Thetraditionalownersoftheland,the Butchullapeople,namedtheislandK’gari, whichtranslatestoparadise,andthe diverserangeofbreathtakingsceneryand landscapescertainlyfeelthatwaywhenyou arrive
K'gariisanuntapped,conferenceand incentivedestinationunlikeanyother. Here,you'llfindpristinerainforest surroundingfreshwaterlakes,vastsand dunes,beachesandsunsetsthatstretchfor miles Dingoesandanarrayofotherwildlife alsocallthissliceofheavenhome.
Withoutdooradventurestoremember,our teamhelpcreateimmersiveexperiences wherethebusynessoftheeverydayworld fadesaway K'garitrulyistheplacefor peopletofeelpresentandconnectedat yourevent.
•Touringandnature-basedactivities departingdirectlyfromtheresort
K'gari is just a short 3.5 hour drive north or 50-minute flight from Brisbane to the Hervey Bay Airport. See the back page for flight and ferry schedules
Once on the ferry, you'll land at the Kingfisher Bay Resort Jetty where our courtesy transport will take you the short distance to th t' M i C t Complex.
Bush tucker walks
Beach walks
Wallum walks
Eco walks
Night walks
•Makeyourowntrackswitha private4WDexperience
Talktoourteamregardingcustom-designed teambuildingexperiencestosuityour itinerary.Theperfectmixofbrainstorming andleisure.
The humpbacks aren't just passing by each August through October - they're taking time out in the calm, sheltered waters to socialise and nurture their young before continuing their migration south
Marvel at these oceanic giants, with cruises departing the resort daily - up close encounters guaranteed!
KingfisherBayResort’saffiliatedtouringteam arelocalexperts,withanunwaveringpassionfor theisland!Eachguide'sspecialisedknowledgewill complementyourtimespentdiscoveringthe island'smostbeautifulspots.They’llevendothe hardworkofmanagingtidesandnavigatingthe sandtracks–whileyou immerseyourselfinthe sightsandsoundsoftheisland.
• The spectacular Lake McKenzie
• Central Station and Wanggoolba Creek
• Pile Valley’ s awe-inspiring Satinay and Brush Box forests
• 75 Mile Beach’ s famous highway
• The Maheno shipwreck and the coloured sands of The Pinnacles
• The relaxing fresh waters of Eli Creek
We have touring options for large groups and customised small group adventures
Kingfisher Bay Resort provides the perfect backdrop for nature-based conferences on K’gari, offering versatile venues and tailored itineraries to match the vision of meetings and incentive organisers
Our purpose-built meeting rooms are surrounded by large decks, filled with natural light, and devoid of clutter or distractions, leaving you to get down with the business at hand
BALLROOM - Seating 300 theatrestyle, 200 for a banquet dinner or can be sub-divided into three smaller rooms - Stirling, Aramac, Marloo
ATRIUM - This spacious area overlooking the pool is perfect for banquet or cocktail functions with central access to the complex.
PANAMA ROOM - The perfect boardroom setting in our main complex and suitable for a small workshop or meeting.
WONGARI DEN - Dine outside by the campfire, in this NEW outdoor space that suits those with a sense of adventure
WONGARI DECK - An extended timber veranda surrounded by native bush, this space is suitable for large table set-ups and any type of weather.
UPPER POOLSIDE - With your own private poolside nook under the Pandanus trees, your guests will be immersed in the Wallum surrounds.
For the perfect break-out or team building session, plan a range of guided eco tours or cruises to showcase the destination’ s World Heritage-listed locations. Take in the sights as your team leave the office and wander through ancient rainforests at Pile Valley, dive into Lake McKenzie’ s crystal clear waters, or join a whale watching cruise.
Take your brainstorming back to nature!
K’gari has an abundance of unique spaces for a secret meeting, scenic lunch, or lavish banquet under the stars. Here’ s a sample of our offerings…
• Champagne celebration on the beach
• Campfires and outdoor dining
• Sunset overlooking the Great Sandy Strait
• Picnic in the rainforest
Join an expert Ranger and Skipper as they showcase the pristine environment of the remote western coastline, including guided walks and talks as you explore this idyllic natural paradise. You might even spot a mix of marine life!
• West Coast Cruise
• Sunset Cruise
Kingfisher Bay Resort’ s Ranger guides are local experts, providing a deeper environmental understanding of this unique destination’ s recognised natural diversity and evolving history.
Resort-based options
• Archery
• Canoeing
• Segway Tours
• Stand Up Paddle Boarding
• Guided walks and talks
• Hiking
Sand track-based options
• 4WD Beauty Spots Tour
• Personalised Private Tour
• 4WD training on the Kingfisher circuit
A purpose-built eco resort, designed to integrate with its World Heritage-listed surrounds, Kingfisher Bay Resort is the ideal island getaway with a wide range of facilities and services for your team's comfort and event requirements.
• 152 Resort Rooms
• 110 Villas and Houses
• 4 Bars, 3 Restaurants
• 4 swimming pools
• K'gari Discovery Centre
• Island Day Spa
• Tennis Courts
• 24-hour reception
• WIFI in Centre Complex and Hot
The resort provides easy access to the island’ s iconic sites, from swimming in the renowned Lake McKenzie to canoeing through the freshwater mangrove creeks. Kingfisher Bay Resort offers a number of room configurations, to suit all styles and budgets.
Room highlights - Waking up to birdsong in the morning and work desk spaces.
• Standard Resort Hotel Room
• Wallum Resort Hotel Room
• King Resort Hotel Room O & T B droom Villas
SpaciousandcomfortableQueenslander-styleroomslinkedbywalkwaysthroughthenativebush totheCentreComplex FeaturingprivatetimberdeckbalconiesforenjoyingtheWallumviews andwildlife.
Completewithsunloungestotakeinstunningwaterviews,aking-sizebed,largeflat-screenTV andstylishfurnishings,theresortKingResortHotelRoomscomewithspaupgradesandarethe ultimateislandindulgence!
Arangeofone,two,andthree-bedroombushhideawaysarehiddenamongthetreetopsofthe resortgrounds,offeringprivacyandviews.Thevillascomewithfullyequippedkitchens,laundry facilities,largedecks,andmodernfurnishings
Set high on the tree-covered dunes, these modern houses are perfect for entertaining, small groups,andstylishcorporategetaways.Startyourdaywithepicviews,havearelaxedmeeting onthedeck,andcelebratewithchampagneattheendofthedayintheoutdoorspa.
KingfisherBayResortiscommittedtoprovidinglowimpacttourismexperiencestohelpprotectoneofour planet'smostpristinedestinations.Theresortwas consciouslydesignedandbuilttointegratewithitsunique naturalenvironment.
Ourteamisfocusedoncreatingafullrangeofservices forguestswithoutimpactingtheenvironment,including conversationandeducationinitiatives,partneringwith localbusinesses,andadedicatedwastemanagement program-reusabletoiletriesandrecyclingteams
Indulgeinatastesensationofnative fruits,berries,herbsandspices–as ourChefandRangerguideyouthrough Australia’sownsuperfoods,showcasing howeachitemwasusedbythelocal Butchullapeopleandrevealinghowthey enhancethechef’ssignaturedishes
•Rosella,LillyPilly,lemonaspen&finger lime
• Sand & Wood Restaurant
• DUNE Restaurant
• The Sand Bar & Bistro
• Rainforest Bar
• Maheno Bar
• Sunset Bar
Award-winning,moderncuisineserveduppoolsideintheresort’sCentre Complex OurChefshavecuratedextensiveculinaryofferingswiththis contemporaryàlacartemenu,withuniqueAsianinfIuencesandfIavourful, landandsea-inspiredfare
Servinguprefreshingdrinksandcocktails,perfectforanoutdoorsoiree BaskinthegoldenglowandwatchthesundipovertheGreatSandyStrait. It'sundoubtedlytheperfectwaytoround-outyourdayinparadise!
DirectflightstoHerveyBayare availablefromBrisbaneandSydney. KingfisherBayResortcanpre-book returnairporttransferstoandfrom theMainlandReceptioninRiverHeads, HerveyBay.
Accessiseasy,just35hoursnorth ofBrisbane,or2.5hoursnorthofthe SunshineCoast.Securecarparkingis availableatourMainlandReception. Coachtransfersarealsoavailableon requestfromselectlocations.
TheKingfisherBayResortFerryhas fourdailyreturnservicesfromRiver Heads Theferryseats220passengers withafullylicensedbarandcafe available
TheFraserVentureBargerunsdaily servicestoWanggoolbaCreekfrom RiverHeads Alltransfertimesare subjecttochangewithoutadvanced notice Pleasecheckwithourteamat thetimeofbookingforthecurrentferry schedule
Ourporterservicewillhandleyour bagsandprovidecourtesytransfers fromMainlandReceptiontotheferry terminal.
Regional Sales & Marketing Manager P (07) 4194 9491
M +61 427 775 033
E lisa.walker@kingfisherbay.com