Franschhoek Tatler - January 2020

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Bladsy 2 Nuwe saal vir Kersfees

Page 3 Telecom Masts

Bladsy 10 PRG top student van Franschhoek


Groendal Secondary Gets an R8.3m School Hall More than 28 years after it was built, Groendal Secondary School has benefited from a programme established by the Garden Cities Archway Foundation 16 years ago, to provide halls for disadvantaged schools in the Western Cape. Groendal Secondary’s new R8.3-million hall was officially opened on Sunday, 24 November 2019 – as one of 100 built so far by the foundation. School halls are considered by teachers to be one of the primary tools for giving children a comprehensive education. In the opinion of every educator polled in a survey conducted by the Foundation, halls are essential, but over a million schoolchildren are still without a hall in the Western Cape. It was for this reason that the Garden Cities Archway Foundation decided to launch a programme to build as many school halls as possible, to redress the inequality left by the legacy of the apartheid era. Headmaster Malvin Kulsen has been at Groendal Secondary for nearly his whole career, and as long as the school has existed. He is proud to say it is a quality school, not only in its excellent reputation but also in its solid brick construction. “This hall is a dream come true and will add value to teaching and learning at Groendal Secondary. It is our duty as educators to open the doors of teaching and learning, but the responsibility of learners to enter.” Groendal Secondary fell into one of the phases of school planning in the province, where a covered quadrangle was considered a kind of hall substitute. “It has little value, because of its proximity to the classrooms, so using it as a hall while classes were in progress was challenging,” says Malvin. But now, the full complement of 880 learners at the school can assemble in their hall for all the major functions for which it was built, and the huge number of purposes that will involve only some of them, such as indoor sports, theatrical rehearsals and performances, specialist tuition and writing exams in peace and quiet. The school has a good academic record despite the social and economic realities, and its former matriculants include a law lecturer, accountants, teachers, high profile civil servants and entrepreneurs – among them, a highly successful,

FLTR: Deputy Executive Mayor Wilhelmina Petersen, Regin August (Chairperson of Governing Body), Juan Benjamin (Director of Education Cape Winelands), Malvin Kulsen (Principal), John Matthews (CEO of Garden Cities), Dr Clinton Goliath (Circuit Manager) and Nolan Prins (retired Deputy Principal) with the commemorative plaque that was unveiled at the opening of Groendal Secondary’s new school hall.

internationally-trained chocolatier. It also has the distinction of having isiXhosa as a first language along with Afrikaans. The only school in the district with Afrikaans and isiXhosa as a First Language. This year marks the centenary of Garden Cities. Appropriately, the Foundation has reached the stage when 100 halls, of the 750 originally identified as being needed, have been completed and handed over. The roll-out of the halls, more recently accelerated by a financial partnership with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will continue. “The goalposts have changed, but not our goal, to level the playing fields for the schoolchildren of the Western Cape,” says Garden Cities Group CEO John Matthews who has driven the work of the foundation since its establishment, when he took over as CEO. The Archway Foundation welcomes the participation of other Cape companies in the funding of the halls. “Education is the key to stability and financial security for everyone in South Africa, and as corporate citizens, it’s our responsibility to help redress the inequalities of the past and give all the children we possibly can, the opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Matthews. | 021 558 7181

La Motte Tasting Room Mondays to Saturdays: 09:00 – 17:00 Wine & Food Tasting on Fridays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Contact: 021 876 8820 | Pierneef à La Motte Restaurant ´A la carte lunch: Tuesdays to Sundays Garden Menu lunch: Tuesdays to Sundays (Only October - March) Contact: 021 876 8800 | La Motte Museum Tuesdays to Sundays: 09:00 – 17:00 Art Experience on Tuesdays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Historic Walk on Wednesdays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Sculpture Walk on Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential)

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2 | January 2020

Super Smart StreetSmart ‘n Nuwe Saal vir Kersfees They have done it again! Through the collection of multiple small donations, Streetsmart collected enough money in the past year to hand over R70 000 to The Kusasa Project. Their end of the year ceremony was held at Bistro BonBon where they celebrated with their members and beneficiary, Kusasa. The funds will enable the continued local employment of a much-needed social worker. Bistro BonBon, Foliage, Good Food & Co, Haute Cabrière, Monneaux at Franschhoek Country House and The Franschhoek Beer Co are the local establishments that support this initiative. A donation of R5 is added to the bills of their patrons; the amount can be accepted, refused or added to. These small donations make up the funds that help children at risk rebuild their lives. A grand total of more than R1 million will be distributed to 38 programmes country-wide, inclusive of the local one, in 2020. Franschhoek children in need are given support, encouragement and a safe and stimulating learning environment by The Kusasa Project. In thanking their benefactor Mari-Louise Raymond of Kusasa said, “Thanks to the StreetSmart funding, we have access to the services that only a social worker can provide to help children in need, together with their parents, to bring holistic solutions through support and encouragement. There is a saying that you can’t teach a hungry child, but you also can’t teach an upset, afraid or traumatised child.” StreetSmart SA is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation as well as a Non-profit Organisation and ensures that every cent donated by diners goes towards social and educational upliftment projects for street children. They encourage the public not to give money into the hands of a child as this keeps them on the streets whereas “Donating to StreetSmart where you eat, drink and sleep is the responsible way to help a street child.”

Hooffoto: Die gerestoureerde La Motte gemeenskapsaal. Inlas: Die uitvoerende onderburgemeester, Me Wilhelmina Petersen (links), wat ook die wyksraadslid vir die La Motte area is, het saam met die uitvoerende burgemeester, Adv Gesie van Deventer, ‘n plaket onthul tydens die heropening van die saal. Marie-Louise Raymond, Dave Riordan and children from The Kusasa Project with StreetSmart SA’s Melanie Burke (centre).

StreetSmart SA was set up in 2005 by a group of concerned Capetonians under the patronage of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. Similar StreetSmart organisations also operate independently in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Netherlands. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Andrew Swarts

16 Days of Activism: “Speak out – be a voice for the voiceless” The Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, launched the municipality’s commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign for No Violence Against Women and Children on 25 November 2019. “This year, 2019, might go down in our country’s history as one of the worst years for the safety of women and children - we simply cannot accept the normalisation of rape, abuse and murder,” said mayor van Deventer. Statistics South Africa estimates that on average one in five South African women older than 18 have experienced physical violence. In most cases, those responsible for the horrific crimes and abuse are known to the victims. StatsSA further estimates that nearly half of women across South Africa are subjected to violence by an intimate partner. “One in five is a shocking number that we can no longer ignore or simply wish away! As a municipality, we will be promoting our SHARP campaign throughout 2020. SHARP – to See, Hear, Act, Report and Participate in a way that promotes activism every day of the year,” said Mayor van Deventer. Mayor van Deventer thanked the Stellenbosch Municipality Community Development Department, the various local NGOs, safety partners and community members who work tirelessly all year round to assist those who are faced with violence and abuse.

Die La Motte gemeenskap, net buite Franschhoek, het die wonderlike kersgeskenk ontvang van ‘n nuut opgeknapte gemeenskapsaal. Die bestaande saal moes twee jaar gelede gesluit word omdat dit onveilig was. Na baie harde werk, is die La Motte Gemeenskapsaal ten volle gerestoureer en is dit nou die trots van die klein gemeenskap. Die algehele opgradering van die saal het ongeveer R2,5 miljoen beloop en moes in fases geskiet soos die begroting dit toegelaat het. “Met die opgradering is daar na al die fasette van die gebou gekyk om seker te maak ons skep iets vir die gemeenskap wat veilig is en lank gaan hou,” het die uitvoerende burgemeester, Adv Gesie van Deventer, met die heropening gesê. “Daar is aandag gegee aan hoe die gebou binne en buite lyk. Nuwe nooduitgangsdeure is geïnstalleer en die hele gebou is binne uitgeverf met ‘n spesiale brandwerende verf. Met die opgradering van die tweede vloer, is daar ook ‘n nuwe stel trappe geïnstalleer. Nuwe LED ligte is geïnstalleer, nuwe gordyne vir die verhoog is aangeskaf en die elektriese bedrading is opgedateer. Nuwe inligtingsborde is aangebring en die vloere is als afgeskuur en gepoleer. Dit is ‘n waarlik ‘n gemeenskap saal om op trots te wees!” Die opgradering van die saal het gepaard gegaan

met die installering van ‘n splinternuwe buitelug gimnasium, ‘n veilige speelparkie vir kinders en die plant van ‘n aantal bome om die saal. Die saal en aangrensede parkie vorm nou ‘n pragtige nuwe bymekaarkomplek waarop die La Motte gemeenskap trots kan wees. Tydens die heropeningsgeleentheid het Burgemeester van Deventer die gemeenskap gevra om die saal goed op te pas en vandalisme onmiddellik aan te meld. “‘n Gemeenskapsaal vorm die hart van ‘n gemeenskap en word gebruik vir elke moontlike geleentheid. Ek doen ‘n ernstige beroep op die gemeenskap om eienaarskap te neem van die gebou en dit op te pas en mooi daarna te kyk.” Hierdie jaar gaan meer goeie nuus bring vir die La Motte gemeenskap. Die burgemeester het ook aangekondig dat konstruksie aan ‘n nuwe R4 miljoen sportklubhuis vroeg in 2020 ‘n aanvang neem. Teks & Foto’s: Redaksie

12th Consecutive Unqualified Audit Stellenbosch Municipality once again reported credible and reliable financial and performance results, evidenced by the unqualified audit opinion issued by the Auditor General in December 2019. The latest audit outcome marks the twelfth consecutive unqualified audit outcome in Stellenbosch.

Deputy Executive Mayor Minnie Petersen (second from left) joined fellow councillors and community members in a human chain at the entrance to Groendal to mark the start of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.

The annual 16 Days of Activism campaign runs from 25 November to 10 December and aims to ensure mass mobilisation of all communities to promote collective responsibility in the fight to eradicate violence and abuse. Text & Image: Editorial Desk

An unqualified audit opinion means that the municipality’s financial statements are fairly and appropriately presented and in compliance with generally recognised accounting principles . “We are proud of the hard work that our councillors and officials are doing to ensure sound financial management practices at the municipality. There is a clear commitment that every cent of municipal spending must be accounted for in a transparent manner. We have instilled a culture of good governance and accountability within our organisation – unmatched when taking into consideration the audit outcomes of many similar municipalities across South Africa. For this, we can indeed

be proud and we must continuously work to improve even further,” said Municipal Manager Geraldine Mettler. “The AG reported one area for improvement, which relates to the annual financial statements closeout procedures. As part of leadership and management’s continuous commitments to evolve, the municipality has already taken steps to implement the recommendation of the AG in this regard. We would like to thank the AG for their continued support in strengthening compliance in Stellenbosch,” concluded the municipal manager. Text: Editorial Desk

January 2020 | 3

Could There Be A Telecom Mast Near You?





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There are now 11 telecom masts in and around Franschhoek. Four are inside or very close to Franschhoek’s Urban Edge. There’s one at Agrimark, two in Groendal and one put up in Many villagers refer to the telecommunications August just behind the fruit packers on Cabrière mast behind Freshness First (the fruit packers) as Street. A little further away there are telecom masts the ‘Martian Probe’. on the slopes of Middagkrans, the Oliphants Pass, the Dassenberg ridge and four on Matoppie. By the as uses for which the consent of the municipality time you read this, there may be another one going is required, but such an application does not have up on Cabrière Street next to the Franschhoek to be advertised and neighbours or anyone likely to Health Club. be affected do not have to be informed. Last year there was an application for rezoning a The Stellenbosch Telecommunications Mast corner of the historic NGK cemetery for a telecom Policy says that applications for telecom masts mast. It was objected to by the Franschhoek will “be advertised in accordance with legislative Heritage and Ratepayers Association and others. requirements”, but these are not specified. The current status of this application is not known. Although public notice does not have to be The current crop of masts and the one next to given of consent use applications, public notice the health club were approved in terms of the 1985 must be given of “applications that will materially Franschhoek Zoning Regulations replaced last affect the public interest or the interests of the November by the Stellenbosch Integrated Zoning community if approved”. That could include a Scheme By-law – the IZS. How many more there consent use application for a telecom mast but will be is a very technical question. It depends on whether it does so will depend on the judgment future demand levels, fast-moving developments of a municipal official. However, in terms of in technology, co-operation between telecom the National Environment Management Act, providers and how strictly the municipality applies its Environmental Authorisation from the Department Telecommunications Mast Policy adopted last year. of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (which The policy can be found on the municipal triggers a public participation process) is required website. Its objectives and guidelines are fairly for telecom masts more than 15m high, except comprehensive. Some of the objectives are to ensure for rooftop masts and masts in commercial and masts are placed in the best location, to ensure industrial areas. co-location or sharing of masts wherever possible, The Stellenbosch Mast Policy looks very similar to retain the visual integrity, special character to Cape Town’s which does not provide for and amenity of the municipality area, to design public consultation either unlike other metros with the landscape in mind and use mitigation and municipalities like Johannesburg, Durban, measures, to reduce impact, to retain and improve Polokwane and Mogale but they all acknowledge the environmental and heritage quality of the that in terms of the National Building Regulations public arena and preserve areas of environmental and Standards Act plans for a telecom mast must and heritage significance by, significantly for not be approved if it is unsightly or objectionable, Franschhoek, not erecting a mast “where it can be it disfigures the area or derogates from the value of viewed to or from the site, with adverse impacts on adjoining properties. the environmental or heritage resource.” Notably The Stellenbosch Mast Policy requires that missing are requirements for a need assessment telecom mast applications include documentation and any provision for public consultation. to show compliance with it and a visual impact The Franschhoek Zoning Map is a colourful assessment if required. However, it is not clear patchwork of zones ranging from Conventional whether there was compliance when plans were Residential, Mixed Use, Public and Private Open approved for telecom masts behind the fruit Space, Industrial to name a few. Telecom masts packers and the health club just a few hundred metres away which is likely to be clearly visible are not permitted in the Conventional Residential from the IZS-designated Franschhoek Urban Zone but unspecified “additional uses” may be Conservation Area identified as a heritage resource approved as ‘consent uses’. They may be approved in the Municipal Conservation Management Plan. as consent uses in the Education Zone (e.g. The Franschhoek Heritage & Ratepayers Association Franschhoek High School), Community Zone (e.g. and the Franschhoek Society have asked the NGK Church grounds), Utility Services (e.g. Town Municipality for an assurance that it will give public Hall and the new parking area behind it), Public notice of all applications for consent uses for Open Space (e.g. the parks around Nerina Street), telecom masts of any height in Franschhoek and Mixed Use (e.g. most of the CBD) and the Industrial the Franschhoek Valley in the same way as notice Zone (e.g. the Fabriek Street area) which together and an opportunity to comment is given of other make up a very significant part of the total area applications such as rezoning applications etc. which inside the Franschhoek Urban Edge. They may also may affect communities or neighbouring properties. be permitted as a consent use in the surrounding Agricultural Rural HCand Tatler Ad Zone. New Building F.pdf 1 2019/11/15 11:53 AM Consent uses are specified for a zone in the IZS Text: Barry Phillips | Image: Editorial Desk

Restaurant / Deli Unite in diversity, enjoy different diets at the same table

C • L A O UR

We all want fast, reliable cell phone connections but are we prepared to accept the telecom masts needed for this when they disfigure our landscape and townscape? They can be disguised, but more often than not the disguise is not much better. And locally, telecom providers have made no attempts at hiding them at all.


4 | January 2020


Lynx Wines Blanc de Noir 2019 If summer were a wine, this is it. Light, refreshing and oozing wild berry flavours, this is a wine that leaves you wanting more. Perfectly paired with salads, light fish dishes and a poolside! Cellar door price - R80 021 876 0406


Mont Rochelle Sauvignon Blanc 2019 A classic Franschhoek style Sauvignon Blanc represented by tropical aromas and a broad palate that has lovely freshness. Grapes were harvested in the cool of the morning. Both the palate and aroma conjure up images of passion fruit, grapefruit, guava and lemon rind. Perfect for those hot summer days! Cellar door price - R100 l

Le Chêne’s Local Franschhoek Trout Gravadlax

021 876 2770

Ingredients: Zest of 2 lemons; Zest of 2 oranges; Brown Sugar 250g; Coarse Salt 250g; Fresh Dill 150g; 1 whole trout (filleted, deboned and skinned) Method: Place salt, sugar, dill, lemon and orange zest in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. Place mixture in a bowl. Lay trout in a tray and cover with the mixture. Allow to cure for 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly until all the salt mixture is washed off. Slice as needed. Estate Herb Emulsion - Ingredients: Buttermilk 1 litre; Baby Spinach 300g; Fennel Bulb 100g; Fresh Parsley 30g; Olive Oil 80ml; Lemon Syrup 60ml; Yoghurt Powder 20 Teaspoons; Xanthum Gum To Taste Method: Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until a thick consistency. Store in an air-tight container and use within 3 days.

For the Prawns - Ingredients: 3 x 16/20 size Tiger Prawns; 10g Beetroot powder; 5g Panko crumbs; 1 x Egg white Method: Clean the prawns and remove the shells except for the tail. Slice raw beetroot and roast them in the oven at 120˚C until crispy for about three hours. Place them in the blender and blend until powder texture. Mix the panko breadcrumbs with the beetroot powder. Dip the skinned prawns into the beaten egg white and then in the beetroot powder to form a batter. Deep fry the prawns until they are golden and crispy. Avocado mousse - Ingredients: 1 x Ripe avocado; 1 x Lemon; Add salt and pepper to taste; Puree the avocado in a blender and add lemon juice to taste Mango Salsa - Ingredients: 1 x Mango; 5g Red onion diced; 2g Finely chopped chives; 10g Chopped coriander; 5ml Red wine vinegar; Add salt and pepper to taste Method: Finely chop the mango and add all remaining ingredients. Plate the avocado salsa at the bottom of the plate and place the Red Velvet Prawns on top. Drizzle the prawns with the Mango salsa and add some sweet chili to taste.

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6 bottles of each featured wine!


ANSWER THIS EASY QUESTION! Which school recently received a new school hall?

Send your answer to Winner will be informed by email before 15 January 2020. Prizes to be collected from Franschhoek Info Office before end January 2020 or be forfeited.

A new yarn & baby clothes shop has opened at 1A Bordeaux Street Franschhoek

021 300 5668

January 2020 | 5

Cellar Chat Mark Tanner

I recently had a chance to look at what is perhaps an overlooked area of wine production: the ubiquitous BIB or Bag in Box or, simply, box wine. Some of which, I might add, have been elevated to “Château Carton” status. One might be forgiven for relegating box wine to a lower rung on the ladder without any attempt to look further than the printed decorations on the box, but beware, there are surprises. We appreciate that wine in boxes come from volume producers who already have a heady range of bottled wines. Conversely, we never see any Veritas or Michelangelo wines surrounded by cardboard. The rules are not difficult. Check the box to see how many colours are printed. 3lt or 5lt of ‘Party Pack’ or ‘Chat Vat’ in black and white only has its own message. In fact, such names seem only to appear around the time when producers wish to empty their tanks of remaining ‘leftover’ wines. While box wines from large producers do not necessarily reflect the top of their ranges, they do offer amazing value for money. By simply converting to bottle size i.e. 3lt equals 4 bottles etc., we find that local prices can range from R22.50 per bottle to R33.80 per bottle. In the 5lt category, prices range from R19.10 to R41.80 per bottle depending on quality. Not bad for wines that have versatility and cool quickly in the fridge. With the festive season now behind us we have no doubt enjoyed various and maybe numerous viticultural experiences. If by any chance these might have led one to consider taking a more interesting approach to the world of wine, I have a recommendation. By all means join a wine group or society and by all means enrol on a course with the Cape Wine Academy or similar, but before doing so do take a look at, Try This takes you to a particularly user-friendly app which introduces you to the mysteries of wine. To quote Andrew Sleath the founder, “Try Tipple is a free mobile app that will teach you more about wine and wine tasting in a way that is accessible, intuitive and fun. Wine is one of those things in life we all wish we knew a little more about. The reality is that few of us ever get the time or the opportunity

to really learn, or even know where to start. That’s where Tipple comes in. The discovery of a world of wine starts with your first Tipple. Download it free on the Apple app store”. I have introduced this facility to numerous people who have found instant compatibility with this friendly, no-nonsense, introduction to wine education. One such fellow was so impressed that he telephoned Andrew in the UK to discuss a particular point. I have had the pleasure of meeting Andrew, both here while visiting vineyards and at the prestigious ‘67’ wine club in Pall Mall, London, of which he is a founder member. I mentioned the ‘67’ club in the September 2017 issue and said that they offer a superb ‘white-glove’ service. How about a taste of Petrus Pomerol Grand Vin 1966 by the glass! Mortgage applications are available from the Secretary. Bottoms up!






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6 | January 2020

Rickety Bridge Semillon Joint Best in 2020 Platter’s SA Wine Guide Rickety Bridge has been honoured with a coveted 5-star rating and Joint Best Semillon Award in the 2020 Platter’s South African Wine Guide – for The Pilgrimage 2017, a limitededition icon wine produced from an extraordinary heritage vineyard block. Rickety Bridge cellar master Donovan Ackerman proudly accepted this prestigious award from Platter’s Publisher Jean-Pierre Rossouw during the awards dinner in late November 2019. Platter’s 5-star accolade is reserved for wines that are “South African classics” and score 95 points or more on the internationally recognised 100-point scale. No stranger to accolades, The Pilgrimage 2017 has also received ratings of excellence from Tim Atkin, internationally acclaimed wine critic and British Master of Wine (MW) in his 2019 South Africa Special Report (94 points) as well as Christian Eedes, well respected wine writer and judge and editor of (95 points). The Pilgrimage is crafted from a 4,2ha block planted in 1905 on granite soils in the Franschhoek Valley. The dryland bush vines struggle to produce tiny yields of grapes, averaging 2,4 tonnes/ha. Whole-bunch pressed and naturally fermented, the wine matured for 11 months in a combination of foudre and older 500-litre barrels. Cellar master Donovan has this to say about the wine: “Initial freshness on the nose opens up to complex citrus and zesty lime with underlying floral aromas. A full, rich extraordinarily satiny palate of honey, nougat and citrus is perfectly balanced with caramel sweetness and a beautiful lingering creamy finish. Rich and intense yet fresh, it finishes regally and perfectly dry. The wine sings of old vine concentration, with its citrusy joie de vivre and just a peep of the silky viscosity that will emerge with time. Ready to drink now, this wine has great ageing potential for up to at least 10 years from harvest. It’s a wine made to

last and improve with age.” This elegant Semillon is extremely versatile and can be paired with a variety of dishes – delicious with biryani, chicken curry, roast pork, seafood, shellfish, roast chicken and paella. Only 1 600 bottles of The Pilgrimage 2017 were produced. They retail for R450 per bottle from the cellar door and specialist wine merchants. | 021 876 2129

The Haute Cabrière Restaurant interior has received a contemporary makeover

January 2020 | 7





ce s







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8 | January 2020

Tatler Motoring MICHELE LUPINI

SHOOTOUT - X5 vs GLE vs XC90 A Quantum Shift In The Middle Of The SUV World There’s been a lot of action in the mid-exec SUV world of late, so we wasted no time to get this trio together for a little shootout that proved a bit of a revelation… BMW claims the Boss is Back in its new X5. Was that brave? Or arrogant? This longer, wider and taller newcomer ‘embodies the origins of the X family’. Well, its Mickey Mouse grill certainly sets it apart, but I’ll leave you to make your own style judgement. This xDrive30d gets Munich’s latest, splendid 3-litre straight-six turbodiesel, 8-speed auto, all-wheel drive and all the tech, but this one – peculiarly – came with an Off-Road package with its own style of instrument graphics, four driving modes and, God forbid, knobbly tyres… Mercedes-Benz likes to call the GLE the pioneer of street-oriented Sport Utilities and this fifthgeneration comes in either a 5-seater with a cavernous boot or a real seven-seater with a far more spacious cabin. This turbodiesel straightsix 400 d carries all the typical GLE traits forward with latest Benz tech and Starship Enterprise-like artificial intelligence MBUX infotainment sprawled across the dash. The XC90 has also been through a recent midcycle nip and tuck with subtle detail styling and trim advances to its ’Thor’s Hammer’ DRL headlights and a modern new grille, new wheels, exterior colours and an interesting new six-seat cabin configuration alongside the expected 5 and 7-seat options. It’s a generation older, but the Volvo is still probably cooler than the complicated BMW inside and out, and I’d say even better than the Merc outside too, but we were surprised that Volvo did not take advantage of this development step to improve its touchscreen-infotainment. It’s a cool system but difficult to manage on rough roads and your fingers leave smudges on the screen surface too. I know it’s a moot point and my take on style may well be different to yours, but we ran a quick little survey as we often do among our friends to gauge it and unusually, the GLE’s cockpit was an unanimous favourite.

A Merc cockpit highlight is its latest steering wheel-controlled infotainment — two tiny touch pads run everything — the left runs the infotainment and the right side controls dash and driving functions – we have preferred this solution since its first arrived a few years back and it just keeps getting better. Quite brilliant, actually. Of course, all three cars are supremely equipped and they can all be controlled by voice and a variety of gesture, touch and other aspects too, but the Merc is top of that pile. These three turbodiesels delivered some interesting results in our performance tests – the 173kW 480Nm 2-litre 4-pot turbodiesel Volvo did well, but it was not quite as quick as the 195kW 620Nm 3-litre straight six BMW tested to 100km/h in a quick 6.5-second, or the tenth-faster similarlyendowed 243kW 700Nm Mercedes. So is Benz stealing the high ground here? Well it seems it may just be – especially on the road. The BMW seems flabby and numb versus its 2009 grandfather, while the Mercedes and Volvo are both dynamically streets ahead of their respective ’09 models. True, this X5 wore that stupid off-road rubber, but it was not much worse than the street spec X5 M50d we drove a month or three ago. So why this shift – why is BMW losing its splendid SAV mojo? I scratched my head a bit. Then it all became quite literally, crystal clear. See, this spec Volvo had a Swarovski crystal gearknob in its previous generation and now it has a normal leather clad aluminium lever. But the BMW, which always has leather and alloy stick, now has crystal gearknob.

The penny dropped. It seems instead of consolidating and building on its significant old SAV advantage — one that made its sport utes stand dynamically head and shoulders above the rest, Munich is so concerned about its market share, what its shareholders need and what its rivals are producing, that it has lost the plot. No, seriously — as far as ‘sheer driving pleasure’, goes BMW has squandered its once heady

advantage and X5 has eroded to become an average-driving and quite mute SUV like its rivals once were. And those very rivals are now the better ‘driver’s’ Sport Activity Vehicles… So I’m not quite sure if the boss is not back — it rather seems that both Mercedes and Volvo have gained ground, while BMW has lost it. And it took a crystal gearknob to help us figure out why. Images - Giordano & Michele Lupini




Volvo XC90



GLE400d 4Matic

D5 AWD Inscription


195kW 620Nm

243kW 700Nm

173kW 480Nm


8-speed Auto AWD

9-speed Auto AWD

8-speed Auto AWD


6.49 sec

6.16 sec

8.36 sec

400m time:

14.5 sec @ 151km/h

14.4 sec @ 156km/h

15.4 sec @143km/h


4.68 sec

4.42 sec

5.81 sec





CLAIMED: VMax: Fuel/CO2:

7 l/100km/184 g/km

7.5 l/100km 199 g/km

5.7 l/100km 149 g/km


2y unl/5y 100Kkm

2y unl/5y 100Kkm

5y 100Kkm /5y 100Kkm









Join Hands To Save Animals OUR NEW BANK DETAILS SAFE HANDS ANIMAL RESCUE FRANSCHHOEK Bank: FNB Account Number: 62836203076 Branch: Paarl Branch Code: 200110


Sidewalk Special Steri we organised in May 2019.

THANK YOU A BIG thank you to Kelsey and Sarah from Bridge House School for their amazing fundraising efforts. These two dynamic girls raised a significant amount of money for Safe Hands and we are extremely grateful for their contribution to and support for the animals in and around our community.

Millions of virus particles are pooped out with every bowel movement of dogs who have not been vaccinated. These virus particles are resistant to heat and cold and can remain very stable in the soil for several years. Unvaccinated dogs who walk on the contaminated soil and lick their paws afterwards then ingest and are susceptible to contracting the virus.

What should I do if I notice these symptoms? If left untreated, a puppy with Parvo can die within 48 to 72 hours. Seek medical attention immediately. It is easy to diagnose, and survival is possible if treated early enough. How can I prevent my dog from contracting this virus? All dogs MUST be vaccinated before being exposed to any outside areas. Puppies need a series of vaccinations to develop immunity and adults dogs need yearly vaccinations to maintain immunity.


Sally is a small, 3.5 year old Jack Russel Cross. She is peaceful and playful, but sensitive to loud noise. She is comfortable with cats and dogs. To adopt Sally email: Adoption policies apply. See our FB page for more animals needing a forever home.

How can my dog get Parvovirus?

Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Loss of appetite, Listless or depressed disposition, Dull, glassy-eyed stare

We look forward to seeing you at our next BrakFest in February!

Dog of the Month

Parvovirus: It Is Deadly


Thank you so much to everyone who supported us at our last BrakFest of the year. It was the best one yet and we are especially grateful to the local businesses who provided wonderful raffle and auction prizes: Darren Badenhorst Le Chené, Tap & Cork, Hey Joe Brewing Co, Franschhoek Hair and Beauty, Franschhoek Skin Care, Rickety Bridge Wines, Terbodore, Scintilla Jewellers, Boekenhoutskloof, Caro Iuel

Since April 2019 we’ve sterilised 392 animals, not counting the 671 that were sterilised during the


Bank Details: Safe Hands Animal Rescue Franschhoek Bank: FNB Branch: Paarl Branch Code: 200110 Acc No.: 62836203076 NPO No: NPO 235-331

Loads of fun was had at the last Brakfest of 2019!

Upcoming Events


26 Jan | Hey Joe Brewery | R50 per adult | Registration from 08h00 We are hosting another fun 5km walk in the vineyards! Registration from 08h00 under the SHARF gazebo and the walk starts at 09h00. The cost is R50 per adult; children under 16 enter free. Free Dog Beer for every hound taking part! Also on offer: puppy adoptions by Roar For Paws and microchipping for just R150 per pet. The restaurant will be open for a well-earned post-trek lunch! Picnic

baskets are also available and must be pre-booked at Hey Joe.

January 2020 | 9




Back in 1959, Father Christmas traded

L’Ormarins has been the proud host of South

in his sleigh and reindeer and opted for

Africa’s premier horse racing weight-for-age mile

something a bit flashier with plenty of

race, the Queen’s Plate, since 2006, and the estate’s

horsepower to get him around...

passion and enthusiasm has seen it grow from a

Some cars are destined to become

one-day event into a sumptuous two-day racing

symbolic of a particular period in automotive

festival. With its classic blue-and-white theme, the

history. The late-1950s was a time of

2020 event takes place at Cape Town’s Kenilworth

American design and detail extravagance,

Race Course on 9-10 January. Voted one of the

when bodies were manufactured from

best racing experiences in the world, the 18-race card is complemented by the best in local wine and

after-party. L’Ormarins and Anthonij Rupert wines

cuisine and great entertainment.

will be served and local food concessionaires will

The 2020 LQP Festival officially gets under

be providing sustenance throughout the festival.

way at midday on the Friday with an 8-race card,

As usual, the Franschhoek Motor Museum will be

tote facilities, a summery soundtrack of all-day

displaying a number of its world class vehicles over

jazz all taking place in an elegant garden party

the two days.

atmosphere. Saturday’s proceedings include a 10-







race card including the prestigious Queen’s Plate,

various hospitality packages are available from

capped with the famous L’Ormarins Queen’s Plate



sheet metal by the hectare, highlighted with space-age styling influences and adorned with more glitter than Liberace. Like most fashion crazes, the bubble had to burst and it happened at the turn of the decade – but not before what is probably the most imposing volume production cabriolet ever built had made its mark on society – the

2 060 mm wide and weighs nearly 2 400

1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible.

kg. Incidentally, the height of the tail fin,

The Series 62’s standard specification sheet



Powering this palace on wheels is a 6 390

suspension, an oil filter, power drum brakes,

cm3 triple-carb V8 pumping out 257 kW and

power steering, foglamps, dual reverse

a massive 589 N.m of torque. Transmission is



a three-speed HydraMatic autobox. To drive,

From FMM Curator Wayne Harley and all of the

wipers, a heater and an exterior rear-view

first impressions are, naturally, of the car’s

museum staff, we wish everyone a joyous Festive

mirror. Interior features included leather

massive physical presence but once settled

Season and a year of peace and happiness ahead.

upholstery, power door locks, a remote boot

on the three-abreast front seat looking out

A reminder that FMM will be closed on Christmas

lock, power windows and quarter-lights, a

over the dining table-sized bonnet, tiny

Day, but will be open on all other days. See below

six-way power front seat, a radio with rear

fender-top fins acted as useful markers of the

for further details.

speaker, courtesy and map lights, an electric

extremities for guiding through tight places.

BIKER BITS A review of one of the motorcycles currently



nicknamed ‘zap’, measures 1 143 mm.




clock – and four cigarette lighters. Amongst

Variously described as being outrageous,

the options were front bucket seats, tinted

ebullient and flamboyant, critics called the

glass, air conditioning, cruise control and

1959 Cadillacs over-long, over-low and over-

automatic headlight dimming – high-tech for

styled – “the final flourish of the Fifties”.

60 years ago.

on display at FMM in Hall C – Ariel Square 4.

The Series 62 is 5 715 mm long and

Ariel’s roots go back to some 150 years but the company’s first motorcycle appeared in 1902, and

FMM’s Seminole Red Caddy is currently on view in Hall C.


the products quickly earned a reputation for being sound and reliable, backed up with successes in racing. Up to and including the 1960s, Ariel produced a number of great machines, one of which was the Square 4 – or ‘Squariel’ as it was later nicknamed – which was made from 1931 to 1959. The bike’s engine was the brainchild of

fitted to FMM’s 1957 Mk.2 Square 4. Oh, and kick-

Edward Turner, who first had the idea in 1928; it

starting was necessary on all versions...

was simple and yet so revolutionary, basically just

Once running, the Ariel runs quietly and

two parallel-twin engines running one behind the

smoothly. Controls and instruments are simple

other linked by a pair of gears that, because of the

and easy to operate once accustomed to

naturally opposing forces, allowed the engine to be

switching of the rear brake pedal and gear

balanced, providing minimum vibration and ultra-

lever positions, common on British bikes of this

smooth operation. But the real beauty was the size

era. There is a good 33 kW on tap and with a

of the engine, which allowed Turner to fit a four-

sprocket-and-chain drive system to the four-

cylinder engine into a single-cylinder frame. Initially,

speed gearbox; the claimed top speed was 100

the capacity was 500 cm3 but over the years a

mph (161 km/h). The Squariel has telescopic front

number of variations were produced, culminating

forks and a plunger-link spring system at the rear.

in 1953 with the four-pipe 997 cm3 version as

Brakes are mechanically-operated drums.

LOGON FOR FREE NEWSLETTER To keep abreast of all that is happening at the museum and other interesting features on local veteran, vintage and classic cars and motorcycles as well as updates on sporting events and suchlike, logon to FMM’s website,, and signon to receive the free monthly newsletter.

FMM supported the Cape Alfa Romeo

alfista and took along the museum’s 1947 6C

Club at the Killarney Motor Show held in hot

2500 SS Freccia d’Oro and 1972 Montreal to

Cape Summer weather in early December.

complement the club members’ exhibits.

Workshop manager Lorenzo Farella is a keen

MUSEUM OPERATING HOURS Visiting is currently by appointment only – phone 021 874 9002 to make a reservation. There is ample secure parking on site. Motorcycles and buses larger than 23-seaters should park at Anthonij Rupert Wyne from where visitors will be transported to and from the museum by charabanc. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 10h00 to 18h00 (last admittance 17h00), Saturday and Sunday 10h00 to 17h00 (last admittance 16h00). The museum is open on most public holidays except Christmas Day and Good Friday.

ENTRY FEE R80 adults, R60 pensioners and motor club members (with membership ID), R40 children (ages 3-12). Guided tours are available upon request at no charge. An on-site Deli offers refreshments and a selection of wines produced by Anthonij Rupert Wyne. Tel: 021 874 9000 | Fax: 021 874 9100 | E-mail: | Web:

10 | January 2020

Franschhoek Bowling Club ALTA MALHERBE

The Franschhoek Bowling Club once again had the privilege of hosting the Winelands Nomads at the club on Tuesday, 3 December 2019. The bowls was enjoyed by everyone and the party

was great. There was even a sing-along! We hope that this will be the start of the club once again growing to its former stature with the support of all our local players.

Franschhoek Wine Valley News REINHER BEHRENS

It’s the start of a new year and we trust that you have had a memorable festive season with friends and family. We’ve kicked off 2020 with a sense of renewed vigor, ready to welcome the year and all that it brings. May this year be a prosperous one for all. No festivals are planned for January, but we are in full swing preparing for our annual Franschhoek Summer Wines, which takes place on Saturday, 1 February. Once again Leopard’s Leap Family Vineyards will play host to this intimate yet popular event, and we invite you to join us as our Vignerons showcase their summer-inspired wines. Expect to find whites, rosés, Méthode Cap Classiques and lighter styled reds. You may discover a few new wine gems that are perfect for Franschhoek’s hot summer days. Chef Pieter de Jager and his team

will be working their culinary magic in the kitchen to prepare delicious eats to enjoy with your wine. Franschhoek locals qualify for a discounted ticket price of R230 per person if tickets are purchased directly from the tourism office before 1 February. Tickets purchased on the day or via Webtickets will cost R295 per person. We’re very excited about an initiative recently launched with our retail members – Summer Season Shopping – and encourage you to support them. On the last Friday of each month most of the retail outlets situated along Main Road will stay open until 20h00. End off your busy week with a bit of retail therapy before enjoying a relaxed dinner to kickstart your weekend. We value your feedback and invite you to pop into our offices. We’re also more than happy to assist with more information on what’s happening in the region. Our website,, is also a reliable hub for news.

A Course for Coffee

Franschhoek’s new baristas and their lecturers.

The Franschhoek Hospitality Academy in partnership with Terbodore Coffee Roasters presented a 4-week-long Basic Barista Training Course during November 2019. The Academy decided to offer the course as part of its ongoing commitment towards skills development and training in the valley. All the academy’s evening courses are open to anyone who is interested and would like to learn more about a particular area. The 13 students on the barista course were between the ages of 19 and 40 years, with most of them working in the hospitality industry in the valley. They attended eight lessons over a month comprising two weeks of theory and two weeks of practicals. The theory was taught by Academy Head, Jeremy Davids, and the practicals by Jason Smit at Terbodore Coffee Roasters. The aim with the barista course was to teach a real skill and it covered all the basic elements in brewing the perfect shot of espresso. The course covered areas such as the characteristics of a good barista, the different parameters in preparing the perfect

shot of espresso, the coffee grinder and espresso machine, the different coffees and cleaning and maintenance of the espresso machine. During the certificate handover, which took place at the Big Dog Café, the feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive and constructive. As a result, the Franschhoek Hospitality Academy was pleased to announce that the course will be offered again during the winter offseason. Text: Jeremy Davids Image: Franschhoek Hospitality Academy

Hoërskool Franschhoek Neem Afskeid

Museum TV Ryker

Scout Africa en die Livingston Tourism Academy het ‘n plasmaskerm TV aan die Hugenote Gedenkmuseum geskenk. By die oorhandiging (VLNR) was: Chris Giliomee (Scout Africa), Anita du Preez (Museumbestuurder: Hugenote Gedenkmuseum), Jacques Nell (Livingston Tourism Academy) en Danie Theron (Scout Africa). Toevallig is al vier persone op die foto Hugenote afstammelinge!

Die atmosfeer van die geleentheid by die La Bourgogne plaaswinkel was gesellig, maar daar was ook ‘n tikkie hartseer. Dit was tyd vir die personeel van Hoërskool Franschhoek om afskeid te neem van Mnr Jan Cilliers – die skoolhoof vir die afgelope tien jaar – wat aan die einde van die vierde kwartaal van 2019 afgetree het. Heelwat staaltjies is om die

tafel gedeel en ‘n afskeidsgeskenk is aan Mnr Cilliers oorhandig. In sy bedanking het Mnr Cilliers gesê dat alhoewel sy formele betrokkenheid by die skool tot ‘n einde gekom het, hy toekomstige verwikkellinge by die skool met belangstelling sal volg. Teks & Foto: Redaksie

The 6th ball planned for 2020 will now take place in November as opposed to its usual spot in February. Full details will be released nearer the time. In the interim we are planning to raise funds for the critically endangered iconic South African Rhino by competing in The Cape Town Cycle Tour on 8 March and the ASICS 10km Run in London on 5 July. We appreciate any support, donations and sponsorship. Please contact Graeme 072 815 8209.


Valentineʼs Hop with local band

UNCORKED NGK Church Hall • 14 February 2020 • 18h30 • R250 p.p. Bring own picnic basket and drinks BEST DRESSED COUPLE PRIZE 021 876 3085 or

January 2020 | 11

Franschhoeker is Paul Roos Gimnasium Se Top Student Paul Ellis van La Provence in Franschhoek was Paul Roos Gimnasium se toppresteerder in Graad 12 in 2019. Sy gemiddeld was 94.1% Hy is Paul Roos Gimnasium se beste matriekleerder in die volgende vakke: Wiskunde 100%, Gevorderde wiskunde 96%, Rekeningkunde 98%, Fisiese wetenskappe 96%, Ingenieursgrafika en ontwerp 98%, Lewensoriëntering 96% Benewens hierdie prestasies was hy ook die 2019 wenner van die Tweetaligheidskild en die Thys de Wet-skild vir die Beste Student in Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde. Om alles te kroon was hy ook die ontvanger van die Johan Slabbert-beurs. Paul was ‘n lid van die 2019 leerlingraad, het 0/19B hokkie gespeel en was lid van die skool se E-sport komitee. Hy was ook ‘n gereelde deelnemer aan E-sport kompetisies (gaming). Sy trotse ouers Gideon en Paulette was albei hoofprefekte by Franschhoek Hoërskool. Hy is die kleinseun van Paul en Brieta Roux (La Provence) en Petro Ellis (De Villiers Straat) wat almal lank gevestigte inwoners van Franschhoek is. Hierdie jaar gaan Paul aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch studeer. Hy is ingeskryf vir die nuwe kursus van “BEng (Electrical and Electronic) Data Engineering specialisation”. Die hoofvakke van die kursus is wiskunde, statistiek

en rekenaarwetenskap. Hy sal ‘n inwoner wees van Dagbreek manskoshuis. Paul sê, “Dit verg harde werk en toewyding regdeur die jaar om goed te doen op skool. Tydsbestuur is een van die belangrikste eienskappe wat jy moet aanleer sodat jy ‘n gebalanseerde lewe kan hê en ook presteer in die akademie.” Ons wens hom alle sukses toe. Teks: Redaksie | Foto: Paul Roos Gimnasium

Museum Skenk Waaiers

Editor’s Letter Siegfried Schäfer

Dear Readers Happy New Year! I hope that you’ll end it healthier, wealthier and happier than you started it. Last month I wrote about the positive link between the walkability of a neighbourhood and economic mobility in the area. This month I want to continue the ‘anti-car’ theme by looking at the international trend of large cities closing major streets to traffic. An opinion piece by Brooks Rainwater (that’s his real name!) on the Citylab website starts like this: “When asked what they like most about a city they have visited, almost no one answers: ‘The cars whizzing by on the streets.’ Cultural attractions, the people we meet, walking through the city and gazing at plazas, buildings, and places—these are the things that make a city unique.” More and more cities are realising this and are increasingly prioritising people over cars. What this means practically is less space devoted to cars – roads, parking, etc. – and more devoted to people – parks, plazas, etc. Cars have been around for a far shorter time than cities, and for at least half the history of the car, there weren’t enough of them to be a problem. Of course, that is no longer the case. It probably hasn’t been the case since the baby boomers all bought cars! The impact that cars have had on cities is significantly affected by the age of the city. As Rainwater observes: “Many cities in America are newer than those in other parts of the world; most were born before cars but expanded tremendously afterwards. This wasn’t the case in Europe, where centuries of settlement made it difficult for the continent to fully succumb to the automobile.” Nevertheless, European cities could have gone much further in designing and modifying cities to

accommodate the car. Most chose not to. Often the most vociferous resistance to pedestrianisation and demoting the status of the car in favour of other forms of transport comes from retailers who fear losing customers if they’re not able to drive right up to their shops. Yet case study after case study shows that rather than hurting retail, retail thrives improves significantly in pedestrian zones. Here’s just one example (also from the Citylab website) Madrid closed its CBD to cars during the 2018 festive season. Yearon-year retails sales in the CBD grew 9,5%. An added benefit was that the air was much cleaner, making the CBD a healthier place to be. One should remember though that it’s not as simple as just putting up a barrier and closing a street. People still need to get around and if the distance is too great to walk there have to be alternatives. Thus large-scale pedestrianization has gone hand-in-hand with heavy and sustained investment in public transport, bicycle lanes, shared bicycle schemes, etc. Even American cities are getting in on the act with both New York and San Francisco removing cars from major roads, making way for scooters, e-bikes and public transport. Also worth noting is that when NYC turned 14th Street into a dedicated busway travel times on that bus route dropped by 30 per cent. There were also the expected benefits to cyclists and pedestrians. In San Francisco, the city government is planning to convert a major downtown thoroughfare (Market Street) into a much less car-friendly space. “San Francisco officials plan to reduce the size of the street, widen sidewalks, and add an eight-foot-wide bike lane for bikes and e-scooters. With streetcars and buses still breezing down the centre, people will have more choices to get where they need to go.” Reclaiming space from cars and giving it back to people is central in making cities (and towns!) more liveable. I wonder what ideas Franschhoekers can come up with to make Franschhoek more liveable in 2020 and beyond? Until next month.

DEADLINES - FEBRUARY 2020 ISSUE Bookings - 13 January 2020 Artwork - 15 January 2020 | Editorial - 15 January 2020

2020 Student Leaders Forum Op Vrydag, 6 Oktober 2019, het die Hugenote Gedenkmuseum vier industriële waaiers aan die Lord’s Acre Sentrum geskenk. Op die foto ontvang Mnr Ivan Franse, die sentrumbestuurder, een van die waaiers van die Hugenote Gedenkmuseum se Me Elizna Davids. Die sentrum verskaf huisvesting/nasorg aan kinders, waartydens hulle dan ook aan opvoedkudige programme deelneem – veral terwyl hul ouers bedags werk. Hul ontvang ook iets te ete en word andersins na omgesien.

Franschhoek’s Champion! Dominant Giordano Lupini wraps up GTi Challenge title Franschhoek lad Giordano Lupini delivered a dominant performance to wrap up his 2019 GTi Challenge Class C championship with a superb double win in the season finale at Killarney late in November. Giordano bounced back from a troubled qualifying, moving up from 17th on the grid to sixth overall and the Class C win in the opening sprint race, before sharing his La Vie de Luc/Accelerate Special Gasoline/CIR Constriction Golf to fourth and another Class C win with veteran driver Ebrahim Levy in the one-hour endurance race. “What a brilliant weekend!” Giordano admitted. “A double win with the fastest lap was the perfect way to end the season after a difficult few races, but that first race win was enough to wrap my class championship. “The car ran like a train once we sorted the issue that slowed me in qualifying and I really enjoyed coming through the field — I think I wrapped it up with my best drive of the season and that also made the endurance race a pleasure for Ebrahim and me. “For a while it even seemed that the near impossible odds on an overall title were on — I had to win Class C and Class B champion Eden Thompson had to retire. “Eden hit trouble and fell out of contention at mid distance and we were leading, but somehow he dragged his car to the finish to take it by a few points, so well done to Eden and Class A champion Nian du Toit too and thanks to Ebrahim for bringing it home in style!” “We worked so hard for this title — the Class C Brat Pack is super competitive — I’m proud of my achievements this year and I will always treasure

FLTR: Kyle Bougaardt (Head boy of Groendal Secondary) Kekeletso Lebeonana (Head girl of Groendal Secondary), Emma Wainwright (Head girl Bridge House College), Louis-Franz Alberts (Head Boy Bridge House College), Tarryn Jacobs (Head girl Franschhoek High School), Curtley Opperman (Head boy Franschhoek High School). The Franschhoek Student Leaders Forum is a project of the Bhabhathane Programme.

FRANSCHHOEK HOSPICE SHOP Shop No 18, Franschhoek Centre | Opening 17 January 2020

my twelve wins from 18 starts, nine pole positions, eleven fastest laps and a few lap records this season too. “I must thank my dad for all the effort, Gozzi at GAP Motorsport for all and late-night graft to drag the car onto the grid every time, to Paul and acciDent Guru for their great effort and to all my family, friends and supporters all my local fans in Franschhoek — we really appreciate all the support! Of course to my sponsors — Christian from La Vie de Luc, Jeff from CiR and SA Oil for that splendid Accelerate Special Gasoline — without you guys, none of this would be possible. “Now to the future — we have some interesting plans that we hope to make happen, but whatever happens, we will be out there fighting to win again in 2020 — watch this space!”

Donate Office: 021 876 3085 | Cell: 061 766 5386 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 09h00 - 17h00, Sat 09h00 - 13h00, Closed Sundays & Public Holidays

12 | January 2020

La Petite Ferme Develops Youths

PSG Winelands Money Matters Claude Chantler Retirement Annuities annuities have evolved. We

TaxTax-efficient investments – how SARS incentivises you to save

have moved from expensive products with very little

The end of the tax year for individuals are is a couple

with a wide range of investment choices. In most cases,

of months away. After 29 February 2020, you will not

you can invest in any of the unit trust funds on offer.

be able to reduce the amount you owe to SARS for

Some providers also allow you to appoint a portfolio

this tax year. Have you done all you can to reduce the

manager to manage shares and other instruments

amount you oweincome tax payable to the Receiver

offered on the various stock exchanges around the

of Revenue?

world within a retirement annuity structure.

investment choices, to more cost-effective products

By doing some planning to include tax-efficient

You should review your retirement annuities on a

savings vehicles in your portfolio you can significantly

regular basis. Did you know that you can transfer

decrease the amount you owe to SARS.

from one retirement annuity fund to another

One vehicle

tax-efficient to











is retirement funds.


SARS allows you to


This means you can

deduct the greater of

old-generation retirement

up to 27.5% of your

annuity that does not have





a wide range of investment

remuneration, 27.5%

choices to a new new-

up to a maximum


of R350 000, as long

annuity. Of course, you will



as you contribute that amount to either a pension ,

have to make sure that the new product suits your

provident fund or a retirement annuity fund.

needs and that all aspects are considered before signing on the dotted line.

Let’s use an example. Let’s say you earn R500 000 per year before tax. This means you will pay income

Another tax-efficient vehicle to consider is tax--free

tax of approximately R113 655 without taking into

investment plans. You can contribute R33 000 per year

consideration any other deductions you might qualify

with a lifetime limit of R500 000. Any contribution in

forinto consideration. If you make the full contribution

excess of the annual or lifetime limit will result in a tax

of R137 500 to a retirement annuity fund you can

penalty of 40% on the excess contribution amount. You

decrease the income tax you have to pay to R67 194.

will not pay any tax on the interest, dividends and capital

The effect is that you save R46 460 in taxes you do not

growth within the product, and any withdrawals at

have to pay. A further “soft” benefit that you receive

retirementfrom this product is are not taxedas income.

is that you do not pay income tax on the interest,

Let’s use an example. Over the next 15 years you make

dividends, or capital gains within the fund while you

contributions of R33 000 per year and in year 16 you

remain invested. Once you retire you are allowed to

contribute the remaining R5 000 to bring your total

withdraw one-third of the value of which the first R500,

contributions to the current lifetime limit of R500 000.

000 will be tax-free with the balance taxed as per the

If we assume that your contributions have grown by

retirement withdrawal tax scale. The remaining two-

8% per year over this period your investment value

thirds has to be transferred tobe used to buy a Llife

will be R1 050 517. After 20 years it will be R1 429 217

or livingiving Aannuity and you will be taxed on the

and after 30 years it will be R3 085 573 with no taxes

income you withdraw as per the normal tax tables.

payable on this amount.

La Petite Ferme acted as a host employer during the Mayoral Youth Skills Development Programme in September and October. In the photo above the students who were hosted at La Petite Ferme show off their certificates in the company of their instructors and La Petite Ferme’s GM, Riaan Kruger. Four of the students were offered employment by La Petite Ferme.

La Petite Ferme took part in the Mayoral Youth Skills Development Programme that took place from 1 September to 31 October 2019. This is the first year that La Petite Ferme took part in the programme. The aims of the programme are to address the high


unemployment rate among local youth and the need

• Perform basic calculations.

for skills development in the municipal area.

• Develop self within the job role.

The programme – a community development

• Provide a table and drink service.

initiative of Stellenbosch Municipality in support of

• Prepare and clear areas for table service.

Youth Day on 16 June 2020 was executed through

• Provide a carvery / buffet service.

the training service provider eXtraordinary Solutions,

• Serve bottled wines.

to recruit and train unemployed youth from the local

La Petite Ferme acted as a host employer during

community. This round of training was for future 5-star

the 2-month programme and at the conclusion of

table attendants. The curriculum included:

the programme offered employment contracts to

• Provide customer service in an upmarket establishment.

four of the youths. Twenty-two of the 25 youths who

• Process incoming and outgoing telephone calls.

completed the ‘Table Attendant’ course have already

• Communicate verbally.

found employment.

• Maintain effective relationships with other members of staff.

Other Franschhoek establishments that took part were: Tuk Tuk Microbrewery, Leeu House and Leeu

• Describe the layout, services and facilities of the organisation.

Estates of Leeu Collection, Mullineux and Leeu Family Wines and LUST Bistro and Bakery.

• Maintain a safe and secure working environment. • Maintain






Text: Editorial Desk | Image: eXtraordinary Solutions

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January 2020 | 13

Financial Matters

Business Leadership

shareholders’ agreement or changes to one, or changes to company rules comply with the Act? • Have you compiled Annual Financial Statements


in line with the Act’s requirements?


• Do you handle financial assistance to directors

Revitalisation in Uncertain Times


The CIPC to Intensify Compliance Enforcement in 2020 The









• Is your shareholder register compliant? • Do






It is an offence to make a false declaration to the

requirements for companies and close corporations

CIPC, so when doing this for the first time, make use

when completing their Annual Returns.

of your accountant’s services.






submitting the Annual Return.

hope are essential elements for the generation of new perspectives on the future.

• Do you have a company secretary?


From 1 January 2020 it will be mandatory to

In times of uncertainty leadership and the creation of


stipulations set out in the Act?

It is quite easy to understand and agree with this contention, but somewhat more difficult to make it happen. It is equally important to be clear that all of us have an

When to submit the Annual Return

important role to play in contributing to the generation of

Companies are required to submit their Annual

new perspectives. This is not something that can be left to the

Return in the thirty business days after the anniversary

The rationale for the questionnaire

of their date of incorporation – i.e. if the company was

The CIPC will use this questionnaire to assess areas

incorporated on 10 June then you have thirty business

of non-compliance with the Companies Act (“the Act”) and will take action where it sees the need to address any weaknesses.

President and Cabinet of the country; or the CEO and Board of the company, or the Executive Mayor and Council of your town. This is undoubtedly something that belongs to all of

days from 11 June to complete the return.

us. It is this starting point that each of us needs to internalise.

Close Corporations have the two months from the

We need to make it front and centre in everything we do. This

first day of their month of incorporation to submit

It also serves to ensure that directors and officers

their returns i.e. if your date of incorporation is 10

of companies know and understand the mandatory

June, then the Annual Return needs to be in on or

compliance aspects of the Act.

by 31 July.

If you don’t complete the questionnaire, then you won’t be able to file the Annual Return.

does not only belong to others (although it should as well), it belongs to each of us even, and maybe even especially, in our families. It is essential because a country with the right mindset and outlook on life will understand full well that

Don’t forget Annual Financial Statements (AFS) must

these begin in the family unit.

be submitted, in XBRL format, with the Annual Return.

What is in the questionnaire?

So how do we make sure we are doing what it takes

If the date for your Annual Return falls before you have

You are asked to state whether you comply with

finalised your current AFS, then submit last year’s AFS.

a list of important areas of the Companies Act (for

If you fail to submit an Annual Return, the CIPC will

smaller companies, you can mark quite a few of

take this to mean your company is no longer active

these as non-applicable).

and will begin company deregistration proceedings

The main areas covered are:

wherever we are to build these positive and hopeful mindsets and leadership orientation? All of us have influence. All of us have influence way beyond our usual, daily imagination. One begins to appreciate one’s reach and therefore one’s influence when

– the last thing you need is to find your company

• Have you satisfied yourself that the company meets liquidity and solvency requirements?

one begins to unpack the real depth of our networks. It is

effectively doesn’t exist so make sure you acquaint

truly so that we can reach anyone in the world with our

yourself with these new requirements and ask your

• Does your Memorandum of Incorporation, a new

own networks. But the starting point is in our own intimate

accountant for advice in any doubt.

and direct circle. It starts with questioning, and it especially

Connect With The Comms Lab To Make Your Business Shine Connection makes us tick. Since clear communication facilitates connection, getting across your message successfully is always good for business. In the current economic climate, however, running a business is a tremendous challenge: people are run off their feet, juggling tasks and constantly performing at their peak. This stressful situation creates the perfect storm for poor communication – with clients or with colleagues. The Communication Lab, part of the Stellenbosch

And for those who feel that they need to be

University Language Centre, offers six short courses in

challenged further, “there are another three offerings,”

various competencies to help businesses communicate

says Michelle: Crafting Confident Presentations, PR like

more effectively and re-establish connection.

a Pro: Writing for the Media and Cutting-Edge Business

According to Michelle Pieters, coordinator of the

in that status quo. The next step is to begin to understand the areas in which you are able to begin to influence others to take similar steps and to create a new sense of hope and belief in the future and the positive role that they can play in creating a different more positive future. Revolutions do not start at the top of the pyramid. Usually the leaders of the revolution come from the middle of the organisation. It is a good question to ask why this is the case. I have not seen any research on this but it seems reasonable to assume that this is so because these people have seen the future but do not see how, with the current regime, they are going to get there.


Report Writing.

Comms Lab, the Comms Lab has three options

“Crafting Confident Presentations assists you in pulling

for those who want a bird’s eye view of effective

off the perfect presentation to pitch a project or gain

communication in a predominantly English work place:

financial buy-in from your backers. PR like a Pro: Writing

Communicative English Made Easy, Communication

for the Media equips you with techniques to reach a

Par Excellence and Effective Office Communication

larger audience online, in print and over the airwaves.” “Last but not least, Cutting-Edge Business Report

and Documentation. Communicative English Made Easy is aimed at people who are not mother-tongue English speakers

Writing teaches you how to select, formulate and present information for reporting purposes.”

and who are relatively new to an office environment,

“The Comms Lab has been tailor-making courses for

equipping them with the tools to convey their

clients since its inception in 2017,” Michelle continues.



Current and past clients include the Wine Industry

eloquently. Communication Par Excellence builds on

Ethical Trade Association, the Rupert Foundation,

existing writing skills and helps participants to produce

various arms of Stellenbosch University (such as the

high-quality written communication – essential for

departments of Horticultural Sciences and Viticulture

conveying your business’s professional image.

and Oenology, the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for


starts with questioning the status quo and one’s own role



Effective Office Communication and Documentation

Invasion Biology, the Law Clinic and the University of

aims to improve the essential, behind-the-scenes

Stellenbosch Business School) and Graham Beck Wines.

activities of a business, leading to better office





administration through more reliable minutes, time

021 808 2812 to talk about how you can connect better

management and proper telephone etiquette.

and improve communication in your business in 2020.


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All of us fill the middle role somewhere in the human condition. So there is no reason to be afraid to challenge the status quo. Start small and grow your confidence in challenging bigger and bigger things. Focus on the future. Create a compelling picture of the future you wish to achieve. Share this positive picture frequently and with passion. Remember it is your picture; it is the future you want for yourself, your family and your community. Engage others in your mission. Make your picture their picture; not by bullying and pressure, but by persuasion and passion. The journey needs to look exciting and stimulating. Allow yourself to be challenged. Allow your thinking and story to be influenced by others. This will allow them to also own the future that you can see. Your story will become their story. In short: • Create a clear picture of the positive future you envisage • Share this with those around as often as possible • Be confident • Broaden your circle of influence • Build the future you can see Let us not pretend. This is not easy work. But it is enormously satisfying to seeing your story come true; to seeing others join your journey. You will be challenged. You will experience pushback. You will lose friends. The going will sometimes seem like that it is always an uphill journey. These are all true. They will happen. However, keep your vision on the future clear and unwavering. Have courage. Know that you are on the right track. Know that you will have more success working with others than trying to do this on your own. Take people with you. Allow your courage to feed off their enthusiasm; and vice versa. Building certainty and a clear positive strategy that benefits everyone will fill you with joy and enormous satisfaction while benefitting many!

14 | January 2020

Classical Music Programme Annette’s Final Quiz Night? Inspired by La Motte’s owner and internationally renowned mezzo-soprano, Hanneli RupertKoegelenberg, La Motte’s close association with classical music is celebrated by a series of intimate classical music concerts presented in the beautiful Historic Cellar on the estate. 25 January 2020: A Night in Vienna with Cornelia Herrmann (piano) Austrian pianist Cornelia Herrmann presents a programme of Viennese works by Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, Beethoven and Schoenberg. 15 February 2020: On Wings of Song On Wings of Song featuring Stefan Lombard (piano), Caroline Prozesky (horn), Daniel Prozesky (clarinet), Carin Bam (oboe) and Simon Ball (Bassoon). Enjoy the Mozart Quintet in E-flat major for Piano and Winds K.452. as well as a variety of compositions by Poulenc, Strauss and Piazzolla. 14 March 2020: An Evening of Brahms Renowned South African violinist Zanta Hofmeyr is accompanied by Bulgarian pianist Ilya

Radoslavov in a programme of Brahms Sonatas for violin and piano. 4 April 2020: Easter Concert Carel Henn (cello) and Elize Kruger (piano) perform an Easter-inspired concert with a variety of shorter works by amongst others, Faure, Bach, Jenkins, Roosenschoon and Bloch. Concert information & Reservation details: Concerts start at 19h00, performances last for an hour and guests are invited to stay for a glass of La Motte wine. Admission: R230 Reserve online at or with Angela at 021 876 8000 or La Motte Estate’s gates open at 18h00 and the concert starts promptly at 19h00.

They Did The Time Warp Again! The last outing for the Franschhoek Culture Vultures in 2019 was to the newest production of Richard O’Brien’s classic rock ‘n roll musical The Rocky Horror Show. For some, it was the umpteenth time they saw the show and incredibly for others, it was the first time. All agreed that it was not to be missed. The show had been performed for 45 years and who knows whether it would continue! Arrangements were made for tickets, a bus, refreshments and some Leopard’s Leap MCC and wines which were set aside and chilled for the occasion. It was a pleasant bus ride to Artscape – filled with antici-pation. The group took up their seats in the auditorium and revelled in the rock ‘n roll vibe. It started with Science Fiction/Double Feature and worked through The Time-Warp, Sweet Transvestite and all the other numbers to the sweet I’m Going Home. The cast was wonderful, Craig Urbani surprising even his faithful fans with

his physique (especially pelvic mobility) and great singing. The audience spontaneously applauded the cast and rose to their feet on various occasions. Well-versed in how to do the Time-Warp, a jolly Franschhoek group left Artscape to board their bus out front for the ride home. Thankful for being safely driven home by Patrick everyone looked back on a lovely year of cultural outings and said a fond good night to all. If you would like information on future outings, please send your name, email address and cell phone number to

Book Review

In brief, this is the unbelievable premise of “One Day in Bethlehem.” In 1992 an innocent black man in Bethlehem in the Free State is accused of being implicated in the death of a young white policeman by a gang of ANC operatives. He is thrown into prison, stands trial, and is sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1998 the gang appears before the TRC and the murderers are granted amnesty and walk free. The innocent man cannot be granted amnesty because he is legally innocent! He is only freed in 2011 after 19 years behind bars. He comes out of prison into a post-Mandela South Africa and the first thing he notices is not smartphones and Google but the fact that he is served tea in a restaurant by a nice friendly white woman. He apparently harbours no ill feelings towards a system that treated him so unjustly. This truly incredible story of injustice and redemption catches Steinberg’s attention in 2011. He travels to South Africa from Oxford’s African Studies Centre, where he teaches, to try and understand the mind of a man who was so unjustly treated and can yet appear to be so serene and forgiving. At the same time, he wants to find out how this man relates to the new post-apartheid South Africa after so much time in isolation. He spends 8 years talking to Mofokeng and his family,


One Day in Bethlehem By Jonny Steinberg. Publ: Jonathan Ball, 310 pages. How many cases have there been of innocent people wrongly sentenced to long terms in prison, even to death? There are countless heartbreaking, or infuriating, stories of mistaken identity or miscarriages of justice recounted by released prisoners. Jonny Steinberg in his latest book “One Day in Bethlehem” tells such a story, so poignant and so incredible, that it must rank as one of the worst cases of a dysfunctional and pernicious judicial system. Steinberg in his previous chronicles of injustice and lawlessness in South Africa has investigated the lives of murderous gang-leaders (“Numbers); farm murders (“Midlands” and the xenophobic violence facing Somali traders in the townships (“A Man of Good Hope.”). He has always sought the redeeming human factor in the face of social and political violence, which allows one to read his factual chronicles like novels.

With 130 Franschhoekers and friends, Annette’s 16th and 4th absolutely, definitely, no question, this is it, very, very final Animal Welfare Quiz Night 11 November was the biggest yet - and Hey Joe rocked! As usual it was a raucous and rowdy event – not that anyone was expecting a quiet contemplative, cerebral evening. At half time guests were treated to Hey Joe’s delicious signature Sloppy Joe Cheese Burger (with vegan option) while they pondered (or gazed blankly at) the dreaded Dingbats and delved into their memories to name the films in the Movie Kisses round. The music round finished with the Macarena hilariously and professionally led by Helen Siebert and La Motte’s Marie-Louise Oosthuizen and then by Johan Geers from PostNet and Jane Miller from the full-strength Vetscape team. Table 6 led by Neil Palmer established an early lead and hung on to it but Table 10 - led by Moira and Fred - closed the gap to equal the scores after the final round. However, after a thrilling rapid fire tie break round between the two it was the Table 6 team which walked away proudly wearing the winners’ rosettes. Once again, Doug Gurr as Franschhoek’s auctioneer extraordinaire, coaxed, cajoled and squeezed bidders into parting with R30 700 for lots offered by Franschhoek SPCA and R22 000 for lots offered by Safe Hands Animal Rescue Fund (SHARF). The most competitive bidding of the evening, however, was for a “cat palace” offered by Franschhoek Hospice which went for R4 250. It is not known whether the lucky moggies appreciated this or just ignored it. The Vetscape team then put up eight cat or dog sterilisations knocked down for R4 000. What a really swell party it was and well past 22h30 before the party was over giving many of the guests “a great sense of adventure” as one rather wittily put it. reading court records and tracking down prison officials and attorneys connected to the case. The result is an amazing story of how a young man with a standard 7 education managed to acquire a matric certificate and teach himself the rudiments of law in prison. He comes across as a remarkably likeable person, sweet-tempered and almost saintlike in his equanimity while enduring a situation as absurd as Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot.” But he is so full of hope and self-belief that he never stops writing letters to attorneys and prison officials, or plotting cleverly to be moved from one jail to another so that he can be close to his family. This record of prison life resembles that classic of prison literature, Hugh Lewin’s “Bandiet” as a chronicle of constant negotiations between selfserving officials and disinterested lawyers, and the heart-breaking silences of many months. Steinberg captures all the memories and moments of hope and despair beautifully and sympathetically. He virtually lives Mofokeng’s life and gives a voice to him as a son who loses his mother, and a man betrayed by friends. This book is also about the nature of memory and Steinberg explores the way that Mofokeng during those 19 years misremembers and forgets events. It is additionally an indictment of an evil legal system and

Morag van der Peer and John Tomlinson ponder a Dingbat!

As always, Annette was generously supported by donations of wine from many of Franschhoek’s vineyards – Boekenhoutskloof, La Chataigne, La Motte, Môreson, Holden Manz, Stony Brook – and also by Stellenbosch Vineyards. Also, as always, there were the indispensable volunteers – Alex Maheri, Annette’s little elf, who tirelessly ferried wines and quiz equipment – and Bjorn Meth who meticulously scored under great pressure, his lovely wife Astrid and her equally lovely sister Donna who dispensed wine and collected answer sheets. Thanks to all of them. Thanks also to three anonymous donors who made substantial contributions to the cost of the Sloppy Joe Cheese Burgers and Matthew Gordon for his generous sponsorship of ice creams all round to finish off the evening. And many, many thanks to Tamarind - Hey Joe’s Event Organiser - and the Hey Joe staff who all helped so much to make the evening. Over the years Annette’s Quiz Nights have become something of an institution in the Franschhoek calendar and no one could really believe that this really was the last one – or was it? Text & Photo: Barry Phillips

of the flaws in the Truth and Reconciliation process. One Day in Bethlehem is the heartbreakingly moving story of Fusi Mofokeng. Impeccably researched and flawlessly written, it is all the more moving because it is true.


w w w. m i n i m a xc i n e m a . c o . z a




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January 2020 | 15

Gardening in January NATIE FERREIRA

And we are into the Twenties! It just has such a nice ring to it. Let us make the most of this decade – it could be the one that brings the change we need to see in the world. Global awareness about environmental damage and the potentially disastrous consequences is on everyone’s minds. This was mostly brought to the fore by a younger generation fed up with, and deeply concerned about, the damage our generation is doing to their earth. The time is ripe for the change we need to make this world a better place for all. My January column is usually dedicated to a trend forecast for the coming year. This year I’ve decided to rather present a wish list. Let’s take a look at a few of the gardening trends that I would like to see become mainstream and trendy in the next year and decade. To change our world we have to start at home. The gardener can, and must, play an important role in reversing the damage that we have done to the earth. We have a responsibility to not only radically reduce the harm we bring but to also regenerate the piece of earth we have been granted custodianship of. First, we need to immediately stop or at least drastically reduce the damage we are doing to nature. On top of my list is the immediate removal of all damaging products off nursery shelves. Almost every gardener I speak to would like to be organic in their gardening methods but are being influenced by the array of industrial poisons packaged in small picture packets to look harmless to the uninformed public. Many of these chemicals have been banned from agricultural use around the world, but somehow still end up being sprayed in city gardens. The organic product offering on shelves must be expanded and packaged to speak to the broader public. We need to get the message about the dangers of garden poisons out to the population through dedicated education campaigns. At the same time, organic alternatives need to be actively promoted. I would like to see a ban on all two-stroke engines. A complete move away from fossil

fuel to battery-driven landscaping equipment will reduce urban air and noise pollution. This trend should include electrical golf course mowers, garden tractors and utility vehicles. The technology exists, but the consumer demand is not there to justify the mass production we need for it to become affordable and available to all. Once we’ve reduced the harm I see a move beyond organic to regenerative principles. Sustainability will not save the earth; we need a mind shift towards restoration. The home gardener has a responsibility to play a part in this healing of the earth. My wish is for a new awareness of the rhythm of the earth and cosmos, the power of the sun and the importance of water and soil. Nature responds to the gratitude of the gardener – let us keep our awe in what we are dealing with. All gardening practices must be done with future generations in mind. Let us ask ourselves the right questions. Are we building or breaking the soil? Are we reducing or building biodiversity? Are we saving or wasting water? Are we energy efficient? Do we embrace and make maximum use of the sun? Do we make responsible plant choices? Do we reduce, re-use or recycle our waste? Do we repair or replace? All of these choices will have an impact on future generations. Other trends that I would love to see include a shift towards locally-sourced landscape materials. I have seen cladding, rocks, cement pots, coloured sand, indoor plants and artificial rocks being imported from all over the world to be installed in local gardens. The idiocy of this is obvious. Natural swimming pools, meadows, wooden paths, rock walls, clay rendering and clever soil shaping can be utilised to get the dramatic effect you want in your garden. The nursery industry is using far too much plastic. Packaging should either be durable and reusable or completely biodegradable. We should use more peat and compressed earth pots, fabric plant bags, paper seed packets and develop an easy system to recycle the waste that we cannot otherwise dispose of. Everyone should have a composting system of some sort. Whilst this is just the tip of the (rapidly melting) iceberg these are the kind of trends we need to follow in order to regenerate this planet we find ourselves the apex predator on. I trust that the next decade will see you healthy, wealthy and wise. Happy gardening.

Glorious Gardens A big beautiful book called The Story of Gardening by Penelope Hobhouse first published in 2002 has just been re-published and is now on the shelves of South African book shops. The author revised and refreshed her original gardening tome with the expert assistance of Ambra Edwards. Jonathan Ball publishers organised a grand launch for the book at Babylonstoren just as their gardens donned their summer best. Guests were taken on a garden meander and then invited to a sit-down lunch in the Spice Garden. During the fresh garden-themed lunch, with wine cooled in the rill running down the centre of the long table, Jonathan Ball CEO Eugene Ashton referred to a Spectator article in which Penelope Hobhouse was described as “an international garden designer, plant expert and scholarly garden historian.” He followed with the comment, “This is undoubtedly one of the great gardening books ever published. The updated new edition once again sets the bar as high and will delight and entertain gardeners and gardening enthusiasts the world over.” The first chapter is appropriately called The Origins of Gardening and includes illustrations of gardens dating back thousands of years. The last chapter is Visions of the Future with sections like Historic Gardens: Restoration and Renewal, Native Planting for Aesthetic Effect, The Worst Thing You Can Do Is Be Ditsy and The Playful Landscape. In between are twelve chapters of discovery and beauty. Exploring the exotic lands of ancient Mesopotamia and Persia, the Greek propagation of medicinal herbs, Roman engineering, Islamic spiritual concepts and Christian Medieval Gardens, the Feng Shui of the gardens of China and Japan, the reader is led through the ages to understand the design, ecology and landscape concepts of the 21st Century. The Story of Gardening by Penelope Hobhouse with Ambra Edwards gives light to, and appreciation of, the styles and techniques which have influenced our contemporary gardens and landscape designs. We asked our associate and expert gardener, Merilyn Chance, to peruse the book and this was her observation. “Cicero said, ‘If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.’ The wisdom of Cicero is true of this fascinating, beautifully illustrated book. Rich in history it is a story to treasure. A gardener’s delight.”

Peaches & Scream

Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied

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16 | January 2020

Why do some people cope better with stress and trauma? Faced with traumatic events or stressful situations, some individuals are able to cope better and ‘bounce back’ from such experiences quicker than others. Dr Kim Laxton, a psychiatrist practising at Akeso Randburg Crescent Clinic, was asked about the factors that may make some people more resilient than others. “Resilience refers to a person’s ability to recover reasonably soon after going through a psychological trauma or distressing experience that can affect them both physically and emotionally,” Dr Laxton explains. The question one might ask is this, “How long does it take for an individual to recover from such an experience to the point where they are able to function normally again?” The simple answer is that the more resilient someone is, the quicker they are likely to recover. According to Dr Laxton, it is difficult to determine when and to what extent a person has recovered from psychological trauma, or how long this could take. This is because there is no objective standard of what constitutes ‘normal’ recovery time or functioning across the population. “After experiencing psychological trauma there are three common ways in which people react. “Either the individual will explode with anger or alternatively they could become withdrawn and unable to respond at all – these two reactions indicating a lack of resilience and an inability to control their response to address the situation and move on from it. “The third type of response would be for the individual to temporarily experience potentially overwhelming and distressing emotions, and then find a way to move on from the experience. Optimism, humour, forgiveness and finding ways to redefine the negative experience as a learning and growing experience, are some of the tools that can help the person to positively process what has happened and heal from the psychological trauma. Some people even experience post traumatic growth after an incident that spurs them on to evolve to a higher level of functioning and emotional maturity,” she says. Dr Laxton explains that various contributing factors, including genetics, parenting styles and the trauma itself, contribute to levels of resilience. “People are born with a certain level of innate

resilience, however some of the genetic ‘markers’ of resilience potential may be switched on or off depending on the developing child’s experiences. In families, we tend to find that adolescents will usually display a similar level of resilience as their parents. Children often imitate the way their parents interact with the world. “All these contributing factors can result in the individual either building up resilience or developing a fragile personality. Failure to develop resilience may lead to unhealthy responses to psychological trauma in later life, such as substance abuse as a means of dissociating from a traumatic

event, which in itself can have unhealthy and even devastating self-destructive consequences, Dr Laxton explains. “It can be hard to control ‘knee-jerk’ reactions to negative experiences. Some helpful tools or mechanisms are available, but require effort, and, oftentimes, professional support,” Dr Laxton notes. “Gaining insight into your background can help in identifying the impulses one feels in stressful situations, and go some way towards developing more appropriate coping responses. Learning to identify the triggers that provoke unhealthy

SINCE 1994

responses, and finding ways to distance yourself from these, are useful in developing effective coping strategies and, in time, can help to build resilience,” she concludes. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Pixabay



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January 2020 | 17


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Tax Shop

021 876 2676


Info Office

021 876 3603

Susan Charlesworth

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Winelands Experience

021 876 4042

Snipelisky & Killian

083 250 0943/021 876 2084

Huguenot Memorial Museum

021 876 2532



Pepler Alarms

021 876 3308


021 876 2940/082 821 5234

Franschhoek Animal Clinic (plus surgery)

Franschhoek Tennis Club

078 278 4843


Franschhoek Heritage & Ratepayers Assoc.

082 496 8749


021 876 2504

021 863 3187 or 082 8089 100

Groot Drakenstein Games Club

021 874 1906

Stellenbosch Fire Dept. (Buildings on fire)

- Craig Mc Naught: Cricket Captain

080 845 1014

Cape Winelands Distr.Muni. (Bush & veld fires)

021 887 4446

- Lejean Pieterse, Hire Coordinator

082 490 0405

021 886 9244


021 876 3775


Stellenbosch Masonic Lodge (Chris)

072 211 9991


021 808 8888

10111/021 876 8061 086 003 7566

Franschhoek Rotary Club

082 773 9217

Omnipage Farm Watch

021 852 3318

Franschhoek Probus Club

021 876 3179


021 876 2346

N1, N2 & R300 Emergency number:

021 946 1646

ELECTRICAL Franschhoek Electric

074 313 7829/021 876 3640


Rensburg Electrical

021 876 2120/083 309 2923

Dr Schalk du Plessis

021 876 3070

Dr Rob Hammer

021 876 2634

EXCAVATIONS Andrew Schmidt Burger Excavations

021 876 4431/082 972 5755 072 3408518


DOCTORS Dr Karin Eksteen Dr Shelley Hellig

021 876 4622 021 871 1063

Franschhoek Pharmacy

021 876 2261

Dr Alexander Heywood

021 876 2474

Franschhoek Health Club

021 876 3310

Dr Hannes Van der Merwe

021 876 2304

HOUSE & GARDEN Clock Repairs Lighting & Accessories Ria Pools (Franschhoek) Sue’s Gardens

Dr Nicolas Els

021 876 2561

028 840 1716

Dr Bernard Fisher

021 876 4622

021 876 3640


021 876 2612/072 347 5355 083 321 3442


Audiologist Tracy-Ann Morris

084 264 0000


074 363 7744/021 876 4316

Franschhoek Photolab

021 876 3921



021 876 3025

(Ward 1) Councillor Frazenburg (DA)

021 808 8490

(Ward 2) Councillor Petersen (DA)

082 404 5055

(Ward 3) Councillor Manuel (DA)

074 686 2364

OPTOMETRIST Marelise Bester

021 872 3530


021 876 4234/082 582 1029

PLUMBERS Franschhoek Plumbing

021 876 3759

(Ward 4) Councillor Johnson (DA)

021 808 8019

Municipality (Office Hours)

021 808 8700

Municipality (afternoon only)

021 808 8890

Municipality 24hr Service

021 808 8700


082 812 1476


021 876 3085


021 808 8406

Post Office

021 876 2342

Welfare (ACVV)

021 876 2670


021 876 4808

SCHOOLS Bridge House School

021 874 8100

Franschhoek High School

021 876 2079

Groendal Primary School

021 876 2448

Groendal Secondary School

021 876 2211

Wes-Eind Primary School

021 876 2360

Dalubuhle Primary School

021 876 3957



Games club

Gerald Fourie VETERINARY

Boland Bridge Club

Groot drakenstein

021 876 2174


18 | January 2020

Smalls THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER: Yarns, needles, threads, etc. Also beautiful baby clothes and hand-knitted gifts. 1a Bordeaux Street. 021 300 5668. POOL PUMP PROBLEMS? Noise? We quote and help you out! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 STUFF





20 | September 2018 items needed clothing and household


for our ‘First Friday of The Month’ jumble sales. Please help us to help the animals of the valley. Please drop of at the clinic in La Provence Street, Groendal, or phone for us to collect. 021 876 4808 STUFF WANTED: All manner of clothing

and household items needed for our ‘First Friday of The Month’ jumble sales. Please help us to help the animals of the valley. Please drop of at the clinic in La Provence Street, Groendal, or phone for us to collect. 021 876 4808

ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly older woman who can assist you in your house, shop or office. I can run errands

CHANGING TO A SALT WATER SYSTEM? Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355

RE-FIBRE GLASS YOUR POOL in any colour you like. Call RiaPools for a quote: 072 347 5355

PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355

UNFURNISHED DUPLEX: Walking Distance to Main Road – Available immediately. Suitable for a single or couple. NO Children/Pets. BICS, Aircon, Fan, Work Room, Full Bathroom, Open plan Area. DSTV Dish, 2 TV Points, Private Braai Area, Secure Parking & Laundry Drying Area. Lots of Storage Space, Freshly Painted & Carpets Cleaned. RENTAL: R7 000.00 p/m Inc Water, Ex Electricity. 1 Month Dep. Lindi 073 923 4142

FRESH, ORGANIC FARM PRODUCE: Delivered weekly to Franschhoek, including vegetables and fruit in season, chicken, eggs, cheese, honey, etc. Lists of available produce received on Monday, orders placed on Tuesday for Wednesday delivery. A number of Franschhoekers are already receiving weekly deliveries. To be added to the list contact Sue Norman on 083 321 3442 or

RE-THINKING YOUR GARDEN? For Garden Consulting call Susan at 072 932 5393

COMPOST/MULCH: January Special DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT POOL Smalls R30. Text only,Let maximum 30 words Leave, – 2 ofcubes mulch at with R840payment, delivered LEAK? Loosing water all the time? us Franschhoek Pharmacy beforeorder) 15th ofCall preceding month (minimum Vicky 082 553 quote and take care at of the problem! Call 8401 @ Clover Compost. RiaPools: 072 347 5355 Noise? We

vegetables and fruit in season, chicken, eggs,

quote and help you out! Call RiaPools:

cheese, honey, etc. Lists of available produce


received on Monday, orders placed on

072 347 5355


Tuesday for Wednesday delivery. A number


of Franschhoekers are already receiving

TERM LETTING service and hosting. Frans

weekly deliveries. To be added to the list

081 858 2966 Bill 076 598 4099

contact Sue Norman on 083 321 3442 or



Consulting call Susan at 072 932 5393

JOB WANTED: My name is Joseph Ulanda, I am a 32 year old


Contact us on 021 876 3460 Malawian, looking for a job as a gardener, TO LET: Spacious 3 bedroom house painter, maintenance or house cleaner. I to rent. Located close to the police evenings or weekends. 083 270 9555.or or drive you around. Available afternoons,


station. Double garage and small pool.

have contactable references. Please call


me on 0733834026/0619835326




Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools:

pm – negotiable on long term lease.

072 347 5355

Unfurnished. Call 082 990 6067.




Bounce Tennis

DRIVER LOOKING FOR A JOB: Anyone in the business of transfers and looking for a driver, I have Code 14/EC with pdp. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on 073 810 9161/071 778 9041

LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper/ gardener Reference 060 MOR E 422 P L6704. AY Please call me Lisungu on 084 894 3106



SPEAKING: Would you like to boost your

and take care of the problem! Call RiaPools:


072 347 5355

speaking in public? If so, Toastmasters


We offer a variety of programmes for all ages and levels of play. Tennis & Fitness Programme, Tea & Coffee Tennis, Clinics & Camps, Tours & Tournaments CONTACT: Coach Shaun Makanjuola | 071 921 7252 | Facebook: Bounce Tennis Academy Franschhoek Tennis Club




is the only proven, cost effective route towards becoming a better speaker. To

colour you like. Call RiaPools for a quote:

find out how Toastmasters can help with

072 347 5355

your personal development, newcomers are welcome to join the Paarl Toastmasters


Club monthly event, starting at 19h00 at

I am a responsible, mature woman who

Simonsvlei Winery, just off the old Paarl

adores animals. I can also supervise

Road (R101) on Thursday, 27 September

domestic staff, pool/garden maintenance,

2018. The event fee, which includes wine

car care etc. You can trust me with your

and light refreshments is R50, but this

precious pets and belongings. Franschhoek

is waived for first time visitors. For more

only. Contact Sue 083 270 9555.

information contact Lynette Bester on 082 418 4748 (



REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355





Delivered weekly to Franschhoek, including


Our Services




Greeff Christies International Real Estate

Loosing water all the time? Let us quote


PUBLIC SPEAKING / LEADERSHIP: Paarl Communicators, part of Agora International, assists in the development of public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Once-off joining fee of R200, then R65 per meeting, which included a light dinner & tea/coffee. Meetings held as Villa Visaggio outside Paarl. Contact Len van der Walt – 082 579 2994. Booking essential.

01 02 03 . . . to join us . . .

MAINTENANCE Overseeing all property maintenance.

Aimee Campbell 072 693 4052

WEEKLY CHECKS Weekly/security checks are available on request.


CLEANING Interior and exterior professional cleaning / Pre and post visits.

we can do production but need PAYMENTS Recovery of all utility charges and

a business manager attending to payments- if requested.

a creative who enjoys client liason, traffic, accounting - great potential +27 (0)79 068 2130 call nicolas 076 107 8726 colleen 082 779 2943


Carrick Campbell 071 502 3517

SITUATIONS VACANT Our small 15 acre Wine Estate in Franschhoek comprises residential houses and 10 tons of grapes. A HoA is responsible for the management of the Estate and now seeks to make these appointments: Part-time Manager A competent all-rounder who can interface between the HoA and a small estate team on a daily basis. Problem solving skills and a can-do attitude whilst being diplomatic would be advantageous. Estate Foreman

FOR BUILDING • GARDENING • RENOVATING SITUATED BEHIND BP GARAGE • WE SPECIALISE IN: TOOL & EQUIPMENT HIRE Brush Cutters, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Concrete Mixers, Drills, Compressors, Pumps, Jackhammers

Experience in vineyard maintenance with good energy levels and a team spirit is needed. Please apply in writing to


always at your service

072 378 1916 or 021 876 4123 Email:

Community Events Alcoholics Anonymous: WED evenings 19:00, Groendal Community Centre, Contact David +27 83 305 5159

SPORT Franschhoek Cycling Club Outrides: Regular road rides on Saturday mornings from BP garage to Stellenbosch/Jonkershoek and back (75km) followed by coffees. Meet at 08h00, winter months, 07h00 in summer. To check times in shoulder seasons contact Paul Barkley. 083 302 9096.

Franschhoek Tennis Club: Social tennis is played at the club on Fridays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 08h00. For more information contact Ross. 078 278 4843. Parkrun: Saturdays at Rickety Bridge Wine Estate. Time: 08h00. Cost: Free. Register at

CHURCH SERVICES Methodist Church: Sunday service 10h00. Rev Russell Norman. 021 872 3580 or 082 662 4509.

NG Kerk: Sondagdienste 09h30. Geen aanddiens. Ds Peet Bester. 021 876 2431. Besoekers welkom. New Apostolic Church: Le Roux Street, Groendal. Sundays 09h00, Wednesdays 19h30. Rector: Charles Leibrandt. Shofar Christian Church: Services: 09h00 English service at 7 Lambrechts Street. 18h00 Afrikaanse diens by Franschhoek Rugbyklub, Groendal. Pastor Richard Wade. 083 225 8529. All welcome!

St George’s Anglican Church: Groot Drakenstein. Sunday Services: Holy Communion and Sunday School 10h00. Rector Fr Joe Humbles. 021 874 1120 Trinity Church: Worship every Sunday at 09h30 at L’Ermitage Chapel, with Holy Communion. Weekday service Thursday at 10h30 at Fleur de Lis. Contact Gavin – 083 799 0726. Uniting Reformed Church: Sunday service 09h30. Dr Shaun Burrows. 021 876 2632. Visitors welcome.

January 2020 | 19


STORAGE For short and long term storage solutions. We offer lockable bays, containers and floor space.


Restoration Carpentry Joinery


PACKAGING TRAILER HIRE 6 Fabriek Street 0218762174 0823206523

Our Services Now Include: C: 071 9219 • C: 082 390 8191 Spraying &990Built-in Cupboards • PO Box 5, Groot Drakenstein, 7690 C: 071 990 9219 • C: 079 961 1671 • Old Simondium Winery, R45 • PO Box 5, Groot Drakenstein, 7680


Vegland Fruit & Veg

Franschhoek based Deliveries 6 day per week Shop 2 behind BP Garage | 021 876 2125

Wooden floor repairs, sanding & polishing. Since 1992. Also solid wood & laminated flooring installations. Call Tim for a free quotation. Cell: 082 442 5244 Email: floormasterstell Tel: 021 - 887 6707 www.floormaster

Our service wood floor you!

+27 (0)21 876 3640 Unit A, Fabriek Nationale No 1, 9 Fabriek street, Franschhoek 7690


verseas R600

Copyright: All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or part prohibited. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Publication of editorial or advertising matter does not imply endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therin described. 074 313 7829

20 | January 2020

Top Ratings for Val De Vie Estate Val de Vie Estate is once again South Africa’s number one residential estate. This is according to an announcement by New World Wealth in late 2019. Ryk Neethling, Val de Vie Estate Marketing Director and Shareholder commented that: “We are delighted to have been able to retain our top position since 2015, especially in a challenging environment, and take pride in our luxury lifestyle offering. We believe that our world-class security and a strong focus on wellness have been major contributors to our success.” New World Wealth’s 2019 estate ratings furthermore place Val de Vie Evergreen as one of the top 5 retirement villages in South Africa and the Pearl Valley Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course as one of the top 10 courses in the country. Recently, the estate has received international attention from various fields such as The New York Times that published a 3-page feature earlier in 2019. Other international investors

Tails & Trails Dog Walk in the Vineyards have also taken note of the unique wellnessfocused lifestyle.

Groot drakenstein Games club

Distance: 5 km

SUNDAY JAN 26, 2020 Hey Joe Brewing Company

R50 per Adult Kids under 16 FREE

Registration 08:00 am Walk Starts @ 09:00 am


FROM: 9AM - 1PM FREE Dog Beer for every dog participating in the dog walk

NPO: 235-331

January 2020 | 21

Exclusive Mandate Property Showcase Franschhoek Franschhoek office +27 (0)21 876 2100 •

Ref# FWI1464664

R12.95 million Franschhoek Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 3 / Parking 3 Set in a brilliant location and nestled under one of the oldest coral trees in South Africa is this stylish character home with an extended vacant plot sold as one. Included are two separate property titles, both zoned as residential, with the option to expand and build on the vacant plot. The beautifully renovated home offers top quality finishes with an extended wing boasting ample entertainment areas. A truly one of a kind opportunity. Jeanine Allen +27 (0)82 410 6837 / Doug Gurr +27 (0)72 610 7208


Ref# FWI1464282

Ref# FWI1467238

R2.6 million

R3.5 million

La Petite Provence, Franschhoek Approx 584 square metres Wanting to find a restful space in a secure estate, but just cannot find a house to suit your personality and needs? Take advantage of this rare opportunity to purchase a plot within the popular La Petite Provence Estate. The plot is 584 square metres, level, cleared, already walled on both sides, and with palisade fencing and vineyard views to the back.

La Petite Provence, Franschhoek Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 3 / Parking 1 A delightful cottage in La Petit Provence secure estate. The perfect lock-up and go, surrounded by the well-manicured estate and lovely mountain views. Newly renovated, offering easy access to the communal tennis court and swimming pool.

Jeanine Allen +27 (0)82 410 6837 / Doug Gurr +27 (0)72 610 7208

Jeanine Allen +27 (0)82 410 6837 / Doug Gurr +27 (0)72 610 7208

Ref# FWI1447332

Ref# FWI1467242

R4.9 million

R7.995 million

Franschhoek Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 3 / Parking 2 Set in the centre of Franschhoek Village is this executive townhouse in a boutique gated complex. An immaculate unit with stylish finishes throughout with both en-suite bedrooms and office nook upstairs conveniently separated from the entertainment areas.

Deltacrest Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 4 / Parking 3 An elegant, bright and spacious home set in an exclusive equestrian estate. French doors open onto a secluded patio and sunny pool area on one side, and a gardened breakfast courtyard on the other. This easy-living home also offers an entertainer’s kitchen, separate scullery, study, and beautifully designed circular garden.

Jeanine Allen +27 (0)82 410 6837 / Doug Gurr +27 (0)72 610 7208

Jeanine Allen +27 (0)82 410 6837 / Doug Gurr +27 (0)72 610 7208

22 | January 2020

January 2020 | 23

Local expertise, national presence and international audience








R6 950 000

THREE BEDROOM FRANSCHE HOEK ESTATE Stunning views from this contemporary home set amongst the vineyards on a secure agricultural estate. Large open plan living areas and three bedrooms en-suite. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194













CHARMING 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME IN VILLAGE This home offers everything a family needs. Large open-plan living areas, lounge, dining room and kitchen with scullery. A large covered veranda with swimming pool and very private, absolutely gorgeous, country-style garden.


R12 950 000

EXCEPTIONAL 4/5 BED PROPERTY IN THE HEART OF FRANSCHHOEK Set at a desirable address on a leafy village street, this gorgeous 4/5 bedroom home is equal measure of charm and grand Georgian “villa” set within a large private landscaped garden. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194







R7 950 000

FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Well-proportioned double storey family home on large plot. Spacious living areas with a large farm style kitchen. Large gardens with pool and mature trees and views.


R7 800 000

THREE BEDROOM HOME OF EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY Secure living on acclaimed Fransche Hoek Estate. Sophisticated open-plan spaces with double-volume exposed ceilings and wrap-around views from both the living areas, terraces and 3 en-suite bedrooms. Double garage, courtyard swimming pool, gym and storage Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


R38 500 000 ex VAT

11.9 HECTARE GUEST FARM Four bedroom Manor House bordering the Franschhoek River as well as a fully operational 6 bedroom Guest House with privacy and exceptional views. Recently renovated to a very high standard to offer a country house feel with contemporary finishes. Price excludes VAT. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194 Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

23 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek, 7690 +27 (0)21 876 3322


MAGNIFICENT 4 BEDROOM HOME ON CABRIERE STREET. This gracious home, built in a Cape Georgian style, has grand proportions throughout. A truly outstanding and unique home intelligently laid out and in one of Franschhoek's most prestigious streets. Must be viewed. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


R7 500 000



R14 950 000


Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194



R8 950 000



IN A CLASS OF ITS OWN – FRANSCHE HOEK ESTATE A truly distinctive four bedroom home, with no expense spared in both the build quality and the finishes, characterised by generous living areas both inside and out with a focus on year-round comfort whether you are fireside, poolside or just relaxing on the deep covered terrace. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194




R17 950 000


GORGEOUS 4/5 BEDROOM INCOME-PRODUCING HOUSE Joint Mandate. Quiet but central location, plenty of flexible accommodation, set within a stunning garden with mountain views & pool. Currently run as a 4 Star Guest House with excellent ratings.





119/121 Park Lane, London, W1 +44 (0)207 079 1515

Regionally Nationally Internationally


24 | January 2020

Local expertise, national presence and international audience







CONTEMPORARY CHARM IN QUIET VILLAGE POSITION. Located in a cul-de-sac, this character home has open plan living, covered outside dining terrace, two bedrooms en-suite downstairs, a large upstairs loft with two children’s bedrooms, study/playroom, a mature garden and pool. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194




R10 950 000





R6 950 000

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194




SECURE ESTATE IN WALKING DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Classic Cape Dutch style home perfectly suited to family living with older children. Large sophisticated living areas, generous accommodation in 4 large bedrooms.

R8 500 000

FAMILY LIVING ON EQUESTRIAN ESTATE Immaculate 4 bedroom home presents as a traditional thatch on the outside and contemporary finishes on the inside with stunning views and large pool.






R12 900 000


Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


23 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek, 7690 +27 (0)21 876 3322




Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

FARMSTYLE VICTORIAN IN PRIME VILLAGE LOCATION This very special 3 bedroom home offers open-plan living with subtle contemporary upgrades that blend seamlessly with charming original features. Set within a breath-taking mature garden with swimming pool and mountain views and with its own borehole. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


CHARMING 3 BEDROOM FRANSCHHOEK VILLA WITH LOADS OF CHARACTER Currently operating as a self-catering holiday home, this three-bedroom property would suit an investment buyer or small family. Easy walking distance to the village centre. Worth viewing.



R7 950 000


THREE BEDROOM VILLAGE HOME IN SMALL COMPLEX Character three bedroom, two bathroom home set in a quiet gated estate within walking distance of the Village centre. Currently run as a self-catering cottage this property would be ideal as an investment and/or lock up and leave holiday home.




R4 250 000



EXTENDED FAMILY LIVING ON SECURE ESTATE Light, bright and airy family home with double-volume living, seamless flow and uninterrupted mountain views. Accommodation in the main house comprises 3 en-suite bedrooms. Separate granny/teen apartment with kitchen, open-plan lounge/dining and 4th bedroom en-suite. 4 Garages. Price excludes VAT. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194





R8 950 000





R5 950 000

Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Regionally Nationally Internationally



FIVE BEDROOM FAMILY HOME This much loved family home is located in a quiet cul de sac in an elevated position with stunning views. Large open plan living/dining area with high wooden ceilings, open plan kitchen, five bedrooms, two bathrooms.

119/121 Park Lane, London, W1 +44 (0)207 079 1515




R6 500 000

THREE BEDROOM FAMILY HOME ON LA PETITE PROVENCE ESTATE Family home with spacious living/dining room an open plan kitchen with. The living area flows directly out to a covered patio area overlooking the back garden, ideal for outside entertaining. The Estate includes 24 hour security, Club house, tennis court, pool and jungle gym. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

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