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What an amazing year! The Montgomerys simply want to say thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and His church. We cannot be more blessed to call Frazer our home and we hope you feel the same. With all the challenges that followers of Christ are facing today, your resolve to not give up or give in is a testimony to the River Region and beyond. I remember preparing for my first sermon at Frazer over four years ago. As I prayed and pondered, the words of Galatians 6:9 kept ringing in my ears and resounding in my heart. Those words are just as true today as they were then. Paul writes, "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." So let us keep advancing. Let our good deeds flow from a heart of faith. And let us trust in God’s timing. The harvest is coming!
Dr. Chris Montgomery, Senior Pastor
Kym Klass
Nathan MacKenzie
Rachel Robbins
Pastor Mario Aman
Cami Culpepper
Jerrod Dorminey
Elizabeth Drollette
Dr. Neil Epler
Susan Fisher
Tyler Grant
Paul Guffey
Dr. Jimmy Jeffcoat
Brittany Kent
Kym Klass
Dr. Chris Montgomery
BJ Nave
Kelly Slover
Cheryl Smith
Jordan Sullivan
Kendall Thomas
Wells Printing
Pastor Chris and Pastor Mario preach a sermon in both English and Spanish during Frazer's Bilingual Worship Service.
Photo by: Nathan MacKenzie
Our third annual “Faith Meets Mental Health” summit featured a message: “The Journey of a Wounded Healer,” presented by Cathy Sarkes, director of Mishwar for Counseling Services in Cairo. She was joined by others who provided tools and personal experiences on men and mental health, marriages, the journey of a suicide loss, and how the expectations we place on God – as a culture and individually – can stem from faulty beliefs and misconceptions we unknowingly picked up along the way.
The summit not only provides education and hope through messages, but from non-profits and organizations from throughout the southeast who host resource tables, including: the National Alliance on Mental Illness (Alabama chapter), the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Recovery Resource Center in Birmingham, Sanctuary Clinic in Monticello, Florida, the Birmingham-based Wings Across Alabama, and the Alabama Army National Guard.
Create a community that supports the intersection of faith and mental health, offering connection through conversation and shared experiences, and allowing people to embrace both scripture and mental well-being for their personal healing and growth.
7,071 people combined, joined Frazer both in person and online throughout Holy Week to experience Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. 120 children participated in Palm Sunday. During Easter Service, the Frazer family celebrated 18 Baptisms and Confirmands!
More than 600 people attended Frazer’s interactive prayer experience, Stations of the Cross. 50 churches and 20 cities were represented. This year participants could experience Stations of the Cross in both English and Spanish.
“Lord, may we not fear eternity. Lord, today may we walk with our heads held high knowing that if today were my last day, I have no fear.”
“Do you know for yourself where you’re going to spend eternity? … Because you can. You can know where you will spend it. And who you will spend it with. My prayer is that if you don’t know, that you will make that clear very soon.”
In May, Frazer’s Prayer Ministry team participated in the National Day of Prayer breakfast in downtown Montgomery. We participated in the Bible reading marathon and hosted Friday evening on the Alabama Supreme Court steps.
Our prayer team opened the Chapel for prayers during recent elections and prayed during the entire Free Methodist Annual Conference held at Frazer.
Our prayer shawl ministry made and distributed 87 shawls and 125 baby hats to Life on Wheels.
This year, the Congregational Care ministry made over 600 hospital visits and 480 visits to our home bound congregation.
We have celebrated the lives of 68 saints and have ministered to their families. We’ve shared 31 funerals at Frazer.
Our Cancer Care Ministry Team has ministered to 20 families. We also graduated and commissioned 8 Cancer Care Volunteers!
Frazer’s Music Ministry continues to grow across all services and styles. We’ve taken intentional steps to increase unity amongst the Worship Ministry, coming together to lead worship for Pre-Conference Worship, Advent, Lent, and other special services.
Our Worship Team continues to grow in number and diversity. Our choir has members across seven decades. Our orchestra has grown this year under the leadership of Andy Martin. Members of the Music Ministry continue to serve across multiple services.
This year, our Worship Team joined together with the Hispanic Ministry Worship Team to lead 4 bilingual services. On Sunday, April 7th, our Hispanic Congregation joined with our 11:00 Congregation for a truly beautiful morning of worship. Additionally, we lead 3 bilingual Worship Services
during the June 6-8 Annual Conference of the Southeast Region. During that time, we experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, unlike anything we’ve experienced at Frazer before.
On September 28, Frazer hosted the Kiev Symphony and Orchestra from Ukraine for a night of inspiring music and storytelling. It was a beautiful evening as they proclaimed a powerful message of hope, peace, and salvation.
We’ve had the wonderful opportunity to lead worship for 176 Worship Services and experiences totaling over 700 songs in the 2023-2024 year. Frazer had over 700 people from around the church and community gather for last year’s Celebrate America event. Our Lessons & Carols service saw an increase in participation with special guest readers, including Governor Kay Ivey.
Our 2023 Christmas Eve Offering collected $38,000 to help churches in Holguin, Cuba with construction and renovation costs.
Frazer hosted 33 local and global mission partners the week of February 7-11 for our 2024 Missions Conference. Conference events included an Opening Ceremony, an International Night of Worship, a chili cook-off, and fellowship opportunities with mission partners. The Conference concluded on Sunday, February 11th with a message provided by Bishop Keith Cowart of the Free Methodist Church.
Frazer's In Christ’s Way financial assistance ministry has helped 20 applicants for a total of $16,031.91.
Frazer’s English as a Second Language Program (ESL) registered a total of 245 students from September 2023 through May 2024 with an average weekly attendance of 64 students.
Frazer’s Backpack Ministry packed 74 bags of food each week for students at Dalraida and Chisholm Elementary Schools.
The quilting ministry sewed a total of 70 quilts for 4 local mission partners: Family Sunshine Center, First Choice Women’s Medical Center, Mary Ellen’s Hearth, and Meals on Wheels.
Frazer partnered with LifeSouth to host 4 blood drives.
CUBA | AUG. 2023
642 people ministered to 2 professions of faith
EGYPT | AUG. 2023
95 people trained in ministry
CUBA | MAY 2024
13 couples trained in marriage and family leadership
70 people ministered to
1,111 books delivered to Mescal’s library
Frazer celebrated its 130th Anniversary with a celebration event and Ministry Fair last August. Over 450 meals were served and 33 ministries were represented.
Last August, over 100 teachers and leaders from our Children’s, Student and Adult discipleship ministries attended a morning of equipping and encouragement.
Frazer Discipleship partnered with communications to launch Frazer365. Frazer365 is a daily discipleship tool comprised of daily devotions, bible study lessons, and bi-weekly sermons in an effort to further our goal of combatting bible illiteracy.
Frazer Young Adults (FYA) partnered with Montgomery Christian School for several service projects including packing over 115 food bags for the children and their families to use over Christmas break.
In January, Bible study teachers and small group leaders joined together for a “Leader Huddle-Up” to continue to hone their skills and to share their lesson preparation methods and strategies.
The Discipleship presence in the Atrium increased with improvements to our “Groups Ministry Wall,” including an interactive iPad allowing members and guests to browse and connect with bible studies, small groups, interest groups, and support groups.
As of June, Frazer’s Hispanic Ministry received 24 first time guests, 12 adults and teenagers were baptized and 3 infants were dedicated to the Lord!
Average weekly attendance for the Hispanic Ministry was 84 adults and 11 children. Online livestream saw 240 people on average every Sunday, with a peak attendance of 372 in March. Wednesday night Prayer Meetings averaged 31 attendees.
Frazer’s Hispanic Ministry offers online discipleship programs via Zoom once a week, with an average of 35 adults participating per session – with attendees from 9 countries (Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, Spain, Panama, and Mexico) and 5 states (CA, FL, GA, IL, WI).
The Frazer Kids Ministry had 300 children attend on Sundays and 100 children on Wednesdays from birth through 5th grade. 20 schools from the area were represented. We celebrate our Chinese Ministry launching recently bringing in 20 more children from birth through 5th grade!
We are thankful for the 156 First Time Guests that experienced the Frazer Kids Ministry last year. We give God praise for having baptized 16 elementary aged children and are grateful to witness their love for Jesus!
Our children have become so much more engaged in worship! The last several times we have been invited to sing in the adult worship service, we had close to 100 children filling the stage!
We had over 325 children, teens and adults at our June Jam and 107 attended Kids Camp this summer.
Frazer’s Preschool and Nursery programs continue to grow! Attendance rates for Cherub Church and Sunday Services were roughly 110 children with upwards of 45 children attending Wednesday Night programs! An average of 100 students were enrolled at Frazer Christian Preschool.
The Frazer Student Ministry had nearly 100 first time guests over the past school year for Sunday Morning! We praise God for the ways He’s moving in our Student’s lives and celebrate 15 student Baptisms since December 2023.
The Student Ministry has 196 active family units, 35 active weekly adult volunteers and 20 student leaders.
180 students and leaders joined together to experience DNOW 2024. 100 of Frazer’s students and leaders attended the 2023 Middle & High School Retreats.
In June, a group of 26 students and leaders partnered with Iglesia Metodista Libre Camino al Cielo while on a Mission Trip to Puerto Rico. The team led Bible clubs for children of the church and community. They attended 2 Worship Services, one of which the students were able to lead Worship. Our Student Ministry is looking at long term partnership with Iglesia Metodista Libre Camino al Cielo. They also provided physical labor by demolishing a building that will be rebuilt and used for the Puerto Rican Annual Conference in the future.
This summer, we launched the FORM Ministry Internship Program in partnership with Christ Community Church in Columbus, Ga. Designed to form and transform the NOW generation for ministry, FORM has been a journey of growth and service for our interns. We welcomed 9 interns, aged 18-22, from across the southeast, each bringing their unique gifts and energy to the program. Our interns immersed themselves in diverse ministry areas, from children’s and student ministries, to missions, groups, worship, and pastoral leadership. Through hands-on experience and mentorship, they learned what it means to lead, serve, and inspire others in their faith journeys.
More than 600 participated or served and over 100 first time guests attended our yearly Women's Christmas Brunch. We were able to donate $2,500 to local women’s missions!
Hundreds of multi-generational women joined together “around the table” to develop new relationships and become more like Christ. This event included inspirational speakers, indepth discussions, and challenges, such as Five Statements of Faith, to live out daily.
On March 21, the Women’s Ministry enjoyed an educational trip to the Biblical History Center in LaGrange, GA. Women were able to experience Old and New Testament exhibits with over 250 different artifacts from Israel.
65 moms and their preschoolers were invited to connect with those in a similar life stage, provide resources and encouragement.
New women joining the church are invited to share a meal in home with women from the Women’s Ministry to get to know each other and ask questions. It’s our opportunity to help them connect into the life of the church.
“Merry Widows” Sunday class is 3 years old and continues to grow. This class is an open door for widows in the community who do not attend church to take their first steps in, through and after Grief Share. An average of 40 women gather throughout the month for fellowship and inspiration. A truly inviting group!
Our Community Widow serve day, led by Frazer member Kyle Bolling, was held on March 16. Frazer’s team of men (some father and son) served over 100 of Frazer's widows and others in our community.
Frazer member Jim Vinson leads a team of men who respond to calls on the Widow Care phone line. Some calls request handyman work.
On May 8, close to 100 individuals from Frazer and our tri-county area were served picnic lunch on the pavilion, enjoyed singing led by Cami and Jordan and developed new relationships.
In October, 150 widows from Frazer and the community gathered for these events and received encouragement, an uplifting message, equipping and comfort for walking through their currents season and the upcoming holidays.
In April, the Men’s Ministry held its first UNITED: Men’s Retreat. Over 125 men participated in this two-day event, as Pastor Chris Montgomery called on them to walk in accountability and to follow Christ without having to be entertained. Our minister of worship, Jerrod Dorminey, helped the men engage deeply in worship – uniting us all in one voice.
The Men’s Ministry hosted Fellowship Suppers held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. These suppers offer consistent opportunites for Frazer’s men to meet and fellowship with one another. Speakers have included our Pastor Emeritus, Dr. John Ed Mathison, Dr. Jimmy Jeffcoat, Dewayne Rembert and more.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.”