Franschhoek Tatler - April 2022

Page 1

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Page 3 New refuse bins

Page 6 In a nice little village

Page 15 Q&A: Maans Lintveld


Computerised & General Dentistry

Control Room to Boost Security “Stellenbosch is determined to become the safest municipality by 2025,” said Executive Mayor Adv Gesie van Deventer at the unveiling of the municipality’s new state-of-the-art control room.

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This new facility acts as a centralised base where efforts to combat crime and respond to incidents are managed. The control room also houses all partners of the Stellenbosch Safety Initiative (SSI), a collaborative umbrella organisation that brings together various private and public sector safety partners operating across our the municipal area. “What is amazing,” the mayor continued, “is that this collaboration of all security agencies now has the entire municipality under safety surveillance – from Raithby to Klapmuts, from Kayamandi to Franschhoek, from Pniel Executive Mayor Adv Gesie van Deventer in front of the wall of displays used to Cloetesville and Ida’s to monitor cameras throughout the municipal area. Valley to Jamestown.” The SSI is the first such effort in SA and since its communication technology equipment to better establishment many municipalities have adopted facilitate responses during times of crisis. There are this model to form their own public-private currently 12 control room operators employed at safety partnerships. The SSI currently includes the facility, working in shifts of 3 persons to ensure Municipal Law Enforcement, Traffic Services, 24-hour coverage, seven days a week. Disaster Management, the South African Police Apart from the above, the control room also acts Services (SAPS), Community Policing Forums, as a central place where all alarms at municipal Neighbourhood Watches, University of Stellenbosch properties are monitored and municipal vehicles Campus Security and various private security tracked in real-time. The facility also operates the companies. municipality’s after-hours switchboard and the This facility ensures the effective sharing of municipal Let’s Fix It WhatsApp line. intelligence, efficient coordination of responses The public can contact the control room when in need and faster reaction times when responding to of any assistance. The control room is available 24/7 on crime-related incidents. 021 808 8999. Any municipal issues can be reported via The control room currently has live feeds to the dedicated WhatsApp line on 079 622 4722. numerous CCTV cameras and 67 License Plate The mayor concluded by expressing the hope Recognition (LPR) cameras placed at various that the “control room will serve residents of our locations across the municipal area. These numbers, municipality for generations to come and will the mayor said, will be increased in the months and ensure safer streets and safer communities for all.” years to come. The facility also houses a specialised ‘war room’ with state-of-the-art information and Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Stb Muni


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2 | April 2022

Photo Finish for Film Quiz – Almost!

Franschhoek Youngster Plays a Tee-riffic Game

The Franschhoek Theatre held its fourth film quiz, sponsored by Franschhoek Cellar, on 2 March. Competition between the pairs of contestants was fierce and too close to call until the very end. There had to be a winner though and team M&M, consisting of Martine Bauer and Marie-Louise Oosthuizen, squeaked past The Fast & The Furious, consisting of Paul Fogarty and Annette Phillips, for the winner’s spoils.

Local golfing hotshot Alessia Goussard was recently announced as one of ten new inductees to the GolfRSA National Woman’s Squad for 2022. At only thirteen years old, Alessia is the second youngest player to join the newly-assembled female squad of South Africa’s most talented open amateur and junior golfers.

Contestants had to contend with seven rounds of ten questions each. Regulars to the Franschhoek Theatre had the opportunity to build up an early lead in round one – The Films We Screened. It turned out to be one of the lowest scoring rounds though, so nerves were a little frayed going into the Music Round, in which theme songs from films had to be recognised. This seemed to settle the nerves, as the teams scored an average of 80% in this round! Round 3, The Oscars & Some The winners of the fourth Franschhoek Theatre Film Quiz sponsored Other Film Awards, had some by Franschhoek Cellar show off their prizes. contestants stumped from the start. Do you know the former mining town on former actor turned politician, Ronald Reagan, in Colorado that hosts an annual film festival? and both his wives – who were also actresses. (Answers below!) How about how many words Would you have known the name of the Oscarthere were in the shortest ever Oscar acceptance winning actress whose cousin ran for US president speech? Even the animal lovers were stumped by against, then Vice-president, George H W Bush? the name of the award given to Uggie the dog at The final round’s name says it all: Anything Goes! the Cannes Film Festival for his part in the 2012 Could you answer these questions: “How many film, The Artist. actors have played James Bond in official Bond Round 4 required contestants to identify film films?” or “Which film contains the famous line: I posters from which the name of the film had wish I knew how to quit you?” been removed. Would you be able to recognise If you fancy your chances, do sign up for the the posters for Dune, Octopussy or Conan the Franschhoek Theatre’s mailing list to be amongst Barbarian, amongst others? the first to know when the next quiz will take place. Round 5 was You’ll Figure It Out! Bonus points were awarded to those who figured out that all the Text & Image: Editorial Desk questions in the round related to films with colours Answers: Telluride | Two – Thank You | Palm Dog | Olympia Dukakis | Six. Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, in their names. Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig | Brokeback Round 6, Actors & Actresses, included questions Mountain

Aspiring to Tennis Greatness

Who is the Greatest Grand Slam Champion in the Modern Era: Raphael Nadal with 21 titles or Serena Williams with 23? The Franschhoek Tennis Club (FTC) challenged the Franschhoek High School (FHS) children on the ‘Love All Tennis Coaching Programme’ to resolve the issue! Fourteen of the children took to the club’s courts on Saturday, 5 March, to play their hearts out for either ‘Team Nadal’ or ‘Team Williams’. They were all fiercely determined to utilise all of their tennis talents and skills to earn points for their team in games of doubles. While this was challenging enough, in each match they played they were paired with a ‘senior’! Definitely, a whole new ball game! The brave ‘seniors’ who put their reputations and Achilles’ tendons on the line were some of the children’s school teachers, a member of the School Board of Governors, a representative from Train Camp, and members of FTC. Fortunately, no paramedics were needed. Instead, together, the juniors and seniors served up a morning of stunning tennis – all played with total commitment, enthusiasm and good sportsmanship. Every ball was run down in pursuit of points for their team. This event provided immeasurable educational for the developing stars: positioning in doubles, working with and supporting a partner, playing as part of a team, putting tennis skills into match practice were just a few of the boxes ticked. In the words of club secretary, Ross Hutchison Taylor, “Those lucky enough to witness the experience were

left inspired by how the children are transforming into capable, competitive tennis players; who have confidence, poise and maturity. We watched the children leave our courts walking taller than when they arrived. Each one of them did their coaches proud.” In recognition of the progress the children have made and their commitment and hard work, they have all been made members of FTC while they remain on the coaching programme. FTC would like to acknowledge and thank the seniors for their time, patience, wisdom, good humour, encouragement, kindness and of course, tennis skills! One of the teachers summed up the morning, “I don’t know who enjoyed the morning most. The learners or I. It was an amazing day! Such an incredibly special day!” So, was the original question answered? Well, at the half way stage, Team Williams had streaked ahead by six points, yet in a great demonstration of ‘never give up’, Team Nadal emerged as the ultimate winner by a single point! And so the answer, at least for now, is Rapha! Text: FTC | Image: Jayne Culley

Alessia, who attends Bridge House School, first discovered her love for golf at the age of seven while watching her father Reghard compete in social games. Alessia felt compelled to become involved in the sport and began playing golf in Tiger Valley with her mother Marisela once she received her own set of custom clubs. She later joined the Pearl Valley Junior Academy and began training with her current coach Adrian Buchner. By the end of 2021 Alessia not only earned the title of Junior Club Champion, but also became the youngest golfer in the Academy’s history to claim the Senior Ladies Club Champion position. When asked about one of her fondest golfing memories Alessia recalls a particularly tricky putt while representing Pearl Valley during an InterProvincial Tournament (IPT) in Rondebosch. “I was playing with some of the best golfers in the country and I sunk a particularly long-distance putt with

everyone watching. It was incredible,” she says. As part of the GolfRSA Squad, Alessia and the other new inductees will be monitored by expert coaching and medical staff while they train on some of the best courses in South Africa. Since its launch in 2015, the squad programme has given many promising amateur golfers the opportunity to advance and compete at an international level. We wish Alessia the best of luck. Text: Pieter Naude | Image: Supplied

Franschhoek Conducts Fantastic Chamber Music Franschhoek held its first ever Chamber Music Festival from 24 to 27 February in collaboration with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO). The festival featured nine concerts in the Dutch Reformed Church and one at La Motte. Several of the genre’s most celebrated composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn were featured in the programme. The genre derives its name from small groups of musicians that would play inside a castle chamber. To create the small groups required, the CPO was divided into ensembles. As such every musician “requires supreme command of the instrument” since every instrument within the band has more presence, according to the festival’s music curator Peter Martens. CPO boasts some of South Africa’s most accomplished Symphonic Woodwinds Play at NG Church musicians and the reception of Both Alisha and Nic state that future festivals will every performance was overwhelmingly positive. “To be even bigger and better with a wider variety of see every musician play with such passion and to musicians. “We will have an even bigger marquis see every audience member joyfully engaged in the tent next year with all sorts of delicious food for music was mind-blowing. We have all been waiting so sale. We would also love to involve the Conservatory long for this during the pandemic. What a great way at Stellenbosch University,” says Nic. to start the year,” says event organiser Alisha Erasmus. The organisers of the festival are particularly grateful “It was some of the best renditions of certain to the sponsors who are, in no particular order: The pieces that I have ever heard, particularly Eine kleine Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, The Rupert Nachtmusik by Mozart,” says event initiator Nic Music Foundation, Le Lude, La Motte, Pam Golding Barrow, who believes this festival could be one of the Properties Winelands and TK Property Management. best in the world. Nic adds that the festival would not have been possible without the hard work of his wife, Ferda, “who wasn’t even paid for her efforts!” Text: Pieter Naudé | Image: Cindy Taylor

April 2022 | 3

Botanical Society SA Revitalises Medicinal Herb Garden

Oldest Gallery to Close Today Franschhoek’s main road is laced with shops, galleries and boutiques. That wasn’t always the case. Until the late 1980s the village was little more than an agricultural backwater and looked much like Villiersdorp still does. As is often the case, change (aka tourists) first came in small quantities and then, suddenly, in droves. Few businesses from the early tourist days survive and at the end of April another one – Franschhoek Arthouse – will close its doors for good. Artist/ owner Rosita Manser shared the Franschhoek Arthouse’s story with the Tatler. “Derek and I came to Franschhoek in1983; we had previously lived in Joburg. Derek was offered a job in the Cape and was traveling a lot. An advertisement in a newspaper drew me to investigate what Franschhoek was all about. The next we knew we moved to Franschhoek, which was still a sleepy village with much potential. We bought the arthouse building at auction in 1986. Franschhoek, as a tourist destination, was not yet on the map. “At the beginning of 1987, four of us local wouldbe artists got together and started painting – Ann Stubbs, Koos Le Grange and Paddy Howes were the others. We challenged and inspired each other. We did not realise what it could lead to. There is great gain in taking small steps at first. Our first exhibition was put together in 1989 and the pastor, Leon de Jager, opened it. Soon the house was named “The Artist Workshop’. “In 1990, Derek joined forces with us after realising the potential of the venture. He brought different skills to the venture and soon changes were on the cards. Neither of us had any background in art, but we soon learned. “The entrance to The Artist Workshop had to be changed to make it open and inviting to visitors. The rose garden became a paved area and the garden wall along Huguenot Street was removed. The Artist Workshop now became the Franschhoek Arthouse and the informal gallery was born. “Thanks to Derek’s experience in administration, a variety of artistic items like pottery, glass and stone

The Mansers and their staff in front of the Franschhoek Arthouse

carvings were introduced. As tourists started coming to Franschhoek in greater numbers it soon became a viable business. After the 1994 election it blossomed. “There were many highlights, but one stands out. It happened at a Hospice Auction many years ago. There were three bidders for a painting of mine. The bidding was furious and the painting went for R20 000 – several times what it would have sold for in the gallery! I was so excited. “In 2002 I started looking for reliable staff, so I could live out my passion – painting – and interact with people. Over the years we’ve had many dignitaries in the gallery and have made acquaintances with a number of our customers who have come visiting faithfully year after year and supporting us. “When we started telling customers our time for retiring has come and that this lovely and rewarding journey is coming to an end, we could see shock on some of their faces, as we’ve been here as long as they’ve been visiting Franschhoek. “There is a time for everything under the sun. Seasons come and go and as we are entering a new season, we patiently wait to see what it will hold for us.” The gallery is open until the end of April and we still have a lovely collection of paintings and other bits and pieces. So, come and choose from the many specials. Text: Rosita Manser/Ed Desk | Image: Fhk Arthouse

Casino Rumours Confirmed? Long-circulating rumours of a casino operator’s interest in the Franschhoek area seem to have been lent credence by the leaking of a document from the Department of Rural Affairs and Land Reform referring to the possible expropriation of all residential properties in Maasdorp for this purpose. Senior officials of the Turkish casino operator Millî Piyango İdaresi have apparently recently visited the area. The Tatler’s initial requests for comment went unanswered by Millî Piyango İdaresi’s press office. Eventually they did release a statement confirming that they are looking at “one or two properties” in the Franschhoek Valley, which they consider an ideal location for a casino given its proximity to Cape Town and relatively high disposable income level. The statement continued to say that a casino would bring enormous benefits to the area, including employment opportunities during construction and operation, an influx of a ‘new tourist demographic’ and increased leisure options for local residents. It also stated that a feasibility study for a 300-room hotel adjoining the casino is currently underway. The proposed casino will be designed with a French Huguenot theme. The exterior will “combine features of historic structures damaged or destroyed during the 17th century wars of religion

in France,” that saw the Huguenots fleeing to the Cape Colony, among other places. This theme will continue inside, with the foyer resembling the harbour at the Cape of Good Hope where the Huguenots arrived in 1688. The main gambling hall is to resemble the Franschhoek Valley as the Huguenots found it. Murals, painted ceilings and high-tech projections will recreate the “untouched wilderness atmosphere” the Huguenots found in the valley. Staff uniforms will be “inspired by the traditional dress of the Khoi and San people,” the original inhabitants of the valley. C Stellenbosch Municipality and the Franschhoek Ratepayers Association both said that while they’ve M heard the rumours, they’ve not been officially Y informed of any plans for the Maasdorp area and CM therefore cannot comment. MY

Text: Editorial Desk

New Refuse Bins




Stellenbosch Municipality has started rolling out new refuse bins. The first of the new bins have been placed in the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek CBDs and along tourism routes. According to the municipality’s solid waste department the new bins have several advantages. The barrel-like design means they aesthetically fit in better in historic areas, while an increase in height combined with a smaller footprint means they take up less space on sidewalks. Probably the biggest change is that the new bins have lockable lids and a smaller opening making it much more difficult to remove waste from them. The old concrete bins, if still in good condition will be repurposed and reused elsewhere. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Stb Municipality

Executive Mayor Adv. Gesie van Deventer and Stellenbosch Municipality’s Manager: Solid Waste, Clayton Hendricks, with the first of the new generation refuse bins in front of the Franschhoek Town Hall.

The Franschhoek indigenous medicinal plant garden in Huguenot Rd, opposite Terbodore Café, was a hive of activity on Saturday, 5 March. Staff and members of the Botanical Society of South Africa (BotSoc), municipal officials, Judah James – the driver of the project, and interested members of the public gathered to revitalise the garden by planting more indigenous medicinal plants and some plants unique to Franschhoek. The South African National Biodiversity Institute’s Kirstenbosch and Karoo Desert National Botanical Gardens contributed to the plants planted and representatives from the Stellenbosch Botanical The herb garden was a hive of activity as BotSoc Garden also lent their support. members and other interested individuals replanted BotSoc conservation manager, Rupert Koopman, parts of the medicinal plants garden. used the concept of terroir to explain how different types of fynbos thrive in different conditions, from nature and have an unbreakable bond with just as different wine varieties do. Most of the nature of which we all are an integral part. Franschhoek Valley’s floor, which is now cultivated, Judah James, who has been the custodian of the was once Swartland Alluvium Fynbos. Only a few garden since 2006, thanked BotSoc, Stellenbosch highly-threatened remnant patches of Swartland Municipality and those present for their support. Alluvium Fynbos remain. (His faithful hound, Rocky, enjoyed the extra One such patch is the municipally-owned human companionship and offered many of them Wemmershoek wetland which is home to no fewer rocks to play with!) than four endemic species, i.e. plants that grow BotSoc is aiming to re-establish its Cape nowhere else on the planet. This site is threatened Winelands Branch as many BotSoc members by alien invasive plants, too frequent fires and reside in the area, but it requires committed illegal dumping. individuals to activate plant-focussed events to BotSoc GM, Antonia De Barros, in her remarks get going. Anyone with an interest in knowing, emphasised that plants and nature are a shared growing, protecting and enjoying our indigenous heritage and have the ability to bring diverse people plants can become a member by signing up on together and that this garden has the potential the society’s website. With a little luck, there will to be this gathering space in the Franschhoek be enough interest to restart the Cape Winelands community. branch very soon. Paramount Chief Christoffel van Wyngaardt Text: Editorial Desk | Image: BotSoc displayed his wealth of knowledge of local medicinal FWT_Cape Town Tourism Advertisement - Visitors Guide (A5).pdf 1 2022/01/31 2:21 PM plants and reminded all present that they come

4 | April 2022

Franschhoek Wine Valley Focus Mystery weekends, literature and more Mystery weekends and epicurean delights await in the Franschhoek Wine Valley as autumn is set to be one ‘for the books’. As we toast to the month of April, to many a long weekend, generous supplies of Easter eggs and the last of the sunshine weather – a reminder that a great addition to your Winelands weekends plans comes with FREE wine. Pencil in the latest addition to your calendars, as we celebrate ‘Franschhoek Fridays at the Square’, now on every Friday Carol Thorns performing in the bubble at a recent from 17h00 onwards. Offering Franschhoek Friday. (Pic - Anita Olckers) the perfect chance to mingle prick up those ears as Franschhoek’s popular with new faces or meet old friends, the renovated ‘Mystery Weekends’ are back from June onwards, Franschhoek Square plays host to all, as you sip on with the promise of surprises, ultimate relaxation a stellar showcase of award-winning local wines. and pure indulgence. Enjoy free tastings from two rotating wineries each Imagine an all-inclusive winelands getaway, week, or buy a choice bottle at cellar prices and where your weekend has been meticulously toast to the start of the weekend. planned for you from check-in to check-out. Ticking The Franschhoek Literary Festival (FLF) board is all the boxes that Franschhoek is so renowned for delighted to announce the return of the festival, – luxurious accommodation, award-winning wines, back to its in-person norm this year. Book your gourmet cuisine and bespoke experiences, it’s no tickets and support the future of this renowned, annual offering. Save the date and we’ll see you wonder these weekends have welcomed more than 2000 visitors since inception in 2012! here for FLF weekend 13 to 15th May. Our vibrant valley is full-steam-ahead into the new From social soirées to celebrating the latest month with countless opportunities to celebrate from the literary world, bringing together a cross choice company, literary greats, weekends away section of South African and international authors and as always – fine wine and gourmet gold. Make to inspire, delight and enrich the many marvels of sure you’re making the most of these upcoming the written words, it is not to be missed. events and join us as we continue to celebrate in Finally, all those in need of a Winelands weekend true Franschhoek fashion. away – sans any planning, bookings and admin,

6 bottles of the featured wine!

Leopard’s Leap Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir NV Consisting of 70% Chardonnay and 30% Pinot Noir, the vivacious Leopard’s Leap Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir bursts with bubbly flavours of strawberry, raspberry and citrus. Dry, elegant and well-rounded with the perfect balance between freshness and fruit. Playful on the palate with a memorable after-taste. Enjoy as an apéritif or as a versatile food-pairing partner – from breakfast to dessert! Cellar door price: R100

ò info@leopardsleap 0218768002

Leopard’s Leap Rotisserie Turkish eggs for Easter with Salmon, Dill and Avo hummus INGREDIENTS For the Yoghurt: ½ cup double cream yoghurt 1 lime, juice 2 tbsp dill, chopped Salt and pepper For the Hummus: 1 can chickpeas (reserve some for serving) 1 garlic clove 1 lime, juice 1 tbsp tahini 2 tbsp olive oil 1 avocado Salt and pepper To serve: 4 poached eggs 100g smoked salmon 1 lime, quartered


6 slices crusty bread Smoked paprika Method: Mix the yoghurt, lime juice, dill and season to taste. Set aside. Place all the ingredients for the hummus into a food processor and blitz until smooth and creamy. Serve the hummus and dill yogurt on a medium sharing platter together with the poached eggs, pieces of smoked salmon, fresh lime, crusty bread and sprinkled with smoked paprika and chickpeas.

ò info@leopardsleap 0218768002

Which wine estate now has a wine museum?

Send your answer to Winner will be informed by email before 23 April 2022. Prizes to be collected from Franschhoek Info Office before end April 2022 or be forfeited.

The FRANSCHHOEK HOSPITALITY ACADEMY is looking for a long-term home. Can you help? Since 2018, the Franschhoek Hospitality Academy has been providing broadbased hospitality skills training to between 20 and 25 disadvantaged young individuals every year. Without the Academy, these learners would not have had any access to post-school hospitality industry training. Since inception, 95% of graduates are in full-time employment.

Make the most of balmy days and join us at Leopard's Leap Family Vineyards for your favourite wine and something delicious for brunch or lunch. Choose from our popular rotisserie and harvest table or relax under the trees with moreish pizza and wine cocktails. There's plenty of room for the kids to play and now even an exciting pump track, so bring the bikes and helmets!


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"Our goal is to provide world-class skills development and training in hospitality that leads to future employment. We believe everyone deserves a chance at a better future." Being a non-profit NGO, the Academy is constantly looking at ways of minimizing costs, rent being a major one. Rent-free or very low rental premises would go a long way in helping ensure the long-term future of the institution. We are ideally looking for the following: Ÿ

At least 200m² of floor space - located within 5 km of Franschhoek village


A building connected to water, electricity and sewage


Very low - or even better - no rental fee If you are able to assist and help us change the lives of many more individuals and families, please contact Brian Moor on 082 891 3105 or

The Franschhoek Hospitality Academy & Learning Centre is a Charitable Trust registered at the Department of Justice and Constitutional Department in South Africa as well as PBO: 930057649.

April 2022 | 5

Cellar Chat Mark Tanner

Did you ever “Eis” your “Wein” this summer? Ice in wine is not to be confused with the European “Eiswein” or ‘Ice Wine’, which is made from grapes that froze naturally and were crushed long after harvest time while still frozen. The ice, being pure water, is removed, leaving behind a concentrated sweetness, hence an intensely sweet or dessert wine. It is fairly commonplace to see people putting blocks of ice in their white wine, especially during our hot summers. Seeing ice brought to the table without necessarily asking for it has become customary. What do the pundits say? Well, of course, white wine should be chilled, but not too cold as flavours and bouquet are lost. Ice as a chiller is frowned upon as it also dilutes the wine. And red wine? With ice? Horrors! It is, however, a good idea on a hot day to put a bottle of red in the fridge door about half an hour before opening. That is only to ensure that it is served at (European) room temperature, i.e. around 18 degrees Celsius. I have a friend who loves red wine and, being wineeducated, shudders at the thought of putting ice blocks in her glass, but she does so anyway. Her secret is to stir with a spoon and immediately remove the ice. A fair compromise, perhaps? Wine is often about compromise. The other day I experienced a rather subtle compromise regarding the Chardonnay variety. I visited Atlas Swift, the newly re-opened winery next to Hey Joe. They

specialize in Chardonnay but with a difference. They source their grapes from four very different regions, none of which are necessarily renowned for Chardonnay, i.e. Cederberg, South Coast, Wellington and Robertson. An element of finesse connects all four wines and all are vinified using the same technique. The result is four different Chardonnays and an ‘informal’ Chardonnay which is a blend of all four. And very good they are too. While I was there, a visiting couple were expanding their tasting experience with a cheese and charcuterie platter, with cheeses skilfully chosen for their compatibility with the four individual wines. For those, like myself, who like the red stuff they also have a single red called ‘Shelter’ - a satisfying blend of Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon and a splash of Petit Verdot. The compromise? The couple declared that they had never really cared for Chardonnay as a varietal. However, they now felt that they had found a Chardonnay that suited their palates perfectly. As confirmation, they took a couple of cases home with them. Welcome, Atlas Swift. Alexis Lichines was a vigneron and wine merchant. He owned Chateau Prieure-Lichines at Margaux in Bordeaux. His ‘Guide to the Wines and Vineyards of France’ offers some comments on restaurants that I found amusing. How about: “The cheaper menu is good value; the more expensive less so. Chef Reynal is voluble and animates the whole restaurant,” or, “It is said that her husband, who runs the dining room, is much less charming than the setting or the food” and “Good rustic restaurant. Fairly expensive. Ask for wines other than those on the expensive wine list. One star in Michelin” finally, “The central location in town compensates for the food.” A Votre Santé.

New Energy in Boschendal Cellar The historic Boschendal winery heads into the 2022 harvest celebrating a promotion within its dynamic winemaking team as well as an exciting new appointment. Danielle Jacobs, who has been successfully moving through the ranks of the winemaking team and was the 2020 Woman Winemaker of the Year, has been promoted to the position of White Winemaker. Danielle is the natural successor to take overall responsibility for all white wines, including the flagships of Elgin Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc, which are consistently rated as some of the best white wines in South Africa as well as the newly released and highly regarded Suzanne Bordeaux White Blend. Jacobs, whose wines have been past winners of the Amorim Cap Classique Challenge Trophy for Best Overall Producer, remarks; “I am truly looking forward to working with the wonderful array of white wines in the Boschendal portfolio, wines that have established a superb reputation for quality with the local and international consumer as well as garnering critical acclaim around the world,” she says. “The Boschendal viticulture team manages vineyards in some of the Cape’s best terroirs for varieties such as Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc and my aim is to do justice to these sites as well as to increase Boschendal’s reputation for premium white wines.” Jacobs is succeeded by Andiswa Mapheleba as Boschendal’s Cap Classique Winemaker. Mapheleba is no stranger to working in South Africa’s most exciting wine category which is going from strength-to-strength in the local and global marketplace. Mapheleba, who holds BSc and MSc degrees

Newly appointed MCC winemaker Andiswa Mapheleba and white winemaker Danielle Jacobs.

in Viticulture and Oenology from Stellenbosch University, says working with Cap Classique at Boschendal is an honour for every winemaker who holds this wine-style close to their hearts. “Most of my professional experience has been with Cap Classique, where Boschendal has always been one of the reference points due to the winery’s history as a pioneer of this category,” says Mapheleba. “With my first harvest already in full flight, I am eager to continue the precise and purposeful standards which has become synonymous with Boschendal.” Text: Editorial Desk | Image: DGB

Professional Nurse (FRANSCHHOEK HOSPICE)

We require a professional nurse to work in the Franschhoek Valley, providing care to patients in their homes and supervision of community health workers as per Department of Health contract. ��ce is in Franschhoek Requirements: Ÿ Professional Nurse with valid SANC registration. Ÿ Palliative Care qualification will be an advantage Ÿ Driver's license Ÿ Able to be on call two weekends a month Ÿ Reside within 30km radius of Franschhoek Ÿ We offer a flexible working environment. Ÿ Continual staff development opportunities. The successful candidate will be required to attend the Certificate Course in palliative Nursing (HPCA) within 18 months of being appointed. Starting date: a.s.a.p. Please send your CV, SANC registration and salary requirement by email to Sr. Susan Swanepoel -

FRANSCHHOEK’S SPECIALIST PAINT SHOP We stock a full range of Midas, environmentally friendly paints (water and oil based) and Earthcote specialised, textured trowel-on and brush-on products for wall and floor surfaces (300 colours to choose from). We also stock Thales Decontamination Solution for treating fungus and anti-fungal additives to add to all paints. We also stock waterproofing products, Weatherprufe and Eco Rubber, Rolls of torch-on (3mm & 4mm) and various sizes of waterproofing membrane. Plascon water and oil-based paints. Hamilton’s and Academy paint brushes, rollers, trays and tray-sets, crack fillers, sand-paper, masking and buff tapes, turpentine, lacquer thinners, putty and a full range of drop sheets and rolls of plastic to cover floors and furniture. For DIY enthusiasts, we stock ladders, overalls and drop sheets. We also stock a full range of Woodoc ‘food for wood’ in various colours and a full range of Duram products, including Duram Roof paints in various colours and Duram Showfloor Polyurethane floor paint, also in assorted colours. We can also supply twin pack epoxy paints for specialised applications. All textures and colours are on show in our showroom. Pop in and have a coffee with us, whilst leisurely selecting your paints and colours. For FREE technical advice, paint specifications and quotations contact Paul 082 567 6162


ENVIROLITE 021 876 2082

SHOWROOM: Unit 80C Village Artisan, Cabrière Street, Franschhoek

6 | April 2022

In a Nice Little Village… Emily Dickinson once stated “Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.” This quote has entered my head for years whenever I walk through the streets doing outreach and trying to understand why humans ignore the horror of animals’ plight and the suffering happening right in front of them. This strikes me even more when I enter the outskirts of a very influential and affluent little town called Franschhoek. Driving five minutes from the town centre to the informal settlements and casting one’s eyes on the horror actually makes your skin crawl. The suffering here is never-ending; domesticated animals are either tied up, petrified of strangers, hiding under cars, scavenging for scraps among the refuse on the streets or drinking from the rancid puddles to quench their thirsts. Clean water is a luxury for the animals in this community. Confined, tied up dogs don’t even get to drink water or have the humane right to have a bowl provided for them. My heart fell to the ground when we were sterilising in this community last month and discovered a group of dogs that hang together on the main streets or hide under cars and bushes. I named them ‘The Fire Dogs’ as their bodies were so covered in mange and ticks and fleas that there was not a hair in sight. Their bodies like leather, feet raw and sensitive from the mange and infections, this group of dogs live off scraps they manage to find. Kicked, chased and stoned, nobody claims these dogs as their own. They just live… live to die. With the help of Safe Hands Animal Rescue in Franschhoek, we have been trying to feed and medicate them to make their lives bearable while we try to catch them. They don’t come near but have lately not run so fast when we approach. We have tried to bring about some sort of routine to feed them regularly to alleviate their hunger and suffering. We are working on ways to get them to trust us a bit so that we can catch them without the extra trauma of dog catching nets or poles. Once we have caught them, we need to either get them to a place of safety for treatment and eventual adoption or we will have to euthanize them. Sometimes euthanasia is the only answer, but my heart screams for this little group to actually one day have the opportunity to know and experience a true caring home, love,

The Fire Dogs

accessible food and water, a warm shelter and a person that actually cares. We are thus looking for wonderful people that can provide caring foster homes for these dogs in the near future. Please, if you can help with one or can provide a home while we care for them, you will be making a very big difference in the lives of animals that have only known hardship. We work very hard to assist neglected animals but our work is futile if we do not have ways and means to remove an animal from a situation. If you can help in any way, please email me on sjr@adept. or Whatsapp me on 083 447 0979. Note that all medical, food and veterinary expenses will be covered by Watershed Animal Rescue while in foster until these animals have found their permanent homes. Your voice can really make a difference.

Please support SHARF by joining the SHARF 100 Club Help us generate much-needed funds for sterilisation, veterinary care, food, tick & flea treatments, deworming and education. The 100 Club consists of all those people who commit to paying the fund R100 or more per month on a 12/24 month basis (with the freedom to opt out with one month's notice). Bank Details: Safe Hands Animal Rescue Franschhoek Bank: FNB | Branch: Paarl |Branch Code: 200110 | Acc No.: 62836203076 | NPO No: NPO 235-331







Stephne Jackson, Watershed Animal Rescue

MOST SUCCESSFUL GOLF DAY YET R200,000 ANNUAL GOLF DAY 25 FEBRUARY 2022 What a day!! Our annual golf day was an even bigger success than 2021. We were overwhelmed by the generosity and care from our players. We raised close to R200,000! And did you know that 100% of the profit goes to SPCA - no middle man, no commissions, nothing. All this is due to our amazing volunteers, supporters, sponsors and players. We want to thank all our sponsors, especially our host, The Franschhoek Beer Co and the many incredible donations we received - too many to mention but we will do so on our social media platforms.

Big bidders, Rodger Carter and Rob Pilkington, raising their paddles for the winning bids. Award-winning producer, director and actor Aidan Whytock stepped into his auctioneer boots assisted by Nikki de Havilland and Erika McCormack from the SPCA. Thank you to Polly Meyer and her niece, Tol, for their assistance.

With the ease of lock down restrictions, we are pleased to announce that we are communicating with the schools to pick up our SPCA Junior program. This said, we are excited to announce a collaboration with Cape Union Mart and KWay to educate our youth about spending quality time with your best friend in the outdoors and to focus on early childhood education, which is the key to the betterment of society. This was announced at our golf day and we look forward to an amazing relationship going forward.

The winning team players were John Thompson, Nischan Weerasinghe, Eberhard Schifer and Jeremy Swan. Greame Oliver snuck in to accept the prize on his behalf. Massive thank you to Andre Labuchagne from Cape Union for the KWay travel cases and Bear from Anthonij Rupert Wyne for the Jean Rois magnums and the wines for the evening.

Please make a difference Even though we were very successful in our fundraiser, please note that these funds have already been allocated to paying off arrears and other costs. Please donate so we can continue our invaluable work in our community.

Valley Musketeers strike a pose with Reuben Riffel, Barry Lodewyk, Rodger Carter, Ganief Daniels & Sheldon van Wyk.

We would like to thank Leazle Alexander, Werner Bernhardt and everyone at Paarl Golf Club and Elmar and his team at The Golfing Goat for a seamless and successful event. Thank you to Mr Ad Hemmes that assisted in marketing and the organisation of the Texas Scramble scoring.

Team Designated Drivers, John Margoc, Dr Chris Wilson, Philip Conradie and Bobby Foulkes enjoying the day.

A big thank you to Roger Boltman from HQ Food Lover's Market, Fernando de Freitas and butcher Marius from the new Food Lover's Market branch in Paarl for donating 200 lamb chops for the dinner.

Nedbank Franschhoek Branch code - 167005 Account number - 1670019365


083 745 5344 Events/fundraising Chairperson

April 2022 | 7

Tatler Motoring MICHELE LUPINI

Mercedes’ New C Redefines Entry Exec Sedan Class Slicker, Smarter, Cleaner & Quicker, All-New C-Class Proves a Pleasant Surprise While Mercedes’ all-new C-Class saloon is pleasantly fresh in the flesh, it’s immediately apparent that this car has given buyers in this neck of the woods plenty to think about. Comfort & Quality beyond C-Class Pay Grade Graced with sharp latest E-Class looks and packing newest S-Class onboard tech along with outstanding comfort and quality well beyond its pay grade, it gains improved mild-hybrid efficiency and performance too. This 220d is one of two launch models alongside the petrol C200. Considerably larger at 4751 mm long and measuring 1820 mm wide, the new C rides on a 25 mm longer 2865 mm wheelbase to benefit rear passenger room. Design lines are reduced to a minimum, although that shoulder line is further emphasised for a softly aggressive feel. You’ll recognise that sharper taillight look from siblings like CLA and CLS. Its classy looks draw you inside, to where the biggest improvements hide. Plush materials cobbled together in a business

class fit and finish, conspire to deliver a more than suitably premium cabin. Splendid finishes and many seemingly floating components take it to a new level. Especially in C’s class. It’s basically a junior S-Class limo inside. Although that cleaner dashboard layout with freestanding high-resolution jumbo 11.9-inch LCD infotainment screen floating in front of the wing profile and trim, did divide opinion. Jumbo Screen Dazzles, Can Confuse It’s controlled by second generation ‘Hey Mercedes’ MBUX voice activation or touching the screen. Or use the left stalk of the chic new multifunction steering wheel. It does keep Mercedes in front of the infotainment interface race. The driver has multi-mode 12.3-inch digital instrumentation at his access. All run by the right steering stalk. The cabin can be individualised in Discreet, Sporty and Classic display styles and also and also by three Navigation, Assistance and Service modes. Driver and front passenger space is good and there’s more head and knee room in the back too. Four adults will travel at ease in the new C. A fifth passenger in the back should be happy on a shorter drive. The 455 litre boot may fall short of some rivals, but it’s practical enough for most needs. This 147 kW and 440 Nm Mercedes-Benz Family of Modular Engines now benefits a 15 kW 200 Nm hybrid electric boost. You notice it when you fire it up. There’s no more starter motor chug, it just burbles to life. Snick it to drive. Pull away. And

this mild hybrid model is an incredibly smooth drive, torquey and effortless to shift up to higher motorway speeds. It remains quiet and composed enough under harder acceleration to elicit magic carpet comments. Does Precisely What Benz Promises Driving the rear axle via Merc’s 9G-Tronic ‘box, our tester almost exactly matched Merc’s 7.3-second 0-100 km/h claims and we also readily managed Benz’s 4.6l/100km. Five individual driving modes include Comfort, Eco, Sport, Sport+ and Individual. We fiddled a bit, but went right back to the softer Comfort setting for everyday driving. Sport and Sport+ firm suspension enough to noticeably improve dynamic performance. Not that it will trouble a 3 Series for driving fun. The new car’s suspension improvements however deliver unheard of levels of ride and noise comfort, while still being agile and fun enough to drive. Mercedes knows its market well enough not to meddle with that. But C does also come the option of a continuously adjustably damping sport suspension. The new C-Class series also adds the latest Driving Assistance Package. It has several additional functions, some of which can become a little overbearing. Aspects like the meddling lane assist

can be overridden individually. Or just switch the entire system off via MBUX if it becomes a bit too much. Make sure the car is parked when you do that. Proudly South African Built right here in East London in South Africa, the C-Class continues to be a massive success story for the South African industry and economy. The state-of-the-art East London plant benefited a billion-dollar expansion and development and will soon be carbon neutral. So, all in all, the all-new Mercedes-Benz C-Class promises to be a win-win-win success. Not only will it take it to the likes of its traditional BMW 3 Series and Audi A4 rivals, the style set from the Alfa Romeo Giulia to Jaguar XE and the rest, but it also brings an overall touch of class that few of those rivals can match. Images & data: Giordano Lupini

ROAD TESTED: Mercedes-Benz C220d | Engine: 150 kW 440Nm Nm 2-litre turbodiesel I4 | Drive: 9-speed automatic RWD | TESTED: 0-100 km/h: 7.29 sec | 400m: 15.1 sec @ 115 km/h | 80-120 km/h: 4.64 sec CLAIMED: VMax: 245 km/h | Fuel: 4.6 l/100 km | CO2: 116 g/km | Warranty/Service: 5y 100K/2y unlimited | LIST PRICE: R908K | RATED: 8

Franschhoek Shines at Killarney Franschhoek lad Giordano Lupini enjoyed an excellent day of National Championship Polo Cup racing at Killarney in March.

racing! The potential is there. Now we just need to tie it all together.” Bullion IT Racing heads to Zwartkops in Pretoria next on 23 April.

He set the pace throughout, took pole position and set two of the three fastest race laps. Bullion IT Racing teammate Jurie Swart took two of the three race wins to win the day as the duo made their Cape Town home race their own in a home town 1-2-3-4. “To take pole position in my first Polo Cup Superpole was a major highlight,” Giordano admitted. “I had the pace throughout, but I was a little unlucky with the timing of a safety car. “That’s

Also at Killarney, another Franschhoek driver, Ian Schofield, enjoyed a splendid day in the old school Formula Ford Kents. Ian started from pole position and sped to both race wins in his Investchem Mygale SJ. Known for his mesmeric consistency on track, Schofield, who is also patron of the Franschhoek Spurs football club, not only beat several drivers a fraction his age, but scored almost identical heat times in the two heats.

Jurie Swart and Giordano Lupini race neck in neck in their Bullion IT Polos. Ian Schofield heads for victory in his Investchem Mygale SJ.



Tatra is one of the automotive world’s lessrecognised manufacturers, yet it is the third oldest company with an unbroken history still making vehicles. The company produced the first motor car in central Europe in 1897. The vehicles were built in a factory in Nesselsdorfer and the name Tatra, which stemmed from the Tatra Mountains on what was then the PolishCzechoslovak border, was adopted in 1919. Prior to the outbreak of WWII, Tatra was producing some radical machines. Not least of these was a series of aerodynamic, rear-engined cars simply titled T77, T77a and T87. The styling of which was done in consultation with Paul Jaray, who had worked at Zeppelin, and he used the airship company’s wind tunnels to establish the streamlining principles for car design. In 1936 Tatra decided to introduce an ‘entry level’ T-series model, a scaled down version of the V8-engined T-series cars, almost identical


FMM curator Wayne Harley took part in this year’s D-J Motorcycle Rally that took place on March12-13, and was a very happy man at the finish in Benoni. Wayne completed the demanding route riding the museum’s 1926 350cc AJS that was the winner of the 1936 Durban-Johannesburg handicap road race, ridden on that occasion by Cranley Jarman, of Nigel. This was the last year that these races were staged before the authorities deemed this type of racing dangerous for both the competitors and other road users, as traffic between the two cities increased over the

in style but powered a four-cylinder flatfour engine. Called a T97, a ridge emanating from just above the sloping windscreen runs back over the roof to become a ‘shark fin’ tail that splits the rear window. The T97 has an impressive drag coefficient of just 0,36 making it one of the most aerodynamic cars of its time. The view out front and to the side is excellent thanks to the deep glasshouse, but to the rear vision is limited through a small vertical, rectangular window in the bulkhead immediately behind the rear seat. This, in turn, allows sighting through the split rear window in the massive, one-piece, top-hinged engine cover – it is a bit like looking backwards through a telescope. The ignition key is an odd, dimpled item that has to be turned and pushed in to activate the electrics. The floor-mounted pedals are offset to the left – brake and clutch paired

close together. To start the car, pull up on a lever mounted down alongside the floor tunnel – a cable runs backwards to the starter motor. The engine is an air-cooled 1749cc boxer motor producing 30 kW at 3 500 r/min. A narrow intake just above the bumper feeds air to the front-mounted oil cooler while ear-like scoops on the C-pillars force air into the engine bay. Gearbox is a four-speed. The T97 was claimed to reach a top speed of 130 km/h, and thanks to its aerodynamics and gearing, it was capable of cruising all day at 110 km/h without fuss. The Tatra boasts independent suspension all round and the ride is remarkably smooth and relaxing. Rack and pinion steering offers

good control and feedback and hydraulic drum brakes provide good stopping ability. The T97 was built between 1936 and 1939 and only 508 were manufactured. After the war, the T97 was dropped in favour of the larger and more modern T600. Today, the company is known more for its truck operation. FMM’s 1938 Tatra T97 is currently on display in Hall A.

NEW VISITING TIMES years. The last time this motorcycle took part in D-J Rally was in 2002 when restorer Hew Hollard rode it. “The bike performed faultlessly, and it was a privilege to have had the opportunity to ride this piece of South African motorcycle history on yet another D-J Rally after a 20-year absence,” commented Wayne afterwards. During the event, Wayne met up with current SA MotoGP stars Brad and Darryn Binder who had both taken time out from their schedule to take part in the rally along with their father, Trevor. FMM’s Jarman AJS is back on display in Hall A.

Museum opening times have reverted to the autumn to spring schedule. From 1 April, FMM will be open Mon to Fri 10h00 to 17h00 (last admittance 16h00), Sat and Sun 10h00 to 16h00 (last admittance 15h00). Visiting museum is by appointment only and via online booking. Entry fees: R80 adults, R60 pensioners and motor club members (with membership ID), R40 children (ages 3-12). Only electronic payments are accepted. For any other info and sign-on for a free monthly newsletter, logon to or phone 021 874 9000 or e-mail PLEASE NOTE: The museum will be closed on Good Friday -15 April 2022

8 | April 2022

Gardening in April

Rainfall Figures


Living and farming in a winter rainfall area makes April the most anticipated month in my gardening year. Traditional beliefs have it that our first rains always come around Easter weekend and we trust that this year will be no exception. Current meteorological conditions point to a later start to winter. While we wait for the rain, autumn is too beautiful a season a miss out on. It is a wonderful time to get out and visit some of the grand gardens around the Cape and admire the show old deciduous trees put on in autumn. Kirstenbosch stands out with the bonus of a mass display of flowering Plectranthus. Once that rain comes, there is no more loafing about using the dry ground as an excuse. Now is the time to get stuff done in the garden. You will be doing plenty of pruning and trimming. Autumn is the best time of the year to start a compost heap. There is no better fertilizer for any garden than compost brewed on-site, with localized microbes allowed to break open the goodness trapped in our organic wastes. Removing all compostable material from your solid waste is one of the simplest regenerative actions any homemaker can take. Composting that material through a worm farm, bokashi bin or traditional compost heap will not only prevent it from rotting on a landfill but will also give you the best nutrients that money can (or can’t) buy. The cut branches and stems from all your autumn pruning will need to be shredded before composting. Most tool hire companies rent out chipping machines – it can be one of the best ways to spend your money this autumn. The traditional way of layering green, brown and wet material in a compost heap still works well. Building it is a bit of an art, but easily taught through books, online videos, or trial and error. Deciduous trees and shrubs can be pruned as soon as they have dropped their leaves, but wait until late winter before pruning fruit trees and roses. Hardwood cuttings can be taken from shrubs and climbers. Pot them in clean river sand and keep moist, but not too wet. Lift, divide and transplant summer flowering perennials like Agapanthus, Dietes and daylilies. Water the plants well the day

mm/year 2011 2012 830mm 1079mm

Measured at La Cotte/Nerina Street

2016 754mm

2017 501mm



before dividing and plant the fresh new growth from the sides of the clumps. Spring-flowering bulbs can be planted as soon as the soil cools down. Make a point of planting more indigenous bulbs this year – we have such a wide variety of spring bulbs in the Western Cape that it is hard to choose between them all. Try some Babiana, Ixia, Lachenalia, Moraea, Sparaxis, Watsonia, Freesia or Nerine; you won’t be disappointed. These bulbs also don’t need to be lifted every year and can be left in the ground through summer. Sow seeds of winterflowering annuals like Arctotis, Felicia, Lobelia, Nemesia, Scabiosa, Anchusa and Osteospernum. The transition between summer and winter can often be chaotic and frustrating for the gardener, and nowhere more so than in the vegetable garden. While the last tomato and green pepper bushes are still hanging on to some slowly ripening fruit, we can’t wait to clear some space for winter plantings of cabbage, broccoli, kale and broad beans. I am also dying to get some proper green manure crops going this year – I am trying to be as diverse as possible in this. It is an easy way to clear out the old seed cupboard. All the material will be cut down and dug into the soil in spring – the more diverse the better. I want nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators and carbon traps in my mixture. April is table olive month – calamata, manzanillo and mission are all ripening fast. I use the traditional slow curing process. Olives get a once-off wash in clean water and are then packed into large plastic drums in a 10% brine solution. These are then forgotten about for at least a year. I then give them a good wash and bottle them in jars in a 5% brine solution with a little bit of olive oil floated on top – ready for the table. Happy gardening!

January February March April May June July August September October November December

2013 1471mm

2014 1033mm

2015 661mm

2019 828mm

2020 910mm

2018 867mm

Dam Levels






9 0 48 6 163 152 115 158 14 67 73 19

9 9 57 63 226 378 493 651 665 732 805 824

2 8

2 10

As at 14th March 2022 Steenbras Upper


Steenbras Lower








Berg River Dam


Total Storage


Total Storage this date last year 75.5%


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April 2022 | 9

Letters Spring Idea The fresh water spring on the pass has served the general communities for many years. I am from Cape Town and travel regularly over the pass and have always collected the water there. However, the public can no longer use the facility as bollards are now preventing that. While I understand the possible reasons for preventing the use of the spring, I think it is unfair. I suggest a simple solution. Redirect the water to a collection point at the view site just below, lower down the road where there is paved parking and shade and would make a perfect collection spot. At the moment folks are still stopping higher up on the pass and lugging heavy containers up the hill. Not only is it dangerous but the road edges are still being damaged.

Probus Club


Our Annual General Meeting was well attended and we look forward to the new year with Eugene du Toit as our newly inducted President for the coming year. The committee remains the same with an open invitation for members to join. Our next speaker on 4 April will be Erika Bornman on the pitfalls of education, a fascinating subject. For future speakers please watch this space. What is Probus all about? • In South Africa, there is a rapidly growing number of Probus Clubs, which offer retirees the facility to manage successfully the transition from a high-pressure executive, professional and

Editor’s Letter Siegfried Schäfer

Please could you publish this or direct it to the local Town Manager. Thank you. Margie Cochrane Rondebosch, Cape Town.

other vocational activity to a calmer way of life. • This is achieved through these valuable features of membership: • Opportunities to extend compatible social contacts and maintain an interest in the topical issues of the day. • Nurturing positive attitudes to ageing through group recreation and the sharing of information on issues of concern to Senior Citizens. • Support in grief and illness. • Speakers at monthly luncheons who provide a fresh mental challenge and stimulation. • We are a-political and non-sectarian • We are mindful of the fact that costs are an important consideration. Membership fees, therefore, are kept to a minimum; while monthly luncheon costs vary. • Probus is not a Service/Fund Raising organization. For more information please contact Mark Tanner on 082 773 9217.

Hospice News The Hospice Board for 2022/2023 was recently elected. They are: Dr Karen Eksteen – General Practitioner, Helen Siebert – Fundraising Chair, Liz Mills – Fundraiser and Scribe, Colleen Douglas – CEO, Pam Lewis – Chairperson, Anton Kilian – Legal Advisor, Lyn de Villiers – Vice-chairperson and Sister Susan Swanepoel – Nursing Service Manager. Please diarise the following dates before your diaries get too full! Literary Festival weekend: 13 – 15 May at Hospice House. Loads of fabulous books will be on sale – Friday and Saturday 09h00 to 16h00. Freshlybaked salmon croissants will also be on sale. The Stables luncheon: 26 June Bastille weekend: 15 – 17 July – Berets, pancakes, and freshly-baked salmon croissants will be on sale. Reuben Riffel Golf Day at Pearl Valley: 15 September

Fleur de Lis News MARIËTTE HUGO

Here we are, at the end of the first quarter of 2022. Our new manager has settled in and we only hear compliments from the residents and everyone who has met and worked with her. Februarie, die maand van liefde! Feedem het hulself weereens oortref met die heerlike bederf ontbyt wat Valentynsoggend voorgesit is. Dankie aan die inwoners wat hulself so mooi opgetooi het in rooi! Daar is sommer baie lekker gekuier. This year the bakers once again had the opportunity to bake their best milk tart. It was time for Fleur-de-lis’s national milk tart day competition. Die oggend was weereens ‘n reuse sukses met inskrywings vanuit die hele vallei. Daar

Dear Readers Anyone who has read a sufficient number of my editor’s letters will know that I’m an environmentalist at heart. So they’ll also not be surprised that my interest was piqued by an article in Bloomberg’s CityNews about the uncovering of a long hidden river in Paris, the Bièvre. Pollution from industrial activities on its banks made the river so polluted that it was covered up by the city fathers in the early 20th century. I couldn’t help thinking that a description of the Bièvre published by the French newspaper Le Figaro in 1899 could also apply to some rivers and streams in our valley. Does this seem familiar? “It flows slowly, oily and black, streaked with acids, dotted with soapy and putrid pustules. In the sparse and sordid grass, peeled like the back of a worn-out horse, parasitic plants grow in abundance.” If industrial pollution was responsible for the covering up of the Bièvre, the resulting climate change is however also responsible for its uncovering. That is because Paris is taking a far more nature-inspired approach to dealing with climate change. In particular there is one measure they want to avoid: air conditioning systems. While air conditioners may cool interiors, they heat exteriors and increase greenhouse gas emissions. I.e. en masse they cause more problems than they solve. Paris’ approach relies on the knowledge that plants and water cool their surroundings by up to 4 degrees Celsius. This has led programmes such as cooling major public buildings with water from the Seine river, developing more parks and green areas (with 170,000 trees to be planted by 2027) and cleaning up the Seine, so it will be swimmable by the 2024 Summer Olympics, which will be held in the city. Uncovering rivers is not only done for the temperature reducing effects. Unpredictable and

more extreme weather events, particularly flash flooding, are also mitigated by having more places for the water to go. “Daylighting” rivers, as the process of uncovering built-over rivers is called, is expensive – the Bièvre project will cost almost $16 million – but the informed consensus is that “the cost of damages, from heat and flooding, will be even higher if you don’t do it.” For this reason cities across the world are uncovering their rivers and trying to restore them to a more natural state. “For example, in 2005, Seoul built a $900 million artificial version of the Cheonggyecheon stream on the course of the original river, which had been covered up by a highway during the 1970s. The new waterway, which diverts water from an underground river, acts as a major flood-relief channel, capable of protecting the surrounding area from a 200-year storm. The Cheonggyecheon has also become a major tourist attraction, receiving 60,000 visitors a day, and is credited with revitalizing an economically moribund neighborhood.” Other recent daylighting projects include Auckland, New Zealand, where city fathers “stripped away thousands of cubic meters of clay and pipes to uncover streams in its city center” and Manchester, U.K, where the local authority “uncovered a downtown section of the River Medlock, which was buried in an underground tunnel 50 years ago. Authorities in New York City are currently studying a $130 million plan to reopen the Tibbetts Brook in the Bronx, which was enclosed in a drain around the same time as the Bièvre, to help mitigate growing flood risks.” Franschhoek certainly has its share of streams that have been channelled and covered over the years. Rather than solving the original problem though it has made it worse in most cases, by either confining storm water flows to artificially restricted tunnels or fast-flowing concrete channels. I’m not even talking about the effect on biodiversity! I wonder when we’ll grasp that it’s best for everybody to leave rivers and streams in their natural state; or, if that’s not possible, to at least use interventions that mimic nature. Until next month

DEADLINES - MAY 2022 ISSUE Bookings - 13 April 2022 Artwork - 19 April 2022 | Editorial - 13 April 2022

Franschhoek Open Gardens: Save the Date The 2022/2023 Franschhoek Hospice Board

Hospice Hop: 7 October at Leopard’s Leap with the famous Uncorked Band La Terra de Luc Wedding Venue: 12 November, lunch with entertainment

was melkterte met ‘n twist, eerste probeerslag melkterte en die mooiste versierde melkterte. Thank you to our judges, who had the difficult task to decide the winner. Congratulations to Marlicia Meyer, winning this year’s best milk tart competition. After the judging the Fleur de Lis residents could enjoy the delicious milk tarts. Die opgewondenheid raak al groter soos 13 April nader kom. Met die verslapte Covidregulasies kan die amakierie-kierie sportfees weer voortgaan. Everyone in the valley is invited to come and enjoy this fun-filled day of sports. See you on 13 April at the NG Church grounds! Indien daar enige belangstelling in Fleur-de-lis se leefregeenhede is, maak gerus ‘n afspraak met Nanda en sorg dat jou naam op die lys kom. So kan teleurstelling voorkom word, as daar ‘n eenheid beskikbaar kom. A big thank you, to each and every one who donates fruit, vegetables, flowers and so much more to Fleur-de-lis.

As another summer draws to a close, the Open Gardens Committee is looking optimistically towards springtime – surely one of the most glorious times of the year in our valley. It has been some years since we have been able to present the festival for two consecutive years. First, the severe drought hampered gardening efforts, and then the restrictions imposed by the corona virus epidemic nixed our plans. This year, we hope, will establish a new pattern of an annual event for us all. The dates for Open Gardens 2022 are: 28 - 30 October. As we reported after the event, the festival last year was considered to be the best to date on various levels; principally the record number of visitors to the gardens and the wonderful variety and the standard of the gardens on show. This year we are hoping to build on that and set a new level in festival attendance. Public events evolve and the use of modern technology to promote them has become a necessary factor in advance planning. In response to this we made use of Webtickets for ticketing, which was very successful, and also ran an Instagram and Facebook account which attracted over 2000 followers. The most important element in the ongoing success of the Franschhoek Open Gardens will however always be the gardens

themselves and the generosity of the garden owners in participating in the event. Our heartfelt thanks go to all of them. We are constantly seeking new gardens, large, small or different, to add interest to the event. Please get in touch if you think your garden would be one to consider. No such festival can succeed without generous and reliable sponsors and in Franschhoek we are fortunate in having both. We hope that they will continue to give their support knowing that all the funds raised go to needy and worthwhile causes in our valley. Meanwhile, keep well and diarise the date. Franschhoek Open Gardens Committee

Festive Fashion

Franschhoek Leeskring SUSAN MÖLLER

Aanspreeklikheid, uit die pen van Jaco Fouché, is die Leeskring se Boek van die Maand wat op 7 April bespreek word deur Elkarien Fourie. Die byeenkoms word gehou in die saal van die NG Kerk. Vanaf 14h30 geniet ons ‘n koppie tee of koffie met die verrigtinge wat om 15h00 begin. ‘n Fooi van R30 geld vir besoekers. Vir navrae skakel asb. 072 932 5393. Jaco Diehl woon op Hermanus. Hy word getuie van ‘n poging tot moord op sy buurvrou en geleidelik word hy betrek by ander dade van

geweld. Eers op Hermanus, maar later ook op Somerset-Wes en uiteindelik in Kaapstad. Sy lewe is aan die disintegreer en dit lyk nie of hy regtig omgee nie. Die hoofkarakter sleur ons al dieper mee in ‘n doolhof. Wie is aanspreeklik vir die moorde en wat is die waarheid? Of word ook die waarheid ‘n storie, ‘n verdoeseling wat nes Jaco nie vertrou kan word nie? Aanspreeklikheid is in 2018 aangewys as naaswenner in NB-Uitgewers se Groot Afrikaanse Romanwedstryd.

The Reign Fashion Canvass at Kilima Franschhoek Guest House brought together food, wine and fashion during the Festival Francophonie. Modelled by local ‘queens’ and paired with Chamonix wines (the dresses, not the queens!) the event was a true showstopper.

10 | April 2022

April 2022 | 11

12 | April 2022

Business Leadership TONY FROST

Achieving Balance in the Team Achieving team success is no easy task. No matter how complex this may be, this is the primary responsibility of the leader of the team; no matter what its size. In many organisations there is often an almost total focus on the doing, on the tasks at hand. This is particularly the case with immature organisations. However, if there is an over-emphasis on the performance of tasks, the chances are that the members of the team will soon begin to feel like they are no more than numbers, or robots, whose only function is to work slavishly and in accordance with the directions and instructions of the leader. These are the ingredients for the ultimate decline

and maybe even the demise of the organisation. Longevity, sustainability and long -term success depend entirely on motivated and committed teams and team members. At the same time, if there is an over-emphasis on the issues, wants, likes and needs of the team members the reasons for the very existence of the team may be forgotten and direction will be lost. Much time will be spent agonising over small matters that in the longer run will probably turn out to be inconsequential. Neither one of these approaches has a chance of long-term success and sustainability. It is in finding the most optimal balance between the two that the best teams focus on. This is easier said than done, and especially in the early years there will often be significant vacillation from one side of the pendulum to the other. Building a crystal-clear vision of the future and a strong sense of purpose is the starting point to

building cohesive balance in the organisation. There is no short-cut or easy way to make this happen. It requires the involvement of as many people as possible and it also takes constant balancing and rebalancing. Some important steps to follow to begin to achieve balance should include the following: The purpose of the organisation and the jobs in it must have clarity and passion of purpose Make sure that the right people, with the right orientation, and the right skills are in the right jobs Always select team-oriented people over the brilliant loners, unless you are a research institution Make sure the hygiene factors are appropriate – pay, reward, benefits, learning and growth opportunities Create a conducive and motivating environment where team members are encouraged to learn from each other, to give feedback to each other and where they feel their opinions really count

Ensure that everyone understands that accountability counts and that there are consequences – positive and negative It is very difficult to achieve all of this if the team never meets as a team and thrashes out, as a team, what the critical issues are and how they intend to achieve their collective goals. Team members in the best teams hold each other accountable for their actions or inaction, success and mistakes. All of these resonate in a team and all of them are part and parcel of growing as a team and achieving success as a team. The path to success never ran straight, and is never smooth. Good teams understand this and focus on providing strong support to each other to ensure the objectives are reached no matter what happens around them. Doing this is the real measure of optimal balance between caring and completing the task. Making all this happen is the job of leadership.


Cangro: Franschhoek Business Challenge I’d like to introduce you to Cangro, a proudly South African initiative that does things a little ‘Upside-Down’. Cangro is a small social enterprise that is planting its roots in Franschhoek in the most delightful way... The Franschhoek Business Challenge. Spearheaded by Cangro’s founder and new Franschhoek resident, Diane Kramer, this initiative aims to not only bring some fun back into the workplace but ultimately connect the people of Franschhoek and bring about a real sense of community. Do you think you have what it takes to grow the biggest tomato plant upside down? Then become part of this initiative... Enter the Franschhoek Business Challenge now! Challenge a friend or a colleague, or even better challenge your competitor! “We have received such incredible support from everyone so far,” exclaimed Diane. With almost 50 businesses signed up in the first two weeks already, there certainly is reason to get excited. “Everyone has been so generous and enthusiastic... Businesses have embraced this challenge with open arms, some offering us assistance with the activation,

while others have donated some amazing prizes! I am truly blown away by Franschhoek’s hospitality and community spirit and feel really honoured to call this town my new home!’ Starting in October and running for 2 months, and from as little as R250 per entrant, the Cangro project allows you to connect with your staff, your colleagues and competitors as well as your community in a fun and friendly environment... allowing you to showcase your business skills as well as who you are as an individual. Let your hair down, get your hands dirty and become part of the Franschhoek “Gees!” Call Diane (083 403 3394) now to find out more and enter the challenge now! Text & Image: Supplied

Dis okay om te v�a vir hulp.

Diane Kramer in front of Camgro’s stall at the Franschhoek Village Market

Tax Services

Business Advisory Services

Monthly Bookkeeping

Payroll Services

Business Registrations

Management Reports

Financial Statements

Maintenance Of Ledgers & Records

Budgeting & Performance Reviews



as jy iemand nodig het om te luister, stuur 'n whatsapp boodskap na die cipla hulplyn - 076 882 2775.

jy is nie alleen nie. 021 876 2676 | |



Areas of practice:

Estate and succession planning | Commercial Law Administration of estates, trusts & curatorships Engineering & Construction Law Antenuptial contracts | Conveyancing The Franschhoek Cellar Offices, Main Road, Franschhoek, 7690 Tel: +27 (0)21 876 2592 Fax: +27 (0)21 863 1495 Email: Also at 342 Val De Vie, Paarl

David Kramer PROFESSIONAL ADVICE ON Life Cover Disability/Income Protection Dread Disease Cover Medical Aids/Gap Cover Retirement Funding E T +27 21 443 4400 C +27 83 447 0797

April 2022 | 13

Poetic Licence with Maans Lintvelt, local physiotherapist Could you tell us more about your team at Franschhoek Physiotherapy and Associates? The team here consists of two physiotherapists, Bronwyn Talbot and I. We work in a partnership with Claire Horne who founded the practice in 2002. Claire handed over management of the practice to us after travelling to America in 2019, but we still work with her on a consultancy basis. It is a source of comfort that we are able to draw on Claire’s vast knowledge if we ever need guidance with a patient. Was there anything in particular that led you towards a career in physiotherapy? I have first-hand knowledge of how relief from physical pain can represent a life-altering experience because I was born with a medical condition that caused excruciating pain when I was thirteen years old. My first encounter with a physiotherapist in those days not only helped me to recover, but allowed me to get back into playing sports at Paarl Boys’ High School. Being a physiotherapist therefore taps into my love of working with people in my local community and helping them to overcome their physical pain. What does a physiotherapist take into consideration when addressing the physical problems of a patient? Physiotherapists are taught a biopsychosocial model in which the patient’s psychological and social state of health is taken into consideration when we consider treatment. A patient who needs to run the Comrades Marathon in a month will perceive leg pain quite differently from a patient with a more sedentary lifestyle, so your mundane reality is an important factor in how we apply therapy. We need to ensure we treat the patient not just their injury. You recently enrolled at the University of Cape Town for your Master’s degree. Have you chosen a research topic? I have submitted my topic proposals in three possible areas of interest. The first area is on ultramarathon runners in which I will study how they can fine-tune small aspects of their training for improved results. The second area is in rugby and considers how practice sessions can be adjusted at a school level to reduce the risk of concussion. Lastly, I proposed to study professional and amateur surfers to document and advise treatment to the unique types of injuries they sustain on a regular basis. What is the most common cause of injury you see in patients? You would expect me say it is some kind of injury but the reality is almost a cliché. In recent times the average person sits too much and exercises too little, and this is causing a high prevalence of lower back pain, rounding of the elbows and protraction of the shoulders. According to a recent course I took on osteoarthritis, we must exercise at least a hundred and fifty minutes every week to avoid these problems. ‘Motion is lotion’ is a saying that we love. What were some of the challenges you faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and how are things now?

Book Review


The Dark Flood. By Deon Meyer. Publ. Hodder and Stoughton. 404 pages. Reading a Deon Meyer is always a pleasure. Reading a Deon Meyer set in the Cape Winelands makes it even more fun. On the one hand the setting is reassuringly familiar. On the other, the story becomes even more disturbing, terrifying and, especially, close. In 2014 Andrew Brown’s “Coldsleep Lullaby” first introduced me to the dark side of the picturesque wine valley. Five years later came “Sex, Lies and Stellenbosch” by Eva Mazza, followed rapidly by Pieter du Toit’s “The Stellenbosch Mafia”, which is when I finally lost my innocence. Now, Deon Meyer’s “The Dark Flood” continues to chip away at the cozy image of oak-lined streets and white-washed gables. We are in the new South Africa of the Zondo Commission which is uncovering state capture and government corruption on an industrial scale. We have all lost our innocence, the bit that was left of it. The corruption has also affected Meyer’s familiar duo of detectives, Benny Griessel and Vaughn Cupido. They have both been demoted from the


In common, I suspect, with many others, I am sick of watching the world despoiled by individuals (and their hangers-on) for whom power and wealth seem the only touchstones. It was ever thus, but our species’ sense of its own importance doesn’t diminish with time. Megalomaniac populists, self-absorbed and narcissistic, abound in world politics, all of them flexing their muscles and shouting their slogans, all of them proclaiming their cold celebrity and happy to throw their weight around. They are bullies, of course, inadequate and pathetic but capable of causing enormous suffering. As I write, one of them is bombarding Ukraine, killing and maiming innumerable innocent people, including many children. Sadly, he is far from alone. ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ sang Pete Seeger. ‘When will we ever learn?’ The exaggerated sense that such ‘leaders’ have of their own eminence was famously ridiculed by Shelley more than two centuries ago: Thankfully things are mostly back to normal now, but at the height of the pandemic many of our patients were too afraid to come in. Fortunately we could keep our doors open since physical pain does not just disappear during pandemics, but there was a time when we attended to the same number of patients in a month as we would see in one day during pre-COVID times. We did our best to adhere to every safety protocol. Before the COVID-19 pandemic you and Clair Horne began a community project providing physiotherapy for farmworkers. How did this work? Claire and I began the Physiotherapy on Farms project with Boschendal in 2017 and the idea was to offer farm labourers with a physiotherapy alternative to work-related injuries. As it proved too difficult to work at the local clinic, Boschendal kindly offered their community hall as a place where we could diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions in Boschendal’s staff free of charge. In what ways was physiotherapy beneficial for farm labourers? According to our surveys at the time more than half of staff working on the farm experienced pain which qualifies for a therapeutic intervention in areas like their backs and shoulders. Moreover, when labourers visit the clinic to receive treatment for physical pain it sometimes meant that they would have to wait the whole day for a consultation. The idea behind our project was to prevent labourers from taking a whole day’s leave, which saved time and money for both employer and employee. How did you become involved with the sports training facilities at Train Camp? I made contact with Train Camp and expressed our interest in getting on board with the project. Fortunately they informed me that Train Camp still needed to appoint physiotherapists for the athletes and that the company would like to work with us since they prefer to hire locally. It was also because of Train Camp that Bronwyn and I decided to further our studies so we are really excited for the opportunity to apply our skills in such a specialised environment.

elite Hawks Unit, after having trod on the toes of an incompetent and probably corrupt senior cop. While the issue of gun heists and the illegal sale of police weapons to criminal gangs hangs in the air, they find themselves doing hack police work in scenic Stellenbosch. Both detectives are getting older and have by now acquired a deep dependency on each other. In keeping with the new South Africa all racial and cultural differences have been lost, and both struggle with their personal demons. Benny is managing to keep his long-standing alcoholism at bay, while Vaughn is trying hard to lose weight, on orders of his loving wife. Their first assignment seems relatively innocuous. A Stellenbosch University student, Callie de Bruin, has vanished. His mother believes he is a model student, but evidence suggests an involvement with criminals. Their investigations draw them closer to the activities of the gangs of the Cape Flats. The death of a colleague in a drive-by shooting spurs them on to linking the sale of police weapons to gangsters. Meanwhile, a second thread to the story develops. Financial corruption is paralleled to political corruption. Jasper Boonstra is a Winelands magnate with a dubious reputation, who needs to get rid of his wine estate in a hurry. His estate agent is the beautiful Sandra Steenberg. She is married to an academic and seems to be an exemplary wife and mother. But she can’t share her financial problems with her husband and desperately

Ozymandias I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. Percy Bysshe Shelley It is easy to slip into depression when immersed in the world’s horrors of war and environmental devastation, but poetry has the capacity to lift us out of it, to enlighten and to heal. Here are two such that I especially like; the first by the American poet Amy Gerstler: In Perpetual Spring Gardens are also good places to sulk. You pass beds of spiky voodoo lilies and trip over the roots of a sweet gum tree, in search of medieval

plants whose leaves, when they drop off turn into birds if they fall on land, and colored carp if they plop into water. Suddenly the archetypal human desire for peace with every other species wells up in you. The lion and the lamb cuddling up. The snake and the snail, kissing. Even the prick of the thistle, queen of the weeds, revives your secret belief in perpetual spring, your faith that for every hurt there is a leaf to cure it. Amy Gerstler from Bitter Ange (North Point Press, 1990) And South African poet Chris Mann expresses optimism despite having to accept the dismal aspects of life: Unfinished Creed I believe in blemished fruit. Broken dreams. Used bricks. Evidence to the contrary. The ugly truth. Making do. Baked beans on toast. Moils. The beautiful lives of maggots.

I believe in being where it’s not. Unbankable virtue. Time’s quays. Slipknots. Side streets. Quirks. The paths of most resistance. The holiness of humus. Of air. The sacred toil of a honeybee. I note for your urgent attention: Chainsaws in forests. Sea-trash. Dust-farms. Frag-bomb factories. Famished children. Torn vaginas. Cynics. Hovels. Smoking rubble. The sjambok of the bottom line. I affirm the lonely. The troubled. The guidance of anxiety, of pain. Unknowing knowing. Un-othering. Prudence aforethought. Shades. Love’s stigmata. The upper room. The salty sweetness of a pineapple. I offer you vulnerability. Touch. Basking in the rain. Laughter. The ad infinitum of a prayer... Chris Mann



needs the sale to succeed. However, predictably, the odious Jasper can’t keep his hands off her. The consequences are disastrous. The two plots mingle when Sandra believes that she has spotted the missing Callie and informs Griessel and Cupido. From that moment the bigger issue of gangsterism and corruption in the police ranks, and the intensely personal issue of the survival of a woman at the hands of a predatory male are intertwined. This is Deon Meyer at his very best and his grasp of the realities of South African life at all levels is incomparable. But ultimately, this is a thriller and the question is: does it succeed? The answer

is an emphatic “yes” and the ending packs an unexpected punch that hits the reader ten minutes after putting the book down. None of us will ever look at our estate agents or local multi-millionaires in quite the same way.

14 | April 2022


or individuals. | info@

Useful Numbers

Welfare (ACVV) | 071 161 7837


Bridge House School

021 874 8100

Franschhoek High School

021 876 2079

Groendal Primary School

021 876 2448

and easy navigation for small businesses, services

JOB WANTED: I’m Caroline Maweng, a 32 year old lady originally from Lesotho. I’m looking for a domestic job. Previously I worked at La

POOL PUMP PROBLEMS? Noise? We quote and help you out! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 STUFF WANTED: All manner of clothing and

Chataigne Guest House doing cleaning and

household items needed for our ‘First Friday of

ironing. I’m honest and reliable. Contact me on:

The Month’ jumble sales. Please help us to help

078 971 8674.

the animals of the valley. Please drop off at the





Lawrence Ngwira. I’m looking for a gardener/

SPCA clinic in La Provence Street, Groendal, or phone for us to collect. 021 876 4808

Tax Shop

021 876 2676


021 876 2670


083 745 5344


Susan Charlesworth

021 876 2592/072 402 9469

Groendal Secondary School

Snipelisky & Killian

083 250 0943/021 876 2084

Wes-Eind Primary School

021 876 2360

Dalubuhle Primary School

021 876 3957


021 876 3308


021 876 2211

STORAGE Franschhoek Storage

Boland Bridge Club

021 876 3031

021 876 2174


Franschhoek Tennis Club

078 278 4843

Info Office

021 876 3603

housekeeper position. I have a sober mind, am


FHK Heritage & Ratepayers Ass.

082 496 8749

Winelands Experience

021 876 4042

competitive and a hard worker. Call me on: 062

us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools: 072 347

Groot Drakenstein Games Club

021 874 1906

Huguenot Memorial Museum

021 876 2532

- Craig Mc Naught: Captain

080 845 1014


997 0076.




- Lejean Pieterse, Hiring

082 490 0405


Range Moving & Logistics 060 8060 939/076 334 0444

021 876 3775


Mature, fit, 44-year-old Malawian with 20 years’

weekly to Franschhoek, including vegetables and

driving experience and 4 years’ gardening

Stb Masonic Lodge (Chris)

072 211 9991

fruit in season, chicken, eggs, cheese, honey, etc.

Fhk Animal Clinic (plus surgery)

experience available as driver and or gardener/

Franschhoek Rotary Club

082 891 4613


Lists of available produce received on Monday,

Franschhoek Probus Club

021 876 3179



orders placed on Tuesday for Wednesday delivery.


A number of Franschhoekers are already receiving

Franschhoek Electric

074 313 7829/021 876 3640

Rensburg Electrical

021 876 2120/083 309 2923




available. Please call Mona on 061 617 5150 REQUIRING BASIC COMPUTER ASSISTANCE

weekly deliveries. To be added to the list contact

or secretarial service? Call Ronelle Pinard on 073

Sue Norman on 083 321 3442 or suenorman50@

646 1687

Stb Fire Dept. (Buildings)

EXCAVATIONS Andrew Schmidt

021 808 8888

District Municipality(Bush & veld) Police

021 876 4431/082 972 5755

Burger Excavations

072 3408518

10111/021 876 8061


086 003 7566

Omnipage Farm Watch

021 852 3318


021 876 2346 021 946 1646


We are here to help you with your cleaning

water all the time? Let us quote and take care of

Franschhoek Pharmacy

021 876 2261

N1, N2 & R300 Emergency number:

the problem! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355

Franschhoek Health Club

021 876 3310


walls of your house do not require repainting.


We can clean off the greenish moulds and turn

Keep it local! Get a quote. Call RiaPools: 072 347

your walls into new shiny ones. Even those very


high windows that you can’t reach and fire


places we can clean them for you. We can also

Consulting call Susan at 072 932 5393

provide you with a cleaner for your self-catering

Community Events

guests if they do not have time to do their dishes, beds, laundry and housekeeping during their stay. Service is offered everyday including weekends. Contact Safe Cleaners. Darlington 0617722572 or 0749134287 email: ddmlandeli@ WESTERN CAPE HOUSE SITTERS: We have







FRANSCHHOEK TENNIS CLUB: Social tennis is played


08h00. For more information contact Ross. 078 278 4843.

Danielle Smith

09h00, Wednesdays 19h30. Rector: Charles Leibrandt.

874 4008. SHOFAR CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Services - 09h00 &

JANE PARKFELT DESIGNS Ready for a new website? Or a website refresh? My website designs offer simplicity, good taste, affordability

021 876 2561

Dr Bernard Fisher

021 876 4622

AUDIOLOGIST 021 872 3530

Audiologist Tracy-Ann Morris

084 264 0000

EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE 021 876 4234/082 582 1029

Medicare EMR

074 363 7744/021 876 4316

MUNICIPALITY 021 876 3759 082 812 1476


(Ward 1) Clr Frazenburg (DA)

021 808 8490

(Ward 2) Clr Petersen (DA)

082 404 5055

(Ward 3) Clr Manuel (DA)

074 686 2364

(Ward 4) Clr Adams (DA)

073 446 5411


021 876 3085

Municipality (Office Hours)


021 808 8406

Municipality (afternoon only)

021 808 8890

Municipality 24hr Service

021 808 8700

021 876 2342

021 808 8700

Apostolic Church: Le Roux Street, Groendal. Sundays

18h00 English services at 7 Lambrechts Street. Pastor

you like. Call RiaPools for a quote: 072 347 5355

Dr Nicolas Els

NG KERK: Sondagdienste 09h30. Geen aanddiens.

driver with references. Available to drive you in


021 876 2304

Ds Peet Bester. 021 876 2431. Besoekers welkom.New

Franschhoek. I am an experienced Zimbabwean


021 876 2474

Dr Hannes Van der Merwe

METHODIST CHURCH: Sunday service 10h00. Rev

10h00. Revd Wilfred Meyer 084 407 1280. Office - 021

the ride? Tel: Darlington Mlandeli 061 772 2572.

021 876 4622

Dr Alexander Heywood

Russell Norman. 021 872 3580 or 082 662 4509.

Sunday Services: Holy Communion and Sunday School

in to Cape Town when you can relax and enjoy

021 876 3070


your car on an hourly or daily basis. Why drive

021 876 3025

Post Office

Tel: Darlington Mlandeli 061 772 2572. Email: in

083 321 3442

Franschhoek Plumbing

at the club on Fridays, Sundays and Public Holidays from



Dr Karin Eksteen





021 876 3640 021 876 2612/072 347 5355

Sue’s Gardens

Claire Horn


(May not take place, depending on Covid regulations)

Specialising in hanging several frames to



care for your home and pets. Your furry children

Ria Pools (Franschhoek)

Marelise Bester

Time: 08h00. Cost: Free. Register at

everyone... Peter Walsingham 082 822 4200

Lighting & Accessories

028 840 1716


live-in housesitter members who would love to

House Sitters will provide a perfect win-win for

Dr Schalk du Plessis

Clock Repairs


PARKRUN: Saturdays at Rickety Bridge Wine Estate.

remain intact which is why we at Western Cape



many mature, kind, responsible, animal loving,

may miss you but their environment and routines


021 887 4446 021 886 9244

FRESH CLEANER: We offer cleaning services. services, be it your house, garage or walls. Those

021 876 2504

021 863 3187/082 8089 100

Richard Wade. 083 225 8529. All welcome! TRINITY CHURCH: Worship Sundays at 09h30 at L’Ermitage Chapel, with Holy Communion. Weekday service Thursday at 10h30 at Fleur de Lis. Contact Gavin – 083 799 0726. UNITING REFORMED CHURCH: Sunday service 09h30. Dr Shaun Burrows. 021 876 2632. Visitors welcome.

GENERAL Alcoholics Anonymous: WED evenings 19:00, Groendal Community Centre, Contact David +27 83 305 5159

Family-run business has been finding water since 1955 If you are planning to build or want to find out if you have water on your property look no further. Can refer only the best drilling companies. Have dowsed over 1000 boreholes all over the Western Cape with extensive knowledge of rock formations. Contact me: Gideon van Zyl Cell: 081 898 6384 Home: 021 876 3130 Email:

Appliance Repair 24/7



Fridges | Freezers Washing machines Tumble dryers, etc. Gas refill from R250

Local R350; International R800


Copyright: All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or part prohibited. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Publication of editorial or advertising matter does not imply endorsement o r warranty in respect of goods or services therin described.

WhatsApp welcome

April 2022 | 15


STORAGE For short and long term storage solutions. We offer lockable bays, containers and


PACKAGING TRAILER HIRE 6 Fabriek Street 0218762174 0823206523

Guaranteed Affordable Prices on Sales & Service of: SMART HD & UHD LED Tvs Home Theatre Systems • Multiroom Audio DSTV Satellite & Terrestrial Installations


9 New Street, Paarl, 7646 T: 021 872 1346 | F: 021 872 6625 E: | Web:

Vicky Cell: 082 975 2494 Email:

Sue’s Gardens Sue Norman

Ons gebruik ons gevorderde lugopmeting stelsel om ‘n kwaliteit besproeiingsontwerp en -stelsel te lewer.

Landscaping and maintenance of gardens, all sizes! Mulching services available.

We use our advanced aerial survey equipment to supply a high quality irrigation design and system.

De Villiers Visser

UR NEW EMAIL PLEASE NOTE O@ suenorman50 ou

Besproeiing / Irrigation

cell 083 321 3442 tel/fax: 021 876 2510




+27 (0)21 876 3640


Unit A, Fabriek Nationale No 1, 9 Fabriek street, Franschhoek 7690

Restoration | Carpentry Joinery | Built-in Cupboards C: 071 990 9219 • C: 082 390 8191 Old Simondium Winery, R45 PO Box 5, Groot Drakenstein, 7680

074 313 7829

FLOOR MASTER STELLENBOSCH Wooden floor repairs, sanding & polishing. Since 1992. Also solid wood & laminated flooring installations. Call Tim for a free quotation. Cell: 082 442 5244 Email: Tel: 021 - 887 6707

Our service wood floor you!

16 | April 2022


Discover Franschhoek’s Pristine Mountainland Situated high above the Franschhoek Valley the Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve (established 1983) is part of a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site - the Cape Floral Region Protected Areas (2004) and linked to the UNESCO-designated Boland Biosphere Reserve. Ever since 1823 mountain springs in the reserve have provided Franschhoek with high quality drinking water. The reserve is known for its spectacular views of the valley, diverse plant and small animal life and well-maintained network of hiking trails. It is also a popular jumping-off point for paragliders and is becoming a favoured destination for trail runners. The Franschhoek mountainland consists of Table Mountain sandstone that was raised as a mountain range more than 265 million years ago. The present mountain and valley landscape is the result of erosion over the past 140 million years. Three large peaks dominate the reserve: Perdekop (1575 m), DuToitskop (1418m) and Middagkrans (1029 m). In summer southeasterly winds can form impressive 'cloudfalls' over Middagkrans. Both summer and winter weather conditions in the reserve can be challenging to the uninitiated - the former being hot and dry and the later wet and cold with occasional snow on the higher ground. The reserve's flora consists of montane fynbos established on leached acidic sandy soils. Fynbos (the world's smallest and most diverse plant kingdom) is primarily characterised by four types of plants: Proteas, Ericas, Restios (reed-like plants resembling grass) and geophytes (bulbs).

Day Hiking Permit: R70 per person | Hiking Trails Map: R30 Hiking permits and maps available at: Tourist Information Centre Tel. 021 876 3603 | Keep the permit with you. | Enter and hike at own risk. | Do not hike alone. | Always put safety first.

April 2022 | 17

Home Improvements You Should Make This Year Security and self-sufficiency have become key features for homebuyers according to the Seeff Property Group. New houses are increasingly offering excellent security and features which reduce energy usage. Seeff says although these can be quite costly, there are accessible options which will improve your quality of life while ticking the value-adding boxes for prospective buyers should you decide to put your home up for sale. The five home improvements that buyers are increasingly looking are: Feature #1 – Security. This includes protective boundary walls, electric fencing, burglar bars and

security gates. Additionally, buyers now want an added layer of security such as an alarm system, cameras, beams in the garden and good exterior lighting. Upgrading the security of your home provides safety for your family and adds value to your home. Feature #2 – Energy-saving lighting. LED lighting is now necessary for homes as they use significantly less power. Given that power outages are here to stay for the near future, there is now more demand for homes with lighting which uses rechargeable globes so that the lights can stay on when the power is out and reduce electricity usage at the same time. Feature #3 – Gas for cooking and heating. A gas stove helps reduce the reliance on electricity. Woodburning fireplaces offer cost savings and are regarded as

renewable energy usage. Ceiling insulation is another desirable feature as it helps keep the home cool in summer and warm in winter, thereby reducing reliance on electricity for air-conditioning and heaters. Feature #4 – Solar heating. A solar geyser is a great investment as it will reduce your power usage and add value. Solar panels can take care of all your household hot water needs. You could also use it to heat your swimming pool which will add further value. While a full solar heating system can be costly, you can start small and build on it. Feature #4 – Back-up power system. A back-up power system can keep necessities such as the internet and computers on during a power outage. Generally, systems range from a basic inverter

Keep Calm and Let the Lawyer Handle it! “… a property is an asset to enhance economic activity, growth and development…” (extract from preamble to the Property Practitioners Act) The Property Practitioners Act (“PPA”) finally came into effect on 1 February 2022. It has major ramifications for everyone involved in the property industry, but in this article we’ll concentrate only on aspects of particular importance to property sellers and buyers, and to landlords and tenants. The PPA’s full definition of “property practitioner” is long and complex with some grey areas still to be clarified, but for our purposes let’s just note that estate agents and agencies, property auctioneers, property managers, bond originators and the like all fall into the definition. We turn now to some of the more important changes which will impact on you from a practical perspective. New mandatory disclosures by sellers and landlords It has always been best practice for sellers and landlords to make full written disclosures of any property defects or deficiencies known to them to prospective sellers and tenants, and to attach a list to the agreement of sale/lease. As regards residential leases, the Rental Housing Act already provides for both incoming and outgoing joint inspections. Now for both sale and leasing the PPA provides that no PP can accept a mandate without a “mandatory disclosure form” which must be provided to any prospective buyer or tenant,

signed by both parties and attached to the sale agreement/lease. The form published in the new Regulations refers to sellers only so it is unclear (at date of writing) what form landlords are supposed to use but the form requires sellers to answer a series of questions (and certify the answers as correct) relating to defects (structural and other), to disclose any boundary line disputes/ encroachments/encumbrances, to certify that the necessary consents and permits were obtained for any additions/improvements etc., and to disclose any historical structure/heritage site issues. There is also a catch-all “Additional Information” section. The form specifically states that it is not a substitute for any inspections or warranties so buyers/tenants should still insist on these in their agreements, but it does provide proof of any disclosure or non-disclosure of defects or deficiencies (there is a presumption against disclosure if no form is supplied). Sellers and landlords will want to tread with care here and, importantly, they are not the only ones at risk of being sued here - a buyer/tenant can hold the PP liable for not complying with these requirements. When commission isn’t payable (and can be clawed back if already paid) Commission is normally payable to a PP by

the seller in a sale, or by the landlord in a letting arrangement. The PPA provides for two situations in which a PP cannot earn commission or any other payment, and in which you can claim repayment (on pain of prosecution for failure to repay) if you have already made payment • Estate agents have always had to hold a Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC) in order to trade, and the PPA clarifies that in order to act as a PP, it is not enough for just the agency itself to hold an FFC – FFCs must also be held by all employed PPs and (if the agency is not a sole proprietorship) also all directors (if a company), members (if a close corporation), trustees (if a trust) and partners (if a partnership). Another safeguard is that the conveyancer handling the transfer is now obliged to obtain a certified copy of the PP’s FFC before making any commission or other payment. • Another situation in which a PP cannot claim commission is if there is any breach of the requirement not to “enter into any arrangement, formally or informally, whereby a consumer is obliged or encouraged to use a particular service provider including an attorney to render any service or ancillary services in respect of any transaction of which that property practitioner was the effective cause.” This is presumably an attempt to curb the

Just imagine a school where young minds are inspired; where individual care and attention is combined with a distinctive, progressive education and where changemakers are equipped with skills for a world beyond our imagination. Bridge House is a leading independent, co-ed day and boarding school, situated in a beautiful, safe setting in the Franschhoek Valley. · An independent (IEB) Matric examination accepted by universities worldwide · An excellent academic track record – 100% pass rate to date · A wide variety of traditional team and individual sports and cultural activities · Four, spacious, modern boarding houses for students from Grade 6 to 12 · Extensive facilities on 28 hectares of land

Open Day is any day you want it to be. Contact Gill Malcolm or +27 (0) 874 8100 for a bespoke tour of the school or an online interview with the Head.

system which can power your internet, laptop and television for a few hours to a sophisticated 30005000 watt system, fully integrated with your home distribution system. Feature #5 - Rainwater harvesting. A substantial amount of water can be harvested from your roof by modifying your home’s guttering to direct rainwater into tanks. This water can feed all non-potable needs such as watering the garden, washing cars, outside cleaning and the swimming pool. You could also install a feed to your toilets or other high water users, but must install a filter to avoid potential damage to your sanitary ware. The water will also need to be treated. Text: Seeff properties paying of referral fees to PPs for recommending or requiring use of a particular service provider, such as perhaps a particular transferring attorney, bond originator, compliance certification service etc, but at the end of the day as a seller or landlord your best interests are served if you insist on using your own professional advisors – the choice is yours and yours alone. Other things to know about • The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (“PPRA”) which replaces the Estate Agency Affairs Board, will enforce a Code of Conduct applicable to all PPs, and will provide mediation and adjudication services in the event of any disputes arising. • As regards costs of documentation - sale agreements, leases and mandatory disclosure forms “must be drafted by the developer or seller, as the case may be, for his, her or its own account” (there is no specific mention of landlords). As always with property transactions, there is just no substitute for specific professional advice and assistance here! Graeme Falck

(This article first appeared in LawDotNews and is reproduced with permission from the copyright holder DotNews and from Falck Attorneys. Graeme Falck is an experienced commercial attorney, litigant and conveyancer that resides in Franschhoek, with his practice in Stellenbosch. Graeme consults in Franschhoek. Contact him on 082 8948075 or

18 | April 2022

April 2022 | 19




3 Bedrooms / 4 Bathrooms / 2 Garages / 2 Parking

Spacious, modern townhouse with so much to offer, including a large open living room with enclosed fireplace, kitchen with separate scullery, two lovely balconies, double garage, central vacuum system, and security stack-and-fold shutters. Good rental potential. Doug Gurr 072 610 7208 Ref: FWI1562196


Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC



4 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms / 1 Garage / 1 Parking

Affordable, private family home located in a secure complex a short stroll from the village centre, with openplan living areas, French doors opening onto the covered patio, pool and lush garden, and beautiful mountain views. Doug Gurr 072 610 7208 Ref: FWI1555869


Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC



2 Bedrooms / 1 Bathroom / 1 Parking

First floor apartment in secure vineyard estate, just a short walk to the village. Offering open-plan living areas, a wood-burning fireplace and French doors opening to exceptional mountain views, as well as a communal swimming pool and tennis courts. Doug Gurr 072 610 7208 Ref: FWI1560800

Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA Full Status FFC

Pam Golding Properties (Pty) Ltd - Franschhoek Winelands | Registered with the PPRA. Holder of a Business Property Practitioner FFC. Operating a Trust Account. | W: +27 21 876 2100 | E:

20 | April 2022









Exclusive Mandate. The best of both worlds! Spacious family living in a countryside setting with breath-taking views a short distance from Franschhoek Village. Huge open plan double volume light filled kitchen/ breakfast/living room. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal living and dining rooms. Large swimming pool, vineyards, two bedroom cottage Price excludes VAT. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194 R29 950 000 +VAT

In the heart of Franschhoek Village on a quiet residential street lies this magnificent 5 bedroom family home with high-end finishes, great proportions and real style, including spacious double volume rooms with beautiful exposed wood beams, brickwork details, and grand fireplaces, huge stoep, large pool and gardens. This is a wonderful family home in a great location and viewing is highly recommended. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194 R11 950 000

Magnificent three bedroom en-suite home with great kerb appeal in tranquil village location with excellent views. Spacious high ceilinged rooms combine with tasteful finishes and great flow to create a home to be proud of. Large pool and manicured gardens with mature trees and shrubs. Viewing of this beautiful home is highly recommended.




One of Franschhoek’s finest historic homes, beautifully renovated to present a classic contemporary finish. Very large three bedrooms ensuite main house with open plan kitchen/dining, double volume living room, library, office, media room. Separate income producing cottage. Deep covered verandah, lush north-facing mature garden with eco pool.

Part of one of the original farms settled by the Huguenots in the late 1600’s. Income producing 16 ha Lifestyle Wine Estate a 10 minute walk from Franschhoek centre. Historic four bedroom Main House. Income from 6 self-catering cottages, 100 tonne wine cellar, vineyards and olive trees. Asking price excludes VAT.

A rare find. Combining a central but tranquil location with breathtaking views, this 3 bedroom family home is built in an attractive Cape Victorian style and has the added benefit of a separate one bedroom loft style apartment. Mature flower filled garden, large pool, garden room and double garage.

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

R18 500 000

R75 000 000 ex VAT

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

R15 000 000

R8 500 000




Lovely 3 bedroom house on quiet residential street. Double volume living room open plan to kitchen/dining room, spacious ground floor master bedroom, two double bedrooms en-suite and study/office area, pool, mature gardens single garage and off street parking.

On a residential side street a short walk from central Franschhoek this single storey four bedroom en-suite property offers great flexibility. The current layout lends itself to use either as a generous four bedroom en-suite home with two separate living rooms or as two separate, spacious two bedroom en-suite units each with their own entrance, and private garden areas.

Ideally located just off the High Street, exuding Franschhoek charm this double storey property presents both commercial and residential opportunities. The ground floor currently rented out for commercial use. Lovely two bedroom first floor apartment. Walled garden including small vineyard. This is an intriguing property in a great location.

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

R7 500 000

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

300 offices globally 40 offices nationally

R7 500 000

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

R6 950 000

Fine & Country Franschhoek 23 Huguenot St, Franschhoek, 7690 +27 (0)21 876 3322 |

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