Ffn nov2012web

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Vol. 25 No.3

News & Events Turn in your Followership Card! It’s not too late to turn in your Followership cards. Turn in your card by mailing it to the church, dropping it off in the church office, or going to www.frazerumc.org. Operation Christmas Child Start with a shoe box, and share the love of Christ with a child on the other side of the world. It is an easy missions project that every member and family can participate in by bringing a gift-filled shoe box to the church by Nov. 18. Pick up a brochure in the Atrium or Chapel areas on Sunday to learn more about this ministry opportunity anyone can get involved with, or contact Jo Jo Terry at 356-1256 or jjterry3@hotmail.com. BRING CHRISTMAS TO A LOCAL FOSTER CHILD Frazer will once again help bring Christmas to children in the Montgomery Foster Care System through the annual Angel Tree program, presented this year by the Frazer OneFamily initiative. You can sponsor a child by picking up an Angel Tag in the Atrium Sundays, Nov. 18 and 25. Return unwrapped gifts Saturday Dec. 8 from 10-11am or Sunday Dec. 9 from 8am-1pm. Help us make sure every child in our local foster care system receives a personal gift this Christmas. For more information, e-mail onefamily@frazerumc.org


November 2012

Frazer family commits to being Followers in 2013 Staff Reports The Frazer family presented their commitments to take up their crosses daily and follow Jesus through their prayers, presence, gifts and service Sunday, Oct. 28. Followership Sunday was the culmination of several weeks of preparation of hearts and minds to determine where God was leading each individual in the church to serve and give. Prayer was and is a critical component of Followership, as the congregation was encouraged to pray daily for its church, as well as their own spiritual journeys. Commitment cards continue to come in and ministries are preparing to engage and equip their volunteers with the tools they need to serve in 2013. We are expecting 2013 to be an awesome year of lifetransforming ministry and world-changing missions in and through the people of God at Frazer UMC.It’s not too late to make your commitment by turning in your card. Contact Mary Ogden at 495-6383, for details.


The congregation brings their commitment cards to the altar during morning worship in the Sanctuary on Followership Sunday, Oct. 28. The entire Frazer family made their commitments to give and serve in 2013 that morning.

Golfers come out for fun, fellowship in support of missions

SAVE THE DATE:CHRISTMAS MUSICAL SET FOR DEC. 15-16 Back by popular demand, Frazer’s Christmas musical, “My Favorite Christmas Card” will take place in Wesley Hall on Dec. 15 and 16. Mark your calendar for the musical featuring the message of hope, new musical arrangements and much more. DOWNLOAD DAILY BIBLE STUDY GUIDES AND DEVOTIONS As we focus on being a WordCentered, World-Changing church in 2012, our teaching pastors are providing a daily Bible study guide to lead you through the section of the Bible they are preaching on each week. Pick up your copy inside your bulletin on Sunday or download from the links found at frazerumc.org/ bible_study_guides. You can also sign up online to receive a daily devotion e-mail. More events & a nn o u nc e m e n t s pa g e 2 M o n t h ly C a l e n d a r Pa g e 3


Dozens of golfers turned out for Frazer’s 4th Annual Staying on Mission Golf Tournament Oct. 8, enjoying the perfect weather for a morning of golf at Wynlakes.

By Mac McLellan News Staff Writer

Frazer’s “Staying On Mission” Golf Tournament is all about fun, fellowship and bringing Frazer members and friends from the community together but it also contributes to a greater cause which is supporting the world-changing missions’ projects of Frazer around the globe. These projects bring hope to some of the darkest corners of our planet. Proceeds from this year’s tournament are designated toward the “Miracle in the Desert,” a Child and Family Development Center in Trujillo, Peru, which will assist in meeting the basic

needs of impoverished families in that community. Dozens of golfers set out on Oct. 8, in hopes of having their names engraved on The Frazer Cup. This was the fourth year for Frazer’s Staying on Mission Golf Tournament, and one of the most successful to date. Among those participating were Frazer’s Congregational Care and Worship Support Coordinator Bob Wood, Frazer’s Activity Ministry Director Craig McKissick, and Keith Williams, Frazer’s IT Director. Once again, Wynlakes Golf and Country Club provided the perfect backdrop for the tournament. Continued page 5

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