Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
博 覽 會
博 覽 會
Table of Contents
序 ...................................................................... 4
12. 南投石櫟 ................................................. 58
一、前言........................................................... 6
13. 浸水營石櫟 ............................................. 60
二、分類研究沿革........................................... 6 三、臺灣的殼斗科植物................................... 8 ▓ CASTANOPSIS 栲屬(苦櫧屬) ............ 10 1. 卡氏櫧 ....................................................... 12 2. 桂林栲(錐,栲栗) .............................. 14 3. 反刺苦櫧 ................................................... 16 4. 星刺栲 ...................................................... 18 5. 火燒柯(栲)........................................... 20 6. 臺灣苦櫧 ................................................... 22 7. 印度苦櫧 ................................................... 24 8. 大葉苦櫧 ................................................... 26 9. 細刺苦櫧 ................................................. 28 10. 烏來柯 ..................................................... 30
▓ FAGUS 水青岡屬 ...................................... 32
14. 台東石櫟(菱果石櫟) ........................ 62
▓ QUERCUS 櫟屬 ........................................ 64 1. 槲櫟 ........................................................... 68 2. 嶺南青剛櫟 ............................................... 70 3. 槲樹 ......................................................... 72 4. 赤皮 ........................................................... 74 5. 短柄枹櫟(思茅櫧櫟) .......................... 76 6. 青剛櫟 ....................................................... 78 7. 圓果青剛櫟 .............................................. 80 8. 灰背櫟 ...................................................... 82 9. 錐果櫟 ....................................................... 84 10. 赤柯 ......................................................... 86 11. 黑櫟.......................................................... 88 12. 捲斗櫟 ..................................................... 90 13. 波葉櫟 ..................................................... 92
1. 臺灣水青岡 ............................................. 32
14. 毽子櫟 ................................................... 94
▓ LITHOCARPUS 石櫟屬 ........................... 34
15. 高山櫟 ..................................................... 96
1. 杏葉石櫟 ................................................... 36
16. 狹葉櫟 ..................................................... 98
2. 鬼櫟 ........................................................... 38
17. 太魯閣櫟 ............................................... 100
3. 大武石櫟 ................................................... 40
18. 栓皮櫟 ................................................. 102
4. 后大埔石櫟 ............................................. 42
19. 塔塔加櫟 ............................................... 104
5. 柳葉石櫟 ................................................... 44 6. 臺灣石櫟 .................................................. 46 7. 子彈石櫟 ................................................. 48 8. 硬斗柯 ..................................................... 50 9. 短尾葉石櫟 ............................................... 52 10. 大葉石櫟 ................................................. 54 11. 小西氏石櫟(油葉石櫟) .................... 56
Preface............................................................... 4
12. Lithocarpus nantoensis ............................. 58
1. Introduction ................................................... 6
13. Lithocarpus shinsuiensis .......................... 60
2. History of the research for taxonomy ........... 6 3. Fagaceae in Taiwan ....................................... 8 ▓ CASTANOPSIS ......................................... 10
14. Lithocarpus taitoensis ............................... 62
▓ QUERCUS ................................................. 64 1. Quercus aliena ............................................ 68 2. Quercus championii.................................... 70
1. Castanopsis carlesii .................................. 12
3. Quercus dentata .......................................... 72
2. Castanopsis chinensis ................................ 14
4. Quercus gilva.............................................. 74
3. Castanopsis eyrei ....................................... 16
5. Quercus serrata var. brevipetiolata ............. 76
4. Castanopsis faberi ...................................... 18
6. Quercus glauca ........................................... 78
5. Castanopsis fargesii .................................... 20
7. Quercus globosa ......................................... 80
6. Castanopsis jucunda ................................... 22
8. Quercus hypophaea .................................... 82
7. Castanopsis indica. ..................................... 24
9. Quercus longinux ....................................... 84
8. Castanopsis kawakamii .............................. 26
10. Quercus morii ........................................... 86
9. Castanopsis kusanoi ................................... 28
11. Quercus myrsinifolia ................................ 88
10. Castanopsis uraiana .................................. 30
12. Quercus pachyloma .................................. 90
▓ FAGUS ....................................................... 32
13. Quercus repandifolia ................................ 92
1. Fagus hayatae ............................................. 32
14. Quercus sessilifolia .................................. 94
▓ LITHOCARPUS ........................................ 34
15. Quercus spinosa........................................ 96
1. Lithocarpus amygdalifolius ............................ .................................................................... 36
16. Quercus salicina ....................................... 98
2. Lithocarpus lepidocarpus ........................... 38
18. Quercus variabilis ................................... 102
3. Lithocarpus harlandii.................................. 40
19. Quercus tatakaensis ................................ 104
17. Quercus tarokoensis ............................... 100
4. Lithocarpus corneus. .................................. 42 5. Lithocarpus dodonaeifolius ............................ .................................................................... 44 6. Lithocarpus formosanus ............................. 46 7. Lithocarpus glaber ...................................... 48 8. Lithocarpus hancei ..................................... 50 9. Lithocarpus brevicaudatus.......................... 52 10. Lithocarpus kawakamii ............................ 54 11. Lithocarpus konishii ................................. 56
序 兩
喜馬拉雅山東邊到臺灣、日本的森林綠帶,就成了保留最多古老生物種類的地區,臺灣及日本也成為 溫帶及亞熱帶常綠闊葉樹林分布的最東界,而殼斗科植物正是組成這些常綠闊葉林的重要主角。全世 界殼斗科植物約有700-800種,大部分產於北半球的溫帶及亞熱帶地區,臺灣原生殼斗科植物約有46 個分類群,為臺灣產木本植物之第二大科;分佈於臺灣海拔500-2,500 公尺山區的亞熱帶及溫帶常綠 闊葉樹林,即是由樟科及殼斗科植物為主要樹種的「樟櫟群叢」森林,因此殼斗科植物對於臺灣森林 生態的重要性不言而喻。 臺灣殼斗科植物除了臺灣水青岡、栓皮櫟、槲樹、槲櫟、短柄枹櫟等種類於冬天落葉外,其他如青剛 櫟、三斗石櫟、鬼櫟…等,都是常綠樹種。山毛櫸屬植物分布於北半球 ,約有10種,臺灣產1種即臺 灣山毛櫸,深受國內外學界的重視。冰河期結束後,臺灣山毛櫸便由低海拔山區漸漸往上退縮到到逐 鹿山、拉拉山及太平山等海拔1,100-2,000公尺的稜線上,並以純林出現,也見證了冰期結束後地球回 溫的歷史。 殼斗科的果實一向是松鼠和鳥類最喜歡的食物,某些松鼠和鳥類有儲藏食物過冬的習慣,但難免會忘 掉一些,結果就幫這些植物傳播擴散了。殼斗科植物的果實稱為堅果,堅果的一部分或全部被稱為 「殼斗」的構造托著或包起來,而殼斗就是由片片的木質化鱗片拼成的,每個種的殼斗造形都不一 樣,極富變化,兼具趣味性、藝術性及學術性,因而有許多人喜歡收集各種殼斗科的果實。 殼斗科的果實除了美觀、有趣之外,也有許多實際的用途。在臺灣,子彈石櫟果實狀似子彈,過去原 住民對抗日軍,因為材料缺乏,曾用子彈石櫟的堅果當彈頭,頗具殺傷力;埔里一帶的居民,過去也 曾採集小西氏石櫟的果實,外銷至歐美地區做為傳統衣服的扣子。而人們喜歡吃的糖炒栗子,就是殼 斗科板栗的果實。原生於臺灣的殼斗科植物當中,果仁較好吃的則有火燒柯(栲)、后大埔石櫟、小西 氏石櫟及鬼櫟,亦可發展為果樹。據本所的研究證實,殼斗科植物的果仁因含有「抗解澱粉」,人體 消化較慢,因此有可能研發成為減肥食品。而在食用之外,殼斗科植物的枝葉萃取物具有抗氧化的作 用,因而在保健及醫藥上均具有一定的功能。 本書提供臺灣原生殼斗科植物的簡要描述、清晰的手繪圖、鮮明的彩色影像、概略的分布地點,以及 一些新的分類見解,將可供環境教育、森林保育及林業研究參考之用,除為世界植物資源保育工作貢 獻一份心力外,亦藉此提升國人對於野生植物資源保育的重視。
行政院農業委員會林業試驗所 所長
謹識 2012年12月1日 4
Preface I
n the past two million years, the Earth had experienced several ice ages in which lots of plants and animals intolerant of reduced temperatures were extincted or forced to migrate. And yet, a group of broadleaf evergreen forests in the temperate zone and subtropical zone managed to find shelter in a green forest belt stretching from the eastern Himalayas to Taiwan. They mostly preserved their original forms without undergoing significant changes, thus preserving maximal paleontological species in this belt. Taiwan represented the farthest eastern border of the group of broadleaf evergreen forests. Within the group, major species such as Fagaceae of the temperate and subtropical zones are also present in Japan. Among the 700~800 species of Fagaceae plants worldwide, most grow in the temperate and subtropical zones of Northern Hemisphere. A total of 46 taxa are native to Taiwan, and they constitute the second largest family of ligneous plants in Taiwan. They distribute in temperate to subtropical broadleaf evergreen forests ranging in elevation from 500 to 2,500 m. These species form a “Lauro-Fagaceae association” with another group of major tree species in the Lauraceae family. Consequently, it goes without saying that Fagaceae is important to the ecology of forests in Taiwan. For the Fagaceae species native to Taiwan, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Pasania hancei, and Lithocarpus castanopsisifolius are evergreens, while there are also some deciduous trees, such as Fagus hayatae, Quercus variabilis, Quercus dentata, Quercus aliena, and Quercus glandulifera var. brevipetiolata. As to the genus Fagus (10 species) distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, one species is native to Taiwan, i.e., Fagus hayatae. The species is valued by the academic circle at home and abroad. After the ice age ended, Fagus hayatae gradually redistributed and retreated up the ridges at elevations from 1,100 to 2,000 m, at pockets such as Mt. Zhulu, Mt. Lala, and Mt. Taiping. The species evolved into pure forests in which, the history of temperatures ascending on Earth was demonstrated. As the most favored fruits for squirrels and birds, fruits of Fagaceae cllected by these habitually food-storing and hibernating animals tend to spread everywhere, facilitating the dispersal of these plants. Fruits of Fagaceae are predenominantly nuts, partially or completely held, or enveloped by so-called “cupules” composed of flaky lignified scales. And the seeds develop in their unique and variable models with interesting, artistic, and academic values which are eagerly collected by many amateurs and professionals alike. Fruits of Fagaceae species possess lots of practical purposes in addition to aesthetic and interest. In view of the shape of the nuts is similar to a bullet, that of the Lithocarpus glaber was once taken as a lethal weapon by the aboriginals who lacked war materials to fight Japanese troops. In the past era, the habitants around Puli Township ever collected fruits of Pasania konishii as materials of buttons on traditional clothes exported to Europe and America. In addition, the crowd’s favorable chestnuts roasted with sugar are made of nuts of Castanea mollissima For Fagaceae native to Taiwan, Castanopsis fargesii, Pasania cornea, Pasania konishii, and Lithocarpus castanopsisifolius can be developed to be fruit trees in virtue of their tasty nuts. With reference to our study, the fruit nuts of Fagaceae are possibly developed to be diet foods due to the inclusive “resistant starch” slowly digested by the human stomach. In addition to edibility, the branches and leaves of Fagaceae are substantially functional of health care and medicine because of the inoxidizable property from their extracts. This book providing brief descriptions about Fagaceae native to Taiwan contains clear hand-drawing pictures, distinct colorful images, distribution outlines, and comments for new taxonomy as references of environmental education, forest preservation, and forestry research for the purpose of contributing protection of the global plant resources as well as promoting compatriots’ respects to wild plant resources.
Director General, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute 2012/12/1
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
一、前言 全世界殼斗科植物約有700-800種,大部分產於北半球的溫帶及亞熱帶地區,在臺灣主要分布 於低至中海拔山區,常與樟科植物組成「樟櫟群叢」的森林。臺灣原生殼斗科植物的分類研 究,從日治時代至今已80餘年,但在屬及種的認定上仍存有許多爭論,目前約有46個分類群 (taxa),是臺灣木本植物之第二大科。
二、分類研究沿革 1996年出版的臺灣植物誌第二版第二卷中,將殼斗科區分為板栗屬(Castanea)、苦櫧屬 (Castanopsis)、青剛櫟屬(Cyclobalanopsis)、山毛櫸屬(Fagus)、淋漓屬(Limlia)、苦 扁桃葉石櫟屬(Lithocarpus)、石櫟屬(Pasania)及麻櫟屬(Quercus)等八屬,其中板栗屬 的茅栗(Castanea crenata)及板栗(Castanea mollissima)均為引進種,不產於臺灣。而單屬 種之淋漓屬的烏來柯(Limlia uraiana),於1911年由早田文藏(Hayata)將其命名為Quercus uraiana,1912年Schottky氏認為應歸為石櫟屬,1916年早田文藏又將其改隸於苦扁桃葉石櫟 屬,1948年Masamune與Tomiya兩人以本種的特徵介於各屬之間,歸屬不易,而另立一新屬, 即Limlia,並其學名改為Limlia uraiana,而這也是現今「臺灣植物誌」所認定之學名;但1963 年李惠林於《Woody Flora of Taiwan》一書中則又採用Schottky之學名,而劉業經等人於1994年 出版的《臺灣樹木誌》中,又將之置於苦櫧屬之中;其後淋漓屬之相關研究論文如1984年沈中 桴的「臺灣產殼斗科植物之分類與花粉形態之研究」、1985年劉思謙的「淋漓之性狀與其分類 地位之研究」及1997年陳玄武的「臺灣產苦櫧屬植物分類與遺傳變異之探討」等研究,分別依 據花粉型態、色層分析、木材解剖及遺傳變異等方法,所得之結論均將其置於苦櫧屬之下,學 名為Castanopsis uraiana。 Oersted(1867, 1871)將Quercus屬中斗鱗合生成輪狀之常綠類切分出來,成立Cyclobalanopsis 一屬,其後歐美學者可能僅有Schottky(1912)繼續沿用此一屬名。Hayata(1911-1921)及 Koidzumi(1912-1913, 1916)皆採用Quercus之廣義屬名。楊遠波等1997年出版的《臺灣維管 束植物簡誌》則將Cyclobalanopsis置於Quercus之中。 沈中桴於1984年在「臺灣產殼斗科植物之分類與花粉形態之研究」一文 中認為,僅就殼斗之完全包被堅果與否而將之分屬太欠嚴謹,故 將Pasania置於Lithocarpus內;另外Cyclobalanopsis之殼斗鱗片 為同心環排列,僅是單一器官之特殊演化,不足以成為分屬 之準則,因此認為應將之置於Quercus之下,處理為青剛櫟 亞屬下之青剛櫟節。楊遠波等1997年出版的《臺灣維管束 植物簡誌》則接受Kubitzki (1993)的建議,將Pasania置於 Lithocarpus內,另外將Cyclobalanopsis置於Quercus之中,臺灣 產殼斗科植物因而合併為苦櫧屬、山毛櫸屬、苦扁桃葉石櫟屬及 麻櫟屬等四屬。 6
1. Introduction Among 700-800 species in Fagaceae around the world, most species grow in the temperate zone and the subtropical zone of the Northern Hemisphere in which Fagaceae and Lauraceae, distributed in Taiwan’s low-to-medium altitude mountains, constitute forests of “Lauro-Fagaceae association” in general. Despite the research about taxonomy of Fagaceae native to Taiwan lasting over 80 years since the Japanese Colonial Period, the various disputes for certain genera and species still exist. Currently, there are 46 taxa or so comprising the second largest family of ligneous plants in Taiwan.
2. History of the research for taxonomy Based on “Flora of Taiwan” (Second edition; Volume 2) published in 1996, Fagaceae contains eight genera as follows, Castanea, Castanopsis, Cyclobalanopsis, Fagus, Limlia, Lithocarpus, Pasania and Quercus wherein Castanea crenata and Castanea mollissima in Castanea are introduced but not native to Taiwan. Denominated as Quercus uraiana by Bunzo Hayata first in 1911, Limlia uraiana (single species in genus) was ever categorized to distinct genera, for instance, Pasania (Schottky, 1912), Lithocarpus (Bunzo Hayata, 1916), and Limlia, a new genus defined by Masamune and Tomiya (1948) who considered its features observed in different genera and changed its scientific name to Limlia uraiana concluded in “Flora of Taiwan” currently. However, this scientific name was corrected to Schottky’s definition in “Woody Flora of Taiwan” (H. L. Li, 1963); the genus was Castanopsis (scientific name: Castanopsis uraiana) based on “Trees of Taiwan” (Y. C. Lin et al., 1994), studies for Limlia such as “Taxonomy of Fagaceae Native to Taiwan and Study of Pollen Morphology” (C. F. Shen, 1984) and “Study of Characters and Taxonomy for Limlia” (S. C. Liu, 1985), and “Study of Taxonomy and Genetic Variation of the Genus Castanopsis (Fagaceae) in Taiwan” (H. W. Chen, 1997) by various methods such as pollen morphology, chromatographic analysis, wood anatomy, and generic variation. Despite evergreen plants (Quercus) with coalescent whorled scales categorized to Cyclobalanopsis by Oersted (1867, 1871), all European or American scholars did not continue using Cyclobalanopsis except Schottky (1912), for instance, Quercus generally adopted by Hayata (1911-1921) and Koidzumi (1912-1913, 1916). In compliance with “Vascular Bundle Flora of Taiwan” (Y. P. Yang et al., 1997), Cyclobalanopsis is arranged under Quercus. With reference to “Taxonomy of Fagaceae Native to Taiwan and Study of Pollen Morphology” (C. F. Shen, 1984), Pasania is arranged under Lithocarpus in view of the inexact taxonomy based on a cupule completely enclosing a nut only. In consideration of the phenomenon of concentric-ringed scales on one cupule (Cyclobalanopsis) regarded as one organ specifically evolving only rather than the criterion of taxonomy, Cyclobalanopsis should be changed to subgenus Cyclobalanopsis, section Cyclobalanopsis under Quercus. Referring to recommendations of Kubitzki (1993), Y. P. Yang et al. arranged Pasania and Cyclobalanopsis under Lithocarpus and Quercus, respectively (“Vascular Bundle Flora of Taiwan” published in 1997), and thus combined 8 genera in Fagaceae native to Taiwan into 4 genera such as Castanopsis, Fagus, Lithocarpus and Quercus.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
3. Fagaceae in Taiwan
Trees or small trees, evergreen or deciduous.
Leaves usually alternate, rare opposite or whorled,
simple; stipules usually early deciduous. Plants are
monoecious. Staminate flowers in spikes (catkins) or
heads, with 4-7 lobed perianth; stamens 3-12 or more.
Pistillate flowers solitary or 3-4-clustered, usually
柱頭點狀或增大成扁平狀、頭狀或瘤狀。堅 果,包被(部份或全部)於殼斗內;殼斗開 裂,外表被鱗片,鱗片離生或合生成多條環 帶,有時呈單一或分枝之刺,或呈瘤狀。
in short spikes; with 4-7-lobed perianth adnate to the ovary; ovary 3-7-celled, ovules 2 in each cell, styles 3-10, stigmas pointed or enlarged with flat or tuberculate portion. Nuts, enclosed partly or wholly in a cupule; cupule regularly or irregularly dehiscent
or not, covered with imbricate scales, scales free or
branched, hard or soft, often tuberculate-scaled.
In Taiwan, the family Fagaceae currently includes
four genera (Kubitzki, 1993): Fagus L., Castanopsis
Spach., Lithocarpus Bl. (including the genus
Pasania Oerst.), Quercus L. (including the genus Cyclobalanopsis Oerst.)
屬檢索表 1. 雄花常5-6朵成頭狀;殼斗單一著生於柄的頂端;葉下表面側脈腋處有簇生毛. ........... 2. Fagus 1. 雄花多朵成穗狀花序;殼斗常數個散生於一柄上;多數的葉下表面側脈腋處無簇生毛。 2. 雄花雄蕊3-6;雌花柱頭增大呈扁平或瘤狀 ................................................................ 4. Quercus 2. 雄花雄蕊8-12;雌花柱頭點狀。 3. 每一總苞內有雌花1-3朵,總苞單生,排成穗狀;殼斗外有銳刺或瘤狀刺 ..... 1. Castanopsis 3. 每一總苞內僅有雌花1朵,總苞單生或數個簇生,而後排成穗狀;殼斗外僅具鱗片.......... .................................................................................................................................. 3. Lithocarpus Key to the Genera of Fagaceae in Taiwan 1. Staminate flowers 5-6 in umbellate heads; cupules long-stalked; leaves with fascicled hairs at base of lateral veins on the lower surface..........................................................................................................................2. Fagus 1. Staminate flowers many in slender catkins; cupules sessile or very short-pedicellate; leaves not as above. 2. Staminate flower with stamens 3-6; pistillate flowers with stigmas usually enlarged, flat or tuberculate............ ............................................................................................................................................................. 4. Quercus 2. Staminate flower with stamens 8-12; pistillate flowers with sitgmas always pointed. 3.Pistillate flowers usually 1-3 in an involucre, involucres solitary and line-up in short spikes; cupule covered with long needle-like or tuberculate spines............................................................................... 1. Castanopsis 3. Pistillate flower 1 in an involucre, involucres solitary or clustered and line-up in spikes; cupule covered with scales...................................................................................................................................3. Lithocarpus
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
▓ CASTANOPSIS 栲屬(苦櫧屬) 常綠喬木。穗狀花序多單性,直立。雄花花萼杯狀,裂片6;雄花雄蕊12;雌花1至數朵包被於 殼斗內;子房3室,花柱3。殼斗外表被刺或瘤狀突起,內有堅果1-4粒。 臺灣有10個分類群。
種檢索表 1. 殼斗碗形,包被堅果基部,外面被鱗片,宿存 .............................................................10. 烏來柯 1. 殼斗圓形,全或幾全包被堅果,外面被銳刺或瘤狀刺,與堅果一起脫落。 2. 殼斗外被瘤狀短刺,刺長1.5 mm以下............................................................................1. 卡氏櫧 2. 殼斗外被銳刺,刺長3 mm以上。 3. 葉兩面同色。 4. 葉基部近圓或短尖,葉緣至少在中部以上有銳裂齒,殼斗之刺密生,幾不見殼斗表 面,刺直 ....................................................................................................................2. 桂林栲 4. 葉基部鈍至圓形,全緣或近頂端疏、淺鋸齒緣。 5. 殼斗之刺密生,幾不見殼斗表面,刺直;葉基常對稱 .....................................8. 大葉苦櫧 5. 殼斗之刺疏生,可見殼斗表面,刺彎;葉基極歪 .............................................3. 反刺苦櫧 3. 葉兩面不同色。 6. 成熟葉下表面被毛。 7. 葉近全緣,稀具疏鋸齒緣,下表面具鱗片,紅褐色 ............................................. 5. 火燒栲 7. 葉明顯鋸齒緣,下表面被毛,茶褐色 ...................................................................7. 印度苦櫧 6. 成熟葉下表面光滑。 8. 成熟葉下表面具光澤,銀白色;殼斗縱裂,僅含1 ...........................................6. 臺灣苦櫧 8. 成熟葉下表面褐色;殼斗不規則裂,含1-3堅果。 9. 葉近先端鋸齒緣;殼斗密被毛 ............................................................................... 4. 星刺栲 9. 葉常全緣,稀疏鋸齒緣;殼斗略被毛 ..............................................................9. 細刺苦櫧
▓ CASTANOPSIS (Don) Spach Evergreen trees. Inflorescence an upright simple or branched, unisexual catkin. Staminate flowers with 6 cleft perianth; stamens usually 12; pistillate flowers usually in short spikes, 1 or several in an involucres; ovary 3-loculed, style 3. Cupule covered with long needle-like or tuberculate spines, nuts 1-4 per cupule. Ten taxa in Taiwan.
Key to species 1. Cupules bowl-shaped, partly enclosing the nut, with imbricate scales ........................................... 10. C. uraiana 1. Cupules globose-shaped, almost enclosing the nut, with prickles to tuberculate spines. 2. Spines of cupule very short, less than 1.5 mm long......................................................................... 1. C. carlesii 2. Spines of cupule long, more than 3 mm long. 3.Concolorous on the both side. 4. Rounded to acute at base, margin serrate at least from middle to apex, Cupule with densely spined, enclosing the nut...................................................................................................................2. C. chinensis 4. Obtuse and often oblique at base, entire or remotely serrulate at the margins. 5. Cupule densely spined, straight; leaves symmetrical at base....................................... 8. C. kawakamii 5. Cupule sparsely spined, curved; leaves asymmetrical at base................................................. 3. C. eyrei 3.Colors different on the both side. 6. Mature leaves tomentose beneath. 7. Leaves nearly entire or rarely serrate, reddish-scales beneath.............................................5. C. fargesii 7. Leaves serrate, brown-hairy beneath.....................................................................................7. C. indica 6. Mature leaves glabrous beneath. 8. Mature leaves silvery beneath; cupules longitudinally dehiscent, nut 1 in an involucre.. 6. C. jucunda 8. Mature leaves brown beneath; cupules irregularly dehiscent, nut 1-3 in an involucre. 9. Leaves densely serrate toward apex; cupules densely tomentose.......................................4. C. fabri 9. Leaves usually entire to sparsely serrate; cupules somewhat tomentose....................... 9. C. kusanoi
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 1. 卡氏櫧 常綠中喬木。幼葉下表面被毛。葉卵狀 長橢圓形,先端尾狀,基部稍歪,全緣 或近頂端為齒狀鋸齒緣,下表面銀白色 或淡褐色。殼斗略呈球形,具短柄,完 全包被堅果,外被三角形不整齊短刺, 熟時開裂,殼斗外表具瘤狀短刺並被 絨毛。 產中國、香港及臺灣。普遍分布於臺灣全島 中海拔至低海拔地區。
卡氏櫧 Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata
1. Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata Medium-sized evergreen trees. Young leaves pubescent beneath. Leaves ovate-oblong, caudate at apex, oblique at base, entire or dentate-serrate toward at apex along margins, silvery-white or light-brown with beneath. Cupules conical, completely enclosing nut, cupules splitting when ripe with tuberculate spines and tomentose hairs above. Distributed in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Very common in broad-leaved forests at medium to low altitudes of Taiwan.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 2. 桂林栲(錐,栲栗) 常綠中喬木。枝、葉均無毛。葉厚紙質或近 革質,披針形,稀卵形,長7-8 cm,寬2-5 cm,先端長尖,基部近圓或短尖,葉緣至 少在中部以上有銳裂齒,兩面同色;葉柄長 1.5-2 cm。雄花成穗狀花序或圓錐花序,花 序軸無毛,花被裂片內被短柔毛;雌花序生 於當年生枝的頂部,每殼斗有雌花一朵,花 柱3或4枚,有時2枚,長達1.5 mm。果序長 8-15 cm;殼斗圓球形,連刺徑25-35 mm, 通常整齊的3-5瓣開裂,刺長6-12 mm,在下 部或近中部合生成刺束,幾將殼斗外壁完全 遮蔽,初時密被灰棕色短伏毛,熟透時幾無 毛,內壁密被棕色長絨毛;堅果圓錐形,高 6-12 mm,寬10-13 mm,無毛,或在頂部有 稀疏伏毛。
大陸產廣東、廣西、貴州西南部、雲南東南 部。臺灣生於海拔1,500m以下山區。僅見於 瑪家一帶。
桂林栲(錐,栲栗) Castanopsis chinensis (Sprengel) Hance
2. Castanopsis chinensis (Sprengel) Hance Medium-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets and leaves
Distributeed in Guangdong, Guangxi, SW Guizhou,
glabrous. Leaves thickly chartaceous or nearly
SE Yunnan. Taiwan, in broad-leaved evergreen
coriaceous, lanceolate, rarely ovate, 7-8 cm long,
forests; below 1,500 m. The species is found Majia
2-5 cm wide, caudate at apex, rounded to acute at
area only.
base, margin serrate at least from middle to apex, concolorous at both surface; petioles 1.5-2 cm long. Pistillate inflorescences borne on apical part of 1styear branchlet, pistillate flower 1 per cupule, style 3 or 4, sometimes 2, 1.5 mm long. Infructescences 8-15 cm; Cupules globose, 25-35 mm in diam., usually splitting into 3-5 segments, outside densely grayish brown, inside densely brown villous; nuts conic, 6-12 mm high, 10-13 mm across, glabrous or puberulent at tip.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 3. 反刺苦櫧
3. Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Hutch.
常綠中、小喬木。小枝無毛;芽被毛。 葉卵形至卵狀披針形,厚革質,先端漸 尖,基部鈍,常歪,全緣或前半部疏鋸 齒緣,下表面具光澤。殼斗卵形,徑2 cm;殼斗外被不分枝或分枝短刺,苞刺 先端分裂,成列,反曲,被灰褐色毛; 堅果1。
Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
產中國、香港及臺灣。臺灣分布中部1,0001,600m山區,可見於惠蓀林場及裡冷林道。 【註】蓮華池曾經記錄有反刺苦櫧的分布,但多 年來筆者在蓮華池未見到也未採到該植物 標本。
glabrous; bud pubescence. Leaves ovate to ovatelanceolate, coriaceous, acuminate at apex, obtuse and often oblique at base, entire or remotely serrulate at the margins, luster beneath. Cupules ovoid, 2 cm across; covered with simple or branched spines, spines forked at apex, curved, with grey-brown tomentose hairs; nut 1. Distributed in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Growing at the altitudes between 1,000-1,600 m in Taiwan, usually in the central part of the island. The species is found in places such as Huisun Forest and Lileng Forest Road.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 4. 星刺栲 常綠中、小喬木。小枝近光滑;幼葉下表面 被銹褐色毛,不久即脫落。葉卵狀披針形, 革質,先端漸尖,基部銳尖至鈍,全緣或 近頂端粗鋸齒緣,下表面銹褐色;殼斗全包 堅果;苞刺分枝成簇,殆成放射狀,不排成 列,不反曲,被黃褐色短毛;含2-3堅果。 產中國及臺灣。臺灣分布於南部、東部3001,600m山區,可見於大漢山、高士、南仁 山,東部利嘉林道、光復林道等地。
星刺栲 Castanopsis faberi Hance
4. Castanopsis faberi Hance Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. In Taiwan,
glabrous; young leaves with rusty brown hairs
growing at the altitudes 300-1,600 m in the southern
beneath, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves ovate-
and eastern part of the island. The species is found
lanceolate, coriaceous, acuminate at apex, acute to
in places such as Tahanshan, Kaoshih, Nanjenshan,
obtuse at base, entire or serrate towards the apex
Lichia Forest Road and Kuanfu Forest Road.
along the margins, ferrugineous brown beneath; cupules completely enclosing nuts; spines of cupules stellate-branched, with densely yellow-brown pubescences; nuts 2-3.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 5. 火燒柯(栲) 常綠中喬木。小枝被褐色鱗片。葉橢圓狀披 針形,革質,全緣或僅近前端疏鋸齒緣,先 端漸尖,基部銳尖至鈍,下表面被淡紅褐色 鱗片。殼斗無柄,內有褐毛,外密被針刺, 刺直,稍彎曲,2-3分歧;堅果1,有三稜。 大陸產華南。臺灣分布西部海拔200-1,600m 山區。可見於大鹿林道、大雪山林道、青 山、谷關、霧社、蓮華池、日月潭等地。
火燒柯(栲) Castanopsis fargesii Franch
5. Castanopsis fargesii Franch Medium-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets with rusty-scales. Leaves oblong-laceolate, coriaceous, entire, rarely remotely serrate, acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse at base, with ochraceously reddish scales beneath. Cupules sessile, brown-haired inside, densely armed with straight spines; spins 2-3-branched. Nut 1, 3-ridged. Distributed in South to Central China. Taiwan, fairly common in the broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 200-1,600 m in the western parts of the island. The species is found in places such as Talu Forest Road, Mt. Tahsueh Loggin Trail, Chingshan, Kukuan, Wushe, Lienhuachih, and Sun Moon Lake.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 6. 臺灣苦櫧 常綠中、小喬木。幼枝被褐色短毛。葉長橢 圓形或卵狀長橢圓形,先端漸尖,銳鋸齒, 下表面光滑,側脈直達鋸齒。殼斗球形,密 被直銳之單刺,刺長1-1.8 cm。堅果1,密被 絨毛。 大陸產海南。臺灣分布於南部及東南部海 拔200-1,200m山區,可見於藤枝、扇平、 霧台、多納、保力、滿州、南仁山、尚武 等地。 【註】本種葉形與印度苦櫧相似,但葉緣鋸齒較 鈍,且葉下表面無毛,可茲區別。
臺灣苦櫧 Castanopsis jucunda Hance
6. Castanopsis jucunda Hance Castanopsis formosana (Skan) Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Young
Distributed on Hainan Island and Taiwan. Taiwan, in
branchlets with brown tomentose. Leaves oblong to
broad-leaved forests at the elevations of 200-1,200 m
ovate-oblong, acuminate at apex, remotely serrate,
in the southern part of the island. The species is found
glabrous beneath, lateral veins ending in teeth.
in places such as Tengchih, Shanping, Wutai, Tona,
Cupules globose, spines of cupule straight, 1-1.8 cm
Paoli, Manchou, Nanjenshan and Shangwu.
long. Nut 1, pubescent.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 7. 印度苦櫧 常綠中、小喬木。幼枝被褐色短毛。葉長 橢圓形或卵狀長橢圓形,先端漸尖,銳鋸 齒,下表面被短褐毛,側脈直達鋸齒。殼斗 密被直銳之單刺,刺長1-1.8 cm。堅果密被 絨毛。 分布印度至中國及臺灣。臺灣分布於南部海 拔200-1,000 m山區。可見於藤枝、扇平、大 漢山林道、滿州、高士、牡丹、南仁山、尚 武等地。
印度苦櫧 Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A. DC.
7. Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A. DC. Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets with short brown pubescence. Leaves oblong to ovate-oblong, acuminate at apex, serrate, brownhairy beneath, lateral veins ending in teeth. Cupules densely armed with simple spines, the spines 1-1.8 cm long. Nuts densely tomentose. Distributed from India to mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, in forests in the southern part, at the elevations of 200-1,000 m. The species is found in places such as Tengchih, Shanping, Tahanshan Forest Road, Manchou, Kaoshih, Mutan, Nanjenshan and Shangwu.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 8. 大葉苦櫧
8. Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata
常綠中、小喬木。小枝無毛。葉卵形、卵狀 披針形或長卵形,先端漸尖至尾狀,基部鈍 至圓形,全緣或近頂端淺鋸齒緣,下表面光 滑。殼斗密被刺,刺直銳,多根簇生。
Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
產中國及臺灣。臺灣分布於中部、南部、東 南部海拔300-1,400 m山區。可見於大湖、 苗栗、大雪山林道、出雲山苗圃、八仙山森 林遊樂區、惠蓀林場、蓮華池、日月潭、壽 卡、尚武等地。
glabrous. Leaves ovate, ovate-lanceolate or longovate, acuminate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, margins entire or serrate near apex , glabrous beneath. Cupules spines straight, fascicled. Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, in forests in the central, southern and southeastern parts of the island, from 300 to 1,400 m altitudinally. The species is found in places such as Tahu, Miaoli, Tahsuehshan Loggin Trail, Chuyuanshan nusery, Pahsienshan Forest Recreation Area, Huisun Forest, Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake, Shouchia and Shangwu.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 9. 細刺苦櫧 常綠中、小喬木。幼葉下表面被銹褐色毛, 後變光滑。葉卵形、卵狀橢圓形、披針狀長 橢圓形至披針形,革質,先端漸尖或尾狀漸 尖,基部銳尖、鈍或圓,全緣或近前端不明 顯圓鋸齒緣,下表面淡褐色,光滑。殼斗圓 球形,密被刺,刺被細絨毛。 臺灣特有種。分布中南部海拔1,000-1,700 m 山區,可見於嘉義縣奮起湖、十字路及達 邦;高雄藤枝、扇平鳳岡山林道等地。
細刺苦櫧 Castanopsis kusanoi Hayata
9. Castanopsis kusanoi Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Young leaves
Endemic. At the elevations of 1,000-1,700 m in
rusty-brown-hairy beneath, becoming glabrous later.
central-southern part of the island. The species is
Leaves ovate, ovate-oblong to lanceolate-oblong,
found in places such as Fenchihu, Shihtzulu, Tapang,
coriaceous, caudate-acuminate or acuminate at apex,
Tengchih and Fengkangshan Forest Road.
acute, obtuse to rounded at base, entire to sparingly serrate toward apex along margins, glabrous and brownish beneath. Cupules globose, densely spined, very finely tomentose.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 10. 烏來柯 常綠中、小喬木。葉披針形或橢圓狀披針 形,先端漸尖至尾狀,基部銳尖至鈍,歪 斜,全緣或前半部疏鋸齒緣,兩面光滑。雄 蕊8-12。殼斗杯狀,外被覆瓦狀鱗片,半包 被堅果,表面有毛。 臺灣特有種。全島低海拔山區,可見於石 碇、坪林、烏來、滿月圓、大湖、蓮華池、 日月潭、歸田、福山植物園等地。
烏來柯 Castanopsis uraiana (Hayata) Kanehira & Hatusima
10. Castanopsis uraiana (Hayata) Kanehira & Hatusima Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate to caudate at apex, acute to obtuse and very asymmetrical at base, entire to obscurely serrate from middle to apex, glabrous on both sides. Stamens 8-12. Cupules cupshaped, partly enclosing the nut; scales of cupules imbricate, sericeous-pubescent outside. Endemic. Taiwan, in forests at low elevations. The species is found in places such as Shihting, Pinglin,. Wulai, Manyuehyuan, Tahu, Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake, Kueitien and Fushan Botanical Garden.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
▓ FAGUS 水青岡屬 落葉中、小喬木。雄花多數集合成下垂有柄之頭狀花序;雌花2,包於有柄之總苞內;花柱3。 殼斗圓球形,4裂,表面有短軟刺,內有1-2堅果。堅果卵形,有3稜。 臺灣有1種。
1. 臺灣水青岡 落葉中、小喬木。幼葉下表面被褐毛,以後 光滑。葉橢圓至卵形,先端銳尖,基部圓, 鋸齒或稀重鋸齒緣,側脈7-8對,直達鋸齒。 殼斗長0.7-1.0 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布北部、東北部海拔1,1002,200 m山區。可見於逐鹿山、北插天山、南 插天山、拉拉山、阿玉山、紅柴山、銅山、 大白山及蘭嵌山等地。 【註】臺灣水青岡係小西成章於1906年在北插天 山首次發現,又名臺灣山毛櫸,其種小名 乃為紀念日籍植物分類學大師早田文藏而 命名。
FAGUS 水青岡屬.臺灣水青岡 Fagus hayatae Palib. ex Hayata
▓ FAGUS L. Medium or small-sized deciduous trees. Staminate inflorescence umbellate heads, pedunculate; pistillate flowers 2, subtended by a pedunculate involucre, styles 3. Cupules puberulent, splitting into 4 regular valves, sparsely softspined, nuts 1-2. Nuts ovoid, 3-ridged. One species in Taiwan.
1. Fagus hayatae Palib. ex Hayata Medium or small-sized deciduous trees. Young leaves
Endemic. At the elevations of 1,100-2,200 m in
brown-hairy beneath, soon becoming glabrous.
northern and northeastern part of Taiwan. The species
Leaves elliptic to ovate, acute at apex, rounded at
is found in places such as Chulushan, Peichatienshan,
base, serrulate or rarely double-serrulate, lateral veins
Nanchatienshan, Lalashan, Ayushan, Hungchaishan,
7-8 pairs, ending in teeth. Cupules 0.7-1.0 cm long.
Tungshan, Dabaishan and Lankanshan.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
▓ LITHOCARPUS 石櫟屬 常綠小喬木至大喬木。直立穗狀花序,雌雄花常同花序。花單生,或3至多朵簇生;花柱3;殼 斗在花軸上呈聚繖狀。 臺灣有16個分類群(包括阿里山三斗石櫟、三斗石櫟及細葉三斗石櫟)。 種檢索表 1. 葉鋸齒緣、齒緣或明顯波狀緣。 2. 葉短於13 cm,側脈6-10對。 3. 葉下表面側脈腋處光滑。 4. 堅果卵形;嫩枝明顯被毛 ....................................................................................7. 子彈石櫟 4. 堅果橢圓形;嫩枝光滑或近於光滑 ....................................................................3. 大武石櫟 3. 葉下表面側脈腋處簇生毛。 5. 堅果頂端平,稀圓,被毛;葉近先端處鈍鋸齒緣 ........................................4. 后大埔石櫟 5. 堅果頂端圓,光滑;葉於前半部鈍鋸齒緣 .................................................. 11. 小西氏石櫟 2. .............................................................................................................葉長於13cm,側脈11-14對 10. 大葉石櫟 1. 葉全緣或略波狀緣。 6. 殼斗幾乎全包圍堅果,僅於頂端有一小孔。 7. 葉短於16 cm,下表面褐色 ......................................................................................1. 杏葉石櫟 7. 葉長於16 cm,下表面灰白色 ..........................................................................................2. 鬼櫟 6. 殼斗最多包圍堅果3/4部份。 8. 殼斗包圍堅果之1/2至3/4部份,鱗片散生不重疊 ...........................................13. 浸水營石櫟 8. 殼斗包圍堅果不及1/2部份。 9. 葉先端圓、鈍或略尖鈍,邊緣反捲。 10.葉先端略鈍或尖鈍,披針形,側脈極不明顯 ............................................5. 柳葉石櫟 10.葉先端圓,橢圓形或倒卵形,側脈明顯 ....................................................6. 臺灣石櫟 9. 葉先端銳尖、漸尖或尾尖,邊緣平。 11. 葉兩面不同色,下表面呈灰白色或灰褐色。 12.堅果扁球形;芽鱗光滑;嫩枝光滑 .......................................................14. 臺東石櫟 12.堅果橢圓形或卵形;芽鱗密被毛;嫩枝被毛 ......................................... 7. 子彈石櫟 11. 葉兩面同色,或下表面近於綠色。 13.小枝具5稜;葉橢圓形 ...........................................................................9. 短尾葉石櫟 13.小枝不具稜;葉長橢圓形、長橢圓狀卵形或披針形 14. 葉先端長尾狀,葉基不下延 ..............................................................12. 南投石櫟 14.葉先端漸尖至短尾狀,葉基下延 ............................................................8. 硬斗柯 34
▓ LITHOCARPUS Blume Small- to large-sized evergreen trees. Inflorescence an erect spike, monoecious. Flowers solitary or 3 to more in clusters, styles 3. Cupules in cymes on rachis. Sixteen taxa in Taiwan.
Key to species 1. Leaves serrate, dentate or undulate. 2. Leaves less than 13 cm, lateral veins of 6-10 pairs. 3. Glabrous at base of lateral veins beneath. 4. Nuts ovoid; shoot tomentose.....................................................................................................7. L. glaber 4. Nuts elliptic; shoot glabrous or nearly glabrous...................................................................3. L. harlandii 3. Base of lateral veins beneath with tufts of hairs. 5. Nuts somewhat truncate or rarely rounded at apex, tomentose above; leaves serrate only near apex......... ................................................................................................................................................... 4. L. cornea 5. Nuts absolutely rounded at apex, glabrous above; leaves serrate from middle part toward apex................ ............................................................................................................................................... 11. L. konishii 2. Leaves more than 13 cm, lateral veins of 11-14 pairs.............................................................10. L. kawakamii 1. Leaves entire or slightly undulate. 6. Nut wholly enclosed by cupule, with a minute opening at apex. 7. Leaves less than 16 cm long; rusty-lustrous beneath...................................................... 1. L. amygdalifolius 7. Leaves more than 16 cm long; grayish-white beneath.......................................................2. L. lepidocarpus 6. Nut partly, up to 3/4, enclosed by cupule. 8. Cupule enclosing 1/2-3/4 of nut, scales distinct, sparse.................................................... 13. L. shinsuiensis 8. Cupule enclosing less than 1/2 of nut 9. Leaves mostly rounded or obtuse, rare acutish at apex, margins very revolute. 10. Leaves lanceolate, acutish at apex, lateral veins very obscure...............................5. L. dodonaeifolius 10. Leaves oblong or obovate, rounded or obtuse at apex, lateral veins distinct................ 6. L. formosana 9. Leaves acutish, acuminate or caudate at apex, margins usually flattened. 11. Leaves not concolorous, grayish-white or grayish-brown beneath. 12. Nuts compressed-globose; buds scales and shoots glabrous....................................14. L. taitoensis 12. Nuts ellipsoid or ovoid; buds scales tomentose, shoots tomentose................................7. L. glaber 11. Leaves concolorous, or nearly green beneath 13. Branchlets 5-angled; leaves elliptic................................................................... 9. L. brevicaudatus 13. Branchlets not angled; leaves oblong, oblong-ovate or lanceolate. 14. Leaves caudate at apex, not attenuate toward petioles at base..........................12. L. nantoensis 14. Leaves acuminate to short caudate at apex, attenuate toward petioles at base......... 8. L. hancei
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 1. 杏葉石櫟
1. Lithocarpus amygdalifolius (Skan) Hayata
常綠中喬木至大喬木。葉長橢圓狀披針形或 披針形,葉10-16 cm長,2.5-3.9 cm寬,下 表面褐色,側脈10-13對。雄花花期3月至9 月,3.2-3.5 mm長,2-2.5 mm寬,花被片6, 外披短絨毛,內側光滑。雄蕊9-12,雌花2-4 朵一簇,長1.5-3.0 mm,寬1.5-2.5 mm;子房 2-3室,殼斗球狀或殼斗幾乎全包住堅果, 徑2-2.5 cm。外表鱗片闊或狹三角形,具 狹脊。
Medium to large-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
產中國及臺灣。臺灣分布中南部中低海拔 山區,多見於鞍馬山、北東眼山及南橫中 之關;亦可見於恆春半島壽卡至牡丹一帶 山區。
oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 10-16 cm long, 2.53.9 cm broad, rusty-lustrous beneath, lateral veins 10-13 pairs. Staminate flowers March to September, 3.2-3.5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm broad, perianth 6-lobed, puberulent outside, nearly glabrous inside. Stamens 9-12. Pistillate flowers usually 2-4 in a cluster, 1.53.0 mm long, 1.5-2.5 mm broad; ovary 2-3-celled. Cupules globose or completely enclosing the nut, 2-2.5 cm across. Scales broadly or narrowly triangular, keeled. Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, usually in forests at medium-low altitudes in the central and southern parts. The species is found in places such as Anmashan, Peitungyenshan and Nanheng Chungchihkuan, also found from Shouchia to Mutan in the Hengchun Peninsula.
杏葉石櫟 Lithocarpus amygdalifolius (Skan) Hayata
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 2. 鬼櫟 常綠中喬木至大喬木。葉披針狀長橢圓形或 長橢圓形,長15-32 cm,寬4-10 cm,下表面 灰白色,側脈13-15對。殼斗幾完全包被堅 果,徑3-4 cm,鱗片三角形,先端鈍,被灰 色短毛,中央有明顯的脊。 臺灣特有種。多分布於中南部中海拔山區, 東部地區有些可分布至低海拔500 m 地區; 見於南投力行產業道路,南橫中之關、向陽 等地。
鏟ćŤ&#x; Lithocarpus lepidocarpus (Hayata) Hayata
2. Lithocarpus lepidocarpus (Hayata) Hayata Lithocarpus castanopsisifolius (Hayata) Hayata Medium to large-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
Endemic. At medium altitudes in central and
lanceolate-oblong or oblong, 15-32 cm long, 4-10
southern parts of the island; also at low altitudes
cm broad, grayish-white beneath, lateral veins 13-
about 500 m on the eastern part. The species is found
15 pairs. Nuts nearly enclosed in the cupules, 3-4
in places such as Lihsing Country Road, Nanheng
cm across, scales triangular, obtuse at apex, gray-
Chungchihkuan and Hsiangyang.
pubescent, with very large keels.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 3. 大武石櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉長橢圓形至披針形,長 5.5-10.5 cm,寬1.5-4 cm,先端漸尖,前半部 圓齒緣或鋸齒緣,稀波狀緣,下表面光滑。 雌花常3朵簇生。殼斗皿形,高0.6-0.8 cm, 徑約1.6 cm,鱗片闊三角形,鱗片外面被 毛;堅果卵形至扁球形,長1.7-1.8 cm。 產中國、香港及臺灣。臺灣分布於南部大 武、尚武及壽卡等海拔400-700 m之低海拔闊 葉森林中。
大武石櫟 Lithocarpus harlandii (Hance) Rehd.
3. Lithocarpus harlandii (Hance) Rehd. Lithocarpus chiaratuangensis (J. C. Liao) J. C. Liao Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves oblong to lanceolate, 5.5-10.5 cm long, 1.5-4 cm broad, acuminate at apex, margins usually crenate or serrate form middle to tip, rarely wavy; glabrous beneath. Pistillate flowers usually 3-clustered. Cupules dish-shaped, 0.6-0.8 cm high, about 1.6 cm across, scales broadly triangular, hairy outside; nuts ovoid to compressed-globose , 1.7-1.8 cm long. Distributed in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taiwan, in broad-leaved forests at 400-700 m in the southern part. The species is found in places such as Tawu, Shangwu and Shouchia
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 4. 后大埔石櫟 常綠小喬木。葉長橢圓形至長倒卵形,長 9-14 cm,寬2.8-4.5 cm,先端突尖、漸尖或 短尾狀,前端鋸齒緣。殼斗倒圓錐形,徑約 3 cm,外被有許多三角形鱗片,呈覆瓦狀排 列;堅果半圓球形,長3.0-4.0 cm,寬2.2-3.0 cm,先端截形,為殼斗包被2/3以上。 產華南、華西及臺灣。臺灣分布於中南部、 東部中低海拔山區。多見於鳳岡山、大漢山 與尾寮山等地。
后大埔石櫟 Lithocarpus corneus (Lour.) Rehd.
4. Lithocarpus corneus (Lour.) Rehd. Small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves oblong to longobovate, 9-14 cm long, 2.8-4.5 cm broad, abruptly acute, acuminate or short caudate at apex, serrate near apex along margins. Cupules obconical, about 3 cm across, with numerous triangular scales, scales imbricate,; nuts obconic, 3.0-4.0 cm long, 2.2-3.0 cm broad, truncate at apex, cupules enclosing 2/3 of nut. Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, in forests at medium altitudes in the central and southern parts. The species is found in places such as Fengkangshan, Tahanshan and Weiliaoshan.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 5. 柳葉石櫟 常綠小喬木。葉披針形或長橢圓狀披針形, 長6-12 cm,寬1.1-2.5 cm,先端銳尖或鈍, 基部漸窄,全緣略反捲,網脈不明顯。殼斗 碟狀,鱗片三角形;堅果角錐形或近球形, 徑1.6 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布南部中低海拔山區,可見 於姑子崙山、大漢山及歸田等地。
柳葉石櫟 Lithocarpus dodonaeifolius (Hayata) Hayata
5. Lithocarpus dodonaeifolius (Hayata) Hayata Small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves lanceolate
Endemic. At mid to low altitudes in the southern part
or oblong- lanceolate, 6-12 cm long, 1.1-2.5 cm
of Taiwan. The species is found in places such as
broad, acute or obtuse at apex, attenuate at base;
Kutzulunshan, Tahanshan and Kueitien.
margin entire, somewhat revolute; reticulate veins unapparent. Cupules dish-shaped, scales triangular; nuts conical or near globose, 1.6 cm across.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 6. 臺灣石櫟 常綠小喬木。葉長橢圓狀倒卵形或狹倒卵 形,長5-10 cm,寬2.5-3 cm,先端圓或鈍, 稀銳尖,全緣略反捲。雌花2-3朵簇生。果幼 時2-3個簇生,僅1個成熟。殼斗碟狀,徑1.8 cm,鱗片三角形,被絨毛;堅果圓錐形,徑 約1.4 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布恆春半島低海拔山區,可 見於欖仁溪、出風鼻一帶山區。
臺灣石櫟 Lithocarpus formosanus (Skan) Hayata
6. Lithocarpus formosanus (Skan) Hayata Small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves oblong-obovate
Endemic. Taiwan, at low altitudes in the extreme
or narrow-obovate, 5-10 cm long, 2.5-3 cm broad,
southern part of the Hengchun Peninsula. The
rounded, obtuse or rarely acutish at apex; margins
species is found in places such as Lanjen Stream and
entire and somewhat recurved. Pistillate flowers 2-3
clustered. Young fruits 2-3 clustered, only 1 mature. Cupules dish-shaped, 1.8 cm across, with triangular, tomentose scales; nuts conic, 1.4 cm across.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 7. 子彈石櫟 常綠小喬木。葉長橢圓形至倒披針形,長 8-13 cm,寬3-4.3 cm,先端漸尖,基部楔 形,全緣或稀近先端鋸齒緣。殼斗淺皿狀, 徑約1 cm,鱗片覆瓦狀排列,有絨毛;堅果 卵狀。 產日本、中國及臺灣。臺灣分布於北部、中 部中低海拔山區,可見於深坑、直潭山、巴 陵、秀巒、惠蓀林場及凌霄殿等地。
子彈石櫟 Lithocarpus glaber (Thunb.) Nakai
7. Lithocarpus glaber (Thunb.) Nakai Small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves oblong to oblanceolate, 8-13 cm long, 3-4.3 cm broad, acuminate to apex, cuneate at base, margin entire or rarely serrate near apex. Cupules dish-like, about 1 cm across, with imbricate, tomentose scales; nuts ovoid. Distributed in Japan, mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, in forests in the central and northern parts, from medium to low altitudes. The species is found in places such as Shenkeng, Chihtanshan, Paling, Hsiuluan, Huisun Forest and Linghsiaotien.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 8. 硬斗柯 常綠中、小喬木。葉薄革質,長橢圓形、橢 圓形或卵形,長9-11 cm,寬3.3-4 cm,先端短 尾狀銳尖或漸尖,鈍或圓頭,基部鈍、銳尖 或向葉柄漸窄,全緣。殼斗碟狀,鱗片闊三 角形,排成6-8環,堅果球形略扁,徑約12-13 mm。 產中國及臺灣。臺灣普遍分布全島中低海拔 森林中。 【註】 硬斗柯在台灣包含2變種1型(品種):阿 里山三斗石櫟Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd. var. arisanensis (Hay.) Lu comb. nov. 、 三斗石櫟Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd. var. ternaticupulus (Hay.) Liao及 細葉三斗 石櫟Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd. var. ternaticupulus (Hay.) Liao form. subreticulata (Hay.) Lu comb. nov.
硬斗柯 Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd.
8. Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd. Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, elliptic or ovate, 9-11 cm long, 3.3-4 cm broad, short caudate or acuminate, obtuse or rounded at apex, obtuse, acute or attenuate at base; margins entire. Cupules dish-shaped, with broadly triangular scales, scales connate into 6-8 concentric rings. Nuts ellipsoid, 12-13 mm across. Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. In Taiwan, very common in forests from medium to low altitudes throughout the island.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 9. 短尾葉石櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝具5稜。葉橢圓形, 革質,長8-15 cm,寬2.6-6 cm,先端漸尖或 尾狀,基部楔形或圓,幾近全緣,前端略呈 波狀緣,下表面灰白色。殼斗無柄、碟狀, 高0.7-0.8 cm,寬2 cm,鱗片三角形,外被 絨毛;堅果倒卵狀球形,具白粉,長2-2.5 cm,寬1.5-2.4 cm。 產長江以南各省。臺灣普遍分布全島中低海 拔森林中,可見於福山、佳陽、大雪山林 道、蓮華池、日月潭、尚武及大武等地。
短尾葉石櫟 Lithocarpus brevicaudatus (Skan) Hayata
9. Lithocarpus brevicaudatus (Skan) Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
Distributed in southern mainland China and Taiwan.
5-angled. Leaves elliptic, coriaceous, 8-15 cm
Taiwan, very common in forest from medium to low
long, 2.6-6 cm broad, acuminate or caudate at apex,
altitudes throughout the island. The species is found
cuneate or rounded at base, nearly entire, somewhat
in places such as Fushan, Chiayang, Tahsuehshan
wavy toward apex, grayish-white beneath. Cupules
Forest Road, Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake, Shangwu
sessile, dish-shaped, 0.7-0.8 cm high, 2 cm across,
and Tawu.
scales triangular, tomentose outside; nuts broadly conic-globose, pruinose, 2-2.5 cm long, 1.5-2.4 cm across.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 10. 大葉石櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝具5稜。葉長橢圓至 倒卵形,長12-25 cm,寬5-7.2 cm,革質,近 前端常鋸齒緣,稀全緣,先端漸尖,基部楔 形;葉柄長2-5 cm。殼斗碟狀,徑2.2 cm, 高0.8 cm,鱗片闊三角形,覆瓦狀排列,堅 果無粉,倒卵狀球形,長2-2.6 cm,寬1.9-2.6 cm。 臺灣特有種。普遍分布全島中海拔森林中, 東部地區也可見於低海拔山區,可見於觀 霧、鞍馬山、力行產業道路、阿里山、中之 關、向陽、藤枝、太麻里、利嘉林道、慈恩 及思源啞口等地。
大葉石櫟 Lithocarpus kawakamii (Hayata) Hayata
10. Lithocarpus kawakamii (Hayata) Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets 5-angled. Leaves oblong to obovate, 12-25 cm long, 5-7.2 cm broad, coriaceous, usually serrate near apex, very rarely entire, acuminate at apex, cuneate at base; petioles 2-5 cm long. Cupules dish-shaped, 2.2 cm across, 0.8 cm high, the scales broadly triangular, imbricate; nuts obovoid-globose, 2-2.6 cm long, 1.92.6 cm across. Endemic. Very common in broad-leaved forests at medium altitudes, also at low elevations in eastern part of the island. The species is found in places such as Kuanwu, Anmashan, Lihsing Country Road, Alishan, Chungchihkuan, Hsiangyang, Tengchih, Taimali, Lichia Forest Road, Tzuen and Szuyanyako.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 11. 小西氏石櫟(油葉石櫟) 常綠小喬木。小枝纖細。葉長橢圓形至倒 卵形,長6-10 cm,寬2.3-3 cm,前半部鋸齒 緣,先端漸尖至尾狀,基部楔形至鈍,基 部常有星狀毛;葉柄長0.9-1.1 cm。殼斗淺 碟形,包被堅果不及一半,徑2.6 cm,鱗片 三角形,覆瓦狀排列,有絨毛;堅果多扁球 形,高3.0-4.2 cm,寬2.1-3.0 cm。 臺灣特有種。臺灣幾乎分布全島各地中低海 拔山區,但以中部地區為多,可見於埔里、 蓮華池、日月潭、惠蓀林場及扇平等地。
小西氏石櫟(油葉石櫟) Lithocarpus konishii (Hayata) Hayata
11. Lithocarpus konishii (Hayata) Hayata Small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets slender.
Endemic. Common in broad-leaved forests from
Leaves oblong to obovate, 6-10 cm long, 2.3-3 cm
medium to low altitudes, very common in the central
broad, serrate from middle toward apex, acuminate
parts of Taiwan. The species is found in places such
to caudate at apex, cuneate to obtuse at base, often
as Puli, Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake, Huisun Forest
stellate-hairy at base; petioles 0.9-1.1 cm long.
and Shanping.
Cupules shallowly dish-shaped, enclosing less than 1/2 of nut, 2.6 cm across, with imbricate, tomentose, triangular scales; nuts depressed rounded, 3.0-4.2 cm high, 2.1-3.0 cm across.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 12. 南投石櫟 常綠中喬木至大喬木。小枝光滑。葉披針 形至長橢圓狀卵形,長10-19 cm,寬3-4.5 cm,革質,全緣,先端尾狀至漸尖,基部楔 形至鈍,側脈纖細不明顯。殼斗漏斗狀,徑 12 mm,上部鱗片覆瓦狀排列,下部鱗片呈 環狀排列;堅果菱形狀,長約1.4-1.7 mm, 寬1.5-1.6 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布中南部中低海拔山區,可 見於守城大山、關刀山、小出山與蓮華池 等地。
南投石櫟 Lithocarpus nantoensis (Hayata) Hayata
12. Lithocarpus nantoensis (Hayata) Hayata Medium to large-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
Endemic. Taiwan, in mountains form low to
glabrous. Leaves lanceolate to oblong-ovate, 10-19
mid altitudes in central and southern parts of the
cm long, 3-4.5 cm broad, coriaceous, margins entire,
island. The species is found in places such as
caudate to acuminate at apex, cuneate to obtuse at
Shouchengtashan, Kuantaoshan, Hsiaochushan and
base, lateral veins indistinct. Cupules funnel-shaped,
1.2 cm across, scales imbricate in upper part, and united into concentric rings below; nuts rhomboid, 1.4-1.7 mm long, 1.5-1.6 cm across.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 13. 浸水營石櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉橢圓狀披針形至披針 形,長8-18 cm,寬1.5-5 cm,先端漸尖至尾 狀,基部楔形至鈍,全緣,下表面灰白色; 殼斗半圓球形,高約1.2 cm,徑約2 cm,緣 薄有角,包被堅果之半;堅果菱形狀,徑 1.8-2 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布大武至恒春半島低海拔山 區,可見於壽卡、牡丹、歸田、尚武及浸水 營等地。
浸水營石櫟 Lithocarpus shinsuiensis Hayata & Kanehira
13. Lithocarpus shinsuiensis Hayata & Kanehira Mediumor small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, 8-18 cm long, 1.55 cm broad, acuminate to caudate at apex, cuneate to obtuse at base, margins entire, grayish-white beneath; cupules hemispheric, 1.2 cm high, 2 cm across, enclosing half of nut; nuts rhomboid, 1.8-2 cm across. Endemic. Taiwan, in mountains from Tawu to Hengchun Peninsula. The species is found in places such as Shouchia, Mutan, Kueitien, Shangwu and Chihshuiying.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 14. 台東石櫟(菱果石櫟) 常綠中、小喬木。葉菱形、橢圓形至卵狀長 橢圓形,長6-14 cm,寬3-4 cm,革質,全 緣,先端漸尖,基部銳尖,中脈上表面平, 下表面突起。殼斗淺碟狀,鱗片排成2-3環, 堅果壓縮球形,徑約18 mm。 產大陸江南各省至華西。臺灣分布中部、南 部、東部及東北部中低海拔山區,可見於谷 關、裡冷林道、惠蓀林場、蓮華池、日月 潭、藤枝、太麻里、利嘉林道及南澳神祕湖 等地。
台東石櫟(菱果石櫟) Lithocarpus taitoensis (Hayata) Hayata
14. Lithocarpus taitoensis (Hayata) Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
Distributed in mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan,
rhombic, elliptic to ovate-oblong, 6-14 cm long, 3-4
in mountains from low to medium altitudes in central,
cm broad, coriaceous, margins entire, acuminate at
southern, eastern and northeastern parts. The species
apex, acute at base, midrib flattened above, prominent
is found in places such as Kukuan, Lileng Forest
beneath. Cupules dish-shaped, scales united into 2-3
Road, Huisun Forest, Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake,
concentric rings, nuts depressed-globose, 18 mm
Tengchih, Taimali, Lichia Forest Road and Shenmi
Lake (Nanao).
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
▓ QUERCUS 櫟屬 常綠或落葉小喬木至大喬木。雄花1或1至3朵簇生,而後排列成下垂之穗狀花序;雄蕊常6。雌 花單生,雌花由一總苞包被;柱頭寬扁或膨大成頭狀。 臺灣有19種。
種檢索表 1. 成熟葉下表面密被絨毛或星狀毛。 2. 葉披針形或橢圓狀披針形,先端漸尖或銳尖。 3. 葉下表面密被灰白色絨毛或星狀毛。 4. 葉窄於2.5 cm,側脈少於14對;殼斗鱗片魚鱗狀 .................................................8. 灰背櫟 4. 葉寬於3.5 cm,側脈多於15對;殼斗鱗片狹披針形 ...........................................18. 栓皮櫟 3. 葉下表面密被黃褐色星狀毛............................................................................................4. 赤皮 2. 葉倒卵形或長橢圓形,先端圓、鈍或突尖。 5. 葉寬於4.2 cm,葉基常耳狀、圓、鈍至楔形。 6. 葉具6-10對波浪形裂片 ................................................................................................3. 槲樹 6. 葉齒緣、圓鋸齒緣或波浪緣 ........................................................................................1. 槲櫟 5. 葉窄於3.8 cm,葉基不為耳狀,楔形 ................................................................. 2. 嶺南青剛櫟 1. 成熟葉下表面光滑或疏被毛。 7. 葉先端圓或鈍圓 .............................................................................................................. 15. 高山櫟 7. 先端尾狀、漸尖、或銳尖,稀鈍。 8. 葉下半部有鋸齒。 9. 葉下表面被白蠟質 ..................................................................................................16. 狹葉櫟 9. 葉下表面灰白色或綠色。 10.堅果圓球形 ................................................................................................7. 圓果青剛櫟 10.堅果卵形或橢圓形。 11. 葉側脈10對以下 .............................................................................................9. 錐果櫟 11. 葉側脈10對以上。
12.葉柄短於0.7 cm;葉基耳狀 ................................................................. 5. 短柄枹櫟 12.葉柄長於0.9 cm;葉基不為耳狀。 13.葉下表面有毛;第1側脈直達葉緣 ................................................16. 狹葉櫟 13.葉下表面光滑;第1側脈不達葉緣 .................................................... 11. 黑櫟 8. 葉下半部全緣。 14. 殼斗被金黃色絨毛,邊緣呈極不規則波浪形至平 ...........................................12. 捲斗櫟 14. 殼斗被灰白色絨毛,邊緣平。 15.葉下表面綠色。 16.葉柄短於0.7 cm。 17.葉全緣或近先端處鋸齒緣,基部銳尖至鈍 ..........................................14. 毽子櫟 17.葉上半部銳鋸齒緣,基部心形、圓至鈍圓 ......................................17. 太魯閣櫟 16.葉柄長於0.9 cm。 18.葉基銳尖;葉柄短於1.6 cm .....................................................................9. 錐果櫟 18.葉基鈍、圓或略心形 19.葉柄長於1.8 cm ................................................................................... 10. 赤柯 19.葉柄短於1.7 cm ...........................................................................19. 塔塔加櫟 15.葉下表面灰白色。 20. 葉全緣、波狀緣或先端有齒緣;殼斗具5-7環鱗片 .................................... 13. 波葉櫟 20.葉鋸齒緣至全緣;殼斗具7-10環鱗片。 21.殼斗高於1.3 cm;葉倒披針形或倒卵形 .................................................6. 青剛櫟 21.殼斗低於1 cm;葉披針形或橢圓狀披針形 ............................................9. 錐果櫟
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
▓ QUERCUS L. Small to large-sized evergreen or deciduous trees. Male flowers solitary or 1-3 clustered in pendulous spikes; stamens usually 6. Pistillate flowers solitary in an involucres; stigmas broad flat or enlarged capitates. Nineteen species in Taiwan.
Key to species and varieties 1. Mature leaves densely tomentose or stellate-hairy beneath 2. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate; acuminate or acute at apex. 3. Densely grayish-white, tomentose or stellate hairy beneath. 4. Leaves less than 2.5 cm broad, lateral veins less than 14 pairs; cupule sacles like fish scales..................... ........................................................................................................................................... 8. Q. hypophaea 4. Leaves more than 3.5 cm broad, lateral veins more than 15 pairs; cupule scales narrow-lanceolate........... ............................................................................................................................................ 18. Q. variabilis 3. Densely yellowish brown-stellate-hairy beneath.............................................................................4. Q. gilva 2. Leaves obovate or oblong; rounded, obtuse or abruptly acute at apex. 5. Leaves more than 4.2 cm broad; often auriculate or rounded, obtuse to cuneate at base. 6. Leaves with 6-10 wavy lobes on each side............................................................................. 3. Q. dentata 6. Leaves margins dentate, rounded-crenate or waves...................................................................1. Q. aliena 5. Leaves less than 3.8 cm broad; cuneate at base, not auriculate............................................ 2. Q. championii 1. Mature leaves glabrous or sparsely pubescent beneath. 7. Leaves obtuse or rounded at apex................................................................................................. 15. Q. spinosa 7. Leaves caudate, acuminate or acute at apex, rarely obtuse. 8. Lower part of leaf margins serrate. 9. Leaves white-waxy beneath.................................................................................................. 16. Q. salicina 9. Leaves grayish-white or green beneath. 10. Nuts globose.................................................................................................................... 7. Q. globosa 10. Nuts ovoid or ellipsoid. 11. Lateral veins less than 10 pairs................................................................................ 9. Q. longinux 11. Lateral veins more than 10 pairs.
12. Petioles less than 0.7 cm; auriculate at leaf base.................. 5. Q. serrata var. brevipetiolata 12. Petioles more than 0.9 cm; not auriculate at leaf base. 13. Leaves tomentose beneath; first lateral veins ending at margin................... 16. Q. salicina 13. Leaves glabrous beneath; first lateral veins not ending at margin........11. Q. myrsinifolia 8.Lower part of leaf margins entire. 14. Cupules with brown-golden tomentum outside, fringe flattened to very irregularly wavy........................ ...................................................................................................................................... 12. Q. pachyloma 14. Cupules with grayish-white tomentum outside, fringe flattened. 15. Leaves green beneath. 16. Petioles less than 0.7 cm. 17. Leaves margins entire or serrate near apex; acute to obtuse at base............14. Q. sessilifolia 17. Leaves margins serrate from middle to toward apex; rounded, obtuse or cordate at base....... ....................................................................................................................17. Q. tarokoensis 16. Petioles more than 0.9 cm. 18. Leaves acute at base; petioles less than 1.6 cm................................................ 9. Q. longinux 18. Leaves obtuse, rounded or cordate at base. 19. Petioles more than 1.8 cm ..............................................................................10. Q. morii 19. Petioles less than 1.7 cm ...................................................................... 19. Q. tatakaensis 15. Leaves grayish-white beneath. 20. Leaves margins entire, usually wavy, occasionally dentate toward apex; cupules with 5-7 concentric ring of scales....................................................................................... 13. Q. repandifolia 20. Leaves margins roughly serrate or entire; cupules with 7-10 concentric ring of scales. 21. Cupules more than 1.3 cm high; leaves oblanceolate or obovate........................ 6. Q. glauca 21. Cupules less than 1 cm high; leaves lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate............. 9. Q. longinux
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 1. 槲櫟 落葉小喬木。幼枝被灰褐色毛,隨後光滑。 葉革質,闊倒卵形至長橢圓形,先端鈍或突 尖,基部鈍或耳狀,齒緣,下表面灰白色並 密被星狀毛。殼斗淺盤狀,鱗片三角形,堅 果橢圓形,長1.7-2.5 cm。 產中國、韓國、日本及臺灣。臺灣僅分布於 新竹近海岸一帶坡地,可見於新豐鄉坑子口 海拔100m的坡地。
槲ćŤ&#x; Quercus aliena Bl.
1. Quercus aliena Bl. Small-sized deciduous trees. Young branchlets
Distributed in mainland China, Koera, Japan and
garyish-brown-hairy, becoming glabrescent later.
Taiwan. Taiwan, found only at Hsinfeng Township,
Leaves coriaceous, broad-obovate to oblong, obtuse
Hinshu County.
or abruptly acute at apex, obtuse or auriculate at base, dentate, grayish-white and densely stellatehairy beneath. Cupules shallowly dish-shaped, with triangular, imbricate scales. Nuts ellipsoid, 1.7-2.5 cm long.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 2. 嶺南青剛櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝密被黃褐色星狀絨 毛。葉倒卵形至長橢圓形,厚革質,先端銳 尖或圓鈍,基部楔形,全緣、略波狀或細圓 齒緣;葉柄密被絨毛。殼斗鱗片6-7圈,外被 絨毛。 產大陸華南。臺灣分布南部及東部中低海拔 山區,可見於浸水營,歸田,恆春半島壽 卡、牡丹、南仁山、高士及海岸山脈東河至 成功一帶。
嶺南青剛櫟 Quercus championii Benth.
2. Quercus championii Benth. Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets yellowish-brown-hairy. Leaves obovate to oblong, thickly coriaceous, acute or obtusely rounded at apex, cuneate at base, margins nearly entire or slightly wavy, crenulate and somewhat recurved; petioles densely tomentose. Cupules with 6-7 concentric rings, tomentose outside. Distributed in southern mainland China. Taiwan, on mountains at low to middle altitudes in the southern and eastern parts of the island. The species is found in places such as Chihshuiying, Kueitien, Shouchia, Mutan, Nanjenshan, Kaoshih and Coastal Mountain Ridge Tunghe to Chenggong.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 3. 槲樹 落葉小喬木。幼枝被淡黃褐色毛。葉倒卵 形,先端鈍,基部圓至楔形,或成耳狀,葉 緣深裂成圓齒緣,下表面被棕色星狀毛。 殼斗碗狀,鱗片多數,褐色,披針形,略 反捲。 產蒙古、中國大陸、韓國、日本及臺灣。臺 灣分布於台中及屏東低海拔地區,可見於新 社及屏東大武山區。
槲樚 Quercus dentata Thunb.
3. Quercus dentata Thunb. Small-sized deciduous trees. Young branchlets light yellowish-brown hairy. Leaves obovate, obtuse at apex, rounded to cuneate, or auriculate at base, margins deeply cleft or crenate; brown-stellate hairy beneath. Cupules bowl-shaped, scales numerous, brownish, lanceolate, slightly recurved. Distributed in Mongolia, mainland China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, found at low elevations in Hsinshe, Taichung County and Dawushan, Pingtung County.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 4. 赤皮 常綠中喬木。小枝被黃褐色星狀毛。葉披針 形或闊披針形,先端突尖,基部楔形,前半 部銳鋸齒緣,上表面深綠色,下表面密被黃 褐色星狀毛。殼斗杯狀,鱗片成6-8環,外被 黃褐色絨毛。 產日本、中國大陸及臺灣。臺灣分布於北 部、中部及東部等低中海拔山區,可見於李 棟山、大鹿林道、蓮華池及赤柯山等地。
辤皎 Quercus gilva Bl.
4. Quercus gilva Bl. Medium-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets with yellowish-brown stellate hairs. Leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, abruptly acute at apex, cuneate at base, margins serrate from middle toward apex, deep green above, densely yellowish-stellate-hairy beneath. Cupules cup-like, scales in 6-8 concentric rings, yellowish-brown-tomentose outside. Distributed in Japan, mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, on mountains at middle-low altitudes in the northern, central and eastern parts of the island. The species is found in places such as Litungshan, Talu Forest Road, Lienhuachih and Chikeshan.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 5. 短柄枹櫟(思茅櫧櫟) 落葉小喬木。葉於小枝上略叢生,闊倒卵 形、倒卵形、長倒卵形、橢圓形至闊披針 形,革質,先端短銳尖或漸尖,基部呈耳 狀,葉緣有向內彎曲的鋸齒。殼斗鱗片覆瓦 狀排列,殼斗杯狀,堅果卵至長卵形。
產中國大陸及臺灣。臺灣分布於台中縣海 拔650-1,900m山區,可見於東卯山及德芙蘭 步道。
短柄枹櫟(思茅櫧櫟) Quercus serrata Thunb. var. brevipetiolata (A. DC.) Nakai
5. Quercus serrata Thunb. var. brevipetiolata (A. DC.) Nakai Small-sized deciduous trees. Leaves somewhat clustered on branchlets, broadly obovate, obovate, long-obovate, elliptic to broadly lanceolate, coriaceous, short-acute or acuminate at apex, auriculate at base, with incurved teeth. Cupules cup-shaped, with imbricate scales; nuts ovoid to long-ovoid.
Very common in mainland China. Taiwan, in mountains at the altitudes of 650-1,900 m in Taichung County. The species is found in places such as Dongmaoshan and Tefulan Trail.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 6. 青剛櫟 常綠小喬木。幼葉與幼枝被灰白色絹毛。葉 革質,倒卵狀長橢圓形、長橢圓形或長橢圓 狀卵形,先端尾狀漸尖,基部楔形或銳尖, 上半部銳鋸齒緣,下表面灰白色;葉柄長1-3 cm。殼斗被薄毛,具7-10環鱗片,被灰白色 絨毛。堅果長橢圓形。
產印度至中國、韓國、日本、琉球及臺灣。 臺灣普遍分布全島低海拔地區森林中。 【註】本種堅果先端常具同心輪痕。
青剛櫟 Quercus glauca Thunb. ex Murray
6. Quercus glauca Thunb. ex Murray Small-sized evergreen trees. Young leaves and
Distributed from India to mainland China, Korea,
young branchlets with whitish silky hairs. Leaves
Japan, the Ryukyus and Taiwan. Taiwan, very
coriaceous, obovate-oblong, oblong or oblong-
common in forests at low altitudes.
ovate, caudate-acuminate at apex, cuneate or acute at base, serrate toward apex at margins, grayish-white beneath; petioles 1-3 cm long. Cupules silky-hairy outside, scales in 7-10 concentric rings. Nuts oblongglobose
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 7. 圓果青剛櫟 常綠小喬木。小枝光滑。葉革質,卵形、卵 狀長橢圓形至長橢圓形,先端銳尖或漸尖具 突尖頭,基部圓至鈍尖,鈍鋸齒緣。殼斗鱗 片7-11環,鱗片被灰色毛。堅果球形,徑1.2 cm。 臺灣特有種。分布於北部、中部、南部及東 部低海拔山區森林中,多見於惠蓀林場、谷 關、佳保台、谷園至洛韶等地。 【註】本種葉形似青剛櫟(Q. glauca),但本種 葉緣具鈍鋸齒,可區別之。本種堅果先端 常具同心輪痕。
圓果青剛櫟 Quercus globosa (Lin & Liu) Liao
7. Quercus globosa (Lin & Liu) Liao Small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, ovate, ovate-oblong to oblong; acute, acuminate or abruptly acute at apex, obtuse or rounded at base, margins obtuse serrate toward apex. Cupules scales in 7-11 concentric rings, graytomentose; nuts globose, 1.2 cm across. Endemic, from northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan, usually in forest at low altitudes, common in central part. The species is found in places such as Huisun Forest, Kukuan, Chiapaotai and Kuyuan to Lochao.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 8. 灰背櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉革質,長橢圓狀至披針 形,先端漸尖或銳尖,基部楔形或銳尖, 全緣,下表面被灰色伏絨毛;葉柄長0.4-0.7 cm。殼斗具8-11環鱗片。堅果球形至橢圓 形,表面有絹毛。 臺灣特有種。主要分布於台東縣山區,少量 分布於恆春半島低海拔森林中,可見於利 嘉、大武、尚武、安朔、富里至成功之新港 山等地。
灰背櫟 Quercus hypophaea Hayata
8. Quercus hypophaea Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
Endemic. Mainly in mountains in Taitung County,
coriaceous, oblong to lanceloate, acuminate or
and some in forests at low altitudes of Hengchun
acute at apex, cuneate or acute at base, entire, gray-
Peninsula. The species is found in places such as
appressed-tomentose beneath; petioles 0.4-0.7 cm.
Lichia, Tawu, Shangwu, Anshuoh and Hsinkangshan
Cupules scales in 8-11 concentric rings; nuts globose
(between Fuli to Chenggong).
to ellipsoid, sericeous.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 9. 錐果櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝光滑;幼葉被白色綿 毛。葉革質,披針形、長橢圓狀披針形或長 橢圓形,先端漸尖或尾狀,基部銳尖,全 緣,或前端細鋸齒或鋸齒緣,下表面灰白 色;葉柄長1-2.3 cm。殼斗鐘狀,殼斗具7-10 環鱗片。堅果卵形。 臺灣特有種。分布中北部低中海拔山區森林 中,可見於拉拉山、四陵、李棟山及大鹿林 道等地。 【註】郭氏錐果櫟Quercus longinux Hayata var. kuoi (Liao) Shen為其變種,其葉背無白 粉,堅果橢圓形。分布於花東及恆春半 島,可見於南仁山、高士、太麻里、利嘉 林道、赤柯山、都蘭山及新港山等地。
錐果櫟 Quercus longinux Hayata
9. Quercus longinux Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets glabrous; young leaves white-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, lanceloate, oblong-lanceolate or oblong, acuminate or caudate at apex, acute at base, margins entire or serrulate to serrate toward apex, grayishwhite beneath; petioles 1-2.3 cm long. Cupules bellshaped, scales in 7-10 concentric rings. Nuts ovoid. Endemic, from central northern Taiwan, usually in forests at low to medium altitudes. The species is found in places such as Lalashan, Siling, Litungshan ▲錐果櫟
and Talu Forest Road.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 10. 赤柯 常綠中、大喬木。小枝光滑。葉革質,長橢 圓形至倒卵形,先端漸尖,基部鈍,前半部 鋸齒緣,下表面幼時有黃褐色柔毛,成熟時 光滑有光澤;葉柄長2-3 cm。殼斗被黃褐色 絨毛,具7-10環鱗片。堅果球形至橢圓形。 臺灣特有種。分布全島中海拔山區森林中, 常居第一層樹冠層,可見於觀霧、鞍馬山、 梅峰至翠峰、阿里山及太平山等地。
辤ć&#x;Ż Quercus morii Hayata
10. Quercus morii Hayata Medium to large-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
Endemic, in forests of mid-altitudinal mountains
glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, oblong to obovate,
throughout the island, often standing as first layer
acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, serrate from middle
canopy. The species is found in places such as
toward apex, lustrous and puberulent beneath when
Kuanwu, Anmashan, Meifeng to Tsuifeng, Alishan
young, becoming glabrous later; petioles 2-3 cm long.
and Taipingshan.
Cupules yellowish-brown-tomentose, with scales in 7-10 concentric rings. Nuts globose to ellipsoid.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 11. 黑櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝光滑。葉紙質,披針 形、長橢圓狀披針形至闊卵狀長橢圓形,先 端漸尖,基部鈍至圓,前半部鋸齒緣,下表 面灰白色;葉柄長約2 cm。殼斗半球形,具 6-8環鱗片,外被白色柔毛,堅果卵形。 產日本及臺灣。根據臺灣植物誌(1996)記 載臺灣僅分布於宜蘭三星山。 【註】筆者未見臺灣產的標本,圖片之標本採自 日本。日本本州所見之黑櫟,其枝條黑褐 色為其辨識特徵。
éť‘ćŤ&#x; Quercus myrsinifolia Bl.
11. Quercus myrsinifolia Bl. Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Young branchlets glabrous. Leaves chartaceous, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to broadly ovate-oblong, acuminate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, serrate from middle to apex, grayish-white beneath; petioles about 2 cm long. Cupules hemispheric, scales in 6-8 concentric rings, white-tomentose outside, nuts ovoid. Distributed in Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, previously recorded in Flora of Taiwan (1996) only at Sanhsinishan, Ilan County.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 12. 捲斗櫟 常綠中、小喬木。小枝與幼葉被紫色或金黃 色綿毛,老枝光滑。葉革質,披針形或長橢 圓狀倒卵形至長橢圓形,先端漸尖或銳尖, 基部銳尖、楔形或歪斜,全緣或前端疏齒 緣,下表面淡灰白色;葉柄長1-3 cm。殼斗 邊緣呈不規則波狀或平,殼斗熟時邊緣展 開,具8-10環鱗片,被金黃色絨毛。 產中國大陸華南。臺灣主要分布中部及大武 至恆春半島低海拔山區,北部較少,可見於 蓮華池、日月潭、南仁山、高士佛、壽卡、 歸田、尚武及雙連埤等地。
捲斗櫟 Quercus pachyloma O. Seem
12. Quercus pachyloma O. Seem Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Young branchlets and leaves violet- or yellowish-haired, glabrescent. Leaves coriaceous, lanceolate or oblongobovate to oblong, acuminate or acute at apex, acute, cuneate or oblique at base, entire or loosely serrate near apex, grayish-white beneath; petioles 1-3 cm. Cupules with irregularly wavy or flattened rim, scales in 8-10 concentric rings, golden-yellow-tomentose outside. Distributed in southern mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, in low-altitudinal mountains of central parts and Dawu to Hengchun Peninsula, and rarely found in northern parts.. The species is found in places such as Lienhuachih, Sun Moon Lake, Nanjenshan, Kaoshihfo, Shouchia, Kueitien, Shangwu and Shuanglienpi.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 13. 波葉櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉革質,長橢圓形、卵形 至披針形,近全緣,常呈波狀緣,前端偶爾 為齒緣,下表面略呈灰白色;葉柄長1.8-3.8 cm。殼斗具5-7環鱗片。 臺灣特有種。分布南部浸水營一帶森林中, 可見於大漢山至姑子崙山、歸田及壽卡 等地。 【註】本種結實率相當低。
波葉櫟 Quercus repandifolia Liao
13. Quercus repandifolia Liao Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, ovate to lanceolate, nearly entire, usually wavy, occasionally dentate near apex, grayish-white beneath; petioles 1.8-3.8 cm long. Cupules with 5-7 concentric rings of scales. Endemic, from southern part of the island, found only in the forests around Chihshuiying,. The species is found in places such as Tahanshan to Kutzulunshan, Kueitien and Shouchia.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 14. 毽子櫟
14. Quercus sessilifolia Bl.
常綠中、小喬木。葉叢生於小枝頂端,革 質,長橢圓狀倒卵形至長橢圓形,先端銳 尖,基部鈍,近全緣;葉柄長0.5-0.6 cm。殼 斗被絨毛,具9-10環鱗片,堅果橢圓形,長 1.7-2.4cm。
Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
產中國、日本南方及臺灣。臺灣分布全島低 至中海拔山區森林中,毽子櫟其垂直分布一 般較赤柯低,可見於大屯山、七星山、五指 山、北插天山、拉拉山、大鹿林道、姑子崙 山、大漢山及太平山等地。
clustered at apex of brachlets, coriaceous, oblongobovate to oblong, acute at apex, obtuse at base, margins almost entire; petioles 0.5-0.6 cm. Cupules tomentosee outside, scales in 9-10 concentric rings, nuts ellipsoid, 1.7-2.4 cm long. Distributed in Southern China, Southern Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, at low- to mid-altitudinal mountains throughout the island. The species is found in places such as Tatunshan, Chihsingshan, Wuchihshan, Peichatienshan, Lalashan, Talu Forest Road, Kutzulunshan, Tahanshan and Taipingshan.
毽子櫟 Quercus sessilifolia Bl.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 15. 高山櫟
15. Quercus spinosa David ex Franch
常綠中、小喬木。小枝被星狀絨毛。葉革 質,長橢圓形或長橢圓狀卵形,先端鈍或 圓,基部鈍、圓或心形,全緣、銳齒緣或具 刺,葉面凹凸不平,中脈後半段被褐色星狀 毛;葉柄長0.3-0.5 cm,密被褐色星狀毛。殼 斗碗狀,鱗片小,呈三角形,覆瓦狀排列, 堅果卵形。
Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Branchlets
產緬甸、中國及臺灣。臺灣分布於全島高海 拔山區,可見於南湖大山、七卡至三六九山 莊、大禹嶺、落鷹山莊、關原、金馬隧道至 合歡山、玉山及北大武山等地。
stellate-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or oblong-ovate, obtuse or rounded at apex, obtuse, rounded or cordate at base; margins entire, serrate or spiny; surfaces undulate, unflattened; midribs brownstellate-tomentose at base; petioles 0.3-0.5 cm long, densely brown-stellate-tomentose. Cupules bowlshaped, scales small, triangular, imbricate; nuts ovate. Distributed in Myanmar, mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan, usually in mountains at high altitudes. The species is found at places such as Nanhutashan, Chichia to Sanliuchiu Shelter, Tayuling, Loying Shelter, Kuanyuan, Chinma Tunnel to Hohuanshan, Yushan and Peitawushan.
高山櫟 Quercus spinosa David ex Franch
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 16. 狹葉櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉革質,呈披針形至卵狀 長橢圓形,先端漸尖,基部銳尖至鈍,銳鋸 齒緣,下表面常灰白和被毛。堅果長1.5-2 cm,卵形或橢圓形,殼斗外密生黃褐色毛, 具8-9環鱗片。 產日本。臺灣主要分布全島中海拔山區森林 中,可見於石碇、梨山、大禹嶺、梅峰、阿 里山、中之關、大漢山、向陽及慈恩等地。 【註】筆者建議日本及臺灣之狹葉櫟學名宜合併 處理。
狹葉櫟 Quercus salicina Bl.
16. Quercus salicina Bl. Quercus stenophylloides Hayata Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves coriaceous, lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse at base, margins echinateserrate, grayish-white and pubescent beneath. Nuts 1.5-2 cm long, ovate or ellipsoid; cupule scales in 8-9 concentric rings, yellowish-brown pubescent outside. Distributed in Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, usually in forests at middle altitudes. The species is found in places such as Shihting, Lishan, Tayuling, Meifeng, Alishan, Chungchihkuan, Tahanshan, Hsiangyang and Tzuen.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 17. 太魯閣櫟 常綠小喬木。小枝被褐色星狀毛。葉革質, 卵形、長橢圓形或橢圓形,先端銳尖,基部 鈍或心形,常前半部銳鋸齒緣,下表面中脈 被絨毛;葉柄長0.1-0.3 cm,被絨毛。殼斗杯 形,徑7 mm,殼斗被絨毛,鱗片三角形,堅 果先端有小尖頭。 臺灣特有種。分布南部與花蓮、台東等低至 中海拔山區,可見於霧台、阿禮、天龍橋、 嘉寶、富里石門、太魯閣、天祥、洛韶及和 平林道等地。
太魯閣櫟 Quercus tarokoensis Hayata
17. Quercus tarokoensis Hayata Small-sized evergreen trees. Young branchlets brown-stellate-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, ovate, oblong or elliptic, acute at apex, obtuse or cordate at base, echinate-serrulate toward apex at margins, midribs pubescence beneath; petioles 0.10.3 cm long, pubescent. Cupules cup-shaped, 7 mm across, tomentose, scales triangular, nuts with small acrocephaly at apex. Endemic. At low to mid elevations in the southern and eastern parts of this island. The species is found in places such as Wutai, Ali, Tienlung Bridge, Chiapao, Shekmun (Fuli Township), Tailuko, Tienhsang, Lochao and Hoping Forest Road.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 18. 栓皮櫟 落葉中、小喬木。小枝略光滑。葉革質,長 橢圓狀卵形至闊披針形,先端漸尖,基部鈍 或圓,鈍鋸齒緣,下表面灰白色,被星狀短 毛;葉柄長1.0-2.9 cm。殼斗鱗片披針形或針 形,反捲。堅果橢圓形,稀球形。 產中國、韓國、日本及臺灣。臺灣分布全島 中低海拔山區森林中,可見於思源啞口、梨 山、霧社、盧山、清境農場、洛韶及豁然亭 等地。
栓皮櫟 Quercus variabilis Bl.
18. Quercus variabilis Bl. Medium or small-sized deciduous trees. Young branchlets somewhat glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate, acuminate at apex, obtuse or rounded at base, margins obtusely serrate, grayish–white and stellate-tomentose beneath; petioles 1.0-2.9 cm. Cupules scales lanceolate or needle-like, recurved. Nuts ellipsoid or rarely globose. Distributed in mainland China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, found in forests at mid to low altitudes throughout the island. The species is found in places such as Ssuyuanyakou, Lishan, Wushe, Lushan, Chingching Farm, Lochao and Huojanting.
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 19. 塔塔加櫟 常綠中、小喬木。葉革質,卵形至披針形, 長6.5-16 cm,寬2.7-6.2 cm,先端銳形至漸 尖,基部圓鈍或略心形,全緣或具少數芒尖 鋸齒緣,側脈7-16對,兩面光滑,葉下表面 綠色;葉柄長0.9-1.7 cm。雄花被內側被毛。 殼斗杯形,徑約1 cm,高0.8 cm,被灰白色 絨毛;堅果長橢圓形,長2.2cm。 特產臺灣中海拔山區。可見於鎮西堡、青 山、裡冷林道、武陵、梨山、志遠莊、大禹 嶺、關原、慈恩、塔塔加及清水山等地。 【註】1940年Masamune根據採自清水山的模 式標本發表Quercus tatakaensis Tomiya var. rugosa Masamune, in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 30(202):341.1940。廖日京教 授1991年於其著作「台灣殼斗科植物之 學名訂正」將其提升為種Quercus rugosa (Masamune) Liao。但因Quercus rugosa (Masamune) Liao (1991)為產於墨西哥、美 國的Quercus rugosa Née (1801) 之後出同 名,故不宜使用。
塔塔加櫟 Quercus tatakaensis Tomiya
19. Quercus tatakaensis Tomiya Medium or small-sized evergreen trees. Leaves
Endemic. Usually growing at mid altitudes
coriaceous, ovate to lanceolate, 6.5-16 cm long, 2.7-
throughout the island. The species is found in places
6.2 cm broad, acute to acuminate at apex, round-
such as Chenhsipao, Chingshan, Lileng Forest
obtuse or slightly cordate at base, margins entire
Road, Wuling, Lishan, Chihyuanchuang, Tayuling,
or few aristate-serrate, lateral veins 7-16 pairs,
Kuanyuan, Tzuen, Tatachia and Chingshuishan.
glabrous on both sides, green beneath; petioles 0.61.7 cm long. Perianth of staminate flowers pubescent inside. Cupules cup-shaped, 8 mm high, 1 cm across, grayish-white-tomentose outside, nuts elongateellipsoid, 2.2 cm long.
Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan
國家圖書館出版品預行編目資料 台灣橡實森林博覽會 =Acor n Forest Exposition of Taiwan / 呂勝由 , 楊智凱 , 吳維修等編著 . -- 初版 . -- 臺北市 : 農委會林試所 , 民 101 面 ; 公分 . 參考書目 : 面 含索引 ISBN 957-01-8444-2 ( 平裝 ) 1. 食用植物 2. 經濟植物學 374 93018233
博覽會 Acorn Forest Exposition of Taiwan 發 行 人:黃裕星 策
美術編輯:Vdesign視覺設計中心 / 李佩倫‧周德文 出版單位:行政院農業委員會林業試驗所 10066台北市中正區南海路53號 電話:(02)2303-9978 傳真:(02)2314-2234 網址:http://www.tfri.gov.tw 印
刷:財團法人台北市私立勝利身心障礙潛能發展中心 電話:(02)2325-8576
出版日期:中華民國一○一年十二月 定
Publisher/ Y. Star Huang Chief Editor/ Yen-Chang Chen, Wen-Liang Chiou Writer/ Sheng-You Lu, Chih-Kai Yang, Wei-Hsiu Wu, Hui-Ting Hsieh Photography/ Sheng-You Lu Illustration/ Vivian Yu, Yi-Jyun Pan Art Editor/ Vdesign/ Pei-Lun Lee, Te-Wen Chou Published / Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
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Printer/ Victory Printing Co., Ltd. (+886) 2 2325-8576 Published in December 2012 Price/ NT200 ISBN:
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