Architectural Engineer + BIM Coordinator
with a nine-year background in Europe and Africa, specializing in sustainable design for residential, hospital, and hotel projects.
Pontedera Hospital - Pontedera ,Tuscany-Italy
1. plan
Our team was responsible for preparing the construction, permit, and BIM models for this project, making necessary adjustments as required.
To expedite on-site construction, we devised a solution using prefabricated elements, including hollow core slabs for the floors, prefabricated stairs, and concrete facade panels. Further detailing ensured the incorporation of essential services while maintaining a secure environment to prevent self-harm within the prison setting.
To facilitate seamless collarboration on this project. the team used the BIM 360 tools.
Tecnicaer Engineering s.r.l
Vigevano Prison - Vigevano ,Pavia -Italy
Major Roles
• Led BIM modeling and coordination efforts with MEP and Structural engineers.
• Conducted construction detailing for precise implementation.
• Facilitated clash detection to resolve conflicts in design.
• Mentored colleague on this project.
• Provided project quantities for accurate costing.
+ P3
The project for the refurbishment with a LEED Gold certification. And extension of the former Consorzio agrario di Milano. Provides for the renovation of the existing building with a two new levels and the construction of a new building, located in one of the. Most attractive neighborhoods of the city’s new urban development. The project aims to create a community environment, offering dialogue opportunities, networking and synergies, safeguarding at the same time each individual’s private dimension, promoting a high quality but, informal welcome.
Major Roles
BIM modeling and coordination with the MEP and Structural engineers.
Design of the courtyard landscape furniture.
PARK Associati
Ripamonti 35 -Milan
Two concert halls are distinct bodies set on the hill, in the lee of the slope. Characterized by different positioning and heights, the two Sassi (stones) are set slightly apart and give continuity to the two slopes of the hill without being a barrier between the wood and the green area on the hill’s side. A new landscape is thus created around the two volumes, which redefines the relationship between nature and architecture both length ways and sideways.
Major Role
The task involved Creation and analysis of schematic sections of the design to communicate with the design team the viability of the plans.
PARK Associati
+ P5
Wine buckets not only house the wine but also tend to prepare the wine by maintain the temperature. From the Wine buckets a sommelier would serve his guest. The Guest at this point tends to swirl the wine before the first sip. The Assuli wine bucket captures the moments of swirl and sipping into a sliced still profile.The solstice is the time of the year when the sun reaches its highest point. The angle of the sun at this point is 23.44degrees. This is used to depict the a guest wine being tilted to be drunk
Maor Role
Complete Design of the coaster and wine bucket.
MGI Group + Assuli
Wine Bucket - Carrara Wine Bucket - Carrara+ P6
Muzeum 1989 is a web based Virtual reality that takes the user to a typical 1989 time period of Poland. The web runs the user through this historical timeline through more interactive experiences of Web based VR. The project required an of line mobile based edition to support a larger audience. This section of the project required my direct input.
Major Role
I was tasked with the development of the android based version of this Web based Vr experience. Led research and design of the codes needed for the implementation. Development of the final app in Unity Game engine
Museum 1989 - Poland plan
Year_ 2017
Authors_ Frank Gyimah Otuo , Solomon Tesfaye
Project Type_ International Architectural design Competitions
Location_ Pharping -Nepal
The community center design was initiated by Arch-sharing to tackle the local needs of the people of Pharping. Its location alone sets it aside from the developed areas of Kathmandu. The Community center was to be sustainable, resistant to earthquake and finally relate to the people. These informed major IS questions that guided the design form start.
-Is it there a way to give life to the facility at all times with local interest?
-Is it possible that people may relate to the building as a home ? Is it possible to take advantage of the hilly nature of the site to improve on sustainability?
The design stems from three major considerations. The first was the Vastu spatial planning concept, then using the building form as a means of earthquake resistance and finally rethinking the iconic Nepali gable roof.
Community center as a Home
The Vasthu spatial planning was found appropriate since over 80% of Nepali are Buddhists. Thus creating a community home that reflect the important belief systems of the people was going help solidify its relevance and importance to the them.
Architecture in response to earthquake zones -
The vernacular style of constructing the Nepali pagoda is a series of square plans which is very effective in resisting earthquakes. We have used 5x5 meter squares for spatial orientation. The use of light weight materials to lower the resultant forces on the structure, thus reducing the damage. Separating the masonry and the roof system so that they negate each other’s movements and neutralize the effect at the time of an earthquake. Thus with an independent roof structure the roof may be modeled to capture as match rain water or solar radiance.
Site Interventions –
In order to address the terrain while reducing the risk of collapse during earthquakes, the site was cut and filled. The excavated soil is rescued in the construction of rammed earth walls. We have retained the existing greens within the site there by safeguarding the ecology of the site. The Greens are rather used as a system of buffers to slow down rain rushing downhill. The building has been oriented in north-east directionto catch as much wind as possible.
Community related activities –
The concept of a shared garden to bring in people from nearby areas together to perform agricultural activities. This community garden would also serve a learning grounds for new farming methods. The community hall is envisioned as a space that allows for further subdivisions by a system of folding walls. This thus increases the diversity of uses that can be accommodated in the center. And in order to support the governments initiative to promote awareness in Dandi Biyo as an important community sport, it was incorporated a sports field in the landscape design. This would ensure that the life is maintained on either side of the center always
Over 80% Hindu The SituationThe slope of the site is integrated into a system of self sustaining strategies that allows the building to be more self sufficient than its neighbors. the roofs have larger areas to allow for more power generation by solar. The bare parts of the site from the higher lands are used for planting cereal family plants that would slow done rushing rain towards the building. The water is stored and reused on site. Collection of organic waste and animal excreta to generate natural biogas
Form of the roof - The standard roof form in Nepal is gable in section with inclined supports attached to the wall. Taking the traditional concept to the next level by in corpora ting the earthquake innovation improve on the rigidity of the roof structure. With the structure of the roof separated from the building form, roof cooling can be introduced. This innovation allowed for atticventilation, increasing the surface area of the roof in order to harness solar power and increase the rainwater catchment area.
Concept Evolution
Give the kitchen a home character to soothin the nature of the community centre
A community center for all rooted in the local construction methods yet exploring the possibilities of evolution. Providing space for group play and community sustenance farming through the shared gardens
A community center for all rooted in the local construction methods yet exploring the possibilities of evolution. Providing space for group play and community sustenance farming through the shared gardens
Year_ 2022
Authors_ Frank Gyimah Otuo
Project Type_ International Architectural design Competitions
Location_ Italy
The Coffe table design was initiated by MGI italia to tackle the local needs of the people of Pharping. Its location alone sets it aside from the developed areas of Kathmandu. The Community center was to be sustainable, resistant to earthquake and finally relate to the people. These informed major IS questions that guided the design form start.
-Is it there a way to metaphorically discus the current state of world affiars by design?
Questo è più di un tavolino da caffè, piuttosto cerca di essere anche un pezzo di scultura, un pezzo d’arte. Come opera d’arte aspira a coinvolgere l’osservatore invocando un senso di instabilità stabile, avviando così un dialogo. L’instabilità stabile della Tavolo di Pace allude allo stato attuale della pace mondiale. Il presente ha scosso ancora una volta le coscienze portando molti a considerare la possibilità di un’escalation nucleare. Sentimenti simili sono stati echeggiati da Gerald Holton, quando nel 1958 durante la Guerra Fredda, creò l’allora Nuclear Disarmament Symbol, ora adottato come simbolo della pace. Il simbolo interpreta un uomo con le braccia distese nella disperazione con la terra sullo sfondo mescolando letteralmente i segnali semaforici “N” “D” ( Nuclear Disarming), un riferimento alla crescente minaccia di annientamento nucleare.
This is more than a coffee table but rather it seeks to be also a piece of sculpture, an art piece. And as an art piece it tries to engage the observer by invoking a sense of stable instability thus initiating a dialogue. The stable instability of the Tavolina di pace eludes to the current state of World peace as 2022. The world other has shaken once more leading many to think of a possible Nuclear Escalation. In fact similar sentiments were echoed by Gerald Holton 13 year into the cold war as he designed the then Nuclear Disarmament Symbol , now adopted Peace symbol. In part the symbol embodies a man with arms stretched out in despair with the earth in his backdrop. It also Literally blends the Semaphore signals “N” “D” ( Nuclear Disarming), a reference to the growing threat of Nuclear annihilation at the time.
This is more than a coffee table but rather it seeks to be also a piece of sculpture, an art piece. And as an art piece it tries to engage the observer by invoking a sense of stable instability thus initiating a dialogue .The stable instability of the Tavolino di pace eludes to the current state of World peace as 2022. The world other has shaken once more leading many to think of a possible Nuclear Escalation. In fact similar sentiments were echoed by Gerald Holton 13 year into the cold war as he designed the then Nuclear Disarmament Symbol , now adopted Peacesymbol. In part the symbol embodies a a man with arms stretched out in despair with the earth in his backdrop. It also Literally blends the Semaphore signals “N” “D” ( NuclearDisarming), a reference to the growing threat of Nuclear annihilationat the time.
As we experience rather similar worrying time as Halton, Symbols and dialogs of peace give a sign hope thus the inception of Tavolino di Pace. Like the peace symbol Tavolino di pace adopts the semaphore signals “ N , D”but with moreemphasis on it correlation to two he major factions at play and their hold on world peace.This is translated into a two legs that support the world peace (here represented by the Boticino marble). However due to the constant struggles of these factions this peace has been fragile and seemingly
unstable. This is evoked in the design by taking the advantage of the stability of a triangular base yet fragility of thin legs. Furthermore these tensions of recent years have hovered around expansions ofrespective spheres of influence. This is metamorphically shown by bending the legs inwards to point to the how both powers have indeed expanded over the years.
The material selection centers around the boticino marble and bronze. The earthy feel evoked by boticino makes it fit for representing the earth, thus no direct need to design the table circular. The bronze on the hand typically has a sense of support and uplift coming from how historically it allowed for easily moldable tools for easier life in the bronze age. The contrast of such an uplifting and supportive material is expressed in how the table evokes instability. This beautifully describes the how these major powers have been supporting world peace yet also pandering instability.