WINTER • Februar y 2018 • V isit us online @
Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s commitment is enduring and long-tern for the betterment of humankind. WCSHC will share current and relevant information monthly to help landowners and farmers make prudent decisions about their natural resources.
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Sign-up
Elvert Cole, NRCS, Supervisory District Conservationist
CSP is the largest working lands conservation program, allowing you to keep your land in production. CSP is focused on implementing
conservation on the entire farm. Contract payments start at $1,500 according to Elvert Cole, NRCS, Supervisory District Conservationist. Elvert said, “There are more than 200 conservation enhancements available through CSP, including cover crops, buffer strips, wildlife habitats and more.” Therefore, if you are interested, you must submit an application by March 2, 2018, for consideration. To apply, producers should stop by their local NRCS office and submit the initial application materials.
2017’s Agriculture Census
Fenton Pope, CCSHP President
Esmeralda Dickson, MS State Statistician
You have received numerous pieces of mail concerning the 2017’s Agriculture Census in recent months. Now, we need you to take action, and complete your census forms ASAP, to be counted. Conservation Programs mentioned above, are allocated funds based on data collected through the agriculture census. Mississippi’s State Statistician, Esmeralda Dickson urged participants at the Covington County Self Help Project’s 7th Saving Rural America Conference in Collins, MS to complete their census forms. She said, “If you, need assistant please contact our office.” Fenton Pope, CCSHP President said, “We completed our census form in January via the computer, and we are encouraging everyone to complete their agriculture census forms now to help save rural America.”
WINSTON COUNTY SELF HELP COOPERATIVE 3450 Shannon Dale Drive • Jackson, MS 39212 Phone: 601-291-2704 • Email: • Web: “Saving Rural America”
Editor: WCSHC Team Leader Frank Taylor | Email: | Phone: 601-291-2704 Layout and Design: Marqueus Draper