National Park Service
Visual Standards Guide
National Park Service
Visual Standards Guide
National Park Service
Visual Standards Guide
Visual Standards Guide
National Park Service
Visual Standards Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
National Park Service
The New Look
Our Guidelines
010 The New Logo
018 Logo Anatomy
012 Logo Components
019 Logo Variations
014 Corporate Business System
020 Clear Space 022 Incorrect Uses 024 Color Palette 026 Dimension Restrictions 028 Typographic Standards
03 The Future 034 Brand Extensions 044 Final Deliverables
Visual Standards Guide
The New Look
National Park Service
01 The New Look The New Logo Logo Components Corporate Business System
The New Look Visual Standards Guide
The New Logo The new mark represents the rebirth of the National Park Service. The new logo has been inspired by the mission of the brand; to connect the next generation with nature in order to facilitate learning and discovery. It visually directs the message towards the new mission of the National Park Service. It has some interesting complexities, especially within the symbols which visually represent the brands future trajectory. Connecting nature, human, city and
protection into a cohesive composition reinforces our mission. This, combined with a minimal custom logo type helps balance the overall visual composition and push our brand into a new and refreshing space.
National Park Service
The New Look Visual Standards Guide
Logo Components The logo is broken down into four symbolic components. These are nature, human, city and protection. They act as a visual narrative to our mission and they exist in a cohesive structure in order to represent how they connect to each other. The logo type is completely custom and combines with the symbols in a harmonious way. It is made up of some of the same angles and strokes as the symbols are in order to
create a consistent visual balance.
National Park Service
The New Look Visual Standards Guide
Corporate Business System The business collateral showcased opposite is an introduction to the brands identity. This is the most basic set so far, however this will develop depending on format and sector being used in. The design and colors are integrated with
our corporate visual system.
National Park Service
Visual Standards Guide
Our Guidelines
National Park Service
02 Our Guidelines Logo Anatomy Logo Variations Clear Space Incorrect Uses Color Palette Dimension Restriction
Typographic Standards
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Logo Anatomy The logo is broken down into four symbolic components. These are nature, human, city and protection. The proportions and symmetry has been carefully considered in order to create the most balanced logo possible.
45° 0.7 X
4.5 = X
National Park Service
Logo Variations
Full color logo should be used in all instances on full color backgrounds unless background or format does not suffice.
Black logo should be used when background colors are lightly colored, white or not solid.
White logo should be used when background colors are darkly colored, black or not solid.
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Clear Space Clear space around the logo has been established in order to create the a consistent visual impact. This space will help avoid other elements from competing with our logo and allow it be used consistently.
14.1 X
9.5 X
National Park Service
X 9.25 X
14.1 X
9.5 X
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Incorrect Uses Inconsistent use of our logo detracts from our brand recognition. Altering or recreating our logo in any way disproves the consistency we strive to achieve. These examples below show
the incorrect uses of our logo.
[ 001 ] Drop shadow [ 002 ] Stretch [ 003 ] Rotate [ 004 ] Outline [ 005 ] Opacity [ 006 ] Change position of symbols [ 007 ] Color split [ 008 ] Contrast [ 009 ] Gradient [ 010 ] Typography use [ 011 ] Upside down [ 012 ] Remove typography
National Park Service
national park service
Our Guidelines
These colors represent the values and components that make the brand unique. These colors should be used consistently to reinforce and present the brand correctly.
[ 01 ]
[ 02 ]
[ 03 ]
[ 04 ]
Nature Green
Protect Green
Human Blue
City Blue
[ 35/0/100/0 ]
[ 60/30/100/10 ]
[ 55/10/45/0 ]
[ 70/35/20/5 ]
[ 185/205/15 ]
[ 110/135/40 ]
[ 125/185/160 ]
[ 75/130/165 ]
[ 389 U ]
[ 2426 U ]
[ 3375 U ]
[ 2194 U ]
[ #A6FF00 ]
[ #00A100 ]
[ #73E68C ]
[ #009DC2 ]
Visual Standards Guide
Color Palette
National Park Service
[ 02 ]
[ 03 ]
[ 04 ]
[ 01 ]
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Dimension Restrictions We think ahead for the different uses of the mark in order to ensure the legibility and readability. The diagram opposite shows which mark to use for different formats depending on size; these must be observed in order to portray the brand
correctly and consistently.
National Park Service
1m or above
10cm or above
5cm or above
1cm or above
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Typographic Standards The typography system for the new re-branding of National Park Service consists of using Apertura for titles, headings and larger than body size quotes. The family of Apertura is dense, allowing for strong versatility across multi platform design. The typeface is highly readable in both print and digital meaning it will set a strong tone of voice instantly.
Typeface One_Titles and Headings
Apertura Apertura Obliq
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Apertura Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Apertura Medium
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Apertura Medium
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
National Park Service
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;John Muir
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
Our Guidelines Visual Standards Guide
Typographic Standards Our secondary typeface is to be used for body copy, this will have a more limited use in comparison to Apertura. The modern slab-serif adds a unique flare to larger bodies of written content.
Typeface Two_Body Copy
Quatro Slab Quatro Slab Italic
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Quatro Slab Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Quatro Slab Medium
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
Quatro Slab Bold
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;-_’/<>()[]&?!
National Park Service
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;John Muir
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
Visual Standards Guide
The Future
National Park Service
03 The Future Brand Extensions Final Deliverables
E: Event
EN: Environment
P: Product
ED: Educational
S: Service
Visual Standards Guide
The Future
CO: Collaboration Opportunity
Our Extensions Collaboration Opportunity
1. The Art of Discovery
12. Urban Park
2. Go Find It
13. Concrete Jungles
3. Run The Streets
14. Park Contained
Educational 4. Park Ranger Talks
15. The Fruits of Nature
5. Cultivate Your Space
16. Book and Discover
6. Explore Your State
Product Event
17. Discover Your Path
18. Nature in Hand
7. Be Boulder
8. Sustained Conference
9. Mobile Park
10. Plant for the Future
11. Find the Prize
National Park Service
NPS-P-01 NPS-P-02
NPS-E-01 NPS-E-02 NPS-E-03 NPS-EN-03
The Future Visual Standards Guide
1. The Art of Discovery
Introduction: An art exhibition which collects works produced at/of national parks. Description: In collaboration with the SF MoMA. The exhibition will help boost awareness of the heritage and landscapes that exist within National Parks in the U.S. The exhibition will show works that have been created from a wide variety of mediums, that focus on the subject of National Parks.
Mission focus: The exhibition reinforces our mission of connecting people with nature to help increase longevity of our natures heritage because it inspire the next generation to think more broadly about the potential of our parks.
Shared aspects with: National Geographic Photo Ark, Philadelphia Museum of Art; Wild: Michael Nichols.
However: It will be a diverse exhibition that focusses on multi disciplinary approaches rather than just one.
2. Go Find It
Introduction: An action and adventure video competition in collaboration with GoPro. Description: The competition pushes users to capture and submit videos that focus on exploration within a National Park and what their perspective involves. The videoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will create a diverse range of outcomes that explore narrative in unique ways.
Mission focus: This collaboration opportunity reinforces our mission of inspiring the future generation because it promotes discovery using digital technology which appeals to a younger audience.
Shared aspects with: GoPro Awards. However: Will have a more specific brief of capturing content in National Parks in order to promote both brands uniquely.
3. Run the Streets
Introduction: Collaborating with Nike Run Club to explore the streets and local nature around the city. Description: The runs will be specific routes around the city which guide groups to parks and green spaces; bringing people closer to nature. Shared aspects with: Run Dem Crew. However: Will have an emphasis on connecting with green spaces as well as learning about the surroundings you are running in.
Mission focus: This collaboration opportunity reinforces our aim to inspire discovery because exploring the green spaces in the city opens people up to discover and see new places.
National Park Service
4. Park Ranger Talks
Introduction: National Park Service rangers and volunteer’s go into schools and youth groups.. Description: They will speak about parks and the role they play in our environment. The talks will focus on how parks help sustain a healthy environment and help broaden the younger generations knowledge about nature and sustainability.
Mission focus: This educational event reinforces our mission of connecting the next generation with nature because it provides factual knowledge about nature and its role in our eco system.
Shared aspects with: WWF School Workshops. However: Focus will be on practical knowledge that will be appropriate in real world situations.
5. Cultivate Your Space
Description: The classes will focus on urban nature and how nature can thrive in urban spaces. The classes will be taught in a simple format that is easy digestible. This will enable users to create their own small gardens.
Mission focus: This educational event reinforces our mission of learning through nature because it focusses on preserving and maintaining our nature within a city environment to increase longevity of our ecosystem.
Shared aspects with: The Urban Farm. However: It will focus on nurturing attendees knowledge of cultivating green spaces in order for them to be able to teach others.
6. Explore Your State
Introduction: Discover California’s National Parks through a visual and tactile environment. Description: A city based pop-up center that uses history and outdoor based activities that relate to California’s National Parks to educate about the heritage and diversity of the states parks. It will target children under the age of 14. Shared aspects with: Nature Learning Center, Fremont, CA. However: Will look to share knowledge about specific parks in detail as well as learning about sustainable practices and how to live a greener life.
Mission focus: Educating people about National Parks within California guides focus towards our mission of preserving our heritage because the information taught will be specifically based on the parks system.
Introduction: Classes on how to grow and cultivate small gardens in urban spaces.
The Future Visual Standards Guide
7. Be Boulder
Introduction: A climbing day in collaboration with North Face that inspires adventure through climbing based activities. Description: A climbing based activity day with North Face, who sponsor the event. The event is open to a variety of ages with varying abilities. Equipment and garments from North Face would be tested by the users on climbing walls. The indoor walls will replicate mountain faces such as El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.
Mission focus: The event reinforces our mission of connecting with nature because it promotes movement through physical activity in order to inspire adventure within nature.
Shared aspects with: Hueco Rock Rodeo.
However: It will be a variety of climbing based activities and not competition based.
8. Sustained Conference
Introduction: A annual conference that promotes sustained practices and developments in urban environments. Description: The conference exercises existing knowledge, whilst also showcasing new sustainable developments happening in urban spaces to try and make them more green and sustainable.
Mission focus: The conference supports our mission of preserving our environment because it will teach people how nature can thrive within city environments.
Shared aspects with: SEED 2019 S.F. TRANSFORM 2019: Climate, Communities, Capital. S.F. However: This conference will have an emphasis on how parks can develop within cities in future years.
9. Mobile Park
Introduction: A moveable park which can pop-up in different communities/neighborhoods each week. Description: The mobile park can exist to simply relax in, or interact with; including interactive games and puzzles. This promotes people to get outside and challenging usual normalities. It will also act as a hub for communities to learn and interact with each other. Shared aspects with: Dough&Deer However: This will be larger in scale and allow users to come on board and interact within the environment.
Mission focus: The mobile park will enhance knowledge about the National Park system whilst support our mission of connecting with the next generation.
National Park Service
10. Plant for the Future
Introduction: Plant the city green with the kids of San Francisco. Description: The workshops will mainly focus on teaching children the importance of plants and the role they play in our ecosystem. Highlighting the importance that planting more can help the city prosper and develop.
Mission focus: The event supports our mission of inspiring and nurturing the next generation to maintain the heritage of our brand because it promotes a first hand connection with the next generation.
Shared aspects with: City Plants, L.A. However: They will not only plant treeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s but also teach children the role nature can play in the city.
11. Find the Prize
Description: A scavenger hunt for all ages based around solving problems which relate to specific National Park trivia. Teams will guide themselves around an area completing activities and solving problems in order to win prizes.
Mission focus: This event reinforces our mission of promoting exploration within nature because the event relies on movement and discovery within a National Park themed learning environment.
Shared aspects with: Urban Adventure Quest. However: Learning through activities in order to promote the heritage of National Park Service.
12. Urban Park
Introduction: A pop-up environment that allows users to delve into a full sensory experience exploring a National Park environment. Description: An immersive environment in the city that captures the essence of National Parks to allow the user to experience sounds, sights, smells and sounds of a specific park of their choosing. The environment will use a variety of resources to create an experience, including VR headsets and unique installations. Shared aspects with: Wevr, Natural History Museum, L.A. However: Will not just focus on a digital technologies but will also use natural materials and smells to create a full sensory experience.
Mission focus: The environment helps create opportunities for people who live in cities to connect with parks which supports our mission of connecting with the new generation as it empowers learning and discovery within city environments.
Introduction: A city based scavenger hunt.
The Future Visual Standards Guide
13. Concrete Jungles
Introduction: Integrating green spaces into city buildings and rooftops; creating mini parks and spaces for workers to explore. Description: Create green environments on rooftops and within city buildings to help integrate nature, create relaxing atmospheres and help improve pollution within the city.
Mission focus: By directly bringing the environment into the workplace/living space simplifies connecting with nature which reinforces our mission of increasing longevity, preserving and maintaining our nature.
Shared aspects with: Sky Garden, London, U.K. However: More to interact with and promote learning and discovery.
14. Park Contained
Introduction: Recycled shipping containers converted into environments. Description: The containers will teach people about sustainability within their communities. They will exist as hubs for communities where they can learn about sustainable practices and push to create more green spaces. Whilst being able to relax and escape the rush of the city.
Mission focus: Helps create a hub to preserve and maintain local nature reinforcing our mission of connecting with a new generation as it brings nature to city livers which empowers learning using nature.
Shared aspects with: Boxpark, London, U.K. However: Focus will be on green spaces within and around the containers and allow communities to act within a free space.
15. The Fruits of Nature
Introduction: Collaborating with a local restaurant to create a pop-up dining experience. Description: The menu will feature hand picked produce from local green spaces to create a unique dining experience. It will also act as an educational experience to sustainable eating as each course will be presented with an explanation about sourcing and how the meal was prepared and cooked. Shared aspects with: ABC Kitchen, NYC. However: An edge when it comes to education whilst you eat in order to promote what is possible and how it can fit into the diners lives.
Mission focus: This service reinforces our mission of connecting people with nature because it introduces people to how nature can feed us in a simple, sustainable and delicious way.
National Park Service
16. Book and Discover
Introduction: A digital booking app to reserve spaces, book tickets and learn about National Parks. Description: The app will enable users to book and plan their visit to National Parks in an easier way in order to secure parking and entrance tickets before arriving. It will also serve as a way to stay connected to news and live updates about specific parks, which will be tailored to the users location and needs.
Mission focus: This app reinforces our mission of connecting with the next generation as it will simplify the way users of National Parks go about planning their visits which will attract and connect with a digital generation.
Shared aspects with: Fever However: It will have a section where users can learn and explore facts and history about their chosen location.
17. Discover Your Path
Description: The app finds walking routes that guide users around nature in the city. Creating unique routes in order to help the user discover new, unexplored green spaces.
Mission focus: This app reinforces our mission of connecting people with nature as it promotes adventure and exploration of green spaces within an urban environment.
Shared aspects with: The North Face Trailhead App However: This app is designed solely for exploration within an urban city environment.
18. Nature in Hand
Introduction: A camera based app which guides users around inner city nature. Description: Using a camera based app which guides you around a city environment, with educational pop-ups that appear when the user directs the camera in certain places. Using technology to enhance nature in cities. Shared aspects with: Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Notebook However: It will not only track the nature around you and build up a history but will also help you find new places to explore within cities.
Mission focus: This app helps reinforce our mission of connecting with the next generation because the app connects with a technology savvy generation.
Introduction: An app that creates unique walking routes around the city.
The Future Visual Standards Guide 044
Sustained Conference An urban sustainability conference
National Park Service
Introduction: A annual conference that promotes sustained practices and developments in urban environments. Description: The conference exercises existing knowledge, whilst also showcasing new sustainable developments happening in urban spaces to try and make them more green and sustainable. Shared aspects with: SEED 2019 S.F. TRANSFORM 2019: Climate, Communities, Capital. S.F. However: This conference will have an emphasis on how parks can develop within cities in future years. 045
Mission focus: The conference supports our mission of preserving our environment because it will teach people how nature can thrive within city environments.
Visual Standards Guide
Concrete Jungles
The Future
National Park Service
Introduction: Intergrating green spaces into city buildings and rooftops; creating mini parks and spaces for workers to explore. Description: Create green environments on rooftops and within city buildings to help integrate nature, create relaxing atmospheres and help improve pollution within the city. Shared aspects with: Sky Garden, London, U.K. However: More to interact with and promote learning and discovery.
Mission focus: By directly bringing the environment into the workplace/living space simplifies connecting with nature which reinforces our mission of increasing longevity, preserving and maintaining our nature.
Visual Standards Guide
Nature in Hand
The Future
National Park Service
Introduction: A camera based app which guides users around inner city nature. Description: Using a camera based app which guides you around a city environment, with educational pop-ups that appear when the user directs the camera in certain places. Using technology to enhance nature in cities. Shared aspects with: Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Notebook However: It will not only track the nature around you and build up a history but will also help you find new places to explore within cities. 049
Mission focus: This app helps reinforce our mission of connecting with the next generation as they are technology savvy generation.
Visual Standards Guide
Urban Park
The Future
National Park Service
Introduction: A pop-up environment that allows users to delve into a full sensory experience exploring a National Park environment. Description: An immersive environment in the city that captures the essence of National Parks to allow the user to experience sounds, sights, smells and sounds of a specific park of their choosing. The environment will use a variety of resources to create an experience, including VR headsets and unique installations. Shared aspects with: Wevr, Natural History Museum, L.A. 051
However: Will not just focus on a digital technologies but will also use natural materials and smells to create a full sensory experience.
Mission focus: The environment helps create opportunities for people who live in cities to connect with parks which supports our mission of connecting with the new generation as it empowers learning and discovery within city environments.
Course_Nature of Identity Instructor_Hunter Wimmer Image Source_Unsplash, National Park Service, Washington Post. Article Source_National Park Service, NPS History, Library of Congress, Wikipedia, Time.