future.” MARCEL VERHEUGD Strategic Vendor Relationship
ATTENDEES LEFT TO RIGHT Stephen de Wild, Bill Nelson, Marcel Verheugd (JCI), Craig Robertson (Shell), Andrea Ticci, Xianming Ren (Artelia), Allan Busch, Brian Looi, Olivier Kartoval (Artelia), Peter van Dijk, Pavel Pekarek (Artelia), Paul Ridge, Sheldon Krahe (Jacobs), Heng Yuen “HY” Lee (Shell), Jay Walsh, Tolulope Martin (Shell), Danny Siapuatco (Shell), Dean Fraser (Jacobs).
SOLUTIONS NEW DEFENDER SERIES™ OVERFILL PREVENTION VALVE The Defender Series™ overfill prevention valve (OPV) is a self contained two-stage positive shut-off valve that prevents the overfill of an underground storage tank (UST) during a gravity-fed product delivery. The Defender Series™ OPV employs a revolutionary magnetically-coupled actuator system to provide positive shutoff. This unique method of shutoff eliminates any penetrations in the valve, making it both vapor and leak tight. The Defender Series™ OPV provides safe, rapid, and reliable fuel drops for the broadest range of fuel applications and environmental conditions. Simple to install, service and test remotely, the Defender Series™ OPV is the industry’s most versatile overfill prevention valve.
FACTS nn Fully compatible with gas, gas/alcohol blends, diesel, and biodiesel fuels. nn Meets ULC/ATEX guidelines. nn Allows remote functional testability without requiring removal or entry into tank chambers. nn Utilises the standard 4” drop tubes, allowing retrofit into existing installations. nn Functions in a broad range of flow rates from 95 to 1400 lpm (25 to 370 gpm).
FLEX-ING™ BRAND FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS ADDED TO SHELL GSA We are pleased to announce a new update to Shell’s global supply agreement (GSA) which now incorporates a range of FLEX-ING™ brand flexible connectors. The following configurations are now approved for use in Shell’s Global Design Specifications (GDS): nn1½” flexible connectors for use in under dispenser containment nn2” flexible connectors for use in tank chambers
system components such as submersible pumps or shear valves. The benefit of their use is undeniable. They have quickly become an integral part of any installation. Installers love their ease of installation while station owners have come to depend on their durability and how easy they make regular maintenance. With tons of available options, Franklin Fueling Systems has the right connector to fit any application. APPLICATIONS
nn2” flexible connectors with 90° elbow and integrated ball valve kits for easy discharge at submersible turbine pump manifolds Since their introduction in 1995, FLEX-ING™ FIREFLEX Flexible Connectors have quickly become the industry standard and benchmark for quality as a means to easily connect pipework systems to other
FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS Diameters, lengths, and end fitting options available for any application.
EN14125:2013 APPROVAL FOR UPP™ BRAND PIPEWORK SYSTEM Franklin Fueling Systems was the first company to achieve third-party approval to the recently updated EN14125:2013 standard for the UPP™ brand pipework system. This revision to the EN standard contains additional fuel compatibilities, new definitions for secondary containment, as well as a refinement to the conductivity classification of piping systems. The approval comes after a year of testing procedures; including fuel permeation testing with E-85 and B-100 fuels. The standard revision also provides two new classifications for secondary contained pipework - a system with continuous 360° separation between the primary and secondary pipework and fittings, and those systems without continuous 360° separation. The UPP™ pipework system provides full 360° separation between the primary and secondary containment.
The standard also now redefines the conductivity classification of piping systems under Annex B into three groups (Conductive, Insulating and Dissipative) and provides guidelines to ensure safety for all three of these groups. The UPP™ pipework system is recognized as being Insulating with proven safety regarding electrostatic hazards according to EN13463-1.
APPLICATIONS TURBINE PUMP INTERFACE (TPI): EASY TANK LEVELING When managing fuel level in two storage tanks or compartments containing the same product, the TS-550 evo™ Fuel Management System can be configured with additional modules for leveling mode which balances the demand from each tank without the need of a syphon line between tanks. Each tank is fitted with a submersible turbine pump (STP) and fuel level probe connected to the TS-550 evo™ tank gauge. The thank guage reads the level in each tank and operates the STP in the tank with the highest level keeping fuel levels balanced by switching between STP’s. Alternatively the system can be configured in priority mode which will pump one tank down to a certain level before turning on the other STP mimicking the traditional syphon system but again without the need for a syphon line.
INVENTORY/TANK LEVEL PROBE WANT MORE ON TPI? Make sure to check out to learn what else turbine pump interface can do for you.
TS-550 evo™ This powerful tank gauge can handle all fuel managment, inventory managment and leak detection a site will require.
3 2 1. UPP™ brand piping & containment product re-certification training conducted for 26 engineers from Titanco, a Thailand-based distributor. 2. Product training for Artelia UK project managers and representatives from Shell at the Franklin Fueling Systems office in Ipswich, UK. 3. Over 30 Shell students receiving product training while in Xi’an, China.
SUCCESS ASIATIC REGION With rapid growth throughout the Asiatic region, Franklin Fueling System intensified its focus on building the base of local certified installers during 2014. Franklin embarked on an ambitious tour of training sessions throughout the region consisting of both training new installers and making sure previously trained installers were up-to-date on the latest techniques through re-certification training. Events included: nnJanuary, FE Petro brand submersible pumping system product training to JCI Philippines and L3s ™
nnFebruary, UPP™ brand pipework & containment system re-certification training to installers in Thailand nnFebruary, L3 contractors training in RSJV in China nnApril, L3 contractors training in SCJV in China nnApril, UPP™ brand pipework & containment system training to SKM Philippines and L3s nnApril, UPP™ brand pipework & containment system training to SKM Thailand and new L3s nnMay, UPP™ brand pipework & containment systems and FE Petro™ brand submersible pumpings system product training to SKM and JCI installers in Hong Kong nnMay, UPP™ brand pipework & containment systems and FE Petro™ brand submersible pumping systems product re-certification to SKM, JCI and UJB installers in Indonesia.
IPSWICH, UK Franklin Fueling Systems recognises that ensuring a properly performing petroleum equipment system begins far before installation takes place. It starts with selection of the appropriate products. Knowing how Franklin products are designed together, to work together gives station designers a leg up in their design efforts. To ensure Shell and its design partners are up-todate on the latest products and system solutions, Franklin conducted in-depth product training for Shell design partners, Artelia UK and their project managers in May at the Franklin office in Ipswich, UK. Also in attendance was Shell representative Tolulope Martin.
At Franklin, it’s about more than just having the industry’s most complete product offering. It’s about providing complete system solutions. Those in attendance were presented with the latest in total system solutions from Franklin. What does “total system solution” mean? At Franklin, it’s about more than just having the industry’s most complete product offering. It’s about providing complete system solutions. Systems made from products that are designed together to work together. The goal is to help maximize investments, create operating efficiencies, and ultimately keep installers, operators, and customers as safe as possible.
As a result of the training, Franklin has bolstered its installation base in the region with continued expansion of trained L3 personnel in China. Certified installer totals for the region include: China (80) Hong Kong (16), Philippines (135), Malaysia (139), Thailand (38) and Indonesia (10).
SERVICE KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Optimisation and total cost of ownership training.
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Franklin Fueling Systems relationship with Shell goes beyond supplying products and product training. With a shared focus on total cost of ownership, Franklin conducts optimisation training for Shell and its design partners. The training is aimed at teaching designers how to select the appropriate products and system layouts that will ensure efficient operation for the entire life of the petroleum equipment system. Topics covered included a review of Shell’s Global Design Standard (GDS) “Big Rules” as well as a thorough review of all GDS drawings and where to access them. This review ensures designers are aware of all design guidelines put in place by Shell. Additionally participants are guided through Franklin’s Total Cost Of Ownership (TCO) Tools. These consist of a comprehensive set of programs that aid in selecting the appropriate equipment and placement PAGE 12
of equipment based on individual site variables. The Hydraulic Model Tool will determine the appropriate pump horsepower and pipework diameter based on desired flow rates for the site. The TCO Worksheet assists in determining the appropriate type of pump system (fixed speed, variable speed, or suction) based on total cost of operation over the life of the system. Lastly, the Tank Positioning Tool evaluates the cost of various tank placement positions based on pipe length quantities and helps to determine the best placement for tanks. Franklin’s Design Optimisation Manager, Chris Lucey, conducted one such training recently via webcast to a broad range of Shell team members and design partners. Attendees included SKM and Shell personnel in Kuala Lumpur as well as those in Russia, Hong Kong and Japan.
1. Mark Whitley and Kartikay Khanna from Franklin Fueling Systems visited a site in Chennai, India with TIP reps for a Chennai Safety Day. 2. Everyone who went onto the site to fuel up – including customers – signed the safety pledge committing to safe driving. The safety pledge, from left to right : “I commit to drive safely! I shall always wear a helmet. I shall not use plastic containers for fuel. All passengers are to wear a seat belt. I shall switch off the engine while fueling. I shall not use mobile phone and not exceed the speed limit. I will not use exit for entering site.” 3. As one of the many Shell Life-Saving Rules presentations conducted at Franklin facilities around the world, this particular session was given to Franklin Product Managers who visit active sites regularly. PAGE 13
CHENGDU CITY, CHINA A ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of the first site built using all Franklin Fueling Systems components from the Shell GDS in China. This flagship site includes FE Petro™ brand submersible pumping systems, UPP™ brand piping and containment and UPP™ brand spill containment.
INSTALLATION PHOTOS (ABOVE) 1. UPP™ brand secondary contained pipe with electrofusion welded liquid tight seal into under dispenser containment sump. 2. UPP™ brand pipe demonstrating its flexibility between dispenser sumps. 3. UPP™ brand composite access covers and EBW™ brand spill containers.