City Parks Offer Variety of Camping, Day Use Amenities
Playgrounds can be found throughout the city limits, including at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, Old Fair Park, Marktplatz, Frantzen Park and the Elementary School Park.
Standard-Radio Post file photo
Just three miles from downtown attractions, the 150-acre Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park is the crown jewel of the City of Fredericksburg’s parks system and provides a recreational getaway for locals and visitors, alike.
nature lovers a chance to get up close and personal with the natural habitat.
Each of the five outdoor pavilions is available on a first-come firstserved basis or by reservation.
Information about the facilities and reservation opportunities is available from the City of For vacationers who enjoy fishing, Fredericksburg’s website at There is no admission charge for the park offers a 17-acre lake and entering the park located southwest plenty of spots to wet a line. Motor Overnight camping of town on Texas 16 South. boats, however, are prohibited, as Camping under the stars is Some rules and regulations may are trotlines and swimming. available at the park, which be modified due to the COVID-19 Elsewhere in the park, there are accommodates RVs and tents. pandemic, but most of baseball and softball fields, a sand Fredericksburg’s parks are still In all, there are 90 RV spaces volleyball court, an outdoor available to be enjoyed. available for travel trailers with 30basketball court, a seasonal 50 amp electrical hookups, water swimming pool (with kiddie pool to Day use activities and sewer, cable TV, wireless the side) and tennis courts. Internet and shade trees. Daytime visitors to Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park can use Rental facilities Rates are $52 per night, $312 per picnic tables (available on a firstweek and $607 per month Visitors who plan large come first-served basis) and four (available Sept. 1-March 31 only). gatherings may want to look into playgrounds at no charge to using one of the park’s five large Campers who want to tent camp accommodate those just wanting to outdoor covered pavilions or one of pay $10 per night. All campers must get away from it all for a couple of three indoor sites, including the check in at the park office to receive hours. Tatsch House, the Cardinal Room at a camping permit. Three free nature trails that take the golf course clubhouse or the hikers across Live Oak Creek give spacious Pioneer Pavilion.
The pathways were established by the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center.