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GCFFA Honorary
I was elected to the board in 1989 after participating in the Hillbilly Wedding for Gillespie County’s 100th Fair Celebration and served until 2013. Shortly after joining the board,
the Fair Association began the process of supporting live pari-mutuel racing. I had the privilege of working alongside members of the organization to build the foundation for live racing in Gillespie County, something I am truly proud to have been a part of.
During my tenure, I served as Stall Superintendent, General Manager of Racing, and worked the starting gate during racing events. I also held other offices such as Secretary, Vice President, and President (’94-’95). Other areas of service include sitting on the Executive Board, Long Range Planning Committee, Country Peddler Committee, Easter Fires Chairman for the 125th Celebration, and the V+50 Committee in honor of WWII. My most cherished service, however, was being a part of the LABC, and serving out my time on the board with this group of men.
Being a member of the Fair Association afforded me the opportunity to meet some truly incredible and influential people over the years. However, none more important than the relationships that were built with fellow association members. Friends that have truly become family.
I want to thank the community for their support of the Fair Association, without which the organization would not exist. Most of all, my heart goes out to my family; Vicki, Megan, Eugene, Chenoa and Alexis, who put in 25+ years alongside me, supporting me and the organization. They each did so then and they, along with their families, continue to do so today.
Thank you for this honor and God Bless!
The 134th Gillespie County Fair is dedicated in part to Ruben Sagebiel, Jr., and Honorary Lifetime Director who has served on the fair board for 28 years.
Ruben joined the board in 1986 and was named Honorary Lifetime Director in 2013. He served as president in 2007. Ruben was on the Executive Board for 2½ years. During his time, he has served as Chair and/or Co-chair of the Agriculture, Home Skills, Grounds, Sheep and Concessions committees.
Ruben participated in several improvement projects to the grounds, such as an addition to the
show barn, permanent food court, pavilion barn, and improvements to the exhibition hall.
His two children, Kristi and Travis, helped run race pictures and picked up tickets. Away from the fair duties he stays busy overseeing cattle and doing carpentry. He makes the best BBQ for family reunions.
The Directors of the 134th Gillespie County Fair are honored to recognize Ruben Sagebiel, Jr. for his hard work, dedication, and support to the Gillespie County Fair Grounds.

3 President’s Welcome 4 GCFFA Honorary 6 More Than A Queen 8 Fair Being Prepped for 2022 10 A Weekend of Tradition, Celebration 12 Floatin’ Down Main 14 David Lee Murphy Headlines Concerts 15 Scholarship Fest Set for September 24 15 2022 Scholarship Recipients 16 Fair Horse Racing 17 Night In Old Fredericksburg 18 Gillespie County Royalty 20 Royalty Through the Decades 21 Meier Honored for Years of Service 22 Ready To Bet? 24 GCFFA Directors 25 GCFFA Ladies Auxiliary 26 Rules & Regulations
Honorary Lifetime Members
Directors who served on the board for 16 or more years. Compilation is from 1905 to present and includes living and deceased members.
F.W. Arhelger Alfred Basse Dennis Behrends Lee Roy Behrends Jimmy Bernhard Cody Beyer Elmer Bierschwale Max Bierschwale Jr. William Bierschwale Kenneth Bonn Melvin Bonn Wallace Britton Wayne Brydson Dr. Charles Burg Otto H. Burgdorf R.M. Burrier Curtis Cameron Kenneth Cornehl Linvill Crenwelge Marvin Crenwelge Scott Crenwelge Lee DeLong Fred Dietel Lewis Dodd Larry Duecker Carey Durst Garrett Durst Jerry Durst Bryan Eckhardt Chad Eckhardt Gilbert Eckhardt Keven Eckhardt Steve Eckhardt Albert Ellebracht Stanley Ernst Ronald E. Ersch Alex Frantzen H.P. Gartrell R.T. Gliddon August R. Gold George Grobe Henry Grote L. Hagen Michael Hartmann Russell Hartmann Elgin Heimann Walton Heimann Otto Henke Allen Herbort Henry Hirsch Jerry Icke Daniel Jacoby Andrew Jenschke William Jordan Myron Jost Eric Juenke Frederick Jung Milton Jung Gilbert Kaderli Donald Klein Mike Klein Belton Klinksiek Henry A. Kneese Adolph Kott Romney Kowert Greg Knopp Jacob Kraus James Kraus Edward Krauskopf Oscar Krauskopf Victor Krauskopf Arthur Kuenemann Gary Kunz Patrick Kunz Henry Laughlin Richard Laughlin Walter E. Loudon Jr. Kenneth Maner Werner Moehr Greg Mohr Charles Morris Charles H. Nimitz Rudy Olfers Guenther Ottmers Jr. Troy Ottmers Wallace Ottmers Leroy Pehl Ed Peter William Petmecky Jason Priess M.F. Pyka Sr. Mark Raab Gordon Ransleben Wilbert Ransleben Felix Reinbach William Roeder Brian Roeder Ed Ruegner Michael Sagebiel Robert (Henry) Sagebiel Ruben Sagebiel Jr. Victor G. Sagebiel Rodney Sauer Bryon Schaetter Dorman Schmidt Brad Schneider Charles Schumann Charles Schwarz Wilbert Seipp Otto Spaeth Scott Staudt Richard Stehling Jr. Frank Stein E.W. Stroeher Roy Stroeher Edward R. Stroeher Brian Sultemeier Alfred Van der Stucken Dale Vestal Dan Vestal C.E. Wahrmund James R. Wahrmund Max Wahrmund Otto Wahrmund Calvin Weinheimer Leon Welgehausen William Weyrich Eugene Whitehead Korey Zenner Zachary Zenner