The Best Time to Plant a Tree
There is a well-known proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.” Here at Frank P Matthews we believe that planting trees is more important than ever and the sooner the better! Every tree planted is an investment in the future and brings countless benefits to our well-being and the natural environment.
We have been growing trees for over 100 years and combine traditional nursery skills with modern technology. Our aim is to produce the highest quality trees and the most exciting range available in the UK. This catalogue details the hundreds of fruit and ornamental trees we are growing this season, so do have a browse and find your favourites. Container grown trees will be available from August and bare root trees from November.
You can find our trees in most good garden centres across the UK. A map of our stockists can be found on our website You can also order a good selection online or visit our Tree Shop where all the trees we grow on the nursery are available alongside many other plants and garden sundries. Contact or call 01584 812800.
Wholesale customers are invited to contact our main office for our latest availability list or use the Trade Login on our website to order. Contact or call 01584 810214.
We are always happy to answer any questions about trees, so do get in touch!
More Information
Our Catalogue Key
Fruit Trees
Ornamental Trees
New Varieties
1. Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red'®
A good alternative to Crimson King but with a slightly more upright habit. An upright, medium-sized fast growing tree. Lime green flowers tinged red appear in April followed by large intense purple foliage which turn bright orange-brown during the autumn.
4. Crataegus x media ‘Punicea' Fuchsia Pink
Often confused with Crataegus lae ‘Crimson Cloud’ but is actually a variety in its own right. Spreading tree with glossy green foliage. Lightly scented, small single, fuchsia pink flowers appear in May, later developing into tiny red berries in autumn. Flowers from an early age.
7. Magnolia 'Venus'
(Purple Pink) A strongly upright shrub or small tree with velvety matt green leaves, flushed bronze when young. Large, fragrant, cup shaped purple pink flowers, white within. Can re-bloom in summer with a lighter shade.
2. Cherry (Prunus) Felicita®
A new self-fertile cherry. Ripening midseason in early July, this cherry is very large and produces high yields from an early age. Dark red, firm, and juicy with a sweet, aromatic, true cherry taste. Very disease resistant and no pollinating partner is necessary. Czech Republic.
5. Heptacodium miconiodies ‘Temple of Bloom'
A compact and earlier flowering selection of the Seven Sons Plant. Large shrub or small tree, fragrant flowers appear in dense clusters from midsummer into early autumn. The tree has interesting bark which adds to its appeal, making it a feature in the winter.
8. Prunus ‘Rosy Veil’
A beautiful, graceful, small tree with a light spreading canopy. Light pink, shell shaped flowers with attractive ruby calyxes appear in late to mid March. (Belgium)
3. Corylus avellana ‘Red Ghost'®
A fine selection of the Purple-leaved Filbert where the leaves retain their dark purple/red colour all the way through the summer and into the autumn. With the added benefit of producing edible nuts and pink catkins in spring. A productive cropper. Holland.
6. Liquidambar styracifula ‘Oakville Highlight'®
A fine, slender, columnar tree which is an improvement on 'Slender Silouette' as it has more attractive and stronger autumn tints. Deeply lobed, star-shaped, dark green leaves then turn brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn. Australia.
9. Prunus ‘Tom'
A particularly fine early to mid- March flowering prunus with large two-toned light pink flowers with droopy petals and long frilly pink anthers. The tree has a neat bushy habit and ideal for small gardens as it is naturally compact.
10. Prunus ‘Starlight'®
New, exceptionally attractive, unusual pure white, star shaped flowers with a profuse flowering habit in late March and often to the end of April. Occasionally winter flowering following mild weather. The tree has a graceful upright spreading habit. UK 2023.
11. Ulmus ‘Vada'®
A slender, upright tree, very resistant to Dutch elm disease. The glossy, dark green foliage is coarsely toothed and heavily veined, turning brown-yellow in autumn.
2 3 4
7 8 9 10
Just a selection of the many new varieties we have added to the range this year. Look out for the new symbol throughout the catalogue!
Seasonal Calendar
Birch (Betula) bark can be brilliant white and smooth, or rich, dark and flaky. Willows (Salix) offer fresh yellow or red stems. Dogwood (Cornus) provide bright fiery reds and rich purples. Flowering cherry trees, such as Prunus serrula, display stunning, shiny red bark. Snakebark Maples have beautiful striped bark.
Corylus Contorta and Salix Golden Curls have architectural, twisted branches. Hamamelis flowers offer gorgeous yellows, oranges and reds, many highly scented. Clusters of yellow flowers will also appear on Cornus mas. Lovely catkins will adorn Hazel (Corylus), Birch (Betula) and Alder (Alnus). Some early Flowering Cherries (Prunus) bloom.
Flowering Cherries burst with colour, such as Beni-yutaka, Kursar, Okame, Frilly Frock and The Bride. The blossom of Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots and Almonds is also a spectacular sight. Magnolia begin to flower, especially earlier varieties such as ‘Honey Tulip’ and ‘Charles Raffill’.
The fruit of Cherry trees will start to ripen. Fresh leaves provide a huge range of colour, forms and textures to the garden: Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’, Acer ‘Crimson King’, Acer ‘Drummondii’, Acer ‘Princeton Gold’, Catalpa, Cotinus, Ginkgo and Gleditsia. Early plums such as Herman and River’s Early Prolific.
From August many fruit trees will begin to offer crop: Plum, Gages, Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, Figs and early Apples. Mulberries will start fruiting as well as many soft fruit bushes such as Gooseberries, Blackcurrants and Redcurrants. Some ornamental trees will come into blossom such as Albizia and Hoheria.
Most dessert Apples and Pears ripen, as well as Asian Pears. Damsons, Mirabelles and later Plums. Many nut trees begin to produce a crop, including Hazels, Chestnuts, Walnuts and Almonds. For ornamentals Heptacodium miconioides is in it’s fully scented glory.
The extensive range of delicious fruit and beautiful ornamental trees we grow will give you lots of option for all season interest. Use this calendar as a guide to find the perfect tree for you!
Flowering Cherries (Prunus) add stunning blossom. Crab Apples (Malus) offer a fabulous choice of colourful blooms. Many Magnolia come into flower. Amelanchier trees display masses of pure white flowers, often against dark emerging leaves. The blossom of many fruit trees will also emerge, especially Apples and Pears.
Sorbus trees will show clusters of pink and white flowers. Hawthorns (Crataegus) flower along with Lilacs (Syringas) providing scented bunches of pink, purple and white. Ceanothus, Cercis (Redbud), Davidia (Handkerchief Tree), Wisteria and Aesculus (Chestnut) trees also flower at this time. Cornus kousa and florida display large bracts.
Sambucus (Elder) flowers in June, deep pink clusters of ‘Black Lace’ combined with delicate deep purple leaves. Some Cornus varieties can flower into June, depending on the season. Colourful foliage of many trees start to create fabulous canopies, such as Acer, Robinia, Tilia and Zelkova forms.
Trees with spectacular autumn colour will be most striking in October, these include Acer rubrums, Acer palmatums (Japanese Maples) Liquidambars, Euonymus, Sorbus, Nyssa, Parrotia, Quercus, Prunus, Hamamelis and Fagus. Fruit varieties to pick include later Apples, Medlars, Pears and Quinces.
The berries of many trees ripen to provide winter food for birds: Sorbus, Crataegus and Cotoneaster. Many Crab Apples will hold onto their fruit until winter, such as ‘Red Sentinel’, ‘Gorgeous’ and ‘Jelly King’. Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ can show burst of flowers in mild weather.
Evergreen trees such as Hollies (Ilex) provide attractive leaves and bright berries. Yew (Taxus) make excellent specimens, hedging or topiary. Conifers such as Pinus, Picea and Abies come in many shapes and sizes, some naturally dwarf, others impressive specimens. The bark of Betula, Cornus and Salix brightens up the garden.
Best Selling Trees
Apple (Malus) Bramley 20 ���������������������������������������������� page 24
Apple (Malus) Bramley's Seedling ��������������������������������� page 24
Apple (Malus) Christmas Pippin® ����������������������������������� page 24
Apple (Malus) Cox Self Fertile page 24
Apple (Malus) Herefordshire Russet® page 27
Apple (Malus) James Grieve page 27
Apple (Malus) Red Devil page 29
Apple (Malus) Red Falstaff® page 29
Apple (Malus) Red Windsor® page 30
Apple (Malus) Rosette™ page 30
Apple (Malus) Scrumptious® page 31
Cherry (Prunus) Morello page 37
Cherry (Prunus) Stella page 38
Cherry (Prunus) Sunburst page 38
Fig (Ficus) Brown Turkey
Gage (Prunus) Old Greengage
page 42
Mulberry (Morus) Chelsea (King James)������������������������ page 46
Pear (Pyrus) Concorde page 49
Pear (Pyrus) Conference page 49
Pear (Pyrus) Doyenne du Comice page 49
Plum (Prunus) Czar page 52
Plum (Prunus) Marjorie's Seedling page 53
Plum (Prunus) Opal page 53
Plum (Prunus) Victoria page 54
Walnut (Juglans) Broadview page 59
You’ll find more best selling trees in the main listings - look for the symbol!
Acer pla Crimson King����������������������������������������������������� page 66
Acer rub Brandywine ������������������������������������������������������� page 68
Amelanchier lamarckii ��������������������������������������������������� page 71
Betula pen Fastigiata Joes® (JOLEP 1) page 73
Betula uti Snow Queen page 74
Betula uti jacquemontii page 75
Cercis can Forest Pansy page 78
Cotoneaster fri Cornubia page 83
Crataegus x med Crimson Cloud page 84
Crataegus x med Pauls Scarlet page 84
Liquidambar sty Worplesdon page 95
Malus Aros® page 100
Malus x rob Red Sentinel page 102
Prunus Amanogawa page 110
Prunus Beni-yutaka ������������������������������������������������������ page 110
Prunus cer Nigra ������������������������������������������������������������� page 111
Prunus Kanzan �������������������������������������������������������������� page 114
Prunus Kiku-shidare-zakura page 114
Prunus Royal Burgundy page 116
Prunus Snow Showers page 116
Prunus The Bride page 117
Prunus x sub Autumnalis Rosea page 117
Sorbus aria Lutescens page 123
Sorbus Autumn Spire® (Flanrock) page 123
Sorbus ull Olympic Flame™ page 127
Prunus Beni-yutaka
Container Specifications
Fruit – Container Specifications
12L Bush
A two year tree. Grown in the field to maiden stage followed by a final year as container grown. A minimum of 3 branches and summer pruned (according to variety). Forming an evenly balanced shape with a clear stem of 0.45m.
Minimum height: 1.10m.
11.5L/8.5L Terracotta Patio
Shaped to produce a compact bush proportional to the pot, variety, vigour and habit, minimum 3 branches. Where possible, very dwarf rootstocks are used such as M27 (apple), Quince C (pear) and Gisela 5 (cherry).
Minimum height 1m.
12L Half Standard
A two year tree. Grown in the field to maiden stage followed by a final year as container grown. A minimum of 3 branches and summer pruned (according to variety). Forming an evenly balanced shape with a clear stem of 0.8m. Minimum height: 1.5m.
This section contains many forms of the more specialist fruit trees such as Hazels, Filberts and smaller sized options of Medlars, Mulberries, Peaches, Nectarines and Apricots. In each case the balance and shape of the tree is proportionate to pot size and variety vigour and habit.
For specification and more information on our trained fruit trees see pages 14 and 15
12L Espalier 12L Fan Trained
12L Step Over
Ornamental – Container Specifications
12L Ornamental
Our ornamental trees in 12L containers are our most commonly grown form. They have been grown at least one year in the field and at least one year in the pot. Trees in this range are pruned several times during production. This will produce a well formed balanced head of branches to suit the natural habit of the variety.
11.5L Patio Ornamental
The ornamental terracotta patio range includes top worked (TW) forms, shrubby trees and naturally low vigour varieties. Including Malus on very dwarf M27 rootstocks.
12L Cordons
12L Top Worked Ornamental
Top Worked (TW) trees are grafted at various heights from 0.45m-1.2m. This is to suit the growth habit (weeping, shrubby or compact) of individual varieties and tree form created.
7L Ornamental
Our 7L range includes the more unusual and slow growing varieties. Sizes and shapes can vary. We take every care to produce trees that are proportionate to the natural vigour and habit of the individual tree.
Bare Root Specifications
Fruit – Bare Root Specifications
Topped at 75cm as maiden trees and grown on in the second year with a minimum of 3 branches and an evenly balanced shape on a clean stem of 0.5m.
Minimum height 1.1m.
Trained Cordon
Two year trees with a trained central leader. Spur pruned 3-4 times over 2 growing seasons to produce well developed fruit bearing spurs at 0.40m and above with a dominant central leader.
Minimum height 1.2m.
Half Standard
Topped at 1.35-1.45m as a maiden tree and grown on in the second year. This produces an evenly balanced shape on a clean stem of 0.80m and a minimum of 3 branches.
Minimum height 1.6m.
Ornamentals – Bare Root Specifications
One year budded trees
One year fruit trees from 1m – 2.5m depending on the type, variety and rootstock and feathered (branched) or un-feathered (whip) according to variety.
Minimum height 1m.
Straight Lead/Run Thru
A feathered two year tree ‘run on’ from a maiden in the second year. This produces a straight stem and branched (according to the variety) above 0.90m. Ideal for growing into a standard tree.
Minimum height 1.8m. (Note: a few low vigour heritage varieties may be shorter)
Spindle/Knip Bushes
Well branched ‘commercial grade’ trees for orchard planting. This includes apple and cherry trees on dwarf rootstocks M9 and Gisela 5/6. These trees are grown on the nursery in such a way so they produce wide angled branches at the optimum height for establishing cropping laterals in the first year of planting, including a strong central leader for training into the ‘A’ or ‘spindle’ shaped tree.
Trees are graded uniformly in all cases with special care taken to straightness and proportionate root/tree balance. They are offered in one minimum size only for each variety. Supplied as one year maidens. Size will vary according to variety.
General note
These specifications are for guidance only, as nature offers variation between varieties and within each tree form. Heights will be exceeded in the majority of trees in most seasons. References to ‘straightness, evenness, shape and balance’ are subjective and are used to convey a strong intention and commitment to only supply trees of a high standard.
More Information
We offer high health status rootstocks either as one year layers or two year transplanted. We specialise in clonal rootstocks for fruit but many can be used as rootstocks for ornamental trees such as Malus, Prunus and Pyrus.
Generally 9-11mm are suitable for bench grafting and 7-9mm for budding. Rootstocks orders are subject to grading. Price lists are available on application.
Fruit Trees for Orchards
We can supply fruit trees for any type of orchard on any scale. Our advice covers the most suitable rootstocks for the type of fruit you’d like to grow, help in selecting the very best varieties, guidance on planting distances, pollination and aftercare. Alongside our own production, we work closely with several specialist nurseries to accommodate larger quantities of specific restricted varieties.
Domestic orchards vary according to the size of the garden and an individual’s personal requirements. This can be a handful of carefully chosen trees or several larger trees in a paddock.
Agroforestry is where trees are combined with agriculture to benefit nature and produce additional sources of income. Fruit, nut and trees for coppicing can be planted amongst other crops or with livestock to enhance the productivity of the land and provide valuable diversification.
Commercial orchards can be thousands of trees, selected and managed to produce maximum yield. These can focus on specific varieties for wholesale supply to retail outlets or for production such as juice or cider.
An orchard will provide plenty of fruit for many years and will enhance any garden. The trees also make great habitat for wildlife, so well worth planting.
If you would like assistance with planting an orchard or improving an existing orchard, please email:
Budwood and Graftwood
Budwood and graftwood is available subject to availability. There are many more varieties available than are listed in this catalogue. Varieties with PVR protection are only available to nurseries with propagation licenses. When supplying shoots, bud and yield will vary for each variety but there are approximately 6-12 buds and 2-5 grafts per shoot. We will however select the most vigorous and healthy shoots at the time of collection.
Please note that we charge according to the number of buds or grafts that can be obtained from the scion wood collected, not by the number of shoots.
Tree Care Essentials
Natural Tree Feed
Our Natural Tree Feed is a liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract and plant-derived amino acids. The organic bio-stimulants encourage strong root growth and stimulate soil microbes that are essential for the efficient uptake of nutrients and trace elements. One or two regular capfuls in a full watering can will promote strong, healthy trees kept in containers. Best applied in spring and summer.
Endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society, rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi is a completely natural planting partner which accelerates the development of highly efficient secondary root system and naturally increases the uptake of nutrients and water.
A healthy abundant root system improves flowering and fruiting, reduces the need for chemical fertilisers and improves resistance to drought. Simply sprinkle the sachet into the planting hole and place the tree on top of the granules ensuring the roots have direct contact. As your tree begins to grow, its roots will push through the mycorrhizal fungi layer and join for life.
© The Royal Horticultural Society |
Endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society
Registered Charity number 222879/SC038262
Fruit Trees
Trained Fruit
We grow our cordons on semi-dwarf rootstocks: M9 (Apples), Quince Eline® (Pears).
Grown in the field as a 2 year tree followed by a final year as container grown. This growing cycle involves 4 – 6 pruning operations to develop short spur bearing branches from 0.4m upwards, with a dominant central leader. Minimum height 1.4m.
We grow our espaliers on semi-vigorous rootstocks: MM106 (Apples), Quince A (Pears).
Pre trained in the field or container for two year’s followed by a third year as a container grown complete with an ‘A’ frame cane support. Reasonably symmetrical in shape, espalier a minimum of 2 tiers with a central leader. Minimum height and width 1m x 1m.
Family Trees
Our family trees on semivigorous rootstocks: MM106 (Apples), Quince A (Pears). Three varieties are selected that crosspollinate well and offer a delicious choice of fruit.
All of our trained fruit trees are available in 12L containers. Forms that require more disciplined pruning, such as espaliers, cordons and step-overs, are produced with apples and pears that are more spur-bearing and respond well to hard pruning. Stone fruit, such as plums, gages, apricots and peaches, prefer a lighter touch so these are only trained as fans.
We grow our fans on semi-vigorous rootstocks: MM106 (Apples), Quince A (Pears), Colt (Cherries), St. Julien A and Wavit (Apricots, Damsons, Gages, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums).
Pre trained in the field or container for two year’s followed by a third year as a container grown complete with an ‘A’ frame cane support. Reasonably symmetrical in shape, fans will have a minimum of 5 shoots. Minimum height and width 1m x 1m.
Specimen Trained Trees
We are now growing 5-6 year old specimens including 5 tier espalier and candelabra forms for instant impact. Please enquire.
We grow our step-overs on dwarf rootstocks: M27 (Apples), Quince Eline® (Pears).
(Apples and Pears only). Horizontal supported cane framework and a single tier at 0.45m x 0.50m high x 0.9m wide.
Apples & Pears:
Most suburban situations provide good pollen due to the close proximity of other gardens. It's not always necessary to have pollinators if the bees and other pollinating insects are generous with their visits.
Due to pollen incompatibilities pollination of non self fertile varieties is not obvious so for clarity we have specified a choice of partners.
Triploids are poor pollinators for any other variety. They should be accompanied by two other non-triploid varieties that will also pollinate each other or one variety that is self fertile.
Many varieties these days are self fertile – details are given in the fruit section.
Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots:
All varieties are self fertile.
Malus Crab Apples:
These are a very useful range of self fertile trees and many varieties will pollinate apples. Of particular use are Golden Hornet, Evereste, Golden Gem, Red Sentinel, Jelly King and Professor Sprenger.
Rootstocks Explained
Fruit trees are grown on a range of rootstocks in order to control the rate of growth and the size of the mature tree. The charts below show approximate sizes of mature trees.
For more detailed information on rootstocks please visit our website.
Very Dwarf
Fruit Rootstock Apple M27
Fruit Rootstock
Apple M9
Pear Quince C/Quince Eline®
Cherry Gisela 5®
Fruit Rootstock
Apple M26
Plum/Gage/Damson VVA-1
Fruit Rootstock
Apple M116®
Apricot St Julien A/Wavit
Peach/Nectarine St Julien A
Fruit Rootstock
Apple MM106
Pear Quince A
Plum/Gage St Julien A/Wavit
Cherry Colt Vigorous
Fruit Rootstock
Apple MM111
Pear Pyrodwarf
Very Vigorous
Fruit Rootstock
Apple M25
Pear Pyrus communis
Pear Pyrus Kirchensaller
Cherry F.12.1
Plum/Gage Brompton
Picking Month: September
The most reliable cropper of the selected Almond varieties. Excellent fruiting quality, nuts are pale green with a velvety texture and delicious flavours. Striking light pink blossom in the spring and reasonable leaf curl resistance. Best planted in a sheltered position.
Picking Month: September
A wonderful sweet tasting nutritious nut. Beautiful delicate pinkish white flowers in the spring. Partial frost resistance and excellent resistance to leaf curl. The perfect, healthy snack!
Picking Month: Mid October
A distinctive, late high quality dessert apple. The fruits have extremely attractive lenticel spots on reddish-brown smooth skin. Rich, aromatic and nutty in flavour with juicy and crisp flesh. An excellent keeper. (Norfolk, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Late September
Well flavoured bittersharp, compact growth habit. Yellowgreen background with a strong dark red flush. Sometimes producing pink juice.
Annie Elizabeth
Picking Month: Early October
A traditional English apple. Large, round-oblong fruit with cream flesh. Sweet, light flavour and an excellent cropper. Perfect for stewing, needing very little sugar. Resistant to scab, canker and mildew. (Leicestershire, 19th Century)
Arthur Turner
Picking Month: Mid September
Ashmead’s Kernel
Picking Month: Early October
Large yellowish-green, tough skinned fruits. Cooks to a delicious golden purée, needing hardly any sugar. Good for pies as it can be picked green for early use. Known for it’s exceptional display of attractive light pink blossom in the spring. (Buckinghamshire, 1912)
Picking Month: Mid September
The ‘sainted’ apple found on Bardsey Island. This pink over cream skinned apple has an extraordinary lemon scent and a fine refreshing flavour. Pleasant for eating fresh, can be juiced and cooks well. Also very hardy. (Ynys Enlli, Wales, 1998)
A traditional English russet and one of the best late dessert apples. Pale green fruit with a strong, sweet-sharp, acid drop flavour and a juicy white flesh. The sweets known as pear drops is the essence of the flavour. Good for juicing. (Gloucestershire, 17th Century)
Beauty of Bath
Picking Month: Early August
Remarkably early, hardy dessert apple. Produces a heavy crop of bright red flushed on pale yellow fruits. The flesh is often pink under the skin, sweet and very juicy. The fruit is best picked early before it drops. Delicious eaten straight from the tree. (Somerset, 19th Century)
Black Dabinett
Picking Month: November
Late, bittersweet cider apple that is slightly larger than others. A more vigorous sport of Dabinett, picking later. Dark purple flushed apples that make delicious full-bodied cider, without needing to mix with other varieties. A healthy, disease resistant tree. (Somerset, 19th Century)
Blenheim Orange
Picking Month: Early October
A well known English heritage apple. Yellow-gold with orange flush and broken red stripes. Creamy white flesh, nutty taste and crumbly texture. Keeps its shape, flavour and colour when cooked. An old favourite! (Oxfordshire, 1740)
Picking Month: Late September
A classic English cooking apple. Soft, juicy fruit with sweet flavour and a crisp texture. The apple slices retain their shape when cooked. Disease resistant. A good garden tree that is easy to grow and very productive. (Kent, 1964)
Picking Month: Mid September
A very special apple. Sweeter than Cox and with an improved aromatic flavour, crunchy, crisp and juicy. Can be picked and eaten over a few weeks from mid-September onwards and stores well. Named after Bladon Church. (Oxfordshire)
Bloody Ploughman
Picking Month: Mid September
Bloody red fruit in appearance with knobbly skin and stained pink flesh. Juicy and sweet in flavour with a crisp texture. Good for cooking, eating and making cider. An old variety which reputedly grew from a pip on the grave of a ploughman shot by a gamekeeper for stealing.
Picking Month: Early November
Crisp, firm, aromatic fruit produces an all round excellent quality apple. Performs best planted in a warm climate and a sheltered position. An important variety for commercial growing. (New Zealand, 1950s)
Braeburn Mariri Red®
Picking Month: Mid November
Bramley ‘Original’
Picking Month: Early October
Bramley 20
Picking Month: Early October
A compact version of Bramley’s Seedling, 20% less vigorous with heavier crops. Pale green flushed reddish-orange fruits that have an exceptional sharp flavour. Delicious purée when cooked. Highly recommended for the garden. (Bristol, 1970s)
Bramley’s Seedling
Picking Month: Early October
Propagated from the original tree in Nottingham. Bright green fruits that are delicious cooked into pies, crumbles and sauces. Creamy flesh with sharp, acidic flavour. The original tree survived for over 200 years! (Nottinghamshire, 1809)
Picking Month: Mid October
Very vigorous, upright growing habit. The waxy apples are dark red and even sometimes red fleshed. Produces a fruity, bittersharp cider. Also a nice cooker with sharp taste and chewy texture. A healthy tree. (Devon, 20th Century)
Charles Ross
Picking Month: Mid September
A well known, easy to grow apple. Sweet and juicy in flavour and also bakes well. Delicious when picked and eaten straight from the tree or pressed into home-made apple juice. A hardy variety for Northern areas. (Newbury, 19th Century)
Christmas Pippin®
Picking Month: Early October
An exceptional, high quality eating experience with a beautiful honey flavour. One of the very best recently introduced apples that stores well until Christmas. Orange flushed, juicy and crisp fruits to make the perfect Christmas crumble. (Somerset, 2011)
Cornish Aromatic
Picking Month: Mid October
A high quality, late dessert apple. Handsome, bright red flushed fruits with russet patches. Flesh is white, tinged green. Firm and fine-textured with a sweet, sharp pear drop and spice flavour. (Cornwall, 1813)
Coul Blush
Picking Month: Early September
Cox Self Fertile
Picking Month: Early October
The finest cooker in the world! The apples are greenish-yellow flushed light orange with russet spots. A strong acid flavour, crisp and sweet-sharp bite after storing. Makes a creamy, brisk-flavoured purée and tasty baked into tarts and pies. (Nottinghamshire, 19th Century)
Brownlees Russet
Picking Month: Early October
A late-season dessert russet apple. A juicy flavour, sweetsharp and nutty, just like acid drops. Skin is reddish-brown and very russetted. Known for its very attractive deep pink blossom in the spring and it's late storage into February. An excellent garden variety!
Chivers Delight
Picking Month: Early October
Golden crisp and juicy fruit, slightly waxy. Sweet flesh and honey flavoured. A good looking garden apple suitable for all areas. Stores well into January. (Cambridge, 20th Century)
Core Blimey™
Picking Month: October
Attractive red fruits are wonderfully aromatic, juicy and crisp. A highly flavoured Cox type that is more disease resistant. Very easy to grow and suitable for any area in the UK. Stores well. (Kent, 2008)
Cornish Gilliflower
Picking Month: Mid October
High quality dessert apple. Dark red flush with red stripes over gold. Knobbly exterior conceals yellow perfumed flesh. Intensely flavoured, rich and aromatic. (Cornwall, 1800)
Court of Wick
Picking Month: Late September
A red flushed eater with russet freckled over gold. Flesh is juicy and crisp with intense fruity flavour. The medium-sized apples will hold onto the tree for quite a long time. Makes a lovely cider and apple juice. (Somerset, 1790)
A self fertile form of Cox’s Orange Pippin and the best selling eating apple in the world. Orange over green fruits. Creamy flesh that has a sweet, aromatic flavour and is juicy and crisp. Highly recommended! (Bristol, 1975)
Cox’s Orange Pippin
Picking Month: Early October
The original Cox and the finest flavoured apple in the world. Orange fruits over greenish-yellow. Deep cream flesh that has sweet aromatic flavour and is firm, fine-textured and juicy. (Buckinghamshire, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Early November
The most reliable cider variety. Has a bittersweet, high quality, medium-dry cider on it’s own. Greenish-white, sweet and astringent. Beautiful pink blossom that occasionally produces a secondary flower. (Martock, Somerset, 19th Century)
Devonshire Quarrenden
Picking Month: Mid August
A strong flavour of berried fruit, sweet with good acidity eater. Attractive, dark crimson, distinctly flat dessert apple. In Australia, it is said to have been stored for over twelve months.
Picking Month: Mid August
An attractive, well rounded dessert apple. Bright red flush and stripes. Crisp and juicy with a hint of strawberry flavour. An excellent early variety with good disease resistance. Best eaten straight from the tree. (Essex, 1949)
Picking Month: October
A dual-purpose, non-browning apple for fresh eating and cooking. Delicious, crisp, sweet and aromatic. When cooked, the apples produce a snow white purée requiring no added sugar. Also an excellent variety for juicing. (Canada, 1970s)
Egremont Russet
Picking Month: Early October
A good quality, mid-season apple. Creamy-yellow flesh, sweet and firm with a distinctive rich, nutty flavour. One of the few russets available in quantity and an important commercial russet in the UK. (Sussex, 19th Century)
Ellison’s Orange
Picking Month: Late September
A traditional English dessert apple. Striped, red fruits. Aniseed flavour develops after picking, retaining it’s melting juicy flesh. A healthy, disease resistant tree. (Lincoln, 1904)
Picking Month: Early October
An excellent garden tree. Rich in flavour, aromatic and sweet and crisp in texture. Slightly ribbed, reddish-orange fruits. Ideal for northern areas and a very heavy cropper. (Kent, 1972)
Picking Month: Mid September
Heavy cropping, compact cider apple. Fruit is yellow with orange-brown flush. Mild bittersharp, acid slightly sweet taste. A healthy, disease resistant tree. (Long Ashton, 1990s)
Picking Month: Early October
Reliable cropper of good, small, crisp and well-flavoured fruit. Golden-yellow, thin skinned. One of the most popular eating apples in the world. (New Zealand, 1934)
Galloway Pippin
Picking Month: Late September
Large and yellow apples with a russet freckle finish. Deliciously sharp eater, and keeps its shape well when cooked. Firm, juicy and crisp. Sharp, slightly perfumed flavour. (Wigtown, Galloway, 1871)
Golden Delicious
Picking Month: Late October
Well known, handsomely shaped eating apple. The slightly ribbed fruit is sweet with a honey flavour making it a distinctive variety. Superior to imported when grown in the UK. (USA, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Mid September
Gala (Brookfield)
Picking Month: September
Dark red sport commercial clone of Gala. A reliable cropper of good, small, crisp and well-flavoured fruit. Only available on M9 rootstock.
Picking Month: Mid September
The red apples produce a mild bitter-sharp juice. Heavy yielding early in life creating a weeping shape. Can be planted close together.
Granny Smith
Picking Month: Early November
Bright green, firm, and juicy apples but with no strong taste. A well known supermarket variety. This good keeper needs a long hot summer to perform well. (Australia, 19th Century)
3 Grenadier
A reliable mid-season variety. Pale, greenish-yellow. Crunchy, tangy, easy to grow eater. A good pollinator for other varieties and easy to grow. (Kent, 1966)
Harry Masters Jersey
Picking Month: Late October
Often known as ‘Pot Wine’. These dark red apples produce a full, bitter-sweet taste with a soft astringency. A regular, reliable cropper. (Somerset, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Mid August
A compact tree ideal for any garden. Easy to grow and a good pollinator for Bramley. Has excellent cooking qualities, making the perfect baker. Very disease resistant. (Buckinghamshire, 19th Century)
5 Hastings
Picking Month: Mid September
Freckled, bright red fruits. One of the best in the grower trials. Produces astringent, sweet and acid cider. Makes a wonderful shaped tree as it matures. Good, regular crops but needs a good pollinator. (Cicra 1990)
Herefordshire Russet®
Picking Month: Late October
3 Hidden Rose
A modern variety that is the russet with a Cox-like flavour. Deep golden, russeted fruits with exceptional eating quality, rich aromatic flavour. Heavy cropping and keeps well. Makes one of the best single variety juices. (Kent, 2002)
Picking Month: Early October
A very attractive, high quality dessert apple. Impressive large apples, very crisp with a fizzy texture, sweet with pleasant mild flavours. Non browning, so good for fruit salad. Stores well in natural conditions. (America, 1960s)
Picking Month: October
(Syn: Airlie Red Flesh) Tart with a subtly sweet taste and a flavour that has been likened to strawberry lemonade. Vibrant pink-red, juicy flesh. Greenish-yellow skin with a pink blush. Keeps well until January. (Oregon, USA, 2021)
Howgate Wonder
Picking Month: Early October
One of the largest cooking apples in cultivation today! Yellow striped red apples which keeps it’s shape when cooked. Sweet and juicy. A good exhibition and garden variety. (Isle of Wight, 1915)
Isaac Newton
Picking Month: Mid August
Small yellow fruit, flushed dark crimson with faint stripes. Flesh is white tinged green, slightly perfumed and juicy. Best eaten straight from the tree. (Sligo, Ireland, 1819)
Picking Month: October
Known as the ‘Flower of Kent’. The large and ribbed apples cook to a sweet, delicate flavoured purée. So called as the notion of gravity came to Newton when he sat under the original tree. (Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire, 1600s)
Julia’s Late Golden™
Picking Month: Early September
Deservedly popular. Red flush stripes over pale green fruit. Creamy white, crisp and juicy flesh with a refreshing flavour. Reliable cropper. One of the best apples to accompany a cheese board. (Edinburgh, 1893)
Picking Month: Late September
Dual purpose, mid-season apple. Large, flushed and striped red on green and attractive red flecks. Golden cream flesh, acidic and aromatic. Good for baking, retains colour and needs no sugar. (Kent, 2000)
Picking Month: Early September
An attractive, early dessert apple. Heavy crops of bright red, sweet, juicy, acid and firm fruit. Makes excellent juice, palatable cider and good for baking. Also a good pollinator. (Sweden, 1947)
Kidd’s Orange Red
Picking Month: Mid October
High quality, good Cox-alternative. Bright, deep orange-scarlet apples with a sweet, crisp and aromatic flavour, with a good balance of sugar and acidity. (New Zealand, 1924)
King’s Acre Pippin
Picking Month: Mid October
Large fruit, green with brownish red flush and russet patches. Very rich flavour with a crisp, juicy texture. An excellent, late keeping garden apple. Lovely eaten fresh. (Hereford, 1899)
Picking Month: Mid October
A strikingly attractive large conical golden apple with a good sweet and acid balance. Keeps well into the new year. The tree is strong growing, healthy and predominantly tip bearing. (Sussex 2022)
Picking Month: Early October
A popular garden variety. Large Cox-flavoured apple, but a more robust variety. Marbled red-yellow fruits with a sweet and juicy flesh. A strong growing tree. (Kent, 1966)
Keswick Codlin
Picking Month: Mid August
A heavy cropping, pale greenish-yellow apple. Cooks to a cream purée, hardly needing sugar. Soft flesh and acid-like flavour. Excellent cooker for tarts and pies, and even jelly and butter. Heavy crops. (Lancashire, 18th Century)
King of the Pippins
Picking Month: Early October
Also known as Princess Pippin or Reine des Reinettes. An attractive, orange-red flushed green apple. Firm, juicy and an aromatic flavour. Keeps shape and colour when cooked. (France, 19th Century)
Kingston Black
Picking Month: November
A distinctive cider of excellent, single variety quality. Small yellow-green fruit flushed dark red, almost black. Dry, rich and fruity flesh. Named after the village of Kingston. (Somerset)
Lady Henniker
Picking Month: Early October
A handsome apple raised at Thornham Hall in Suffolk. Recommended for an orchard. Heavy crops of green fruits. Deep cream flesh, crumbling fruit cooks to a sweet purée. (Suffolk, 1873)
Laxton's Fortune
Picking Month: Early September
Lane’s Prince Albert
Picking Month: Mid October
Shiny, green flushed orange-red striped apples. Flesh is greenish-white, soft and very juicy. Keeps well. Cooks well, especially to a lemon purée. (Hertfordshire, 19th Century)
Syn: Fortune. High quality, mid-season dessert apple, similar to Cox. Pale green-yellow with bright red stripes and russet patches. Creamy white flesh and sweet, aromatic flavour. (Bedford, 1904)
Picking Month: Mid September
An improved Greensleeves type. Clean, smooth, glowing greenish-yellow, occasional pink blushed apples. Crisp, refreshing and rich in flavour. Heavy cropping and disease resistant. (Kent, 2000)
Lord Derby
Picking Month: Late September
Picking Month: Early October
Sweet and aromatic. Can be biennial bearing and also hardy. Purple flush and red stripes gives this apple an old fashioned appearance. (Bedford, 1897)
Picking Month: October
A late season English apple. Very attractive ‘pearmain’ shaped, bright red fruit with attractive yellow lenticels. A superb sweet aromatic flavour. Stores throughout winter. (Isle of Wight, 2000)
4 Lord Lambourne
Quality cooker for pies. Large, firm, attractive green fruit with a distinctive, ribbed angular shape. Flesh is rather coarsetextured, sharp tasting. Disease resistant. (Cheshire, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Mid September
A typical Somerset apple. Fruit is yellowish-green flushed with red stripes. Flesh is white, rather soft. Full bittersweet, fruity, vintage cider that's best blended.
Picking Month: Late September
All of the great qualities we expect from a modern apple. Attractive striped orange-red on pale green fruits. Juicy, delicious and consistent. A heavy cropper and disease resistant. (HRI East Malling, Kent, 2000)
Newton Wonder
Picking Month: Mid October
Large, bright scarlet apples striped and light russet dotted. Nutty and sweet. Cooks to a juicy, mild purée. Excellent ingredient for salads and stuffing. (Derbyshire, 19th Century)
Paradice Gold™
Picking Month: October
Chosen by the London Paralympic Legacy for the Olympic Park. Superb flavour, sweet and crisp texture. Attractive, red skins. A great all round apple of some distinction. (Hugh Ermen, Kent)
Picking Month: Mid September
An old favourite! Reliable crops of medium sized and high quality, deep red striped fruits. Sweet and aromatic with a hint of strawberry flavour. (Bedford, 1907)
Melrose Belmonte®
Picking Month: October
A highly coloured, red form of the American Melrose Apple. Shiny and red with a refreshing and juicy flesh. Heavy cropping and can store well. (USA)
Picking Month: Late October
A traditional French cider variety. One of the most reliable and heavy cropping varieties. Yellowish-green flushed pink fruits with a white, sweet flesh. Produces bittersweet cider. Upright tree habit. (France, 1884)
Orleans Reinette
Picking Month: Mid October
Primarily a garden variety. Large, golden-yellow fruit flushed red. Nutty, sweet and aromatic in taste. Early fruit can be cooked and their slices keep their shape. (European, 17th Century)
Peasgood’s Nonsuch
Picking Month: Mid September
The largest culinary apple. Fruit is pale green, broken red striped. Moderately juicy when eaten fresh, and a little sweet. Makes a delicious sweet purée when cooked. Excellent exhibition variety. (Lincolnshire, 1850s)
Pitmaston Pine Apple
Picking Month: Early October
Distinctly, small conical apple. Golden with a pale brown russet, which can be seen in mature trees. Distinctive flavours of pineapple, honey and musk - a taste to live for! (Hereford, 1785)
Picking Month: Mid October
Excellent crops of small apples, an ideal snack for children. Yellow skin with attractive red stripes. Crisp, finely textured and fairly juicy. Rich flavour with plenty of sugar. (RHS Wisley, 1947)
Porters Perfection
Picking Month: November
A vintage, bittersharp cider apple. Dark red skin and creamy flesh. Vigorous grower with a spreading, drooping habit. Disease resistant. (Somerset, 19th Century)
Prince William
Picking Month: Late September
A modern, bittersweet cider Apple. Excellent small tree. The fruits produce a sweet, slightly astringent but rather thin juice. Named in honour of Prince Williams 21st Birthday. (Bristol 2003)
Queen Cox Self Fertile 18
Picking Month: Mid September
A self-fertile selection of Queen Cox. The best commercial form of Cox with attractive brownish-red skin, broken striped and occasional russet spots. Soft, juicy and acid-like to taste. (Bristol 1975)
Queen of the Realm™
Picking Month: Mid September
A new introduction for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022. Pretty purple and white skinned slightly spotted apple is crunchy, juicy and sweet with a lovely balance of sugar and acidity. (Worcestershire 2022)
Red Devil
Picking Month: Late September
Deep scarlet, striking skin. Strong, strawberry flavour. The red stained flesh makes a wonderful pink juice. Highly decorative garden variety. Name inspired by the ‘Red Devil’ parachute team. (Kent, 1979)
Red Falstaff®
Picking Month: Early October
Red sport of Falstaff. Fruity, well balanced flavour, crisp and very juicy. The red flushed skin over green apples are great for home juicing. One of the heaviest yielding and best garden varieties. (Norfolk, 1983)
Picking Month: Early November
Quite a special apple. Firstly for it’s high alcohol content as a cider and for its pretty pink coloured juice. Medium sized, striped red fruits. A fine cider!
Picking Month: Early October
A red sport of Jonagold. Dark block red apple, colouring in the shade. Good flavour and crunchy texture. Vigorous, heavy yielder and cropper. Benefits from storage before eating. (Netherlands, 1994)
Red Topaz®
Picking Month: Early October
A red sport version of Topaz. A disease resistant variety, good crops. Juicy sweet and firm. A deep orange-red striped colour. Store until December.
Red Windsor®
Picking Month: Mid September
One of the easiest and most reliable varieties. Delicious red fruits, with a good balance of sweet and sharp flavour. An ideal garden variety that has compact growth. Disease resistant and frost hardy. (Worcestershire, 1985)
Reverend W. Wilks
Picking Month: Late August
Compact growing tree, very handsome. The large, pale orange fruit cooks to a light sweet, pale lemon purée, hardly needing any sugar. The best early cooker. (Buckinghamshire, 1904)
Picking Month: Early October
Picking Month: Mid October
A popular, high quality triploid dessert apple. Firm and sweet, aromatic in flavour, crisp fruit with yellow-red flush. Described as ‘like a good dessert wine’. (North Yorkshire, 18th Century)
Picking Month: Early August
A lovely, unusual pink speckled ‘rosette’ pattern sinks deep into the flesh. Sweet flavour with a hint of summer berries. Makes a tasty, attractive juice. Compact in habit which makes an ideal tree for small gardens. (Worcestershire, 2005)
Scotch Bridget
Picking Month: Early October
A popular Scottish cooking apple. Medium-sized, ribbed fruits have a cream, crisp flesh. A favourite in the Hereford and Worcester area. Suitable for difficult growing situations. (Scotland, 1851)
Reddish-orange flushed apples over greenish-yellow. Flesh is cream, fine-textured, rather acid and juicy with an excellent sharp but sweet flavour. A great garden variety!
Picking Month: Late September
Heavy crops of attractive, red-blushed, conical fruit. Cream, crunchy flesh; sweet, honeyed and rich. Very easy to grow, suitable for organic production. (HRI, East Malling, Kent, 1980)
Scotch Dumpling
Picking Month: Late August
An early ripening culinary variety. It’s large apples cook to a brisk, well flavoured frothy purée. Very attractive pink flowers. Makes an excellent apple sauce. (Scotland, 1949)
Picking Month: Early September
A very special apple. Wonderful, complexity of fragrant, honeyed, liquorice berry flavours. Soft, delicate and crisp. The fruit holds well on the tree without falling. A children’s favourite and truly scrumptious. (Kent, 2000)
Picking Month: Early October
Heavy cropping, very popular dessert variety. Fruit is maroon, sweet and juicy. At best, perfumed with flavour like a cross between strawberry and melon. A very good pollinator. (Canada, 1926)
Stirling Castle
Picking Month: September
Distinctly regular some what flattened cooker. Bright green becoming very pale yellow. Flesh white, very soft, rather coarse-textured and juicy. Good for apple foam and apple cream. (Stirling, 1820)
Picking Month: September
An exceptional recently introduced apple that is quite unlike any before. Brilliantly glossy, orange skin with a beautiful pink flesh. Crisp juicy and delicious. A quirky, tasty variety. (Kent, 2017)
Three Counties
Picking Month: Late September
Golden flushed fruit with crimson flecks and pale lenticels. Robust astringency, sweet and low acid. Good tree shape, vigorous with a good leader. Regular crops. (Long Ashton, 1990s)
Picking Month: October
A traditional English variety. Produces a bittersweet juice, making one of the best quality ciders. Attractive shiny red apples, flushed greenish yellow and slightly ribbed. (Somerset, 20th Century)
Picking Month: Mid September
One of the earliest varieties to ripen. Attractive golden-red russet and silvery sheen. Sweet, juicy, densely textured pale cream flesh. A good variety for cider and juice. (Suffolk, 1875)
Picking Month: Late September
Red striped apples, orange flushed over gold. Sharp intense flavour. Flesh is creamy white, firm, crisp and a little juicy. A reliable cropper and excellent garden apple. (Kent, 1918)
Sweet Alford
Picking Month: Late October
A well known cider. Commonly planted in larger cider orchards. Fruit is yellow, smooth and waxy. Flesh is cream, sweet and soft, makes a lovely cider on its own. (Devon 19th Century)
Picking Month: Late September
A dynamic, full red fleshed apple with an amazing display of pink spring flowers. Delicious apples for eating straight from the tree, cooking or for a bright pink juice. Pleasantly flavoured. (Germany, 2011)
Tom Putt
Picking Month: Early September
Tremlett’s Bitter
Picking Month: Mid October
Very handsome, large cooking apple. Bright red-crimson streaks and shiny skin. Firm, crisp and sharp. Light flavour and melting sweet texture when cooked. Disease resistant. (Devon, 18th Century)
Picking Month: Late August
This red fleshed apple is an extremely healthy variety. Makes a dark pink purée needing little sugar, great for pies. The red skins dissolve when cooked. Pretty pink blossom and attractive leaves. Bred by a Polish war veteran. (Twickenham, 1980)
Picking Month: Mid September
Flattened fruits, pale yellow with bright red flush and stripes. Strong growing, upright habit. The juice is low acid and sweet, slightly astringent. Heavy cropping. (Long Ashton, 1990s)
William Crump
Picking Month: Mid October
A popular Devon cider variety. White fleshed, sweet astringent producing a tasty juice, high in tannin. Full, bitter sweet cider ideal for mixing with other varieties. Crops wells. (Devon, 19th Century)
Upton Pyne
Picking Month: October
Upright growing and moderate vigour. Oblong, yellow with pink striped fruits. Has a slight pineapple-like flavour and cooks to a smooth purée. (Devon, 20th Century)
Warner’s King
Picking Month: Late September
A very large, old cooking variety. Pale green fruit turning pale yellow with slight brown-pink flush. Juicy and acidic flesh cooks to a sharp purée, strongly flavoured and mellows with keeping. (Kent, 18th Century)
3 Winter Gem
A well coloured, high quality dessert apple. Greenish-yellow fruit striped reddish-orange. Almost yellow flesh, rich and sweet to taste, very similar to Cox. (Worcester, 1910)
Worcester Pearmain
Picking Month: Mid September
Produces a reliable crop of delicious orange red fruit. Firm, cream flesh is very sweet with strong strawberry flavour. At it’s best when ripened on the tree and just before it falls. (Worcester, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Early October
One of the very best flavoured apples. Attractive pink and red striped fruit. Rich and aromatic flavour with the perfect mix of sweetness and juiciness. Strong grower, can be shy cropping in some years. (Kent, circa 1984)
Yarlington Mill
Picking Month: Mid October
An all-round cider of good aroma and flavour. Greenish-yellow fruits have a smooth, slightly waxy skin. White flesh, sometimes reddened is slightly crisp and sweet. (Somerset, 1970s)
Picking Month: Early September
Famous for the French ‘Bergeron’ jam preserve. Large, attractive yellowish-orange fruit with red blush. Aromatic and sweet, slightly juicy. Delicious eaten fresh. (France 1920s)
Picking Month: Late June
A modern, French apricot. Produces a heavy crop of attractive, large orange-red fruits. An excellent aromatic, sweet taste without bitter skin. Firm and juicy. High regular productivity. (France, 1950s)
Picking Month: Late July
A naturally dwarf Apricot perfect for growing in small spaces. Heavy, large crops of freestone, tasty, orange fruit. Makes a delicious jam. A very popular variety. Frost hardy.
Garden Aprigold®
Picking Month: Mid July
A genetic dwarf tree, superb for patio growing. Full sized golden yellow fruits that are delicious. Flesh is succulent and sweet. Delicate pale pink blossom and red tinged leaf tips.
Picking Month: Early August
Golden yellow fruit with thick skin. Vigorous and healthy with regular crops of good sized fruit. Suitable for cold and wet climates. Good for freezing and bottling. Freestone. (USA)
Picking Month: Early July
Regular high productivity of medium-sized red fruits. Flesh is sweet and freestone, juicy and aromatic with attractive red colouring. Beautiful spring blossom. (Canada, 1979)
Picking Month: Late July
Bright orange, round fruit with an attractive blush. Succulent and a charming taste. An easy garden variety, crops heavily every year. Slightly more compact than a standard apricot and frost resistant. (France)
Picking Month: Mid July
Large, high quality variety with attractive red blush and orange flesh. Pleasant flavour, aromatic and freestone. A reliable robust variety for the UK climate. Amazing spring blossom. (USA)
Golden Glow
Picking Month: Early August
Crops and performs well as a free standing tree or trained against walls. Medium sized golden coloured fruits that have an intense, pleasant flavour! (Worcestershire, 1985)
Helena du Roussillon® Aviera
Picking Month: Early August
Firm white fruits with pretty speckled light red colouring. Orange flesh that holds well with delicious taste. The late spring blossom avoids frost damage. An excellent late variety. (France)
Pink Marry®
Picking Month: Mid June
Very attractive red blushed apricot. High productivity of medium sized fruit with good firmness and less cracking sensitivity. Luscious, orange flesh giving a refreshing taste.
Picking Month: Late July
By far the most reliable of all Apricots. Crops heavily with large, orange fruits blushed red. An intense flavour. Masses of stunning pinkish-white flowers. Best for cooking into jams or eating fresh from the tree. (USA)
Aronia (Chokeberry)
Picking Month: September
Hardy shrub suitable for a wide range of soils. Small, black fruits. Makes tasty jams, compotes and juice. Very high in Vitamin C and anthocyanins. Attractive autumn colours and white flowers.
Asian Pear
Picking Month: September
Beautiful, golden russet finish makes this ‘Nashi/Chinese’ pear also an attractive ornamental tree. Bright white flesh, firm and crisp with a very sweet flavour. Excellent for desserts or a salad fruit. (Asia)
Picking Month: Mid October
An Asian Pear which produces huge, round, russet-covered pears which are exceptionally crunchy, succulent and sweet. Can be enjoyed fresh or in salads. Keeps well. (Asia)
Picking Month: September
A consistent cropper, larger, pale yellow fruits. Firm and sweet. One of the first varieties to appear in the UK. Very attractive leaves with bronze tinted young growth. (Asia)
Picking Month: July
This new selection quickly establishes a full fruiting plant of firm, thornless and high quality blackberries. Delicious eaten fresh, for jams and syrups.
Navaho Summerlong®
Picking Month: Late July
An upright growing floricane blackberry of very high quality. Large, juicy and sweet thornless fruit. Delicious if eaten fresh or cooked into jams and pies. Very easy to grow.
Oregon Thornless
Picking Month: Early August
A reliable thornless form, perfect for the smaller garden. Well flavoured, dark black fruits. Excellent autumn colours. Great for growing over an arch or trellis.
Ben Connan®
Picking Month: Early July
Large black, glossy berries on short trusses. Superb rich flavour! A heavy cropper, compact in habit and easy to grow. Good frost, pest and disease resistance. (Scotland, 1993)
Ben Sarek®
Picking Month: Mid July
Early season variety. Large, acid flavour berries on short strigs. Small, compact and heavy cropper. Suitable for a small space. Perfect for eating fresh or in jams and jellies. (Scotland, 1980)
Lowberry® Little Black Sugar
Picking Month: July
A compact variety with excellent, resistance to downy mildew. Medium-large fruits are produced in small clusters with the typical cassis flavour superimposed with sugar.
Picking Month: Early July
Mid-season variety. Produces very large fruits of superb quality with high juice content and delicious flavours. Vigorous, upright in habit and resistant to mildew and rust. (Sweden, 1980)
Picking Month: Early August
One of the main high yielding commercial varieties. A vigorous upright grower. The large, light blue fruits have excellent flavours and a long shelf life.
Picking Month: Early August
Enormous, firm juicy berries are produced on this stout blueberry bush. Attractive autumn colour. A superb choice for large blueberries and good for patio growing.
Picking Month: September
Late fruiting blueberry producing sky-blue berries with an outstanding flavour. An upright habit and consistent high yields. Great for fresh eating and freezing.
Picking Month: Mid July
A heavy cropping variety of medium sized, highly flavoured berries. Sweet and juicy. Very hardy and suitable for all parts of the UK.
Pink Lemonade
Picking Month: Late August
Lovely green fruits that gradually turn to a rich pink as they mature for picking. Sweet in taste, delicious when eaten fresh or for cooking into puddings and pies.
Picking Month: Early July
A vigorous variety, highly productive bearing medium, slightly flat berries of excellent flavour. Easy for picking and suits any UK climate. Lovely red and golden autumn colours.
Sunshine Blue
Picking Month: Mid July
A compact growing, almost evergreen variety with large, succulent excellent flavoured fruits. Beautiful, bright pink bellshaped flowers in the spring. Heavy cropping.
Amber Heart
Picking Month: Early July
The ‘Kent Bigarreau’. Pinkish-red skinned eating cherries. Pale yellow flesh that has a sweet and distinctive flavour. Upright and compact growing. Pollinated by any self-fertile variety. (Kent)
Picking Month: Early July
One of the Muscateer range of cherries. A naturally dwarf variety on its own roots. Heavy crops of delicious sweet/tart juicy cherries. Can be grown in a pot or the smallest spaces. Very hardy and reliable. (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Black Oliver
Picking Month: Early August
A traditional English cherry. Medium-large rounded black fruits. Dark red flesh, soft and juicy. Vigorous, upright spreading tree. A healthy tree with good disease resistance. (West Midlands)
Picking Month: Late July
The soft and juicy black cherries are suited to either eating or cooking. The fruits are full of luscious flavours. Suitable for growing in the South-West. (Tamar, Valley, Cornwall)
Picking Month: Early July
Excellent eating quality, one of the very best. Dark red, large fruits; sweet, quite mild with a pleasant cherry aftertaste. Perfect for patio growing due to its naturally dwarf compact habit. (Canada, 1990)
Knights Early Black
Picking Month: Early July
Picking Month: Early July
A new self-fertile cherry. Ripening midseason in early July, this cherry is very large and produces high yields from an early age. Dark red, firm, and juicy with a sweet, aromatic, true cherry taste. Very disease resistant and no pollinating partner is necessary. (Czech Republic)
3 Kordia
Picking Month: Mid August
Masses of old, traditional black heart-shaped fruits with dark red juice, hanging on long strigs. Richly fruit, sweet and aromatic. A healthy tree. (Kent, 1946)
Lapins ‘Cherokee’™
Picking Month: Late July
Large black fruits, sweet and full of juice. Will shed its fruit readily when green but there is always plenty left to ripen later. Upright, strong growing habit. (Canada, 1984)
Merton Glory
Picking Month: Early July
Very sweet, heart-shaped fruits. Outstanding fruit early in the season. Shapely, compact tree. Handle carefully to avoid bruising. (Surrey, 1931)
Heart-shaped, glossy, dark carmine-red cherries. Red flesh, excellent balance of acidic and sweet taste. Good quality. Pollinated by any self-fertile variety. (Czech Republic, 1963)
Picking Month: Late June
One of the best early to ripen varieties. A sweet cherry and black in colour. Best eaten fresh. Stunning white flowers in the spring and good disease resistance. (Norwich, 1970)
Picking Month: Late July
The most popular cooking cherry. Very hardy and reliable. Fruits can be picked at the very sour, dark red stage for stewing or left until almost black and bitter-sweet. Ideal for north facing walls.
Napoleon Bigarreau
Picking Month: Mid July
5 Penny
An old fashioned firm, heart shaped dessert variety. Excellent cherry with a shiny, marble red finish. Golden flesh and sweetsharp, tangy taste. (Germany)
Petit Noir
Picking Month: Early August
One of the very best cherry trees for small gardens. Slow growing and a natural dwarfing habit. Dark red fruits of excellent eating quality. (Canada, 1990)
Roundel Heart
Picking Month: Late July
Picking Month: Late August
An outstanding quality black cherry. Firm, large and very late in the season. Sweet with lovely juicy flesh. Pollinated by any selffertile variety. (Kent, 1998)
3 Regina
Picking Month: Mid July
Black fruit, highly productive, sweet and aromatic flavours. Very popular with commercial growers and gardeners. A hardy variety, can cope in most UK climates. (Germany)
4 Skeena®
Picking Month: Early August
Roundel Heart is one of the oldest varieties of excellent quality. Produces heavy crops of large, heart-shaped fruits that are shiny dark red. Soft, sweet flesh and very good flavour. (Kent)
Picking Month: Late July
A white fleshed cherry that has a regular crop. Good firmness. The sweetest flesh of any cherries and this one is no exception. Strong vigour and good branching. (Canada, 2002)
Summer Sun
Picking Month: Late July
A high quality, dark red skinned fruit with a ruby red coloured flesh, well-balanced, sweet-sharp flavour. Heavy cropping. (Canada)
Picking Month: Late July
The first of many self-fertile varieties tried at Summerland R.S. A large, dark red, reliable, sweet and juicy cherry with good flavour. Heavy cropper and an excellent pollinator for other varieties. (Canada, 1968)
3 Sunburst
Picking Month: Late July
Very hardy variety and crops even in most areas. Fruits are dark red, firm and crunchy and have an exquisite flavour. Easy to manage. (John Innes Institute, Norwich, 1970)
Heavy crops of decent sized fruit. Dark red in colour, sweet to taste with great flavour and texture. High quality fruit. Easy to grow and has good storage. (Canada, 1975)
Picking Month: Late August
One of the later picking varieties but well worth the wait. Very precocious, firm with a delicious flavour. A good pollinator for other cherry varieties. (Canada, 1990)
Picking Month: Late June
A naturally dwarf, mid-season cherry. Delicious flavour and succulent fruits. Long drooping leaves. Perfect for small gardens. Semi self-fertile. (Canada)
Picking Month: Late July
A traditional eating cherry. Heavy crops of good quality, glossy black fruits. Fairly soft with a small stone. Named after the Battle of Waterloo.
Chestnut Belle Epine
Picking Month: Late
Mid to late season cropping and fast to medium growth rate. One of the last varieties to drop. A good pollinator especially for Marron and Marigoule. Partially self-fertile. Shiny, mahogany brown coloured nuts.
Picking Month: Early October
Mid-season hybrid variety, upright with moderate vigorous growth. Shiny, dark mahogany-red nuts in the early autumn.
Picking Month: Mid September
An early mid-season hybrid. Vigorous with large mahogany-red nuts that store well. As with all varieties harvest the nuts daily.
Picking Month: Late September
This is an early variety with large dark brown nuts. Pick in Late September. The best variety to plant on its own, as partially self-fertile.
Picking Month: September
Marsol is an early mid-season variety. Produces a good crop of large, high quality brown nuts that have good storage life. Delicious either roasted and in sauces.
We offer a range of commercial cherry varieties which are specifically developed for growing under tunnels on dwarf Gisela 5 rootstock. Many of these have minimum order numbers. Varieties offered in order of picking are Nimba®, Bellise®, Early Red®, Fertile®, Samba®, Vanda®, Walter®, Tamara®, Papillon®, Starblush®, Kordia, Areko®, Henriette®, Regina, Kir Vulcano®, Regina®, Sweetheart®, Kir Lamour®, Kir Rosso® and the Cerasina varieties. Please contact us for further details.
Picking Month: Late
Maridonne is a late season variety. Produces shiny, dark mahogany large nuts in early autumn which are very good in quality. The tree itself is very handsome with glossy serrated foliage that are golden in the autumn.
Marron de Lyon
Picking Month: September
A good mid-season fruiting clone bearing at a very early age. Dark brown, high quality nuts arrive in September. Upright and compact growth habit.
Picking Month: October
Chestnut Regal is an attractive tree, more compact than other Sweet Chestnuts, growing to 5m in 10 years. Shiny green leaves and fragrant blossom in summer, followed by delicious brown nuts in October.
Aylesbury Prune
Picking Month: Mid September
Round, sweet fruits can be eaten fresh or used for cooking. Dark blue in colour with a small stone. Very productive and beautiful spring flowers. (Buckinghamshire, 1997)
Picking Month: Mid September
One of the heaviest cropping varieties. Very small with a blueblack bloom and of excellent quality. Sweet, juicy and very hardy. (Kent, 1820)
King of the Damsons
Picking Month: Mid September
Large, dark blue fruits that have a delicious sweet flesh, refreshing and sugary. Great for preserves or puddings. Reliable cropper. (Nottinghamshire, 1880)
Picking Month: Late September
Shepherds Bullace
Picking Month: Late September
An extraordinary large damson for both dessert and culinary use. Reliable heavy crops of blue-black fruits. Yellow, firm flesh and relatively sweet. (Nottingham, 1907)
Shropshire Prune
Picking Month: Mid September
The ‘Greengage of Damsons’. Very reliable cropper with intense flavours and dark blue in colour. Firm sugary flesh. Suitable for hedgerows. (Shropshire, 17th Century)
Syn: Shepherd’s White. A traditional English variety that produces large yellow bullace, round to oblong fruits. Golden yellow, sharp and sweet flesh.
Sweet Prune
Picking Month: Mid September
The classic German ‘Hauszwetsche’ sweet prune for traditional ‘plum cake’ and fresh eating. Dark purple fruits with a spicy flavoured flesh. (Germany)
Picking Month: Late August
Exceptionally large flowers and berries. The flowers can be used for Elderflower juices and cordial, or the dark red/black berries for juicing, pies and dye. The fruit is very high in anthocyanin content.
Brown Turkey
Picking Month: Mid August
A classic British fig. Large brown, pear-shaped fruit with a sugary, rich and red flesh. Reliable, compact habit and easy to grow. Large glossy palmate leaves.
Ice Crystal
Picking Month: Late August
An unusual variety that has unique, deeply divided leaves which appear in the shape of ice crystals. Small, sweet, edible fruits. Requires plenty of growing space.
Little Miss Figgy®
Picking Month: Mid August
Naturally dwarf mini Fig. Perfect for smaller spaces and patio growing. Produces small purple sweet fruits in the autumn. Good compact habit and easy to grow.
Panache (Stripy)
Picking Month: Late August
Also known as the ‘Tiger Fig’. Wonderful, attractive striped yellow and green skinned fruits. Golden yellow flesh with sweet strawberry-like flavours. Best eaten fresh.
Picking Month: September
A very popular variety. Slightly larger than the Cobnut with a long husk and excellent flavour. Attractive, thin shelled nuts. A very good pollinator for other varieties.
Picking Month: Late August
A classic English variety. An excellent, heavy crop of small, yellowish-green fruits. Juicy and fresh, honey flavoured. Prefers a warm, sheltered position. (Cambridgeshire)
Coes Golden Drop
Picking Month: Late September
Large, yellow fruits of oval shape and with a long neck. Golden yellow flesh, juicy rich and sweet in flavour. Great quality for fresh eating or preserving. (Suffolk, 18th Century)
Dennistons Superb
Picking Month: Late August
The most reliable cropping, pale green flushed red gage. Large, rounded fruits that have a transparent sweet flesh. Reliable and high yields. (USA, 19th Century)
Early Transparent
Picking Month: Early August
An unusual gage with attractive, melting and juicy, red cheek fruits. A regular and heavy cropper. Good for desserts and jams. (Hertfordshire, 19th Century)
Lindsey Gage
Picking Month: Late August
Picking Month: Early August
One of the very best varieties for dessert use. Yellow fruits with a bright golden yellow flesh, juicy and sweet. Hardy, suitable for northern districts. (USA, 19th Century)
The sweetest and tastiest of gages. Less prone to cracking. Round, small to medium sized fruit. Wonderful clusters of white flowers in the spring.
Old Greengage
Picking Month: Mid August
Selected for its excellent old fashioned, sweet and delicious flavours. Heavy crops of green flushed red fruit. A melting flesh and pleasant scent, a joy to eat. (UK, 17th Century)
Oullins Golden
Picking Month: Mid August
Golden yellow fruit, dual-purpose. Heavy crops of gages that are great for cooking and bottling. Pleasant flavour, fairly juicy. (France, 1860)
Picking Month: Late August
Syn: Reine Claude Violette. This is an unusual ‘purple’ gage of excellent dessert flavour. Round, medium fruits, clingstone. Very juicy and tasty. Grows well against a warm wall.
Lubera® Instant Success
Picking Month: Late August
Naturally compact variety that fruits from an early age. Produces large red-orange berries which are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Disease resistant. Self fertile.
Picking Month: Late July
A reliable bush variety. Large, burgundy berries of excellent quality. Sweet in taste. Healthy and disease resistant. Delicious eaten fresh.
Hinnomaki Red
Picking Month: Late July
Very hardy, good for both eating and cooking. Ruby red berries, slightly tangy and sweet. The red sister to Hinnomaki Yellow.
Hinnomaki Yellow
Picking Month: Late July
Heavy cropper with greenish-yellow berries. The yellow sister to Hinnomaki Red. A unique flavour, delicious and aromatic with a hint of apricot.
Picking Month: Late July
The most popular gooseberry. Large, pale green and smooth skinned berries. Delicious, sweet flavours. Makes a tasty jam! Vigorous growth and high yields. (Kent, 1967)
Picking Month: Mid August
Very productive and reliable crops from an early age. Turns slightly yellow when ripening. Mildly flavoured fruits can be eaten fresh or cooked. Great for pies.
Picking Month: Mid August
As with Old Green Gage, selected for good cropping and excellent quality dessert fruit. Succulent flesh reminiscent of melons. (Cambridge, 19th Century)
Hall's Giant
Picking Month: September
A traditional variety. Attractive nuts, glossy rust brown shell. Resistant to nut gall mite. Excellent quality and tasty flavour. Very easy to grow, great for beginners.
Kent Cob
Picking Month: September
A traditional cob, planted extensively in Kent. Clusters of two to five flavoured nuts and pale yellow catkins.
Picking Month: September
A reliable, upright, deciduous shrub or small tree very similar to Webbs Prize Cob. Fruit are elongated like other cobs, with good eating quality.
Tonda Gentile de le Romana (Confectionary nut)
Picking Month: September
Italian small round nut. Buttery and intensely flavoured, easily ‘blanched’ for a more pure eating experience. Best pollinator for Trilobata.
Tonda Gentile Trilobata (Confectionary nut)
Picking Month: September
A well regarded Italian small round nut that is the mainstay of the hazel confectionary industry. Buttery and intensely flavoured, easily ‘blanched’ for a more pure eating experience.
Picking Month: August
Raspberry x Blackberry. Long red fruits with an excellent aromatic, juicy and sharp flavour. Bushy, vigorous growth and high yields.
Picking Month: October
Small, semi-weeping, flat topped tree. The small russet fruits can be eaten fresh or made into jelly. Pure white spring flowers and interesting autumn foliage.
Webbs Prize Cob
Picking Month: September
The Lambert Filbert. Very large, rich flavoured nut. Tree is an abundant bearer. Kernel remains edible for several years.
Picking Month: August
Superb round, dark reddish purple plummy fruit. Yellow flesh with a wonderful melting texture, juicy and sweet. Excellent eating quality but can also be used in cooking. Semi freestone. (Ukraine, 1950)
de Nancy
Picking Month: Early September
A yellow-orange variety with green tinges. Very small, ovate fruits. Golden flesh, rich in flavour. Frost resistant and freestone. Good for bottling and preserves. (France, 16th Century)
Golden Sphere
Picking Month: Late August
Yellow almost translucent fruits with golden flesh and a sweet plummy flavour. Beautiful blossom in the spring. Very hardy variety. (Ukraine, 1995)
Picking Month: Late August
Produces a heavy crop of large, bright red Mirabelle’s. Sweet, orange flesh. The flavour is sugary and rich. One of the best for fresh eating. (Ukraine, 1995)
Picking Month: Early September
The largest fruit of Mirabelle’s recorded. Exceptionally sweet in taste, peach-like flavours and dark red flesh. Upright in habit. (Ukraine, 1995)
Chelsea (King James I)
Picking Month: August
From a 17th Century tree, during the time of King James I. Large, black and succulent fruits with an intensely rich flavour. Harvest the ripest fruit each day.
Giant Fruit
Picking Month: August
(Mulberry Pakistan) Fruit is 2-3 times the size of regular mulberries and just as juicy and delicious. Sweet, tart flavour. A hardy tree with a neat dome shaped head.
Illinois Everbearing
Picking Month: August
(Morus alba x rubra) Tasty, small black fruits are produced from an early age. A similar taste to blackcurrants. Large, heart shaped foliage. Hardy and vigorous. (USA)
Mojo Berry®
Picking Month: July
Syn: Charlotte Russe. A unique mulberry that fruits on young plants. Dark black berries, sweet and juicy. Perfect for baking. Suitable for growing in containers.
Garden Beauty
Picking Month: Late August
A genetic dwarf variety. Stunning deep pink semi-double flowers in spring and delicious, juicy yellow fleshed fruits. Perfect for patios and small spaces.
Lord Napier
Picking Month: Early August
One of the earliest, largest and most popular varieties for home growing. Regular crops of yellow fruits and melting juicy flesh. Freestone. (Sawbridgeworth, 1860)
Picking Month: Mid August
A genetic dwarf nectarine of very excellent quality. Sweet reddish-orange flesh and a freestone. Perfect for patio growing or planting in a small garden space.
Picking Month: August
Small weeping tree. The small, white fruits turn reddish-pink as they mature. Large, heart shaped leaves are glossy dark green, turning yellow in autumn.
Picking Month: August
The sweetest flat nectarine. Smooth, yellowish red blushed fruit with juicy, melting, yellow flesh in late summer. Pretty, pink flowers in the spring.
Picking Month: Early September
A clean, pale skinned variety with yellow flesh and rich aromatic flavour; slightly reminiscent of a sprightly pineapple. Delicious eaten straight from the tree. (Rivers of Sawbridgeworth)
Avalon Pride®
Picking Month: Late June
Large, reddish-orange fruits that are red fleshed, juicy and have mouth watering flavours. The most resistant variety to ‘leaf curl’.
Garden Lady
Picking Month: Mid August
A genetic dwarf peach so perfect for growing in pots or small spaces. Rosy pink skinned fruit, succulent and fresh. Wonderful clusters of pink blossom in the spring. Freestone.
Picking Month: Early September
Attractive purple-red striped skin. Delicious, juicy fresh flavours which make this the perfect eating variety. This peach really lives up to it’s name. (Kent)
Red Haven
Picking Month: Mid August
A popular, mid-season variety. Flavoursome, rosy pink fruit that have firm flesh, freestone. Best eaten fresh from the tree. Very easy to grow. (USA, 1940s)
Picking Month: Early August
An unusual variety that crops small, flat shaped peaches that are very sweet and succulent. Ideal for children especially with its nickname Sat-on!
Picking Month: Early August
The most revered of white fleshed peaches. The finest flavour, intense and rich. The flesh peels away from the stone easily, freestone. (Sawbridgeworth, 1906)
Picking Month: Mid August
The largest and most suitable of yellow flesh types for outdoor cultivation. Soft orange flushed red fruits. Clusters of dark pink flowers late in the spring. (USA, 1900s)
Terrace Amber®
Picking Month: Mid August
A genetic dwarf peach variety. Produces bright pink flowers in the spring which are followed by a heavy crop of large yellow fleshed peaches with superb, melting juicy taste.
Picking Month: Early October
Syn; Hedgehog Pear. A heavy cropping perry pear variety. Crops from an early age. Brown russeted, small fruits have a juicy flesh. Fruits are easily shaken off the tree when ripe. A pleasant light perry.
Picking Month: Early September
An excellent garden variety. Pale green to pale yellow fruit with smooth skin. Small clean pears with sweet and succulent flesh. Neat and compact growing habit. (Kent, 1938)
Beurre Hardy
Picking Month: Late September
Rough skinned fruit is light green covered with bronze russet. Tender and juicy with a rose water flavour. Vigorous and good for poor soils. Highly recommended for the garden. (France, 1820)
Beurre Superfin
Picking Month: Late September
Medium size pears, mid-green turning yellow with light brown russet patches. Yellow, melting flesh has a delicious scented taste. A high quality variety suitable for warm, sheltered sites. (Angers, France, 1837)
Blakeney Red
Picking Month: October
Very reliable, heavy cropping variety. Fruit yellow with heavy flush, sometimes streaked with light russet. Makes a medium acid/tannin tasting perry. (Gloucestershire)
Picking Month: Late October
Large, heavy crop of dull green pears with brown russet and sometimes a purplish flush. Crisp, coarse, fairly juicy, green flesh. An excellent stewing pear, best cooked for 1-2 hours to soften. (16th Century)
Picking Month: October
Large, full green fruit, slight russet. Suitable for slow poaching or cooking and turns pink in the process. Also a superb exhibition fruit. Store until February and beyond. (France, 1665)
Picking Month: September
Well known amongst Scottish fruit enthusiasts. The green skinned fruits blush red as they ripen. Sweet and mellow in flavour. Wonderful displays of white blossom in the spring. (Pre-1900s)
Picking Month: Late September
Recognised as one of the best varieties for gardens. Pale green, large fruits with patches of gold russet. Sweet and juicy, melting and buttery flesh with a pleasant mild flavour. A compact growing tree. (Kent, 1977)
Picking Month: Late September
One of the most popular and reliable varieties. Yellowish-green pears with brown russet, occasionally a pink flush. Sweet and juicy with a pleasant pear flavour. (Hertfordshire, 1885)
Conference Moors Giant®
Picking Month: September
A super sport of Conference pear. Up to 40% bigger and slightly rounder. Yellowish-green fruit with brown russet areas. Succulent and tasty. (Conference Moors® EU pending 4057222)
Doyenne du Comice
Picking Month: Early October
Superb quality eating pear. The green fruits have a red flush, and a pale yellow flesh with rich juicy flavouring. Needs to have good pollination. (France, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Mid October
A rare but excellent perry variety. Medium sized fruits, green in colour with a slight orange flush. Acid and tannin to taste and good keeping quality. (Gloucestershire, 19th Century)
Glou Morceau
Picking Month: Early October
Pea green coloured fruit with a little russet. Fine, melting and juicy texture, classic flavour. A very good pollinator for other varieties. (Belgium, 1750)
Picking Month: Mid September
Pale green turning yellow, some are heavily russeted. Creamy, fine and juicy flesh with a sweet musky flavour. Upright growing and a good pollinator for other varieties. (USA, 1910)
Green Horse
Picking Month: Mid October
Attractive, olive green perry pear with an orange flush. Makes a high acid/low tannin perry of excellent quality. Can be stewed or pickled. (Gloucestershire, 1886)
Hellens Early
Picking Month: Mid September
One of the best early perry pear varieties. Strong growing tree with heavy crops of small, rounded green fruits. Low to medium tannin. (Gloucestershire, 18th Century)
Hendre Huffcap
Picking Month: Early October
A very rare, large tree with upright branches. Fruit is elliptical and irregular. Medium acid, low tannin for a pleasant, vintage quality perry. (Gloucestershire, 1960s)
Humbug (Stripy)
Picking Month: Early October
Syn: 'Swiss Trousers. An unusual pear which offers something very special for the garden. Green, yellow and pink striped fruits. Sweet and juicy texture with a thick skin. Known as the ‘Easter Pear'. (Ukraine)
Improved Fertility
Picking Month: Mid September
An improved, self fertile form of the variety 'Fertility'. Reliable crops of medium sized fruits that are pale green flushed yellow with variable amounts of russet. Flesh is very sweet and juicy and can also be used for cooking. Good disease resistance.
Invincible delwinor fertilia®
Picking Month: Mid September
Picking Month: Late August
Named for being tough and hardy, setting heavy crops each year. Green in colour with yellow flush and sweet, soft and juicy flesh. Will often produce a second flowering. (France, 19th Century)
Josephine de Malines
Picking Month: October
Greenish-yellow fruits with a dark red flush. Sweet and moderately juicy, rich buttery and perfumed white flesh. Keeps well into the New Year. (Belgium, 1830)
Louise Bonne of Jersey
Picking Month: Mid September
An attractive, reliable and good quality variety. Small-medium, pale green fruit with a white, succulent, melting flesh. The tree itself is moderately vigorous. (France, 1780)
Picking Month: Late August
A high quality, mid-season variety that produces bright lemon skinned fruits when ripe. Flesh is soft, juicy and sweet in flavour; slightly perfumed. (USA, 1960)
One of the hardiest and longest lived pears, making a majestic tree. Pale yellow with brownish-red flush on some fruits. Tender and juicy flesh with a musky flavour. (1629)
Judge Amphlet
Picking Month: September
A medium sized tree with a narrow crown in the early years. Fruit is greenish-yellow with a russet cheek. Pleasant, low tannin light perry. (Worcestershire, 20th Century)
Picking Month: Early September
A wonderful garden variety producing heavy crops of large, green fruit. White flesh is soft. One of the juiciest pears of its season. (Surrey, 1941)
Picking Month: Early October
Dwarf pear with upright, columnar growing habit making it ideal for small spaces and patio growing. Green with a slight flush, crunchy with a delicate taste. Stores well into winter. (Slovakia)
Picking Month: Early September
Excellent quality, medium sized fruit. Light green in colour with a pinkish flush and some heavy russeting. Creamy white flesh has a sweet and rich flavour. (Surrey, 1947)
Pitmaston Dutchess
Picking Month: Mid September
Packham’s Triumph
Picking Month: Early October
A reliable pear grown on a large commercial scale in South Africa. Small, bright green fruit with unusual bumpy appearance. Fine, juicy and musky flavour. (Australia, 19th Century)
4 Red Pear
One of the finest eating pears. Very large, long, golden-yellow russeted fruit. Yellowish white flesh juicy and melting, slightly gritty around the core. (Worcestershire, 1841)
Santa Claus
Picking Month: December
Rich, highly perfumed with finely textured melting pale cream flesh; juicy and sweet. Named for its late ripening in December. Beautiful white spring blossom. (Belgium/France, 1875)
Picking Month: Early October
Picking Month: Early October
An old, popular variety. Heavy crops of low acid and low tannin perry pears of good quality. Keeps well after harvest. Grown on a commercial scale for over 400 years. (Malvern, 16th Century)
Picking Month: Mid August
A sport of Williams Bon Chrétien, with red skin, striking red foliage and white blossom in spring. Fine texture, melting juicy. Upright and narrow growth habit. (Australia, 1940s)
5 Thorn
Sorbus x Pyrus. A rare hybrid. Fruits are a typical 'pear', small and quite delicious. Good ornamental qualities too with white spring flowers and large leaves.
Williams’ Bon Chrétien
Picking Month: Late August
The most popular, old English pear. A great garden tree that has regular crops of oval-shaped, smooth skinned fruits. Refreshing flesh, perfect for eating fresh, poaching and preserving. (Berkshire, 1770)
Yellow Huffcap
Picking Month: October
An excellent variety noted for its strength. Produces heavy crops of greenish-yellow fruits with some russet. Makes a medium to high acid, low tannin fruity perry. Fruits should be shaken off before its ripe. (Gloucestershire)
Picking Month: Late September
Small tree with upright habit and multi spur systems. Abundant crops of small yellow fruits with some russet. Medium acid and low tannin. (Gloucestershire, 1670)
Winnal’s Longdon
Picking Month: October
Heavy crops of small greenish-yellow fruits that have a slight red flush and light russet. Makes a medium to high acid low tannin perry. (Hereford, 1790)
Winter Nelis
Picking Month: Early November
A fine, late pear variety that produces small fruits of pale green almost covered in russet. The richest flavoured pears last well into the New Year. (Belgium, 1818)
Picking Month: Mid August
One of the finest quality dessert plums. Golden flushed, freestone red fruits, moderately juicy and fairly sweet. A strong growing tree. (Bristol, 1980)
Belle de Louvain
Picking Month: Mid August
Purplish-red fruit, flesh is firm in texture and sweet. A delicious variety for cooking into pastries or cakes, and also tasty eaten fresh from the tree. (Belgium, 1845)
Blaisdon Red
Picking Month: Early August
Vibrant purple-red skinned fruit which turns the flesh bright red when cooked. Upright in habit, perfect for the smaller space. Lovely white blossoms in spring. (Blaisdon, Gloucester)
Picking Month: Early August
Blue Tit
Picking Month: August
An old Laxtons variety of excellent quality. Regular crops of dark blue plums with blue-black bloom. Yellow flesh with pleasant sweet-sharp flavour. (Bedford, 1938)
3 Edda
A culinary plum variety that crops heavily and reliably. Medium sized dark purple fruits have a light blue bloom and fine dots on the skin. Green flesh is of excellent flavours. (Hertfordshire, 19th Century)
Picking Month: Early August
Picking Month: Late August
An excellent dessert plum. Reliable crop of blue skinned fruits and yellow flesh with a fine, rich flavour. Very hardy, grows well in difficult conditions. (Norway, 1950s)
2 Ferbleue®
Pale yellow fruits, mostly covered with reddish-orange flush. Transparent flesh, moderately juicy and sweet. A vigorous tree. Shy cropping but the excellent quality fruit compensates well. (Bristol, 1970)
Gordon Castle
Picking Month: Early September
Picking Month: August
Reine Claude Verte x California Blue. Selected from a French breeding programme. A blue plum of the most delicious flavours, very high sugar content. (France)
3 Guinevere
Picking Month: Late September
A native hardy variety suitable for northern districts. Greenishyellow plum and sweet with an excellent flavour. Best when eaten straight from the tree. (Scotland, 1864)
Picking Month: September
Healthy, well shaped and manageable tree. Black, sweet plums. Excellent eating quality and an extended shelf life when stored in the fridge. (Kent, 2000)
3 Herman
Picking Month: Mid July
Strong scented, blue plums that are great for cooking into cakes, puddings and jams. Sweet, yellow flesh, freestone. Keeps well into October. (Germany, 2005)
Picking Month: Mid August
Reliable, dual-purpose variety that has dark blue, very early fruits. Golden flesh, juicy and freestone. Best eaten straight from the tree. (Sweden, 1970)
3 Katinka
Picking Month: Mid July
Superb eating quality. Large fruit with dark red skin and yellow flesh that has a good balance of sweetness and sharpness. Freestone, strong growing tree. (Sweden, 1985)
Very early dark purple-blue fruits with good firmness and freestone. A productive variety with huge crops of delicious plums. A vigorous tree, quite upright. (Germany)
Picking Month: Mid August
A very special culinary plum, easy to grow and suitable for damp climates. The dark red fruit makes incredible jam, preserves and liqueur. (Fal Valley, Cornwall)
Malling™ Elizabeth®
Picking Month: Early July
Picking Month: Mid August
An old, good quality dessert variety. Red coloured, oval fruits with a slight white bloom. Flesh is yellow, flavour is delicious; very sweet and juicy.
Bred at NIAB EMR and released to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This plum is Victoria-like in appearance but appearing much earlier in July. Red-purple skin colour, sweet, juicy and delicious plums. (Kent, 2022)
Marjorie’s Seedling
Picking Month: Early September
One of the later picking plums for early September. Large and good quality purple fruit with thick blue bloom. Yellow flesh, suitable for cooking and fresh eating. (Berkshire, 1912)
Picking Month: Late July
Picking Month: Late August
Picking Month: Late July
One of the most reliable garden plums. A medium, reddishpurple fruit with superb flavour. Known as the early Victoria. Freestone. (Sweden, 1925)
Queen’s Crown
Picking Month: Late August
Syn: Denbigh or Cox's Emperor. Quite possibly the finest variety the plum family has to offer. Pink-red oval fruits. Delicious flavours, heavy cropping. Clingstone.
A dessert plum, similar quality to Victoria with larger fruit and earlier to crop. Red in colour with yellow, succulent flesh. Suitable for colder areas in the UK. (Sweden, 1985)
Purple Pershore
Picking Month: Late August
Known as the Purple Egg Plum. A very robust plum with good, regular crops. Reddish-purple with thick, blue bloom. Firm flesh, juicy and sweet. (Worcester, 1877)
River’s Early Prolific
Picking Month: Late July
A popular dessert variety, heavy cropping and early season. Attractive, small bluish-purple fruits that have a lavender bloom. Rather firm, golden flesh. (Hertfordshire, 1820)
Plum Katinka
Picking Month: Late August
Flavoursome plum, round attractive red skinned fruits that are freestone. A high quality dessert variety. Tastiest when eaten from the tree. (Canada, 1940)
Sanctus Hubertus
Picking Month: Late July
Oval-shaped, dark red with thick, blue bloom and small brown russet. One of the best croppers of early varieties. Rich flavours, ensure the fruit is fully ripe. (Belgium, 1966)
Picking Month: Early September
A perfect late season plum for any garden. Reddish-purple fruits best eaten fresh from the tree when fully ripe. Wonderful, white blossom in the spring. (USA, 1937)
Picking Month: Late August
Produces round red-purplish fruits that have a heavy purple bloom. Flesh is juicy, sweet and has the most pleasant flavour. A good dessert plum but better for cooking into cakes, crumbles and jams. A favourite of the Evesham plum growing area.
Topend Plus
Picking Month: Mid September
The latest ripening fruit in the season. Can be picked over a long period. The fruit are oval to oblong and usually over 60g each. Dark blue skin with greenish-yellow, firm and juicy aromatic fruit. Freestone and plum pox resistant.
Picking Month: Mid August
A good dessert plum. The fruit are ovate to oblong 35-40mm and dark blue in colour with greenish-yellow firm and juice flesh. Can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Freestone and plum pox virus resistant.
Toptaste® Kulinaria
Picking Month: Early September
Picking Month: Early September
The steel blue fruits can weigh up to 100g! Green, aromatic flesh. A late cropper but can be harvested over a long period of time and stores well in the fridge. (Germany, 1987)
2 Victoria
Picking Month: Late August
One of several ‘Top’ bred varieties, highly regarded for quality and cropping. Medium sized, firm, juicy and very aromatic sweet yellow flesh. Good disease resistance. (Germany)
Warwickshire Drooper
Picking Month: Mid August
Large yellow dessert fruit, juicy and good for eating and cooking. Crops well and regular. The tree itself has a drooping habit, hence the name. (West Midlands, pre 1920s)
The most popular plum variety. Bright red fruits have dark yellow, freestone flesh, moderately juicy and fair flavour. Perfect for eating and cooking into desserts and jams. (Sussex, 1840)
Yellow Pershore
Picking Month: Mid August
A reliable cropper for dessert as well as the ideal bottling plum. Large, yellow fruits with juicy flesh; sharp and delicious. An easy grower, good for beginners. (Worcestershire, 19th Century)
Plum Crosses
Miracot Aprimira®
Picking Month: Early August
Mirabelle x Apricot. A wonderfully mandarin flavoured sweet and juicy, egg shaped fruit. Freestone and firm. Yellow with a pretty red blush. Superb eating quality. (Germany)
Plumcot Flavor King
Picking Month: August
Plum x Apricot (Pluot). Red-purple round fruits with red flesh. Spicy, juicy and delicious tasting. Will cross pollinate with Plums and Gages.
Picking Month: September
Syn: Krymsk. A rounded fruit, not knobbly like others. One of the few that have claims of fresh eating qualities. Tropical flavours. Perfect for making into jellies. Heavy cropping. (Russia)
Picking Month: September
An old traditional variety. Pear shaped fruit that are big, juicy and nicely acidic. The yellow flesh turns reddish when cooked. Makes a tasty jam and quince cheese. (Hungary, 19th Century)
Picking Month: October
Isfahan produces an excellent crop of large, high quality fruits. Can be eaten fresh when properly ripe or used in cooking, to make jams, jellies, membrillo or to flavour gins and vodkas. Ornamental blossom adds to its appeal.
Meech’s Prolific
Picking Month: October
Popular, reliable cropper with pear-shaped fruits that are yellow when fully ripe. The fruits also have a distinctive scent. Interesting twisted branches and dark green curled leaves. (USA, 1880)
Serbian Gold
Picking Month: Early October
Highly productive variety for culinary use. The apple shaped fruits have an aromatic flavour. Good resistance to leaf blight. Unique, silver coloured foliage. (Serbia, 1900s)
Picking Month: October
Large pale greenish-yellow fruit. Bitter to taste so mostly used for cooking. Strong fragrance to the fruit. Beautiful clusters of light pink flowers in the spring. (Serbia, 1800)
All Gold®
Picking Month: Late August
A stout, autumn fruiting raspberry with slightly thorny canes. Large, golden yellow fruits are produced in late August. Taste is similar to Autumn Bliss but slightly sweeter.
Autumn Bliss®
Picking Month: Early August
The finest late season Raspberry. Heavy crops of attractive dark red berries. Delicious flavours and firm texture. Can be grown in patio pots. (Kent, 1974)
Cascade Delight®
Picking Month: July
Floricane. A late summer Raspberry that produces large, long, firm intensely sweet flavoured red berries with excellent shelf life. A healthy variety resistant to Raspberry root rot disease. The canes are less spiny than others.
Glen Ample®
Picking Month: July
High yielding, spine free variety with large, quality fruit. Bright red, tasty berries that can weigh up to 30 grams. Fruit picking over a long period. (Scotland, 1978)
Glen Carron®
Picking Month: July
Mid-season, summer fruiting variety which crops over 4 weeks. Large, very tasty raspberries of excellent quality detach easily from the plug. Spine free and disease resistant. (Scotland, 2018)
Joan J®
Picking Month: July
Produces a heavy crop of juicy and sweet tasting fruit over a long cropping period from July to October. Excellent sized berries. A primocane variety.
Lowberry® Little Sweet Sister
Picking Month: August
A compact dwarf autumn fruiting raspberry. Medium sized dark red with a sweet mild flavour. Excellent for balconies and patio growing like all the Lowberry® series.
Picking Month: July
A variety of high quality uniquely positioned to pick late summer before autumn primo cane varieties.
Golden Everest
Picking Month: August
The original mid-season yellow raspberry. The deliciously sweet golden berries are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. Perfect for cooking and eating fresh.
Lowberry® Goodasgold
Picking Month: August
Excellent quality yellow raspberry. Perfect for growing in small spaces or in a pot. Has a combined sweet and sour flavour.
Malling Juno®
Picking Month: June
Produces firm and deliciously sweet berries. Spine-free and crops from early to late June, with excellent disease resistance.
Picking Month: July
A popular late season variety. Good quality medium to large, glossy red fruits, few spines mainly at the cane base. Excellent quality with lovely sweet flavours.
Picking Month: July
Early season variety. Easy to pick and one of the highest yielding redcurrants. Very reliable with good disease resistance. The red fruits are preceded by a show of attractive flowers.
Picking Month: July
Now the most popular variety for its high yields of superb quality fruit. Long strigs of luscious redcurrants with vibrant, delicious flavours. Makes a tasty summer pudding.
Strawberry Surprise
Picking Month: April
Strong, vigorous variety producing vivid red stems with a wellbalanced acidity. Voted the best flavoured rhubarb in the RHS Wisley trials. Good for growing in borders or patio containers.
Timperley Early
Picking Month: Mid February
One of the earliest varieties that can be harvested as early as February. Succulent, red-based pink stems; very tender and deliciously sweet.
Picking Month: Mid March
A long established, popular rhubarb variety producing an abundant yield of large thick red stalks. The best cooking variety, recommended for its sweet, juicy and mild flavours.
Picking Month: Mid July
Raspberry x Blackberry. The thornfree Tayberry that produces large and succulent fruits with delicious sweet, aromatic taste. Easy to grow and quick to establish.
Picking Month: September
This is recommended as the best, outdoor white wine variety for the UK. The branches are filled with flavoursome fruits that juice into a lovely wine.
Picking Month: Mid September
A good hardy red, outdoor grape combining heavy crops of very edible fruits with stunning autumn leaf colour. Rich to taste, best flavours for desserts and wine.
Picking Month: September
Big bunches of white, outdoor grapes with Muscat flavour. Sweet, almost honey flavours. Resistant to downy mildew and seedless fruit. (USA, 1972)
Muscat Bleu
Picking Month: September
This is the modern mildew resistant, outdoor blue-black eating grape. The red fleshed fruits have a Muscat flavour, with a hint of nutmeg. Crops well.
Polo Muscat
Picking Month: September
A good quality table/wine outdoor grape. Slight Muscat aroma with balanced acidity. High yields of early ripening white fruits that are perfect for making wine.
Picking Month: September
A very productive, outdoor variety. Also known as ‘Fragola’, this red grape has intense and rich flavours with a strong hint of strawberry. Fiery autumn foliage.
Picking Month: September
Large, outdoor fruit produces a fine Muscat aroma. Heavy yielding, white grapes turn yellow when they need picking. Perfect for dessert and wine-making.
Picking Month: September
Blue/Black, outdoor variety. Large grapes mature to a true black in good summers with a sweet refreshing flavour. The red leaves add value as a climbing shrub.
Suffolk Red
Picking Month: September
Bright purple red, outdoor eating grape that crops early in autumn. Good winter hardiness across the UK. The sweet fruits can be eaten fresh or made into a juicy wine. Seedless depending on growing conditions.
Picking Month: September
Large and round, thin shelled nut with pale yellow kernel. A strong growing variety that crops early in life. Partially selffertile.
Picking Month: September
The most popular walnut. Precocious from an early age. Small compact tree and fruits earlier than others. Can be harvested green and pickled, or left until fully ripe to be dried. (Canada)
Picking Month: September
A healthy, robust tree that’s very heavy cropping. A round nut carried in abundance, particularly suited for pickling. The tree will start to carry nuts 3-4 years after planting.
Picking Month: September
A high quality large rounded nut, thin shelled. Experimental in the UK. Accounts for much of California and Turkish commercial production.
Picking Month: September
Thin shelled nut, easy for kernel extraction. Late leafing, precocious flowering and late ripening. Best eaten ripe and fresh. A good pollinator.
Picking Month: September
Heavy cropping large nut, rough-textured. Excellent quality and a magnificent feature for the larger garden. A unique creamy flavour. Franquette would be the best pollinator.
Picking Month: September
A heavy cropping, late season cultivar. Transparent, ivorycoloured fruits. The currants can be frozen, cooked into pies and jams. Can be planted in bushes, or trained against a wall.
Picking Month: September
Large, excellent quality globular nut, thin shelled for kernel extraction. Best when eaten fresh when fully ripe. A good pollinator for other varieties. Suited to the UK climate.
Picking Month: September
Superb late season quality, large oval shaped with a thin shell. Strong growing but late into leaf so avoiding frosts. Reliable. (France)
Picking Month: September
A reliable cropper producing very good, thin shelled nuts with a wonderful sweet flavour. From the same breeding programme as Jupiter and Saturn. (Czech Republic, 1971)
Ornamental Trees
Hamamelis x int 'Diane'Natives & Hedging
Native Trees
We are often asked for native trees for gardens and woodland creation. Native trees are usually defined as those which naturally arrived in Britain after the last ice age, which ended about 11,000 years ago. We grow many of these varieties as either bare root whips or as larger container grown trees, please check our stock list for availability. Some native trees, such as Coryllus avellana (Common Hazel) are grown as bushes for hedging rather than as a tree. For more information please get in touch.
Minimum height 80cm
Acer campestre (Field Maple)
Betula alba pendula (Common Silver Birch)
Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam)
Fagus sylvatica (Common Beech)
Ilex aquifolium (Holly)
Pinus sylvestris (Scots Pine)
Prunus avium (Wild Cherry)
Quercus petraea (Sessile Oak)
Quercus robur (Pedunculate or Common Oak)
Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan or Mountain Ash)
Taxus baccata (Yew)
Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime)
Tilia platyphyllos (Large-leaved Lime)
All stock offered is top quality transplanted heavy grade material. They’re all bare root except Ilex and Taxus which are container grown. Please note all hedging orders must be multiples of 25.
Hedging: 60-80cm
Acer campestre (Field Maple)
Alnus cordata
Alnus glutinosa (Common Alder)
Alnus incana (Grey Alder)
Alnus rubra (Red Alder)
Betula alba pendula (Common Silver Birch)
Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam)
Cornus sanguinea (Common Dogwood)
Corylus avellana (Hazel)
Crataegus monogyna (Quick Thorn)
Crataegus prunifolia (Thorn)
Euonymus europaeus (Spindle)
Fagus sylvatica (Common Beech)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’ (Purple Beech)
Ilex aquifolium (Holly)
Ligustrum ovalifolium (Oval leaved Privet)
Ligustrum ovalifolium aureum (Golden Privet)
Ligustrum vulgare (Common Privet)
Prunus cerasifera (Myrobalan/Cherry Plum)
Prunus laurocerasus (Cherry Laurel)
Prunus lusitanica (Portugese Laurel)
Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn/Sloe)
Rosa canina (Dog Rose)
Rosa rugosa (Ramanas Rose)
Rosa rugosa alba (White Ramanas Rose)
Sambucus nigra (Elder)
Taxus baccata (Yew)
Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree)
Viburnum opulus (Guelder Rose)
Abies (Fir)
Abies concolor ‘Violacea’
Tree Shape: Conical
(The White/Colorado Fir). One of the bluest firs with very silvery-blue needles and large, greyish-blue cones with brown tips. A naturally smallish, slow growing, hardy, conical tree, forming layers of irregular branches.
Acacia dealbata
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Silver Wattle) An upright, evergreen tree of open habit, the double pinnate bluish-green leaves have a stunning silvery sheen. Clusters of small, rounded, highly fragrant yellow flowers appear in January borne in terminal clusters. (Tasmania, Australia)
Acer (Maple)
Acer campestre
Tree Shape: Standard
(Field Maple) A round-headed, very hardy tree with corky light brown stems. Five lobed dark green leaves sometimes pinkishred at first turn a yellowish-golden russet, or even dark purple in autumn.
Acer campestre ‘Elsrijk'
Tree Shape: Standard
(Field Maple) A Dutch form of Acer campestre but with a denser crown and a upright shape. Usually used for street trees. The leaves are smaller than campestre, heart shaped and turn a lovely yellow in the autumn. (1953)
Acer campestre ‘Red Shine’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small-medium sized tree, with a narrow pyramidal habit. New leaves are crimson, fading to mauve/green then yellow in autumn. Yellow-green flowers in May later develop into pairs of winged seeds. (Netherlands, 1980s)
Acer campestre ‘William Caldwell’
Tree Shape: Upright
A small tree with a compact, narrow, upright growing habit. Its autumn colour is a spectacular dark orange and crimson red. Small green flowers appear in the spring which is followed by red, winged seeds. (Cheshire, 1976)
Acer conspicuum ‘Esk Flamingo’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Snakebark Maple) Attractive small tree with lobed leaves variegated in pink, green and white. Young stems are a vivid red, and the eye-catching bark is red with white markings along its length. (Napier, New Zealand)
Acer cappadocicum
Tree Shape: Standard
Fiery blood-red young leaves turn green in the summer and later assume stunning golden yellow autumn tints. Its attractive rounded canopy makes this variety perfect for smaller gardens or small spaces. (1838)
Acer x
freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’®
Tree Shape: Standard
A vigorous hybrid with deeply cut leaves and a dense oval head. Yellow-green summer foliage turns red, orange and yellow in autumn. In winter, the bare branches boast silvery-grey bark adding all year round interest. (USA)
Acer ginnala
Tree Shape: Bushy
(The Tatarian Maple) Bright glossy green leaves turning orange and crimson in autumn. Smooth bark when young becoming cracked as it matures. Yellowish-white fragrant flowers in spring. (Afghanistan)
Acer negundo ‘Flamingo’
Tree Shape: Standard
A fast growing Acer with attractive grey-white stems in winter. Young leaves emerge with a broad, soft pink salmon margin later changing to white. Prune hard in spring to enhance the exotic foliage. (Netherlands, 1970s)
Acer negundo ‘Winter
Tree Shape: Standard
(Boxelder Maple) A medium sized, bushy-headed tree with green summer leaves turning to gold in the autumn. Bright gold and yellow stems for winter interest. Small, golden, tassel-like flowers in spring.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A low growing, small tree with fine, deeply cut lobed leaves, emerging green in the spring before turning gorgeous shades of yellow, orange and red in the autumn. (1784)
Acer palmatum ‘Garnet’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Dissectum Garnet. A strong growing maple developing finely dissected, purple leaves that resemble the colour of a garnet. Holds its colour well, before turning shades of rich red in autumn. (Netherlands, 1950)
Acer palmatum ‘Kinshi’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A slow growing, small, strap-leaved tree with finely narrowed, filigree leaves, starting dark green, turning bronze in autumn. A gentle weeping growing habit, forms a tidy, compact shape. (Japan, 1984)
‘Viper’® (mindavi)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Snakebark Maple) A deciduous, upright form with white and green striated bark. Dark green foliage turns orange in autumn. Clusters of flowers in spring, followed by winged fruits that ripen to red-brown.
Acer x freemanii ‘Morgan’
Tree Shape: Standard
Also known as Morgan Freeman Maple. A fast growing tree with an open pyramid shape. An outstanding new hybrid of the red and silver maple combining the best of both with excellent, vivid autumn colour.
Acer griseum
Tree Shape: Standard
(Paper Bark Maple) Curly brown, flaking old bark shows cinnamon-coloured new bark beneath. Yellowish-green leaves turn red and scarlet in autumn. Small pale greenish-yellow flowers in late spring. (China, 1901)
Acer negundo ‘Kelly’s Gold’
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium, bushy-headed tree, with bright yellow new leaves, golden-green as they mature, then yellow again in autumn. Drooping racemes of golden tassel-like flowers in June, followed by winged fruits. (New Zealand, 1989)
Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Beautiful palmatum with finely cut reddish purple leaves. Under sunny conditions, the feathery leaves turn into a fiery red colour. Perfect for planting in small spaces or even a large container. (1965)
Acer palmatum ‘Enkan’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A small, upright, strap-leaved cultivar. Wine-red, deeply lobed foliage in spring turns bright shades of red in autumn. Perfect for small gardens or planting in a large container. (Netherlands, 1991)
Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A delightful form with striking, spring growth. Five lobed leaves unfold a pale yellow with margins of brighter orange, turn yellowish-green in summer, then bright yellow and orange in autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Linearilobum’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A unique variety with long, narrow divided leaves. The light green, bamboo-like foliage turns stunning, bright yellow colours in the autumn. Perfect for small gardens or planting in a large container. (1867)
Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Seven lobed leaves emerge orange, becoming yellowish-green in summer, often with red tints edging the leaves. Autumn colours are bright yellow-gold turning crimson. (Italy, 1990)
Acer palmatum ‘Pixie’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Leaves emerge bright pink in spring, darkening to deep reddish-bronze in summer, lasting well into the autumn before they turn fiery, bright scarlet. Perfect for small gardens or planting in a large container.
Acer palmatum
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) An unusual form of upright, bushy habit. Bright green leaves tipped slightly red in spring. A spectacular display of orange and yellow splashed crimson autumn colours. (1882)
Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) A classic green leaved variety, which produces stunning, long lasting, fiery scarlet foliage in autumn. It has a slow growing, open habit which can look dramatic against a tall hedge or building. (1882)
Acer palmatum ‘Sango kaku’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Small palmate, pale green leaves in spring with a strong, red tinge. Foliage becomes light green in summer followed by yellow-gold in autumn. Bright coral-red stems emerge in winter. (1882)
Acer palmatum ‘Suminagashi’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) One of the best of the red Matsumurae group with a strong growth habit. Seven-lobed, rich, dark purple, leaves darken to deep maroon, almost black in summer, turning crimson red in autumn. (1930)
Acer palmatum
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) (Syn: ‘Dissectum Tamuke yama) Crimson red dissected leaves unfold to dark purple, turning scarlet in autumn. One of the best and most robust purple dissected forms. (1710)
Acer palmatum
Tree Shape: Bushy
‘Villa Taranto’
(Japanese Maple) A dome-shaped bush and foliage with five slender leaflets. Leaves emerge orange crimson, then green with reddish overtone, turning yellowish-gold in autumn. Perfect for small gardens. (1967)
Acer platanoides
Tree Shape: Standard
‘Crimson King’
A very popular, handsome, round-headed, fast growing Acer. Lime green flowers tinged red appear in April followed by large intense purple foliage which turns bright orange-brown during the autumn. (Belgium, 1937)
Acer platanoides
Tree Shape: Standard
A popular, medium, globe-headed tree with green variegated leaves and a white marginal band. Foliage turns yellowishorange in autumn. Produces attractive yellow flowers in spring before the leaves emerge. (1903)
Acer palmatum
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Maple) Deep purple-red narrow lobed leaves in spring, turning green in the summer and crimson red in autumn. A graceful form and a favourite for small gardens or planting in a large container. (Netherlands)
Acer platanoides
Tree Shape: Standard
(Norway Maple) A robust, large, round-headed, fast growing tree. The five lobed leaves are pale, then bright green and mellow yellow in autumn. Clusters of lime green flowers in spring. Tolerant of pollution and very hardy.
Acer platanoides
Tree Shape: Standard
‘Crimson Sentry’
An upright but less vigorous form of Crimson King. Very compact in growth ideal for smaller gardens. The purple foliage emerges a fresh red in spring, darkening to red-purple in summer, then bright red again in autumn.
Acer platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’®
Tree Shape: Standard
(PRIGO) A beautiful golden leafed Norway Maple retaining its colour throughout the season. Resistant to scorch in the hottest of summers. A fast growing and worthy tree for any situation.
Tree Shape: Upright
A good alternative to Crimson King but with a slightly more upright habit. An upright, medium-sized fast growing tree. Lime green flowers tinged red appear in April followed by large intense purple foliage which turn bright orange-brown during the autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
An improved Drummondii type with a brighter more distinctive leaf variegation with reduced reversion tendency. 20% less vigorous. A great improvement on the standard and very suitable for the smaller garden.
Tree Shape: Standard
A small mop-headed, slow growing tree. Spring foliage opens salmon pink, turning greenish-yellow in summer. Greenishyellow flowers in spring and winged red fruits in autumn. Suitable for small gardens.
Tree Shape: Standard
A small variety, similar to ‘Brilliantissimum’ but more vigorous and open in habit. Foliage emerges shrimp pink, turning yellowish-green tinted purple beneath in summer. Long yellow flowers in late spring and red fruits in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A slow growing, broadly spreading tree with variegated foliage. Leaves are dusky pink in spring, green, cream and pink in summer, turning gold and bronze in autumn. Hard prune to control size and to enhance the leaves.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Red Canadian Maple) A fast growing, ultimately large, roundheaded tree. The dark green leaves turn rich red-scarlet in the autumn. Dense clusters of small red flowers appear in the spring adding extra stunning all year round interest.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Sycamore Maple) A compact small tree with exotic foliage. Bronze-green emerging leaves opening to show pink and green splashes with stripes and starting pink undersides. (Napier, New Zealand)
Tree Shape: Standard
A more tightly branched and compact headed tree than most rubrums. The green leaves with a blue green underside turn orange and scarlet in autumn. Delicate greenish yellow flowers are produced in spring.
Acer rubrum ‘Brandywine’
Tree Shape: Standard
4 Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’®
Upright and oval in shape, ideal for restricted spaces. Leaves emerge pale yellow, darkening to green in summer, then reddish-purple in autumn. Small flowers in spring add all year round interest. (Washington DC, 1994)
Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’
Tree Shape: Standard
Tree Shape: Standard
A dense, round-headed form with glossy dark green leaves, whitish beneath, turning scarlet red, orange and yellow in autumn. Small crimson flowers appear during the spring followed by winged green fruits. (USA, 1964)
4 Acer rubrum ‘Scanlon’
(Syn: Franksred) Similar to other rubrums but with more of an upright habit. The three lobed leaves turn brilliant orange-red in autumn. Small, red flowers appear in spring adding an extra feature. (USA, 1968)
Acer rubrum ‘Sun
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium sized tree favoured for its bright, colourful foliage that bursts into fiery shades of red and orange in autumn. A vigorous grower when young with a symmetrical ovate crown in later life.
Acer rufinerve ‘Albolimbatum’
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium-sized, slow growing tree that's broadly columnar. Lobed, green leaves are mottled and margined white. Green and white striated 'snake' bark and lovely autumn colour, turning brilliant red and purples.
Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Moonrise/Fullmoon Maple) A bushy tree with greenish-orange spring foliage, turning burnt-orange and red in autumn. Cream and pink flowers in spring, followed by winged greenish-brown fruits.
Acer saccharum
Tree Shape: Standard
(Sugar Maple) A majestic tree, famous for its Maple Syrup production. Autumn colours of orange, gold, scarlet and crimson with delicate leaves down beneath. Green-yellow flowers in spring in short, upright sprays. (USA, 1735)
Acer tataricum ‘Hot
Tree Shape: Standard
An upright, spreading tree with bright green leaves, turning yellow-orange to bright red in autumn. Clusters of yellowwhite flowers in spring. Scarlet red samaras contrast with the rich green foliage. (USA, 1993)
Tree Shape: Standard
‘White Tigress’
(Snakebark Maple) A small sized, spectacular Snakebark with stunning white bark striations and white indumentums on the stem. The foliage displays attractive orange and yellow tints throughout the autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium-sized tree with a neat, compact, upright growth habit. The lobed dark green foliage turns deep reddish-orange in autumn. Clusters of small, red flowers on the bare branches in spring. (USA, 1948)
Acer rufinerve
Tree Shape: Standard
(Snakebark Maple) A medium, broadly columnar tree. Older stems and trunk are green with white striated bark. The 3-lobed, dark green leaves produce bright red and yellow autumn colours. Small upright clusters of yellow-green flowers in spring. (Japan, 1879)
Aesculus (Chestnut)
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Red Horse Chestnut) Compact, dome-headed, with a dense habit. Deep pink flower bracts in spring followed by glossy brown ‘conkers’. Bright green leaves turn yellow, orange and brown in autumn. (1858)
Aesculus hippocastanum
Tree Shape: Standard
(Common Horse Chestnut) Large bright green palmate leaves, turn yellow and orange-brown in autumn. Large white ‘candle’ flowers with a unique scent in May. Rounded, spiny green husks enclose shiny brown ‘conkers’ in autumn.
Albizia (Silk Tree)
Albizia julibrissin ‘Chocolate Fountain’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A stunning purple weeping form of the Silk Tree. Delicate purple foliage and fluffy pink flowers, followed by flat bean-like seed pods. Quite a small variety, making it the perfect tree for smaller spaces or patio growing.
Albizia julibrissin ‘Evys Pride’
Tree Shape: Standard
A vigorous selection with reddish brown fern-like foliage turning brick red in autumn. Producing fluffy headed fragrant, dark pink colourful flowers in summer, even when young. Very hardy variety.
Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
(BOUBRI) An exotic, hardy, small, shrubby tree with delicate feathered foliage, that looks especially attractive during spring. Stunning, dense-headed, deep pink flowers appear from July to September. (France)
Albizia julibrissin ‘Summer Chocolate’®
Tree Shape: Standard
An unusual purple variety that’s very intense in spring and early summer. Burgundy-brown feathered foliage is complimented by pink powder puff blooms of flowers. Pleasant sweet melon scent. A spectacular small tree.
Alnus (Alder)
Alnus cordata
Tree Shape: Standard
Italian Alder. A fast growing tree of neat conical shape. Glossy, deep green, heart-shaped leaves. Showy, long greenish-yellow catkins. Suitable for all soil types. (Italy)
Alnus glutinosa
Tree Shape: Standard
A deciduous conical tree with dark fissured bark. The dark green leaves are, racquet-shaped and leathery with serrated edges. Catkins appear between February and April adding some winter interest.
Alnus glutinosa ‘Imperialis’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Cut Leaved Alder) Deep, fine cut leaves gives a slightly oriental appearance. Purple male catkins appear in spring followed by false cones, which are very popular with the birds! Stunning yellow autumn colours. (1859)
Alnus incana ‘Aurea’
Tree Shape: Standard
A conical form with yellow-green leaves. Conspicuous male catkins in spring. Smaller female catkins are followed by persistent small, cone-like, dark brown fruit. Glossy, bright golden bark provides extra winter interest. (1860)
Amelanchier (Juneberry)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A fastigiate form with a dense branch structure. Single, white, star-shaped flowers with green centres in April. Young leaves emerge bronze, maturing to green, turning orange-yellow in autumn. Perfect for smaller gardens.
Amelanchier canadensis ‘October Flame’
Tree Shape: Upright
An upright, neat, compact tree. White, star shaped, scented flowers appear in the spring followed by green foliage. Leaves turn wonderful autumn colours of yellow, red and orange. Purplish red fruits which are edible, rather tasteless but perfect for birds.
Amelanchier canadensis ‘Rainbow Pillar’®
(Glenn Form)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A neat compact tree with upright habit. Upright sprays of white, scented flowers in spring followed by green foliage. Yellow, red and orange foliage in autumn and an abundance of purplishred fruits, perfect for birds. (Ohio, USA)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Small tree with an upright habit. Finely toothed leaves are bronze when young, green in summer and reddish-purple in autumn. Large, pure white flowers in April, followed by small red fruits that turn deep purple. (Netherlands)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Pink emerging flowers turn to clusters of white star-shaped blossoms followed by bronze, finely serrated leaves. Summery green foliage turns red-purple in autumn. Small red berries in autumn are often eaten by birds.
Amelanchier laevis ‘Snowflakes’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Distinctively pink when in bud opening to large, white flowers, contrasting with the deep copper-coloured emerging leaves. Excellent tints of red and yellow autumn leaf colours, followed by blue-black berries. (Canada)
Amelanchier lamarckii
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree or large shrub with a bushy, spreading habit. Oval shaped leaves are coppery red and silky when young, turning orange and red in autumn. Small white flowers in spring followed by edible black fruits.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Smooth Serviceberry) Small tree or large bush of ascending habit. Large, hanging, single white flowers in April, contrast with the emerging copper foliage. Edible blackish fruits arrive before the rich bronze-red autumn colour.
Tree Shape: Bushy
An upright, small tree with long panicles of white flowers in spring. Young leaves emerge silver, dark green in summer, then yellow, red, and orange in autumn. Clusters of round, edible fruits remain after leaf fall.
Arbutus unedo
Tree Shape: Standard
(Kilarney Strawberry Tree) Small, evergreen, spreading tree with deep brown, shedding bark contrasting against the large, dark green, leathery leaves. Small, white flowers and red strawberrylike fruits simultaneously in late autumn. (SW Ireland)
Betula (Birch)
Betula alba
Tree Shape: Standard
(Common Silver Birch) Variable, silver peeling bark develops with age, slightly pendulous branches. Diamond-shaped green leaves turn buttery yellow in the autumn. Yellowish-brown catkins develop over winter. (Europe and N Asia)
Betula costata ‘Daleside’
Tree Shape: Standard
The white, creamy, smooth bark is comparable to the best of white utilis forms. Peels in large sheets, revealing the underlayer. Dark green leaves in spring alongside the long green catkins that turn yellowish-brown. (Harrogate, UK)
Betula ermanii
Tree Shape: Standard
‘Mount Zao Purple’
An unusual tree with dark purple and orange, peeling bark and prominent horizontal lenticels creating an almost striped appearance. The mid-green leaves turn yellow-orange in autumn. Named after Mount Zao volcano in Japan.
Betula ermanii ‘White Chocolate’® (WVO2F2)
Tree Shape: Upright
A narrow and upright fast growing birch which has a wonderful white bark from an early age. Works well when paired with Betula ‘Cacao’. Good autumn colour of yellow and orange. (Netherlands)
Betula ‘Fetisowii’
Tree Shape: Standard
Peeling, creamy chalk-white bark extends up the trunk to the branches. Oval-shaped glossy green leaves in spring, turning, rich yellow in autumn. Suitable for smaller gardens, forming a narrow-headed tree. (C Asia)
Betula ermanii ‘Polar Bear’
Tree Shape: Standard
Strong growing tree quickly developing a pure white trunk. Dark green leaves emerge alongside long, yellowish-brown catkins. Golden autumn colour compliments the white exfoliating bark.
Betula ‘Fascination’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Chinese Red Barked Birch) Deep orange, satin peeling bark revealing layers of variable colour beneath, turning pale salmon-white. Long brown catkins in spring alongside glossy, green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. (Netherlands)
Betula gmelinii ‘Mount Apoi’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: B ermanii ‘Mount Apoi’) A slow growing tree, perfect for smaller gardens. Creamy white bark develops a shaggy nature with age. Dark green foliage turns deep yellow in autumn. Clusters of green catkins in spring. (Hokkaiddo, Japan)
Betula nigra ‘Heritage’
Tree Shape: Standard
Probably the best form of Betula nigra with attractive shaggy pink, peeling bark. Glossy dark green leaves in spring alongside the yellowish-brown catkins. The diamond shaped leaves turn gold in autumn. (USA, 1968)
Betula nigra ‘Shiloh Splash’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Variegated River Birch) An attractive, bushy, deciduous tree with peeling tan and peach bark. The glossy dark green variegated foliage is edged in cream with a pink tinge when young, later turning yellow in autumn. Can revert.
Betula papyrifera ‘Saint George’
Tree Shape: Standard
White and pale tan bark, contrasting with the dark brown of the branches. Leaves are smooth and relatively small, on warty shoots and dark green in colour. Turns stunning shades of yellow during the autumn. (Canada)
Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Swedish Birch) A tall, slender tree with delicately arched branches. Unique, feather-like, bright green leaves turn strong yellow in autumn. The glistening white bark provides winter interest and fissures with age. (Sweden, 1967)
Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata Joes’® (JOLEP 1)
Tree Shape: Upright
Very narrow and neat pyramidal growing habit. Small, green leaves in spring alongside the yellow catkins. Bark turns white after 4-5 years with twisting branches. Autumn colours of yellow and orange. (Netherlands)
Betula pendula ‘Golden Beauty’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Schreverdinger Goldebirke) A true golden leaved form. The yellow-golden serrated leaves appear in spring. Excellent autumn colours alongside attractive white bark in winter. Suitable for Scotland and the North. (Germany)
Betula pendula ‘Karaca’®
Tree Shape: Weeping
An attractive, naturally dwarf, weeping birch. Leaves are very fine, feathery and delicately cut, emerging yellowy green in spring. Produces catkins in late winter and a white bark with age. Perfect for small spaces, as a large shrub or even to grow in a pot.
Betula pendula ‘Royal Frost’®
Tree Shape: Standard
The white stemmed bark is complimented with cinnamon hues. Yellow, orange and red autumn colour provide a stunning, additional feature to this tree. One of the best birch for variety of colour. (Wisconsin, USA, 2006)
Betula pendula ‘Spider Alley’
Tree Shape: Standard
Twisted branches and a symmetrical narrow head. Peeling bark is predominantly silver with patches of pink and brown on younger wood. Heart shaped, serrated leaves in spring turn golden in autumn.
Betula utilis ‘Cinnamon’
Tree Shape: Standard
Stunning rich cinnamon brown bark, smooth to the touch with attractive horizontal golden lenticel markings. The bark starts to peel at an early age. Catkins are produced in spring. Resistant to birch rust. Select by Frank P Matthews. (2022)
Betula utilis ‘Edinburgh’
Tree Shape: Standard
Noted for its vigour and upright habit, eventually developing a striking white bark. Glossy green leaves in spring alongside the dark brown catkins. The yellow autumn colour contrasts well with the white bark. (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Betula utilis ‘Moonbeam’
Tree Shape: Standard
A fine birch, considerably smaller than other forms, perfect for the small garden. The bright white, peeling bark takes centre stage throughout the year. The green leaves turn a butteryyellow in the autumn. (Wakehurst Place, Sussex, UK)
Betula utilis ‘Melony
Tree Shape: Standard
A strong growing birch with a gorgeous dark mahogany, peeling bark, similar to 'Darkness'. Collected from China by Maurice Foster.
Betula utilis ‘Snow Queen’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: B. jacquemontii ‘Doorenbos’) Produces showy, exfoliating, white bark within three years. Ovate, mid-green foliage and yellowish-brown catkins in spring. Strong, attractive yellowishgolden tints in autumn. (1933)
Betula utilis ‘Wakehurst Place Chocolate’
Tree Shape: Standard
One of the darkest birch available with true, chocolate bark in the early years changing to shades of brown as it ages. An upright growth habit. The dark green foliage covers the tree in spring turning golden during the autumn.
Betula pendula ‘Youngii’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Young’s Weeping Birch) Mushroom-headed, weeping tree with branches that reach the ground. Rough white bark has black fissures with age. Serrated, glossy green leaves in spring followed by golden yellow autumn colours.
Betula utilis ‘Dark-Ness’
Tree Shape: Standard
An attractive, medium sized birch with dark shiny bark and conspicuous white lenticels. A good, upright growth habit. Dark green foliage appears in spring, turning to a buttery yellow in the autumn. (Bhutan, 1984)
Betula utilis ‘Forst
Tree Shape: Standard
Very fine, smooth white bark with a hint of pink. Attractive green leaves appear during the spring accompanied by long, yellowish brown catkins. Lovely yellow colours in the autumn contrast nicely with the striking winter bark. (China, 1905)
Betula utilis
subsp. albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’
Tree Shape: Standard
Richly honey coloured bark which peels heavily in long creamy strips when once mature. Green leaves turn shades of yellow in the autumn. Named after the location of the original tree in Werrington Park, North Cornwall.
Tree Shape: Upright
A narrow and upright, fast growing birch which has a wonderful dark, chocolate coloured stem from an early age. Good autumn colour of yellow and orange. (Netherlands)
Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘China Rose’
Tree Shape: Conical
An upright, conical tree with stunning, peeling red/brown bark. The shiny copper bark reflects the light beautifully. Glossy green elongated leaves turn buttery yellow colours in the autumn. Catkins in early spring.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Chinese Red Birch) A superb tree with good hardiness. The unique bark is pinkish-grey and shades of chestnut rust. Very heavy show of catkins in spring amongst the green serrated foliage, turning yellow in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A rare selection that produces matt green, sharply toothed leaves on warty and downy shoots. The light copper-brown shiny bark has white lenticels on the branches shading to pinkish-white at the base. (Herefordshire, UK)
Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis
‘Pink Champagne’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Chinese Red Barked Birch) A deciduous tree with a spreading crown and pale pink bark, which peels in sheets in the winter months. The delicate, pale green foliage turns lovely shades of yellow in the autumn. (China)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
Tree Shape: Standard
(Himalayan White Birch) A popular form with ascending branches forming a spreading head. Coppery-brown bark on young wood peels to leave white bark. Dark green serrated leaves turn golden-yellow in autumn. (India/Nepal, 1880)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’
Tree Shape: Standard
A vigorous, healthy white barked form with a broadly conical habit. Large catkins and glossy green leaves in spring. The whiteness in the trunk takes a little more time to develop but is well worth the wait (1960)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Silver Shadow’
Tree Shape: Standard
Peeling white bark is highlighted with silvery-grey hue. The long, yellow catkins in spring appear alongside the fresh, drooping, dark green foliage. A hardy variety bringing year round interest. (UK)
Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘Kansu’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Chinese Red Barked Birch) Two-layered bark with multicoloured copper and pink colours, flaking off to reveal the underlayers. Shiny, dark green leaves turn buttery yellow in autumn. Yellowish-brown catkins in spring.
Tree Shape: Conical
One of the best example of the attractive red/brown peeling bark of the species. The tree is neat, upright with a fine display of catkins followed by glossy green leaves that turn golden yellow in the autumn.
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
‘Grayswood Ghost’
Tree Shape: Standard
A striking form producing bright white bark and upright branches. Large, glossy green leaves in spring alongside the yellowish-brown catkins, followed by golden-yellow autumn colour. (Surrey, UK)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘McBeath’
Tree Shape: Standard
A slow growing form with an upright habit. One of the whitest of all birch with glossy green leaves and buttery yellow autumn foliage. Yellowish-brown catkins appear in spring with the fresh leaves. (India)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Trinity College’
Tree Shape: Upright
White, exfoliating bark develops from an early age. Retains its green foliage well into the autumn before turning golden yellow. An upright form, graceful and light in stature, an excellent choice for small spaces. (1881)
Calycanthus (Sweetshrub)
Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Large shrub or small tree, covered in fragrant red-purple Magnolia-like flowers, for up to two months! Glossy green leaves turn buttery-yellow in autumn. All parts are fragrant including the leaves, flower and bark.
Carpinus (Hornbeam)
Carpinus betulus
Tree Shape: Standard
(Common Hornbeam) Grey fluted trunk with ovate and serrated, ribbed leaves turning yellow in autumn and later brown. Green catkins in late spring followed by clusters of winged nuts in autumn. (Europe/Asia)
Carpinus betulus ‘Chartreuse’® (Carpsim EU27 PBR)
Tree Shape: Standard
A unique slightly less vigorous hornbeam. In spring and early summer the foliage is golden-lime green, slowly turning chartreuse yellow-green from mid-summer onwards. Suitable for specimen and hedging use. (2022)
Carpinus betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’
Tree Shape: Upright
Medium tree of pyramidal habit, narrow when young, broadening as it matures. Bright green spring foliage, oval in shape, extremely ribbed and serrated around the edges, turning mellow yellow in autumn. (Netherlands, 1980s)
Carpinus betulus ‘Lucas’
Tree Shape: Standard
A good upright form with an erect pyramidal habit, narrow as a young tree, broadening with age. Perfect for screening or planted along a drive or avenue. The dark green leaves turn golden-yellow during autumn.
Carpinus japonica
Tree Shape: Standard
(Japanese Hornbeam) Wide-spreading, small tree or large shrub with corrugated leaves appearing burgundy before turning darker green. Conspicuous fruiting catkins turn purple brown with maturity. Very hardy variety! (Japan, 1985)
Carpinus betulus ‘Rockhampton Red’®
Tree Shape: Standard
Deeply ribbed green foliage turns bright red and orange, normally persisting until mid-late November when the leaves turn brown. A high proportion of the brown leaves remain on the tree until the following spring. (UK, 2016)
Carpinus japonica ‘Chinese Latern'
Tree Shape: Standard
A hardy, slow growing rounded tree with double-toothed, dark green leaves, turning golden yellow in autumn. Large, hanging greenish yellow flowers mature to brown catkins.
Castanea (Chestnut)
Castanea sativa
Tree Shape: Standard (Spanish or Sweet Chestnut) Large, fast growing tree with twisting bark once mature. Yellow catkins appear in July. Rich brown ‘conkers’ encased in a prickly shell develop in the autumn. (Europe and Asia)
Catalpa (Indian Bean)
Tree Shape: Spreading
Low spreading habit with a domed crown. Large, heart-shaped, golden velvety leaves fade to green in summer, yellow in autumn. Occasional panicles of white flowers in June/July. (1870s)
Tree Shape: Spreading
Slightly spreading form producing large, heart-shaped leaves, deep glossy purple, turning dark-green, then chocolateypurple. Creamy white flowers with purple and orange markings, followed by long seed pods.
Ceanothus (Californian Lilac)
Tree Shape: Bushy
An evergreen tree with profuse, slightly scented, dark-blue flowers, in clusters from April to June. Very popular with bees and other pollinating insects, due to the masses of flowers that cover them.
Cercidiphyllum (Katsura)
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Tree Shape: Standard
Broadly heart-shaped leaves, bronze-tinted when young, yellow, orange and pink in autumn, smelling of burnt sugar as they fall. Tiny red flowers on naked branches in spring. (Japan/ China, 1881)
Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Pendulum’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Katsura Tree) Very pendulous branches, creating a broad, weeping shape. Bark is grey, peeling in strips when mature. Light bronze-green emerging leaves, blue-green in summer, orange, red and purple in autumn.
Cercis (Red Bud)
Cercis canadensis ‘Alley
Tree Shape: Bushy
Deciduous tree with a shapely oval form and variegated foliage. Dark pink, pea-shaped flowers in April. Leaves emerge copper pink and soft green, maturing to white, making a lovely contrast to the green. (USA, 2016)
canadensis ‘Carolina Sweetheart’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
Umbrella-like habit, often multi-trunked with a rounded crown. Rich maroon, heart shaped leaves in early spring, becoming green with a white margin. Pretty pink-purple flowers in spring. (North America)
canadensis ‘Eternal Flame’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’
(Syn; Flame Thrower®) Glossy foliage emerges fiery red, turning burnt orange-yellow as they age. The colour display persists through the season, showing different shades on one branch. Small pink flowers in spring.
Cercis canadensis ‘Golden Falls’®
Tree Shape: Weeping
Very steep pendulous shape and multi-branching nature, with heart-shaped golden yellow/green leaves. Covered in pretty pink pea-like flowers in May. Eventual shape is a natural very tight columnar form. (USA)
Tree Shape: Bushy
In spring, crimson, purple or pink flowers appear on the bare stems. Heart-shaped leaves emerge a glossy, vibrant ruby red, darkening to rich purple-plum in summer, turning orange, red, yellow and purple in autumn.
Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts of Gold’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
A rounded, slightly spreading shape boasting purple-red, pealike flowers in spring. Heart shaped foliage emerges orangered, turning translucent yellow to yellow-green in summer, then golden yellow in autumn. (USA)
Cercis canadensis ‘Lavender Twist’® (Covey)
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Redbud) Small, weeping tree with slightly twisted, downward facing branches. Clusters of larger than usual pea flowers are soft lavender pink. Mid-green, heart shaped foliage turns rich golden yellow in autumn. (USA)
Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
The glossy, deep purple-red, cordate or heart-shaped leaves turn to a rich green colour by mid-summer, then turning orange and gold in autumn. Strong bright pink flowers are produced on mature plants in spring. (USA)
Cercis canadensis ‘Rising Sun’™
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Weeping Redbud) A deciduous tree producing fully double, reddish-pink flowers in spring. Coppery-bronze heart shaped, new leaves mature to a glossy green, turning yellow in autumn. (USA)
Cercis canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’®
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Redbud) A graceful tree of weeping habit with heartshaped leaves emerging a rich purple. Clusters of bright pink pea-like flowers in spring followed by flattened, deep purple pods. Perfect for small gardens.
Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Produces rich purple-pink flowers on bare stems in late AprilMay. Rich green, glossy heart shaped foliage emerges tinted red-purple when they unfurl. The foliage turns shades of buttery yellow in the autumn.
Cercis reniformis ‘Oklahoma’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Oklahoma Redbud) Wine-red flowers smother the branches in early spring. Heart-shaped foliage emerges with a soft pink tinge, maturing to rich green. Yellow autumn colour but can turn orange and purple as well. (Oklahoma, 1964)
Cercis reniformis ‘Texan White’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Particularly large, milky-white flowers borne in clusters in spring, followed by long dangling reddish seed pods. Waxy, heart shaped, glossy, green leaves emerge after flowering, turning yellow in autumn. (Texas, USA, 1960s)
Cercis siliquastrum
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Judas Tree) A bushy, deciduous small tree. Clustered, rosy pink-lilac pea-shaped flowers in May, followed by purple seed pods. Glaucous, heart shaped green leaves emerge after the flowers, turning yellow in autumn.
Cercis siliquastrum ‘Bodnant’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy, deciduous small tree, with dark purple flowers along its bare twigs in mid spring. Unusual heart shaped leaves are bronze when young, turning fresh green, finally to butter yellow in autumn. (1876)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Heart-shaped foliage emerges apricot, maturing to yellow then bright green in summer, turning yellow and orange in autumn. Abundant pea like, lavender flowers in spring on the bare branches. (USA, 2006)
Cercis canadensis ‘Vanilla Twist’®
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Redbud) Small tree with pronounced weeping habit. Cascading bare branches are covered in white pea-shaped blossom in early spring. Heart-shaped leaves remain light green throughout the season.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Rich purple-pink flowers in spring. Green, glossy heart shaped foliage emerges tinted red-purple, turning shades of buttery yellow in the autumn for added interest. A more tidy habit than Avondale. (Kent)
Cornus (Flowering Dogwoods)
Cornus alternifolia
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Silver Pagoda Dogwood) Variegated dark green leaves, with white margins and a tiered habit after several years. In autumn, the leaves turn reddish-purple before dropping. Clusters of white flowers in summer.
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Wedding Cake Tree) Distinctive, horizontal, tiered habit. Bright green leaves with bold, creamy-white margins, turn red-purple in autumn. Cream clusters of flowers in May-June followed by blue/black fruit. (Exeter, UK, 1880)
Cornus florida
Tree Shape: Spreading
(North American Flowering Dogwood) Small, bushy tree with dark green, oval foliage, turning rich red and purple in autumn. Clusters of small, green flowers surrounded by white or pink bracts, followed by rounded, orange-red fruit.
Cornus kousa
Tree Shape: Bushy
Small tree or large elegant shrub. Spectacular white bracts on erect stalks cover the spreading branches. These are followed by strawberry like edible fruit in the autumn. The leaves have beautiful artistic autumn colours of bronze and crimson.
Tree Shape: Bushy
An elegant, small tree which produces a profusion of pure white bracts alongside its bronze, tinted green foliage. Beautiful, rich, mahogany-bronze, autumn colours. Can produce small ornamental red fruits after the flowers.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Spectacular white bracts, fade pink from June into early July, followed by strawberry like fruits. Leaves are dark green and slightly curved, with blue-green underside, turning yellow and scarlet-red hues in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Small, upright tree, with star shaped, creamy white flowers in early June, followed by raspberry like fruits. Leaves are dark green on top and blue-green on the underside, with purple-red autumn colour. (Ohio, USA, 1960s)
Tree Shape: Bushy
This deciduous small tree or large shrub is covered in pink flower bracts in May/June. Glossy green leaves in summer. ‘Rosemoor’ is a beautiful form propagated from Lady Ann’s garden at RHS Rosemoor in Devon.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A spreading medium-sized deciduous shrub with ovate leaves turning purple and deep red in autumn. Produces a blanket of large, rich pink flower bracts in June, followed by rosy-pink ornamental fruits. (1986)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A deciduous tree with brightly coloured young stems and clusters of tiny green flowers. Large, white bracts surround the flowers followed by edible, pink strawberry-like fruits. It's dark green leaves turn red, orange and yellow in the autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
An elegant tree, variegated cream and green leaves have wavy edges giving them a frilly appearance. Spectacular white bracts fading pink over a considerable period from June into early July, followed by strawberry like fruits in the autumn. The leaves turn pretty tints of pink in the autumn.
Cornus kousa ‘White Fountain’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Weisse Fontaine) Masses of pure white flower bracts in June followed by small red/pink edible fruitlets, like small raspberries. Pointy, oval shaped, green foliage turns a rich, brick red with tones of pink and gold in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A stunning variety that produces masses of large white bracts in June, which become speckled in light pink with age. Vibrant mid-green foliage turns to purple-red during autumn and flowers will be followed by red fruits.
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘China Girl’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A large deciduous shrub with a broad, vase-shaped crown. Oval, dark green foliage turns orange and red in autumn. Flowers consist of four petal-like bracts with a central round boss followed by strawberry-like fruits in autumn. (1978)
Cornus mas ‘Aurea’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Cornelian Cherry) Large shrub or small tree bright yellow green leaves are followed by fiery autumn leaf colours. Tiny yellow flowers appear in February followed by bright red cherry like edible fruits that make an excellent jelly.
Corylus (Hazel)
Tree Shape: Standard
Smooth grey-brown bark peels with age. Fresh green, heart shaped foliage has a downy underside, turning brownish yellow in autumn. Long yellow male catkins and the small red female flowers on the same plant. The edible nuts which follow the flowers ripen in autumn.
Tree Shape: Contorted
(Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick/Corkscrew Hazel) Heart shaped, yellow foliage in spring, green in summer, then buttery-yellow in autumn. The contorted branches twist and corkscrew in spirals. Long yellow catkins from winter to spring. (UK, 1863)
Tree Shape: Contorted
A fine selection of the Purple-leaved Filbert where the leaves retain their dark purple/red colour all the way through the summer and into the autumn. With the added benefit of producing edible nuts and pink catkins in spring. A productive cropper. (Holland)
Corylus colurna ‘Te-Terra Red’
Tree Shape: Standard
Deeply veined, purple leaves turn dark-green as summer progresses, then purple/dark green in autumn. Red catkins in late winter. Clusters of nuts in autumn are held in spiky, red-tinted ornamental cases. Rough, corky bark even at a young age.
Tree Shape: Contorted
Deep plum-purple foliage in early summer, green tinted as the leaves mature, then bright purple in autumn, before falling to reveal a jumble of curiously twisted stems. Pink/purple catkins in late winter and early spring.
Corylus maximus ‘Purpurea’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Purple Leaf Filbert) Heart shaped foliage is rich chocolatypurple in spring, fading to a dark green/purple in late summer. Yellow-tinged, reddish-purple, male catkins in late winter, followed by edible nuts.
Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Cornubia’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Vigorous, arching, semi-evergreen tree with long, pointed, mid/ dark green leaves. Fluffy, fragrant, white corymbs of flowers in June-July, followed by brilliant red berries, born in clusters in autumn. (Hampshire, UK, 1930)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Small evergreen garden tree, with long weeping branches that arch down to create a dome effect. Foliage is rich mid-green and makes a fantastic foil for the white summer flowers and red autumn berries.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dense, bushy evergreen with arching branches bearing long, lance shaped leaves, flushed blue/green. Large clusters of white flowers in May-June, followed in autumn by yellow, apricot berries that develop a pink tinge. (UK, 1930)
Cotoneaster x suecicus ‘Coral Beauty’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dwarf, evergreen, low growing shrub, great for covering over an awkward area. Dense, dark green foliage is speckled with creamy white flowers in spring which form berries of an orange/ red hue by the autumn.
Crataegus (Thorn)
Crataegus x dippeliana
Tree Shape: Standard
Small, round-headed tree, great for attracting wildlife to the garden. Dark green, shallow lobed leaves in spring, followed by white flowers with colourful stamens. Bears plentiful sweet, juicy red fruits in early autumn. Formally Crataegus arnoldiana. (NE USA)
Crataegus azarolus
Tree Shape: Standard
Small tree or large shrub of spreading habit with slightly spiny branches. Clusters of white flowers with purple anthers are produced in late spring to early summer, followed by yellow-orange berries.
Crataegus x lavalleei ‘Carrierei’
Tree Shape: Spreading
Sparingly thorny, with glossy, dark-green, foliage, turning crimson and bronze in autumn. White flowers from pink buds in spring, followed by orange-red haws in autumn. Smooth silvery grey bark cracks as it matures.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dense, prostrate, semi-evergreen shrub. Small, glossy green leaves in early summer, turn a plum purple in autumn. Masses of small, white flowers are produced in summer, followed by red berries. (Netherlands, 1948)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A semi-evergreen, low-growing shrub. The variegated leaves are small and dark green with pretty, cream margins. White flowers, tinged with pink, in summer, followed by a mass of orange/red berries in autumn.
Crataegus x media ‘Crimson Cloud’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dense, spreading tree with glossy, dark green foliage. Profuse, lightly scented, small single, crimson flowers with creamy centres appear in May, later developing into tiny red berries in autumn. Flowers from an early age. (USA)
Crataegus x media ‘Plena’
Tree Shape: Standard
Small, shrubby, deciduous tree forms a spreading canopy of shallowly lobed rich green leaves. White, double flowers in spring, develop a faint pink flush. Sterile, so produces no fruit. Branches are protected by short thorns.
Crataegus x media ‘Rosea Flore Pleno’
Tree Shape: Standard
Small thorny, deciduous tree with shallow, lobed, mid-green leaves, turning yellow and bronze in autumn. A mass of double pink flowers in May, often likened to tiny pink roses, followed by red haws. (1830s)
Crataegus monogyna ‘Stricta’
Tree Shape: Upright
Crataegus x media ‘Pauls Scarlet’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: C. laevigata ‘Coccinea Plena’) Small, rounded, thorny tree with lobed, glossy green leaves, turning yellow-bronze in autumn. Deep scarlet-pink, double flowers in May and small red haws in autumn. (Hertfordshire, 1858)
Crataegus x media 'Punicea'
Fuchsia Pink
Tree Shape: Standard
Spreading tree with glossy green foliage. Lightly scented, small single, fuchsia pink flowers appear in May, later developing into tiny red berries in autumn. Flowers from an early age.
Crataegus monogyna
Tree Shape: Standard
Fragrant white flowers are produced in spring along with deeply lobed, dark green, glossy foliage. Leaves turn bronze and yellow in autumn. Glossy dark red haws follow the flowers in autumn. The thorny stems make this an ideal barrier.
A tough and upright, columnar shaped hawthorn. White flowers are borne in clusters in May followed by red berries. Deeply lobed green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Great where space is limited.
Crataegus pinnatifida var. major ‘Big Golden Star’
Tree Shape: Standard
Almost thorn-free, with large, dark green leaves which turn shades of crimson red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in late spring followed by ornamental, edible, red fruit which are nearly as large as some crab apples.
Crataegus schraderiana
Tree Shape: Standard
A striking small tree with silvery blue cut foliage. Creamy flowers appear in May which are then followed by an abundance of large purple fruits. Extremely hardy and ideal for the smaller garden.
Crataegus succulenta ‘Jubilee’
Tree Shape: Standard
Medium-sized, fast-growing, thorny deciduous tree. Mid-green leaves are ovoid with a toothed edge, turning orange-red in autumn. White flowers in late spring and early summer followed by spherical, fleshy, edible, red fruit.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Frosted Thorn) Dark-green, broadly oval foliage turns yellow, orange and copper in autumn. Single white flowers appear amongst the spiny branches in May, followed by red fruits in autumn, which hang well into the winter.
Cryptomeria (Japanese Cedar)
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gracilis’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Japanese Cedar) Strong-growing, conical tree with open, outspread branches and relatively few thin side branches. Needles are shorter than those typical of the species. Colour is a nice bright green year round. (Japan)
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan-sugi’
Tree Shape: Conical
Small, conical evergreen conifer. Herringbone shaped, soft foliage is creamy yellow in spring, green in summer, then bronze and purple in winter. Brown cones on the ends of the pendulous branches in autumn.
Cupressus (Cypress)
Cupressus arizonica var. glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Tree Shape: Upright
Moderate growing evergreen conifer forming a dense, pyramidal shaped column. Feathery, silvery bluish grey foliage holds its colour throughout the year. Reddish purple branches and peeling red bark. (New Zealand)
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’
Tree Shape: Upright
The mid-dark green foliage is densely packed on the tree to form a neat and columnar shape and the foliage has a wonderfully fresh fragrance to it. A typical Mediterranean tree which grows well in the UK.
Davidia (Handkerchief Tree)
Davidia involucrata
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Pocket Handkerchief/Dove Tree) Conical at first becoming tall with an upright branching habit, and orange-brown peeling bark, producing large, white flower bracts in May. Heart shaped green foliage turns orange and yellow in winter.
Davidia involucrata ‘Sonoma’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Pocket Handkerchief Tree) An early flowering cultivar of Dove tree with heart-shaped, dark green leaves. Produces beautiful, large, white flower bracts in May from year one. (California, 1952)
Elaeagnus (Silverberry)
Elaeagnus ebbingei
Tree Shape: Bushy
A fast growing, evergreen shrub with large, leathery, dark grey-green leaves with silver speckles and silver undersides. Produces highly scented flowers in the autumn and orange berries in the spring. A good all-rounder for hedging.
Eucalyptus (Gum Tree)
Eucalyptus gunnii
Tree Shape: Upright
(Cider Gum) Large, hardy, evergreen with peeling cream and brown bark. Young plants bear silvery blue foliage, then more linear green leaves as it ages. White flowers appear amongst the silvery leaves in summer. (Tasmania)
Euonymus (Spindle)
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Compact Winged Spindle) A small spreading shrub developing corky ridges on the branches. Leaves give a stunning autumn show of colour and small green flowers are followed by red fruits with orange seeds. (Native to Asia)
Euonymus europaeus
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Spindle Tree) Upright, spreading, deciduous shrub, with narrowly ovate, dark green leaves, turning reddish-purple in autumn. Nectar rich, yellow-green flowers in May/June, followed by scarlet fruits which split to reveal orange seeds in autumn. (Native to Asia and Europe)
Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Large, vigorous, deciduous shrub, with oval leaves turning scarlet in autumn. Small yellow-green flowers in summer, followed by pinky-orange winged fruits, remaining long after the last leaf has fallen. (Native to Asia and Europe)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A large deciduous shrub with light green, oval leaves, turning ruby red in autumn. Small, pale green flowers are followed in autumn by four-lobed, dusky pink fruit that split to reveal orange seeds. (Native to Asia)
Tree Shape: Spreading
A large shrub with corky-winged branches and dark-green ovate leaves, turning bright yellow and sometimes reddishpurple in autumn. Long lasting, abundant pink fruits split to reveal bright orange seeds. (N and W China)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree or large shrub with an arching habit. The white fruits produced in September to November split to reveal striking bright red seeds. Mid-green leaves turn a pure lemon yellow in the autumn. (Native to Asia)
Tree Shape: Spreading
Star shaped green flowers emerge in late spring, leading to an abundance of large showy scarlet fruit, opening to reveal dangling orange seeds. Wonderful red autumn leaf colour. Very free fruiting Dutch selection.
Exochorda (Pearlbush)
Exochorda x macrantha ‘The Bride’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A fast growing medium-sized, shrub with a trailing habit. From late spring, racemes of pristine white flowers cover the light green foliage. After flowering, the leaves take on shades of yellow and orange.
Fagus (Beech)
Fagus sylvatica
Tree Shape: Standard
(Common or European Beech) A versatile tree, good for hedging, with smooth silver-grey bark. Toothed, dark green leaves turn copper in autumn. Small yellow-green flowers are followed by bristly fruits. (Europe)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Black Swan’
Tree Shape: Weeping
A good weeping purple beech more compact and with dark purple, almost black, foliage, when in full sun. The deciduous, broadly ovate, very glossy leaves turn coppery orange in autumn.
Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck’
Tree Shape: Weeping
Large, fastigiate tree becoming broadly columnar with age. The young lemon green leaves mature to bright lime green, then turning orange-brown in autumn and remaining on the branches throughout the winter.
Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’
Tree Shape: Upright
A dense, fastigiate, small tree with smooth grey bark. Throughout the summer the startling, bright leaves turn slowly to mid-green and then bronze and yellow in autumn. (Netherlands. 1969)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Midnight Feather’®
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: Black Rianne) A strong grower, with an upright trunk that thickens quickly. Young leaves appear red in spring, turning purple/black, then brown in autumn, hanging onto the tree until the following years growth.
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purple Fountain’
Tree Shape: Weeping
Weeping purple beech with a narrow growth habit developing a good dominant central leader. Serrated, glossy burgundy leaves, turn an outstanding coppery-bronze in autumn. (Netherlands, 1960s)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Purple’
Tree Shape: Upright
Leaves emerge burgundy-red in spring, eventually becoming a deep, dark purple, then amber tones before dropping to reveal the smooth, grey, muscly bark. Upright form. (Netherlands. 1969)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(The Weeping Beech) A large parkland tree taking on informal weeping shapes with the primary limbs draped with hanging branchlets. Foliage is a deep green in summer, turning golden bronze in autumn. (UK, 1836)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’
Tree Shape: Standard
A large deciduous tree with a densely pyramidal to rounded spreading crown. Red foliage appears in spring, deep purple/ green in summer, then bronze for autumn. Small fruits in autumn are popular with deer and squirrels.
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea Pendula’
Tree Shape: Weeping
Classic, weeping, purple-leaved form with a mushroom shape. Its flexible branches adapt well to training. If left to grow naturally, the weeping branches arch and sprawl to create an impressive, purple-black mound. (Germany, 1865)
Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’
Tree Shape: Standard
A deciduous tree with a dense broad crown and smooth silver bark. The serrated, purple leaves turn coppery-bronze in autumn. Small yellow-green flowers in spring, followed by bristly fruits ripening in autumn. (1880)
x intermedia ‘Lynwood’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A vigorous, deciduous shrub, with narrowly ovate, sometimes trifoliate dark green leaves, that turn yellow with purple tinges in autumn. Bright yellow flowers cover the tree in spring. (N Ireland, 1935)
suspensa ‘Nymans’
Tree Shape: Weeping
A large spreading, weeping shrub or small spreading, weeping tree. Deciduous. Dark green leaves, turn yellow with purple tinges in autumn. Large, bright, pale yellow flowers cover the tree in late winter to early spring.
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea Tricolor’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: ‘Roseomarginata’) Very attractive form with irregular pink margins to the purple leaves. Develops a lighter canopy than most beech. Small yellow-green flowers in spring are followed by spiny, capsule-like fruit in autumn.
Fagus sylvatica var. heterophylla ‘Asplenifolia’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Fern Leaf Beech) Attractive, narrow, lance-shaped dark green leaves turn copper-gold in autumn. Small yellow green flowers in spring, followed by bristly fruits which ripen in autumn. (Loddiges’ Nursery, UK, 1804)
Ginkgo (Maidenhair Tree)
Ginkgo biloba
Tree Shape: Standard
A large, deciduous tree with a narrow habit and grey bark, ridged and fissured. Fan shaped foliage is light-green, turning bright, clear yellow in autumn. Small yellow flowers mature to drupe-like, light yellow fruits.
Ginkgo biloba ‘Blagon’®
Tree Shape: Upright
A deciduous, columnar tree maintaining a narrow crown when mature. A male form, so it will not produce any fruits. Leaves are apple green in summer, turning butter yellow in autumn. (France, 1999)
Ginkgo biloba ‘Menhir’
Tree Shape: Upright
A more compact and slender version of Ginkgo biloba with a columnar shape when mature. The fan-shaped foliage is blue-green in summer, deeply cut through the middle, turning buttery yellow in autumn. (Netherlands, 1996)
Gleditsia (Locust Tree)
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’
Tree Shape: Standard
An attractive honey locust with delicate fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring. Older leaves eventually turn green giving a two tone colour to the tree by mid-summer, returning to golden yellow in autumn. (USA, 1954)
Halesia (Snowdrop Tree)
Halesia carolina
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree with a broad, rounded crown. Pendent clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers in spring followed by brownish, nutlike fruits in autumn. The fresh green leaves turn buttery shades in autumn.
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Tree Shape: Bushy
An upright, strong growing, compact form. Frost resistant, spidery, fragrant, yellow flowers in mid- to late winter. Large green leaves turn vibrant shades of yellow and orange in the autumn. (USA, 1928)
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A broad-crowned, large deciduous shrub of open habit. Large, spidery, brick-red flowers are produced between December and March. Green foliage turns fiery shades of red, orange and yellow in autumn. (Belgium, 1969)
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Syn: H. x intermedia ‘Copper Beauty’) Green foliage in summer, turns spectacular shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn. Clusters of flowers in shades of yellow, orange and red from November to January. (Belgium, 1930s)
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A large deciduous shrub with a spreading crown and broad oval, green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Pale yellow, spidery flowers with a delicate fragrance appear on the bare branches throughout the winter.
Heptacodium miconioides
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Seven Sons Plant) Clusters of jasmine scented, creamy-white flowers from late summer, and bright red calyces in autumn. In winter, the tan-coloured outer bark peels back to reveal darker brown underneath. (China)
Heptacodium miconioides
‘Temple of Bloom'
Tree Shape: Bushy
A compact and earlier flowering selection of the Seven Sons Plant. Large shrub or small tree, fragrant flowers appear in dense clusters from mid-summer into early autumn. The tree has interesting bark which adds to it's appeal, making it a feature in the winter.
Ilex (Holly)
Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Golden King’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A female holly making a compact, conical, evergreen shrub, bearing broad, ovate, slightly spiny leaves, dark green, margined yellow. Produces small white flowers followed by red berries in autumn/winter. (Scotland, 1870s)
Ilex aquifolium
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Common Holly) A slow growing shrub or small tree. White flowers appear in May and berries emerge on female plants around November, ripening red and providing a good source of food for birds.
Tree Shape: Conical
A stunning variety producing glossy green, prickly foliage with creamy edges, tinged pink. Bright red berries, on pollinated female plants, provide food for birds through winter. Can be trimmed into a formal decorative hedge.
Ilex aquifolium ‘J.C. van Tol’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Hardy, native holly with glossy, dark green, almost spineless leaves. Bright red berries appear on dark purple stems in autumn, persisting through the winter. One of the most reliable self-fertile fruiting female forms. (Netherlands)
Juglans (Walnut)
Juglans nigra
Tree Shape: Standard
(Black Walnut) Deep furrowed bark and large, oblong purplegreen foliage when young, turning green in summer, yellowbronze in autumn, fragrant when crushed. Yellow-green catkins, and edible nuts. (USA)
Juglans regia
Tree Shape: Standard
(Common/Persian Walnut) Aromatic leaves, bronze when young, later fresh green. Yellow-green male and female catkins in late spring. Smooth husks enclose edible creamy-white nuts. (Europe/China)
Tree Shape: Conical
A female, self-pollinating tree producing red berries in autumn/ winter, but will produce even more if sited near a male. A more traditional looking holly with spiny green leaves, and an upright habit. (Wuppertal, Germany, 1960)
New Silver’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A free-fruiting female form with small white flowers, followed by bright red berries. Dark purple stems and young growth bear spiny, long, narrow, glossy green leaves, broadly margined with cream. (1850)
Tree Shape: Conical
Glossy green leaves with spines. Reliable, long lasting heavy crop of red to orange berries. Tiny white flowers in spring. A robust, relatively fast growing variety, with a neat pyramidal shape. Easy to grow. (Maryland, USA, 1954)
Juniperus (Juniper)
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’
Tree Shape: Upright
(Rocky Mountain Juniper) An upright narrow form with vivid blue, evergreen foliage. An ideal choice for a small garden. The blue foliage gives lovely contrast against more common green garden colours. (USA, 1949)
Koelreuteria (Golden Rain Tree)
Koelreuteria paniculata ‘Coral Sun’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Striking, coral red shoots and fern-like, green foliage in summer, then yellow and orange in autumn. Large, conical panicles of yellow flowers in summer followed by bladder-like, green fruit ripening red or coral pink. (Netherlands, 1993)
Laburnum (Golden Chain)
Laburnum anagyroides ‘Yellow Rocket’®
Tree Shape: Upright
A columnar tree with a very narrow upright habit. Bright yellow pendant flowers in May. The deciduous foliage is green and pinnate, creating a pleasing backdrop for the yellow flowers. Seeds can be harmful if eaten.
Laburnum x waterii ‘Vossii’
Tree Shape: Standard
Long racemes of fragrant, bright yellow flowers hang from the branches in May and June. Light green circular leaves. Seeds can be harmful if eaten. (Netherlands, 19th Century)
Liquidambar (Sweet Gum)
Liquidambar styraciflua
Tree Shape: Standard
The glossy, maple-like leaves of the species can have superb autumn colour, ranging from fiery red, orange and yellow through to sumptuous purple, often staying on the tree into December. The older stems have attractive corky bark. (USA)
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Lane Roberts’
Tree Shape: Standard
Medium sized tree with a broad, pyramidal, fairly open crown. Shining maple-like green leaves turning rich, blackish crimson red in autumn. One of the best forms with more reliable, intense autumn colours. (1971)
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Oakville Highlight’®
Tree Shape: Upright
A fine, slender, columnar tree which is an improvement on 'Slender Silouette' as it has more attractive and stronger autumn tints. Deeply lobed, star-shaped, dark green leaves then turn brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn. (Australia)
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Palo Alto’
Tree Shape: Standard
Maple like foliage is bright green in summer, turning orangered to deep purple in autumn. Small yellow flowers in summer, followed by round, spiky fruits that make an intriguing feature.
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Slender Silhouette’
Tree Shape: Upright
One of the first Liquidambars with a very fastigiate, columnar habit making it ideal for small spaces. The handsome glossy, dark green, maple-like leaves turn in autumn to yellow and red tones.
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Stared’
Tree Shape: Standard
Large tree with a narrow pyramidal crown. Deeply cut, starshaped leaves are glossy green in summer, transforming to vivid red and scarlet in autumn. Small purple-red flowers are followed by spiky fruit capsules.
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Thea’
Tree Shape: Standard
Beautiful tree with a conical shape. Large, star shaped leaves are rich green, turning long lasting shades of bright red and burgundy purple in autumn. The cork-like bark on older stems adds extra winter interest. (Netherlands)
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’
Tree Shape: Standard
A beautiful tree with long narrow lobed leaves, turning orange and yellow in autumn. One of the best forms, with reliable and intense autumn colours. Corky, fissured bark creates yet more interest in winter. (Surrey, 1968)
Liriodendron (Tulip Tree)
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tree Shape: Standard
A stately tree, conical at first becoming tall and domed. Unusual, angular, bright green leaves turn butter-yellow in autumn. Tulip shaped, yellow-green flowers, banded with orange in June and July on mature plants. (USA)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Variegated Tulip Tree) Distinctively lobed, variegated leaves, green with creamy-white margins, turning golden-yellow in autumn. Produces greenish-yellow, tulip shaped flowers on mature plants in May and June. (New Zealand)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Red) An upright spreading, small tree, producing goblet shaped magenta red flowers on the bare branches in spring. Flowering freely from a young age.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Yellow/White) Very large (up to 25cm long) white/yellow individual flowers, named well for resembling bananas as they open.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Light Pink) A large, multi-stemmed tree with fragrant large cup-shaped dark-pale pink flowers, white fading to rose pink on the inside. As the flowers enlarge, they nod over to the horizontal and become rather floppy.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Deep Purple) Relatively slow growing, becoming broadly conical with maturity. The tulip-shaped blooms are a sumptuous dark purple, almost black, opening to reveal a contrasting creamy white interior, followed by mid-green, ovate foliage.
Tree Shape: Conical
(Dark Purple) Deep burgundy-purple, tulip-like flowers crowd the slender stems before the green, ovate leaves emerge each spring. With cool temperatures and ample moisture it can rebloom in mid-summer. (New Zealand, 1998)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Yellow) A medium to large deciduous shrub with large and rich green leaves. Striking, large, blue-green buds appear in spring. These unusual blue buds mature to dark yellow flowers with blue-green outer petals.
Tree Shape: Conical
(Reddish Purple) An upright small tree with a columnar to pyramidal habit, ideal for gardens with limited space. Attractive red-purple flowers displaying a metallic sheen are produced in abundance in spring. (New Zealand, 1998)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Pink/Purple) Vigorous, upright, later spreading tree with oblong pointed mid-green leaves. The early large flowers are deep rose-pink in bud, opening rose-purple with a cup and saucer shape.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Orange Pink) A medium sized tree with a spreading habit, produces upright, tulip shaped, peachy pink flowers with vertical yellow stripes, with a pleasant fragrance.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Deep Yellow) Large compact shrub or small tree with an upright habit, and elliptic, green foliage. Long lasting, deep yellow, cup shaped flowers born upright at the tips of each branch, from April to May. (Belgium)
Tree Shape: Bushy
(White) A small shrub like tree with an upright habit. Large, fragrant, cup-shaped flowers are creamy white with a hint of purple-pink at the base, and pure white within. One of the latest flowering and best of the white magnolias.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Rose Pink) A superb, small to medium tree of a broad pyramidal outline, with distinctive fissured bark. Emerging buds with a slight green cast open to large, scented, coral pink blooms in April-May, even on young plants.
Tree Shape: Conical
(Yellow) A small conical tree. Fragrant, pale primrose yellow blooms are upward facing with long tapering buds, opening to reveal red stamens. Large glossy oval leaves mature to dark green, turning golden yellow in autumn.
Magnolia ‘Eskimo’
Tree Shape: Standard
(White) A large, upright, rounded shrub with a spreading habit. Large, cup shaped, white flowers with a hint of lilac appear on the bare stems in early spring. Valued for its frost hardiness down to -6C. (USA)
Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’™
Tree Shape: Standard
(Rich Pink) Huge, fragrant, 12” wide flowers of deep rose-pink opening from port-coloured buds borne before the similarly impressive leaves appear in spring. Slowly makes a compact, upright tree. (New Zealand)
Magnolia ‘Ghislaine’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Lilac) A new hybrid 2011. Attractive large lilac, lavender and pink flowers, very open weeping petals when in full bloom covering the bare branches. Very floriferous with persistent leaves till December. (Wespelaar, Belgium)
Magnolia ‘Galaxy’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Rich Pink) Flowering when quite young this vigorous yet small conical tree has striking, purple-pink to red tulip shaped flowers, opening from deep red-purple buds in mid to late spring. (USA, 1963)
Magnolia ‘Genie’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Deep Red) The fragrant, tulip shaped flowers start blackishred and open to rich maroon. Flowering lasts for several weeks in spring, often followed by a second flowering period in midsummer. A compact growth habit. (New Zealand)
‘Golden Pond’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Deep Yellow) A hardy, deciduous, large shrub or small, bushy tree, flowering fairly late but still before leaf-burst so not obscured by them. Narrow, upright, tulip-shaped, mid-yellow flowers. (1997)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Pink) A small to medium tree with dark green foliage. Tulip shaped, heavily flushed dark pink or rose-purple flowers with a magenta stripe at the base. Richly scented, one of the finest of the ‘Gresham Hybrids’.
‘Hot Flash’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Deep Yellow) A small, fairly upright tree with ovate mid-green foliage. Masses of deep yellow, upright flowers flushed light rose at the base are borne just as the wavy edged leaves appear in spring.
Magnolia ‘Judy Zuk’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Peach/Yellow) A rare peach/orange/yellow tulip shaped flowers which are spectacular. The flowers are scented and are fairly late flowering so avoids most frosts. A small tree of upright vase shape and of compact habit.
Magnolia ‘Livingstone’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Dark Purple) A small upright tree becoming more rounded as it matures. Large numbers of vibrant, dark purple-red flowers are produced in spring once established. (New Zealand)
Magnolia ‘Rebeccas Perfume’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Light Pink) Named for its attractive, scented blooms appearing in April. Goblet shaped creamy white flowers with pink-purple bases to the petals flowering over a long period. (New Zealand)
Tree Shape: Conical
(Yellow) A small, upright deciduous tree perfect for the smaller garden, flowering from a young age. The goblet-shaped, golden-yellow flowers bloom on bare branches before the dark green foliage emerges. (New Zealand)
Tree Shape: Standard
(White) A handsome, compact, deciduous shrub, blooming in early spring. One of the purest white Magnolias, cup-shaped with soft rose pink stamens and pale green anthers. (Belgium)
Magnolia ‘Lois’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Cream Yellow) A large, deciduous shrub or tree of conical habit which flowers profusely as it matures. Sulphur yellow, upright, goblet shaped flowers appear mid-April and have a slight fragrance. (USA)
Magnolia ‘Peachy’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Orange Pink) A fast growing medium-sized tree, initially upright in habit but spreading with age. The fragrant orangepink flowers, creamy white on the inside, are quite large, unfurling in late April or early May.
Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Pink) Pyramidal, columnar, small tree, blooming from an early age. Upright, broad, cup and saucer shaped blooms are rosy pink on the exterior and medium pink on the interior of the tepals, with a lemon fragrance.
Magnolia ‘Royal Splendour’
Tree Shape: Standard
Pretty flowers which are intense reddish peachy pink on the outside and lighter pink inside. Can bloom for up to a month making it one of the longer flowered varieties. Strong frost resistance. (New Zealand)
Magnolia ‘Sayonara’
Tree Shape: Bushy
salicifolia ‘Mount Hakkoda'
Tree Shape: Bushy
(White) A special selection of the willow leaved magnolia. Floppy white star shaped petalled flowers similar to 'Wada's Memory'. Attractive glaucous green foliage that when crushed offers the scent of aniseed and verbena. A deciduous tree, conical when young, later broad-crowned.
4 Magnolia
(White, Pink) A small, broad-headed tree that flowers at a young age. The large, scented flowers are globular in shape, creamy-white with a dark pink-purple flush at the base. (1955)
Magnolia ‘Spectrum’
Tree Shape: Conical
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Burgundy) An attractive small, deciduous tree at maturity, with deep green foliage throughout summer. Spectacular, large, rich burgundy/red, tulip shaped blooms, open out flat revealing a pale interior. (New Zealand)
4 Magnolia
(Purple Pink) A small to medium sized tree, developing a broad, pyramidal outline as it matures. Flowers are deep reddish-pink on the outside, creamy white within and have an erect poise. (USA, 1963)
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Purple) A dense growing small tree or large shrub. The blooms are deep purple in bud, opening white stained purple, with a delicate musky scent and flower over a long period through April and May. (USA)
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Purple Pink) A strongly upright shrub or small tree with velvety matt green leaves, flushed bronze when young. Large, fragrant, cup shaped purple pink flowers, white within. Can re-bloom in summer with a lighter shade.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Yellow) Deep yellow, goblet shaped flowers, with a rosypurple blush at the base appear before the large, glossy green foliage emerges. Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters. (Carolina, USA)
‘Swathmore Sentinel’
Tree Shape: Upright
(White) A narrow tree with an upright habit. Bears cream to ivory white flowers, upright and goblet shaped when borne but open as it ages. Fragrant with a tinge of pink or purple at the base.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(White) A stunning tree of bushy habit. Large, double white flowers appear in early spring with a contrasting dark centre. Heavily scented with a degree of later season re-blooming during August.
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Yellow Bird’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Yellow) A compact, small to medium, upright tree with very erect daffodil-yellow flowers appearing in mid-May for three weeks. The dark green foliage contrast well with the flowers, turning yellowy brown in autumn. (1967)
Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alba Superba'
Tree Shape: Bushy
Among the earliest clones to flower, making a hardy, upright shrub. The fragrant, cup and saucer shaped flowers are pure white on the outside with a pinkish purple mark at the base of each petal. (Belgium, mid-1800s)
Malus (Crab Apple)
Malus ‘Admiration’
Tree Shape: Upright
(Adirondack) A dwarf, upright growing, shrubby, small tree ideal for restricted spaces. Dense clusters of waxy white flowers follow dark carmine buds in April, followed by persistent redbronze fruits. (Washington, USA, 1985)
Malus ‘Aros’®
Tree Shape: Upright
A dwarf, upright tree. Shiny leaves emerge dark burgundy-black turning green with age. Bright purple/pink flowers with white centre, turn to small dark red/maroon crab apples in autumn. Ideal for patios. (Denmark)
Malus baccata
Tree Shape: Standard
(Siberian Crab Apple) Making a rounded crown with oval, finely toothed dark green leaves. A profusion of white fragrant cup shaped flowers in spring are followed by small egg shaped red fruits. (NE Asia)
Malus brevipes ‘Wedding Bouquet’
Tree Shape: Upright
An upright small tree when young, widening with age. Long tapered dark green healthy leaves, and single shell-shaped, ivory white flowers. The tiny berry-like fruits are dark red, and persist well into December.
Malus ‘Butterball’
Tree Shape: Standard
Malus ‘Candymint’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A medium spreading tree with slightly drooping branches and pink budded flowers that open to pure white. The marble sized fruits are yellow with an orange flush, ideal for crab apple jelly. (USA, 1961)
Malus ‘Cardinal’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: Princeton Cardinal) A beautiful foliage and flowering tree with large, intense pink, flowers and dark almost black spring leaves, changing to glossy red in summer. Deep red, small fruit in autumn. (USA)
Malus ‘Comtesse de Paris’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, rounded tree with delicate, white blossom in spring amongst mid-green foliage. The smallish, elliptic, yellow fruits usually persist well after Christmas. One of the best persistent yellow crabs. (France)
(Syn: ‘Candymint Sargent’) A dainty tree with horizontallytiered branches covered with pink and lighter shell pink flowers edged with purple tones. Persistent small, dark purple fruit and yellow autumnal leaves. (Indiana, USA, 1987)
Malus x Cinzam ‘Cinderella’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dwarf, rounded, upright tree perfect for a patio. Red buds open to white flowers in spring followed by yellow crab apples. The green lobed leaves take on yellow autumnal tints. (Lake Country Nursery, USA, 1991)
Malus ‘Coralburst’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A naturally very dwarf variety with an upright form when young, ideal for patios. The coral pink buds open to pretty, double rose pink flowers, followed by persistent small yellow/bronze fruit in the autumn. (1968)
Malus coronaria ‘Elk River’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Malus ‘Donald Wyman’
Tree Shape: Standard
An unusual form related to Malus ‘Charlottae’. Single, large, soft pink flowers are followed by bright, rich green, mini Granny Smith type crab apples. Excellent autumn tints to the large and handsome leaves.
Malus ‘Evereste’
Tree Shape: Conical
A conical tree with dark green lobed leaves and large soft pink to white flowers. Small red and yellow fruits, like mini apples appear in late summer, holding well into winter. An excellent pollinator for apples. (1980)
Malus floribunda
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Crab Apple) A very pretty tree in flower, displaying crimson buds opening to white and pale blush petals which come earlier than most varieties. Small, red-yellow fruit in autumn. (Japan, 1862)
Malus ‘Golden Hornet’
Tree Shape: Conical
Small compact tree with an upright habit in its early years. Dark green, broadly oval leaves turn yellow in autumn. Large white flowers flushed pink followed by bright yellow fruits maturing early in the autumn.
Malus ‘Halloween’™
Tree Shape: Standard
Yellow-orange crab apples are ribbed in appearance looking like mini pumpkins. Perfect for the Halloween season. Spring flowers are white and semi double. Crops heavily and is perfect for birds and pollinating insects. (Kent, UK)
Malus hupehensis
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, spreading, vase shaped tree with stiff ascending branches. The fragrant flowers are soft pink in bud opening to white, produced in abundance May to June. Small, deep red fruits in autumn. (China/Japan, 1900s)
A strong growing round-headed tree with dark green leaves. The pink buds open to white, single flowers in spring, followed by abundant, small, glossy, bright red fruits persisting well into February in most years.
Malus florentina
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small neat, round headed tree with lobed, hawthorn like foliage, turning orange and scarlet in autumn. Bright, pure white flowers in April are followed by small brownish red fruits in the autumn. (1877)
Malus ‘Golden Gem’
Tree Shape: Standard
Clouds of large bunches of fragrantly scented, blush white flowers in spring, followed by abundant dainty yellow fruit in autumn. An excellent pollinator for apples due to the timeliness and compatibility of its pollen.
Malus ‘Gorgeous’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, compact tree with scented apple blossom flowers. The crimson or orange-red fruits resemble the perfect miniature apples persisting well into November. Ideal for tangy pink crab apple jelly. (New Zealand, 1925)
Malus ‘Harry Baker’
Tree Shape: Standard
A special variety with exceptionally large, rich, flamboyant pink flowers and dark green-maroon leaves. Large, ruby red fruit with a deep pink flesh last into mid-October. Makes a superb, deep red jelly. (Suffolk, 1995)
Malus ‘Indian Magic’
Tree Shape: Standard
Small, rounded, spreading tree, bearing magenta pink flowers which emerge from dark red buds. Purple flushed foliage with small, glossy red fruit change to orange and persist into January. (USA, 2010)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: M. ‘Rubra’) A spectacular purple leaved form with large lobed leaves, turning a stunning orange-red in autumn. Buds open to single rose-red flowers. The fruitlets are of variable colours - green, yellow, red. (USA)
Malus ‘Jelly King’
Tree Shape: Standard
Malus ioensis ‘Fimbriata’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Fringed Prairie Crab Apple) An upright, broad headed tree with expanding buds, opening to very fragrant, shell pink, double flowers in late spring. Small, dark red fruits are produced before the yellow autumn leaves fall.
(‘Mattfru’) Strong white blossom covers this vigorous but compact tree in spring. Spectacular large orange-pink fruit that persist much longer than most large fruited crab apples. Makes excellent pink jelly. (New Zealand, 2007)
‘John Downie’
Tree Shape: Standard
A vigorous, upright tree when young with bright green leaves. White ‘apple blossom’ flowers, open from pink buds in spring. Large bright orange-red, pear-shaped fruits in autumn. Popular for crab apple jelly. (1875)
4 Malus
Tree Shape: Upright
A naturally dwarf tree with an upright habit. Dark purple-green leaves and stunning pink and white flowers in April. Persistent large, round, maroon fruit in autumn, perfect for crab apple jelly. (Kent, UK, 1990s)
Malus ‘Marble’® Nuvar
Tree Shape: Standard
Single white flowers in spring, amid green foliage that turns pretty autumn shades. Crab apples begin green-yellow transforming to a vibrant pink hue, then fading to pink and yellow marbling over the surface. (Kent, UK, 1970s)
Tree Shape: Weeping
A graceful tree, forming an umbrella shape, one of the best weeping Malus. Dark green, glossy leaves, and rose coloured buds open to true pink flowers in spring. Small lemon-gold, ripening to golden-orange fruit in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: M. baccata ‘Dolgo’) A round-headed tree with strong single white flowers followed by bright pink fruit that look like plums. One of the best early season fruiting crab apples for making jelly.
Malus ‘Prairie Fire’®
Tree Shape: Standard
A superb small tree, upright in habit, with dark purple to green narrow leaves. Vibrant deep pink, single flowers in spring are followed by attractive, small, spheroid, purple fruit in the autumn. (Illinois, USA, 1982)
Malus x purpurea ‘Crimson Cascade’
Tree Shape: Weeping
A beautiful compact weeping crab apple. Bright pink flowers in spring are followed by red/purple crab apples in autumn. The foliage is purple turning bronze and green throughout the year. (Yorkshire, UK, 1980s)
Tree Shape: Standard (Syn; 'Dr Campbells') Abundant pink flowers in spring contrast against the slightly bronzed new leaves. Dark red fruits ripen in late summer, exceptionally large, about the size of a small apple. Great for juicing, jams and jellies.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: M. ‘Directeur Moorlands’) Coppery red foliage when young, turning dark forest green, then yellow/bronze in autumn. Reddish-purple flowers in April followed by persistent, deep purple fruits in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A small upright to spreading tree, perfect for the smaller garden. Deep rose coloured buds open to pale pink and white flowers just as the new leaves appear. The blooms are followed in autumn by small red fruits.
Malus ‘Professor Sprenger’
Tree Shape: Standard
A superb small tree, upright in habit, with dark purple to green narrow leaves. Vibrant deep pink, single flowers in spring are followed by attractive, small, spheroid, purple fruit in the autumn. (Illinois, USA, 1982)
Malus ‘Red Obelisk’®
Tree Shape: Conical
A compact upright tree when young, with light pink flowers followed by attractive, conical, red fruits. Foliage is purplishbrown at first, later becoming dark green. Good for crab apple jelly. (Belgium)
Tree Shape: Standard
A small rounded tree, with dark green leaves turning bronzed yellow in autumn. White blushed, fragrant flowers emerge from pink buds in April, followed by large, bright red fruits, which often last all through winter.
Malus ‘Rosehip’
Tree Shape: Standard
Malus ‘Royal Beauty’
Tree Shape: Weeping
An interesting medium vigour tree, with white flowers in the spring. The fruit have attractive pronounced calyces, like giant rosehips, with bright red skin and pale cream flesh. Makes amber crab apple jelly. (UK)
Malus ‘Royalty’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small, round tree with attractive, taper-pointed, glossy, dark purple leaves, turning red in autumn. Large purplish-crimson flowers, amongst the foliage are followed by dark red fruits. (Canada, 1953)
Tree Shape: Standard
Rich pink blossom contrasts with the emerging purple, deeply lobed leaves, turning glossy dark green in summer, then rich scarlet with purple tints in autumn. The persistent small purple fruits remain long after leaf fall. (Denmark, 2000)
Malus ‘Sun Rival’
Tree Shape: Weeping
A charming semi weeping, umbrella-shaped tree with arching branches. The profuse blossom opens from pink buds to fragrant white flowers, followed by stunning bright red fruits in autumn. (Bristol, UK, 1975)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A wide spreading tree with small, delicate, narrowly lobed leaves that turn yellow-gold in autumn. The white star-shaped flowers appear as a white cloud, followed by small, abundant yellow fruits. (China, 1911)
A small weeping tree with slender hanging reddish purple stems. Leaves are copper-red when young becoming dark green, purplish beneath. Deep red-purple flowers are followed by small, dark red fruits. (1980)
Malus ‘Rudolph’
Tree Shape: Conical
A medium tree of upright habit with glossy, bronze-red, later dark bronze-green leaves on red young shoots. Rose red flowers, deeper in bud, are followed by long persistent, orangeyellow oblong fruits. (Canada, 1954)
Malus ‘Scarlet Brandywine’®
Tree Shape: Standard
Round shaped tree with oval green leaves, tinged with maroon. Pink buds open in spring to fragrant, deep, densely double, rose-pink flowers. Small, pumpkin orange crab apples mature in autumn, providing showy winter interest.
Tree Shape: Spreading
A small, almost dwarf variety smothered in gold anthered pure white flowers followed by small, red, cherry-like fruits in autumn. Ovate, lobed, dark green leaves turn golden shades in autumn. Ideal as a patio tree.
Tree Shape: Upright
An upright tree with a narrow crown becoming broad and vase shaped with age. Dark green leaves and pretty double, pink flowers opening from red buds, followed by small yellow fruits.
Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood)
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Tree Shape: Conical
A large tree of conical habit with soft flaky cinnamon bark. Bright larch green leaves during summer becoming tawny pink and golden in autumn. Small green cones turn brown when ripe. (China)
Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Goldrush’
Tree Shape: Upright
Delicate filigree leaves remain gold throughout the summer ending in an autumn display of orange and golden tints. Slower growing than the normal ‘Dawn Redwood’ with soft, shaggy, cinnamon bark. (Japan)
Morus (Mulberry)
Morus alba ‘Pendula'
Tree Shape: Weeping
A small weeping tree with steeply falling branches. Large, heart-shaped leaves are glossy dark green, turning yellow in autumn. The small yellowish-green flowers are followed by edible, oval, white fruits that ripen to reddish-pink.
Nyssa (Tupelo)
Nyssa sylvatica
Tree Shape: Standard
A handsome tree with columnar habit and oval, glossy green leaves, dark green above and blue green underneath, turning rich scarlet, orange and yellow colours in autumn. (Netherlands, 1740s)
Nyssa sylvatica ‘Red Rage'® (Haymanred)
Tree Shape: Standard
A broadly pyramidal tree with dark green exceptionally glossy, shiny leaves that turn a fiery bright red colour in autumn. Resistant to leaf spot and very tolerant of dry, wet and poor soils.
Nyssa sylvatica
Tree Shape: Conical
‘Wisley Bonfire’
A shapely tree of broadly conical outline, with simple, ovate or elliptic leaves turning brilliant scarlet, orange and yellow in autumn.
Ostrya (Hop Hornbeam)
Ostrya carpinifolia
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Hop Hornbeam) A bush-shaped tree, with ovate, double toothed leaves turning clear yellow in autumn. Yellow-green catkins coupled with creamy white flowers resembling hops, give rise to nutlets contained in bladder-like husks.
Parrotia (Persian Ironwood)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Wide spreading tree with attractive, grey, flaking bark. Large, deep green, oval leaves turn crimson/gold in autumn. Small delicate crimson flowers in late winter/early spring, followed by spiky brown fruits.
Tree Shape: Upright
A narrow upright shape, perfect for smaller spaces. Stunning leaves are purple in spring, green with purple edges in summer, and shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn. Small red flowers in winter.
Tree Shape: Upright
A small, upright tree with attractive, flaking bark and small red flowers on bare stems in late winter and early spring. Young foliage is red and bronze, turning green in summer, then red, orange and purple in autumn.
Paulownia (Foxglove Tree)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A rounded tree producing fragrant, light lilac-purple flowers in large panicles in spring. The large leaves emerge coated in fine hairs, starting light green, turning mid green and then golden brown in autumn. Flowers more profusely in the south. (China/ Japan)
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A dense medium-sized evergreen shrub of erect habit, with glossy, elliptic leaves. The new red, foliage and crimson stems contrast with the mature green foliage. Ideal for standards, topiary, hedges and trees. (New Zealand)
Physocarpus (Ninebark)
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diablo’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A stylish shrub or small tree with wonderful exfoliating bark once mature. Rich purple foliage, and pretty pink flushed white flowers on arching branches in early summer, followed by glossy red seed heads in autumn.
Picea (Spruce)
Picea pungens ‘Erich Frahm’
Tree Shape: Conical
One of the best blue spruce. Forms a regular pyramidal shape with deep blue leaves throughout the year. Cylindrical, female cones are borne during the year, green at first, later fading to a pale brown. (Germany)
Picea pungens ‘Iseli Fastigiate’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Blue Spruce) An upright, open, narrowly conical, slowgrowing, evergreen conifer with needle-like, silvery-blue leaves. Excellent for use as a vertical accent in smaller gardens. (Oregon, USA, 1975)
Picea smithiana ‘Aurea’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Indian/Himalayan Spruce) Syn: Sunray. A rare, slow growing, upright tree noted for the great length of its yellow needles. Evergreen with elegant arching branches when older. (1990s)
Pinus (Pine)
Pinus densiflora ‘Umbraculifera’
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Japanese Red Pine) Syn: Tanyosho. A slow growing bushy tree with a flattened top and an umbrella-like shape. Bright green foliage with small cones. Mature trees produce attractive orange-brown flaking bark. (Japan 1890)
Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Arolla Pine) An upright, slow growing, attractive, pyramidal tree with closely spaced, twisted, silvery blue green needles, reaching 6m x 2.5m when mature. (New Jersey, USA, 1972)
Pinus nigra ‘Bright Eyes’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Black Pine) A compact, very small tree or conical bush with pale green needles and interesting white winter buds. An extremely hardy variety found as a witches broom on Horsell Common, Surrey, 1979.
Pinus nigra ‘Obelisk’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Black Pine) Small, narrow, upright, fast growing evergreen tree with long dark green needles and elongate, egg shaped fruit cones are light grey-brown to grey-yellow.
Pinus strobus ‘Minima’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Eastern White Pine) A rounded very slow growing, evergreen, bushy plant with very narrow branchlets and short dark green needles with a silvery sheen, borne in bundles making them soft to the touch.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Chantry Blue’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Scots Pine) A slow growing, upright, conical to irregular, evergreen tree with twisted, bluish green needle like leaves. Oval, green female cones ripen to grey or red-brown. (Surrey, UK, 1972)
Pinus thunbergii ‘Banshosho’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Black Pine) Very small, irregular and slow growing plant. New growth resemble pipes in early summer. Branches are upright bearing small, light green needles and lots of small side shoots and buds.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Medal’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Scots Pine) A small slow growing, conical, tree. Rich gold needles in the winter months, and paler green-yellow in summer. Suitable for large rockeries or mixed borders. (UK, 1979)
Pinus wallichiana
Tree Shape: Conical
(Bhutan Pine) An elegant large tree with graceful blue-green foliage forming a broad head with age. The trunk is smooth and dark grey at first, later flaking off in plates. Small cones are produced in November. (1823)
Populus (Poplar)
Populus deltoides
Tree Shape: Standard
‘Purple Tower’
An attractive, upright tree with eye-catching dark purple heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are supported on dark red stems speckled in beige. Red male or green female catkins are produced by mature trees in early spring.
Populus nigra ‘Hanging
Tree Shape: Standard
A large tree with a broad, dense canopy of green heart-shaped leaves with a subtle balsam fragrance. Foliage turns golden yellow in autumn. Male flowers form as red catkins. A good tree for absorbing pollution particles.
Prunus (Flowering Cherries & Plums)
Prunus ‘Accolade’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A graceful tree of spreading habit bearing masses of pendulous, semi-double, light pink flowers in April. The mid green leaves turn orange-red in autumn, an outstanding tree for all gardens. (UK, 1952)
Prunus ‘Amanogawa’
Tree Shape: Upright
(The Flagpole Cherry) A distinctive columnar tree with erect branches. The oval leaves are green-bronze when young, later dark green, then red-gold in autumn. Fragrant, semi-double, light pink flowers in late April.
Prunus ‘Asano’
Tree Shape: Conical
Prunus avium
Tree Shape: Standard
Graceful, upright, columnar tree with small abundant deep pink blossoms, packed with up to 100 petals in mid to late spring. Leaves are bronze when they emerge, maturing to dark green in summer. (1929)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn: ‘Multiplex/double ‘Gean’) An upright, spreading tree with big, double white flowers drooping in clusters in April-May. Leaves are bronze when young, turning dark green then yellow and crimson in autumn. (18th Century)
(Wild Cherry, ‘Gean’ or ‘Mazzard’) A medium-large tree with smooth, grey bark, turning mahogany-red, peeling and deeply fissured with age. Single white, cup shaped flowers in late April and good autumn colour. (Europe/ Asia)
Prunus ‘Beni-yutaka’
Tree Shape: Standard
An umbrella-shaped, tree producing semi-double, disc-shaped flowers in a sugar pink colour with a distinctive dark central eye in mid-late April. The green foliage turns rich red-crimson in autumn.
Prunus ‘Blushing Bride’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Syn: P. ‘Shogetsu/Longipes’) A graceful tree with a spreading habit producing large semi double flowers, pink tinted in bud opening to pure white. The mid-green summer foliage turns orange to red in the autumn.
Prunus x blireana
Tree Shape: Upright
(Yoshino Cherry/Somei-yoshino) Graceful tree with upright, spreading branches bearing single, almond scented, blush white flowers in late March, followed by small fruits. Green foliage turns yellow in autumn. (Japan)
Prunus campanulata ‘Felix Jury’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Formosan Cherry) An upright, spreading early flowering tree producing deep pink flowers with contrasting golden yellow stamens. The green oval shaped leaves turn yellow-orange in autumn. A slightly hardier selection.
Prunus ‘Candy Floss’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Syn: P. ‘Matsumae-beni murasaki’) The very large, double, deep pink flowers in May have fringed petals which age to the texture of crushed velvet. Coppery bronze young leaves make a lovely contrast to the flowers.
Prunus x ‘Catherine’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Japanese Flowering Cherry) An unusual early flowering, small tree producing large single white blossoms as early as December. Foliage turns an intense orange-red in the autumn. (Belgium)
Prunus cerasifera ‘Crimson Pointe’®
Tree Shape: Upright
A neat slim line version of Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’. A narrow columnar tree, making it ideal for smaller gardens. The vibrant purple leaves contrast beautifully with the white flowers in early spring. (USA, 1980s)
Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’
Tree Shape: Standard
A neat round-headed tree producing myriads of small pale pink flowers in late February and early March. The leaves are small and very dark purple, turning a brighter red in the autumn before falling. (1916)
Prunus ‘Chocolate Ice’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Syn: ‘Matsumae-fuki) Stunning tree with an upright habit when young, spreading as it ages. Large, flowers open blush white against the fresh, red tinted, chocolate brown foliage. Leaves turn dark green as summer progresses.
Prunus ‘Collingwood Ingram’
Tree Shape: Standard
A dainty, upright, erect tree with an elegant habit and bronzetinted young leaves, green in summer, red orange and yellow in autumn before falling. Produces pretty, deep pink single flowers in mid-spring. (1979)
Prunus ‘Fragrant Cloud’
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Syn: ‘Shizuka’) A vigorous grower with a spreading, slightly ascending habit. White, semi-double, fragrant flowers in May turning pinkish as they age. Foliage develops from bronze, turning mid-green, then orange in autumn. (1960s)
Prunus ‘Fugenzo’
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Syn: Shirofugen) A majestic wide spreading tree producing large, double, white, fragrant flowers and contrasting copper coloured leaves. The flowers fade to a subtle shade of pink. The latest of all the cherries to flower.
Prunus ‘Hally Jolivette’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small graceful tree. Its light branch structure is covered with unique semi-double blush white flowers in early spring. Dark green pointed foliage emerges coppery-bronze in spring, then orange and red in the autumn. (USA)
Tree Shape: Standard
A small tree with strong ascending branches. Large, double, lilac-pink flowers with small green carpels. Pale yellowishgreen leaves with a bronze flush, mature to dark green then orange and red tints in autumn. (1899)
Tree Shape: Weeping
A magical little weeping tree with outstanding features. Profuse early spring flowering, attractive sharp variegation to the summer leaves and striking multi-toned autumn tints. Ideal for small gardens. (Worcestershire, 2011)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A strong growing tree with ascending branches. Creamy white semi double flowers with green and pink shades emerging in late April. Young leaves are reddish brown, turning deep green then orange and scarlet in autumn. (1914)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree with stiffly ascending branches bearing long, narrow, green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Flowers are semi-double, mauve-pink in bud opening soft pink, contrasting with the purplish-brown calyces. (1935)
Prunus incisa
Tree Shape: Contorted
A small, slow growing shrub with attractive ‘zig-zag’ shoots and pendulous, blush white flowers in April. The serrated foliage has bronze tints when young, turning vivid orange in the autumn. An ideal patio plant.
Prunus incisa ‘Oshidori’ Princesse
Tree Shape: Bushy
One of the best dwarf Fuji cherries displaying profuse double blush-white flowers with a delicate pink centre in March. The leaves are narrow with serrated edges that display rich autumn colours.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A vigorous, wide spreading tree with young bronze foliage, maturing to bright green, flame orange-red in autumn. The branches are hidden in spring by the large clusters of semidouble, pale pink, very fragrant flowers.
Pink Champagne
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Syn; 'Pink Champagne') A vigorous, upright spreading tree with ascending branches and double shell pink flowers with a frilled appearance on long flower stalks. Light bronze green young foliage turns orange-red in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree or large shrub which displays a beautiful show of delicate pink buds opening to pure white flowers in March. Finely toothed leaves develop from mid-green to orange and red in the autumn.
Prunus incisa ‘Pendula’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Fuji Cherry) A very graceful, small weeping tree. The delicate, single, white flowers densely festoon the branches. Mid-green foliage in summer and a vivid display of autumn foliage colour.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree or large shrub. A fine winter flowering form with white flowers which are pale pink in bud. The green, strongly toothed, ovate leaves turn red and orange in autumn. (Winchester, UK)
Tree Shape: Spreading
Small, umbrella shaped tree with single white, bell-shaped flowers opening from green buds. Green leaves are deeply serrated turning orange-yellow in autumn. Small, deep red fruits sometimes appear. (Japan, 1916)
Tree Shape: Standard
An elegant small tree that produces abundant, large, vibrant, soft pink, single flowers. The leaves are dark green in summer with vivid red or orange autumn colours before falling. (Belgium)
Prunus ‘Kanzan’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A showy variety, with densely double, glowing purple/pink flowers in late April. The spring foliage is coppery red turning green and then orange in autumn. A strong growing tree, with an upright, spreading habit. (1913)
Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’
Tree Shape: Weeping
A very popular small weeping tree with arching branches bearing densely clustered, double pink flowers in spring. Lanceshaped leaves are pale green and slightly bronzed at first. (19th Century)
Prunus ‘Kofugen' (Fugenzo)
Tree Shape: Standard
Similar to Prunus Kanzan but smaller with a broader, flatter head. Large drooping double pink flowers. Leaves are coppery when young. (1880)
Tree Shape: Standard
A beautiful small tree of spreading habit. Masses of deep pink single flowers in early March, very popular with bees. The ovate leaves are coppery when young, followed by rich autumn colours of red and gold. (UK)
Tree Shape: Upright
(The Tassel Cherry) A most unusual upright tree producing clusters of small white or pink tinged flowers in April. Flowers have conspicuous protruding anthers, hence the reference to tassels. (China)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy, very small tree producing deep pink-red buds in late spring, opening to double pink blooms hanging in large clusters. Leaves turn a polished mid-green, before developing shades of red and orange in the autumn. (Bristol, 1990s)
Prunus ‘Mikurama-gaeshi’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small tree with long ascending, short spurred branches densely packed with single blush pink flowers. Young leaves are bronze green, deep green in the summer, then reddish copper with yellow markings in the autumn. (UK)
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Japanese Apricot) A small tree producing deep pink, highlyscented flowers in February fading to paler pink with age, occasionally followed by edible but bitter, yellow fruits. Midgreen, glossy foliage boasts apricot-orange tints in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A round-headed small tree with ovate leaves turning orange and red in autumn. Small, deep shell pink flowers in midMarch, often followed by small dark cherries - not palatable for humans, but useful for birds. (UK, 1947)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Bird Cherry) Vigorous, upright, small deciduous tree, with mid-green leaves turning yellow and bronze in autumn. White flowers are borne in dense racemes in late spring, followed by glossy, pea-like, black fruit. (1998)
Tree Shape: Upright
A lovely slender, semi erect, vase shaped tree. Small, shell pink, single flowers open in mid-spring from red buds, before the leaves emerge. A long lived ornamental Cherry.
Tree Shape: Standard
A good, small, all season tree for any garden. Compact in habit with ascending branches clothed in pale, shell pink flowers in late March. Bronze-red leaves in the spring with tints of purplered in the autumn. (UK, 1939)
Tree Shape: Weeping
A small, deciduous tree with a weeping habit. Mid-green ovate foliage turns fiery shades of orange and red in the autumn before falling. The single flowers are a deep, rose pink emerging from darker pink buds.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A beautiful, little tree with clear pink, star shaped flowers produced in crowded clusters on graceful branches. The leaves are mid-green in colour with yellow and orange autumn tints. (1955)
Tree Shape: Spreading
An upright, deciduous tree with lance-shaped, tapered, persistent bronze leaves. Long lasting saucer-shaped, pink flowers appear on bare, dark purple branches in spring. (Australia, 20th Century)
Prunus ‘Pink Parasol’
Tree Shape: Spreading
4 Prunus ‘Pink Perfection’
(Syn: P. ‘Matsumae-hanagasa’) Heavy clusters of large pale pink flowers with densely packed petals. Leaves are initially dark copper bronze, becoming green over the summer, then yellow in autumn.
Prunus ‘Pink Shell’
Tree Shape: Bushy
An elegant, spreading, small tree with ovate, tapered, toothed, dark green leaves turning orange in autumn. An abundance of cup-shaped, shell pink blossoms appear on the drooping branches in spring.
Prunus ‘Royal Burgundy’
Tree Shape: Standard
A vase shaped garden tree, impressive for its contrasting rich burgundy leaves and deep rose pink double flowers. The leaves also turn a spectacular scarlet red in autumn. (USA)
Prunus ‘Rosy Veil’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A beautiful, graceful, small tree with a light spreading canopy. Light pink, shell shaped flowers with attractive ruby calyxes appear in late to mid March. (Belgium)
Prunus sargentii
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Sargent Cherry) A round-headed, broad spreading habit, with bronze oval leaves when young, brilliant red and maroon in the autumn. Contrasting with the young foliage, large, single pink flowers appear in late March.
Tree Shape: Standard
A small vase shaped tree with oval leaves, bronze when young, turning orange-red in autumn. Exotic, long lasting, double, rose pink flowers persist for several weeks from early May. (UK, 1935)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Syn; P. Kobuku-zakura) An upright to spreading, deciduous tree producing unusual, lovely densely double white carnation type flowers in late March. The serrated green foliage turns shades of yellow to red in autumn for further interest.
Prunus ‘Royal Flame’® (Mieke)
Tree Shape: Conical
An upright tree with a pyramidal, uniformly branched crown, completely covered in small, fragrant, pure white flowers in spring. Foliage emerges bronze, green in summer, then fiery orange, reds and yellows in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(The Himalayan Cherry) A small, round-headed tree with peeling red-brown, amber bark, and rusty hairy young shoots. Clusters of pale pink flowers with the green leaves in late spring, followed by dark red, oval fruit.
Tree Shape: Upright
An upright form with columnar to narrow vase-shape. Glossy, dark green leaves turn dramatic golden red autumn colours. The pink flowers in spring are followed by small, glossy, dark purple-black, inedible cherries. (1949)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Tibetan Cherry) Small, vigorous and upright in its early years, spreading with age, with glistening mahogany peeling bark. Narrow, willow like green leaves, turn yellow in autumn. Small, dainty white flowers in April. (W China)
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Syn: Mount Fuji) A classic Japanese cherry, with horizontal to slightly pendulous branches. Very large single or semi-double, fragrant, white flowers contrast with the dark almost black bark. (Japan)
Prunus ‘Snow Goose’
Tree Shape: Upright
A narrow, upright small tree of considerable merit. Lovely, large, soft, single, white flowers with long tassel stamens in early April. In autumn, the green leaves turn rich shades of marmalade and crimson amber.
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, vase-shaped tree grown for its polished, red-brown, mahogany, peeling bark. The green, narrow leaves turn orange yellow in the autumn. Small white flowers appear in April/May.
Tree Shape: Upright
A strong growing, upright, fastigiate tree with bright green leaves turning red and orange in autumn. Clear pink, single flowers with a dark eye, bloom in mid-spring. Bred by Collingwood ‘Cherry’ Ingram.
Prunus ‘Snow Showers’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Syn: Prunus ‘Hillings Weeping’) A small, neat, steeply weeping tree with mid-green foliage, turning shades of orange, yellow and red in autumn. Dense single white flowers cover the branches in late March.
Prunus ‘Spire’
Tree Shape: Upright
A small deciduous tree with a compact, upright habit. Young bronze leaves, later green, then autumn colours of red and gold. Single, light pink flowers open from dark pink buds from early April. (UK, 1920s)
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Prunus ‘Starlight’®
Tree Shape: Bushy
New, exceptionally attractive, unusual pure white, star shaped flowers with a profuse flowering habit in late March and often to the end of April. Occasionally winter flowering following mild weather. The tree has a graceful upright spreading habit. (UK 2023)
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’
(The Autumn Cherry) Small, spreading tree with ovate leaves turning yellow and orange in autumn. The semi-double white flowers appear from November to March, followed by small fruit, popular with birds. (1901)
Prunus ‘Sunset Boulevard’
Tree Shape: Standard
A narrow, conical tree with coppery young foliage becoming green, then yellow-orange in autumn. The single flowers are blush white, containing a distinctive pink centre, opening in mid-spring. (Belgium, 1980s)
Prunus ‘Taoyame’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A beautiful, floriferous, small tree with an elegant spreading habit ideal for small gardens. Semi-double, honey scented, shell pink flowers have contrasting purple calyces, opening from pink buds in mid-spring.
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Pink Autumn Cherry) Semi-double blush flowers appear late autumn, flowering for most of winter. Ovate leaves turn yellow and orange in autumn. One of the best winter flowering trees.
Prunus ‘Tai-haku’
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Great White Cherry) A medium tree with a broad spreading crown, mid-green leaves in summer, then yellow and orange in autumn. Large, single, ice white flowers contrast well with the young copper foliage. (1932)
Prunus ‘The Bride’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A large shrub or small tree displaying very large single white flowers with distinctive, red anthers. New foliage emerges bronze-green, turns fresh green in summer, then orange, red and purple in autumn. (Belgium)
Prunus ‘Tiltstone Hellfire’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small flowering cherry tree which grows with a classic upright vase shape. Pretty, soft pink, single flowers are produced in spring. Glossy, dark metallic green leaves turn deep red and purple in the autumn.
Prunus ‘Trailblazer’
Tree Shape: Standard
Prunus ‘Tom’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A particularly fine early to mid- March flowering prunus with large two-toned light pink flowers with droopy petals and long frilly pink anthers. The tree has a neat bushy habit and ideal for small gardens as it is naturally compact. (Belgium)
3 Prunus
A compact, rounded to spreading, tree with purple-bronze leaves. Pink buds open to white flowers in spring usually followed by large, purple skinned cherry plums. Leave fruit to ripen well on the tree before eating. (USA)
Prunus ‘Weeping Yoshino’
Tree Shape: Weeping
Tree Shape: Standard
A vigorous, rounded medium size tree with a rather spreading crown, bronze young foliage, green in summer, then red-brown autumn colour. Very unusual semi-double, pale yellow or sulphur flowers in spring. (1905)
4 Prunus x yedoensis
(Syn: P. x yedoensis ‘Shidare Yoshino’) A small tree with steeply pendent branches weeping to the ground. Covered with dense clouds of single white flowers in early spring before the dark green leaves emerge. (1916)
Pyrus (Pear)
Pyrus communis
Tree Shape: Standard
An attractive columnar occasionally thorny tree. Plentiful, white blossom emerges in spring, followed by small, edible fruit which are popular with wildlife. The oval, glossy green leaves turn gold and orange in autumn before falling.
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’
Tree Shape: Upright
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Yoshino Cherry/Somei-yoshino) Graceful tree with upright, spreading branches bearing single, almond scented, blush white flowers in late March, followed by small fruits. Green foliage turns yellow in autumn. (Japan)
A classic street tree with narrow pyramidal habit. White flowers and glossy leaves turning purple and claret in autumn. The leaves stay on late and the flower is early so a good value tree for all seasons. (Ohio, USA, 1950s)
Tree Shape: Standard
An upright to spreading tree with long, cupped, felted, silverygreen leaves. White flowers with red anthers in March, followed by small, glossy, yellow-green, fruit in autumn. (Europe)
Pyrus salicifolia ‘Pendula’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Weeping Willow Leaved Pear) Elegant, small tree of weeping habit. Silver willow-like leaves turn bronzed green in autumn. Small creamy-white flowers in April, followed by small brown/ green ornamental fruits.
Quercus (Oak)
Quercus ilex
Tree Shape: Standard
(Evergreen/Holme Oak) A versatile evergreen eventually becoming dome-shaped. Dark grey bark and narrow oval leaves, dark green above, silver grey and hairy underneath. Yellow catkins in June followed by acorns.
Quercus palutris ‘Green Pillar' (‘Pringreen')
Tree Shape: Upright
A deciduous, narrowly columnar tree, with dense, upright branches. Deeply lobed, glossy green leaves in summer, turn deep red to bronze in autumn. The slim shapes makes this ideal for smaller gardens. (USA, 1990s)
Quercus petraea
Tree Shape: Standard
(Sessile Oak) A large tree forming a rounded crown. Leathery, dark green, lobed, long leaves which turn good orange-brown colours in autumn. Small yellow catkins are eventually followed by stalkless acorns.
Quercus robur
Tree Shape: Standard
(English/Pedunculate Oak) Long lived, broad, dome-headed tree. The lobed leaves are dark green above, paler underneath, turning orange or rusty brown in autumn. Acorns are produced in abundance.
Quercus texana ‘New Madrid’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Red Oak) A fast-growing large deciduous tree with an open, spreading crown and smooth silver-grey bark. The large, deep green leaves turn orange and stunning crimson-brown before dropping in the winter. (USA)
Rhamnus (Buckthorn)
Rhamnus frangula ‘Asplenifolia'
Tree Shape: Bushy
A good ornamental form of the Alder Buckthorn with finely textured scalloped leaves. Attractive flowers for bees and black fruit in the autumn for birds.
Tree Shape: Standard
New leaves emerge deep burgundy-red in spring, turning dark green, then red and orange in autumn. Small male and female catkins appear in March, followed by acorns in late summer to early autumn. (USA)
Robinia (False Acacia)
Robinia x margaretta ‘Pink Cascade’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Syn: R. x margaretta ‘Casque Rouge’) A very profuse, rich pink flowering form of the false acacia tree. The fragrant flowers hang in racemes in June. Dark green pinnate leaves turn yellow in autumn. (USA)
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Renowned for its bright golden pinnate leaves throughout summer. Young twigs are bright brown with wine-red thorns, later turning brown. Pendent clusters of small fragrant pea-like white flowers in mid-summer. (Netherlands, 1935)
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Lace Lady’®
Twisty Babe
Tree Shape: Contorted
A dwarf Robinia ideal for patio pots. Attractive twisted branches hold the delicately curled leaves. Young foliage emerges limegreen becoming darker with age, then yellow in autumn.
Salix (Willow)
Salix alba ‘Golden Ness’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A vigorous, deciduous tree with burnished gold branches in winter. One of the more striking of the yellow stemmed willows, ideal for coppicing. Narrowly lance-shaped, mid-green leaves, and yellow catkins bloom in spring.
Salix alba ‘Hutchinsons Yellow’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A selected clone with bright ‘egg yolk’ yellow stems, making this perfect for winter interest in any garden. Prune back hard each April to encourage the best stem colour.
Salix alba vitellina ‘Britzensis’
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Syn: Salix alba ‘Chermesina’/Scarlet Willow) A vigorous, medium-sized, deciduous tree of compact habit with scarletorange winter stems. Small, yellow catkins in spring alongside new mid-green, narrow foliage.
Salix alba ‘Tristis’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Salix x sepulcratis var. chrysocoma/Golden Weeping Willow)
Fast growing with weeping, golden yellow shoots. Small yellow catkins appear in the spring with the narrow, lance shaped leaves.
Salix alba vitellina ‘Yelverton’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A deciduous tree, often grown as a shrub, with rich bronze-red stem colour making this form particularly rewarding during winter months. Narrow mid-green leaves are joined by fairly small catkins in late spring.
Salix caprea ‘Pendula’
Tree Shape: Weeping
(Kilmarnock Weeping Willow) A small, steeply weeping, umbrella-like tree with heavily pendulous branches. Large grey catkins with yellow anthers open before the mid-green ovate leaves in spring. (Scotland, 1850s)
Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Dwarf, weeping Japanese Willow with narrow, lance shaped, creamy-pink and green, variegated foliage. Yellow catkins are borne in spring and the stems turn orange-red in autumn. (Japan, 1979)
Sambucus (Elder)
Sambucus nigra porphyrophylla
‘Black Beauty’® (Gerda)
Tree Shape: Bushy
An upright, deciduous shrub or small tree with dark burgundy, pinnate leaves. Sweet, lemon scented blooms carried in dense panicles in early summer, followed by glossy black elderberries. (Kent, UK)
Sambucus nigra porphyrophylla
‘Black Lace’® (Eva)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A hardy, deciduous shrub with finely cut, dark burgundy, almost black leaves turning red in autumn. Pretty clusters of tiny pink, scented flowers form at the start of summer, followed by very deep red elderberries. (Kent, UK)
Sophora (Japanese Pagoda Tree)
Salix erythroflexuosa ‘Golden Curls’
Tree Shape: Contorted
A charming pendulous, small tree or large shrub with bright green, lance shaped leaves. The curling and twisted stems are golden yellow in winter and spring, maturing to bronze-gold in summer. (Argentina)
Salix irrorata
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy, upright, deciduous shrub with young green shoots, turning purple as they age with a striking white bloom. Narrow oblong, glossy green leaves, and grey catkins with red anthers emerge in early spring.
Sophora japonica ‘Gold Standard’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Golden yellow stems contrast against the dark green main stem giving winter interest. Foliage emerges rich butter yellow before tuning yellow-green. Creamy-white pea like flowers on mature trees.
Sorbaronia ‘Likjormaja’ Liquorice
Tree Shape: Standard
A hybrid between Sorbus aucuparia and Aronia. Forms a small slender tree with lobed leaves turning wonderful autumn colours. Pinkish white flowers emerge in spring followed by red berries in autumn.
Sorbus (Rowan & Whitebeam)
Sorbus alnifolia ‘Red Bird’
Tree Shape: Standard
An upright, columnar, deciduous tree with a full crown of attractive, green oval leaves which turn a rich scarlet in autumn. Dense clusters of white flowers in May are followed by small, red berries.
Tree Shape: Standard
An upright to spreading, deciduous tree with bluish green leaves turning orange and red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in mid-late spring followed by orange/golden fruit, keeping their colour deep into winter.
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Whitebeam) Young silvery leaves appear as candles turning grey-green in summer, then russet and gold in autumn. Clusters of creamy white flowers in spring, followed by bright orange-red fruit in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A very rare, large shrub or small upright tree. Ovate leaves are deeply lobed, green above, grey and downy beneath. White, delicate flowers in spring followed by round-long berries in the autumn. (Arran, Scotland)
Tree Shape: Standard
(Mountain Ash) Lance-shaped leaves, dark green above, bluegreen beneath turning yellow through to orange in autumn. Flat clusters of white flowers in late spring, followed by large bunches of bright red fruit.
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium sized tree forming a broadly pyramidal shaped crown. Attractive feathered foliage is mid-green, turning orange and red in autumn. Creamy white flowers in spring, followed by clusters of red berries.
Tree Shape: Upright
Compact, upright, deciduous tree with reddish brown bark. Orange-copper stems bear green, fern like leaves turning yellow in autumn. Frothy, creamy white flowers are followed by heavy clusters of red berries.
Tree Shape: Bushy
Rounded, neat tree with delicate, dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Clusters of flowers in late spring followed by coral-orange fruits arriving at the end of summer. A good choice where space is limited.
Sorbus Autumn Spire® (‘Flanrock’)
Tree Shape: Upright
A small, deciduous tree, upright when young, columnar in maturity. Pinnate, bright green leaves turn purple, red and yellow in autumn. Yellow berries with reddish centres contrast well with the autumn leaves.
Tree Shape: Upright
A highly compact, narrow tree with finely toothed leaves that turn shades of orange and yellow in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in spring followed by spherical, orange-red fruit. Disease resistant. (Belgium, 1990s)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small spreading tree with elegant, fern-like foliage, green in summer turning red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in spring, developing into clusters of rounded berries, changing from a pale pinkish purple to white.
Sorbus carmesina ‘Emberglow’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Sorbus cashmiriana
The fruits of this distinctive tree remain red, deep into the winter instead of turning whitish as in most forms of this species. Handsome bluish-green leaves turn shades of red, orange and bronze in autumn. (Liverpool, UK)
Sorbus ‘Chinese Lace’
Tree Shape: Standard
A very healthy, round-headed small tree with unusual deeply cut foliage. The lace like dark green leaves turn stunning shade of red and purple in autumn. Dark red fruits are abundant in large bunches.
Sorbus discolor
Tree Shape: Standard
A distinctive tree with an open crown. Pinnate dark green leaves turn yellow, orange and reddish-purple in autumn. Large, pink tinted white flowers in spring, followed by creamy yellow, tinged pink berries. (China, 1880s)
Sorbus folgneri ‘Emiel’
Tree Shape: Spreading
An attractive spreading tree, with narrow light green leaves, white beneath, turning amber, orange and red in autumn. Clouds of small white flowers turn into dense clusters of tiny orange to red berries. (Belgium, 2000s)
Sorbus ‘Glendoick Spire’™
Tree Shape: Upright
A lovely upright tree with fern-like, dark green leaves, turning orange and red in autumn. Produces creamy white flowers in spring followed by bright pink berries that are great for the birds.
Sorbus gonggashanica ‘Snow Balls’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, bushy tree of neat habit. The dark green leaves turn a fiery red in autumn. Impressive white berries flushed with pink veins contrast well with the autumn foliage and remain long after the leaves fall. (China, 1981)
Sorbus hupehensis
Tree Shape: Spreading
(Hupeh Rowan) A medium deciduous tree forming a compact crown, with blue-green, pinnate leaves turning vivid red and orange in autumn. Large clusters of white berries start out pink before turning white. (China)
hybrida L. ‘Gibbsii’
Tree Shape: Standard
Tree Shape: Bushy
An excellent small tree of open and spreading habit. Leaves are dark green above, grey green beneath, turning orange and yellow in autumn. Pink tinted, creamy white flowers in spring, followed by large white berries. (Kashmir)
Sorbus commixta ‘Ravensbill’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Fern-like leaves turn yellow-orange in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in spring followed by vivid orange berries in autumn. The most distinguishing feature are the long curved, blue-black winter buds. (Korea)
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, upright, oval-headed, spreading tree with pinnate leaves that turn purple and orange-red in autumn. White flowers in spring, followed by dense clusters of deep rose-pink berries in autumn. (Hampshire, UK, 1967)
Tree Shape: Standard
A small tree of upright habit with large, sharply serrated, slightly bluish-green leaves, turning gold and red in autumn. Creamy-white flowers in spring are followed by large bunches of small rose-red fruits.
Sorbus ‘Glendoick White Baby’™
Tree Shape: Bushy
Forms a bushy, small, deciduous tree with fine narrow pinnate leaves, turning rich burgundy in autumn. Heads of creamy white flowers in spring, followed by persistent large white almost translucent berries. (Scotland)
hemsleyi ‘John Bond’
Tree Shape: Conical
A compact, upright tree of columnar habit with heavily veined grey-green leaves that appear to weep and twist revealing their white undersides. Clusters of creamy-white flowers followed by small brown fruits in autumn.
Sorbus hupehensis ‘Pink Pagoda’
Tree Shape: Spreading
An outstanding form with blue-green, large, pinnate compound leaves, red twigs and petioles, and white flower clusters in spring. The persistent fruit is vivid pink slowly turning white by mid-winter.
Sorbus japonica
Tree Shape: Standard
A medium-sized deciduous tree with a rounded crown, bearing dark green, lobed foliage with greyish-white hairs on the underside. Clusters of fluffy white flowers in spring followed by large, round, scarlet fruits.
An attractive, naturally upright, rare tree with large oval leaves and young shoots beneath, covered in white downy film. It produces red fruits with brown speckles and good autumn tints. (Japan)
Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’
Tree Shape: Standard
An outstanding tree with an upright compact shape renowned for its clusters of persistent, round, creamy yellow fruit, becoming orange-yellow as they ripen. Leaves turn red, orange and purple in the autumn. (China, 1932)
Sorbus ‘Leonard Messel’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small, oval-shaped tree with upright branches. Red winter buds and large leaves turn orange, gold and purple in autumn. Clusters of pink hanging fruit follow the white flowers in late spring and early summer. (1949)
Sorbus ‘Matthew Ridley’
Tree Shape: Standard
A strong, upright growing Mountain Ash with delicate lobed dark green leaves that turn lovely autumnal shades. Large bunches of oblong, orange-red berries in autumn, reminiscent of sargentiana. (UK)
Sorbus ‘Pink Pearl’
Tree Shape: Standard
A small upright growing tree with pinnate, sharply toothed leaves that turn purple/bronze in the autumn. Clusters of heavily flushed and pink flecked white fruits in late summerautumn. (UK, 1958)
Sorbus ‘Pink-Ness’
Tree Shape: Standard
A broadly conical, deciduous tree with pinnate matt green leaves, turning orange and red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in late spring are followed by unusual mauve pink fruits. (UK)
Sorbus pseudovilmorinii
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree similar to Sorbus vilmorinii. The leaves are pinnate and almost fern like, green at first, turning to orange and red in the autumn. White blooms in late spring are followed by deep rose-red berries.
Sorbus ‘Rose Queen’
Tree Shape: Standard
(S. com Embley x S. monbeigii) Small, upright tree with dark green, pinnate serrated leaves, turning orange and purple in autumn. Large clusters of bright rose-red berries follow the white spring flowers. (Hilliers, UK, 1963)
Sorbus rosea ‘Rosiness’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree of open habit with reddish bark and silvery markings. Dark green, pinnate leaves turn red in autumn. Amongst the largest berries of any of the pink berry rowans, changing colour from pale to deeper pink.
Tree Shape: Standard
Large pinnate leaves and sticky winter buds. The large red stalked leaves are downy underneath. Creamy white flowers in May-June, followed by bunches of orangey red berries, popular with the birds. (China)
Sorbus Splendens
Tree Shape: Standard
The striking, young, red leaves emerge from large sticky leaf buds in the spring, fading to bronze-green, then flame colours in autumn. Clusters of white flowers are followed by red berries in the autumn. (China, 1995)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Tree Shape: Standard
A compact tree with broadly rounded leaves, white when young, later glossy green, then yellow and bronze in autumn. In spring, it bears clusters of creamy white flowers, followed by reddish brown berries. (China)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small, spreading tree with dark green fern-like leaves turning orange and purple in autumn. Small creamy-white flowers in spring are followed by rose pink berries, which slowly turn to white. (W China, 1889)
A small tree with a neat spreading habit. Frond-like, rich green leaves in summer turn purple-red in late autumn. White flowers are held in bunches in May-June followed by orange/red berries. (China)
Tree Shape: Standard
A small, erect tree with dark, glossy green leaves turning red and orange in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in late May, followed by dense fruitlets, turning from white to golden yellow through autumn. (Hillier, UK, 1968)
Tree Shape: Standard
Young copper green, highly feathered leaves become green in summer, then a fiery mix of bronze, orange and scarlet. Creamy-white flowers in late spring develop into clusters of shiny orange-red berries.
Sorbus vilmorinii ‘Pink Charm’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A superior selection of S. vilmorinii making a small, tree with arching branches, and feathery, compound, green leaves, gold in autumn. Creamy-white flowers in late spring-summer followed by vibrant pink berries.
Tree Shape: Standard
(Tibetan Whitebeam) A rare deciduous, columnar, tree with silvery young leaves maturing to green with sparsely hairy undersides. White clusters of flowers in early summer followed by amber berries in autumn.
Tree Shape: Standard
A strong growing tree with pinnate, toothed, dark green leaves, turning reddish-purple to orange-red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in late spring followed by heavy bunches of golden fruit. (UK)
Stewartia (Deciduous camellia)
Tree Shape: Upright
A broadly columnar tree with attractive, red-brown, flaking bark, grey-pink underneath. Glistening white flowers with bright yellow anthers in July. Oval dark green leaves turn yellow and red in autumn.
Styrax (Snowball)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A small tree or large shrub with spreading fan-like branches. Narrow, ovate leaves with bell shaped white flowers with prominent yellow stamen in June. The flowers hang like bells and are best viewed from underneath. A dainty tree which is surprisingly hardy.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A narrowly columnar variety with strictly upright branches. Produces a profusion of small, snow white, sweetly scented flowers in June, over a long period. Glossy, green leaves turn yellow in autumn.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A slightly weeping small tree with glossy green oval leaves turning yellow or red in autumn. Small, pendulous clusters of bell-shaped, mildly fragrant, pale pink, flowers with yellow stamens in May-June. (Japan, 1970s)
Syringa (Lilac)
Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin'
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy, slow-growing deciduous shrub with small, broadlyovate, dark green leaves. Produces a profusion of pretty lilacpink, sweetly fragrant flowers in May and June that emerge from darker pink buds.
Syringa ‘Pink Perfume’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A compact, upright shrub with bright green, broadly ovate leaves. Panicles of sweetly scented pink flowers are borne from spring to summer and again from summer into autumn. Suited to pot growing.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Amethyst'
Tree Shape: Bushy
Conical clusters of beautiful, very fragrant, trumpet-shaped, light purple-blue, single flowers bloom in late spring and early summer.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Carpe Diem'®
Tree Shape: Bushy
Conical clusters of beautiful, very fragrant, trumpet-shaped, light purple-blue, single flowers bloom in late spring and early summer.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Katherine Havemeyer’
Tree Shape: Bushy
An upright medium-sized deciduous shrub, spreading with age, with mid-green, heart-shaped leaves. Large, dense bunches of highly fragrant, double, purple-lavender flowers in May, fade to lilac-pink in mid-summer.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Madame Lemoine’
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy medium-sized deciduous shrub with light green, heartshaped leaves. Yellow spring buds open to reveal compact trusses of fragrant, double, white flowers in May-June.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Mrs Edward Harding’
Tree Shape: Bushy
Syringa vulgaris ‘Primrose’
A large, deciduous shrub with dark green, heart shaped leaves, perfect for the back of sunny borders. Showy, dense panicles of highly fragrant, deep purple red, double flowers which fade to pink in May and June.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A deciduous shrub with a relatively loose habit, producing large, single, purplish-red florets edged with distinctive white margins to each petal. The fragrant flowers appear in May-June attracting all sorts of wildlife.
Tree Shape: Bushy
A bushy deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and small panicles of fragrant, single pale primrose yellow blooms. The blooms intensify as the plant matures, with richer flowers each year. (Netherlands, 1949)
Tree Shape: Bushy
A spreading medium-sized deciduous shrub with dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Narrow panicles of fragrant, single, pure wine red flowers are borne on compact stems. A reliable, trouble-free variety. (Germany, 1883)
Taxus (Yew)
Taxus baccata
Tree Shape: Bushy
(Common Yew) A slow growing, medium sized bushy evergreen tree with very small, needle like, dark green leaves. Bright red, berry like fruits ripen in the autumn and are attractive to birds during the winter.
Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Robusta’
Tree Shape: Upright
A coniferous tree that forms a slow growing, dense, broad column with multi-pointed crown. Deep green, soft, needle like foliage and red cones in autumn, which are loved by birds. (Switzerland, 1940s)
Tilia (Lime)
Tilia cordata
Tree Shape: Standard
(Small Leaved Lime) A medium-sized deciduous tree with heart shaped leathery leaves, glossy green above and paler underneath. Small, fragrant creamy-white flowers are borne in spreading clusters in summer.
Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’
Tree Shape: Upright
7 Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’
A vigorous and narrowly conical medium-sized deciduous tree with glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves, turning golden yellow in autumn. Creamy coloured, fragrant flowers appear in July. (USA, 1960s)
Tilia x euchlora
Tree Shape: Conical
A large deciduous tree with spreading or arching branches and glossy, deep green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Clusters of small, sweetly scented creamy-yellow flowers appear from June.
Tilia x europaea ‘Golden Sunset’® (Willtill)
Tree Shape: Bushy
Stunning bright coral red stems and buds through winter and golden leaves in spring, turning a lime colour in summer. Small yellow flowers in early summer. Especially good for pollarding and pleaching. (2019)
Tilia platyphyllos
Tree Shape: Standard
Tree Shape: Standard
(Orange Lime) Pronounced orange twigs and shoots in winter and red buds. Heart-shaped matt green leaves in summer, turn butter yellow in autumn. Ivory white scented flowers in July. (Netherlands, 1977)
Tilia x europaea ‘Wratislaviensis’
Tree Shape: Conical
(Syn: Golden) A large tree with a broad, pyramidal crown, and leaves that are bright yellow in spring, turning a more greenishyellow as they mature in summer, then orange-yellow in autumn.
Tilia henryana ‘Arnold Select’
Tree Shape: Standard
A neater more upright habit than the typical species. Dramatic, large, silver backed, dark-green edged pink toothed leaves, resembling “Venus fly trap”. Clusters of fragrant, creamy-white flowers are borne in summer.
6 Tilia tomentosa ‘Petiolaris’
Tree Shape: Standard
(Silver Lime) A vigorous tree of rounded habit, with large pale to mid-green heart-shaped leaves with a course texture. Creamyyellow flowers in June/July. The dark grey bark becomes deeply fissured and marked with age.
A round-headed tree with graceful downward sweeping branches. Dark green leaves, white felted beneath, turning golden yellow in autumn. Cup-shaped, creamy-yellow, richly scented flowers.
Toona sinensis ‘Flamingo’
Tree Shape: Spreading
A slow growing, large shrub or small tree with large pinnate leaves, pink in spring turning cream, then green in summer. Fragrant, whitish flowers, borne in dense, drooping panicles in midsummer, followed by winged capsules.
Ulmus (Elm)
Ulmus x hollandica ‘Wredei’
Tree Shape: Upright
(Upright Golden Elm) Broad crinkled edged leaves are bright yellow where exposed to the sun and greener in the shaded parts giving a suffused appearance, adopting rich shades of gold in the autumn.
Ulmus ‘Lutèce' (Naguen)
Tree Shape: Standard
Medium to large tree with an ascending vase-shaped crown. Broad ovate to broad obovate, serrated, green leaves are late to emerge in May and turn yellow in autumn. A well proven Dutch Elm resistant hybrid. (Netherlands)
Tree Shape: Upright
A slender, upright tree, very resistant to Dutch elm disease. The glossy, dark green foliage is coarsely toothed and heavily veined, turning brown-yellow in autumn.
Ulmus x ‘Wingham' (FL493)
Tree Shape: Standard
A large stately tree, vigorous, fast growing with a fairly upright habit and green oval leaves. High Dutch Elm Disease resistance and ideal as a host tree for the native rare White-letter Hairstreak butterfly. (IPP Florence)
Viburnum opulus
Tree Shape: Spreading
A deciduous shrub, great as a hedge or a specimen. Clusters of sterile flowers emerge lime green, later turning pure white. The soft green foliage is similar in shape to Acers, turning shades of red and purple in the autumn.
Viburnum plicatum
Tree Shape: Bushy
A spreading shrub with open to horizontal branches. The serrated veined foliage is dark green turning red-purple in autumn. Tiny, creamy-white flowers in late spring, followed by ovoid, red fruit ripening to black in autumn.
Wisteria brachybotrys
‘Golden Dragon’
A deciduous, twining climber with yellow new foliage later turning green which sets off beautifully with the purple-blue, pea like flowers in early summer.
Wisteria brachybotrys
Long pendants of large, white, pea-like, highly scented flowers in late spring-early summer, flowering from an early age. A relatively compact growing Wisteria with bright green, slightly downy, pinnate foliage.
Wisteria brachybotrys
A vigorous, deciduous twining shrub with long, pendulous racemes of beautiful, fragrant, pea-like, dark violet purple flowers. The new bronze foliage turns a beautiful rich green in summer.
Wisteria brachybotrys
‘Shiro Beni’
(Silky Wisteria) A vigorous climber producing long, pale pink racemes of scented, pea like flowers in early summer as the new grey green leaves are emerging. The blooms are followed by bean like velvety pods in autumn.
(Rosea) A strong growing deciduous, twining climber with dark green, pinnate leaves, which turn golden yellow in autumn. Long racemes of scented, pea-like, pale rose pink flowers tipped with purple are borne in May. (Japan)
Wisteria floribunda
‘Lavender Falls’
A deciduous climber. Flower racemes are blue-violet and can be 20-50cm long. Can re-flower throughout the summer if situations are suitable. Flowers are scented like grape jelly. (Oklahoma, USA)
Wisteria floribunda
Shiro-noda ‘Snow Shower’
A large, twining, vigorous climber with mid-bright green pinnate leaves. Very long racemes of fragrant, pea-like, purpleflushed, white flowers, blooming as the new leaves emerge. Contrasts well with other coloured forms.
Wisteria x formosa ‘Black Dragon’
(‘Kokuryu’) A vigorous, climber with palmate, leaves, pale green when young, turning yellow in autumn. Pea-like, fragrant, double lilac flowers, borne in usually pendent racemes in spring and summer.
Wisteria sinensis
A vigorous deciduous climber with anti-clockwise twining stems. Flowers as a young plant with short racemes of fragrant mauve blue blooms. A good all round performer.
Xanthocyparis nootkatensis
Tree Shape: Weeping
Attractive, narrow, weeping conifer with a shaggy habit and elegant blue to grey-green foliage. A lovely specimen tree which can reach 10 metres in the right conditions.
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