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redericksburg Standard No. 31 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

County Youths Prep Exhibits For Stock Expo

EXTENSION AGENTS Jim Kamas, left, and Andrew Labay niques and the prevention of Pierce’s Disease, a bacterial infeccheck vines at the Texas A&M Pierce’s Disease Research Facil- tion spread by a native insect, the glassy-winged sharpshooter. ity, located at 259 Business Court. Work done by staff at the - Standard-Radio Post Photo facility helps peach and grape growers with management tech-

Grape Research Facility In Danger With federal and state funding drying up like the Texas drought, one local agricultural research facility, an important resource for growers, could be a victim of the budget axe. The Texas A&M Pierce’s Disease Research Facility faces an uncertain future, and its staff is working to find federal dol-

lars to continue their work. “Our budget has been zeroed out as of March 31,” said Jim Kamas, assistant professor and fruit specialist with the Texas AgriLife Extension Service. “They located this facility here because Pierce’s Disease is native here and the insects that spread it are native, so a

lot of questions about the disease can be answered through our research.” The Pierce’s Disease facility currently has a staff of five that splits time between its field plots, laboratory work and educational programs for growers. In its eight years, the operation has been beneficial to local

growers, having spearheaded development of a management system for grape growers that includes vine removal, strengthening varieties and low-toxicity insecticides. Monies from the program also go to support four other research teams and their staffs around Cont. on page A10

Local exhibitors are busy this week with last-minute grooming and exercise routines in preparation for the 2012 Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Auction Thursday through Saturday. Set for the Gillespie County Fair Grounds, the show marks the culmination of months of early-morning and after-school care of livestock projects for 325 youths from Gillespie County 4-H Clubs and Fredericksburg and Harper FFA members. After the local show, a large number of exhibitors will be competing in the Hill Country District Livestock Show in Kerrville Jan. 17-21. Stock shows throughout the state will draw exhibitors to Fort Worth, Jan. 13-Feb. 4; San Antonio, Feb. 9-26; San Angelo, Feb. 11-26; Houston Feb. 28-March 18, and Austin, March 9-24. For others however, the Gillespie County show is the only one in which they will be par-

ticipating. The 2012 stock show is dedicated to the late LaVerne Ottmers and the late Scott Fields. They were remembered on Monday night at the appreciation barbecue for buyers held at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds, and plaques were presented to their family members. (More information on the contributions of the two individuals as well as a listing of the trophy and awards donors, committee members and a schedule can be found elsewhere in this issue of the newspaper.) Entries Once again, a large number of entries are expected for the 2012 show from Gillespie County 4-Hers and Fredericksburg and Harper FFA members. For the county show, 325 youth will be exhibiting 745 animals. From the Gillespie County 4-H, 287 exhibitors will be showing 45 market steers, 105 market lambs, 172 meat goats, 159 marCont. on page A2

4-H Chefs Challenging State’s Best

A Gillespie County team has qualified for the State 4-H Food Challenge in June after finishing first at the district contest last week. Finishing first in the Senior Breads and Cereals division and earning the right to advance were Sierra Dryer, Amy Heimann, Bethany Heimann and Mattie Lastovica. The state contest will be held in June at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. The four coeds were among 28 youth from Gillespie County who Cont. on page A3

City, County Lawmen On Lookout For Church Office Robbery Suspect

Artist’s sketch of suspect sought in church robbery

Fredericksburg and area law enforcement officers are on the lookout today for a robbery suspect who allegedly brandished a knife here Monday morning, demanding money from a local church employee. According to Lt. Bob Bertelson, criminal investigator with the Fredericksburg Police Department, word of the incident first came when the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Building dispatcher received a 9-1-1 call around 8 a.m. from an employee at Memorial Presbyterian Church, 607 North Milam, that there was an attempted robbery underway there. Bertelson reported that, once FPD patrolmen arrived on the scene within a minute or so, the employee told them that, shortly after arriving for work, she had heard the office door chime sound. The employee reported that it was then that she was confronted by a white male -- clean-shaven with long hair, small of stature and in his 30s wearing a knit cap and fatigue jacket -- who branCont. on page A3

Panel Gives Report On New Jail When it comes to designing a new jail, county officials should concentrate on premium quality, future technology capabilities, public safety and more, according to an update Monday from the Gillespie County Proposed Jail Facility Committee. Speaking on behalf of the group, Gloria Barrera of Vanir Construction Management, Inc. outlined for Gillespie County Commissioners’ Court members the committee’s findings that came following a series of end-of-year meetings and visits to outof-county detention facilities. Meeting initially on Nov. 24, the group set out

to assess the county’s needs for a new jail structure, taking into account projections of the local population and costs to house local prisoners in out-of-county facilities as well as requirements of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. “The facilities committee has spent a lot of time lately in county jails,” Ms. Barrera said, noting that the group has toured county jails in Blanco, Bandera and Kerr counties as well as doing a walk-through of the current Gillespie County Jail as part of its research. Then, over a two-day span on Dec. 5-6, the Cont. on page A3

Inside •2012 Gillespie County Youth Stock Show dedicated to Scott Fields, LaVerne Ottmers -- D1 •FHS health occupations students take alcohol use message to eight graders -- A9 •County commissioners pave way for credit card payment option at courthouse -- A10 •Trustees hear report Monday night from auditor giving FISD financials “thumbs up’-- A2 •Special white-tailed deer season ending Sunday, turkey hunting still ahead -- A2 •’Gli Unici -- The Tenors’ performing in concert Sunday at Methodist Church -- C4 •Trophy donors step up to reward youth stock show winners here this weekend at fair grounds -- D7 •’2011: The Final Chapter’ looks back at some of last year’s headline-making news -- C1 •2011 Gillespie County property tax payment deadline only three weeks away -- A10

Weather Jan. 4-10, 2012 Rainfall This Week ...................... 0.51 Rainfall for January...................... 0.51 Rainfall for 2012........................... 0.51 Normal For Date ......................... 0.68 Same Date Last Year ................. 0.79 Low – Jan. 4................................... 33 High – Jan. 6 ................................. 71 For real-time weather information, go online to:

•’myGuardianAngel’ app created by Fredericksburg resident for those in harm’s way -- A11 •City’s rabies clinic nearing Jan. 28, Feb. 4 -- A4

High Low Rain Wednesday 63 33 Thursday 67 35 Friday 71 42 Saturday 65 39 Sunday 59 46 0.36 Monday 59 37 0.15 Tuesday 54 35 Total Rain 0.51 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

PREPARATION TIME -- Eight-year-old Joel Helfrich, a member of the Willow Creek 4-H Club, grooms a pair of pigs -- “Bruiser” and “Stiffy” -- as he gets them ready for the weekend’s

annual Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Auction. The event is slated for the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. - Standard-Radio Post Photo by Danny Hirt

Two-Pool Option Favored Council Due Committee Report In Support Of Town, Park Facilities Local youths could have a newly restored Town Pool facility to look forward to as early as next year if recommendations of a City of Fredericksburg Citizens’ Pool Committee are approved by voters in May. Although complete details of the committee’s work will not be released before the next city council meeting Monday evening, sources within the committee said that the recommendation will include two pools located at the existing Town Pool and Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool locations. Pool committee members gathered at City Hall Jan. 3 to approve their recommendation, which is said to cost between $3 million and $3.5 million. Previous city efforts to develop a new swimming

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pool facility at the park through a $3.2 million bond were defeated by voters in May 2011 by a 1,140-366 margin. Also on Monday’s council agenda will be a discussion about pool resurfacing options at the park pool. Councilmen had discussed approving a low bid from Atlantis Pool in Abilene at their Jan. 3 meeting but opted to wait until after the pool committee’s recommendation. Currently, Town Pool has significant structure damage and is unusable for the 2012 summer season, City Director of Parks and Recreation Jimmy Alexander said. The pool, located across from Fredericksburg Cont. on page A4

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Livestock Disaster Program Deadline Nearing On Jan. 30 elk, emus, equine, goats, llamas, poultry, reindeer, sheep and swine. During the 2011 crop year, all Texas counties met the LFP trigger requirements for a three-month payment for native pasture, improved pasture and forage sorghum. Eligible ranchers and livestock producers have until Jan. 30 to apply for LFP benefits. Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP): ELAP provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farmraised fish who have losses due to disease, adverse weather or other conditions, including losses due to blizzards and wildfires that occurred before Oct. 1, 2011. ELAP assistance is for losses not covered under other disaster assistance programs established by the 2008 Farm Bill. Producers who experienced livestock death losses must file a notice of loss 30 days after the loss is apparent, but no later than Dec. 29, 2011. Producers who suffered livestock grazing and feed losses must have filed a notice of loss no later than Oct. 31, 2011, and have until Jan. 30, 2012, to

Two-Pool Middle School, closed three weeks early in 2010 due to a substantial leak in a two-inch galvanized water main and has not reopened since. Despite the closure of Town Pool, overall pool attendance rose in 2011, with total pool attendance for the month of July reported at 4,581 customers -- up nearly 12 percent from July 2010 numbers when 4,036 customers swam at Park Pool and Town Pool. Pool Survey Results In the Market Research Report dated Nov. 1, results from the pool committee’s survey of local residents about options for Fredericksburg’s swimming pool facilities showed nearly equal division among residents on one or two pool options. Of the 5,886 surveys -- including more than 300 in Spanish -- 1,193 were returned, representing 19 percent of the total

Food Handler’s Course Set Here In English, Spanish A new food handler’s course accredited by the Texas Department of State Health Services is being offered in Fredericksburg by Texas AgriLife Extension Service. “Food Safety: It’s In Your Hands” will be offered by Texas AgriLife Extension, Gillespie County. The course will be offered in English on Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. and in Spanish twice on Jan. 26 starting at 9 a.m. and at 2 p.m. at the Extension Office, located at 95 Frederick Road. To register, call the Gillespie County Extension Office at 9973452. The cost is $20 per person and must be paid in full before the course begins. This two-hour course is recommended for all food service employees to help promote the service of safe food. The course is a basic overview of food safety practices that are necessary to ensure that safe food is served at local establishments. Practices discussed include good personal hygiene, cross contamination and time and temperature abuse. There is also an online course in English and Spanish that individuals may participate in. The website for the online course is http://foodsafetyonline.

RLD Computers & more! 501 W. Main, Ste. 109A Fredericksburg, TX 78624 830-285-3118 6309.30-33

surveys sent out. City residents represented 82 percent of those surveyed, with 65 percent of those surveyed voting in the last city election. On average, more than 50 percent of survey respondents had never used either pool facility. When asked “How many pools does Fredericksburg need?”, 48 percent of responses indicated one pool, while 45 percent said two pools. Twenty-six percent of responses indicated renovating both pools as the most-preferred option, while 20 percent wanted one new and improved pool. Sixteen percent requested one new pool with no extras, and 14 percent wanted both pools repaired to a usable state. Fifty-eight percent of responses said that building two new pools was the least-preferred option. In terms of location, 62 percent of responses indicated that walking distance (½-mile from the center of town) was best, with 25 percent preferring a short driving distance (2-3 miles from town center) and 13 percent choosing biking distance (1-2 miles from town center). Pool Issue History City leaders began the process of examining the future of municipal pool facilities in late2010 after the Town Pool facility across from Fredericksburg Middle School was shut down early in the summer that year due to drainage issues. Although the city council approved a preliminary plan to restore Town Pool for $1.3 million on Jan. 18, plans changed in early February when the city

submit an application for payment for livestock death losses and livestock grazing and feed losses. Program Requirements: In order to qualify for LFP and ELAP, the applicant must have purchased insurance coverage through FSA’s Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) or the Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance-Rainfall Index for Grazing (PRF-RI) program offered through the Risk Management Agency (RMA). Producers who meet the requirements of a socially disadvantaged, limited resource, or beginning farmer or rancher do not have to meet the Risk Management Purchase Requirement (RMPR). Program applicants should note that certain payment limitation and adjusted gross income eligibility requirements must be met in order to qualify for LFP and ELAP. More information on FSA’s livestock disaster assistance programs is available by contacting the Gillespie-KendallBlanco County USDA Service Center at 997-3453, ext. 2. Information about the program can also be obtained online by visiting http://www.fsa.usda. gov.

AS PART of the weekend’s First Friday Art Walk observance, featured artist for the month of January at the Fredericksburg Art Guild, Melissa Starry, left, discusses an old science book

she altered by adding recent photographs she’d taken at South Padre Island. With the photographer are Marion and Gordon Loucks. -- StandardRadio Post Photo

Rabies Clinics Coming Up

In City on Jan. 28, Feb. 4

Fredericksburg’s 2012 Rabies Vaccination Clinics have been scheduled on back-to-back Saturdays, Jan. 28 and Feb. 4. Each of the two clinics will run from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the City of Fredericksburg Consolidated Warehouse, located on Friendship Drive, behind Fredericksburg High School. Vaccine fees by veterinarians Curtis Eckhardt and Daniel Cont. from A1 Fritz for both dogs and cats will agreed to a one-pool option with be $6 per animal. resources being allocated at the larger Park Pool site. After briefly examining the possibility of a site at Old Fair Park, city councilmen agreed on a $3.2 million swimming pool facility at Lady Bird Johnson Victory Fellowship will host Municipal Park, though those special guest speaker Jerry efforts were rejected by voters. Savelle on Jan. 28, starting at The city council had placed the 6 p.m. bond issue on the ballot after The next day -- Sunday, Jan. several local citizens collected 29 -- the church will hosts its signatures for a petition to force second annual Chili Cook-Off an election on the matter. and Salsa Competition at 1 p.m., Opponents of the bond effort following the second service in argued that $3.2 million did not the fellowship hall. indicate the real cost of the pool Participation in the chili cookproject, which they said would off is open to the public. have risen to as much as $5 milThe deadline to sign up for the lion with interest. cook-off is Jan. 25. Entry forms A special committee made up are available from the church’s of 33 local citizens was formed internet website: www.victoryin July to examine the pool situation and make a recomMore information is available mendation on the future of pool by calling 997-9717. facilities in Fredericksburg to Victory Fellowship is located the council. at 414 East College Street.

Victory Fellowship Hosting Jerry Savelle, Chili/Salsa Cook-Off

The Gillespie Animal Clinic and Fredericksburg Veterinary Hospital are cooperating with the city by discounting their regular rabies vaccination fees in an effort to encourage residents of the county to have their pets vaccinated. In addition, other vaccines -including rattlesnake and Bordetella shots -- will be offered also at discounted rates. Also at the clinic, municipal personnel will be on hand to issue annual City of Fredericksburg license tags for both dogs and cats belonging to pet owners living inside city limits. Cost for the city license renewable annually is $5 per neutered or spayed animal and $10 for a dog or cat not neutered or spayed. A lifetime license for a spayed/neutered pet is available for $25. Pet owners planning to take advantage of the discounted vaccination rates offered during the clinics are reminded that all dogs and cats brought to the clinic must be restrained by either a leash or in a carrier. Pets must also be at least three months old in order to receive inoculations.

Rural rabies vaccination clinics are being planned in Harper, Willow City, Doss and Stonewall and those dates will be published as they near.

Republicans Plan Dinner Meeting, Forum Jan. 26 The Gillespie County Republicans’ quarterly dinner meeting will be held Jan. 26 at the Hermann Sons Lodge, located at 1109 S. Adams. The evening will begin with a social at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Cost to attend is $25 per person, which includes $5 for membership. The meeting will host a candidate forum for all local, county and district contested races. The audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. Reservations may be made with Jeanie Pehl at 644-2341 or at by Jan. 20.

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Conspirare we sing journeys JOBY TALBOT’S PATH OF MIRACLES THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 7:30 PM ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 307 W. SAN ANTONIO ST. Grammy®-nominated professional choir Conspirare sings new choral music with a Renaissance sound, by British classical and film composer Joby Talbot. Inspired by the famous Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, Path of Miracles is a fantastic musical journey through medieval Spain – and to deep places of the soul. Promotional partner Co-sponsored by Seton Cove.

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Eligible ranchers and livestock producers who had livestock losses or grazing losses during the 2011 crop year are reminded that the deadline for applying for benefits under the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) is Jan. 30. “It is imperative that producer’s meet the deadline for disaster assistance as there are no late filed provisions for LFP and ELAP,” according to Ricky Neffendorf, county executive director of the Gillespie-Kendall-Blanco County USDA Farm Service Agency. “To ensure a smooth application process, producers should have all required supporting documentation with them at the time they apply for benefits,” he said. Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP): LFP provides payments to eligible livestock producers who have suffered livestock grazing losses due to qualifying drought or fire that occurred before Oct. 1, 2011. Fire losses apply only to federally managed rangeland. Eligible livestock under LFP include beef cattle, alpacas, buffalo, beefalo, dairy cattle, deer,

902 S. Adams St.




redericksburg Standard No. 32 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Buyers Shell Out Big Bucks At Saturday Sale For Stock Show Entries

LOOKING FOR A HIGHER BID, show ring spotter Lin Winfrey In all, 316 animal units went on the auction block where scans a fair grounds exhibition hall crowd during Saturday buyers offered a total of $477,000 to top last year’s event by afternoon’s 2012 Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Sale. $12,000. - Standard-Radio Post Photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

After Seven-Year Hold, Utility Rates Given Increase

City of Fredericksburg residents will soon see increases in water, sewer and garbage bills after city councilmen passed utility rate hikes during their regular meeting Monday. After seven years without a rate increase, city customers will now be seeing boosts in all four utilities following an electric rate hike in November. Combining the increases in electric, water, sewer and garbage rates, the average City of Fredericksburg customer who utilizes all four services will see his or her bill rise Cont. on page A4

‘Hounds’ Polishing Stones Into Gems For Rock Lovers Whether it is to shop for jewelry, learn more about rocks and fossils or watch demonstrations, the 43rd Annual Hill Country Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show offers a variety of activities on Saturday and Sunday. Set for Pioneer Pavilion in Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, the two-day event will again feature exhibits and demonstrations. Cont. on page A10

Buyers dug deep here Saturday during the 2012 Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Sale, paying $477,000 to local youths -- $12,000 more than a year ago. “The success of the sale was a lot better than we anticipated,” Donnie Reeh, president of the Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show Association, said. “Due to the economy being such as it is, we were scared we wouldn’t even meet what we did last year,” he admitted. “But it was amazing. The sale started out strong and held strong throughout.” He added that he was “very proud of the community and I’m very thankful to the community. I think $477,000 is a very bold statement that they support the youth in agriculture in this community.” “I spoke with a few people who have not previously been involved with our kids in agriculture but who were out there this year,” Reeh said. “They were amazed with the politeness and the honesty of our kids.” He added that those spectators were impressed with how the youths conducted themselves in and out of the show ring. “It was a great compliment to our youth,” Reeh said. The 2012 total of $477,000 not only topped last year’s sum of Cont. on page A5

Color, Winner Photos On Pages C1, D1, D8-11

Public Hearings Scheduled For Two-Pool Work Project Plans for revitalized facilities at both Town Pool and Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool were presented to the Fredericksburg City Council Monday evening by a City of Fredericksburg Citizens’ Pool Committee. Two public hearings on the committee’s recommendations have been set for local citizens to voice their opinions on the recommendations. The first meeting is slated for Monday evening at 7 p.m., with an afternoon session planned Jan. 30 beginning at 4 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center. “I am very impressed with the results (of the pool committee’s work) and look forward to the future construction of new pool facilities for our citizens,” Mayor Tom Musselman said. “The committee did extensive research, utilized a citizen

survey, had many meetings, discussions and productive debate and used the results to come to some thoughtful conclusions for a viable plan for our community.” Two-Pool Plan Utilizing existing sites at both the Town Pool and Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park locations, the pool committee proposed a two-pool plan to meet Fredericksburg’s swimming needs. A redeveloped Town Pool site would include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-foot-diameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. The proposal also requests the closure of Schubert Street between Adams and Crockett for additional parking and to develop a more parkCont. on page A2

Councilman Recall Petition Being Circulated -- page A3

Youths Exhibit 752 Entries

327 Showmen Parade Prize Stock By Judges At County Expo

Inside and out, it was a great weekend for the Annual Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Auction. The animals were washed, dried and groomed to perfection and their young handlers were dressed in their best stock show clothes when they stepped into the show ring inside the Show Barn and in front of the auctioneer in the Exhibition Hall at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. And outside, the weather couldn’t have been more agree-

able. The 2012 Gillespie County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Auction Thursday through Saturday drew 327 exhibitors from the Gillespie County 4-H and Fredericksburg and Harper FFA showing 752 animals. From the Gillespie County 4-H, 287 exhibitors exhibited 45 market steers, 105 market lambs, 172 meat goats, 159 market swine, seven registered heifers, 34 registered Angora goats, 85 broilers, 43 turkeys

and one breeding sheep. Twenty-nine Fredericksburg FFA members showed 67 animals, including 20 swine, 11 meat goats, 12 lambs, eight Angora goats, two broilers, six turkeys and eight steers. Also, 11 Harper FFA members exhibited 34 entries, including seven meat goats, nine lambs, 15 swine, one heifer and two steers. “This year’s show was excellent,” said Donnie Reeh, presiCont. on page A8

RATHER THAN A HANDSHAKE, Hill Country 4-H member Autumn Kirchner offers a hug to Colton Fritz, Fredericksburg FFA, whose Southdown had just been declared a breed champion. - Standard Radio Post Photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

Officials Wondering: ‘When Do We Vote?’

“SMILE, ‘RAIDER’!” – Lainey Bourgeois, 16-year-old daughter of Jeff and Dawn Bourgeois, poses “Raider” for a photo Friday after he was named Grand Champion Steer of the Gillespie

An unresolved legal battle in Austin, San Antonio and Washington, DC over redistricting maps has political party members in Fredericksburg as well as other parts of Texas wondering just when will 2012 primaries actually take place? Originally scheduled for March 6, this year’s political primaries were delayed last month until April 3 when ongoing legal machinations over redistricting could not be brought to a close. Now, if the redistricting debate continues much further, some speculate that the primaries may even have to be reset again, perhaps as late as June 26. Meanwhile, faced with the possibility raised last week that the state’s primaries may actually be delayed a second time, Texas Republicans and Democrats are growing increasingly concerned that they’ll lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased convention expenses and be faced with needing to postpone their state conventions. The problem for Texas is that, since delegates to national conventions are chosen during state conventions from congressional and senatorial districts, that process cannot move forward until redistricting maps have been approved. (The Texas Republican Party’s state convention has been set for June 7-9 in Fort Worth, while the Democrats are due to gather June 8-9 in Houston. Meanwhile, national party conventions are set to begin Aug. 27 in Tampa, FL, for the GOP, and Democrats are scheduled to meet Sept. 3-6 in Charlotte, NC.) County 4-H and FFA Livestock Show. Earlier, “We’re just hoping that we’ll hear something very soon,” Lucy the black exotic was also named breed cham- (Jeanie) Pehl, Gillespie County Republican County chairman, said pion for the Fredericksburg High School junior. Monday, adding that local party officials are also waiting for word – Standard-Radio Post Photo Cont. on page A10

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Inside •Grammy-nominated “Conspirare” performing here Thursday -- A2 •Redistricting holding up voter registration certificate mailings -- A12 •Billie girls, boys fighting for position in district basketball standings -- B1 •Sixteen HOSA students qualify for state competition - A3 •Second generation of lawyers join Bryla, Schoessow family firm -- A6 •Boys’ soccer team opens season with tournament championship -- B1

Weather Jan. 11-17, 2012 Rainfall This Week ...................... 0.00 Rainfall for January...................... 0.51 Rainfall for 2012........................... 0.51 Normal For Date ......................... 1.03 Same Date Last Year ................. 1.24 Low – Jan. 13 ................................ 26 High – Jan. 11................................ 75 For real-time weather information, go online to:

High Low Rain Wednesday 75 32 Thursday 44 29 Friday 56 26 Saturday 67 29 Sunday 61 48 Monday 67 53 Tuesday 67 31 Total Rain 0.00 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

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‘Path Of Miracles’ Features Conspirare In Concert Thursday At St. Mary’s A special concert, “Path of Miracles”, featuring the fivetime Grammy-nominated professional choir Conspirare will be presented in Fredericksburg, tomorrow, Thursday. Hosted by the Fredericksburg Friends of Conspirare and the Fredericksburg Music Club, the concert will take place at St. Mary’s Catholic Church beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and are available by calling 512-4745664 or online by visiting CONCEPTUAL DRAWINGS for redeveloped day night as part of the City of Fredericksburg In addition, tickets are availfacilities at Town Pool (above) and Lady Bird Citizens’ Pool Committee’s recommendations. able at Bierschwale-Rees InsurJohnson Municipal Park Pool (below) were pre- Estimates to replace both existing pools range ance, located at 1105 North sented to the Fredericksburg City Council Mon- from $3.1 million to $4 million. Llano Street. Tickets will also be available at the church on Thursday evening. At the concert, Conspirare will be performing the southwestern U.S. premiere of “Path of Miracles” by British classical and film composer Joby Talbot. This mystical marvel -- a mix of Renaissance-style polyphony and Far Eastern echoes -was inspired by the journey of medieval pilgrims on Spain’s Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James), a route that still inspires thousands of seekers each year. The work’s movements, including “Roncesvalles”, “Burgos”, Leon” and “Santiago”, are titled for the four main staging posts of the Camino Frances, the route’s central axis. Conspirare artistic director Craig Hella Johnson said, “All of us at Conspirare are so Cont. from A1 pleased to be returning to Fredericksburg for this upcoming When asked “How many pools Park, city councilmen agreed on concert.” like atmosphere at Town Pool. Reutilization of most of the does Fredericksburg need?”, 48 a $3.2 million swimming pool “In recent concerts, the wonexisting Park Pool is proposed percent of responses indicated Cont. on A3 derful audiences and many to help develop a new eight-lane one pool, while 45 percent said lap pool adjacent to a separate two pools. Twenty-six percent of responsyouth play area and zero entry es indicated renovating both beach. A separate tot pool identical to pools as the most-preferred the one recommended at Town option, while 20 percent wanted Pool would be included as well one new and improved pool. Sixas new bathhouse facilities, teen percent requested one new a concessions area and a new pool with no extras, and 14 perunderground mechanical area cent wanted both pools repaired to a usable state. to minimize visual impact. Fifty-eight percent of responsConstruction Cost Reflected in the presentation es said that building two new were large differences between pools was the least-preferred estimated costs to construct the option. In terms of location, 62 pernew swim facilities. Preliminary estimates from cent of responses indicated that former city consultants Aquatic walking distance (½-mile from Excellence and Kimley-Horn the center of town) was best, indicated project costs at Town with 25 percent preferring a Pool of around $1.5 million and short driving distance (2-3 miles costs at Park Pool ranging from from town center) and 13 percent choosing biking distance $2.1-$2.5 million. However, the pool commit- (1-2 miles from town center). Pool Issue History tee countered with their own City leaders began the proprojections, estimating Town Pool could be constructed for cess of examining the future of $1,287,583 and Park Pool for municipal pool facilities in late2010 after the Town Pool facil$1,838,141. Committee member David ity across from Fredericksburg Bullion explained that the Middle School was shut down design subcommittee trimmed early in the summer that year the consultants’ estimated costs due to drainage issues. Although the city council by reducing the size of each bathhouse from 800 square feet approved a preliminary plan to to 500 square feet and reducing restore Town Pool for $1.3 million on Jan. 18, plans changed estimated construction costs. Previous city efforts to develop in early February when the city a new swimming pool facility at agreed to a one-pool option with the park through a $3.2 million resources being allocated at the bond were defeated by voters larger Park Pool site. After briefly examining the in May 2011 by a 1,140-366 possibility of a site at Old Fair margin. Pool Resurfacing In order to keep Park Pool Fredericksburg open for the 2012 swim season, Standard councilmen approved a bid for Radio Post pool resurfacing work by Atlan(USPS 209-080) tis Pool in Abilene for $33,854. (ISSN 87559331) Pool Survey Results Published Weekly by the In the Market Research Report Fredericksburg dated Nov. 1, results from the Publishing Co, Inc. pool committee’s survey of 712 W. Main St. local residents about options P.O. Box 1639 for Fredericksburg’s swimming Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 pool facilities showed nearly 830-997-2155 • Fax 830-990-0036 equal division among residents Website: Subscription Rates: on one or two pool options. Gillespie and adjoining counties, Of the 5,886 surveys -- includ$34.00 per year; 3 years, $99.00. ing more than 300 in Spanish All other areas in Texas, $38.00 -- 1,193 were returned, repreper year; 3 years, $111.00. senting 19 percent of the total Outside Texas, $39.00 per year; surveys sent out. 3 years, $114.00. City residents represented 82 Periodical postage paid at percent of those surveyed, with Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 POSTMASTER: Send address 65 percent of those surveyed changes to FREDERICKSBURG voting in the last city election. STANDARD-RADIO POST, On average, more than 50 perP.O. Box 1639 cent of survey respondents had Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 never used either pool facility.


0000 $

friends have made us feel that Fredericksburg is like a second home for us,” Johnson said. “I’m so grateful for these invitations and for those who are supporting our music.” He added, “This upcoming concert promises to be an extraordinary experience, and I am eager to share this great piece with our friends in Fredericksburg.” The concert will also be performed three times in Austin Jan. 20-22. “Path of Miracles” was commissioned by the British choral ensemble Tenebrae, who premiered and recorded it in 2005. The recording was released in 2006 by Signum Classics. The Camino is also the setting for the October 2011 feature film, “The Way”, starring Martin Sheen as an accidental pilgrim whose unplanned trek changes his life in unexpected and profound ways. Talbot grew up in London and studied composition at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He was composer/arranger for the British group The Divine Comedy, with which he performed as keyboardist, and served as resident composer for Classic FM. In addition to concert works for orchestra, soloists and vocal ensembles, Talbot also composes for the big and small screen with credits including “The League of Gentlemen” and “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. His music has been performed by the London Sinfonietta, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Brunel Ensemble, Evelyn Glennie and Duke Quartet, among many others.


5 95 99 5



Advertising Index Section/page

A Agave Realty........................ E4 Allen Keller Company............ F7 Amish Market....................... A8 Artisans............................... C2 Atwell, Blake...................... A13 B Bar O Bar Ranches Inc..........D7 Bella Vita Ranch................... C4 Billies Support Page.............. B4 Boerne Dodge...................... B6 Brent’s Custom Odd Jobs .E1, F9 Brentwood Oaks................... E5 Bridal Registry...................... C3 Brown Hearing Centers.......... A2 Business Center....................D3 C Capital Farm Credit............... E1 Catfish Haven.......................D4 Catholic Life Insurance.......... A6 Cecil Atkission.................... A14 Century 21 Sunset Realtors.... E4 Church Directory...................D6 Church of Christ................... C3 Class. Business Directory.F11-14 Clegg, Stephen, DDS............. B5 Coldwell Banker-Heart of Hills.E4 Cornerstone Properties.......... E1 Crossroads........................... B3 Culligan...............................D5 D Davis Bonding Co............ C3, F9 Diamond K Construction........ C6 Dittmar Lumber.................... F7 DR Welding.......................... F7 E Edward Jones....................... A6 Exit Realty........................... E2 F Farm & Ranch Construction....D7 First Baptist Church...............D4 F.I.S.D................................. C5 F.I.S.D. Community Ed.......... A4 Five Star Wireless.................D7 Fonder Chiropractic............... B2 Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier...... A12 Fredericksburg Acupuncture. A10 Fredericksburg Dance Club..... A4 Fredericksburg Metal Recycling.F7 Fredericksburg Realty............ E4 Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post......................... C2, C6 Fredericksburg Trade Days... TV3 Fredericksburg Youth Baseball.B6 Friendly Natives.................. A12 Fritztown Rattlers.................. A3 G Golden Hub.......................... C3 Gold Rush............................ A9 Grape Creek Construction...... F7 H Hartcraft Dirt........................ F7 Herber Real Estate................ E3 Heritage Realty..................... E4 Hester Window Coverings...... C3 Highland Oaks Apts............... E5 Hill Country Home Center.... D12 Hill Country Memorial Hospital.C3 Hondo’s .............................. B3 H&R Block............................ A6 Hypnosis.............................. B2 I Immel Motors..................... TV1 IPI Investment Professionals.. A7 J Jones Ranch Realty............... E4 K Keller Williams Realty............ E1 Kerr Land Company............... E1 Kerrville Mattress Gallery..... A11 Kevin Kramer Construction..... F7 KNAF-KFAN Radio Station....... C6 Kneese Companies................ F8 Knopp Retirement Home........D5 Kovar, Lance, DDS................ C4 Kowert Real Estate................ E3 L LandTx................................ E4 Lazy S Western Wear............ A5 Legal Notices...................... F10 Lone Star Pump Service......... F7 Longhorn Land..................... E4 LPL Financial...................... A10 Luckenbach, Texas................ B3 M Madlyn’s.............................. C2 Mahaley’s Café..................... A4 Main Streets of TX Mortgage.. A7 Moore’s Home Furnishings.A3, A8 N New Sound Hearing Aids........D5 Nixon Real Estate.................. E3 O Obituaries............................D4 Odeon Theater............ TV2, TV4 P Paige House.........................D5 Pasta Bella........................... C1 Pat’s Hall........................... A12 Peach Basket.................A5, TV2 Peach Tree Tea Room.......... A10 Peterson Regional Medical.... A13 Property Management Svcs.... E5 R Rabies Vaccination Clinic........ C5 Ratliff Auto..................... B2, B5 R&C Construction.................. A6 RC Painting..........................D7 Real Estate Advisory Team..... E1 Real Living........................... E2 ReMax Town & Country.......... E2 Ricks’ Furniture Company.... A11 RLD Computers.................... A6 Rubicon Real Estate Svcs....... E4 S 72 Degrees..........................D1 St. Mary’s Catholic School.C4, D5 Security Finance................. A10 Selective Mechanical.............. F7 Shutter Factory..................... C5 Simplicity Real Estate............ E1 Stagecoach Theater............. TV4 State Farm Insurance............ A6 Stehling Bros. Tuxedos.......... C3 Stehling, Will, DDS................D8 T Tatsch Well Service...............D5 Terrace Grill......................... C5 TexScan............................... E5 Tin Star Ranch...................... A3 Tivydale Business Park.......... A5 Too Late To Classify............... B2 Troy Faust Motor Co.............. C1 V Valeska’s............................ A11 Vapo Propane....................... F8 Vollmar Pond & Lake.............D8 W Weather............................... C6 Weinheimer & Son................ A5 Western Beverages............. A12 Windcrest Nursing & Rehab....D3


Group Circulating Petition To Unseat City Councilman Deadline For Signatures Feb. 24


Cont. from A2

facility at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, though those efforts were rejected by voters. The city council had placed the bond issue on the ballot after several local citizens collected signatures for a petition to force an election on the matter.

Hill Country Red Hatters will hold a lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at Catfish Haven, 816 West Main Street. Members of the group will order off the menu, but those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by Jan. 30 to Bea Price at 990-2740 or Margaret Hull at 997-1883.

Hannemann, Yesenia Neri, Alex Robinson and (in back) Sidney Adams, Max Prema, Shelby Shepherd, Amanda Lochte, Dalton Immel, Bailey Whitworth, Ashley Becker, Gretchen Lochte and Katharine Mohon. Not pictured is Traci Hartmann. -- Photo courtesy Karen Grona

FHS HOSA Students Qualify For State After Earning Top Placings At Area Contest Sixteen Health Occupations Students of America from Fredericksburg High School have qualified for state competition after earning top placings at the Area Contest Friday and Saturday at Akins High School in Austin. To qualify for the state contest that will be held March 28-31 at Health Careers High School in San Antonio, students must place in the top three in their competition. Among those earning a firstplace finish at area was Ashley Becker, who won the Job Seeking Skills contest. The Medical Reserve Corps Partnership of Amber Rees, Brooke Hannemann, Peyton Kneese, Yesenia Neri and Julia Johnson also placed first. They worked in partnership with the local Medical Reserve Corps to complete service projects and disaster preparedness

activities. Alex Robinson was second in Researched Persuasive Speaking. Qualifying to take the Kaiser Health Care Exam at state were Sidney Adams, Shelby Shepherd and Amanda Lochte. The Community Emergency Response Team of Max Prema and Shelby Shepherd placed second and the team of Bailey Whitworth and Dalton Immel were third. For the competition, the teams were given disaster scenarios for which they were required to demonstrate their skills. Also qualifying for state in Physical Therapy after finishing second at area was Traci Hartmann. Gretchen Lochte and Katharine Mohon were third in the Outstanding HOSA Chapter

contest. The award is based on what the chapter has done over the year, including community service, presentations and learning experiences. Competing in the Extemporaneous Health Poster Contest were Xavia Bustillos, who finished fifth, and Ariana Detmar. Taking part in Medical Photography were Sarah Paveglio, who was fifth, and Katharine Mohon. Linda Zambrano was fifth in Physical Therapy. The team of Matlie Boos, Abby Flores, Ashlyn Beckmann and Haleigh Straube placed fifth in Health Education with their lessons on Osteoporosis. Also competing at area in Career Health Display were Sidney Adams and Alex Taylor. Competing in Health Edu-

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Star Ranch January 28



Doors open at 11 am to 10 pm Come out and join us for some cold beer, wine & great food. 1/2 lb Hamburger - 8oz Bone-In Pork Chop - Chicken Fried Steak No Admission Charge Live Music Noon - 3 pm & 7 pm - 10 pm Music by Lonnie Lett Classic Country / Western Standards & Oldies Walk the Western Town see the Alamo, Jersey Lilly & Hat Creek Hotel. Then wet your whistle at the Longhorn Palace Saloon. For information call 830-685-3464 Or visit us on the web at

cation was the team of Katie Kuhlmann, Chloe Grenwelge, Kenzie Jennings and Katelyn Esensee. Taking part in the Public Service Announcement category were Jenny Herrera, Stephanie Zenteno and Valerie Lopez. Competing in Extemporaneous Writing were Kaitlyn Millsap and Hannah Honigschmidt. Delfina Jaimes competed in Nursing Assistant and Christa Schulz competed in Sports Medicine. Also during the contest, Valerie Lopez and Gretchen Lochte each received a $1,000 HOSA Area I scholarship. Nanette Tisdale is the health science teacher at Fredericksburg High School. Serving as chaperones were Kathryn Shepherd, Melinda Gregg and Shannon Rhodes.



1 Year


Night out at Tin

QUALIFYING for state competition after earning high placings at the Area Contest on Friday and Saturday are these Health Occupations Students of America from Fredericksburg High School including, in front from left, Peyton Kneese, Julia Johnson, Amber Rees, Brooke


Red Hatters Plan Lunch On Feb. 1 At Catfish Haven

Opponents of the bond effort argued that $3.2 million did not indicate the real cost of the pool project, which they said would have risen to as much as $5 million with interest. A special committee made up of 33 local citizens was formed in July to examine the pool situation and make a recommendation on the future of pool facilities to the council.

manager and registered agent of the company -- failed to file and pay federal employment taxes on five occasions totaling $17,784.59, according to the government’s suit. “In fact, in the time period between the first quarter of 2001 and second quarter of 2011, Mr. Segner has assessed federal employment tax (941) delinquencies for 29 of the 42 quarters his businesses were in operation,” the suit alleges. Additionally, the government charged Segner and his wife jointly for unpaid income taxes from 2005-2008 in the amount of $77,893.86.


amounts to 30 percent of the last regular election of the city. In the event that a petition is completed and filed, the city charter stipulates that a citywide recall election would be required within 25-45 days from the date the petition is presented to the council. However, a recent change in state law now limits a city to holding only two elections a year -- in May and November. As a result, the next available opportunity would not be until May 2012. Civil Suit Allegations The suit -- which alleges that Segner failed to file and/ or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits, some of them dating back to 2001 -- was filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division. According to the government’s suit, Segner operated an electronics store, First Choice Enterprises, as a sole proprietorship from 2001 through 2009. During this time, the suit alleges that Segner failed to pay employment and/or unemployment taxes totaling $324,828.45. Since forming Sound Wave Electronics, LLC in March 2009, Segner -- as sole member,


A recall election to remove Fredericksburg City Councilman Tommy Segner from his council seat could be forthcoming if a group of local residents is successful in a petition drive to add the measure to the May ballot. Citizens who are registered voters in the City of Fredericksburg interested in signing the petition are asked to contact John Detmar via email at The petition, which began circulating on Friday, must be completed and returned to City Hall within 45 days. A deadline of Feb. 24 has been set for signature collection. Segner has continued to serve on the council despite a federal civil suit which claims that he as well as his wife and business owe $420,506 in back taxes. “I feel that this civil lawsuit has no direct effect on the city of Fredericksburg or on my duties as city councilman,” Segner said during a special city council meeting on the suit Nov. 14. “I intend to continue to serve on the city council of Fredericksburg and to serve the citizens of this fine city for which I was elected.” Petition Requirements An election will be required if the city receives a petition with 457 valid signatures, which


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Thank You

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redericksburg Standard No. 33 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, Wednesday, January 25,2012 2012 January 25,

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Support, Opposition Voiced For Pool Plans At First Meeting Quality Of Life, Growth Cited In Support; Cost, Drought Concern Some By Matt Ward

A mainstay of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post for decades, Terry and Cathy Collier, with business partner Keith Whited, have sold the newspaper to Moser Community Media, represented by Jim Moser, Ken Esten Cooke and Charles

Moser. Julie Herbort, left, is the former Standard business manager. Rollie Hyde, right, of W.B. Grimes & Company, who brokered the sale. ­ — Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post photo by Sherrie Giestweidt.

Changing Of The Guard Colliers Retire, Sell Newspaper; Moser Community Media Takes Reins

Cooke Family Newspaper Veteran To Lead Standard

The sale of the Fredericksburg Standard- owned Collier-Whited Holding Company Radio Post to Moser Community Media — the Fredericksburg Publishing Com(MCM) of Brenham was announced this pany’s majority owner — steps down after week by Terry Collier, president of Freder- almost 39 years at the Standard-Radio icksburg Publishing Company, Inc. Post, including nine as publisher, 23 as With the ownership editor and seven as news change, Collier also editor. • Colliers remember distinannounced his retirement “Of all the prospecguished career at Standard, as publisher of the Stantive newspaper owners dard-Radio Post as well in Texas, Jim Moser has say goodbyes ­— D2 as that of his wife, Cathy been — from the start — • Late Publisher Art Kowert Collier, as editor. our top choice, and we are inducted into Texas Press MCM president Jim extremely grateful to place Hall of Fame ­— A5 Moser has named Ken the Standard-Radio Post • A brief history of the Esten Cooke, a fourth-geninto his capable hands,” eration community newsCollier said. “On top of Fredericksburg Standardpaperman and Rockdale that, I can’t think of anyRadio Post — A5 native, as editor-publisher. one else that I would rath“I am honored to have er see guiding this awardthe opportunity to run what is one of the winning publication on a day-to-day basis top community newspapers in the state, than Ken Esten Cooke.” and lead this experienced staff that is Mrs. Collier, meanwhile, has been with key to its success,” Cooke said. “We have the Standard-Radio Post for more than 26 always admired what the Colliers and years, including nine as editor, following a their predecessors have built in this com- 15-year teaching career. munity, and we will do our best to continue “It has been a tremendous privilege for the tradition of quality and service to Fred- me to be able to help tell Fredericksburg’s ericksburg and Gillespie County.” Cont. on page 5A Collier, who with Keith Whited has

Assuming the duties of editor and publisher of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post this week is Ken Esten Cooke, a fourth-generation newspaper owner and former publisher of The Rockdale Reporter. Cooke will take on the duties formerly held by publisher Terry Collier and editor Cathy Collier. “We have known the Colliers for decades and are inspired by what they have built in Fredericksburg,” Cooke said. “They have put together a great team, and I believe we will continue their tradition of having an excellent community newspaper.” Cooke joined his family paper’s staff in 1995 as a reporter, working under his parents Bill and Peggy Cooke. He also worked as a website designer, photographer, general manager and publisher. Before his departure in 2010, he and a talented staff led the Reporter to nine top finishes in the South Texas Press Association’s annual newspaper competition and five second-place finishes in the stateCont. on page 5A

Indian Artifacts, Arrowheads On Display Saturday

UP-CLOSE LOOK — Mark Jacobi of San Antonio exams a piece of blue lace agate at his booth, GM’s Gems, during the 43rd Annual Hill Country Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show at Pioneer Pavilion in Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park last weekend. More photos on C1. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Yvonne Hartmann

Featuring rare arrowheads and other collectibles, the Fredericksburg Indian Artifact and Collectible Show will be held Saturday at Pioneer Pavilion inside Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park. Event hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Items expected to be on display will be arrowheads, trade beads, Indian jewelry, gold and silver coins and other items, some dating back to at least 10,000 B.C. As many as 70 tables will be set up by collectors from all over Texas to display historic artifacts for the benefit of buyers, sellers, traders or lookers interested in stopping by the pavilion that day, according to Richard Mentzer of New Braunfels who is co-host of the event with Rob Bartel of Hunt. New books on sale at the show include the Overstreet Price Guide and A Field Guide to Cont. on page 4A

Local residents had a chance to voice their opinions and ask questions about a two-pool recommendation from the City of Fredericksburg Citizens’ Pool Committee during a special meeting of the Fredericksburg City Council Monday evening. A second public hearing on the pool committee’s recommendations has been set for Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. at the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center. “It’s our job to come up with what we believe the community is most interested in,” pool committee chairman Linda Langerhans said. The pool committee made their recommendations based on research provided by the council from consultants Kimley Horn and Aquatic Excellence as well as a survey of local citizens completed in the fall of 2011.

before indicating how much is to be paid, which taxing entities are to be paid and entering the local 6427 jurisdiction code. (A 2.49 percent convenience fee is charged by the vendor which processes online tax payments.) Any taxes paid in person after 4:30 p.m. Jan. 31 or bearing a later postmark will be considered delinquent and subject to penalty and interest fees ranging from 7 percent the first month, to 18 percent after July. Entities for whom the local tax assessor-collector’s office collects property taxes include: City of Fredericksburg, County of Gillespie, Fredericksburg ISD, Harper ISD, Doss Common Consolidated School District, Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District, Gillespie County Water Control and Improvement District, and Stonewall WCID.

·A - Front ·D - Community Sections: ·B - Sports ·E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds ·C - Lifestyles ·G - Entertainment

“When the survey came back, it was so close between one pool and two pools that we chose the two pool option believing that since our community has had Cont. on page 4A

THIRD GRADER Kannon Danz, left, asks Msgr. Enda McKenna questions about his job as part of the student’s leaders of the parish assignment at St. Mary’s Catholic School. Joining Danz in the interview process were Mary Catherine Westfall, Michael Meeks and Lucas Perez (not shown). SMS will observe Catholic Schools Week next week. More pictures and information on the event are on D1. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Danny Hirt

Stonewall Chamber to Welcome FISD Ag Instructor as Speaker A social and dinner, meeting, presentation of awards and guest speaker will highlight the annual Stonewall Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Monday night. Set for the Stonewall Chamber Building, the evening begins at 6 p.m. with a social hour followed by a fajita dinner at 7 p.m. Persons planning to attend the banquet are reminded that they must purchase their tickets by noon on Friday. Only advance tickets are being sold.

Property Tax Payment Deadline Near Inside

Tuesday is the deadline for 2011 county tax payments by Fredericksburg area property owners, the Gillespie County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office reported this week. Gillespie County Tax Assessor-Collector Marissa Wein­ heimer’s courthouse office (Room 104) is the place for owners of the county’s 32,497 parcels of property to pay their taxes either in person or through the mail. For in-person payments, the tax assessor-collector’s office is open weekdays from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mail-in payments must be postmarked no later than 4:30 p.m. Jan. 31. County property owners may also pay their 2011 taxes on-line by going to and clicking on Gillespie County

AN AERIAL RENDITION of conceptual drawings for redeveloped facilities at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool indicates where the existing pool structure is located in relation to the new design. The pool committee’s recommendation includes utilizing the existing pool shell and three walls as part of the redevelopment project.

• Date set in 2013 for district court tax suit on local councilman — A4 • Local exhibitors win honors at district stock show — A2 • Rabies clinic Saturday — A7 • St. Mary’s gears up for Catholic Schools Week — D1, D5, D7 • County officials set timeline for ‘HOT’ tax fund disbursements — A8 • FHS girls take care of San Antonio opponents — B1


Jan. 18-24, 2012 Rainfall This Week Rainfall for January Rainfall for 2012 Normal For Date Same Date Last Year Low – Jan. 19 High – Jan. 20

0.00 0.51 0.51 1.36 1.25 31 81

For real-time weather information, go online to:

• Look inside for new 28-page City Source Book, a local informational guide.

To Subscribe: Call 830-997-2155

The tickets, at $15 per person, are available in Stonewall at Allied Ag, Stonewall One Stop and Weinheimer and Son. In Fredericksburg, tickets are available at Blanco National Bank, Lazy S Western Wear and Stroeher and Olfers. Along with the social and dinner, the evening also includes a meeting, presentation of awards and guest speaker. Speaking this year will be Patrick Padgett, agriculture sciCont. on page 8A

High Low Rain Wednesday 80 44 Thursday 70 31 Friday 81 40 Saturday 78 39 Sunday 63 41 Monday 80 37 Tuesday 67 56 Total Rain 0.00 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

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Trial Date Set For Councilman In January 2013 For Federal Civil Suit

Barring a settlement, a federal civil suit between the United States government and current Fredericksburg City Councilman Tommy Segner will go to trial in January 2013 after a scheduling order was submitted to the U.S. District Court Western District in Austin Thursday. The suit, which alleges that Segner failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits, some of them dating back to 2001, was filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division. In the scheduling order, a March 2 deadline has been placed for filing a report on alternative dispute resolution. If no resolution can be reached, the case is set for docket call Dec. 17 at 11 a.m. with a January 2013 trial date. Civil Suit Allegations According to the government’s suit, Segner operated an electronics store, First Choice Enterprises, as a sole proprietorship from 2001 through 2009. During this time, the suit

alleges that Segner failed to pay employment and/or unemployment taxes totaling $324,828. Since forming Sound Wave Electronics, LLC in March 2009, Segner -- as sole member, manager and registered agent of the company -- failed to file and pay federal employment taxes on five occasions totaling $17,784, according to the government’s suit. “In the time period between the first quarter of 2001 and second quarter of 2011, Mr. Segner has assessed federal employment tax (941) delinquencies for 29 of the 42 quarters his businesses were in operation,” the suit alleges. Additionally, the government charged Segner and his wife jointly for unpaid income taxes from 2005-2008 in the amount of $77,893. Recall Petition Currently, a group of local residents has begun a petition drive for a recall election to remove Segner from his council seat. Citizens who are registered voters in the City of Fredericksburg interested in signing the petition are asked to contact

Support, Opposition two pools for many years,” Mrs. Langerhans said, “there’s a lot of sentiment about both pools.” Survey results reported 48 percent of responses favoring a one pool option, while 45 percent preferred two pools. “I voted for two pools, not two new pools,” pool committee member Jerry Farley said. Two-Pool Plan Utilizing existing sites at both the Town Pool and Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park locations, the pool committee proposed a two-pool plan to meet Fredericksburg’s swimming needs. A redeveloped Town Pool site would include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-footdiameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. The proposal also requests the closure of Schubert Street between Adams and Crockett streets for additional parking and to develop a more park-like atmosphere at Town Pool. Reutilization of most of the existing Park Pool structure is proposed to help develop a new eight-lane lap pool adjacent to a separate youth play area and zero entry beach. A separate tot pool identical to the one recommended at Town Pool would be included as well as new bathhouse facilities, a concessions area and a new underground mechanical area to minimize visual impact. Construction Cost Reflected in the presentation were large differences between estimated costs to construct the new swim facilities. Preliminary estimates from

Head Start Teachers Slated To Attend Research Conference

Fredericksburg Head Start Center teachers Mindy Lay and Monica Pape will attend the Ninth Annual Action Research Conference at the University of San Diego’s School of Leadership and Education this April “The importance of this opportunity allows Mindy and Monica to learn and implement Action Research processes that exameducational practices sysOUNTYine FAIRGROUNDS tematically and carefully, using innovative IBITION HALL research techniques carried out within the context of the teacher’s environment,” Stonewall Head Start, Inc. Director Chris StewTH 8 2012Executive - SIX O’CLOCK art said. “This learning opportunity will not only enhance children’s learning experiences in the classroom, but discover teachSERVED AT SEVEN ing strategies that adequately ENT AUCTION address the. DANCING expanding range of diverse and special needs of today’s preschool children and families within our comETS AVAILABLE* munity,” he added. “Mindy and Monica Y’S SCHOOL OFFICEare among many of Stonewall Head Start, Inc.’s Y’S CHURCH OFFICE bachelor degreed teachers who ASS ONwill WEEKENDS embark on this and many other 997.0325 opportunities to explore SCHNEIDER innovative teaching strategies and techniques that benefit our children’s future, impacting our community and the world.”


former city consultants Aquatic Excellence and Kimley-Horn indicated project costs at Town Pool of around $1.5 million and costs at Park Pool ranging from $2.1-$2.5 million. However, the pool committee countered with their own projections, estimating Town Pool could be constructed for $1,287,583 and Park Pool for $1,838,141. Pool Survey Results In the Market Research Report dated Nov. 1, results from the pool committee’s survey of local residents about options for Fredericksburg’s swimming pool facilities showed nearly equal division among residents on one or two pool options. Of the 5,886 surveys -- including more than 300 in Spanish -- 1,193 were returned, representing 19 percent of the total surveys sent out. City residents represented 82 percent of those surveyed, with 65 percent of those surveyed voting in the last city election.

Indian Artifacts ‘Stone Artifacts of Texas Indians’. Admission for each show is $5 for adults and youths 15 years and older, while younger children will be admitted free of charge. Free admission will also be provided for Gillespie County law enforcement officers and

Night out at Tin

John Detmar via email at An advertisement in this issue of the Fredericksburg StandardRadio Post includes a copy of the petition’s text and names current city councilmen Tim Dooley and Graham Pearson among those collecting signatures. The petition, which began circulating Jan. 13, must be completed and returned to City Hall within 45 days. A deadline of Feb. 24 has been set for signature collection. An election will be required if the city receives a petition with 457 valid signatures, which amounts to 30 percent of the number of votes cast in the last regular city election. In the event that a petition is completed and filed, the city charter stipulates that a citywide recall election would be required within 25-45 days from DEBUTING the southwestern U.S. premiere of nominated professional choir Conspirare perthe date the petition is present- “Path of Miracles” by British classical and film formed Thursday evening at St. Mary’s Catholic ed to the council. composer Joby Talbot, the five-time Grammy- Church. – Standard-Radio Post Photo However, a recent change in state law now limits a city to holding only two elections a year -- in May and November. As a result, the next available opportunity would not be until May 2012. The Newcomers’ monthly “Out-To-Dinner Night” will be held tomorrow, Thursday, at Cont. from A1 6:30 p.m. at Kelly’s Restaurant On average, more than 50 per- at 505 West Main Street. cent of survey respondents had Dinner is “Dutch Treat” and is never used either pool facility. open to anyone who has moved When asked “How many pools to the Fredericksburg area, no Monday-Thursday • 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. does Fredericksburg need?”, 48 matter how long ago. Friday-Saturday • 11 a.m. - 12 midnight percent of responses indicated The Newcomers’ group is one pool, while 45 percent said strictly a social organization Sunday • 12 p.m - 6 p.m. two pools. whose sole interest is welcomTwenty-six percent of respons- ing people who have moved to es indicated renovating both the Fredericksburg area. There pools as the most-preferred are no minutes, officers, by-laws option, while 20 percent wanted or dues. one new and improved pool. SixThose planning to attend are We’re Back! teen percent requested one new asked to RSVP to Nancy Burns Reopening Wednesday, Jan. 25th pool with no extras, and 14 per- at 990-8128 so that proper seatcent wanted both pools repaired ing arrangements can be made 105 S. Llano • Fredericksburg, Texas to a usable state. beforehand with the restaurant. Fifty-eight percent of responsNewcomers will order from the es said that building two new standard menu. There will be no pools was the least-preferred special limited menu. option. 7030.33 In terms of location, 62 perSubscribe to the cent of responses indicated that Standard-Radio Post walking distance (½-mile from the center of town) was best, with 25 percent preferring a short driving distance (2-3 miles from town center) and 13 percent choosing biking distance (1-2 miles from town center).

Newcomers’ Club Out-To-Dinner Group Gathering

Daily Specials Homemade Desserts


Cont. from A1 firemen and their families. Beverages and snacks will be available for purchase throughout the show. A second artifact show is scheduled for the fall. Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park is located just off State Highway 16 South, about two miles south of Main Street.

Star Ranch January 28


Doors open at 11 am to 10 pm Come out and join us for some cold beer, wine & great food. 1/2 lb Hamburger - 8oz Bone-In Pork Chop - Chicken Fried Steak No Admission Charge Live Music Noon - 3 pm & 7 pm - 10 pm Music by Lonnie Lett Classic Country / Western Standards & Oldies Walk the Western Town see the Alamo, Jersey Lilly & Hat Creek Hotel. Then wet your whistle at the Longhorn Palace Saloon. For information call 830-685-3464 Or visit us on the web at 6299.31-33



RECALL COUNCILMAN SEGNER THE SUIT AGAINST COUNCILMAN SEGNER (COPIES ON REQUEST) The suit against Councilman Segner, Cause Number 1:11-CV-932 brought against Segner by US District Court, Western Division, Austin , alleges that Mr. Segner failed to file and/or pay federal employment (941) and unemployment (940) tax returns and deposits totaling $342,613.04. In the time period between the first quarter of 2001 and the second quarter of 2011, during which time Councilman Segner operated First Choice Enterprises and Sound Wave Electronics, he has assessed federal tax delinquencies for 29 of the 42 quarters.

SEGNER’S ANSWERS TO THE COURT (COPIES ON REQUEST) Respondent (Segner) has admitted to owing taxes to the Plaintiff (USA Internal Revenue Service),

TEXT OF THE PETITION In accordance with Article VII of the Fredericksburg City Charter we, the undersigned qualified voters of the City of Fredericksburg, request an election to recall Councilman Segner because of Cause Number 1:11-CV-932 brought against Segner by US District Court, Western Division, Austin.


HOW DO I SIGN THE PETITION? Citizens who are registered voters in the City of Fredericksburg interested in signing the petition are asked to contact John Detmar via email at or Councilman Dooley or Councilman Pearson 830-997-2271


Political Ad paid for by Tim Dooley, Graham Pearson, Kathy Sanford, Linda Langerhans et al.




redericksburg Standard No. 34 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Two teens die in mobile home fire Early morning blaze Tuesday claims life of siblings, ages 14, 15

Brian Cantu

Two Fredericksburg teenagers died early Tuesday morning and their father was seriously burned in a residential fire at 623 Deer View Drive. Perishing in the 4:30 a.m. fire were Brian Cantu, 15, and Justine Cantu, 13. Their father, Armando Cantu, is being treated at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio for burns he received on over 40 percent of his body trying to save his children.

Justine Cantu

The children’s mother, Lucy Cantu, and three of their children — Eliza, 21, Brandon, 18, and Bruce, 9 — escaped with minor injuries, authorities said. They were treated at the scene. Family members said Eliza Cantu injured her back while attempting to find a heavy object to break a window. Firefighters, sheriff’s deputies and Fredericksburg police officers responded to the blaze which was toned out at 4:30 a.m. First responders found the mobile home engulfed in flames as family members fled the intense heat. Armando Cantu was reported in stable condi-

A watchful eye on water supplies Historic drought strains supplies, but Gillespie faring better than most There’s no diluting the truth. Last year’s extreme drought that blanketed Texas with wildfires, failed crops, dust storms, a volatile economy, a strained electric grid and cracking infrastructure also adversely impacted what we can’t see – the underground water supply. Do local water well users have to worry about running dry? Yes, definitely, said Paul Tybor, director of the Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District (HCUWCD). That worst-case scenario came true this week in the 1,100 member community of Spicewood Beach, outside of Marble Falls in Burnet County. High and dry Spicewood Beach’s wells ran “dry” and the community, which includes an elementary school, on Monday began relying on Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) tanker trucks for thousands of gallons of consumable water each day. The tanker truck solution is A ‘WELL’-TH of information is collected through “logging” water a temporary bandage, as LCRA wells using this caliper and a trailer-housed monitoring station. scrambles to find alternative supplies for the small community, Drought Index such as drilling new, deeper wells, deepening existing ones and/or (Based upon Ellenburger Aquifer water levels, previous weekly 10-month treating lake water. cumulative rainfall, Pedernales River flow and Palmer Drought Severity Index) The Spicewood Beach situation wasn’t a surprise to the Texas L Commission on Environmental O C Quality (TCEQ) or the Texas

Gillespie County

GRAPH: The draw on local water supplies during the worst drought in recorded history caused the Ellenberger Aquifer to dip into the emergency zone. Recent rains have caused an upturn in water supplies, which is good news, said Paul Tybor, director of the Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District. Even with recent moisture, belowaverage rainfall won’t be enough for an ample aquifer recovery before the arrival of what meterologists predict will be another hot, dry summer, he said.

City councilman terms recall effort political, personal it has much more to do with politics than anything else as I have been extremely vocal on some local issues.” Segner was elected, along with Scott Jones, in May 2011 By Matt Ward to his first two-year term on Faced with a potential recall the Fredericksburg City Counelection in May, Fredericks- cil. burg City Councilman Tommy “The bottom line is that I have caused some Segner spoke out Tuesgrief and embarday afternoon against rassment to certain recall petition efforts members of this city led by a group of local council, city staff and citizens, including felto some members of low councilmen Tim the swimming pool Dooley and Graham committee,” he said Pearson. in the release. “My Recall efforts come personal issues with three months after a the IRS seem to be federal lawsuit, which a good excuse to get alleges that Segner back at me for their Segner failed to file and/or reckless spending pay federal employment and unemployment tax practices and in some cases, returns and deposits, some of their disrespect for lower and them dating back to 2001, was middle class income citizens.” filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. Dis- According to the governtrict Court for the Western ment’s suit, Segner operated District of Texas by Curtis C. an electronics store, First Smith, attorney for the U.S. Choice Enterprises, as a sole Department of Justice’s Tax proprietorship from 2001 through 2009. During this Division. “This lawsuit has not and time, the suit alleges that Segshould not have a direct affect ner failed to pay employment on my ability to do the job as and/or unemployment taxes a city councilmember,” Segner totaling $324,828. said in a press release. ““I per- “The issue with the IRS was sonally believe that the recall complicated from the start, Cont. on page A3 petition and initiative behind

Says votes against budget, capital items have wrankled foes

By Lisa Treiber-Walter

Cont. on page A10

Cont. on page A4

The home of Armando and Lucy Cantu at 623 Deer View Drive, where they raised their children for the past 21 years, sits empty as investigators look into the cause of the fire that claimed two lives. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Danny Hirt

Fredericksburg Chorale to present ‘Ages’



DATE – Data Courtesy Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District

Fredericksburg Refreshments will be Chorale will be preserved at intermission senting its Mid-Winand between the variter Concert “Ages” on ous concerts. Saturday. The concert ties  Performances will together several difbe at 3 p.m. and 7 ferent choirs directed p.m. at Zion Lutheran by Mark Hierholzer Church, beginning in as well as members the church sanctuary of the Fredericksburg and moving to the felHierholzer Community Orchestra lowship hall. directed by Theresa All of the performances are Britt. open to the public and admisThe program’s title, which sion is by a free-will donation. Cont. on page A10

Band supporters to gobble up turkey dinner Inside

Turkey and dressing will be served up with sides of music and prizes during the Fredericksburg Band Boosters Turkey Dinner on Sunday. Plates will be available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds Exhibition Hall. On the menu is turkey, dressing, gravy, noodles, green beans, cranberry sauce, bread and cake. (Coffee and tea will be available only for those dining on site.) Cost of the dinner is $8 per plate. Tickets have been sold in

advance, but will also be available at the door. Proceeds of the annual event help the bands pay for new uniforms and instruments, trips and props for the marching band, color guard and winter guard and more. “To-go” meals may be retrieved by those using the drive-through lane, which starts only at the fair grounds’ main entrance off Texas Highway 16 South. Starting around 12:30 p.m., those planning to dine on site will have the chance to hear everything from movie themes

to classic rock tunes performed by the Fredericksburg Middle School sixth, seventh and eighth grade bands, as well as the Fredericksburg High School symphonic and jazz bands and wind ensemble. Transportation from the parking lot to the hall will be provided for those needing assistance. Throughout the concert, ticket stubs will be drawn intermittently to award over 50 prizes all valued at a minimum of $25. Topping the prize list is the Cont. on page AX

·A - Front ·D - Community Sections: ·B - Sports ·E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds ·C - Lifestyles ·G - Entertainment

• A big thank you to two community boosters — D2 • Indian artifacts show draws curious, dedicated collectors — A2 • Jury seated for trial in murder of 1994 FHS graduate Dana Clair Edwards — A7 • Town salutes FVFD — A3 • FHS boys, girls soccer teams shut out Wimberley — B1 • UIL realignment could see Harper drop to Class A — B1

Estimated $3.1-million bond issue expected to update two pools By Matt Ward Voters will take to the polls this May to determine the fate of a two-pool recommendation from the City of Fredericksburg Citizens’ Pool Committee as councilmen informally agreed to place the measure on the ballot during a special meeting of the Fredericksburg City Council Monday. “I believe that the financing of the pools should be left to the citizens. The people need to make a decision,” Mayor Tom Musselman said. Still under discussion by the council is the issue of whether or not the Town Pool and Park Pool sites should be listed separately or together on the ballot. Opponents of the committee’s recommendation cite the proposal’s estimated $3.1 million price tag as a primary concern. Citizens spoke out on the pool Cont. on page A4

Filing opens Monday for council election Candidate packets for Fredericksburg’s May 12 mayoral and city council election are available today at City Hall, although candidates must wait until Monday to apply for a place on the ballot. Up for election is the mayoral seat currently occupied by Mayor Tom Musselman as well as city council seats currently occupied by Councilmen Tim Dooley and Graham Pearson. To be eligible to hold elected office in the city, a resident must be a registered voter, have lived in Fredericksburg for at least the last 12 consecutive months, and not owe the city any money (such as back taxes, penalties or fines). The deadline for signing up to run in the election is by the close of the business day on March 5. Applications can be filed at City Cont. on page A2


Jan. 25-31, 2012 Rainfall This Week Rainfall for January Rainfall for 2012 Normal For Date Same Date Last Year Low – Jan. 29 High – Jan. 28

0.84 1.35 1.35 1.71 1.25 28 71

For real-time weather information, go online to:

Texas boosts speed limits on Interstate 10, other highways — A10.

To Subscribe: Call 830-997-2155

Pool issue heads back to voters in May

High Low Rain Wednesday 66 52 .80 Thursday 55 41 Friday 66 33 Saturday 71 34 Sunday 59 28 Monday 64 35 Tuesday 62 45 .04 Total Rain 0.84 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

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Pool issue

Cont. from A1

committee’s proposal during a public hearing session Monday, with some division between two-pool Town Pool supporters and one-pool Lady Bird supporters. “Why are we building two pools when we could build just the park pool which accomplishes all of our needs for half the price? It seems like we’re rebuilding a Town Pool that’s completely irreparable for nostalgia’s sake,” Joe Cloud said. Results from a survey conducted by the pool committee reported 48 percent of responses favoring a one pool option, while 45 percent preferred two pools. “We believe that two pools going on a bond election meet a lot of the desires that people in this community have,” pool committee chairman Linda Langerhans said.

Other citizens favored minimizing work on Park Pool to lower the overall total cost burden for city taxpayers. “Like an old car, I can’t predict when it’s going to break, but it’s going to break,” Heart of Texas swim team coach and pool committee member Al Carr said. “Sooner or later, something’s going to break and we’re going to have to replace it.” Reutilization of most of the existing Park Pool structure is proposed to help develop a new eight-lane lap pool adjacent to a separate youth play area and zero entry beach. “We’re at the point where we have to do something,” pool committee member Jimmy Lukacs said. “We no longer have facilities where people can change or go to the bathroom at either of our pools. Both of our pools have been in disrepair for so many

years that we are charged with redoing our pools.” A redeveloped Town Pool site would include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-footdiameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. “For me, the gorilla in the room is the $3.1 million ticket,” Councilman Graham Pearson said. “If the swimming pool committee can convince me that that bond issue will not fail, you certainly have my full support.” Councilmen agreed to spend up to $15,000 for city pool consultant Aquatic Excellence to firm up numbers provided by the pool committee in advance of a potential bond election. “I really would hate to see a bond issue for a swimming pool fail because we are not taking into consideration the economic times that we’re in and exactly

how taxpayers’ money should be spent,” Isabel Wertz said. Reflected in the pool committee’s recommendation were large differences between estimated costs to construct the new swim facilities. Preliminary estimates from former city consultants Aquatic Excellence and Kimley-Horn indicated project costs at Town Pool of around $1.5 million and costs at Park Pool ranging from $2.1-$2.5 million. However, the pool committee countered with their own projections, estimating Town Pool could be constructed for $1,287,583 and Park Pool for $1,838,141. “It boils down to cost,” committee member Jerry Farley said. “With the economy the way it is now, how do you expect to pass a $3.1 million bond when the $3.2 million bond failed miserably?”

Mobile home fire tion Tuesday afternoon, Gillespie County Sheriff Buddy Mills reported. He faces extensive treatment for those injuries in Brooke Army Medical Center’s burn unit. With investigators on the scene Tuesday, Mills said a cause has not been determined.

Cont. from A1 “We have no idea about the cause,” Mills said. “Investigators are looking for the fire’s origin, but it could take a while.” Funeral arrangements for the two youths are pending at Schaetter Funeral Home in Fredericksburg. Family cousins David Perez

Political Announcements

The Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post is authorized to announce the names of the following individuals for public office in the April 3, 2012, County of Gillespie political primary elections. Also listed are the names of those who running as Independent candidates in the Nov. 2 general election. Listings of names are paid in advance for one-time fees of $30 for county candidates and $40 for district candidates by each candidate’s designated treasurer, the names of whom are on file in the offices of the Standard-Radio Post, 712 West Main, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. The names of the candidates printed below are listed in the order in which they were announced at the offices of the newspaper.

COUNTY OFFICES REPUBLICAN PARTY For County Tax Assessor-Collector Marissa Weinheimer For District Attorney E. Bruce Curry For County Attorney Chris Nevins Stephen Harpold For County Commissioner (Pct. 1) Curtis Cameron For County Commissioner (Pct. 3) Calvin Ransleben Linda Meier McCann Dana Overdorf For County Sheriff Buddy Mills For Constable (Pct. 1) Mark Tree Heath Sasko For Constable (Pct. 2) Warren Ottmers

and Elva Cantu said the family had lived in the same location for 21 years. “It’s where the kids grew up,” Perez said. “They had begun adding on an extra room to the home.” Perez said Armando Cantu was employed with Sunset Landscaping and Lucy Cantu cleaned homes. Donations, fundraiser The cousins have set up a “Cantu Family Donations” account at Compass Bank, 300 W. Main. “They lost everything — their home, their furniture, their

Death Lynch Harry Lynch, 73, of Gorman and formerly of Fredericksburg, died Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012. Graveside services will be held today, Thursday, Feb. 2, at 3 p.m., at Oakland Cemetery in Comanche County. Arrangements are under the direction of Moore-Rose Funeral Home of Floydada. Memorials may be made to Lighthouse Hospice, West Texas Rehab Center or the charity of choice. A complete obituary will be published next week.

clothing,” Elva Cantu said. “Anything people can do to help will be appreciated.” For more information on how to donate, contact Elva Cantu at (830) 456-0602. A local church also has initiated a fund-raising drive to benefit the Cantu family. Monetary donations may be sent to: Iglesia Del Nuevo Testamento, 302 West Park Street in Fredericksburg. Checks may be made payable to either the church or to the Cantu family. The church is a non-profit organization and donations through it are tax deductible, for which receipts may be obtained.

HOLT GEISTWEIDT, 7, son of Kevin and Jody Geistweidt, shot a seven pointer on Dec. 26. The rack spread measured 17 inches and the deer weighed 130 points, live weight.

Special needs group meeting Feb. 15 All parents, caregivers and friends of special needs individuals are invited to attend the next meeting of the Fredericksburg Special Needs Group on Wednesday, Feb. 15. The meeting will be held at the Fredericksburg Bible Church, located at 107 East Austin Street, from 6:30-8 p.m. The group provides advocacy,

A good day starts with a good night’s rest ...

resources and support to families and friends of those caring for children and adults with special needs. More information on the group is available by contacting Daniela Mohr at 210-296-6069. The group meets the third Wednesday of every month. Information is also available in Spanish.

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Fredericksburg Band Boosters ...


Sunday, February 5, 2012 — Serving 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Turkey • Dressing • Gravy • Noodles • Green Beans • Cranberry Sauce • Bread • Cake • Coffee & Tea with Indoor Dining Cost $8.00 per plate FOOD TO-GO OR DINE IN: ENTER THE MAIN ENTRANCE of Gillespie County Fair Grounds, Texas Hwy 16 S. CONCERT BEGINS AT 12:30 P.M. Prizes to be given away during the concert. Prize tickets $1 each or 6 for $5 - at the door or from any band student. ** need not be present to win **

Prizes Featured In The Prize Drawing Include:

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611 N. Llano (inside Jay & Co.) * Gift Certificates Available * 7150.34-37

4. BB’s Billiards & Bowling –Set of 4 Free Game Tickets (X4) 5. Becker Vineyard – 10 person private tour & tasting 6. Beckmann Furniture - $100.00 gift certificate 7. Blumenhandler Florist - $20.00 Gift certificate 8. Champe Jennings Jewelry – Silver Bracelet with inlaid cross 9. City Cleaners - $25.00 Gift Certificate (X2) 10. Dooley’s – Cast Iron Fish Corn Bread Pan ($18 Value) 11. Fischer & Wieser Specialty Foods – 5 Times Favorites Sauces Basket (X2) 12. Immel Motors – Gift Certificate for an Oil Change (X2) 13. Navajo Grill – Dinner for 2 Gift Certificate 14. The Peach Basket – 2 Gift Baskets 15. Rustlin’ Robs – 2 $30 Gift Boxes of Assorted Sauces 16. Stagecoach Theater – 5 Free Movie passes 17. Gillespie County Fair Grounds – 8 sets of 2 season passes 18. Gold Orchards – Gift Box of 3 Preserves and Candied Pecans 19. Terry Wolle – Hand Made Knife 20. Dixie Belle Cupcake Café -$25.00Gift Certificate(X2) 21. Andy’s Steak & Sea Food Grille – Dinner for 2 (X2) 22. Chocolat – 12 Piece Liquid Center Chocolates Box 23. Cabernet Grill at the Cotton Gin - $25 Gift Certificate (X4) 24. Charlie’s Burgers & BBQ - $25 Gift Certificate 25. Cranky Franks – $25 Gift Certificate (X3) 26. Dodd’s Family Nursery – Live Plant 27. David’s Old Fashioned Pit BBQ - $20 Gift Certificate (X2) 28. Simply Hair Spa – $80 Hair Care Basket 29. Sophie’s Choice - $40. Gift Certificate 30. Rancho Ponte Vineyard – Tastings for 4 31. Woodrose Winery – Tour & Tasting for 4 32. Fredericksburg Fudge - $25 Gift Certificate 33. Hondo’s on Main - $25 Gift Certificate and Cap 34. Skinny Dips Frozen Yogurt - $10 Gift Certificate 35. K-Bobs Steakhouse – Gift Certificates = $25 X2; $35 X2 36. Rustik Hair Designs – Gift Certificate (X2) 37. Sweet Marley’s – Punch Card for 15 Free Yogurts

38. Buffalo Nickel – Dinner for 4 39. Woerner Feed & Garden - $75 Gift Certificate 40. Grape Creek Winery – Gift Basket 41. Torre De Pietra Winery – Tastings for 6 (X2) 42. In Step – $25 Gift Certificate (X2) 43. Java Ranch Espresso Bar & Café - $25 Gift Certificate 44. Peach Tree Tea Room - $25 Gift Card 45. Austin Street Java & Muffin Haus –1 lb of coffee 46. Heritage Hair Designs – Hair Care Products Gift Basket 47. Mamacita’s Mexican Restaurant - Fajita Dinner for 1 (X2) 48. Beckendorf Gallery – Charles Beckendorf Texas Book 49. Panda Chinese Restaurant - $25 Gift Certificate 50. Bath Junkie – “Fill ‘er Up Bag” 51. Messina Hoff Winery – Gift Basket and tasting for up to 10 included 52. Yee Haw Ranch Outfitter – Gift Basket and Certificate 53. Tractor Supply – Elite All Foods Dehydrator 54. Texas Wines Etc. – Gift Certificate for a group tasting 55. Wheeler’s Restaurant – $25 Gift Certificate 56. Lochte Feed & General Store - $25 Gift Certificate 57. The Penalty Box Sports Bar - $30 Gift Certificate 58. Fredericksburg Winery – Gift Basket 59. Mr. Gatti’s Pizza – 2 adult, 2 child buffets & 30 tokens 60. Brad’s Blades – 2 sets of 2 knives 61. Fredericksburg Theater Company – Family 4 Pack Tickets to God Spell 62. Greater Grace Christian Coffee House – Gift Certificate 62. Tootie Pie Company – Gift Certificate for Pie of Your Choice 63. Fritz & Lillian - $25 value Candle & Room Spray 64. The Rock Box Theater – 2 Tickets to the Theater ($75 value) 65. Parts Unknown - $50 Gift Certificate 66. Der Kuchen Laden – Quisinart Blender 67. Arrowhead Bank - Fish Fryer 68. American Bank - $50 Gift Card 69. Gillespie Animal Center - Gift Card

Transportation from parking lot to dining area is available for “those needing assistance”. For More Information, please call Ralph Koennecke 456-4504; Sandy McBride 456-9590; Keith Kunz, 992-5094




Stewards of a community voice

Not content to sit idly by, their service to Last week was a special one in the life of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post. this town will continue through civic work, Longtime Publisher Terry Collier and his as yet undefined, but we are sure whatever wife, Editor Cathy Collier, retired after a col- they pursue will continue to be motivated by lective 62 years at this newspaper. a servant’s heart. Their legacy will be one of community serAt small newspapers, staffers wear a lot of vice and fine journalism. The Colliers saw hats. The Colliers were still very hands-on themselves as stewards of a leading voice in at their job, whether it was covering school this community and took board meetings, helping that role very seriousin the mail room, writing ly. When ink is bought features about interestby the barrel, there is ing locals, or taking phoan inherent duty to be tos at high school sporting responsible with what events. They led by examis printed. The Colliers ple at work, never letting did so without fail, and the staff think they were they were recognized for being asked to do somedoing so through their thing the Colliers themmany industry awards selves would not do. and the respect of their In a way, newspaper peers around the nation. publishers are similar to To be the voice of a comschool superintendents in munity while it grows their length of tenure. At and changes requires one time, these commubalance and diplomanity stalwarts stayed in cy. While no one has one place most, if not all, ever published a “perof their career. Now the fect paper,” the Colliers advocated for important Terry and Cathy Collier were saluted average tenure for both issues, took issue when by newspaper staffers at their recent is considerably shorter. The Colliers’ nearly four needed, shed light on sto- retirement party. decades in Fredericksburg ries good and bad, chamis another testament to pioned open government, and provided a their dedication to the town. voice for many, whether through editorials Even their exit from the business showed or simply a forum for people to publish their their dedication to the town, and that of stories. business partner Keith Whited. They made In short, they helped build this town into care of the community, attention to the legathe vibrant, lively place it is today. cy of excellence, and devotion to the staff all To be sure, the word “retirement” will most points of sale to potential buyers. likely only apply to their 8-to-5 (and beyond) Simply put, Fredericksburg has been work schedule. Just as they advocated for blessed and made better by the work of this important issues over the years — be it eduspecial couple. cation, business, tourism or others — there We thank them for their service to the comis no doubt they will continue to be involved munity, and we wish them the very best in a in moving this town forward, only not in as well-deserved retirement. public a forum.

Civil discourse appreciated

Though not everyone agreed with the need for the reworking of Town Pool and the Park Pool, it was refreshing to hear a respectful tone in the public hearings on the matter. In these days when bombast fills the newspaper columns, TV and radio waves — and people seeking attention to their causes employ it often — good old polite civil discourse is a welcome change. One person said she was not in favor of either pool, but she appreciated the work of the nearly 30 pool committee members, who are volunteering their time to come up with an acceptable plan. That was pleasant to hear, since many people follow the lead of national political figures and believe that disagreement means enmity. The pool committee is engaged in doing exactly what voters told them to do, though a defeated bond election last year. They are reworking plans for the pool facilities to get more bang for the buck. Designers have scaled back and gone are the slides and water trails. The buildings are utilitarian and not much more. About the fanciest feature is a shade structure above the wading pool for tots. Those opposed to the project had legitimate points: • A neighbor who owns a bed and breakfast asked about a fence to lessen daytime noise for his customers. • The drought continues to plague the entire state, and some see an irresponsible use of that precious resource in draining and filling two pools.

• Personnel costs are more with two pools, as opposed to one, while revenue was similar when Town Pool was closed last summer. • Last, but certainly not least, is the cost. A small pool of taxpayers should get the most for their money when they are being asked to pony up an additional $3 million and change for recreational facilities. While we recognize these points, and appreciate that they were put kindly, we like the vision the committee has for the town. The committee is reusing materials where it can, using part of the existing Park Pool and adding an expansion that could bring more visitors to town by making it large enough to host swim meets. As it stands now, Town Pool, which is situated directly across from the middle school, is a bit of an eyesore, in disrepair and in need of replacement. A major leak in that pool means a patch job is not an option. We believe Fredericksburg will continue to grow. With its tradition of having two public pools, many feel that cutting back on services wouldn’t be the thing to do with more residents and visitors in town each year. And we appreciate the time and effort by pool committee members to attempt to come up with an agreeable solution. Both pools are wonderful assets to Fredericksburg. We hope the revised and scaleddown plans will be studied seriously by voters and approved when the next bond election is held. We know some will disagree. We appreciate that these disagreements are not elevated into full-scale shouting matches.

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

Published every Wednesday by the

Fredericksburg Publishing Co., Inc.

712 West Main Street - P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Telephone 830-997-2155 - FAX 830-990-0036 All advertising, news and business matters, including subscriptions, renewals and change of addresses should be addressed to:

FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST P.O. Box 1639 - Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Publisher/Editor — Ken Esten Cooke Reporters — Yvonne Hartmann, Lisa Walter, Danny Hirt and Matt Ward Circulation Manager — Sherrie Geistweidt Head Bookkeeper — Nathan Crenwelge Advertising Manager — Kimberly Jung Advertising Staff — Connie Klein, Carol Hartmann, Ann Duecker and Beth Tucker

w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g s t a n d a r d . c o m

Letter Policy Editor’s Note: This newspaper welcomes responsible letters to the editor to be run in this column, provided they are of reasonable length, free of libelous content and written in good taste. All letters must be no longer than 300 words to be acceptable for publication, and, in order to appear in the newspaper, each letter must have the name of its writer published. Letters submitted as either fax or e-mail messages must include the full name of the writer as well as his or her residential address and home telephone number. Also, only letters that are originally composed by readers of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post will be considered for publication in this newspaper. No form or sample letters that are rewritten or passed along by our readers from lobby groups, political action committees (PACs) or similar organizations will be accepted.

Big shoes to fill

After the recent sale of this newspaper became final, five of us from the Standard-Radio Post hustled up to Dallas for the Texas Press Association’s Midwinter Conference. Art Kowert — predecessor and mentor to the retiring Terry and Cathy Collier, advertising manager Kim Jung and reporter Lisa Walter — was posthumously inducted into the Texas Press Foundation Hall of Fame. For this quartet, it was a chance to see their coach and counselor honored. For us all, it was a chance to see the friendly faces of our colleagues and talk about what, for us, is an exciting change. The Colliers, so well-respected around the state in press circles, received numerous good wishes, though all secretly wondered what Terry, a workaholic publisher if ever there was one, will do with himself. Kowert’s daughter, Nancy Dreher, looked at me earnestly, and said, “Take care of it.” I assured her that I would, and I offer the same to you readers who don’t know me from Adam. To introduce myself, I am a fourth-generation newspaper publisher. My great-grandfather, John Esten Cooke, moved from Tennessee to the panhandle town of Clarendon, then briefly owned the newspaper up the road in Brady. In 1911, he purchased The Rockdale Reporter, and that is where the Cooke family has called home since, my grandfather and father having run the newspaper and been a supporter of the town. I am coming to Fredericksburg from Rockdale, by way of Victoria. Rockdale has boomed and busted along with its major employer, Alcoa, which had an aluminum smelter powered by lignite coal

Texas/Type • • • By Ken Esten Cooke • • •

respectively. Being away from them is the only drawback for this new assignment, although a significant one. But publishing this newspaper was an opportunity I could not pass up. Christine and I have visited this Hill Country jewel several times and were always struck by how vibrant a place it is. People pack the streets each weekend, everyone from hipsters, to kickers, to wine connoisseurs. I like that mix of people and the energy that visitors bring to this town. I have always thought the Hill Country was the most beautiful part of Texas — it typified the state in my mind — since visits to Helotes to visit my uncle in the 1970s. From the limestone and granite, to clear creek waters, to the salvia and lantana, this area seems to be where everything Texas is tied together. My family has known and respected the Colliers for decades, as well as their predecessor, Art Kowert. Though I don’t remember an exact year, I probably met the Colliers when I was a child, tagging along with my parents to the TPA conventions we still attend. It is an honor to step into their shoes, and I will do my best to lead this talented team they have assembled, replicate their successes, and initiate a few updates. In short, I am very pleased to be here. I look forward to visiting with you, getting to know this community, and learning what ways this newspaper might serve you. I have big shoes to fill, following Art Kowert and the Colliers, but my father’s shoes were similarly large. I will do my best to maintain a quality newspaper for this unique town.

reserves. Alcoa closed the doors of its Rockdale smelter in 2008. My sister, Kathy and I were the first generation of family to try and co-publish. But taking that many good-paying jobs out of our town of about 5,600 affected every small business, ours included, and it wasn’t possible for all of us to continue as usual. Kathy continues to publish a fine paper and her husband writes sports. My wife, Christine and I moved to Victoria in the fall of 2010, where we both took jobs with the University of Houston-Victoria, she as an English instructor and me writing for the marketing department. Academia has its quirks, but it showed me how important higher education is to increase the overall knowledge base of an area. I was glad to learn that the Hill Country University Center is offering courses since higher education offerings are an important factor in economic development. We were struck by the booming wine industry and awed by the sophistication it brings to the area. I am also taken by the love of art here, and it is a treasure to see painters, photographers or sculptors thrive in a place that appreciates them. Things will be awkward for our family these first few months of 2012. As I begin this new venture, my wife is finishing her teaching contract at the UH-Victoria. Since her schedule is a bit more flexible than mine, our two sons, Esten and Will, are staying through the semester to finish their fifth and third grades,

Too sexy for the school yearbook I’ve just spent the morning strolling memory lane. For my job, no less. After a Colorado 18-year-old hit the airwaves to advocate for her cause — getting the high school yearbook to print a racy photograph of her in a yellow miniskirt and a barely-there top — I grabbed my own yearbook to refresh my recollection of student life. Two things I noticed right away: We wore our plaid Catholic school skirts a lot shorter than I remember. And, Sydney Spies’ come-hither shot would’ve never been printed in my yearbook. I also cracked open my 18-yearold’s 2011 tome. The quality of the product was much improved — color photographs, wow! — but I doubt a sexually suggestive pic of a model wannabe would have been printed there, either. The photos in his yearbook were appropriate for teenagers in a public high school. While Spies may not understand the definition of appropriate, she seems to recognize an opportunity for her 15 minutes of fame. And she’s making the

By Ana Veciana Suarez submitted a second photo, an THE MIAMI HERALD image of her in a form-fitting, strapless dress that was equally most of it. Too bad she may come racy. That, too, was rejected. Spies blames the administrato regret it one day. tion, but the staff, the principal Spies submitted the controverand the yearbook adviser say sial photo, taken by a profesadults didn’t make the decision. sional photographer in Durango, CO, to the yearbook because, Students did. as her mother put it, “she has “We didn’t want this picture grown tired of seeing all the bor- to make our publication seem ing pictures submitted, and she unprofessional and inappropriwanted to do something differ- ate,” said editor Brian Jaraent.” Different, I guess, means millo. The award-winning yearbook has rejected other photos, sexual and provocative. “I honestly think (the picture) including one of a shirtless male describes who I am,” Spies told student two years ago. NBC’s Today show. “I’m an out- So what was Spies’ reaction? going person and I really do She bellyached about censorship and freedom of expression. She think it’s artistic.” Artistic for a Playboy primer, and her mom, Miki Spies, waved placards in front of the school perhaps. Submitting their own photos and now say they’re considering to the yearbook is an acceptable legal action. practice at Durango High School Oh, please. This is not a reality and seniors there often choose TV show or a photo shoot. It’s a pictures that tell something yearbook put out by students of about them and their interests. a high school with a dress code. In the spirit of editorial indepen- Spies’ photo belongs in her modeldence, a committee of five stu- ing portfolio, in a publicity camdents approves the photographs. paign for a nightclub, maybe even Initially, the students did on a billboard for an escort serapprove Spies photo, but then vice. But in a yearbook? No way. decided it was unacceptable. She Cont. on D3

Peach crop: good cold hours, early blooms Growers hopeful that freezes are done for season


TAKING CARE OF ‘BEE’SINESS — A determined pollinator circulates one of Gillespie’s first peach blossoms of the year. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

While “bumper crop” might be a stretch of a prediction considering last year’s drought, local growers are expecting a good crop on area peach trees barring a late freeze. Jim Kamas, fruit specialist with the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, said the trees received a sufficient number of chill hours over the winter. “It’s a little early to be going into bloom, so it’s making people nervous,” Kamas said. “But chill hours and the rainy conditions are good for the crop.”

Jamey Vogel, owner of Vogel Orchards, said rain totals in early 2012 have been excellent for the crops. “The moisture is very much needed after the drought we had last year,” Vogel said. “It helps the trees recover.” Vogel cautioned against making a prediction of a bumper crop. “The trees were so stressed last year, so there is not as much new growth,” he said. “But, we’re hopeful. We just have to get through any future cold snaps.” Kamas said that, to overcome dormancy, different varieties of peaches require different levels of “chill hours” — the number of winter season hours logged

under 45 degrees. “Some varieties, like Harvesters, need 750 hours at or below 45 degrees,” he said. “In our area we expect 800 to 850 hours of winter chilling, and this year we’re right at about 940 hours, so we’ve had plenty for all varieties.” Kamas added that the only worrisome factor at this point is an early bloom because some varieties have already blossomed. “Our normal bloom date is around March 15,” he said. “If there is a late freeze, there is nothing we can do about it. But growers would be happy to have no more freezes.”

redericksburg Standard No. 38 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

By Matt Ward Fredericksburg City Councilman Tommy Segner hopes to keep his name off the May 12 city election ballot by any means necessary — even if it requires filing a lawsuit against the city he represents. During a public hearing Monday evening, Segner said he is “seriously considering filing a lawsuit” if the recall petition for his

Highlights of Segner’s remarks, page A11.

removal from council is not thrown out by City Attorney Pat McGowan and the rest of the city council. “We have formally decided that we are going to dispute the reason of that recall and the accuracy of that petition,” Segner said. “We consider the petition to be invalid and technically deficient. If we file this lawsuit, we will be seeking a restraining order and an injunction to keep this petition off the May 12 ballot.” According to the city’s home-rule charter,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Segner threatens to sue city Target of rollback effort, councilman says legal action possible if petition not rejected

75 cents

if the city council fails to order a recall election, then Gillespie County Judge Mark Stroeher “shall discharge any of the duties herein provided to be discharged by the person performing the duties of city secretary or by the city council.” Recall efforts come four months after a federal lawsuit, which alleges that Segner failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits totaling $324,828, some of them dating back to 2001, was filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the Cont. on page A11

Pool bonds to be posed as separate ballot items By Matt Ward

Bond items for each of the two proposed city pool facilities will likely appear separately on a May 12 election ballot after the Fredericksburg City Council approved a recommendation from the Fredericksburg Pool Committee by a 4-1 vote during a special meeting of the council Monday evening. Though the election ballot will not be finalized before


Ex-boyfriend draws 40 years for 1994 FHS grad’s murder


An ex-boyfriend of 1994 Fredericksburg High School graduate Dana Clair Edwards was sentenced to 40 years for her murder on Friday in 186th Judicial District Court in San Antonio. After hearing testimony from Edwards’ father and the defendant’s friends, the jury sentenced Jon Thomas Ford,

Voter registration certificates await redistricting decision, primary election date Mailing of new voter registration certificates is being delayed until the redistricting maps have been finalized, according to Gillespie County Tax Assessor-Collector Marissa Weinheimer. “The expiration of your old voter registration certificate on Dec. 31, 2011, does not invalidate your voter registration,” she said. She explained that individuals who have not had any changes to their voter registration (such as moving or changing their name) do not have to take any action. “If you remain in your county of registration but have changed your residence address or name, you will need to submit your updated information to your county voter registrar and your new voter registration certificate will be mailed to you,” she said. Voters who have changed their resiCont. on page A6


43, to the four-decade term. “My daughter’s murder was truly a tragedy for many,” said Darrell Edwards, the victim’s father, who with wife Deborah, resides in San Antonio and the Stonewall community. “The jurors saw past the half-truths, deceit and lies, and as strong people, Cont. on page A2


Top citizens to be feted at Thursday Chamber banquet A social and dinner, auctions and awards will highlight the annual Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce Banquet tomorrow, Thursday, in the Exhibition Hall at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. A limited number of tickets are still available for the banquet. Individual tickets are $50 and corporate tables, which seat eight, are $500. Tickets are available by contacting the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce at 997-6523 or stopping by the chamber office at 302 East Austin Street. The annual banquet begins with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. During the social, the Fredericksburg High School Jazz Ensemble will provide musical entertainment. The evening will also include a silent auction and live auction. Cont. on page A6


HALL OF PRIDE — Fredericksburg Elementary School students make quick work of getting to class, walking past the recognized campus’ main hallway. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter


•  Fredericksburg continues Stage 4 water restrictions — A11

Feb. 22-28, 2012 Rainfall This Week Rainfall for February Rainfall for 2012 Normal For Date Same Date Last Year Low – Feb. 24 High – Feb. 22

•  Mission group pitches in to help Mexican village — A9 •  Carlin-Wicker Relays here on Saturday — B1 •  Team tennis regional tournament scheduled in Hays County — B1

•  Hill Country Alliance seeks photo entries — C2 •  Kindergarteners answer ‘What’s so great about school?’ — D1 •  Letter writers address councilman’s recall situation — D3

0.12 2.82 4.29 3.11 1.55 28 86

For real-time weather information, go online to:

•  FHS baseball team finishes third in home tournament — B1

Former Secretary of State Baker highlights Nimitz Foundation speaker series. Page A2.

the council’s regular meeting on Monday, councilmen approved a pool committee recommendation for a $1.4 million bond vote on a new Town Pool and a $1.8 million bond vote on a rebuilt Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool. Councilman Tommy Segner opposed the recommendation, citing a lack of adequate choices for citizens to decide from. Segner said he wanted Cont. on page A11

High Low Rain Wednesday 86 40 Thursday 58 38 Friday 57 28 Saturday 59 33 Sunday 65 44 Monday 62 57 0.12 Tuesday 75 62 Total Rain 0.12 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

· A - Front · D - Community Sections: · B - Sports · E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds · C - Lifestyles · G - Entertainment

Lumpkins has grand champ goat at San Antonio show When it comes to meat goats, Gillespie County 4-Her Macie Lumpkins has one of the best in the state. Her entry was named by judge Kyle Smithwick of Miles as the Grand Champion Meat Goat in the junior show at the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. Before being named the Grand Champion Meat Goat, her entry won first in its class and was then named the Champion Heavy Weight. Among her honors, Miss Lumpkins received a $10,000 scholarship. Cont. on page A3

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“Imagine, Explore, Discover” is the theme for this year’s Texas Public Schools Week, to be observed March 5-10. Work from students in the Fredericksburg Independent School District, Harper Independent School District and the Doss Common Consolidated School District is on display in this week’s edition, and a community-wide breakfast is scheduled for March 8. FISD personnel, including Supt. Marc Williamson, will serve free breakfast tacos and juice to all who come by the Security State Bank and Trust drive-through (at the corner of Crockett and Austin streets) between 7 and 8 a.m. Stonewall residents may have their school breakfast in the elementary cafeteria between 7:30 and 8:10 a.m. Local schools are celebrated in this week’s edition throughout the Community (D) section and the work of young artists is featured on page C1. Each week, news from local schools is spotlighted in the pages of the Standard-Radio Post.

Kirchdorfer, Sanford throw names into city council race Former councilman Bjorn Kirchdorfer and retired attorney Kathy Sanford have joined the race for two open council seats in the May 12 City of Fredericksburg mayoral and city council election. They join incumbents Tim Dooley and Graham Pearson on the ballot for city council, while current mayor Tom Musselman vies for re-election against pre-


Cont. on page A11

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City news


Public hearing remarks of Councilman Tommy Segner

Fredericksburg still continuing Stage 4 water rationing program Despite recent rainfall, the City of Fredericksburg remains under Stage 4 water restrictions. “The rain amount we have had is not enough to alleviate the drought factor, nor the water levels in our wells,” City Code Enforcement Officer Annette Loth said. As a result, Stage 4 watering days will continue until further notice at: •Monday -- addresses ending in 1 or 2;

•Tuesday -- addresses ending in 3 or 4; •Wednesday -- addresses ending in 5 or 6; •Thursday -- addresses ending in 7 or 8; •Friday -- addresses ending in 9 or 0. Under the city’s Stage 4 conservation program, irrigation of landscaped areas on designated watering days by whatever method may occur only between the hours of midnight and 10 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to

Pool bonds

Kirchdorfer, Sanford

Cont. from A1 to see an option to repair Park Pool for $700,000 less on the ballot. A redeveloped Town Pool site would include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-footdiameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. Reutilization of most of the existing Park Pool structure is proposed to help develop a new eight-lane lap pool adjacent to a separate youth play area and zero entry beach. Preliminary estimates from former city consultants Aquatic Excellence and Kimley-Horn indicated project costs at Town Pool of around $1.5 million and costs at Park Pool ranging from $2.1-$2.5 million. However, the pool committee countered with their own projections, estimating Town Pool could be constructed for $1,287,583 and Park Pool for $1,838,141. Councilmen had previously agreed to spend up to $15,000 for city pool consultant Aquatic Excellence to firm up numbers provided by the pool committee.

vious mayor Jeryl Hoover. The deadline for signing up to run in the election is by the close of the business day on Monday. Applications can be filed at City Hall, 126 West Main Street. To be eligible to hold elected office in the city, a resident must be a registered voter, have lived in Fredericksburg for at least the last 12 consecutive months, and not owe the city any money (such as back taxes, penalties or fines). Current councilman Tommy Segner is expected to also be on the ballot in a recall election after a petition for his removal from the council was filed with the Fredericksburg City Council. On Monday, Segner said he was considering pursuing a lawsuit against the city to prevent the recall election. Scott Jones, the fifth member of the council, is not up for reelection until 2013. Barring a settlement, a federal civil suit between the United States government and

....On paying the IRS

midnight. The only exception is for vegetable/herb gardens which can be watered by a drip irrigation system or soaker hose on offdays and by any method on designated days between the hours of 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. Complete information on Stage 4 schedules and restrictions is available on the city’s website at or on Facebook at the City of Fredericksburg Public Works, Utilities & Engineering page.

Cont. from A1

Segner will go to trial in early 2013. The suit, which alleges that Segner failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits, some of them dating back to 2001, was filed Oct. 28, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division. Early voting is scheduled to run from April 30-May 8. In addition, voters can begin the application process on March 13 to vote by mail. For those citizens who are not yet registered to vote, they have until April 12 to sign up in order to be able to vote in this election. Registration is handled in the tax assessor-collector’s office in the Gillespie County Courthouse, 101 West Main Street. More information about Fredericksburg’s May 12 city elections is available at 997-7521.

My wife and I have paid the IRS a lot of money over the years and we have made tax deposits, including some larger deposits to reduce the overall tax debt. In fact in 2007, we sold the building that we built for our business back in 2001 in order for the use those proceeds for the sale to pay taxes. For that well-intended action, we got hit with a large capital gains tax on our next income tax. Nothing that we didn’t expect, but bottom line is more tax. Enforcement actions by the IRS have made things worse over time and made it appear that we are uncooperative while they continue to assess penalties and interest, creating new problems. We have tried to work with them, as I said before, but we feel that some of their demands were unrealistic, although we tried to work within those mandates as much as possible.

....On the civil lawsuit This lawsuit is not unlike what might happen in a contested divorce or a business dispute between a client and a vendor. It’s coming from the federal government, but it’s still about money. This is not about guilt or innocence. It’s about rights of the citizen to work through a situation that could not be settled without someone suing the other party over a disagreement for a means to collect what one says is money owed and the other says is not fair or correct. This should not be about assumption or speculation. This is an ongoing lawsuit. This case may be far from over. It may settle very soon. Only time will tell. My attorneys feel confident that we’re moving forward and I’m very glad to hear that.

....On the pool committee It is a fact that two members of the pool committee were directly involved with gathering signatures on the recall petition and the petition included signatures of some of the members of the committee. I have already told you that I initiated the petition last year in reference to the swimming pool issue. I fought hard to try and save Town Pool on Travis Street and I am just as adamant about that today as I was a year ago. Now that does not sit well with some of the members of the pool committee. They have, I think, some other ideas about that, but anyway I’m not going to get into what their thoughts are completely, but I guarantee you that my position on that doesn’t sit well with some of those members.

....On possibly suing the City of Fredericksburg Now I’m going to close my public hearing on this recall with just a few bits of very important information that the city council and the city attorney need to be fully aware of. The recall petition itself and its wording are very important. I have spoken with my attorneys. They have reviewed the recall petition and the city charter, specifically the reason listed for the recall petition and the accuracy of the petition, and we have formally decided that we are going to dispute the reason of that recall and the accuracy of that petition. We consider the petition to be invalid and technically deficient. At this point, we are seriously considering filing a lawsuit, if necessary, if the city attorney and the city council do not reject the petition. If we file this lawsuit, we will be seeking a restraining order and an injunction to keep this petition off the May 12 ballot. I am hoping that the city council and the city attorney will review the petition in detail and they will see what I am referring. If they have questions, they can certainly contact my attorney. I’d be more than happy to furnish the information.

Segner Cont. from A1 U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division. During a public hearing Monday to respond to the recall petition, Segner spoke of being “a disruption of the good ol’ boy network and the status quo at City Hall and on the council” and charged signature gatherers of having “significant personal and political reasons for wanting me off this council.” “It appears that my personal issues with the IRS seem to be a good excuse to get back at me for numerous issues and disagreements, some of which because I have taken issue with their reckless spending practices and in some cases, their disrespect for lower and middle class citizens,” he said. Prior to his election in May 2011, Segner led a petition drive to force a $3.2 million project at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool to a bond election and actively opposed the city’s position during negotiations with Gillespie County over avigation easement rights at the Gillespie County Airport. Since joining the council, Segner voted against the current city budget, the Capital Improvement Plan and Equipment Replacement Plan. “Now I certainly don’t know what people were told at the time they signed the recall petition,” he said, “but it is my opinion that much of the motivation behind the petition is purely a political power play in which the people gathering the signatures may have used aspects of my financial situation to enflame negative passion in others.” A response from the remainder of the Fredericksburg City Council on the matter is expected at their March 5 meeting, when the council will vote on whether or not to include the recall measure on the May 12 city election ballot.

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INSIDE: 132 pages of events, attractions and information


The 2012 Spring & Summer Visitors Guide is included inside this issue of the Fredericksburg Standard.   This year’s issue includes the best in area attractions, town events, and community coverage that is important to the thousands of visitors during the spring and summer seasons.

This year’s issue contains a story from a woman who has made the town a stop for she and her sister for nearly two decades.   The Visitors Guide prints 60,000 copies in the spring and extra copies are available at local retailers or the Standard offices, 712 W. Main.

‘HELLISH’ RIDE — Cyclists will be all over Gillespie County roads this weekend for Texas Hell Week XXI, taking part in short (25-45 miles), medium (55-110 miles) and long-distance (120 miles or longer) rides. See page A11 for details, along with tips for sharing the road with cyclists. — Standard-Radio Post file photo

redericksburg Standard No. 39 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

OLD WAY MEETS THE HIGHWAY – Having just left the Gillespie County Fair Grounds, the Original Texas Star Trail Riders had to cross over State Highway 16 South as they headed down Boos Lane. – StandardRadio Post Photos by Danny Hirt

Council drama goes on as recall target files for mayor’s post

Redistricting maps settled, election set for May 29

regular meeting on Monday. Late Monday afternoon, Segner added his name to another election item, throwing his hat into the ring for the already contested mayoral race, where he joins current mayor Tom Musselman and former mayor Jeryl Hoover. Five candidates will also seek election for two available city council seats, with incumbents Tim Dooley and Graham Pearson facing opposition from Bjorn Kirchdorfer, Kathy Sanford and Curt Regester, who filed last week. Additionally, two bond election items will be on the May 12 Cont. on page A2

New filing period opened through Friday for primary

Embattled councilman allows petition to proceed, reserves right to sue later By Matt Ward After repeatedly stating his opposition to recall efforts and suggesting he may sue the City of Fredericksburg if such a measure were included on the ballot, Fredericksburg City Councilman Tommy Segner did not object when a proposition for his recall was placed on the May 12 city election ballot. All items on the May 12 ballot were finalized and approved by the city council during their

Reworking of swimming pool facilities up for May 12 vote Voters will have the opportunity to cast their vote on the future of swimming pools in Fredericksburg after two separate bond items were approved by the Fredericksburg City Council Monday evening to appear on the May 12 ballot. The first bond, labeled Proposition 2 on the ballot, will be for $1.8 million to be used on a rebuilt and expanded Lady Bird

Johnson Municipal Park Pool facility. Reutilization of most of the existing Park Pool structure is proposed to help develop a new eight-lane lap pool adjacent to a separate youth play area and zero entry beach. The second bond, labeled Proposition 3, will be for $1.4 million to be used on a new Town Pool facility at the existing location. A redeveloped Town Pool Cont. on page A2



By Matt Ward

•  Don’t forget to “spring forward” for Daylight Savings Time — A5 •  Former Texas Rangers plan open house, ribbon cutting at new offices — A14 •  FHS boys finish second, girls third at Carlin-Wicker Relays — B1 •  Team tennis finishes third at regional tournament — B1

Feb. 29-March 6, 2012 Rainfall This Week 0.00 Rainfall for February 2.82 Rainfall for March 0.00 Rainfall for 2012 4.29 Normal For Date 3.52 Same Date Last Year 1.56 Low – March 3 30 High – March 1 82 For real-time weather information, go online to:

•  Second round of district soccer for FHS boys, girls begins Friday — B1 •  FHS Red-Hotts win honors at dance contest — C/D6 •  Woman with local connection to chair eating disorders council — C/D 10

High Low Rain Wednesday 74 43 Thursday 82 50 Friday 76 44 Saturday 61 30 Sunday 72 34 Monday 73 46 Tuesday 73 58 Total Rain 0.12 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

‘HERE’S TO THE WINNERS’ − These seven citizens were honored Thursday at the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce’s 92nd Annual Banquet and Awards Program, held at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. Award recipients were, seated, from left, Cathy Collier, who with husband Terry (standing, second from left), were honored with the Community Achievement Award; Jenny Wieser, chief operating officer for Fisher & Wieser Specialty Foods, Outstanding Chamber Woman; Kendra Jones, Fredericksburg High School senior, Student of the Year; standing, Gary Neffendorf, retiring City of Fredericksburg manager, Outstanding Public Servant; Billy Johnson, owner Billy Johnson State Farm Insurance, Outstanding Chamber Man; and Tony Klein, president of Arrowhead Bank, Volunteer of the Year. See page A6 for story and more photos. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Ken Esten Cooke

Jail project ‘agent’ named By Lisa Treiber-Walter In another move toward a proposed new county jail, Gillespie County Commissioners have agreed to hire a construction manager-agent. Whether or not to build a new jail facility has yet to be decided by voters in a bond election in November. But independent consultants Justice Concepts, Inc., as well as the Texas Com-

mission on Jail Standards and the county’s appointed jail facility advisory committee, have all agreed the local jail is legally insufficient to house its current prisoner load and a new detention center should be constructed. County officials have taken measures over past months to determine the size and scope of a possible new county jail, plus where it would be located.

That will provide a firm cost estimate so voters can make an informed decision at the ballots this fall, according to Gillespie County Judge Mark Stroeher. “We don’t want to spend a lot of money if (the issue) doesn’t pass the bond election, but at the same time, we feel like we need to provide the public with enough information to see what we’d be dealing with going into Cont. on page A5

After months of wrangling between activists, politicians and state and federal judges, the 2012 election maps for congressional, state house and state senate districts have been ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas. The state will now hold its delayed political primaries on May 29. New maps may be viewed in detail on the Texas Legislative Council website at redist/redist.htm. In Gillespie County, a new, reopened filing period for primary candidates began March 2 and continues through this Friday, March 9. GOP County Chairman Lucy (Jeanie) Pehl, and party secretary Betty Hahn of the executive committee will be available to accept applications for candidate filing. Also, from 5 to 6 p.m. Friday, officials will be at the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center conference room, 1604 East Main Street, to accept applications. Other applications will be accepted by appointment. Applications forms may be downloaded from the Secretary of State web site, or by Cont. on page A7

Spring Break at Pioneer Museum State BB Gun contest aim here Saturday highlights early settler activities takes Top shooters from around the state will be in Seven days of activities on tap for history buffs

Spring Break activities at the Pioneer Museum begin Saturday with seven full days of family activities slated Monday through Saturday. Activities will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a wide variety of hands-on activities, demonstrations and reenactments each day, including blacksmithing, spinning, quilting, butter churning, flint knapping and rope making.

· A - Front · D - Community Sections: · B - Sports · E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds · C - Lifestyles · G - Entertainment

Re-enactors representing Buffalo Soldiers and mountain men will share their culture and history. Children can sit in a one-room schoolhouse, taste biscuits from an authentic chuckwagon, and make old-fashioned toys. Visitors can also enjoy the culture of the Lakota Sioux Indians. TaCha, Tatanka and Sunkmanitu Eagle Horse will be present daily and offer dances at various times. During a typical demonstration, Cont. on page A7

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Fredericksburg on Saturday to compete in the 2012 Texas State BB Gun Championships. Set for the Show Barn at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds, the contest is expected to draw over 90 youth on approximately 14 teams. Among the qualifiers will be 21 competitors from Gillespie County. They will shoot on three teams while several others will compete as individuals. Teams that finish first, second or third on Saturday are eligible to advance to national competition this summer in Rogers, AR. The written test will be administered at 8:30 a.m. and shooting in four positions — prone, standing, Cont. on page A4

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Pecan Creek set for open house of rural schools

NO ONE WAS HURT in this accident at 11:45 a.m. Monday at Linens & More, 302 E. Main. Russell Crawll of Kerrville was attempting to park in front of the building when his foot slipped off the brake and his 2003 Buick Ultra jumped the curb, hitting a support beam, a bench and a potted plant. Part of

the pot struck and shattered one window pane in the business, but there was no other damage to the structure. Two pedestrians avoided the damage, said Sherry Locklear, of the Fredericksburg Police Department’s downtown bike patrol. — Standard-Radio Post Photo

Council drama ballot, offering voters a chance to approve or deny a $1.8 million bond for a rebuilt Park Pool as well as a $1.4 million bond for a new Town Pool. Recall stays on ballot Despite threatening to sue the City of Fredericksburg if the petition was not thrown out by city officials, Segner said at Monday’s council meeting that he was willing to accept the recall election, but he added that he still reserves the right to bring a lawsuit at a later date. “I think this thing has been drug out a pretty good ways and there’s been a lot said in both directions, but if we’re going to go to a recall, then let’s go to a recall. The citizens can speak,” Segner said. “There’s a lot of people who don’t like the way the recall petition was done. They don’t like the way the city council handled it.” Recall efforts come four months after a federal lawsuit, which alleges that Segner failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits totaling $324,828, some of them dating back to 2001, was filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division. At Monday’s meeting, Segner said that a verbal agreement had been reached in the suit and that he hoped the suit would be settled by the council’s next regular meeting on March

Cont. from A1 19. Eight area citizens spoke in defense of Segner during the meeting’s public comment section, with citizens calling the recall election “offensive and highly inappropriate” while maintaining Segner’s innocence until proven guilty. Council responds Unable to respond to the statements made by Segner during a special public hearing on the recall last week, councilmen voiced their opinions on the recall during Monday’s council comment section. Councilman Scott Jones, who along with Segner was elected to the council last May, said his problem with the recall did not come from the petition itself, but from the work of other councilmen in collecting signatures. “It is the right of every citizen in this community to voice their opinion about their elected officials,” Jones said. “My problem is when sitting city council members take it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner of a fellow city council member.” He also revealed during the meeting that he had previously owed the IRS $1,000 in back taxes and that it took more than three years to get the issue settled. “We have rushed into judgment on an allegation that is merely that, an allegation,” Jones said. “If your personal problems — not yet vetted in the courts — can be used against

Cherry Spring School opening doors Cherry Spring School will be open for visitors on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Former students and members of the Cherry Spring Community Club will be present to reminisce about school days at the historic country school. The limestone rock school building was constructed in 1885, and in the 1930s, a pavilion with a second classroom was built. The school served the community until 1962 when it was con-

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post (USPS 209-080) (ISSN 87559331) Published Weekly by the Fredericksburg Publishing Co, Inc. 712 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 830-997-2155 • Fax 830-990-0036


Subscription Rates: Gillespie and adjoining counties, $34.00 per year; 3 years, $99.00. All other areas in Texas, $38.00 per year; 3 years, $111.00. Outside Texas, $39.00 per year; 3 years, $114.00. Periodical postage paid at Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST, P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

solidated with Fredericksburg Independent School District. In the those 76 years, almost 400 students were taught by 42 teachers. The school is located at 5973 Ranch Road 2323. Visit the website for driving directions and information about the schools included on the Gillespie County Country Schools Trail and the Friends of Gillespie County Country Schools organization.

you as a vendetta to punish you for your views on items and issues, then I feel very sad for anybody who comes before this council in its present condition who may have issues in their life that those issues may be used against you in the city’s deliberations about whether or not you get to have a permit.” Tim Dooley, one of two active councilmen who collected signatures as part of the recall effort, said that no vendetta existed and Segner brought the recall upon himself. “No one forced Mr. Segner to fail to pay his taxes. Those were decisions he made on his own,” he said. “Although Mr. Segner seeks to blame many people for his tax troubles and now the recall, he alone made these decisions to not pay his taxes.” Dooley added that the failure to pay his taxes “call into question the ability of Mr. Segner to manage and make decisions for the people of this city when he has made these kind of poor

decisions in his own business.” Councilman Graham Pearson, who also collected signatures for the recall, said that Segner’s legal response to the IRS was “tantamount to an admission of guilt” and that the recall effort is justified. “To continue the ‘railroading’ metaphor suggested in Bruce Kneese’s letter to the editor the other week, I believe the results of the May 12 ballot will be a dose of reality that will hit Segner like a freight train,” Pearson said. “That is unless he has the common sense and the decency to resign before that date.”

One of Gillespie County’s historic rural schoolhouses, the Pecan Creek School, will be part of a three-site open house Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The school, located at 3410 Pecan Creek Road, is part of the Friends of Gillespie County Country School’s monthly open house. Also being spotlighted are the Cherry Spring School (5973 Ranch Road 2323) and Christ Lutheran Church (1419 Cherry Spring Road.) A light snack lunch and drinks will be available at Pecan Creek School during the day. Visitors are invited to enjoy the history of the grounds and see all the improvements that have been made to the property in the past year. All Pecan Creek Community Club members are also encouraged to attend, since this date will also serve as the group’s monthly meeting. Guest speakers will be Wallace Britton and Jason Priess, who will speak about the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association. More information about Pecan Creek School or rental of the school facility is available by phoning 830-669-2546 or 830997-8267. More information about this event, a schedule of future open house dates and locations and a map of the Gillespie County Country Schools Driving Trail is available at the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce, at 302 East Austin Street. It may be reached by phoning 830-9976523. Or, the map and related trail information is downloadable off the web from the following site:

Swimming pool Cont. from A1 site would likely include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-footdiameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. Councilmen said that though they were now locked into the finances of each pool site, no

final design for either pool had been approved. A late effort from Councilman Tommy Segner to add a $1.1 million bond item for repairs without expansion at Park Pool died for lack of a second at Monday’s meeting.

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Section/page A Absolute Charm B&B............. A9 Agave Realty........................ E2 Allen Keller Company............ F7 Ambleside School...............C/D6 Arrowhead Bank................... B5 Auctions.............................. F8 B Bar O Bar Ranches Inc.....C/D11 Bierschwale-Rees Insurance... A8 Billies Support Page.............. B6 Boerne Dodge...................... B8 Brent’s Custom Odd Jobs .E2, F7 Bridal Registry...................C/D9 Brune Wedding Anniversary.C/D9 C Capital Farm Credit............... E2 Carol Hicks Bolton Antiqüités.. A3 Catholic Life Insurance.A7, C/D3 Century 21 Sunset Realtors.... E1 Cherry Spring School........... A10 Church Directory................C/D5 Church of Christ................... B7 City Cleaners........................ B3 Class. Business Directory.F11-14 Coldwell Banker-Heart of Hills.E5 Cornerstone Properties.......... E2 Crenwelge Auto Sales.......... A12 Crossroads Saloon................ B3 Culligan............................C/D8 D Davis Bonding Co...........B8, F10 Diamond K Construction...C/D12 Dittmar Lumber.................... F7 DQ.................................C/D10 DR Welding.......................... F7 Durham Land Co..............E3, E6 E Edward Jones....................... A5 Exit Realty........................... E3 F First Baptist Church............C/D4 Fonder Chiropractic............... B3 Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier........ A6 Fredericksburg Artist School... A8 Fredericksburg Art & More..... A9 Fredericksburg Car Cruise...... B2 Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce...................... B4 Fredericksburg Clinic..........C/D3 Fredericksburg I.S.D............. A3 Fredericksburg Medical Equip.C/D6 Fredericksburg Realty............ E5 Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post..........................C/D11 G Gillespie Central Appraisal District......................C/D11 Gillespie County Fair/Festivals.A3 Gillespie Livestock Auction..C/D7 Golden Hub........................ A12 Grape Creek Construction...... F7 Grimes, Fred, DDS...........C/D10 Groom & Groom................. A10 H Hartcraft Dirt........................ F7 Herber Real Estate................ E4 Heritage Realty..................... E2 Hester Window Coverings...C/D6 Highland Oaks Apts............... E6 Hill Country Home Center.C/D12 Hill Country Memorial Hospital.... ............................B5, C/D7 Hill Country Refrigeration..... A13 Hill Country SPCA............... A13 Hoerster, Rick....................... A8 Hometown Crafts.................. A5 Hondo’s .............................. B3 H&R Block............................ A6 I Immel Motors.......... C/D12, TV1 IPI Investment Professionals.. A7 J Johnsmith Music................C/D9 Johnson Newman Antiques... A10 Jones Ranch Realty............... E5 K K&C Lawnmower Service..... a10 Keller Williams Realty............ E2 Kerr Land Company............... E2 Kerrville Kroc Center............. B2 Kerrville Mattress Gallery..... A12 Kevin Kramer Construction..... F7 KNAF-KEEP Radio...............C/D7 Kneese Companies................ F8 Knopp Retirement Home...C/D10 Kovar, Lance, DDS...........C/D10 Kowert Real Estate................ E4 Kramer’s Wood & Metal Works.A11 Kuhlmann Realty................... E3 L LandTx................................ E5 Lazy S Western Wear.......... A11 Legal Notices...................... F11 Lenten Fish Fry..................C/D6 Lone Star Pump Service......... F7 Longhorn Land..................... E5 LPL Financial...................... A13 Luckenbach, Texas................ B4 M Main Streets of TX Mortgage.. A6 More Than Antiques.............. F7 Morning Star Memory Care... A14 N Nixon Real Estate.................. E4 O Obituaries.........................C/D4 Odeon Theater................... TV2 P Palo Alto Materials................ A6 Pat’s Hall........................... A11 Peach Basket...............A10, TV2 Pioneer Memorial Library....C/D6 Pioneer Museum................... A4 Property Management Svcs.... E6 Q Quality Lube......................... B8 R Ray Price Concert................ A13 Real Estate Advisory Team..... E2 Real Living........................... E3 ReMax Town & Country.......... E3 Rubicon Real Estate Svcs....... E5 S 72 Degrees.......................C/D1 St. Vincent de Paul...........C/D10 Secret Garden.............A2, C/D9 Seitz..............................C/D12 Shutter Factory..................C/D7 Singing Water Vineyards........ A8 Stagecoach Theater............. TV4 Stehling Bros. Tuxedos.....C/D10 Stehling, Will, DDS................ B8 Stock My Pond...................C/D7 T T-Ball Registration................. B3 Texas Steel Buildings............. F7 TexScan............................... E6 Tin Star Ranch.................... A12 Tivydale Business Park.......... A2 Too Late To Classify............... B2 Tootie Pie Co........................ A8 Troy Faust Motor Co.............. B2 V Valeska’s.............................. B7 Vapo Propane....................... F8 VFW Hall............................ TV4 Visiting Angels...................C/D6 W Walker, Michael, MD............ A12 Weather..........................C/D12 Weinheimer & Son................ B7 West End Pizza..................... B7 Western Beverages............. A12 Willow City School..............C/D9 Z Zgabay, Randy..................... A9


Lessons learned about mothers’ protectiveness • • • By Willis Webb


homes was the absolute allowable for his health conditions. “Hey, Horn!” Clydell would shout from the window when our neighbor appeared. (“Mister Horn” was too big a mouthful for a toddler. Besides “Horn” loved it.) D.O.’s fondness for Clydell gave the toddler more “outside time,” particularly when Horn was out. That toddler-elder relationship also produced benefits for Myrtle Horn. When Horn was walking with Clydell in the yard, Myrtle knew that his two older brothers were watchful and, that in all likelihood, our mother would peer out frequently from the household chores to not only check on her offspring but on our kindly neighbor Horn. When we were “looking after” Horn, Myrtle would use that opportunity to go horseback riding on her black mare, Silver. Yeah, Myrtle had a sense of humor. On one such daily outing, Clydell and our elderly neighbor were in Horn’s yard. Our adventuresome brother discovered a baby blue jay that had fallen

from the nest while Mama Jay was hunting bugs and worms to feed her young. Clydell immediately scooped up the young jay and clasped it securely in both hands, knowing not to squeeze too hard but, believing he had a prize pet, headed toward our front door. Mama Jay apparently heard her screeching youngster, captive to this “mean” enemy of avians, and came swooping down between the two houses, shrieking and dive-bombing and rapidly pecking on Clydell’s head. The toddler managed to maintain an almost death-like grip on the baby jay for what seemed like an eternity. Clydell’s two older brothers were trying to figure out how to rescue the toddler and the baby bird without incurring scarred noggins themselves. Meanwhile, Horn was laughing himself silly. Mother came scrambling out of the house and saw to it that Clydell released the baby bird so Mama Jay could rescue it and carry it back to the relative sanctity of the nest. Clydell’s head had no serious injury but Mama Jay’s pecks probably stung long enough to remind him of something he already knew about his

mother but could now apply to mothers in general: Don’t mess with their babies or they’ll hurt you. There was, of course, a secondary lesson to be learned although it didn’t dawn on me until many years later. At the time of this event, the late 1940s, there was little known about treating diabetes, heart disease and heart attacks except to eliminate stress. However, I’m convinced that D.O. Horn’s life was extended by the relationship he developed with our toddler brother. Horn was absolutely ecstatic that a toddler paid attention to him and loved him. Plus, laughing had to take stress away. His smile and obvious joy when he heard “Horn!” from one of our windows was tonic for his weakened heart. And, Horn was wise enough to know that his young next door neighbors were learning about one of the most important facets of life — there’s nothing stronger than a mother’s love. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. Email him at

State, feds in standoff over women’s program AUSTIN — Through the Texas Women’s Health Program, some 130,000 uninsured, low-income women ages 18 to 44 are provided with family planning exams, basic essential health screenings and birth control through Medicaid funding that is 90 percent federal and 10 percent state. On March 31, the program will lose its federal funding if the State of Texas and the federal government don’t work out related issues that have become heavily politicized. Federal and state law currently prohibit the funding of abortion services except in cases of rape, incest or life endangerment, but the State of Texas recently applied for a waiver of federal rules in hopes of operating the Women’s Health Program in a way that complies with a state law passed last year that eliminates abortion providers and their affiliates as qualified providers of the other women’s health services. But the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services did not express any intention to grant a waiver that would allow the state to pick and choose among qualified providers. Gov. Rick Perry reacted, say-

State Capitol Highlights By Ed Sterling


ing it is his intent to protect women’s health but not to allow the Obama administration to violate “states’ rights” by blocking the enforcement of a Texas law. And Perry said the Texas Health and Human Services Commission “cannot ignore state law and allow taxpayer funds to be awarded to entities that perform or promote elective abortions or affiliate with entities that perform or promote elective abortions.” Perry mentioned Planned Parenthood in his statement. State Rep. Mike Villarreal, D-San Antonio, in a March 6 news release responded to Perry’s statements, saying nearly half of the program’s clients receive services through Planned Parenthood, an organization that does not provide abortions at Women’s Health Program clinics. On March 9, the non-profit, non-partisan Center for Public Policy Priorities in Austin released recommendations to the fed-

eral government and to the state. Here are excerpts: • “The federal government should not flinch from strict enforcement of the federal law guaranteeing women freedom of choice in selecting their providers. If the state implements its rule excluding Planned Parenthood, the federal government should end its participation in the Women’s Health Program immediately.” • “The state should return to the old rules for the Women’s Health Program, which ensured that no program dollars subsidized abortion directly or indirectly, but did not bar Planned Parenthood from participating in the program. Alternatively, the state should delay implementation of its new rule while it turns to the courts to establish its authority to exclude Planned Parenthood. If it wins its case, then it can implement its rule excluding Planned Parenthood without jeopardizing federal funding. If it loses its case, then the Legislature can decide whether it wishes to end the program or continue the program without federal funding.”


Letters•To The Editor Split votes could pass both pool issues To the editor, The pool survey returns indicated that 85 percent opposed building two new pools. However, the May bond election ballot is designed to make approval of both proposed new pools possible, despite overwhelming opposition. It does this by adding together the “for” votes of voters who only approve one pool with those who approve two pools. By doing this, it is possible that each pool will gain more “for” votes than “against” votes, and be approved. Here’s a simple example where 80 percent of voters are opposed to funding two new pools, and yet the two pools get approved anyway. Assume that only 20 percent vote for both pools; 10 percent vote against both pools; 35 percent vote for Park Pool and against Town Pool, and 35 percent vote for Town Pool and against Park Pool. For 1,000 votes cast, 1) 200 vote “for” Park Pool, and 200 “for” Town Pool. 2) 100 vote “against” Park Pool, and 100 “against” Town Pool. 3) 350 vote “for” Park Pool, and 350 “against” Town Pool. 4) 350 vote “for” Town Pool, and 350 “against” Park Pool. When you tally the “for” and “against” votes for each pool, these are the results: 1) 550 votes “for” Park Pool vs. 450 votes “against” Park Pool. Result: Park Pool passes. 2) 550 votes “for” Town Pool vs. 450 votes “against” Town Pool. Result: Town Pool passes. By misapplying the “for” votes of people who oppose building two new pools, an 80 percent opposition to building two new pools can be made to seem like a 55 percent majority in favor of building two new pools. Unfortunately, City Council has finalized the ballot, so the only way to prevent such a

twisted election outcome may be for the large majority of voters who oppose two new pools to vote against both pools. John Detmar Fredericksburg ‘Concentrate on what’s best for our community’ Dear editor, I continue to read each week all the stories and letters about Councilman Segner. I would like to add my thoughts. I do not condone or agree with what Mr. Segner is accused of. I do wonder, however, why this should be so much worse than what has been set forth about some of our officials in Washington? That doesn’t make it right, but get over it, already. There hasn’t anything been said about the rest of our officials, but my guess is that if one were to look under the right rock…. Officials, you need to quit playing your personal political games and concentrate on what is best for our community. I think maybe there are enough of us old-timers out here to see that you are replaced. Carlton Eckert Fredericksburg ‘For’ pools, but recall petition


Dear editor, I laud the efforts of our pool committee for addressing the ongoing issue and our city council for listening to their proposal. I am concerned about the proposed issue of a recall of Tommy Segner. The more I’ve researched this matter, talked to various people, on both sides, and listened to the minutes of the council meeting of Feb 27, I’m very concerned for the reasons and process of obtaining this petition. Has Mr. Segner violated any required qualifications applied to a council member’s position? His troubles are a personal mat-

ter between he and the IRS. Has this matter caused him to do something in violation of his oath of the position that he was elected to fill? If not, how can we “recall” the vote of the people? He seems to have used his skills to look at everything for the best of this city and the residents. He might “rock the boat” of the present council and it bothers me that it seems more and more that this is an effort to get rid of someone who doesn’t “go with the flow.” According to comments made by Mr. Segner, many of the petition signatures were obtained by members of the pool committee and one of the new candidates running for the council is a present member of the pool committee. It seems to be a lot of “hidden agendas” at work here. I put our members above that and hope that reasonable conscience will win out. If a person’s “personal difficulties” hurts the “image” of the city and the council, then perhaps a new qualification or ruling should be incorporated: “no existing suits or if a member is sued, then that council member should resign immediately.” Councilman Segner mentioned a valid comment regarding the pool issue. Why not put another option on the ballot to redo Park Pool for $700,000 less than the estimated costs? I hadn’t heard that. Here’s how I stand now: Vote against the recall of Segner. I do support both a Town Pool and a Park Pool to serve our community and the needs of all residents. Thank you, Jerry Smith Fredericksburg

City of Fredericksburg 830-997-7521 County of Gillespie 830-997-7502 Fredericksburg ISD 830-997-9551

50 Years Ago/In The Standard

MARCH 14, 1962 Gillespie County had a galaxy of weather this morning when sleet greeted early risers, then rain fell, and later that turned back to sleet with some snow mixed in. In town, the snow melted as soon as it hit the ground, but out at Doss, the ground was covered with two inches of the white stuff. Fredericksburg’s famed Easter Fires received a worldwide “plug” last week when the latest issue of the Ford Times magazine featured the pageant which will be presented here on April 21. The Fredericksburg High School FFA Livestock Judging Team, including Albert Usener, Harold Ketron and Dennis Ellebracht, placed first at the San Angelo Stock Show contest last week. According to statistics released last week by Gillespie County Game Warden Ad. Heep, a record breaking total of 11,563 deer

were killed in Gillespie County during the 1961 big game season. Included in that figure are 7,324 buck deer, almost 3,000 more than were harvested the previous season. Two boys and three girls were born in local hospitals during the past year. Boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Usener, March 7, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aleman, March 12. Girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Wilton, March 8; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Duecker, March 10, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krieger, March 11. Twenty little boys and girls helped Girard Behrends, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Behrends, celebrate his second birthday Tuesday afternoon. His birthday was the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Durst announced the birth of a daughter, Mary Alice, on Feb. 28. The FHS thinclads placed fourth among 49 teams participating in the Cotton Boll relays in Taylor Saturday.

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There is a saying: “Everything we ever needed to know, we learned in kindergarten.” Of course, that’s not entirely true but at an early age we certainly gain the basis of lessons learned and how to apply them throughout a lifetime. One such event in my early years served up several lessons for a younger brother and me. Brother No. 3, Clydell, was just short of his second birthday at the time. I was perhaps 9 or 10. We’d moved from the farmranch “into town” (Teague: population 3,300) little more than a year earlier. One next door neighbor was an older retired couple, D.O. and Myrtle Horn. D.O. had heart disease and diabetes. Clydell’s outside activities were somewhat limited since our front yard was unfenced and the street was easily accessible. So, he stood on baseboards and placed his elbows on the window sill, moving from window to window, thus maintaining contact with his older brothers and soon with D.O. Horn. D.O. was tickled pink that this toddler paid attention and called to him from the windows as our neighbor’s slow walks around the two

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When hitchhiking was college transportation


ow often do you see someone hitchhiking? How do they look? Would you pick them up? Maybe I’m disconnected but, first, I don’t see very many hitchhikers. Secondly, most of them look a little shabby. Most people won’t pick them up. There is more fear of hitchhikers today than there was in the mid-1950s when I thumbed it up and down the Big Road in pursuit of a college education. Society has become more mobile. When I was thumbing it, the interstate highway system was merely a vision. Nearly all of my “long trip” hitchhiking was during the two years I attended Sam Houston State Teachers College in Huntsville. My hometown of Teague was 85 miles from the college. The “Big Road” for us was U.S. Highway 75 which was replaced years later by Interstate Highway 45. Old “75” then became State Highway 75. Teague is about eight miles west of 75/45 and that was a slight hurdle in the mid and late 1950s. If I was lucky, one of my

• • • By Willis Webb


parents or a pal could take me east eight miles to Fairfield on Highway 75 where it was fairly easy to hitch a ride all the way to the college. And, 75 ran through the middle of Huntsville right by the SHSTC campus a half block from the house where I rented a room. On the other end — Huntsville to Teague — it was easy to hitch a ride, particularly if you got nearer the northern edge of a Huntsville that was much smaller than it is today. Usually, hitchhiking between the two towns was eight miles longer than if you had your own vehicle and drove. You see, there is a tiny village on Old “75” — Dew, which is eight miles southeast of Teague and eight miles south of Fairfield. No traffic lights of any kind, plus the highway connecting Dew to Teague was considerably less traveled than the Fairfield-to-Teague highway. Fairfield is north of Dew and east of Teague.

Sam Houston’s colors are orange and white and their letter jackets carried an orange or white T, just like Teague and, yeah, harumph, UT — the University of Texas to all you recluses out there. In my freshman year at SHSTC, we had to wear a beanie, a little cap, similar in size and fit to a skull cap but the beanie had a very slight bill. The cap was orange with a white T on the front. Sam Houston had giant orange and white “Ts” that could be stuck on the outside of your luggage. Then, there was my Teague letter jacket, orange and white with a T. That combination assured a quick ride. On one Saturday jaunt out of Huntsville, a car stopped to pick me up just as my pal who’d delivered me was about to leave. The car was driven by a black man. My buddy said, “You ain’t gittin’ in the car with him, are you?” “Yep,” I said. Typical of the segregated state of that day, the man was a “Negro County Extension Agent” and a graduate of Prairie View A&M. He was one of the most in-

telligent people I’ve ever met and we maintained a constant discourse all the way to Fairfield. It was one of the best thumb rides in my short hitchhiking career. Another ride was misleading. At the edge of Huntsville, an elderly man stopped and inquired: “Where you headed, Sonny?” I told him Fairfield or Teague. “Well, I can get you way on up the highway.” I thought he meant he was going to Dallas. When we got to Leona, an unincorporated town with no traffic lights, halfway to Fairfield/ Teague, the old man stopped. “I’m turning off here,” he allowed. Boy, was I disappointed. I stood in Leona with Old 75 traffic zooming by for an hour before I managed to hitch a ride the rest of the way. I was not a seniors’ advocate that day. Hitchhiking then was very safe and you met some of the nicest people. Most of the time. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. Email him at

Washington rejects Texas’ voter ID bills

AUSTIN — Texas’ new law supporters say is meant to prevent voter fraud got a thumbsdown from the U.S. Department of Justice on March 12. If the federal government had allowed the law to take effect in its present form, voters would have been required to present a stateapproved identification card in addition to their voter registration card at the polls in order to cast a ballot. In a March 12 news release that came out the day the Justice Department made its decision public, the Brennan Center for Justice in Washington, DC, stated “Texas’ photo ID law could prevent hundreds of thousands of eligible voters from casting a ballot, including a disproportionate number of minorities.” Although passed by the Texas Legislature as Senate Bill 14 and signed into law in 2011, the law is subject to a higher level of scrutiny by Section 5 of the U.S. Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Lone Star State, because of its history of racial discrimination in elections, under Section 5 must receive preclearance for any changes in voting qualifications, standards, practices or procedures prior to their implementation. Preclearance can be given by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the U.S. Department of Justice headed by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Texas’ chief elections officer, Secretary of State Hope Andrade, expressed disappoint-

State Capitol Highlights By Ed Sterling


ment in the Justice Department’s decision but state Attorney General Greg Abbott said the action was “no surprise, given the Obama Administration’s denial of a similar law in South Carolina.” Gov. Rick Perry, in a March 12 statement, said the Justice Department “has no valid reason for rejecting this important law, which requires nothing more extensive than the type of photo identification necessary to receive a library card or board an airplane.” On the other hand, Section 5 is in place to hold certain states and other jurisdictions where inequality has been a problem, to more stringent requirements to uphold the 15th Amendment’s guarantee that no citizen shall be denied the right to vote on account of race or color. Several organizations came forward in support of the Justice Department’s decision to deny preclearance, including the League of Women Voters, the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, the NAACP and the Texas Democratic Party. State Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas, said, “What the Justice Department said in its ruling was that Texas failed to prove that the changes in law would not have a retrogressive effect on minority voters. In other words,

Letters•To The Editor ‘Bells and whistles,’ walking distance top pool concerns Dear editor, The city council’s decision to give the voters a choice in the pool bond election was the correct one to make. In last week’s letter to the editor, a pool committee member stated that “the pool survey returns indicated 85 percent opposed building two new pools.” Then why was the plan presented to the Council for two new pools? The survey returns also showed that 31 percent of the respondents indicated that a “swim meet capable (eight lanes versus six lanes)” pool was “not important at all” and only 10 percent indicated that this feature was “extremely important.” Yet, the Park Pool Plan includes an eight-lane, swim meet capable feature. At the pool presentation, it was pointed out that the Park Pool Plan would permit Fredericksburg to host swim meets. Since our school system does not have a swim team, who would participate in these swim meets? Is the Park Pool recommendation planned to meet the needs of Fredericksburg residents? I believe the majority of voters want a new Town Pool that will meet the needs of the general public, without “bells and whistles.” History has proven that Fredericksburg cannot maintain two pools and that is the reason they support one new pool. A long-range plan is required to gradually build a facility that will accommodate a comprehensive swimming program and recreational park. A Town Pool could be the first phase of this plan. This facility should be within walking distance (half mile) from the center of town since 62 percent of respondents

to the committee’s survey indicated this location as their first choice as opposed to 25 percent who indicated a location that is a short driving distance as their first choice. Isabel Werts Fredericksburg

Schools teach lots of things, but not ill behavior Dear editor, Referencing the letter about the Fredericksburg High School student displaying inappropriate behavior in his Confederate-decorated truck, the writer’s hope was that principals and school board members take steps to assure that the behavior is stopped. Every educator and administrator on every campus works daily to prevent, stop or correct inappropriate behavior exhibited by students. This particular student was apprehended and dealt consequences. Students attend school seven hours each day, during which time they are taught a myriad of courses, but they are not taught prejudice nor are they sold Confederate flags. Those values come with the student when he arrives at school as parents are responsible for teaching their children values and morals. Schools teach manners, social skills, anti-bullying, acceptance, understanding, tolerance and diversity, while implementing consequences for inappropriate behavior; unfortunately, they are often met with resistance and excuses. Almost 1,000 students attend FHS. Administrators and teachers are on duty every day, but it is impossible to monitor each student every minute. FISD has outstanding programs at all levels with a multitude of choices for individual needs and talents. Teachers work

the new law would make it harder for minority citizens to vote than the existing requirements already set in state law.” Secretary of State Andrade, in a March 12 press release said, “My office will continue working with the Texas Attorney General’s Office in seeking to implement the will of the citizens of Texas, as enacted by our duly elected representatives in the Texas Legislature.” On March 14, Abbott filed a motion to revise the state’s pending complaint seeking preclearance. The revised motion challenges the constitutionality of Section 5 itself. After filing the motion Abbott explained, “As recently as two months ago, (U.S. Supreme Court) Justice (Anthony) Kennedy stated from the bench that Section 5 places Texas at a disadvantage compared to other states. The Department of Justice is using Section 5 to deny Texas the right to enforce a law that is allowed under the U.S. Constitution. Section 5 cannot trump the Constitution.” Combs touts transparency rating Texas has received the top ranking for government spending transparency in an annual report on all states issued by the consumer watchdog U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Texas Comptroller Susan Combs announced March 14. Combs’ office’s website provides a way for citizens to keep tabs on state and local governmental finances and spending.

well beyond school hours tutoring, sponsoring clubs, coaching extracurricular activities, and helping students with personal issues. School board members volunteer their time. The heart of an educator for helping develop an outstanding future citizen is hard to match. Many students of FISD are exceptional in numerous areas; our newspaper is filled weekly with the accomplishments of quality students. Having been connected with different school districts across the state of Texas, I believe it is evident that FISD is superior at all levels. Blaming the school for one student’s poor behavior in his Confederate-decorated truck is misplaced blame. Applauding the school for its continued success as student needs increase while state funding decreases is more appropriate. Sincerely, Camille Williamson FISD teacher Fredericksburg Don’t judge councilman before IRS claim settled Dear editor, This is in answer to Mr. Vantz’s letter (March 7 issue), and his comments on Mr. Segner’s actions in not telling the populace about his alleged IRS problems. 1. The IRS makes the claim and the defense must prove the IRS wrong. This is contrary to our judicial system. 2. Therefore, no person can be judged until the claim is debated. 3. Perhaps Mr. Segner was foolish not to state his problems before the election, but he was the only one elected who was expelled for not exposing his private life. 4. If we believe Mr. Segner

should give up his elected seat, based on the above, then we might offer our opinion that all elected council persons should expose their business and personal affairs to hold an elected seat. I am not a relative, friend or supporter of Mr. Segner. However, I believe the council has opened a Pandora’s box. Josephine M. Reifert Fredericksburg

50 Years Ago/In The Standard MARCH 21, 1962 Mrs. Tyrus Cox has been named general chairman of the Fredericksburg Easter Fires Pageant to be presented on Easter Eve, April 21, at the Fair Park. Mrs. Oscar Krauskopf will again supervise the distribution of the rabbit suits for the bunnies that will appear in the colorful pageant. A large crowd was present Sunday afternoon as Cub Scouts of Pack 133 battled the elements for their annual kite races at the Gillespie County Airport. Winners included Randy Schuette, smallest; Carey Weber, funniest; Dennis Kneese, prettiest; Sammie Stehling, largest; Steve Danz, highest, and Allen Saenger, most unusual. The Fredericksburg Lions Club will sponsor the Sells Brothers Circus Tuesday afternoon in two performances on the lot adjacent to Kegel Lanes. The Doss Volunteer Fire Department had their first call and first meeting all on the same day, Monday, March 12. Several hours before their meeting was to start, members answered their first call to the Kensing

place where a fire broke out after turkey pear cactus had been burned earlier in the day. Applications for payment for wool and unshorn lambs, under the 1961 Wool Incentive Payment Program, are now being signed at the county ASCS Office. All interested persons are invited to attend a community centennial meeting to be held next Thursday evening at the Harper School. One girl and two boys were born in local hospitals during the past week. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Ottmers, Albert, March 19, while boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. James Bible, Johnson City, March 14, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rode, March 19. The 80 members of the Fredericksburg High School Band will participate in the University Interscholastic League Concert Contest Saturday in San Marcos. FHS senior Garet von Netzer, who Saturday set a new 120yard high hurdle record in the Brady Relays, with a time of 14.4 seconds, is listed as one of the top 10 high school hurdlers in the state.

More• Time Pieces Several weeks ago I slowed down for a turtle lumbering across the pavement one evening. I like to believe that if he’s “crawling west, the chance of rain is best, but, if he’s crawling east, the chance is least.”   To my dismay, he was traveling the wrong direction. I nearly stopped and turned him in the right direction. But then, I chuckled and reminded myself that he probably wasn’t playing my game, anyway. *** Probably the number one weather prediction people around Fredericksburg watch for each winter and spring is when the last freeze of the season might occur. Nearly everyone has heard the tale that if it thunders in January, it will freeze on the same day in April. Sure enough, it thundered the night of Jan. 8 when the area received as much as three-quarters of an inch of moisture.

Cont. from D2 That first storm of the new year reminded everyone around here that it still does know how to rain. It was unusual to hear thunder rolling in the distance and to see a flash of lightning, followed shortly thereafter with another loud clap of thunder that made the windows rattle. It’s the type of thunder that my grandparents always said they heard “in the olden days.” So, circle your calendars for April 8 — which also happens to be Easter Sunday. Which reminds me of another old wives’ tale that my grandmothers lived by: They would not set out their tomato plants until after Easter had passed, which seemed to be their safety net to prevent their gardens from being nipped by Jack Frost. *** In the meantime, I’m heading off for the gas station this week to purchase another car wash ticket and start the next countdown to more rainfall!

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Pools vote: It’s about more than swimming holes By Errol J. Candy, M.D.


ost Fredericksburg residents are aware of the upcoming swimming pool bond election. First some background. The Town Pool (located opposite the Fredericksburg Middle School) was built in 1951 and the Park Pool (at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park) in 1969. Both have served the community well, but have deteriorated with age to such a degree that now, both must either be renovated or rebuilt. The first pool bond election was held in May 2011, and was defeated. Many residents said the reason for their “no” vote was that the proposal was rushed and poorly researched. Subsequently, the city council, generally feeling that pools are a positive feature for this community, chose to form a pool committee to study the issue and put forward a proposal for “redoing” both pools. The committee circulated a survey to assess the public’s wishes, then analyzed the responses in great detail. A significant majority was fairly evenly split between wanting a Town Pool (close proximity) or a Park Pool (greater flexibility), some favoring both. A minority of respondents chose the “no pool” option. The pool committee has done

Guest Column

visits to Park Pool (not including private parties, learn to swim program and school groups). A “new” Town Pool alone would be unable to accommodate this a commendable job of develop- volume of swimmers due to size ing plans to rebuild and vastly constraints. The larger Park improve both pools, each with its Pool is the better option for proestimated cost. Town Pool ($1.4 viding the flexibility and capacmillion) would be rebuilt with ity our community requires. However, Town Pool serves a everything being new including a toddler pool, with slightly purpose as well. It connects and more spacious surroundings. vitalizes the downtown area, Park Pool ($1.8 million) would preserves a nostalgic landmark, reuse three of its existing four and is within walking and bikwalls. It would incorporate a ing distance for many children. zero entry section for handi- Therefore, to satisfy the needs capped and beginner swimmers, of this community, two pools create a toddler pool, and encom- will still be necessary. Don’t confuse this bond elecpass a much larger surrounding area. At their best, the existing tion with the national debt (over pools were not flexible enough which we seldom seem to have to satisfy the current commu- much control). The cost of the nity needs, such as toddlers, pool improvements will be set, school children, the physically and if there are overruns, the disabled and those wanting to pool designs will be modified to swim laps, all simultaneously. stay within the budget. Currently, the bond interest The new pool designs will meet rate would be extremely low those needs. After much discussion and and close to the rate of inflation, deliberation, the pool commit- and building costs will almost tee, together with the city coun- surely go up in the future. It’s cil, developed the following: not an exaggeration to say that there will be two bond election this is possibly a “now or never” choices on the ballot, Park Pool proposal. Rather than look at the cost of — Yes or No, and Town Pool — Yes or No. A simple majority the bonds, what’s really imporwins. Therefore, Fredericksburg tant to citizens is how much could end up with no pool, Town our taxes would increase. A Fredericksburg property value Pool, Park Pool, or both pools. In 2011, when Town Pool was of $100,000 will cost the owner closed, there were 16,122 paid an additional $22.90 in annu-

al taxes (seniors will pay less according to their frozen tax rate), approximately the price of lunch for two in Fredericksburg. Many of us make charitable donations in excess of $22.90, so we could consider the pool project to be a donation to our favorite charity — the community and especially the children of Fredericksburg. This issue not just about pools. Consider the broader picture: Gillespie County has the highest median population age (46) of any county in Texas, meaning the elderly are paying a large portion of the taxes. A thriving community has to attract Generation X’ers (30 to 50 year olds) in order to broaden and strengthen the tax base. It is the Generation X’ers who teach our children, work in the trades, prepare our taxes, care for us in hospitals, doctors’ offices and nursing homes, provide veterinary services, and more. Towns across the Hill Country are competing to attract young families, and decisions about where to live are often made based on lifestyle issues, such as availability of swimming pools. I urge you to have a vision for the future and vote to have both pools built, to serve the community for the next 50 to 60 years, as before. We owe it to the current and future community of Fredericksburg.

Guy V. Lewis: a winner short-changed for decades


any people scratched their head for years on what took so long to vote Guy V. Lewis into the College Basketball Hall of Fame. For 30 years, Guy V. (as he was known to his thousands of fans) was a highly successful head basketball coach at his alma mater, the University of Houston. He retired in 1986 and was finally elected to the Hall in 2007. No one has come up with a plausible explanation why his colleagues would exclude him for all those years. Lewis won 592 games, averaging just shy of 20 wins per season. He had three seasons with 30 or more wins. Five times his teams made the NCAA Final Four, twice in the championship game. He won four conference championships but much of his time at UH was with the school playing as an independent. He thrust UH and college basketball into the public eye with a No. 1 vs. No. 2, as the Cougars played host to UCLA in the Astrodome with a world record crowd of more than 50,000 and before a national television audience in a contest called by experts The Game of the Century. They defeated the Bruins but eventually lost to them in the NCAA finals as a key Cougar guard was declared ineligible for the playoffs. Then there was the famous Finals matchup with North Carolina State. The game

• • • By Willis Webb


As a student at UH in the late 1950s, it was a treat to watch Cougar basketball with Lewis at the helm. He was colorful in his own right as he bounced up and down from the UH bench, wearing out several of his trademark red polka dot towels with each game. Some critics said he was just lucky to have great players, so he just “rolled the ball out onto the floor and let ’em play run and shoot.” However, those who really knew him recognized that Lewis could coach his teams to play whatever style of ball he needed to play to win games, great offense or great defense. Lewis didn’t have to go far to recruit many of his players — they came from the fertile basketball grounds of Houston, particularly Fonde Recreation Center, where you can still go and find a mix of pro, college and high school players battling each other. UH lost the 1984 NCAA Final to Patrick Ewing’s Georgetown team. Lewis retired in 1986 as the No. 20 winner in all-time NCAA Division I victories (592-279). Fittingly, the UH on-campus basketball arena is the Guy V. Lewis Court at Hofheinz Pavilion. He still lives in the same house he’s occupied near the UH campus since 1959.

was tied with just seconds to go and an NCS player, under pressure from a Coog, fired a desperation shot. It fell well short of the hoop but an alert NCS rebounder caught the ball and slammed it home for a 54-52 win over Houston. Lewis recruited well and had two players in that era named to college basketball’s all-time greatest list — Elvin Hayes and Don Chaney. Hayes had double digit years as an All-Pro and Chaney had a great career with the Boston Celtics before becoming a pro coach. Other big names passing through the Cougar program include Hakeem Olajuwon, Clyde Drexler, Otis Birdsong, Dwight Jones and “Sweet” Lou Dunbar, a 6-9 phenom who wound up playing with the famous Harlem Globetrotters. Cougar basketball was exciting to watch. Lewis preferred the running and gunning wide-open style, but he could have his teams play deliberate basketball with the best. Lewis’ teams are credited with popularizing the running game that put the spotlight on the dunk, which became the favorite shot for millions of basketball fans. He was twice Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper (1968, 1983) named national coach of the editor-publisher. Email him at wwebb@wildblue. net. year.

Letters•To The Editor ‘Mystery’ diner bestows act of kindness to couple Dear editor, On Thursday, April 12, my wife and I enjoyed a late-morning breakfast at about 10 a.m. at Andy’s Steak and Seafood Grille in Fredericksburg. When I went to the cashier to pay our bill, I was told that our breakfast had already had been paid for, and she was counting out several dollars of change and handing them to my wife. I thought that I had not understood the cashier correctly, and asked her why she was handing money to my wife. The cashier, Mary Littman, explained that the lady at the table next to us had left a $20 bill with her to pay for our breakfast. This turned out to be a very unexpected, but pleasant, surprise for us. I asked who the lady was but the cashier simply said that our benefactor did not leave her name or any message. So, our breakfast turned out to involve a mystery — just one of those mysterious, good things that happen often in the

friendly town of Fredericksburg. We have no idea as to why a stranger paid our bill, but we simply want our benefactor to know that we appreciated her act of kindness and friendship. Sincerely, Paul and Mary Rothband Harper

Soldier thanks fellow shoppper for purchase Dear editor, Bryan and Brayden Seelig would like to thank the wonderful lady who purchased our order at Dutchman’s Market on April 23. We were just stopping in town from San Antonio for some good hometown sausage. I was unable to change out of my military uniform so I could make it in before they close. This wonderful American lady showing how much people stand behind their military, and knowing I just returned last March from Afghanistan, paid for my entire order. I just wanted everyone to know how wonderful people are

APRIL 25, 1962 The worst automobile accident in the county’s history occurred Friday morning as four members of the Theodore Moellendorf of Doss, including the father and three children, died of injuries received in a traffic accident 6.7 miles north of Harper on Ranch Road 783. Killed in the accident were Theodore Moellendorf, 55; son, Hugo H. Moellendorf, 19; and daughters, Margie Jo Moellendorf, 13, and Donna Lynn Moellendorf, 2. Critically injured was daughter, Karen Ann Moellendorf, 12; and the wife and mother, Lydia Moellendorf, 45. Also injured were Robert Posik, 26, of Kerrville, and Joel Craig, 27, of Ingram. According to the article in the newspaper, the Moellendorf family, riding in their 1955 Plymouth driven by son Hugo, was enroute to Good Friday church services at St. James Lutheran Church at Harper when they were involved in the collision with a 1959 Ford pickup belonging to Hill Country Telephone Cooperative of Ingram with Posik driving and Craig, the passenger. State Highway Patrolman Walter (Bob) Werner said the pickup was driving north and the Moellendorf car was going south when the two vehicles crashed head-on. Over 1,000 people attended the funeral for the Moellendorfs


Monday morning at St. James Lutheran Church at Harper. Interment followed in the Harper Cemetery. A standing-room-only crowd attended the 16th annual presentation of the Fredericksburg Easter Fires Saturday evening at the fair grounds. The complete remodeling and renovation of the Security State Bank building is due to get underway on May 1, it has been announced by Arthur Stehling, president of the institution. The Fredericksburg High School Bands, under the direction of Tom Rhodes, will present their second annual Spring Musicale on Wednesday evening in the High School Gymnasium. Lottie Helen Gold and Florian J. Demel were united in marriage in a nuptial mass on Easter Sunday, April 22, at 4:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church with the Rev. Robert Schmidt officiating. Daisy Eunice Ottmers, fiveweek-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Ottmers of Albert, was baptized Sunday morning at Trinity Lutheran Church at Stonewall. Emma Jean Duecker, brideelect of Wilbert A. Ransleben, was honored with a bridal shower Monday evening at the Security Café. One birth was reported from local hospitals during the past week when a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Felix Aleman on April 20. P R I N T I N G & Office Supply


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in support of the U.S. military. This is what drives us to be great. Thanks again, Bryan Seelig Fredericksburg

Voting rights being stripped through process Dear editor,   It seems there are those on the right that are of the belief they have the prerogative to pronounce the winner in our presidential race without allowing our voices to be heard. This is a sign of disrespect to those of us who believe that until all candidates are heard and every vote counted there is no winner! The GOP has chosen their

candidate, Mitt Romney. Now, they have proceeded to silence the other two candidates in this race. This is the liberal way — not that of the conservative or libertarian.   There was to be a debate in Texas. Romney declined. Why? We, as voters, need to hear all three candidates explain their solutions to how they would lead this country back to prosperity and not be allowed to waste the people’s time with trivial issues. I am alarmed so many have bought what the media is selling and think we have no choice. I, for one, will not go quietly. I intend to stand and fight when my individual rights are not honored. Sandra Macs Fredericksburg

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50 Years Ago/In The Standard


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Becker Vineyards hosting Annual Lavender Festival Becker Vineyards will host its 14th Annual Lavender Festival on Saturday and Sunday. Featured will be lavender cooking demonstrations, lavender presentations, lavender vintner luncheons, concessions, wine tasting and tours. The festival is dedicated to the appreciation and education of lavender, an old herb traced back to Biblical times that has many uses, according to a spokesman for Becker Vineyards. Lavender can be used in cooking, aromatherapy, soaps, parfums and as an antiseptic. Richard and Bunny Becker, co-proprietors of Becker Vineyards, were inspired to plant lavender after a trip to Provence in France. “We were visiting wineries and loved seeing the beautiful lavender growing in the countryside of Provence,” Mrs. Becker said. “We noticed the terrain and climate were similar to the Texas Hill Country and decided to plant three acres at our winery.” The Saturday Lavender Luncheon is catered by Rails of Ker-

Youth theater program slated this weekend at FTC

rville and the Sunday Lavender Luncheon is catered by Chef Jasiel Martinez, Primat Catering of Fredericksburg. The luncheons feature lavender in each course and are paired with Becker Vineyards’ wine. Cost of the luncheon is $65 per person plus tax. Reservations can be made online at www.beckervineyards. com or 830-644-2681, ext. 230. For those not participating in the Lavender Luncheon, there will be concessions. A full schedule of speaker presentations and cooking demonstrations will be available at the festival. Business hours Saturday are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. The parking fee is $5 and the festival admission is complimentary. Becker Vineyards is located 11 miles east of Fredericksburg and three miles west of Stonewall, off U.S. Highway 290 at Jenschke Lane. More information is available by calling 644-2681 or visiting

The Fredericksburg Theater Company’s Freddyburg Youth Theater will present three oneact plays Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Steve W. Shepherd Theater. Admission is by donation. Opening the evening, the Imagineers — students in grades three through five — will present Rumpelstiltskin by Grimm, directed by Deborah Vanicek and assistant director Angela Lacy. Friday cast members include: King — William Cummings Jumpy— Matthew Cummings Miller’s Wife — Liri Mendelbaum Miller — Grayson Spraggins Mary — Hannah Bray Sherry — Laura Beth Hicks Maiden/Queen — Julia Freeborn Rumpelstiltskin — Emilia Smajstrla Master — Katherine Haight Soupy — Mary Elizabeth Wilkinson Sappy — Mary Armes Harry — Alivia Jons Ensemble — Tony Baker, Sydney Cohn, Susanna Harpold, Ellie Lindsay, Larkin Penn, Molly Pluenneke, Jenna Rickerhauser, Robert Sanchez, Dana Stableford, Mia Stenberg

Saturday include:

Hill Country CattleWomen meeting May 15 Hill Country CattleWomen will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, May 15, at Becker Vineyards and Lavender Haus located near Stonewall. The meeting will be hosted by the Blanco, Johnson City and Stonewall members. The social begins at 10 a.m. and the meeting at 10:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Misty Martin from the Texas Beef Council. Cost for lunch will be $16 and reservations must be in by May 8. Those planning to attend are asked to contact their reservation chairman, located on page nine of the yearbook; call 9974729, or e-mail to For directions, call 997-4729, or call Becker Vineyards at 6442681. Wine tasting will be available for a fee of $10 which includes a souvenir glass and six different wine samples. Lavender products will also be for sale. Becker Vineyards is located on Jenschke Lane off of U.S. Highway 290, east of Fredericksburg.

members of the Meusebach family, followed by the recognition of the founding families of Fredericksburg and Gillespie County by Linda Langerhans. Former living past presidents of the Gillespie County Historical Society will be recognized by Edward Stroeher. The program will also include songs by the members of the Hermann Sons and Arion choirs. Following the wreath-laying, all are invited to meet Treibs at 11 a.m. for a question and answer session at Der Stadt Friedhof. Those planning to participate are asked to meet at the cemetery entrance. Living history activities are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the grounds of Pioneer Museum on May 12. To honor founding families, admission will be waived for Founders Day. Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy pioneer activities such as fence making, rope making, quilting, weaving and visiting with a Texas defender reenactor and an authentic chuck wagon. Food will be sold on the grounds and local musicians will provide entertainment. During the afternoon from 1-4 p.m., displays from founding families, oral history and a PowerPoint photo exhibit will be available in the Historic Sanctuary of the old church.


King — Molly Pluenneke Jumpy — Tony Baker Miller’s Wife — Ellie Lindsay Miller — Robert Sanchez Harry — Dana Stableford Maiden/Queen — Larkin Penn Rumpelstiltskin — Susanna Harpold Master — Mia Stenberg Soupy — Jenna Rickerhauser Sappy — Sydney Cohn Ensemble — Mary Armes, Hannah Bray, Matthew Cummings, William

Founders Day celebration planned here for May 12 Founders Day will be celebrated in Fredericksburg on Saturday, May 12. Sponsored by the Gillespie County Historical Society, the event will take place at Marktplatz and at Pioneer Museum. A wreath-laying ceremony will honor the founding families of Fredericksburg at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 12, at Marktplatz. Presentation of colors will be by Boy Scout Troop 125. Local historian Glen Treibs will greet and introduce the


City Election

Cummings, Julia Freeborn, Katherine Haight, Laura Beth Hicks, Alivia Jons, Liri Mendelbaum, Emilia Smajstrla, Grayson Spraggins, Mary Elizabeth Wilkinson

The Dramatic Addicts, students in sixth through eighth grades, will present Wiley and the Hairy Man, directed by youth theater director Ashleigh Goff. Friday cast members include: Wiley — Caleb Tucker Hairy Man — David Wilkinson Mammy — Katya Walker Bobby Roy — Jacob Lacy River Lynn — Caroline Johnson Maryanne Sue-Beth — Danielle Hallford Ensemble — JJ Willome, Sloane Guthrie, Rebecca Sechrist, Chelsea Cook

Saturday include:



Wiley — Caleb Tucker Hairy Man — JJ Willome Mammy — Sloane Guthrie Bobbi Rae — Rebecca Sechrist River Lynn — Caroline Johnson Maryanne Sue-Beth — Chelsea Cook Ensemble — David Wilkinson, Katya Walker, Jacob Lacy, Danielle Hallford

The Teen Troupe, students in ninth through 12th grade, will present Overtones by Alice Gerstenberg, directed by FTC Artistic Operations Manager Kerry Goff. Cast members include: Harriet — Christina Fait Hetty — Hannah Lacy Margaret — Rachel Fait Maggie — Lauren Spraggins (Friday), Keidel Hughes (Saturday)

Cont. from A1

recall election on Segner and two bond elections on funding swimming facilities at the existing Town Pool and Park Pool locations will be on the ballot. The first bond, labeled Proposition 2 on the ballot, will be for $1.8 million to be used on a rebuilt and expanded Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool facility. Reutilization of most of the existing Park Pool structure is proposed to help develop a new eight-lane lap pool adjacent to a separate youth play area and zero entry beach. The second bond, labeled Proposition 3, will be for $1.4 million to be used on a new Town Pool facility at the existing location. A redeveloped Town Pool site

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Everyone is Welcome to Pray For Our Nation Every Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Marktplatz. For info call 830-285-6006 Continuing our 3rd year praying for and share answers to prayers for God’s transformation, leadership and mercy for all levels of government and our lives. Don’t go through life without a prayer–come join us! 565.47

would likely include a new 37x75 foot pool with one meter diving board, a separate 36-footdiameter tot pool as well as new bathhouse facilities. Segner faces a recall from his post on the May 12 election ballot after a citizens’ petition collected enough signatures to force the issue to a vote. The recall election will occur six months after a federal lawsuit which alleges that he failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits, some of them dating back to 2001, was filed Oct. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas by Curtis C. Smith, attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Division.


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FHS is district co-champ, begins playoff run Friday. Page B1

Settles paces regional track competitors in Corpus Christi. Page B1

redericksburg Standard Radio Post

No. 51 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

75 cents

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Council seats, pool bonds bring heavy early voting tally Pools, council elections bring out large numbers By Matt Ward Voters numbering 336 have so far cast ballots in the first two days of early, in-person voting to decide the fate of three contested seats on the Fredericksburg City Council along with the future of community pools. Citizens flocked to the polls on the opening day of early voting Monday as 164 registered voters cast their bal-

See sample ballot, page A9 lots, with an additional 172 residents entering the voting booth on Tuesday, according to City Secretary Shelley Britton. Early voting will continue through Tuesday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Extended hours for balloting will also be provided Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Regular election day voting will follow on Saturday, May 12, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. in the Fredericksburg Middle School Cafeteria.

Three candidates are on the ballot for the mayoral seat, including former mayor Jeryl Hoover, current mayor Tom Musselman and current councilman Tommy Segner Five candidates are on the ballot for two council positions, including Bjorn Kirchdorfer, Curt Regester, Kathy Sanford as well as current councilmen Tim Dooley and Graham Pearson. The term of councilman Scott Jones will not be up until May 2013. In addition to contested races for the mayoral seat and two council posts, a Cont. on page A9

ALMOST A PHOTO-FINISH — Joel Jenschke, 10, left, just barely beats out running buddy Will Shepard in the Wildflower Run. The annual event, sponsored by the Hill Country Memorial Wellness Center, helps provide funds in support of the Fredericksburg Academic Boosters program. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Danny Hirt

Teams prep for all-night Relay For Life fundraiser STRETCHING ITS WINGS – A red-tailed hawk displays its natural beauty while Jim Burgin, a volunteer with Last Chance Forever — The Bird of Prey Conservancy, keeps a respectful distance during Friday evening’s exhibition in the Fredericks-

burg High School Auditorium. The event was part of the weekend’s second annual Wings Over the Hills Nature Festival, a program designed to highlight the diversity of winged wildlife in the Hill Country. – Standard-Radio Post photo by Danny Hirt

Growing Fredericksburg one garden at a time Farmer’s Market, community gardens inspire more efforts to promote local, healthful foods By Lisa Treiber-Walter It’s growing time! With the boost of a little rainfall Monday night, the local landscape is beginning to yield fresh foods for local tables. • Farmer’s Market Starting tomorrow, the Fredericksburg Farmer’s Market (FFM) will return here for a fifth summer season from 4-7 p.m. under the Kinder Halle pavilion (adjacent to the playground on Marktplatz). “Nothing tastes quite as good as something picked and prepared fresh the very same day,” said Tommy Newman, market


president. The market will be held every Thursday at the same time and location to offer locally-grown produce and foods prepared with fresh, local items. Featured tomorrow during its premiere will be: strawberries, blackberries and onions from Marburger Orchards; strawberries, Brussels sprouts, green tomatoes and possibly some early peaches from Engel Farms; artichokes, green onions, garlic, squash, beets and sorrel from Hairston Creek Farm, and greens, potatoes, salad peas and chard from das Garten. Also, whole bean, locally-roasted Ranch Road Roasters coffee and iced lattes from Daniel Raymer; farm fresh eggs and greens from Tiemann Farm Rainbow Eggs; grassfed beef from BLT Ranch; grass-fed lamb Cont. on page A19


•  Stage 4 water rationing continues in city — A3 •  Willow City fire, rescue fundraiser slated Saturday — A5 •  Becker Vineyards Lavender Festival this weekend — A9 •  First Friday Art Walk gears up with exhibits and wine at 14 downtown galleries — A20 •  Billies softball team advancing to area playoffs — B1 •  Heritage School duo wins TAPPS state tennis title — B3 •  Points made for and against city pools bond vote — D2, D3

April 25-May 1, 2012 Rainfall This Week Rainfall for April Rainfall for May 1 Rainfall for 2012 Normal For Date Same Date Last Year Low – April 27 High – April 26

0.00 0.05 0.00 8.55 8.42 3.81 64 95

For real-time weather information, go online to:

High Low Rain Wednesday 93 65 Thursday 95 67 Friday 90 64 Saturday 88 68 Sunday 84 71 Monday 85 69 Tuesday 87 68 Total Rain 0.00 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)


A - Front B - Sports C - Lifestyles

The community will have a chance to raise funds and awareness for the fight against cancer, remember those lost to the disease and celebrate survivors of it during the Relay For Life which returns here Friday and Saturday. This year’s Gillespie County event will be held as it has in years past at the Fredericksburg High School Stadium from 6 p.m. Friday until 6 a.m. Saturday. Relay For Life Teams Already, over $30,000 for the Amer-

ican Cancer Society has been raised by 16 locally pre-registered teams, according to Stacy Etheredge, cochairman alongside Lucas Etheredge of the Relay For Life Organizing Committee. Teams who have participated so far this year include: David’s Team, Fredericksburg High School, Fredericksburg Clinic, HEB, Hill Country Memorial, Standard Stars, The Jerr Bears, Wal-Mart, Zonta Club/Cancer Support Group, Cont. on page A13

High school rocket projects will soar over Gillespie skies Students from 45 Texas high schools to participate

RESIDENTS are invited to fill their bags with locally grown veggies at the Farmer’s Market, slated for 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the Kinder Halle pavilion on Marktplatz. —FSRP file photo

The public is invited to join in the countdown and witness some 70 rockets soar over Gillespie County’s skies tomorrow through Sunday, when students from around 45 different Texas high schools visit to launch their project rockets. The student-designed and built rockets (not the small models most people are familiar with, but instead vehicles that stand up to eight feet tall) will be launched during the

four-day “Rockets 2012” event about every 30 minutes between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Hillview Ranch in Willow City. The public is invited to watch the first flights of all the rockets from a safe distance behind six launch pads set up on the ranch. Admission is free, but organizers remind those planning to attend that the launch site is considered an experimental testing range and, therefore, the schedule may vary, mobility will be limited and access will be controlled. Cont. on page A5

Motorcyclists rev up for Optimist Club rally


Traveling from near and far, riders from across the state and beyond will be in the Hill Country Friday through Sunday for the 16th annual Hill Country Run Motorcycle Rally in Luckenbach. Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Fredericksburg, the event is three days of food, live music and touring throughout the Hill Country. The weekend actually starts Thursday with a social and welcome at Mahaley’s Café on Main

The third annual Hill Country Film Festival began last Thursday with a free outdoor screening on Marktplatz, where an estimated 150 residents and festival participants enjoyed popcorn, snacks, a movie and mingling with some of the directors and writers. See event wrap-up on page A2. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa TreiberWalter

Cont. on page A16

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Revamped pools plan supported


ast year’s defeat of the pool bond election may have turned out to be a blessing in disguise, even for its supporters. Viewed as hasty or poorly researched, the defeat gave the city a chance to form a committee, study the issue further and come up with a plan that proposes the reworking of both municipal pools for the price of one in last year’s election. Given projections for continued growth in Fredericksburg, we feel — as does the majority of the current city council — that the pool bond votes are worthy of support. The pool committee was made up of more than 30 citizens, both supporters and detractors, and they came up with plans that scaled back last year’s offering. That is, they did exactly what voters — through a sound defeat in last May’s election — told them to do. The new plans call for swim areas that are friendly to parents with tiny tots and meet standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act, as required by law. Changing rooms and concession areas are utilitarian. New electric, plumbing and drain will keep these facilities functioning long into the future. Though some opponents have voiced concern about spending money for a handful of competitive swimmers, that argument seeks to hijack the entire issue. Fredericksburg is visited by more than one million people each year. A competitive swim facility will add another dimension to the slate of attractions here, whether for young swimmers or old. Far more than providing a training ground for local swimmers, it can serve to attract swim teams and swim meets to Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park. Town Pool is closed and, in its current condition, unusable. Even if this facility were never to open again, there would be substantial mitigation costs involved with digging out the pool and reworking the property to prepare it for another use. Filling the vacant pool with a couple of dump trucks of dirt is not a realistic answer to convert that property to another use. We feel the citizens should invest in that property to make it an attractive facility at a


safe and central location. Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park is a gem of a facility offering golf, tennis, rental buildings, RV space, softball fields, a nature trail, picnic areas and swimming. Upgrading the swim facilities will only make the place a more attractive option for those who book conventions, shows or who simply want to bring an RV to town for a vacation. We understand concern with the cost of both the construction and maintenance, but what totals an additional $22.90 a year in debt service is best viewed as an investment in the future, no different than those in our schools, our roads, or county infrastructure. Last week’s guest column by Errol J. Candy also brought up a good point. Thanks largely to immigration patterns, Texas is considered a “young state” with a median age of 35 (2010 U.S. Census data). But with a median age of 46, Gillespie County is one of the oldest median county populations in the state. Investing in pools could help young parents be more attracted to the area. But whether we seek to attract young parents or retirees, up-to-date and attractive swim facilities will definitely register on the radar of people who may choose this Hill Country town as their home. “Quality of life” is an intangible that is difficult to measure, and no one would ever suggest Fredericksburg’s quality of life is lacking. This is a jewel of a town and the envy of other rural burgs across the nation. No one wants the city to over-extend its taxpayers for unneeded amenities. But this town has done a judicious job of governing itself conservatively while, along with local independent businesses, making the town attractive to millions of visitors from around the nation. We do not feel this would be a wasteful effort. Indeed, we view it as continued investment in local services and to our visitor base. We hope on May 12, voters will view the pool bond issues in the same light.

One of the best in the nation

ill Country Memorial Hospital was recently selected for another national honor, and the independent hospital in this rural town is quickly developing as a model for other facilities, both large and small, to emulate. Thomson Reuters is a leading provider of information and solutions to improve the cost and quality of healthcare, a much-needed entity in today’s world of spiraling costs. Of nearly 3,000 hospitals nationwide, HCM was judged to be in the top 100, an honor for its administrators and staff, and a comfort to those of us who use the facility for everything from regular checkups to physical therapy to emergency care. This honor comes on the heels of its recent quality care ranking by CareChex, another organization which measures quality care. Thomson Reuters’ 100 Top Hospitals study looks at facilities in 10 performance areas: mortality; medical complications; patient

safety; average patient stay; expenses; profitability; patient satisfaction; adherence to clinical standards of care; post-discharge mortality; and readmission rates for certain conditions. The awards — neither of which is sought or applied for from health care organizations — shows the success of Hill Country Memorial’s commitment to examining and improving all of its processes. That extends to everything from reducing wait time in the E.R. to how patient rooms are cleaned. That commitment involves a transparency that includes posting customer reviews on its website. That type of vision and commitment to improvement is seen in the world’s top companies and a it is what makes excellent companies stand out from their peers. We congratulate HCM directors on this milestone achievement. We hope that locals will continue to help the hospital keep up its quality care by supporting it.

QUOTE “One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.” — Elbert Hubbard CHIME IN   Send letters to the editor to P.O. Box 1639, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 or email to CONNECT   Sign up for our Daily Update email newsletter by sending a request to or connect via Facebook or Twitter

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

Published every Wednesday by the

Fredericksburg Publishing Co., Inc.

712 West Main Street - P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Telephone 830-997-2155 - FAX 830-990-0036 All advertising, news and business matters, including subscriptions, renewals and change of addresses should be addressed to:

FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST P.O. Box 1639 - Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Publisher/Editor — Ken Esten Cooke Reporters — Yvonne Hartmann, Lisa Walter, Danny Hirt and Matt Ward Circulation Manager — Sherrie Geistweidt Head Bookkeeper — Nathan Crenwelge Advertising Manager — Kimberly Jung Advertising Staff — Connie Klein, Carol Hartmann, Ann Duecker and Beth Tucker

w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g s t a n d a r d . c o m

Letter Policy Editor’s Note: This newspaper welcomes responsible letters to the editor to be run in this column, provided they are of reasonable length, free of libelous content and written in good taste. All letters must be no longer than 300 words to be acceptable for publication, and, in order to appear in the newspaper, each letter must have the name of its writer published. Letters submitted as either fax or e-mail messages must include the full name of the writer as well as his or her residential address and home telephone number. Also, only letters that are originally composed by readers of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post will be considered for publication in this newspaper. No form or sample letters that are rewritten or passed along by our readers from lobby groups, political action committees (PACs) or similar organizations will be accepted.

Thinking of a number of things


umbers are an important part of our lives. We humans can instantly remember knowledge simply by looking at digits. For example, we’re all familiar with 9-1-1, especially when there’s an emergency. Even small kids know that’s the number to call when something bad happens. But that series of digits also recalls something more sinister, a dark Tuesday morning in the American psyche, when regrouped as 9-11. Ask a sports aficionado what 0-10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10-0 means and he or she will almost instantly come back with “football field.” Well, this one might not be so easy if you’re talking to someone who understands the “other” football — soccer. Here are several more. See how many you can get. Granted, some of these may be obscure, but most will be much easier.   10 — This one has many possible answers. Of course, there’s the “Perfect 10” (think of the Bo Derek of the same name). It’s also the number of fingers (and toes) we humans tend to have. That’s probably the reason we use a base-10 counting system. Also, the basketball rim is this many feet off the floor.   5,280 — That’s the number of feet in a mile. (However, I think we should go metric every inch of the way!).   24/7 — Open all the time. A business (i.e., convenience store) that never closes is 24/7.   10, 2 and 4 — According to the advertisement, these are the best times of the day to drink Dr Pepper.   9-5 — This generally means the hours someone works each day.   98.6° — The average normal body temperature on the Fahr-

Thinking/ Out Loud • • • By Danny Hirt • • •

of Major League greats Ted Williams, Roger Maris (he was a childhood hero of mine), Reggie Jackson (when he was with Oakland) and Bill Mazeroski (who I’ll never forgive for hitting the winning home run in the bottom of the ninth inning in Game 7 to give the 1960 World Series title to the Pittsburgh Pirates over my beloved Yankees).   9 – no, make that 8 — The number of “major” planets in our solar system since Pluto was unfairly demoted to “minor” status a few years ago.   2 — Many answers. But for those in math class, this is the only even prime number.   13 — Okay, we all know this as the international unlucky number, especially if it’s Friday. One theory for 13’s bad reputation is that’s how many people attended the Last Supper.   36-24-36 — Hmmmmm. Sometimes referred to as “the Perfect 36,” this is, according to any high school guy who’s ever looked at a Playboy magazine, the ultimate fantasy measurement for the ideal woman.   1040 — This has a taxing answer: the basic form we American taxpayers fill out by April 15 to report our income tax.   12-25 — Merry Christmas! 3.1415… — Another slice of pi? This number, which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is never-ending; it just goes on and on and on….   99 44/100 — The advertised percentage of purity for Ivory soap (and remember, it floats!). • Oh, by the way, it was Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin Jr. who landed on the Moon in July 1969 while Michael Collins remained aboard the Apollo mother ship.

enheit scale.   -40° (minus 40°) — Speaking of thermometers, this is the only point where the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales read the same.   60’6” — Okay, sports fans, here we go again. This is the distance from the pitcher’s mound to home plate in baseball.   101 — Remember the Dalmatians! (but don’t forget 102, either).   186,000 — Miles light travels in a second. The number jumps to nearly 300 million if you’re measuring in kilometers   365 — Days in a year, unless you’re talking about leap years (then that’s 366 days).   93,000,000 — Approximate distance, in miles, between the Sun and the Earth.   7-20-1969 — The day America landed two astronauts on the Moon (an extra credit point for each of those guys you can name; and two extra points if you can supply the name of the third astronaut who stayed in lunar orbit).   11-22-1963 — The day of President Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas.   50/50 — Another way of stating the philosophical question: “Is the glass half-empty or halffull?”   9 — Many answers are possible, with several of them related to baseball. It’s the number of innings in a standard baseball game, the number of players in a baseball game, and the score-keeping shorthand for the position of the right fielder. It is also the uniform numbers

‘Mommy wars’ come down to economics


nough of the Mommy Wars. And I’m up to here with the so-called War on Women and soccer moms and any label politicians, with their Machiavellian marketing schemes, dreamed up to grab my attention. I don’t want to be reduced to a catchphrase. Yet decades after women entered the workforce en masse, years after an elite group began knocking on the glass ceiling, the issue of where mothers “belong” is back in the spotlight. Yawn. What a bogus debate. Must be a slow news cycle in a presidential election year. Now, can I get on with my life? Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen set off the latest firestorm in an appearance on CNN. Arguing that it was wrong for Mitt Romney to use his wife as a gage of women’s economic struggles, Rosen said that Ann Romney “has never actually worked a day in her life.” Uh-oh. Them are fighting words. Ann Romney raised five boys and was a governor’s wife, a nonelected position that nonetheless carries its share of obligations. Anyone who has spent time around kids also understands that no job is more demanding, no work is more stressful, no schedule longer than that of keeping home and hearth for a large family.

By Ana Veciana Suarez how much you can do without. THE MIAMI HERALD Ann Romney had a choice to stay home with her children, but I know. As a mother of four sons many young women I know canand a daughter, a mother who not afford that luxury. As wages has worked part-time, full-time have stagnated and the middle and also stayed at home, I can class has shrunk, a woman’s state with utmost conviction that income is needed to help support the hardest task I’ve ever under- her family — or it can be the famtaken was raising my children. ily’s sole support. Choice — like It’s a round-the-clock profession safe neighborhoods, good public (ever notice a child’s fever always schools and favorable public polispikes at night?) — an occupation cy ­— is reserved for the fortunate that brings few perks, almost no few. So what do today’s mothers do accolades and even less respect. You can never, ever retire from when their hearts are one place it. Yet the consequences of shirk- and their brains elsewhere? What ing those job duties are monu- we’ve always done. We adapt. We mental and affect society more triage. We make decisions based than ... well, more than a missed on our children’s needs, demanddeadline or a misspelled name. ing flexibility, recruiting support Journalism can provide a voice for from friends and family, launchthe downtrodden, but molding a ing home-based businesses, setting up co-op babysitting services, human being is God’s work. No wonder Rosen’s words transitioning into a fuller work unleashed a verbal fusillade. Con- schedule as our children grow up. servative pundits have attacked And we juggle; we always juggle. her for attacking Ann Romney. Mommy wars? Not that again. Liberals have backpedaled and The mothers I know are too busy pointed to Romney’s less-than- checking homework, ferrying chilimpressive record on women’s dren to lessons, sitting at the pediatrician’s office and hoping issues. But all that hot air obscures for more than six hours of sleep to what truly matters, the great worry about a politically inspired, truth that no feminist revolution media-fueled battle that demeans has managed to change: Choice us. is a matter of economics, of whom © 2012, The Miami Herald, distributed by you marry, where you live and Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Pools issues ‘in direct opposition to will of voters’


Guest Column

By James Hejl

he guest column article in the April 25 issue of the Standard-Radio Post entitled “Pools vote: It’s about more than swimming holesâ€? is well-written and informative. However, there is some misinformation contained within which begs for a review and clarification. No. 1 – Pool background: “Both (pools) have served the community well, but have deteriorated with age‌â€? In fact, the pools have deteriorated because city government has neglected the required upkeep and maintenance. No. 2 – On the first pool bond election in May, 2011: “Many residents said the reason for their ‘no’ vote was that the proposal was rushed and poorly researched.â€? This is a true statement. City council chose to rush the proposal through without input from their constituency. No. 3 – â€œâ€Śthe city council, generally feeling that pools are a positive feature for this community, chose to form a pool committee‌â€? Rather than each council member appointing one or two members who could represent all sides of the issue, council chose to open it up to

anyone interested — an unrestricted number of volunteers. A committee of 33 was the result. First, such a large committee is unwieldy; secondly, who do you suppose would volunteer to be on such a committee? Those who wanted the Family Aquatic Center! No. 4 – On the survey: “A significant majority was fairly evenly split between wanting a Town Pool (close proximity) or a Park Pool (greater flexibility), some favoring both.� The facts: 48 percent favored one pool; 45 percent favored two pools as stated above (evenly split). However, on the issue of how many pools, 58 percent said “no� to two pools; 11 percent said “yes� to two pools. On the preferred location, 62 percent said within walking distance; 25 percent favored a short drive from the center of town. Last May, the voters spoke loud and clear that they did not want to spend $3.2 million (1140 – 366). So what did the pool committee do? They recommended a total of $3.2 million to be spent on two pools, in direct opposition to the

will of the voters! No. 5 – On the upcoming bond election: â€œâ€Śthe pool committee, together with the city council, developed the following: there will be two bond election choices on the ballot, Park Pool – yes or No, and Town Pool – Yes or No.â€? Council said from the beginning that the committee should be completely separate and will have no oversight by council. So when did this change; or did it change? No. 6 – “The larger Park Pool is the better option for providing the flexibility and capacity our community deserves.â€? The facts: Voters should know that making the Park Pool “swim meet capableâ€? is a major expense which will not benefit the majority of our children. The only participants in the swim meets from our town will belong to the Heart of Texas Swim Club, which many believe to be a school team, but is actually a private organization. There are 55 members of the HOT Swim Team; 35 percent live in the city limits. On average, 14 swimmers participate in each swim meet. (Information supplied by club coach.) Consider this: Are we being asked to spend $1.8 million on a Park Pool for 14 of our residents?

No. 7 – And finally: â€œâ€Śwhat’s really important to citizens is how much our taxes would increase. A Fredericksburg property value of $100,000 will cost the owner an additional $22.90 in annual taxes‌â€? While $22.90 may seem like a small amount to the writer of this article, it is important to remember that many of our residents are living on fixed incomes and families are struggling to work within a budget. With the rising cost of food, shelter and work transportation, managing it is a struggle. Not all are as fortunate to be able to afford an annual $22.90 donation. Those of us who opposed the $3.2 million Family Aquatic Center did not do so because we did not want to pay higher property taxes. It is because we see our elected representatives committed to an elaborate plan that has nothing to do the needs of residents and everything to do with the tourist industry; our city leaders seem to continue in this same direction with these two bonds. A true vision for the future is to form an advisory board to design a complex that could include a pool, skate park, picnic area, and baseball fields in the center of town − Fair Park. There is room.

Sawyer takes over the keyboard, sets record straight By SAWYER WEBB The Famous River Wonder Dog


or almost five years now, I have allowed Willis Webb to live with me and my wonderful, sweet mistress, Julie Webb. Sometimes, though, I have to take over the computer keyboard to set the record straight and, ahem, put him in his place. You see, each night I use “Master� Willis’ foot as a pillow in the bed Mistress Julie and I allow the Master to use. That tells you that the term “master� is just an honorary title we allow him to wear just so he feels good. However, “master� is like a collar and we all know about collars. They can be attached to leashes. For the record, Master Willis calls me PPP (The Perfect Precious Puppy) and feeds me two gourmet meals every day. I require that he cater only top of the line foods, prepared for the discerning dog’s taste. And, boy, am I discerning — sliced beef in a stunning sauce, smoked barbecue chicken and roast duck just to name a few. Eat your hearts out. The topping for these top of the line upper crust canine cuisines is always something Mistress Julie and I expect Master to prepare — succulent baked or grilled chicken, tasty grilled tilapia or salmon with exotic herbs and spices or oven roasted USDA

• • • By Willis Webb


Grade A prime beef ... you get the idea. If I’m in a hurry to get in a quick run up and down the fence line putting sheer terror in joggers, bicyclers, motor bikers and, yes, even though it might be considered bragging ... big farm equipment, I will allow Master Willis to feed me turkey sandwich meat. However, it must be deli turkey, sliced to a precise “15� thickness. None of this packaged, processed “sandwich meat.� Ick! Once a month or so, I insist on a few days with some of my upper crust, purebred dog friends at a resort (I’m a Portugese Water Dog). Almost Home Pet Resort is run by two super nice guys, Jay and David. When I check in though, they bring in Chris, a dog party specialist, who helps me plan entertainment for my friends. Special staffing for a special and selective dog. Occasionally, Mistress Julie and I live dangerously and ask Master Willis to chauffeur us about the Central Texas countryside. You see, I get motion sickness when riding in a car, er, uh, limo, so the Master provides me with pharmaceutical assistance because he hates to clean up when I get rushed into riding in my special transport. Not to mention what it does to his wardrobe. I tell him Lee jeans launder nicely.

Since I am sartorially splendid with real hair, not fur like those, ugh, commoner canines, I require regular special treatment at a grooming spa, where the proprietress and preeminent stylist — Mistress Jamie — pampers me for half a day. And, one thing I don’t understand, is why Master Willis gets so upset when we get home from Mistress Jamie’s and I insist on my daily wallow on the front lawn. Something about, “all that money and shampoo...� Occasionally, Master Willis appreciates some of my more sterling qualities. One out of town trip required an overnight stay in a hotel. Master and I went out for my nightly outing before bedtime. We got on the elevator to go up to the room and this gorgeous young woman got on with us. She immediately began raving about “your absolutely adorable dog� to the Master, who was beaming like a night hunter’s flashlight. When we got to our room, he told Mom I was a chick magnet. I think he meant well, Mom. Sawyer, The Famous River Wonder Dog, lives in his famed river house, Writers Roost. Sawyer and Mistress Julie encourage and assist Willis Webb in producing a weekly newspaper column. Sawyer says Willis Webb professes to be a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. Sawyer can be reached by email at Master Willis can be reached there as well.

Letters•To The Editor Golf course situation ‘should give us pause’ Dear editor, I would like to compare the results of the Pool Committee Community Survey and the Pool Committee’s Plan. It is true that 48 percent of respondents favored one pool and 45 percent favored two pools. It is also true that in the next question when asked to answer yes or no to several options, 58 percent said “noâ€? to the statement “build two new pools as we need to plan for the futureâ€? and 11 percent said build two new pools. The committee recommended building two new pools. The claim that swim meets will add revenue to our town because of the 200-plus outof-town participants does not address the question: will the tax revenue generated pay for the construction, maintenance and operation of the new facility, or is this another recreational venue like the golf club with 300 members which drains our coffers an average $300,000

per year. The 2011-2012 budget allocates not only the $1.8 million golf club “loan� made public and approved by council but an additional projected $455,000 loss. The golf course clubhouse was built for $1.575 million with certificates of obligation and transfer of funds from the electrical department reserve fund, which means without voter approval. The golf course situation is a lesson from history that should make us pause. The fact that the Park Pool Plan uses three of the existing sides, that it is being relined for this summer, that repairs were made last summer are proof that it can be renovated for the needs of all the families of Fredericksburg. I hope that a new mayor, new councilmen and a new city manager will appoint a five-member board to advise on the future recreational needs of our community and reassess the Town Pool Plan. Isabel Werts Fredericksburg

Dear editor, The city manager calculated that the cost of paying down the two proposed swimming pool bonds would be about $238,667 per year for 20 years, requiring a $22.90 per year tax increase per $100,000 of property value over that period. That property tax increase number was published by the pool committee in its half-page advertisement last week as the “Cost to the Taxpayer.� But $238,667 per year is only the cost of paying back the bondholders. It does not include the additional cost to the taxpayer of operating the two pools at a loss of about $80,000 every summer, which was the annual operating deficit for both city pools before Town Pool closed.

The pool committee also did not include the cost to the taxpayer of replacing capital improvements when they wear out or break down. For a pool facility with a 50-year useful life, two percent of the facility’s replacement cost should be budgeted every year for eventual capital replacement to insure that the two new pool facilities remain updated and properly functioning in the decades ahead. Two percent of $3.2 million represents an amortized annual cost to the taxpayer of $64,000. Added to the cost of the bonds and the operating deficit, I believe that the true annual cost to Fredericksburg property taxpayers to build, operate, and maintain the two proposed new pools adds up to about $383,667 per year over the next 20 years, or about $7.67 million. John Detmar Fredericksburg

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April 25, while girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fritz, Harper, April 26, and Mr. and Mrs. James Bernhard, May 1. In Hill Country Baseball League play Sunday afternoon, the Camp Stanley defenders defeated Pat’s Cubs 10-3 for the Cubs’ first defeat of the season. The Giants bounced the Boerne White Sox 13-2. Claude Nobles fired a perfect score at the third annual benefit prize and pot shoot Sunday afternoon at the Bear Creek Range, registering a score of 60 points in six shots in the centerfire competition. Frank Basse Jr., with a score of 55, topped the rimfire entries. The Fredericksburg High School Hillbillies, who for the first time in history, were listed as contenders for the state track title at the UIL meeting in Austin this weekend, have a serious jolt in their hopes. Garet von Netzer, whose time in the 120 high hurdles, has been one of the best in Class 2A in the state, stepped on a thorn Sunday while fishing, and had to have a doctor cut it out on Monday. Whether it will be healed sufficiently by the weekend to enable him to perform at full speed is questionable. Other Billies due to participate in the meet and their events are Corky Klaerner, shot put; Larry Steele and Stephen Feller, pole vault, and Elmer Ahrens, discus. The Fredericksburg High School FFA Meat Judging Team won first place in meat judging and grading at the Area 7 contest in San Antonio on Saturday. Team members included Willie Mund, Anthony Sauer and Roger Crenwelge. Mund was the high individual.

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MAY 2, 1962 Democratic and Republican primary elections will be held Saturday. Eligible to vote will be those who have poll tax receipts, or those who are exempt. People over the age of 60 years do not need an exemption certificate. The Gillespie County Fair float won the “Fiesta Directors’ Trophy� in the Fiesta Flambeau parade Saturday evening in San Antonio. The Junior Historians of Fredericksburg High School took top individual and chapter honors at the state Junior Historian meeting held at the University of Texas Saturday. Nancy Kowert, a junior at FHS, received the $100 first place award in the annual writing contest on her paper entitled, “Enchanted Rock — A Landmark on the Trail�. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Segner of Segner’s Jewelry, announce their 25th anniversary sale which begins tomorrow morning. H. Buford Durst and JoAnn Mogford were married Saturday, April 28, at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church with the Rev. L.J. Durkop officiating. Bernice Houy, bride-elect of Hans Basse, was honored with a miscellaneous bridal shower Sunday afternoon at the Edison Street Methodist Church basement. Frances Ernst will present her students in a piano recital Sunday and Monday evenings at the Junior High Auditorium. Dorothy Bierschwale’s students will present their recital Friday evening at St. Joseph’s Hall. One boy and two girls were born in local hospitals during the past week. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McAdams,

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Vote your conscience

Passions run high in city council, recall, pool votes


uffice it to say there are eight qualified people running for city council, all of whom show dedication to the ideal of community service simply by their willingness to run. These are unpaid positions, save for a small stipend, and the work is often thankless.   The race includes three mayoral candidates, including an incumbent, a former mayor and a sitting council member. The council member race includes two sitting members and three challengers, all of whom seem qualified to hold the positions.   Given early voting totals, it is easy to see the race has stirred passions. At the center of this is Proposition 1 on the ballot, which asks voters to say yea or nay to a recall of sitting council member Tommy Segner. Many are disappointed that a council member who is spending taxpayer dollars has experienced tax problems of his own with the Internal Revenue Service. His resignation was urged by the former owners of this newspaper. But Segner doggedly pursued the chance to stay on the council, at one point even threatening legal action if he is removed. Still, other voters are defending Segner and think the petition for his ouster was unfair since no ordinances in the city charter were broken. It may come down to simple passions, as the issue has become personal for many.   While we won’t make personal endorsements for individual candidates, or which way to vote on the recall effort, we do urge you to vote for candidates who will look

ahead as Fredericksburg continues to grow and expand. This town is the envy of other rural areas with its scenic beauty, strong heritage, and growing list of attractions. We need a council that will be conservative with taxpayer funds, but continue to look ahead and make infrastructure improvements when needed.   A few locals feel slighted by a focus on the town’s one million-plus visitors each year, and keeping quality streets, infrastructure and local services is a paramount concern. Still, to ignore the visitors who contribute so much in the way of sales tax and retail revenue is akin to biting the hand that feeds us. There is a balance, and we urge votes for candidates you believe can find that fine line. In last week’s editorial we urged a vote for the city pool propositions, No. 2 (Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool) and No. 3 (Town Pool) on the ballot. We still feel this is a win-win for locals as well as attractive amenities for the many visitors. Pool plans were scaled back from a failed plan at a central location, and these two propositions offer the best swimming options for recreational and competitive swimmers. As stated last week, they also provide another incentive for younger families to move to the area. If nothing else, just vote. We have soldiers in harm’s way in other parts of the world who are trying to help usher in democratic processes where none existed. When we have a 10 to 20 percent voter turnout, it is an insult to democracies everywhere and the blood that was spilled to create them. If you have not voted early, please go by the polls on Saturday. This is your town. Vote your conscience.

A social, healthy ideal We applaud those taking part in, promoting Farmer’s Market, community gardens


n the days of yore, many people grew and ate their own vegetables and raised their own meats on the family farm. While some still live this way, most of us reside in a world where food has been commoditized, resulting in concerns about where our food comes from, and if food companies and big retailers have our best interests — read, our health — in mind, or at least as much as their bottom lines. That is why it was a pleasure last Thursday to go to Marktplatz and see a crowd of people purchasing — and by that action, promoting — the freshest vegetables and meats around. The Fredericksburg Farmer’s Market, in its fifth season, will take place from 4-7 p.m. each Thursday for 17 weeks, then take a break during the dog days of summer, before resuming in the fall each week, ending just before Thanksgiving. The market was akin to a mini-fair with, samples, chefs making delightful dishes, music, wine samples, and farmers explaining the benefits and processes by which they

deliver the freshest food in Gillespie County. Indeed, much of the selections had been picked that very day. We are glad to see this “focus on fresh” as profiled in Lisa Treiber-Walter’s story last week on farmers’ markets and community gardens. Even the most cynical observer can’t find anything wrong with farmers’ markets — they offer fresher, better-tasting food, while cutting out much of the environmental impact of commercial farms, including less (if any) fertilizer and far less use of fuel to transport food to groceries from far away fields. Also, if more farmer’s markets were supported, the issue of farm subsidies would be lessened, saving taxpayers billions of dollars. While the reviled Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, cost taxpayers $32 billion, farm subsidies tallied $262 billion between 1995 and 2010. While subsidies help some small farms, much of it goes to corporate interests. We applaud the people behind this movement, which is a nurturing of simple goodness. It is one thing that is right with our over-digitized, always-on world. Join the farmers at the market over the next few weeks, get educated on how buying local helps, and take a bite of goodness.

QUOTE “Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” — Henry van Dyke CHIME IN   Send letters to the editor to P.O. Box 1639, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 or email to CONNECT   Sign up for our Daily Update email newsletter by sending a request to or connect via Facebook or Twitter

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

Published every Wednesday by the

Fredericksburg Publishing Co., Inc.

712 West Main Street - P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Telephone 830-997-2155 - FAX 830-990-0036 All advertising, news and business matters, including subscriptions, renewals and change of addresses should be addressed to:

FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST P.O. Box 1639 - Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Publisher/Editor — Ken Esten Cooke Reporters — Yvonne Hartmann, Lisa Walter, Danny Hirt and Matt Ward Circulation Manager — Sherrie Geistweidt Head Bookkeeper — Nathan Crenwelge Advertising Manager — Kimberly Jung Advertising Staff — Connie Klein, Carol Hartmann, Ann Duecker and Beth Tucker

w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g s t a n d a r d . c o m

Letter Policy Editor’s Note: This newspaper welcomes responsible letters to the editor to be run in this column, provided they are of reasonable length, free of libelous content and written in good taste. All letters must be no longer than 300 words to be acceptable for publication, and, in order to appear in the newspaper, each letter must have the name of its writer published. Letters submitted as either fax or e-mail messages must include the full name of the writer as well as his or her residential address and home telephone number. Also, only letters that are originally composed by readers of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post will be considered for publication in this newspaper. No form or sample letters that are rewritten or passed along by our readers from lobby groups, political action committees (PACs) or similar organizations will be accepted.

‘Road dog’ days are winding down


t occurred to me on my return trip to Fredericksburg from Victoria last Sunday that I am really tired of making this drive up and down U.S. Highway 87. Once our sons are out of school at the end of May, we will finally be able to move all of our belongings and I will no longer have to live out of a suitcase. I had a wonderful, small rent house since January. It was furnished, so all my needs were met. My wife and I closed on our house and I slowly began bringing a few things back with me from Victoria during April. But that did not include any furniture, which I couldn’t fit into my car. So for a couple of weeks, my new three-two house had my suitcases with clothing and a sleeping bag. I managed to wrangle my nine-year-old’s trundle bed into my Chevy Tahoe, so I do have an actual bed now, though my feet hang freely off the end. I also won’t have a refrigerator until our final move, so an Igloo cooler has been my makeshift fridge, when I remember to buy ice for it, that is. This limbo time for me has been good in a way, as it has allowed me to dive into my responsibilities here at the newspaper. But the charm has worn off the three-plus-hour drive to Victoria most every weekend. Driving used to seem easy. When I was in my 20s, I performed in several touring bands, and we were road dogs in every sense. We used to accuse our booking agent of blindfolding himself and throwing a dart at a map to book our tour dates. One night was Chicago, the next St. Louis, then Kansas City. One night in San Diego, the next in Phoenix. It didn’t bug me then

Texas/Type • • • By Ken Esten Cooke • • •

But he was smiling, so he didn’t seem to mind too much. It’s easy to see why many people buy an RV and hit the road. This country is so diverse in its people and its topography and it’s worth the time and effort to experience as much of it as one can. My favorite part of those road dog days was finding all the good places to eat in each town we visited. We looked for the best hole-in-the-wall eateries. We had great Italian food in New York, awesome barbecue in Memphis and Kansas City, incredible Cajun and Creole dishes in New Orleans, and even found incredible Thai food in a diner in Minneapolis. When we travel and dine, we experience the true melting pot ideal. We also found a few bad meals. My worst dining experience was at a place called Lucky’s Diner in New Jersey. I ordered iced tea, which came in tiny, 12-ounce glasses, not like the honkers you get here in Texas. To add insult to my tiny paycheck, Mr. Lucky charged 99 cents for each refill (something this thirsty Texan was unaware of before I received my bill). I probably said something obnoxious to the cashier like “you people don’t know nothin’ about iced tea.” One of the many life lessons I learned while on the road — and probably the least consequential — was that people in the Northeast just don’t value iced tea the way we do. Soon — as in a few weeks — my weekend commutes will be done. I don’t want to be a road dog right now. A husband, a dad and a publisher will be just fine with me.

because everything was so new to me, and this was my opportunity to travel all around the country and get to see the place — a privilege if there ever was one — plus earn enough to pay my rent and car note. We had friends in a band called The Paladins who boasted of being in “the Million Mile Club.” I remember driving from El Paso to Huntington Beach, Calif. to join the James Harman Band before their trip up the west coast. I pulled over on a butte in western Arizona and realized I didn’t know a soul in the Los Angeles area. But, as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. My traveling days turned out to be a great education. None of the bands I was in were well-known, and no one was wealthy, but it was a fun and educational five years. This was not the tour bus level of traveling where a hired driver ferries the band to its next destination, but three or four smelly guys piled into a van and pulling a U-Haul trailer. It also wasn’t the level of band that stayed in fancy hotels, opting for the cheapest of the cheap in many towns. My favorite was the Gopher Motel near the University of Minnesota campus. It had a statue of a gopher mounted on a six-foot pole in what would be a very sensitive place on a human anatomy. The gopher statue had very wide eyes as though he was surprised by the proctological pole pose.

What we hold on to says a lot about us


f these walls could talk. If the closets could giggle and weep. If the kitchen could tell the stories of Nochebuena and Thanksgiving feasts, of birthdays and graduations, of celebrations and milestones scented with the savory comforts of a shared meal. Walls, closets, kitchen: I know exactly what they would say. I know the tone of their tales, the lessons they would impart. If my house had a voice, surely it would chronicle the long and sometimes haphazard passage of a woman who has come into her own. Finally, and with a healthy measure of both grief and joy. But a house cannot roar, nor can it whisper or laugh or sing. It simply bears mute witness to the events, large and small, which mold our souls and define our views. A house is a quiet confidante, a repository of dreams, the symbol of our success and the public face of our aspirations — the shelter that, to paraphrase poet Robert Frost, cannot turn you away. House, sweet house. Now, after 20 years — two decades! — I’m saying goodbye to home and haven, a place so familiar, so welcoming that, more than any other physical

By Ana Veciana Suarez THE MIAMI HERALD

Downsizing, I must remind myself again and again, is just another rite of passage, not unlike going off to college or buying your first home. Downsizing is what we all do as we grow older, as we shift from accumulating stuff to focusing on memories and experiences. Still ... still. My generation, the indefatigable and always inventive baby boomers, will be doing this in droves in the coming years. I like to think I’m ahead of the curve, a first. Some friends have even confided their envy. They, too, would like to downsize. They, too, want to rid themselves of responsibilities. Yet, I find myself wandering the halls at odd hours, fingering the familiar indentations in a wall or around a light fixture, opening and closing doors just to hear the squeak one last time. I stand in the middle of a room to memorize not its layout but the simple sensation of being there. And in the being there, in the soaking it in, I draw comfort from knowing that nothing, not distance or years, not even other occupants, can erase what I’ve already lived. What will always be mine.

location, it was where I felt safest. We are downsizing. Actually, I like to think of it as right sizing, making a move for all the obvious and logical reasons. The children are gone, launched, as they say these days, to their own homes or off to college. The space I once needed for five kids and their four-legged pets now feels empty and wasteful. Time to move on, to chart new courses and make new memories. We are going to a house that is less than half the square footage but only 10 blocks away, a 15-minute walk down a twolane residential road lined with tall trees, expansive yards and pastel-colored houses. I’m close enough to visit neighbors who, over time and through tribulations, have also become friends. Still, the moment is bittersweet, like the first taste of a ripening mango or tangerine. As I cram my life into boxes, I lurch between excitement and sadness, from relief to fear — all in a span of seconds. This is, after all, where I weathered hurricanes, raised a family, lost a husband at 37 and then met, in midlife, the man who would © 2012, The Miami Herald, distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc. rekindle romantic embers.


Refrigerator Bowl was ‘the big time’ to him


n the mid-1950s, there wasn’t the proliferation of college football “bowl” games that we have today. You could probably count the ones for small colleges on one hand and maybe have a digit or two left over. Recently, in a column I mentioned then-Sam Houston State Teachers College (SHSTC) (9-0) playing in the Refrigerator Bowl in Evansville, Ind. This brought a letter from a member of that team, Edward (Eddie) Grubbs of Silsbee, a freshman quarterback for that group. Eddie had seen my column in The Rockdale Reporter. In 1956, I was a full-time sophomore student and fulltime sports publicity director for SHSTC. At age 19, I got to take my first airplane flight and to leave the state of Texas for the first time. It was also my first bowl game. There may have been other firsts for this small-town boy but for the column’s purposes, we’ll deal with these three. Sam Houston (the Bearkats) flew out of Bryan (the nearest “big” airport to Huntsville) on a two-prop plane. The aircraft held the team, coaches, some

• • • By Willis Webb


school officials, the cheerleaders and a few fans who could afford the fare. One of the fans on the flight, a Huntsville businessman, was inebriated when we boarded Friday and was in the same condition when we flew back to Texas after the Saturday game, won by Sam Houston 27-13 over 7-2 Middle Tennessee State (MTS). Upon our arrival in Evansville, the plane was met by two representatives of the bowl sponsor, and SHSTC line coach Mance Park and I were whisked away to a TV station for an interview. On the way, I was provided a couple of local papers, which established MTS as a 13-point favorite. During the TV station’s sports show, Coach Park and I were interviewed. Typical of coaches, Park expressed the standard line of “we’re just lucky to be selected and happy to be here.” On the other hand, teen me didn’t know any better than to spout Sam Houston’s impressive statistics, including the fact that six running backs could

run the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds flat or better. The next morning, Evansville papers had the Bearkats as a seven-point favorite. Sam Houston head coach Paul (Red) Pierce was a bit upset with me. Most coaches don’t like to be favored because it raises fans’ and alumni expectations. But, back to Friday night. There was a giant dinnerdance at a coliseum in Evansville, celebrating the bowl game. There was a sizable contingent of MTS representatives there but the Sam Houston cheerleaders, a couple of fans and I were the Bearkat “bowl party.” The three Bearkat male cheerleaders quickly departed to check out the social-scape of Evansville, so it was left to a couple of fans, the three female cheerleaders and me to uphold Sam Houston honor. I felt obligated to see to the protection of the remaining cheerleaders. The aforementioned inebriated Huntsville businessman (let’s call him Jack) was at the table, holding forth, peeling 20s and 50s off his bankroll, buying rounds of drinks and handing out cash. Since I appeared to be the “escort” of all three female

cheerleaders, the businessman kept poking money in my pockets, and praising my “way with women.” Boy, was he fooled. I was a glorified chaperone but I went home with $200 more than I had when we left Huntsville. We did a little dancing and generally enjoyed the bash but leave it to Jack to pull the capper for the evening. There was a woman singer with the band, who was goodsized and had a strong voice a la Ethel Merman, and she wore a dress daring for that day and time. It was strapless and backless all the way down to just above her derriere. Jack sat next to me, to his left, and had “Ethel” on his right, his arm draped around her shoulders. Once in a while, he’d rub his hand across her back and say, “That’s a !@#$ fine back, lots of it, but a !@#$ fine back.” By golly, he was suave and debonair. And, that was my introduction to The Big Time. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. Email him at

Merits trial called in case pitting state, health care providers AUSTIN — Three movements occurred last week in a legal battle over whether the state of Texas will allow health services to be rendered by Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics under the federal and state funded Women’s Health Program. • On April 30, Austin U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel granted an injunction requested by the clinics to prevent the state from stopping them from serving enrollees — lowincome women who do not have health insurance. • Later on April 30, U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith granted the state’s request for a stay of the district court’s injunction. • And on May 4, a three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit lifted Judge Smith’s stay of the injunction until a trial on merits can be heard. So, now, the stay of the injunction is in effect, meaning the state Department of Health and Human Services may not enforce its rule banning affiliates of abortion providers from the Women’s Health Program. The Fifth Circuit panel’s order requires a lower court trial to be on the next available regular oral argument docket. Plaintiffs assert that the state, in preventing them from rendering services to enrollees, violates the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment (freedom of speech and association) and Fourteenth Amendment (equal protection under the laws). What triggered this recent series of legal maneuvers was a March 14 state Department of Health and Human Services administrative rule that set an April 30 deadline for clinics

State Capitol Highlights By Ed Sterling


offeri n g Women’s Health Program services to “certify compliance” — meaning, have no connection with any facility that performs legal abortions. New licensing requirements New proof of residency requirements to obtain Texas driver licenses or identification cards took effect on May 7. In announcement last week, the Texas Department of Public Safety said first-time applicants, in addition to standard application requirements, will be required to present two acceptable documents containing the applicant’s name and address to establish proof of residency in the state of Texas. To meet the residency requirement for an original identification card or driver license, an applicant must: • Reside in Texas for at least 30 days prior to application; and, • Present two acceptable documents establishing proof of residency, one of which must demonstrate the applicant has lived in Texas at least 30 days. Combs to lead task force Texas Comptroller Susan Combs will lead a new “Child Identity Protection Task Force” managed by The Center for Identity at The University of Texas at Austin. “Child identity theft and fraud result in a wide range of crimes against children,” the

center’s director, Suzanne Barber, said April 30. “The social harm of online impostors bullying or preying on our children is devastating, and the UT Child Identity Protection Task Force will work tirelessly to help children and parents guard against these crimes,” Combs said. Among task force members are individuals with the FBI, Secret Service, TransUnion, LexisNexis and Internet safety group

50 Years Ago/In The Standard MAY 9, 1962 The Gillespie County Fair Association’s fair float will be shown here Wednesday evening as it parades down Main Street from the Kraus corner to the Nimitz Hotel. Bands from the county’s three high schools — Fredericksburg, St. Mary’s and Harper high schools — have also been invited to participate in the night parade. The Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a ‘tourist clinic’ at Oakcrest Park Monday evening as a kickoff meeting for all county businesses and groups involved with this valuable industry on a local level. The FFA Poultry Judging team from Fredericksburg High School won first place in the state judging contest Saturday at Texas A&M College. Team members Kenneth Lindig, Douglas Zenner, Billy Jung and alternate Clinton Kramer are coached by Joe Tatum and Bob Sifford. The Fredericksburg High School track team took second place honors with 34 points at the Class AA State Interscholastic Track Meeting held in

Austin last weekend. Larry Steele tied for first and set a new record in the pole vault; Corky Klaerner won the shot put; Garet von Netzer won the high hurdles and fourth in low hurdles; Steve Feller placed sixth in the pole vault, and Elmer Ahrens placed seventh in the discus. Outstanding bandsmen and the FHS Band Sweetheart were named at the second annual Spring Musicale presented by the Fredericksburg Public School Instrumental Department Tuesday evening. Emmelyne Hallford was named band sweetheart, and Chester Ahrens, outstanding senior band member. Outstanding eighth grade band students were Ricky Burgess and Jack Landis. Doris Rode became the bride of Alton Herbort Sunday evening, May 6, at Christ Lutheran Church at Cherry Spring. Only one birth, a boy born to Mr. and Mrs. John Garcia on May 6, was reported by local hospitals during the past week. Mrs. Maxie Ahrens’ kindergarten class at St. Mary’s Catholic School will have their annual end-of-year program and graduation exercises Tuesday evening at St. Joseph’s Hall.

Permian proposes $10K degree A “Texas Science Scholar” undergraduate degree to be offered by the Odessa-based University of Texas of the Permian Basin beginning in the fall is the first answer to a call by Gov. Rick Perry for institutions of higher learning to adopt a $10,000 four-year underCONTACT YOUR STATE OFFICIALS graduate degree. (Main District Office) Announced at a May 2 UT System board of Texas Governor Hon. Senator Troy Fraser Honorable Rick Perry regents meeting by UT-Permian Basin Presi1920 North Main, Suite 101 Governor of Texas Belton, TX 76513 dent David Watts, the bachelor of science P.O. Box 12428 (254) 939-3562 degree program will offer majors in chemistry, Austin, TX 78711-2428 computer science, geology, information sys- (512) 463-2000 State House District 73 tems and mathematics on the UTPB campus. Hon. Representative State Senate District 24 Doug Miller Hon. Senator Troy Fraser Education chief resigns E1-216 Capitol Building - Extension P.O. Box 12068 P.O. Box 2910 Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Austin, Texas 78711-2068 512-463-0124) Austin, Texas 78768-2910 Scott on May 3 announced his intent to resign (Phone: (Fax: 512-475-3732) (Phone: 512-463-0325) from office effective July 2, five years after (Fax: 512-463-6161) his appointment to the state’s highest public Honorable Senator Troy Fraser education post. Texas Senate Scott, 43, a former education aide to Gov. Austin, TX 78711 Perry, served as interim commissioner and deputy commissioner before being named to the highest post in the agency.

Letters•To The Editor Golfers say thanks for champion support

An act of honesty brings thanks

Naturalist column on mustard weed a help

Dear editor, I am writing this letter on behalf of the Fredericksburg High School State Championship Golf Team. So much of our success is due to the support and courtesy that this town has provided to our program. I would like to thank foremost the Lady Bird Johnson Golf Course staff and members. Day in and day out graciously allowing us to practice and play at Lady Bird proved to be the most decisive key in our recent success. Boot Ranch staff and all members also stepped up when Lady Bird Golf Course began its renovations. Without the access to their state-of-the-art practice facility and course our preparedness would have been not up to the level necessary to win a state championship. Lastly I would like to thank our supporters around Fredericksburg, our coaches, and most importantly, our parents. Year after year, they dropped us off at the course, drove us around the state to play tournaments, and showed unending love regardless of our scores. As we have reached the pinnacle of high school golf, now can only repeat what we have worked so hard to accomplish. Go Big Red! Sincerely, Harry McMurrey and your FHS State Championship Golf Team

Dear editor, On Thursday, April 26, a very thoughtful and honest person did a very good deed. I do not know the name of this person, but I am forever thankful for their honesty. I had been shopping at HEB and, shortly after leaving the store, I got a call from them saying they had my wallet. When I went back to pick it up, I asked who returned it and all they knew was that the person was a regular. Again, thank you for your honesty, and God bless you and yours. Louise Grohman Fredericksburg

Dear editor, I was delighted to see a column by local naturalist Bill Lindemann in the newspaper a few weeks ago. We are so fortunate to have a resident in our community who is willing to take the time and trouble to inform us on aspects of the natural world. We have so much we can learn from him! I have many friends trying to eradicate wild mustard from their property as a result of Mr. Lindemann’s article. Please keep them coming! Most sincerely, Elin Elisofon

Consider ‘support’ for pools vote

Thanks for marking church’s 125th year

platz. I now live in the Dallas area, but Bethany will continue to be in my heart no matter where I am. The service was so well planned and so meaningful to me. I am touched by the history of both Fredericksburg and Bethany; the continuity of generations honoring and respecting their history and yet always moving forward. The confirmation class of 50 years ago and the children receiving their first communion in the Vereins Kirche was extra special. More history being made! The entire service, meal and exhibits of Bethany’s history were certainly well done and something I will always remember. A huge thank you to Pastors Zesch and Qualben and all of the Bethany members who made it happen. Love wins! Kathleen Wright Rowlett

Dear editor, On April 29, I attended Bethany Lutheran Church’s 125th Dear editor, It was with interest that I read anniversary service at Marktthe recent editorial about the pool plan being supported. On the reverse side, the letters from Ms. Werts and Mr. Detmar give me pause to wonNow Is The Time For Stocking der about the “support” for the • 3-5” Channel Catfish • 6-8” Channel Catfish pools. Sounds to me as if a lot of • Bluegill (Coppernose & Hybrid) • Redear information was not provided in • Largemouth Bass • Black Crappie (If Avail.) • Fathead Minnows • Koi entirety to the citizens. We will service you at: Hope that any that haven’t voted will review their position Beyer Fertilizer & Feed in Fredericksburg, Tx on this bond proposal. I know 3446 N. St. Hwy. 16 • 830-997-9880 that I will. Thursday, May 17 • 1:30-2:30 p.m. Jerry Smith To Pre-order call: Arkansas Pondstockers at 1-800-843-4748 Fredericksburg Walk Ups Welcome 798.48


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BILLIE BALL! FHS baseball team in regional quarterfinal action Friday, page B1

THE CHALLENGERS Local resident Mack, newcomer Morgan seek to unseat Smith in U.S. Congress, page A15

The Standard’s annual Health & Fitness Guide will help you get moving for your health, INSIDE

redericksburg Standard No. 49 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75 cents

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


Hoover regains mayor’s post CITY COUNCIL TOTALS


Mayor Jeryl Hoover 1,176 Tom Musselman 599 Tommy Segner 279

Prop. 1 — ­ Segner recall For 1,163 Against 844

City council Kathy Sanford 1,030 Tim Dooley 667 Graham Pearson 660 Curt Regester 572 Bjorn Kirchdorfer 471

Prop. 2 — ­ Park Pool renovation For 1,125 Against 892 Prop. 3 — ­ Town Pool renovation For 1,502 Against 537

Sanford, Dooley win council seats; pool plans make a splash with voters By Matt Ward Heavy turnout on election day pushed vote totals over 2,000 as citizens turned out by the hundreds to cast their ballots in Saturdays’ City of Fredericksburg election. In the second largest turnout in city history, 2,081 voters elected a new

mayor, one new and one returning councilmember, decided to recall a third councilman and approved bonds for improvements at two pool facilities. After 754 voters went to the polls at Fredericksburg Middle School Saturday, the total number of votes cast in the election grew to 2,081 — second only to the 2,430 votes recorded in the November 2004 election which saw city residents pass the “over-65” tax freeze. The 2,081 votes cast in Saturday’s election represent 27.5 percent of the city’s 7,562 registered voters. Cont. on page A2



During his tenure, CEO Mike Williams has led Hill Country Memorial Hospital to be one of the Top 100 in the nation, as judged by Thomson Reuters.

WELCOMING injured veterans to Fredericksburg, local citizens gathered at Marktplatz Saturday to support the Wounded Warriors program, held in conjunction with Brooke Army Medical Center and Fort Hood. The veterans were able to shop, tour the Nimitz Museum and take part in other activities. Fredericksburg Salutes Our Wounded Warriors (FSOWW) is a joint community service project of both the Fredericksburg Rotary Club and the Morning Rotary Club. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Matt Ward

A national model in rural healthcare

Williams uses Washington, Harvard connections to stay abreast of changes By Ken Esten Cooke

we have a remarkable team. I believe remarkable by definition is something that is extraordinary, set apart from all of the others. Something that people want to experience or be part of, and in our case it is the care our patients and their loved ones want to travel to and experience when they need it.

Hill Country Memorial Hospital’s CEO, Michael Williams, MD, MBA, practiced as an anesthesiologist in Dallas and Fredericksburg, is experienced in business, and leads what was recently named one of the Top 100 Hospitals in the U.S., as ranked by Thomson Reuters. He answered questions in an interview and through How do you see HCM as differfollow-up information. ent than other hospitals? I see an amazing group of dedicatHCM recently was recognized ed persons who care about giving of as one of the Top 100 Hospitals in themselves to others and in addition the U.S. What does that mean for to our team, we have a very giving and the facility? supporting community —that makes It is an award given by Thomson us strong. In 1971, 93 percent of Reuters for a broad spectrum of per- all Gillespie County households gave formance in many areas of care-giv- money to have the hospital built. ing, including financial performance and patient satisfaction. In my opinHow long have you been at Hill ion, it is the highest award a hospital Country Memorial? can receive. We didn’t apply for it or My family and I moved to Frederpay for anything related to the assess- icksburg 17 years ago to continue ment. But what it really means to be my practice as an anesthesiologist a Top 100 in our community is that Cont. on page A6



•  Lone Star Street Rod Association to host state rally here — A3 •  Crenwelge Motors to mark 85th Anniversary Saturday — A8 •  Meusebach Lecture Series to examine region’s viticulture — A8 •  FISD trustees adopt flex waiver for students who perform well on STAAR exam — A16 •  FHS softball team falls in extra innings in regional quarters — B1 •  Two Harper athletes compete at state track meet — B1 •  Artists find success with unique partnership — C1

For real-time weather information, go online to:

High Low Rain Wednesday 78 58 Thursday 68 57 1.40 Friday 77 57 Saturday 73 57 Sunday 81 58 .37 Monday 80 60 .09 Tuesday 73 53 .64 Total Rain 2.50 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)


A - Front B - Sports C - Lifestyles

Why the delayed proposition vote count? See page A2.

Primary races begin early voting Early voting preceding the May 29 primary election is going at a fast clip, according to Mary Lynn Rusche, Gillespie County Clerk. In the Republican primary, 375 votes were cast since early voting began on Monday. That includes 192 on Monday and 183 Tuesday. Mail-in requests numbered 335 in the GOP primary. Twenty persons voted in the Democratic primary, including nine on Monday and 11 Tuesday. Mail-in requests in the Democratic primary were 15. Early voting will be held through Friday, May 25 in the County Courtroom at the Gillespie County Courthouse. Weekend voting

also will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, and from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday. All county primary races will take place on the Republican ballot. Two races for County Commissioner drew challengers from longtime incumbents. In Precinct 1, longtime Commissioner Curtis Cameron is being challenged by Randy Ward. In Precinct 3, longtime incumbent Calvin Ransleben drew two challengers in Linda Meier McCann and Dana Overdorf. In the County Attorney race, Chris Nevins and Stephen Harpold are both vying for the position currently held by Tammy Schmidt Cont. on page A12


Daily through May 25 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., County Courtroom, Gillespie County Courthouse • Weekend hours are Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday


County contracts for jail bond counsel By Lisa Treiber-Walter Progress continues at a steady pace on a possible new jail facility because of measures taken Monday by the Gillespie County Commissioners’ Court. Officials started their meeting by immediately relocating it from the county judge’s law library to a larger conference room at the Annex No. 2 property across the street (since the county courtroom was being used for early voting and the upstairs courtroom was being utilized by district

Airport projects continue at Gillespie facility, page A14. court). As they convened, commissioners discussed and then agreed unanimously to begin contract negotiations with the law firm of Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP, for bond counseling services. Bickerstaff has worked with the county in the past on its redistricting issues, while proposals were also received from the international law firm of Fulbright

Sunday baccalaureate service at FUMC to honor FHS grads

May 9-15, 2012 Rainfall This Week 2.50 Rainfall for May 5.69 Rainfall for 2012 13.94 Normal For Date 9.74 Same Date Last Year 4.61 Low – May 15 53 High – May 13 81

Jeryl Hoover (left) will return to the mayor’s seat, after outpacing incumbent Tom Musselman and challenger Tommy Segner, while newcomer Kathy Sanford and veteran Tim Dooley polled highest for two open council positions among a field of five candidates.

A baccalaureate worship service to honor members of the Fredericksburg High School Class of 2012 will be held Sunday at 6:30 p.m. This year’s service will be at the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, located at 1800 North Llano. Delivering the message will be the Rev. Jimmy Sportsman, pastor of Oak Hills Church, Fredericks-

D - Community E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds G - Entertainment

burg campus. The service is sponsored by the Gillespie County Ministerial Association. Other clergy from the community will also be participating in the service, which is open to the public. In addition to the message from the Rev. Sportsman, the service will also include scripture readings and music. Cont. on page A5

& Jaworski (which has also provided services to the county in the past) and McCall, Parkhurst & Horton, LLP. “We have several good firm choices,” said Judge Mark Stroeher. After reviewing positive recommendations from other counties, the commissioners approved hiring and negotiating a contract with Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP. The firm will advise the county on how to proceed with the bond election, as well as the issuance of bonds if fall Cont. on page A4

Roots concert series returns with Jazz Night Pioneer Museum will kickMUSIC off All concerts take place on SatROOTS SERIES ROOTS MUSIC SERIES PIONEERMUSEUM~FREDERICKSBURG MUSEUM~FREDERICKSBURG its 11th year of the Roots PIONEER Music urdays from 6:30-10:30 p.m. 1919JAZZ MAY JAZZ Series in the Texas MAY Hill with gates opening at 5 ROOTS MUSIC SERIES Country Saturday, with a p.m. Guests can purchase rare “Jazz Night” lineup a meal and refreshments $$ 1212 of music, food and family of wine, beer, sodas and fun. water. Parking is free. The concert will feature Pioneer Museum is the Kris Kimura Quartet located at 325 West Main from 6:30-7:25; Los Jazz Street with event entrance Vatos, 7:40-8:50 p.m., and on South Milam Street. The Magnificent 7 from 9:10Admission is $12. Students 10:30 p.m. Cont. on page A15 Featuring: Featuring: Kris Kimura Quartet Kris Kimura Quartet LosLos Jazz Vatos Jazz Vatos TheThe Magnificent 7 7 Magnificent

$10$10 with online discount / Children 17 17 andand under FREE with online discount / Children under FREE Major credit cards accepted Major credit cards accepted Pioneer Museum Grounds West Main Pioneer Museum Grounds325325 West Main 5pm gate–6:30-10:30pm show —— beer/wine/beverages andand food available 5pm gate–6:30-10:30pm show beer/wine/beverages food available Cooked to to order ribeyes or or Pork Chops available from Longhorn Street Cafe Cooked order ribeyes Pork Chops available from Longhorn Street Cafe Bring your lawn chairs! Bring your lawn chairs! CallCall 830.997.2835 or or visit 830.997.2835 visit

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Doss School celebrating end-of-year on Saturday Doss School will celebrate its End of the Year Picnic on Saturday. Barbecue by the pound will be sold at 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Also available for purchase will be beans, potato salad, bread and pickles. An evening program featuring the students of the Doss School will begin at 7 p.m. “Doc, Doc…

City election

ELECTION CLERK Julia Weed looks through the roll of registered voters while helping a citizen get ready to vote Saturday morning during the City of Fredericksburg election at Fredericksburg Middle School. Over 2,000 votes were cast in the May 12 election which saw Jeryl Hoover

elected mayor, Kathy Sanford and Tim Dooley elected to the city council, Tommy Segner recalled from his council post and two pool bonds pass. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Matt Ward

Counting snafu causes delay In tallying votes in city election By Matt Ward City residents hoping to hear official word Saturday on the results of two pool bonds and the fate of Councilman Tommy Segner were disappointed as the official results from all three propositions on the May 12 City of Fredericksburg election ballot were delayed until Monday evening due to inconsistencies in the counting process. According to City Secretary Shelley Britton, after the close of the polls at 7 p.m. on election day, Saturday, election judges split into two teams to begin

counting ballots. One team was assigned to tally the votes for the mayoral and city council races, while the other team was charged with counting ballots for each of the three propositions in the May 12 election. Counting of all 2,081 ballots continued until around 11 p.m. Saturday evening. When officials began to double-check all of their calculations, the results of the mayoral and city council races were confirmed, but vote totals for all three propositions exceeded the number of total votes cast by around 80 ballots.

Britton said Monday that she believed a judge accidentally picked up a previously-counted stack of ballots and began counting them again as if they had not been counted. With the late hour on Saturday evening and Sunday being Mother’s Day, officials agreed to confirm the results of the mayoral and council races, while recounting the propositions on Monday.

Mayoral, council races Jeryl Hoover, Fredericksburg mayor from 2006-2010, was elected mayor after receiving 1,176 votes. Current mayor Tom Musselman finished second with 599 votes, while current councilman Tommy Segner finished third with 279 votes. In the race for two open seats on the Fredericksburg City Council, Kathy Sanford was elected to her first term on the council after receiving 1,030 votes, while current councilman Tim Dooley was re-elected with 667 votes. Current councilman Graham Pearson finished seven votes behind Dooley to finish third, Curt Regester was fourth with 572 votes and Bjorn Kirchdorfer was fifth with 471 votes. Recall election Segner, who also finished third in the mayoral race, was recalled from his council post with 1,163 votes in favor of his ouster and 844 votes opposed. Shortly after Segner’s election to the council in 2011, a federal lawsuit surfaced which alleges that he failed to file and/or pay federal employment and unemployment tax returns and deposits totaling $324,828, some of them dating back to 2001. A recall petition — supported by a group of local citizens including current councilmen Dooley and Pearson — began circulating in January to remove

Goose!” is the title of the program, and everyone is invited.. A prize drawing will also be held. Tickets are $1 each for six for $5 and are available from a Doss School student. All proceeds from the event benefit the students of Doss School. The Doss 4-H Club will be holding a bake sale that day.

Cont. from A1 Segner from his council position. After he announced that he was considering suing the city to prevent the recall election, Segner later decided to withhold the lawsuit for the time being and allow the election to take place, reserving the right to sue later. With Segner’s recall, the new council of Hoover, Dooley, Sanford and Scott Jones — who was not up for election this year — will appoint a fifth councilmember at an upcoming council meeting. Pool bonds Voters also approved a $1.8 million bond measure for improvements at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool with 1,125 votes for and 892 against and a $1.4 million bond measure for a rebuilt Town Pool with 1,502 votes in favor and 537 votes against. Though no specific plans have been made, City Director of Parks and Recreation Jimmy Alexander said Monday that work on Town Pool could begin as early as this summer since the structurally-deficient pool is closed this year. The approval of both pool bonds comes nearly one year after city voters rejected a proposal for a $3.2 million pool facility at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park by a 1,140-366 margin.

Rheingold Community Club meeting on Friday evening The Rheingold Community Club will conduct its monthly meeting at the Rheingold School Friday evening. A meal will be served from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring either a side dish or dessert.

After a 7:30 p.m. business meeting, games of “42” dominoes will be played. Guests are welcome. Rheingold School is on the Country Schools Trail. Maps can be obtained from the Fredericksburg Visitor’s Center.

PRIMARY ELECTION 2012 Vote at your local precinct 7 am - 7 pm, Tues., May 29, 2012



May 14 to May 25 • Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 4 pm Sat., May 19 @ 9 am - 2 pm Sun., May 20 @ 1 pm - 3 pm

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your Voter Registration Card or driver license or photo ID Political ad paid for by Linda McCann, Jim Green, Treas.

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post (USPS 209-080) (ISSN 87559331) Published Weekly by the Fredericksburg Publishing Co, Inc. 712 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 830-997-2155 • Fax 830-990-0036


Subscription Rates: Gillespie and adjoining counties, $34.00 per year; 3 years, $99.00. All other areas in Texas, $38.00 per year; 3 years, $111.00. Outside Texas, $39.00 per year; 3 years, $114.00. Periodical postage paid at Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST, P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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Section/page A AAA House Leveing................ A6 Advanced Dent Repair............ B2 Affordable Massage................ A7 Aguilar Congratulations.......... A4 Althaus Acres........................ E3 Ambleside School................ A14 A T & T................................ C5 Auctions..........................E3, F7 B Bariloche Farm.................... A15 Barons Creek Club......... A12, B5 Beltone Hearing Aids.............. A7 Billies Support Page............... B4 Brent’s Custom Odd Jobs .. E3, F6 Bridal Registry....................... C2 Buckhorn Golf Course............. B3 C Cameron, Curtis.................... A3 Capital Farm Credit................ E4 Catholic Life Insurance..... A8, D5 Cecil Atkission....................... B6 Century 21 Sunset Realtors.... E4 Church Directory...................D6 Church of Christ.................... C2 Classified Business Directory....... F11-14 Coldwell Banker-Heart of Hills. E4 Cornerstone Properties........... E1 Creek Street Dentist.............. A4 Crossroads Saloon................. B1 Culligan................................ B3 D Davis Bonding Co...........D8, F10 Diamond K Construction......... C6 Dittmar Lumber..................... F6 Dooley, Tim.......................... A4 Doss Country Store.............. A16 Doss School Picnic................. C2 DR Welding........................... F6 Durham Land Co................... E2 E Eagle Apartments.................. E5 Edward Jones........................ A8 Exit Realty............................ E2 Eye Country.......................... C3 F Faith Baptist Church............... B5 Farm and Ranch Construction...... ............................... D7, F6 First Baptist Church......... C2, D4 Five Star Rentals...................D7 Fonder Chiropractic................ C4 Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier......... A8 Fredericksburg Crawfish Fest... A4 Fredericksburg Dentistry....... A15 Fredericksburg Medical Equipment. ............................... A3, D4 Fredericksburg Realty............. E4 Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post.......................... B2, C6 Fredericksburg Trade Days...... C3 Fromme, Dalton.................. A14 G Germania Insurance...............D5 Gillespie, County of................D7 Grape Creek Construction....... F6 H Hangar Dance....................... B2 Harpold, Stephen................. A16 Hartcraft Dirt........................ F6 Heart of Texas Country Music Association.................... TV2 Herber Real Estate................. E3 Heritage Realty..................... E4 Hermann Sons Youth Camp.... C2 Hester Window Coverings....... A8 Highland Oaks Apts................ E5 Hill Country Aggie Moms’ Club.C4 Hill Country Home Center.......D8 Hill Country Music.................. C3 Hill Country Refrigeration........ C1 Hondo’s ............................... B1 Hoover, Jeryl......................... A6 Household Hazardous Waste... C5 I Immel Motors..........A7, C6, TV1 IPI Investment Professionals... A9 J Jones Ranch Realty................ E4 K Keller Williams Realty............. E1 Kerr Land Company............... E1 Kevin Kramer Construction..... F6 Kingsland Slab RV Park..........D7 Kirchdorfer, Bjorn.................. A6 KNAF-KFAN Radio..................D8 Kneese Companies................. F7 Knopp Assisted Living Center.. B5 Knopp Retirement Home.........D3 Kovar, Lance, DDS................. C5 Kowert Real Estate................. E3 Krauskopf Brothers, Inc.......... F6 L LandTx................................. E4 Larry Jackson Consignments... A2 Lawrence Trailer Sales.......A6, F6 Legal Notices...................... F10 Lone Star Land Development.. F6 Lone Star Pump Service......... F6 LPL Financial......................... A6 Luckenbach, Texas................. B3 M Main Streets of TX Mortgage... A8 Marburger Orchards............... C1 McCann, Linda Meier.A2, A11, D1 Miller, Doug........................ A12 Mills, Buddy.......................... A7 Moore’s Home Furnishings...... A3 Mothers Day Out Program....... B5 Musselman, Tom.................. A13 N Nevins, Chris........................ A5 New Spin 360..................... A15 Nicholas Gombos Realtor........ E2 Nixon Real Estate.................. E3 O Obituaries.............................D4 Odeon Theater.................... TV4 Overdorf, Dana.............A13, A15 P Paige House.......................... C4 Pat’s Hall.............................. C6 Peach Basket...................... TV2 Pedernales Youth Soccer Assn.B1 Primary Election 2012............ A2 Property Management Svcs..... E5 R Ransleben, Calvin.................. A5 Real Estate Advisory Team...... E1 Real Living............................ E3 ReMax Town & Country........... E2 Remember Me, Too................ C3 Roots Music Series................. C3 Rubicon Real Estate Services... E4 S St. Mary’s School................. A13 Sanford, Kathy...................... A6 Sasko, Heath........................ A4 Secret Garden.......................D7 Shutter Factory..................... C3 SK Roofing.......................... A12 Skye and Henry’s................ A10 Smith, Lamar........................D1 Smitten................................ A7 Stagecoach Theater............. TV4 Stehling, Will, DDS................ C4 T Tanglewood Family Office........ A9 Tatsch Well Service................D8 Terrace Grill.......................... C4 Texas Jack Outfitter............. A11 Texas Land Man..................... E1 Texas Steel Buildings............. F6 TexScan............................... E5 Tivydale Business Park........... A2 Too Late To Classify............... B5 Tree, Mark.......................... A11 Troy Faust Motor Co............. A10 V Valeska’s.............................. A3 Vapo Propane........................ F7 VFW Post #7105................. TV3 W Ward, Randy....................... A10 Weather............................... C6 Weinheimer & Son............... A16 West Central Net...................D5 Western Beverages................ A4 Y Yard Mowing Service.............. C6




Voters OK with change

ongratulations to the winners of the recent city elections, and condolences to those who didn’t finish in the money. We appreciate everyone’s willingness to serve, and I think many outsiders would agree that — no matter what singular issues arise — the town of Fredericksburg has been well run for the past several decades. Conservative management while rolling with the increasing pace of change has been beneficial. (The area’s natural beauty and a variety of retail offerings are also a big draw for the area’s visitors.) Jeryl Hoover will return to the mayor’s post. Well-spoken and liked by many, we look forward to him guiding the city through what will undoubtedly be an era of growth. His background in ministry, media and theater give him skills in both diplomacy and communication. Having served in the post before, he also is familiar with what issues challenge city government on a regular basis. A resident since 2003, Kathy Sanford outpaced the city council candidates by a wide margin. Voters may have cast a vote for her as the only female candidate, or perhaps combined that with a feeling of antiincumbency that stretches from the federal to local level among some parts of the voting populace. But her background as a lawyer and knowledge of utility issues should serve citizens well. She also will bring a focus to water conservation that — after last year’s historic drought — should be in all Hill Country towns’ focus. Tim Dooley returns to the council after having served this city for 17 years. He and

his family have been diplomats for the town as owners of one of the last remaining and most unique retail stores left in the nation. A native of the area, Dooley understands the history of this community like few others, and that is a valuable view to have in local government. He has seen this town grow through thick and thin times, and his conservative philosophy can help other council members not put the cart before the horse. Where city propositions are concerned, voters were faced with a difficult decision in recalling sitting councilman Tommy Segner. Though having broke no city ordinances, voters apparently were uncomfortable with tax-related dealings with the Internal Revenue Service. Having previously threatened legal action, we suspect though this chapter is over, the book is not closed for Mr. Segner. Lastly, we are pleased that voters agreed to pass bond issues for both the pool at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park and the Town Pool, both of which are wonderful recreational facilities for young and old alike. The renovated pool on Travis Street will erase the eyesore of the currently closed facility, and it will provide a summer recreation area within walking or biking distance for most city residents. The pool at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park will serve as another draw to that facility. Its expansion also will help attract swim meets of many sizes and competition levels. As Fredericksburg goes through changes, we still hope to retain the charm that makes this town special for residents and a destination for visitors. Through continued careful management, we believe that it can and will.

‘Grape pioneers’ Today’s popular wineries draw, in part, from town founder Meusebach


iven the huge growth of vineyards, wineries and tasting rooms in Gillespie County — there are now over 30 in and around Fredericksburg — a Friday program will help shed some light on how this area came to be known as “little Napa.”   “Pioneering the Grape and Other Flora in the Hill Country: Yesterday and Today” will provide a knowledgeable look at how early settlers to the area existed and shared horticultural information for the benefit of all. The series of three talks also coincides with the 200th birth anniversary of town founder John O. Meusebach. They take place beginning at 8:30 a.m. Friday at the Hill Country University Center.   Dr. James Kearney, a historian, rancher and scholar, will present a talk on the first German pastor in Texas and an amateur botanist.   Lonnie Childs, Native Plant Society of Texas president, will give a talk on Meusebach and his role as “frontier horticulturist.”   Dr. Ed Hellman, Texas Tech Universty professor, will give an overview of the indus-

Doss keeps up rural schools tradition


ne day a week or so ago, I was searching for an article in the bound edition of the 1955 Standard when I ran across a notice listing all of the “School Closings” that would be occurring across the county in the coming weeks that year. Because of the number of rural schools located in Gillespie County back then, school closings started as early as the end of April so that every rural school would have an opportunity to celebrate the end of the school year. The first one on the list that year caught my eye since it was for the Doss School and I’m an eighth-grade graduate of that far-northwestern Gillespie County school. Back in 1955, the students and teachers at Doss were the first to have their school closing — Saturday, April 30. Also on the list were other Gillespie County rural schools and the dates of their “closings,” including Pilot Knob and Wrede, both Saturday, May 7; Cherry Spring, Saturday, May 14; Morris Ranch and Luckenbach, both Sunday, May 15; Crabapple and Pecan Creek, both Saturday, May 21, and Rocky Hill, Sunday, May 22. --Back then, school closings were an end-of-year tradition for the students who had been practicing recitations, musical num-

try with his talk, “Texas Viticulture: Today and Tomorrow.”   Those who attend may also take part in field trips to a vineyard and another to view native wildflowers around the Hill Country.   Meusebach’s history is fascinating in his breadth of experience. Only six months after Texas became a state, he left his native Germany to seek “a new, free world … everyone his own master,” writings by local historian Kenn Knopp state. He ushered over 12,000 German settlers to Texas.   Meusebach was a unique aristocrat in that he was highly educated, a lawyer, accountant, scientist, botanist and naturalist. And once German royalty tightened the purse strings, Meusebach used his own knowledge to help new settlers adapt and make best practices of their agricultural pursuits. He also bravely negotiated a treaty with Comanche Indians in the area to form a coexistence. By showing them respect, he earned theirs as they dubbed him “El Sol Colorado,” or “The Red Sun.”   As many of we today are, Meusebach was “enchanted” by a certain domed rock, and by hen I first saw the new the rolling hills and natural springs in this Time magazine cover area. of a nearly four-yearWe all can get a peek of his passions and old boy nursing on his mother’s his viticulture interests on Friday. exposed breast, I must admit it


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FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST P.O. Box 1639 - Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Publisher/Editor — Ken Esten Cooke Reporters — Yvonne Hartmann, Lisa Walter, Danny Hirt and Matt Ward Circulation Manager — Sherrie Geistweidt Head Bookkeeper — Nathan Crenwelge Advertising Manager — Kimberly Jung Advertising Staff — Connie Klein, Carol Hartmann, Ann Duecker and Beth Tucker

w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g s t a n d a r d . c o m

• • • By Sherrie Geistweidt • • • bers and plays since shortly after Easter. Not only were they a chance for the students to shine, but the adults were able to visit with family and friends they usually only saw once a year — at the school closing. An advertisement for the Doss School Closing in 1955 listed the afternoon program beginning at 2:30 p.m., to be followed by a baseball game. Each year, following the afternoon program, everyone would gather around the southern edge of the old “tabernacle” to watch one of the Doss baseball teams play a team — usually from Fredericksburg or a nearby community. Then, just as now, barbecue was to be sold for lunch and supper. The evening play to be presented by the older students, “Poor Married Man,” was scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. --School closings and rural schools are becoming a thing of the past. The Doss Consolidated Common School is one of just a handful of rural schools left in

Nursing mother is what hype doctor ordered

QUOTE “Men are what their mothers made them.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fredericksburg Standard


Texas today. The tradition lives on as the students and teachers are putting the finishing touches on their annual end-of-year closing program to be held Saturday evening at the Doss Community Center. In fact, they will be marking the 127th anniversary of the school which rang its bell for the first time in 1884. Even though there will not be a baseball game, there will be no shortage of entertainment as the student body will be presenting “Doc, Doc — Goose” at 7 p.m. The Friends of Doss School will be having a prize drawing during the afternoon and evening with proceeds being used to buy equipment for the school. Barbecue by-the-pound will again be sold at 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pint containers of pinto beans and potato salad as well as bread and pickles will also be for sale, and the Doss 4-H Club will be having a bake sale. And just like 50 years ago, diners bring along their own picnic basket of favorites to finish off the meal. --At one time, Gillespie County had 38 rural schools scattered among the small communities. In 1909, Gillespie County Judge Max Blum issued “A Booklet For the Public Schools of Gillespie Cont. on D3

Letter Policy Editor’s Note: This newspaper welcomes responsible letters to the editor to be run in this column, provided they are of reasonable length, free of libelous content and written in good taste. All letters must be no longer than 300 words to be acceptable for publication, and, in order to appear in the newspaper, each letter must have the name of its writer published. Letters submitted as either fax or e-mail messages must include the full name of the writer as well as his or her residential address and home telephone number. Also, only letters that are originally composed by readers of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post will be considered for publication in this newspaper. No form or sample letters that are rewritten or passed along by our readers from lobby groups, political action committees (PACs) or similar organizations will be accepted.

made me nostalgic: For a time when they wrapped magazines in brown paper. I’m no mothering expert, but I do believe, as a general rule, that if you are standing up and wearing long pants, your breastfeeding days are over. But what do I know? Using the headline “Are You Mom Enough?” Time has gotten tons of attention for its cover shot of 26-year-old Jamie Lynne Grumet yanking down one side of her tank top for her son Aram who breastfeeds while standing on a stool and wearing — I’m not kidding here — sneakers and camouflage pants. Grumet is a devotee of “attachment parenting” — the subject of the cover story — and, I admit, she and her boy do look attached. Very attached. Although I wonder how hungry that poor kid must have been. I’ve been to photo shoots. They can take hours. Then again, why would the boy want to move? In their famous “The 2000 Year Old Man” routines, Mel Brooks tells Carl Reiner that the key to his long life was doing things slowly: “I breastfed for 200 years.” He quickly adds, “I look back at that as the happiest part of my life.” But Brooks was making a comedy album. Time is trying to make a statement. Well, I take that back. First, Time is trying to make a splash. Then make money. Then make a

By Mitch Albom Not long ago, it was the Tiger Mom. Even more recently was pre-chewing your child’s food. Every five minutes, there seems to be a new, better way to bring statement. up your kids. You wonder how Why else do this cover? It’s 10 adults ever managed for millions percent substance and 90 per- of years before Time needed to cent shock value. Yes, Grumet sell a copy. actually breastfeeds her son in And, as with other “lifestyle” real life (and I feel sorry for that magazine stories, you wonder kid when he hits school, now that how many people are really livthe whole world has downloaded ing the trend, and how many are that image). But I doubt Grumet just gaping at the cover. Sears’ earned the cover with her story. book has sold in excess of a milWould the magazine have used lion copies over the last 20 years, her if she were 50 pounds over- but in a nation of more than weight, had a funny nose and 300 million, that’s not big penfrizzy hair? The fact that she is etration. According to Dr. Lori attractive and stands pitched in Feldman-Winter of the Ameria slightly sexy pose — wearing can Academy of Pediatrics, “only skinny jeans, her shoulders bare, 12 percent of American mothers hand on hip — should tell you exclusively breastfeed even for what Time most wants from this the first six months.” It goes whole thing: buzz. down after that. And yes, we are helping the Breastfeeding has many benmagazine achieve that by writ- efits, and should be celebrated, ing about it. But the image is but ask yourself, really, how too omnipresent to ignore. And many people do you know who it has, for a few days (which still are nursing their four-yearis as long as anything lasts in olds? Is this really a national America now), sparked another issue, or, like that famous picdiscussion over what makes a ture of a naked, pregnant Demi good parent. Moore on the cover of Vanity Attachment parenting was Fair, just a great way to boost started by Dr. Bill Sears 20 years newsstand sales? ago with a bestseller called The The truth is, as enlightened as Baby Book. Sears suggests long- we think we are, many Ameriterm breastfeeding, sleeping in cans still get worked up over seethe same bed as the child and ing an attractive woman’s naked wearing the little one in a sling breast on a magazine cover. To against your body. us, it’s a big story; to a baby, it’s Personally, had I been raised breakfast. in such a system, I would never Makes you wonder who’s the have learned to walk. Why both- mature one here. er? I’m riding shotgun and sleep© 2012 Detroit Free Press ing next to my food source. Distributed by Tribune Media Anyhow, why are we so fasciServices Inc. nated by parenting techniques?



TRANSIT OF VENUS Local astronomy enthusiast captures image of once in lifetime event, page A/B2


HARPER HIGH Forty-eight walk stage for diplomas in Harper on Friday, page C1

Pickers remember music scene stalwart Cowboy Doug Davis, ENTERTAINMENT 2

redericksburg Standard Radio Post

No. 52 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

City extends pool contract to expedite construction

75 cents

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


By Matt Ward Hoping to stay on course with a plan to fast-track construction for a summer 2013 opening at Town Pool, the Fredericksburg City Council hired current pool consultant Kimley-Horn to complete designs on Town Pool and Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park Pool during the council’s regular meeting Monday evening. Kimley-Horn will return to Fredericksburg in late June for a yet-to-be-scheduled public meeting on the Town Pool design. Utilizing existing work done by a citizen pool committee, the consultant will continue to develop the design at both sites and will oversee construction efforts. In his report to the council, City Director of Parks and Recreation Jimmy Alexander said that reopening the projects for bid by other consulting firms would add six to eight weeks to the project, eliminating any possibility of reopening Town Pool next summer. By extending the contract with KimleyHorn, Alexander said, the city would be able to move forward more rapidly, increasing the likelihood that Town Pool would be open by the 2013 summer. The consulting firm will be paid $167,000 per pool — or $334,000 total — for their work on the projects. Funding for KimleyHorn will come out of the $1.4 million bond for Town Pool approved by voters May 12 Cont. on page A/B2

Gillespie GOP to canvass votes today   Incumbent Gillespie County Commissioner Pct. 3 Calvin Ransleben’s one-vote win will hold if a Republican party canvass of votes today (Wednesday morning) confirms totals. Linda Meier-McCann, a challenger for County Commissioner Pct. 3 who missed forcing a runoff election by one vote in the election night count, still has the option to seek a recount but has not made a decision as to whether to do so, she said Tuesday. McCann has until 2 p.m. Thursday, June 7 to petition a request for a recount with GOP Party Chairwoman Jeanie Pehl. Last week, Ransleben won 50.05 percent of the Pct. 3 vote with 552 votes to McCann’s 348, while second challenger Dana Overdorf polled 203. The challengers’ votes totaled 551.   Led by Pehl, party officials were to have canvassed election results at 9 a.m. today (June 6) in the courtroom of the Gillespie County Courthouse, County Clerk Mary Lynn Rusche said.   Gillespie County Republicans cast 4,870 votes in total, of 17,728 registered voters in the county. Democrats, who had no contests at the county level, cast 274.   Meanwhile, runoff elections in several Cont. on page A/B5

A SEA OF RED MORTARBOARD caps was on display last Friday during graduation Chelsea Burrow (foreground), Miranda Crenwelge, Adam Cruz, Kody Dale, Miguel ceremonies in the FHS Stadium. Seniors visible here are (from left) Dalton Conn, Jiminez and Simon Hale. — Standard Radio-Post photo by Yvonne Hartmann

186 FHS grads enter life’s next phase By Yvonne Hartmann Valedictorian Robert Jacob Smith on Friday night challenged the Fredericksburg High School Class of 2012 “to ascend to greatness by choosing to make choices that give you a chance to achieve all your goals.” He also told his classmates how honored he was to stand before them to give the valedictory speech, but also admitted that he found it rather difficult to put together. Smith quoted Winston Churchill who said, “There are two things that are more difficult than making a valedictorian speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you.” And on the advice of his nine-yearold sister, Salutatorian Emmett Gold urged his FHS classmates to remember the words from Colossians 2:6-7. “See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all He has done.” Smith and Gold led the 186-member FHS Class of 2012 through commencement ceremonies on Friday night before a packed audience in FHS Stadium.

SCENES FROM graduation night included colorful pumps worn by Avery Smith (left) and Brooke Hannemann. At right, Usiel Aguilar gets a hug from FHS Assistant Principal Sheryl Wallace, who also serves as class sponsor. Speeches from valedictorian, salutatorian on page A/B5. Complete text from the valedictory and salutatory speeches are included in this week’s issue of the newspaper. Scholarships earned by graduates were listed in the program and are also printed in this week’s newspaper. Friday night’s ceremony began with the class song, “Nothing Left to Lose” by Mat Kearney. Led by Smith and Gold, the seniors processed in to the accompani-

ment of the Fredericksburg High Band under the direction of John Rauschuber. The colors were presented and posted by the FHS NJROTC members and the National Anthem was sung by senior members of the FHS Choir, including Jimmy DePoy, Aubrey Houston, Kendra Jones, Megan Klein, Alyssa Mohr and Tanner Stevens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Erika Lehocky, who was the class vice president, and the Texas Pledge was led by Mike Garza, class treasurer. Class president Blair Kott wel-

‘Chugging’ for the fun of it Annual antique machinery show to return Friday, Saturday The sites, sounds and smells of oldtimey tractors, engines an other similar farm equipment will be on display Friday and Saturday during the 27th annual Antique Machinery Show slated for the Gillespie County Fair


Grounds. The event, which will run from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days, is sponsored by the Hill Country Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Club. Much of the machinery on display — some of it restored to operate and look as good as when new decades ago — is expected to again attract enthusiasts from all across Texas to the fair grounds where parking is free.

Admission to the show is $6 for adults and free for children under 12. A two-day pass can be purchased for $10. In addition to old tractors and farm machinery, exhibits will include antique gasoline and steam engines manufactured as far back as 1900. Featured at the show this year will be Hercules engines and Massey-HarCont. on page A/B3


• ‘Dialogues and Dances’ this Saturday at HCUC — A/B3

May 30-June 5, 2012 Rainfall this week Rainfall for May Rainfall for June Rainfall for 2012 Normal for date Same date last year Low – May 31 High – June 5

•  Scholarships flow at FHS graduation ceremony — A/B10 •  Paramedic makes good on promise made to little girl — A/B12 • FHS 7-on-7 begins summer training regimen — A/B17

• SpaceX has connection to FHS aeroscience program — D2

NEPAL ­ — Local man tackles part of Mt. Everest, finds Schnitzel in Kathmandu, page C5.


A - Front B - Sports C - Lifestyles

0.00 5.69 0.00 13.94 11.76 4.61 64 93

High Low Rain Wednesday na na Thursday 89 64 Friday 90 67 Saturday 91 73 Sunday 92 72 Monday 92 70 Tuesday 93 68 Total Rain 0.00 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

D - Community E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds G - Entertainment

27th Annual Antique Machinery Show • 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., June 8-9 • Gillespie County Fair Grounds • Admission: $10 for two-day pass; $6 daily for adults • Sponsored by Hill Country Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Club • Contact: Regina Weidenfeller, 830-889-9348 •

PUTTING ON THE SHINE — Teresa Mosel of Spring Branch polishes up the 1973 Ford Mustang she and husband, Erik, brought to Saturday’s eighth annual Masonic Open Car Show. The event, hosted by Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge No. 794, was held at Marktplatz. – Standard-Radio Post photo by Danny Hirt

For real-time weather information, go online to:

• Local woman faring well after kidney, pancreas transplant — A/B20 •  Fischer & Wieser team with LIFE program to sell salsa, teach entrepreneurial skills — C4

comed and introduced the guests. Gold delivered the salutatory address followed by Smith’s valedictory address. The FHS Vocal Euphoria, under the direction of Carol Perry, sang “Seasons of Love” by Larson/Huff. The Principal’s Challenge was delivered by Lynn Blackwell. Dr. Marc Williamson, superintendent of the Fredericksburg Independent School District, certified the graduates. Diplomas were presented by the members of the FISD Board of Trustees, including President Dave Cont. on page A/B5

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City Cont. from A1 1,502-537 and a $1.8 million bond for Park Pool approved by voters 1,125-892. In other city business, the council approved the closure of Adams Street between Austin and Main Streets Oct. 4-8 for expanded event space for Oktoberfest. The council approved the appointment of Jennifer Bryla to the Gillespie County Health Board to fill the unexpired term of Stan Iwaniki and appointed Graham Pearson as Mayor ProTem. The council will also hold a special retreat Friday afternoon from noon to 5 p.m. in the Cardinal Room at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Golf Course. The retreat is open to the public and will allow the council an opportunity to discuss major upcoming projects and set priorities.

HOSA hosting benefit car wash on Saturday OCCURRING only twice every 100 years, the transit of the planet Venus across the Sun was photographed by thousands of professional and amateur astronomers Tuesday afternoon, including this photo by Hill Country Astronomers vice president Mark Ward. The local astronomy group held a public viewing of the “Transit of Venus” on the lawn in front of Fredericksburg High School. The equipment used to photograph the event was a 5” telescope and a special solar filter to reduce the Sun’s light by more than 99 percent.

Numerous sunspots are visible as well as the “night side” of Venus silhouetted against the face of the Sun. The transit of the second planet was the first to occur since June 8, 2004. Transits occur in pairs separated by eight years and then the pairings are separated by 105 and 121 years. This was the last opportunity for people living today to view a Transit of Venus, he said, since the next time this phenomenon occurs will be in the year 2117. — Photo courtesy Mark Ward

Weinheimer & Son

‘Reel to Real’ film screening, forum at Pat’s Hall Thursday The public is invited to attend the “Reel to Real” movie viewing event and local growers’ forum at Pat’s Hall tomorrow night. Doors to Pat’s Hall open at 6:30 p.m. Music will be provided by Callie Lou. Screening of the film “Fresh” begins at 7 p.m. and popcorn will be served free. Pat’s Hall will sell beer and wine. Following the film, at 8 p.m., will be a panel presentation led by Edible Austin magazine publisher Marla Camp. She will moderate a panel of

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Subscription Rates: Gillespie and adjoining counties, $34.00 per year; 3 years, $99.00. All other areas in Texas, $38.00 per year; 3 years, $111.00. Outside Texas, $39.00 per year; 3 years, $114.00. Periodical postage paid at Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST, P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624



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(USPS 209-080) (ISSN 87559331) Published Weekly by the Fredericksburg Publishing Co, Inc. 712 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 830-997-2155 • Fax 830-990-0036

- 6:30

Gem & Mineral Show

Pecan Creek Community Club ing, cards and dominoes will be will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday played. at 3410 Pecan Creek Rd. Neighbors and visitors are After a short business meet- welcome to attend.

Radio Post


Stonewall • 644-2352

local food growers and provid- the Foundation for Community ers in the hopes of inspiring the Wholeness. President Angie -Cross the audience to eat local Ladywhole Bird foods Park, Pioneer Pavilion Hwy.said 16 S. to improve the health of this mission of the event “is to plant Sat. 9-6 & Sun. 10-5 community — not just physi- the seed to grow healthier, hapcally, but economically as well. pier communities.” She also credits Pat’s Hall Serving on the panel will be: Josh Raymer of Navajo owner Kathy Shearer for donatGrill, Lloyd Wendell of Twin ing her facility’s use for future County Lamb, John Engel of Reel to Real events scheduled Engel Farms, Zane Beckmann on the first Thursday of each of Woerner Feed and Garden month. “We are hopeful to help proSupply, Sam Keller of Hillside Beef and Gary Rowland of mote positive change within its walls to be carried out in our Hairston Creek. Reel to Real is sponsored by community,” Cross said.

Pecan Creek Club meeting Sunday

Fredericksburg Standard

Health Occupations Students of America from Fredericksburg High School will be holding a car wash on Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. at the the Running Clean Car Wash, located at 501 South Adams. Proceeds will be used to help fund the students’ trip to national competition in June.


TIVYDALE BUSINESS PARK High Value/Low Cost Office & Storage Facilities

 Office/Warehouse Space to Suit  Climate Controlled or Regular Mini-Storages  Time Warner Cable  Security Cameras & Lighting  24 Hour Easy Access  On Site Office


8 Large Capacity Climate Controlled Storage–Now Available!

First Month Free On All Mini-Storage Rentals Prime Location Next to Gillespie Co. Airport Two minutes from Downtown Call Jym or Roxanne

(830) 992-3734 Hours: Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm After hours call (830) 456-3314 373.47tf

Section/page A Affordable Massage.......... A/B14 Althaus Acres....................... E4 Ameriprise Financial...........A/B4 Amish Market....................A/B9 Auctions.........................E4, F7 B Beckmann Furniture......... A/B13 Bee Creek Communications.A/B2 Bierschwale-Rees Ins........ A/B20 Boots & Badges............... A/B15 Brent’s Custom Odd Jobs .E1, F6 Bridal Registry...................... C2 Bruce’s Electronics................D7 Buckhorn Golf Course....... A/B10 Business Center....................D3 C Cameron, Curtis.............. A/B12 Capital Farm Credit............A/B7 Catholic Life Insurance. A/B8, C6 Central Texas Electric Co-op...D7 Century 21 Sunset Realtors.... E2 Chop Shop Salon...............A/B3 Church Directory...................D8 Church of Christ........ A/B10, C2 City Cleaners.....................A/B4 Classified Business Directory...... F10-13 Clear River Pecan............. A/B17 Clegg, Stephen, DDS........ A/B15 Coldwell Banker-Heart of Hills..... ................................E2, E4 Cornerstone Properties.......... E3 Crossroads Saloon.A/B12, A/B13 D Davis Bonding Co........A/B18, F9 Diamond K Construction........ C6 Dittmar Lumber.................... F6 Dooley’s Store...................... C2 Doss Country Store.......... A/B20 DR Welding.......................... F6 Dunn’s Fish Farm..................D8 Durham Land Co................... E4 E Eagle Apartments................. E5 Edward Jones....................A/B6 El Maguey Restaurant.........A/B2 Exit Realty........................... E4 F Faith Baptist Church......... A/B17 Farm & Ranch Construction.D8, F6 First Baptist Church.......... A/B13 Five Star Rentals..................D7 Fonder Chiropractic...............D3 Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier.....A/B6 Fredericksburg Medical Equip.. D8 Fredericksburg Metal Recycling.F6 Fredericksburg Realty............ E2 Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post......................... C4, C6 G Germania Insurance..............D7 Goodwill.............................. C3 Grape Creek Construction...... F6 H Hartcraft Dirt........................ F6 Heart Hospital of Austin.........D1 Herber Real Estate................ E1 Heritage Place...................... C6 Heritage Realty..................... E2 Hester Window Coverings......D3 Highland Oaks Apts............... E5 Hill Country Home Center......D8 Hill Country Memorial Hosp........ ................... A/B3, A/B4, C4 Hoerster, Rick, Attorney......A/B8 Holiday Farms...................A/B8 Hondo’s ......................... A/B16 Hypnosis......................... A/B17 I Immel Motors..................... TV1 IPI Investment Professionals.A/B6 J Jones Ranch Realty............... E2 K Keller Williams Realty............ E3 Kerr Land Company............... E3 Kerrville Mattress Gallery....... C4 Kevin Kramer Construction..... F6 KNAF-KFAN Radio.................D7 Kneese Companies................ F7 Knopp Assisted Living....... A/B14 Knopp Retirement Home........ C4 Kovar, Lance, DDS................ C6 Kowert Real Estate................ E1 Krauskopf Brothers, Inc......... F6 L LandTx................................ E2 Legal Notices...................... F10 Lifeguard Wanted............. A/B12 Lone Star Pump Service......... F6 LPL Financial.....................A/B8 Luckenbach, Texas........... A/B17 M Main Streets of TX Mortgage.A/B6 McCann, Linda Meier..........A/B9 Meusebach Creek School........ C4 N Natl. Wild Turkey Federation.A/B16 Nevins, Chris.....................A/B3 New York Life....................A/B7 Nicholas Gombos Realtor....... E4 Nixon Real Estate.............E1, E5 O Obituaries......................D4, D5 Optimists Bike Safety....... A/B16 P Pasta Bella........................... C1 Peach Basket...................... TV2 Pearson, Katherine, M.D........ C4 Pedernales Youth Soccer Assn.C1 Pioneer Memorial Library....... C2 Property Management Svcs.... E5 R Ransleben, Calvin............ A/B18 Rathskeller........................... C2 Real Estate Advisory Team..... E3 Real Living........................... E1 ReMax Town & Country.......... E4 Reward $2,000..................A/B6 Ricks Furniture Company....A/B5 Rubicon Real Estate Services.. E2 S St. Mary’s Catholic School.A/B18 Secret Garden......................D5 Seitz................................... C4 Selective Mechanical.............. F6 Shutter Factory................ A/B18 Smith, T.J....................... A/B16 Spa at Inn on Barons Creek.A/B4 Stagecoach Theater............. TV4 State Farm Insurance.........A/B8 Stehling, Will, DDS.............A/B4 T Tanglewood Family.............A/B7 Tatsch Well Service...............D8 Texas Land Man.................... E1 TexScan............................... E5 Tivydale Business Park.......A/B2 Too Late To Classify.......... A/B17 Top Cash..............................D5 Tree, Mark...................... A/B14 Troy Faust Motor Co......... A/B19 V Valeska’s......................... A/B14 Vapo Propane....................... F7 VFW Post 7105................... TV2 Visiting Angels................. A/B15 W Weather............................... C6 Weinheimer, Marissa...........A/B4 Weinheimer & Son.............A/B2 West Central Net...................D5 West Central Wireless............ C5 Western Beverages............A/B9 Wild Birds Unlimited......... A/B14 Wilson Clements Home.......... C2 Wrede School....................... C4



LOVE A PARADE! Fourth of July parades to roll next Wednesday, page A/B12

‘LIVING HISTORY’ WWII Combat Zone program returns Saturday, page A/B2

Retirement home begins community garden project, page A/B16

redericksburg Standard Radio Post

No. 3 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

75 cents

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Water users petition rate hike Company says rise will recoup investments; TCEQ hearing on increase ahead By Ken Esten Cooke   Customers of Aqua Texas, which now services the Harper Water Company Systems, will meet Thursday to discuss the next steps in petitioning against a water rate increase. An informational meeting for water customers will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 28 in the Community Room at the Central Texas Electric Co-Op building, 386 Friendship Lane. Harper Water Company Systems includes Gua-

dalupe Heights, Harper Road Estates, Northwest Hills, West Oak Heights and Highlands Ranch subdivisions. The meeting will be led by Northwest Hills resident Forrest Nikorak, who says some locals will have trouble managing the additional costs. “I want these bills not to be doubled and I hope their flat rate stays the same,” Nikorak said. “I also hope they institute a conservation rate schedule that rewards those who use less water. “It would be nice to have rates based on past and future economics,” he said.   Harper Water Company customers now served by Aqua Texas will see existing base charges rise from $33.75 per month for 5,000 gallons to $68.87

per month. Larger users also will see a doubling of base rates.   Minimum charges will rise from $25 per month to $48.33 per month. Charges per 1,000 gallons used will rise from $1.75 to $3.10 per 1,000 gallons up to 10,000 gallons under the proposed increase. Charges between 10,000 and 40,000 gallons will rise from $2.25 per 1,000 gallons to $4.10.   Bob Laughman, president of Aqua Texas, headquartered in Austin, said that Harper Water customers have had the same rates since 2004.   “Even under that scenario, we didn’t raise rates when we bought the system,” Laughman said. (He believed the GATHERING SIGNATURES — Forrest Nikorak, Northwest Hills resident who is Cont. on page A/B3 organizing a petition to protest water rate increases, stands near the Aqua Texas north pump station on Northwest Hills subdivision. — Photo by Ken Esten Cooke

Ugly duckling comes to life in new stage production ‘HONK!’

Design firm’s changes to pool plans frustrate committee members Preliminary plans differ from those OK’d by voters

Telling the classic tale of The Ugly Duckling in a new way, the Fredericksburg Theater Company summer musical HONK! opens its three-weekend run Friday night at the Steve W. Shepherd Theater. Performances will be held Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. with a 2 p.m. Sunday matinee through July 15. HONK! is a family musical adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s tale of The Ugly Duckling by composing duo George Stiles and Anthony Drewe who are also credited with the new music for Mary Poppins on Broadway. “HONK! has seen many successes over 19 years, including winning the prestigious Olivier Award in 2000 for best musical, beating The Lion King and Mamma Mia,” director Kerry Goff said. “In a short period of time HONK! has made its way around the world in over 8,000 productions with over five million audiences. It was only fitting that FTC be the next to produce the heartwarming tale.” The production features 38 cast members — the largest cast to date in the Steve W. Shepherd Theater — and a 10-piece orchestra. Principals in the production include Will Vaughan as Ugly, Pierre Minjauw as Cat, Sarah Spillman as Ida, James Lacy as Drake, Jacob Lacy as Beaky, Daniel Metzger as Billy, Susanna Harpold as Downy and Bentley Lees as Fluff. Also, Hollie Baker as Queenie, Angela Lacy as Lowbutt,

By Matt Ward With more than 10 months of work to develop a plan and vetting from more than 2,000 city voters in a bond election, the design for a rebuilt Town Pool developed by a 30-member pool committee has undergone intense scrutiny. However, after a preliminary presentation from city consultant Kimley-Horn Wednesday, June 20, pool committee members led by chairwoman Linda Langerhans feel like their time was wasted as KimleyHorn presented a “totally flipflopped” plan to attendees at

Investigation follows death, Willow City fire on Sunday Determination still being made as to whether fire was cause LOOK MA, NO HANDS! — Flying straight up into the air after riding across the ditch in front of Hill Country Evangelical Free Church, Matthew Wortmann practices one of many tricks attempted by young BMX bikers and skateboarders throughout Fredericksburg. More coverage on page D1. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Matt Ward

Cont. on page A/B2 Tickets available at


Holiday paper to be published Tuesday Business, government offices to close

A change in the publication schedule of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post has been announced for next week due to the Independence Day holiday on Wednesday, July 4. The newspaper will be published on Tuesday, July 3, instead of the regular publication date of Wednesday, July 4.

As a result, home delivery subscribers will receive their papers on Tuesday afternoon. Because Wednesday, July 4, is a postal holiday, readers who normally receive their paper in the mail on Thursdays should be getting their copies as usual.


Cont. on page A/B12

Gillespie County residents Government will be gathering with friends •Federal offices: Closed. and family to celebrate Amer•State offices: Closed. ica’s birthday on Wednesday, •County offices: Closed. July 4. •City offices: Closed. To celebrate the Fourth of Postal Service July holiday, city, county, state •Closed. There will be no and federal offices will be clos- delivery on city, rural or highing their doors on Wednesday, way contract routes on July 4. July 4, along with a large numCont. on page A/B6 ber of businesses.


• Memory loss center offers needed services — A/B7 •  CrimeStoppers seeks info on rural break-in — A/B10 • Commissioners hear Boys & Girls Club successes — A/B12 •  Emergency workers hold search and rescue drills — A/B12 • FYBA All-Stars step into batter’s box for summer season competition — A/B14 • Summer Swing brings over 100 netters for local tourney — A/B13

June 20-26, 2012 Rainfall this week Rainfall for June Rainfall for 2012 Normal for date Same date last year Low – June 21 and 23 High – June 26

0.00 1.03 14.97 13.80 4.76 65 102

High Low Rain Wednesday 91 66 Thursday 93 65 Friday 94 67 Saturday 93 65 Sunday 96 68 Monday 99 67 Tuesday 102 72 Total Rain 0.00 (Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)

A - Front B - Sports C - Lifestyles

Officials are investigating the death of a local man whose body was discovered in a fire that completely destroyed a tworoom structure in Willow City Sunday evening. Investigators have not determined whether Marion Inman, 65, of Willow City, died in the fire or because of natural causes prior to the start of the blaze. The specific cause of the fire is also being studied, said Steve Olfers, fire marshal. He said firefighters were first summoned to the scene just minutes before midnight Sunday evening by a neighbor who noticed the fire’s glow. Willow City Volunteer Fire

Pioneer Museum executive director resigns from post By Matt Ward

For real-time weather information, go online to:


the public hearing, including Fredericksburg Mayor Jeryl Hoover and council members Tim Dooley and Kathy Sanford. “I think I’m having a hard time having worked with these almost 30 people for 10 months and everything was discussed thoroughly and so carefully and it’s been totally flip-flopped,” Langerhans said. “It looks to me like it was just thrown out the window and that’s a little frustrating.” Kimley-Horn’s initial design was a near exact replica of the pool committee’s final design, only flipped 180 degrees with the main entrance on the Schubert Street side as opposed to the Travis Street side. In the pool committee’s plan, the design called for Schubert Cont. on page A/B2

Pioneer Museum leader Stephen Vollmer left his position last week after one year.

After one year of leading Fredericksburg’s historic preservation efforts, Pioneer Museum Executive Director Stephen Vollmer resigned from his post Saturday, citing a desire to seek other opportunities. “I wish the institution the very best, but I need to move on to other things,” Vollmer said Tuesday morning. Cont. on page A4

D - Community E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds G - Entertainment

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Department firefighters and emergency personnel responded to the scene of the fire that completely engulfed a tworoom, partial log cabin located behind the main residence at 691 Gold-Schaefer Road. The Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department was called in to assist, while also arriving on scene to lend aid were Fredericksburg EMS, Central Texas Electric Coop (to disconnect the power), the Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office and local and state fire marshal officials. Firefighters were initially unaware that Inman was inside the structure, Olfers said. Although the fire claimed one building and a small Ford pickup parked nearby, “Willow City did a tremendous job of containing it very quickly,” OlfCont. on page A/B2 DANCERS CUT a rug, or slide on the cement, at Saturday night’s Roots Music Series at the Pioneer Museum. The event featured swing bands headlined by the Nash Hernandez Orchestra of Austin. See more photos on page 1C. — Standard -Radio Post photos by Ken Esten Cooke

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FTC’s HONK! Cont. from A/B1 Lee Schulze as Penny, Deborah Vanicek as Maureen, Martha Fait as Grace, Patrick Stapleton as Greylag, Bobbi Grimmer as Dot, Buddy Mayo as Turkey, Tracy Knudsen as Henrietta and Matt Ward as Bullfrog. Dancers include Kami Rhyne, Madison Grumbles, Sloane Guthrie, Mackenzie Grumbles, Olivia Camfield, Celeste Camfield, Willow Houseal and Savannah Sikes. Ensemble members include Clara May Quay, Genesa

Quay, Hailey Knudsen, Virginia Vanicek, Mason Sommers, Courtney LeFan, Faith Hearn, Hannah Stapleton, Phil Houseal, Helena McFarland, Samantha Fait, Christina Fait and Marissa Baker. Tickets, at $20 for adults and $5.50 for students, are available at the FTC box office, 306 East Austin Street. Box office hours are set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets may also be purchased at www.fredericksburgtheater. org.

Living history program returning this weekend

SCARING the dickens out of Turkey (front, portrayed by Buddy Mayo), Drake (portrayed by James Lacy) has a little fun at Turkey’s expense during a Tuesday night dress rehearsal of HONK!, the annual Fredericksburg Theater

Company summer musical, which opens Friday night at the Steve W. Shepherd Theater. The production runs for three weekends through July 15. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Matt Ward

Pool plans

Cont. from A/B1

Street to be closed to through traffic, a measure that was later rejected by the city council. Pool committee member John Detmar questioned the consultant about the pool’s depth, which was cut from over 11 feet deep in the pool committee’s January proposal to five feet in Kimley-Horn’s design. He argued that the pool committee’s final design included a diving board, which had been removed from Kimley-Horn’s proposal to save funds. Adding a diving board to a facility of Town Pool’s size, Kimley-Horn representative Mark

Hatchel said during the meeting, would require two-thirds of the pool to be allocated for diving use. “You’re going to accommodate a lot more kids without a board with the five foot depth and we could still consider some sort of drop-in slide that doesn’t require deeper water,” Hatchel said. Langerhans said Tuesday that, after the pool committee made its presentation to the council, committee members agreed that the depth of Town Pool could be reduced and the diving board exchanged for a

visitors can watch as the program plays out in front of them in a jungle-type setting like that of the island of Tarawa. As they sit, re-enactors demonstrate the various types of weapons and battle strategies that were vital in the struggle for dominance in the Pacific theater by acting out an attack scene between American Army and Marines and the Imperial Japanese Army forces. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the George H.W. Bush Gallery, the Admiral Nimitz Bookstore or online at Tickets are also available at the Pacific Combat Zone on the day of the programs, but due to their popularity, advance purchase is recommended. Admission includes earplugs.

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Investigation, fire ers said, especially given the fact that there was exposure to other structures and very “tight working conditions” within an area thick with trees. “There wasn’t much room to move around in there,” he said. Volunteer workers remained on the scene until daylight and no one sustained injury in the process of extinguishing the fire, Olfers said.

slide to reduce costs. She added that the change in depth could save $200,000-$250,000. “We’re going to be able to build not exactly the plan by the committee, but we’ll be able to build this pool with the basic pool elements that you wanted within the funding that we have,” Hatchel said, adding that Kimley-Horn will re-examine their design based on the comments received during the meeting. The consultant said that the Town Pool project remains on schedule for a May 2013 opening, while Park Pool would be slated for opening in May 2014.

A working flamethrower, explosive charges, a tank and authentically-dressed re-enactors will put on a vivid show of World War II weapons and strategies during several shows this weekend at the National Museum of the Pacific War’s “Combat Zone.” Three shows are planned Saturday at 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., while two shows are planned Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Admission to the 90-minute program is $7.50 for adults and $5 for students. Children under six years of age are admitted free. The event takes place in the Pacific Combat Zone, located two blocks east of the museum’s main complex. From shaded grandstands,

Lady Bird Park, Pioneer PavilionCont. - Hwy. 16A/B1 S. from Sat. 9-6 & Sun. 10-5

A State Fire Marshal’s Office investigator was on the scene early with a canine unit to survey and record data from the scene and conduct an investigation, Olfers added. Fredericksburg Funeral Home recovered the body in the early hours of the morning and is in charge of arrangements this week, which include a visitation tomorrow and graveside

Smoke Depot s a j e T

nniversary Sal A 15 Most Merchandise Marked Down e th

services Friday. (See the obituary section in today’s edition of the StandardRadio Post.) Inman is survived by his wife, Nancy Gold Inman of Willow City; son, Shawn Inman of Willow City; two daughters, Mandie Inman of Willow City and Jennifer McCall of Lufkin and a brother, Billy Inman of Marble Falls.

Old Milwaukee Beer, 12-12 oz. cans ..........................$8.49 Coke or Sprite, 12-12 oz. cans ......................... 2 for $8.00 Pork Steaks/Roasts ............................................ $2.19/lb. Fryer Leg Quarters, 10 lb. bag ............................... 79¢/lb. Red Potatoes ........................................................... 59¢/lb. Navel Oranges ........................................................ 89¢/lb. Blue Bell Ice Cream, Half Gallon .................. 2 for $10.00 Key Work Jeans........................................................$12.98 Goldenrod Fence Tool, #305 ..................................$30.25

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Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post (USPS 209-080) (ISSN 87559331) Published Weekly by the Fredericksburg Publishing Co, Inc. 712 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 830-997-2155 • Fax 830-990-0036


Subscription Rates: Gillespie and adjoining counties, $34.00 per year; 3 years, $99.00. All other areas in Texas, $38.00 per year; 3 years, $111.00. Outside Texas, $39.00 per year; 3 years, $114.00. Periodical postage paid at Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FREDERICKSBURG STANDARD-RADIO POST, P.O. Box 1639 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


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TIVYDALE BUSINESS PARK High Value/Low Cost Office & Storage Facilities

 Office/Warehouse Space to Suit  Climate Controlled or Regular Mini-Storages  Time Warner Cable  Security Cameras & Lighting  24 Hour Easy Access  On Site Office


8 Large Capacity Climate Controlled Storage–Now Available!

First Month Free On All Mini-Storage Rentals Prime Location Next to Gillespie Co. Airport Two minutes from Downtown Call Jym or Roxanne

(830) 992-3734 Hours: Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm After hours call (830) 456-3314 373.47tf

Section/page A Advantage Care Services.....A/B6 Agave Gallery................... A/B15 Artisans................................ C3 Auctions............................... F8 B Barons Creek Club............ A/B13 Bee Creek Communications.....D8 Brent’s Custom Odd Jobs .. E4, F7 Bridal Registry....................... C2 C Capital Farm Credit.............A/B6 Catholic Life Insurance.. A/B6, D3 Cecil Atkission....................A/B9 Century 21 Sunset Realtors.E3, E5 Chop Shop Salon.............. A/B14 Church Directory...................D6 Church of Christ.................... C1 Classified Business Directory.F11-14 Clegg, Stephen, DDS........ A/B13 Coldwell Banker-Heart of Hills..... ................................E3, E5 Cornerstone Properties........... E2 Creek Street Dental............... C5 Crossroads Saloon. A/B11, A/B15 Culligan................................ C5 D Davis Bonding Co...........C5, F10 Der Alte Fritz.....................A/B4 Diamond K Construction......... C6 Dittmar Lumber..................... F7 Doss Country Store........... A/B16 Double-R-Drygoods........... A/B16 DQ......................................D5 DR Welding........................... F7 Durham Land Co................... E3 E Eagle Apartments.................. E6 Exit Realty............................ E3 Eye Country.......................... C6 F Farm & Ranch Construction......... ...........................A/B14, F7 Featured Homes/Property....... E1 FHS Billie Boosters............ A/B12 FHS Class of 1982................. C1 First Baptist Church.........D4, D5 Five Star Rentals...................D7 Flipped................................. C2 Fonder Chiropractic................D8 Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier......A/B6 Fredericksburg Realty............. E4 Fredericksburg Theater Co...A/B4 G Gillespie Cnty Fair/Festivals.. A/B3 Gillespie, County of................D7 Gillespie County SWCD...........D7 Grape Creek Construction....... F7 H Hartcraft Dirt........................ F7 Herber Real Estate................. E5 Heritage Realty..................... E5 Hermann Sons Dance School.. C4 Hester Window Coverings....... C5 Highland Oaks Apts................ E6 Hill Country Home Center.......D8 Hill Country Memorial Hospital..... ....................... A/B5, A/B10 Hill Country Outfitters.........A/B3 Hill Country Refrigeration........ C1 Hill Country Sod............... A/B14 Holloway Plumbing............ A/B12 Hometown Crafts.............. A/B10 Hondo’s .......................... A/B12 I Immel Motors............... C6, TV1 Inside Story.......................A/B2 IPI Investment Professionals.A/B7 It’s About Time Babysitting.A/B10 Itz Gardens........................A/B7 J Jones Ranch Realty................ E5 K Keller Williams Realty............. E2 Kerr Land Company............... E2 Kevin Kramer Construction..... F7 KNAF-KFAN Radio.................. C4 Kneese Companies................. F8 Knopp Assisted Living............D3 Knopp Retirement Home......... C4 Kovar, Lance, DDS............ A/B15 Kowert Real Estate................. E4 L LandTx................................. E5 Legal Notices............... F10, F11 Lone Star Pump Service......... F7 LPL Financial......................A/B7 Luckenbach, Texas............ A/B14 M Madlyn’s............................... C2 Main Streets of TX Mortgage.A/B6 Marie Ransleben, Realtor........ E5 Merrill Lynch......................A/B4 Mid-Texas Health Care............ C3 Moore’s Home Furnishings. A/B11 Morning Star Memory Care..... C1 N Nicholas Gombos Realtor........ E3 Nixon Real Estate.............E4, E6 O Obituaries.......................D4, D5 P Pat’s Hall.............................. C5 Peach Basket...................... TV2 Peterson Regional Medical....A/B8 Platinum AV Designs...........A/B6 Property Management Svcs..... E6 R Real Estate Advisory Team...... E2 Real Living............................ E3 Red...................................... C3 ReMax Town & Country........... E3 Restoration Surface.............A/B7 Reward $2,000...................A/B7 Ricks Furniture Company........ C5 River’s Edge Gallery............A/B3 Rochs’ Birthday..................... C2 Rubicon Real Estate Services... E5 S Secret Garden....................... C3 Seitz.................................... C3 Shutter Factory.....................D5 Sit N Stay Pet Sitters............. C2 SK Roofing.........................A/B4 Smitten.............................A/B4 Soldier’s Angels..................A/B8 Stagecoach Theater............. TV4 Stehling, Will, DDS........... A/B12 Sugar and Smoke............. A/B11 T Tanglewood Family Office.....A/B7 Tatsch Well Service................D1 Tejas Smoke Depot.............A/B2 Terrace Grill.......................... C2 Teva Neuroscience................. C4 Texas Land Man..................... E2 Texas Steel Buildings............. F7 TexScan............................... E6 Tivydale Business Park........A/B2 Too Late To Classify.......... A/B12 Troy Faust Motor Co...............D1 V Valeska’s...........................A/B4 Vapo Propane........................ F8 W Weather............................... C6 Weinheimer & Son..............A/B2 Western Beverages.............A/B8 Y Yard Mowing Service.............. C6






Right coffee will get your heart started


est anyone think I’m all hung up on writing about coffee, well, just talk to the dadgum doctors. They keep doing studies that generally put me in the position of defending my caffeine intake in this space. When they tell me I can’t have my two cups of coffee in the morning, I figure they’ve stopped preaching and started meddling. And, now they’ve turned namby-pamby with the latest research released in mid-May. The meddling medicos are looking into my morning sassering, blowing and sipping and proclaiming in what the news media calls “a big study� that coffee drinkers are a little more likely to live longer. Well, thank you very much, Doc. After scaring the bejabbers out of us caffeine addicts for years by saying it was a guilty pleasure that might do harm, y’all have decided, regular or decaf, we coffee slurpers just might live a little longer than the sissies that don’t drink that black wake-up elixir. What’s more, this study was directed by the National Cancer


Institute (NCI). (I thought coffee was blamed for causing heart problems. Are they saying now that it may cause cancer?) NCI was joined by AARP (my guys) in sponsoring the research. But really, the head cancer guy said, “There may actually be a modest benefit of coffee drinking.� The report also said caffeine didn’t play a role in this new study’s results. These folks keep twisting and turning us every way but loose with all their contradictions. They used to say whiskey and alcohol would kill you. Now, there are those who say a little alcohol (preferably red wine, if I understood correctly) will help your heart. I’m reminded of the drunk who, upon seeing a dead worm in a bottle of alcohol, said alcohol killed worms, so it was good for you, but that doesn’t fit into this research either. This latest report pointed out

that coffee contains thousands of things that can affect health. For instance, helpful antioxidants and we’re told that’s the good stuff. Then, they turn right around and say there are tiny amounts of substances linked to cancer. Some studies indicate coffee can raise LDL (the bad cholesterol) and blood pressure at least in the short term. Of course, bad cholesterol and high blood pressure can raise the chances of heart disease. However, (and here we go again with the contradictions) one researcher said each cup of coffee per day edges up chances of living a little longer. Plus, they sneaked another upsetting variable into the report: People who had heart disease, a stroke or cancer weren’t included in this report. Neither were people with diet extremes (too many or too few calories per day). This study involved 400,000 people, began in 1995 and involved AARP members ages 50-71 in California, Florida, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania plus the cities of Atlanta and Detroit. Apparently

they are prejudiced against Texans since none were used in the study. Then, the report throws another upsetter at you: coffee drinkers tend to smoke, drink more alcohol, eat more red meat and exercise less than non-coffee drinkers. Aha! That must be why they didn’t use Texans. Of the 402,260 survey participants, just over 10 percent (42,000) drank no coffee. At the other extreme, 15,000 drank six cups or more a day. The majority had two or three cups. None of this proves coffee makes people live longer, only that the two seem related. It won’t prove cause and effect because it was based strictly on observing people’s habits and resulting health. And, after all of those numbers, the survey conductors “can’t say how much extra life coffee might JUNE 27, 1962 stalls have been booked to capacbuy.â€? ity, with the overflow being stabled Maybe I’ll just pour a little wine Stonewall is all set for their first in special stalls being built in the in my morning coffee and do a annual Peach JAMboree to be held livestock barns. There will be lots double-dip “treatment.â€? Saturday with a galaxy of events of band music, a baseball game and Willis Webb is a retired community scheduled to entertain and feed the Appaloosa races each afternoon. newspaper editor-publisher. Email huge crowd expected for the iniThe local National Guard Unit, him at tial event to salute the area’s peach Battery ‘A’, 5th Howitzer Battalion, industry. 133rd Artillery, 36th Infantry DiviHighlight of the day’s program sion, Texas National Guard, leaves comes at 6 p.m. when Mrs. Lyndon for its annual two weeks of active B. Johnson, wife of the vice presi- duty at Fort Polk, LA, on Friday. dent of the United States, crowns The local unit is commanded by “Miss Peachâ€?. Twelve young ladies Capt. Will H. Wahl, and includes R-Dallas, chairman of the House Committee are entered in the contest. three officers and 72 enlisted men. on Higher Education. All Hill Country peach growers Barbara Jacoby was selected as Texas A&M joins sites in Maryland and are invited to exhibit their peaches the new “Miss Flameâ€? of the StoneNorth Carolina as centers working to develop in the contest to be held at Sat- wall Volunteer Fire Department and manufacture drugs to fight bioterrorist urday’s JAMboree, according to in a program held at their annual threats, pandemic influenza and other infec- County Agent C.A. Stone, chairman dance Saturday evening. tious diseases, Branch reported, and said the of the contest. Duecker Electric Co. has new center at Texas A&M, along with the Community Savings and Loan announced that the firm’s 34th biocontainment work going on at the UTMB Association will hold the grand anniversary celebration will be held Galveston National Laboratory, “keeps Texas opening of its new building Sunday Thursday through Saturday. at the forefront of national security research afternoon at the firm’s new location The annual Mathias Schmidt and protecting Americans from threats of at 300 West Main Street. Until family reunion was held on Father’s bioterrorism.â€? recently, the firm was known as Day at the Crabapple School House. A&M officials said the center could lead to Fredericksburg Savings and Loan One girl and three boys were born the creation of 1,000 jobs over the next five Association. in local hospitals during the past years. Festive plans have been made week. A girl was born to Mr. and Runoff candidates debate for Fredericksburg’s annual Inde- Mrs. Sipriano Partida, June 23, A battle over who is the real conservative was pendence Days celebration slated while boys were born to Mr. and the main thrust of a June 22 broadcast debate Sunday through Wednesday at the Mrs. Lawrence Deike, June 22; and between the two Republican runoff candidates Gillespie County Fair Grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Pyka and Rev. for the U.S. Senate seat that is opening when Horse racing will be featured all and Mrs. David A. Heidtke, both on Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s final six-year term four afternoons of the festival. The June 26. of office expires on Dec. 31. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz traded barbs over their respective bona fides in the first of two scheduled debates before the July 31 runoff election. Meanwhile, Democrats in a runoff to determine who will face the winner of the 20-Pay Life Dewhurst-Cruz contest have a debate sched͖͔nj ƒ› ‹ˆ‡ ˆ”‘Â? ƒ–Š‘Ž‹… ‹ˆ‡ Â?•—”ƒÂ?…‡ ‘ƥ‡”• •‘Ž‹† Ž‹ˆ‡ ‹Â?•—”ƒÂ?…‡ ƒÂ?† uled for June 26. The candidates for their ’”‘–‡…–‹‘Â? Â–ÂŠÂƒÂ–ÇŻÂ• Â’ÂƒÂ‹Â†ÇŚÂ—Â’ ‹Â? Í–Í” ›‡ƒ”•Ǥ Â?† „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‹–ǯ• ’‡”Â?ƒÂ?‡Â?– party’s nomination are former State Rep. Paul ”‡Â?‡™‹Â?‰ ‰ ‘” ’” Â’ ‘˜‹Â?‰ ‰ ˆ—–—”‡ Â…Â‘Â˜Â‡Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â‡ÇĄ ›‘— †‘Â?ǯ– Šƒ˜‡ –‘ ™‘””› ƒ„‘—– ”‡Â?‡™‹Â?‰ ‘” ’”‘˜‹Â?‰ ˆ—–—”‡ Sadler of Henderson and retired educator ‹Â?•—”ƒ„‹Ž‹–›Ǥ Grady Yarbrough of Tyler.

••—e $25,000 $50,000

50 Years Ago In The Standard

Movers put historical collections back in mansion AUSTIN — Signs that the governor’s mansion soon will be functional again have been evident recently. Pieces from the governor’s mansion collection were being moved back into the stately home that in June 2008 was heavily damaged by arson. The governor’s press office announced June 20 the return of the collection marks the first stage of the move phase of the restoration of the mansion and that Gov. Rick Perry and family are expected to resume residence when the restoration project is completed in late July. Among pieces in the collection are the bed used by Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin’s writing desk and portraits of Gov. and Mrs. Pease, who was in office when the Governor’s Mansion was built in 1856. The collection also includes the governors’ memento collection, a tradition started in the 1960s by then-first lady Jean Houston Daniel. The restoration, overseen by the State Preservation Board, has been made possible by nearly $3.5 million in private donations and a $21.5 million appropriation by the Texas Legislature, the governor’s office said. The Texas Department of Public Safety urges anyone with information related to the arson to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 252-TIPS or the state fire marshal’s arson hotline, (988) 252-8477. A&M wins bid for center Texas A&M University System on June 18 announced its successful bid to become one of

State Capitol Highlights By Ed Sterling TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION

three national biosecurity centers. The $285.6 million contract includes an initial investment of $176.6 million from the federal government, with the remainder cost-shared by commercial and academic proposal partners, A&M reported. “We have long served our nation and risen to defend our country against national security threats,� said Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp. “Our selection for this Center reflects that tradition and means we are enhancing the nation’s ability to counter biological and pandemic threats, both known and unknown, with vaccines manufactured here in the United States. We would like to thank President Obama and his administration; we are honored to be selected and to have the Texas A&M System’s unique capabilities leveraged to meet critical 21st-century challenges.� Sharp also said the award “is a result of a decade of visionary leadership by Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Speaker of the House Joe Straus, backed by the Texas A&M System Board of Regents and faculty and researchers throughout the A&M System to position Texas and the A&M System as leaders in biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals.� “This is big news for Texas A&M and the state of Texas,� said state Rep. Dan Branch,

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LettersTo The Editor Government workers are proud of accomplishments Dear editor, As a former federal worker with 37 years of service at the Department of Defense and Department of Interior, the Fourth of July is an important day for me. Since the dawn of our nation, federal workers have played a significant role in America’s achievements. The contributions of federal workers will be very much in evidence this week as Americans prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday. Millions of Americans will check a weather report prepared by the National Weather Service, grill meat inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and fly in skies kept safe by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Transportation Security Administration. Others will enjoy time outdoors in our national parks, travel with children protected by car seats inspected by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and visit post offices to mail letters and packages to loved ones serving in the military. My fellow federal workers, federal retirees, and I are proud of the jobs we’ve done for America for the last 236 years. We wish you, and the nation we love, a happy Independence Day. Jo Ann Krauskopf National Active and Retired Federal Employees, Chapter 2111 Fredericksburg

Designs presented not the same as those approved Dear editor, Last year, voters overwhelmingly rejected a $3.2 million bond to build an aquatic center. In response, City Council appointed

a pool committee to recommend a solution, and after several months, the committee produced two excellent designs to replace both municipal pools. City Council gave those designs to Kimley-Horn & Associates to develop. Kimley-Horn just publicly presented its initial design for Town Pool. It bore little resemblance to the committee’s design and drew sharp criticism. One major change was the maximum water depth of the main pool, which had been drastically reduced to five feet. For comparison, the old Town Pool was 10 feet deep. The committee’s final presentation for Town Pool included a onemeter diving board, which requires a water depth of 11’2� under current Texas law. Seventy-one percent responding to the pool survey indicated that a diving area is an important pool design feature. Survey respondents recognized the need to provide some recreational features for active children, understanding that children particularly delight in jumping and diving into water. Even diving from the pool deck requires nine feet of water as a safety margin against serious spinal injuries. Kimley-Horn’s proposal would prohibit all diving at Town Pool, even from the deck. Building a pool that is unsafe for children to jump and dive into is illogical and dangerous. This is not the design that the committee proposed or that City Council assured taxpayers could be built for $1.4 million. This is not the design that folks voted on. Why not? Already the excellent idea to close Schubert Street and connect the pool to Marktplatz has been abandoned. Did council underestimate costs? If so, it should not compound that error with a bigger one. It should find the money to do it right! John Detmar Fredericksburg

More Thinking Out Loud • Who’s on First? In my opinion, this is the best dialog every created. Abbott and Costello performed this routine to perfection. Google this sometime and get prepared for a few minutes of extreme funniness. It doesn’t matter whether or not you care a whit about baseball, “Who’s on First?â€? is a funny piece of Americana that should be savored whenever possible. • Who was that masked man? Did you ever watch the Lone Ranger? (This is known as answering a question with a question) • Who let the dogs out? (Who?Who?Who?Who?Who?) An amusing song the first 10,000 times I heard it. • Do you want to know a secret? The Beatles’ entry into this inquiry on questions. • Do you like me? I like you. Simple dialog between a boy and girl somewhere after they have both learned to read and write. This question can later graduate to The Contours’ question: Do you love me? However, that inquiry can be overplayed by some wanna-be

Cont. from D2

Romeo with the pick-up line: Where have you been all my life? Which, if the line is successful, can lead to the question: Will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Which can later lead to: Are we out of Pampers again? Which can lead to yet another response (in the question answering a question mode): Do you think money grows on trees? • Where’s the beef? A question on a Wendy’s commercial that made octogenarian Clara Peller an overnight success back in the 1980s (well, at least she got her 15 minutes of fame and a few hundred thousand dollars). • So, many moments of our lives are filled with questions. And, apparently, it’s the job of each one of us to come up with answers. “It’s not the questions that are hard,â€? I used to say. “It’s the answers I don’t know.â€? But then that reminds me of my high school mantra: “As soon as I figure out the answers, they come along and change the questions!â€?


Texas Governor Honorable Rick Perry Governor of Texas P.O. Box 12428 Austin, TX 78711-2428 (512) 463-2000

State Senate District 24 Hon. Senator Troy Fraser P.O. Box 12068 Austin, Texas 78711-2068 (Phone: 512-463-0124) (Fax: 512-475-3732) Honorable Senator Troy Fraser Texas Senate Austin, TX 78711

(Main District Office) Hon. Senator Troy Fraser 1920 North Main, Suite 101 Belton, TX 76513 (254) 939-3562

State House District 73 Hon. Representative Doug Miller E1-216 Capitol Building - Extension P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910 (Phone: 512-463-0325) (Fax: 512-463-6161)

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Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post






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Work begins on cover for Marktplatz play area, page A/B2

Columnist remembers early iPod — the Victrola, page D2

Photos of residents parading their patriotism, page C1, D1

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

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Pool plan changes will be reviewed tonight Design firm, pool committee look for workable solution By Matt Ward After pool committee members were highly critical of the initial design plan for Town Pool in a special meeting of the Fredericksburg City Council three weeks ago, city pool consultant Kimley-Horn will return this evening with an updated final design plan for the $1.4 million project. The meeting is slated to begin at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in the conference room at City Hall.

Hospital dinged by fed rule changes

DOWN THE STRETCH The action was fast and furious during the weekend’s 2012 season-opening horse racing event at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. More photos, as well as race results, are found on pages A/B 13 and 15. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Danny Hirt

During a June 20 public hearing, pool committee members led by chairwoman Linda Langerhans criticized the initial pool design for ignoring many of the committee’s top priorities for the pool. While the city council rejected the committee’s proposal to close portions of Schubert Street for the park, Kimley-Horn’s initial proposal moved the committee’s designed Travis Street entrance to Schubert Street. After further examination, however, the consultant said in a July 6 report to the council that the Travis Street entrance is now preferred to the Schubert Street entrance, though both options will Cont. on page A/B8

County support sought for Aqua water rate hike


Reimbursements to fall after HCM no longer ‘sole’ provider

Customers ask for commissioners’ support in upcoming TCEQ preliminary hearing

By Ken Esten Cooke

By Lisa Treiber-Walter

Administrators and directors at Hill Country Memorial Hospital are studying ways to adjust after its recently revealed financial hit to reimbursement rates for the federal Medicare and Medicaid programs. Mike Williams, HCM executive director and CEO, said last week that changes to the programs disqualifies both it and Kerrville’s Peterson Regional Medical Center from being “sole community hospitals.” The change in designation means up to $2 million less annually in reimbursements, and up to $8 million being owed back to the federal government. The change is not a penalty and was not unexpected as federal lawmakers seek to reduce spending. “We saw some of this coming, and have been working on solutions for some time,” Williams said Monday. “The $8 million [in reimbursements since 2007] is still up in the air.” Directors will mull over how to take $2 million a year out of a roughly $65 to $70 million net revenue model with minimal impact to services. Plans for expansion, including a move into area markets, may depend on how much of the back-owed $8 million can be negotiated down, Williams said. “Surely we’ll have to consider our options,” he said. “I think we’re in a position where we can’t stop. If we owe the full $8 million, that could affect plans.

Gillespie County residents who recently saw their water service costs spike have appealed to county officials for help in fighting back. “My water bill is doubling,” Northwest Hills resident Forrest Nikorak told commissioners meeting in regular session Monday as he asked them to support the more than 400 local customers feeling pinched by the Aqua Texas rate hike. Consumers affected by the increase are those formerly served by Harper Water Company Systems and who live in

READY TO SHOW her patriotism with plenty of red, white and blue, Kaydince Ariqullin, 4, of Fredericksburg holds onto her bunch of balloons at last Wednesday’s breezy July 4th Children’s Parade on Marktplatz. More photos on D1. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

Less state funding means deficit shown in 2012-13 budget By Ken Esten Cooke STEPPING OFF, members of the Navy JROTC from Fredericksburg High School marched in the Community Fourth of July Parade on Wednesday morning in Fredericksburg. Among those representing the FHS NJROTC in the parade were, from left, Austin Beals, Dustin Crenwelge, Cassidy Brenner, Cassandra Camacho, Taylor Manning, Jesse Aleman and Marcus Robles. More parade photos on C1. — Standard-Radio Post Photo by Yvonne Hartmann


• Top talent will take stages around town at upcoming 2nd Annual Opera & Music Festival — A/B10 •  County OK’s jail project budget — A/B2 • Fredericksburg Theater Company’s “HONK!” to wind up summer run this weekend — A/B5 • Bettors wage over $300,000 in first weekend of horse racing — A/B13 • Letter writers take exception to politics in July 4th parade — D3

For real-time weather information, go online to:

High Low Rain Tuesday 92 74 Wednesday 93 70 Thursday 94 72 Friday 95 70 Saturday 96 74 Sunday 92 73 0.33 Monday 91 69 1.21 Tuesday 90 70 0.50 Total Rain 2.04

(Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.)


A - Front B - Sports C - Lifestyles

School trustees for the Fredericksburg Independent School District met Monday and changed the way course work is weighted in an effort to encourage more students to try Advanced Placement courses. Board members adopted a University Interscholastic League course waiver that lets a student who attempts an AP class, yet fails, a pass so he or she can continue UIL activities. “This leaves a safety net in places, and encourages students to

‘War Dogs’ demonstration will showcase attack, healing skills

July 3-10, 2012 Rainfall this week 2.04 Rainfall for July 2.67 Rainfall for 2012 18.27 Normal for date 15.02 Same date last year 4.76 Low – July 9 69 High – July 7 96

“War dogs” will show off their tail-flying attack skills, their ability to conduct disciplined drug searches and their power to heal soldiers with trauma during a free public demonstration Saturday at the National Museum of the Pacific War. Starting at 10 a.m., the 341st TRS (Military Working Dogs) from Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio will be in the museum’s

D - Community E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds G - Entertainment

Guadalupe Heights, Harper Road Estates, Northwest Hills, West Oak Heights and Highlands Ranch subdivisions. Nikorak said Aqua Texas is a large, out-of-state company that has been buying up small water companies over the past decade and is now raising rates, it says, to help it recover an estimated $31.7 million spent in improvements and investments to water quality, service and reliability for 43,500 residents in its Southwest Texas region. “It feels like we’re basically going to be paying for those customers who are in a tougher situation than us,” Nikorak said, adding that money spent on higher water bills will add up to $3.375 million more annually for Aqua Texas, but some $200,000 in income lost to the local economy. Cont. on page A/B4

FISD tweaks AP, regular courses weighting criteria

BRIGHTENING the night sky, a large fireworks display greeted visitors to Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park July 4. This year’s display was 50 percent larger than normal after the fireworks show was cancelled in 2011 due to weather conditions. City Director of Parks and Recreation Jimmy Alexander said the budget for this year’s show — which lasted eight minutes longer than normal — was increased to $21,000 from $14,000 as a result. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Matt Ward

Cont. on page A/B11



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Memorial Courtyard to offer a look at what they are learning in training. They will demonstrate not only their abilities for patrol/defense, but also the art of detection and finding drugs and explosives. Then at 1 p.m., the focus

will be on how important the dogs are for helping wounded warriors. That free presentation will be staged in the Admiral Nimitz Ballroom and will spotlight the TADSAW (Train a Dog Save a Warrior) program. More information about either program is available by contacting Helen McDonald by phoning her


Cont. on page A11

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stretch themselves and attempt more difficult courses,” Supt. Marc Williamson said. “If they don’t pass the first six weeks, we will move them to regular courses.” However, Williamson said if two AP courses are failed, students will not be eligible for UIL activities. This provision will keep students from taking AP classes for social reasons, or because their friends are in an AP class, he said. “Our AP minority enrollment is better than in the past,” he said. “It’s still not at the percentage of enrollment, but it is much improved over where we started when we began offering advanced placement. We are Cont. on page A/B4

Indian Artifact Show returns this Saturday The Fredericksburg Indian Artifact Show will return from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, July 14 at Pioneer Pavilion in Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park. Admission is $6 for ages 14 and over, while law enforcement and their families, along with those under 14, are admitted for free. The show will feature a wide variety of Native American artifacts from Texas and the United States, including arrowheads, pottery and other collectibles. Breakfast and food by Buzzie’s Barbecue will be available. More information is available by calling Richard Metzger at 830-626-5561 or Rob Bartell at 830-329-2636.



| July 11, 2012

Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post



Pooser earns DQ promotion Pool designs

Cont. from A1

Former resident started career in Fredericksburg Former Fredericksburg resident Wade Pooser was recently promoted to district manager after 20 years in the Dairy Queen business managing eight different locations. Pooser originally worked after school at Fredericksburg High School at the Fredericksburg Dairy Queen, starting in 1992. He worked for the 53-unit company and then gathered other quick service restaurant experience, also working as a Texas State Correctional Officer in Beeville. He attended Texas State University in San Marcos, where he

lives currently, thus ensuring his proximity to the Dairy Queen locations he supervises. “Since I’ve always had strong family ties with my parents and my siblings, I enjoy the Pooser family atmosphere that being a part of The Richeson Group enables me to have,” Pooser said. “And that now includes my wife, Michelle, and our children, William, 17, Amanda, 15, and Mya, 11. While my new role requires travel, it lets me remain close to my birth family also.”

Mrs. Pooser currently manages Blanco Dairy Queen, and son William works at Dripping Springs DQ. Pooser currently supervises Dairy Queen stores in Blanco, Dripping Springs, Sonora and Big Lake. His mentor and the individual who steered him into his career is Dallas Pooser, Director of Operations for The Richeson Group. Other family members have also been a part of the organization. The Richeson Group in its 53 stores annually uses some one million pounds of Texas farmers’ potatoes, over a half-million pounds of American beef, and a half-million gallons of soft serve dessert mix produced by Texas dairy farmers, while providing jobs for 1,000 Texans.

Thoughtful, thoughtless actions can leave permanent reminders Written in stone. When we ponder things being written in stone, we think of something that is indisputable, permanent ... forever. I got to thinking about what it means to have something written in stone thanks to a very literal reminder this past Friday. My husband and I made our monthly trek to attend the meeting and play dominoes with the Crabapple Community Club. My husband serves as club president, but it was my grandmother, who will turn 101 in less than a month, that sparked our interest in joining probably 20 years ago. Her family’s homestead was near Crabapple and they attended St. John Lutheran Church, which sits adjacent to the Crabapple School. However, she went to school at Cherry Spring because, even though it was farther from her home, it was easier to access on foot. For years I have listened to her wonderful stories detailing her Crabapple memories. Many times I have wandered the grounds of the church and school and tried to picture her there as a child —


Two Cents Penny C. Reeh

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playing, praying, enjoying a community picnic and more. On the cornerstone of St. John, there is something written in stone that is very important to me. It is the name of my great-great-uncle, Julius Rusche, who supervised the design, carpentry and masonry of the church that opened in 1897. His name is there to mark a community accomplishment, the building of a beautiful limestone church by dozens of sets of German hands out in the Texas wilderness. For 115 years, this building has hosted the ebb and flow of life, generations of births, weddings, funerals — consolation and celebration. Last Friday, I saw for the first time, a water feature that was added to the school grounds. It is

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Preliminary agenda Fredericksburg City Council will hold its next meeting Monday at 7 p.m. at the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center, 1601 East Main Street. Preliminary agenda items include awarding a contract for a water truck, considering a skate park agreement with Fredericksburg Morning Rotary Club, awarding financing for Town Pool, considering board appointments and considering a right-of-way variance on Hale Street. Public hearing items include land use plan and zoning changes at 101 Hale Street, 901 S. Adams, 905 S. Adams and 907 S. Adams as well as considering expansion of the Historic Overlay District to include 306 S. Orange.

TOWN POOL’S latest design from city consultant Kimley-Horn will be discussed today at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall during a special meeting of the Fredericksburg City Council. The latest design moves the entrance to the pool from Schubert Street to Travis Street, matching the design approved by the city’s 33-member pool committee.

Police volunteers group plan meeting tomorrow The Fredericksburg Volunteers in Police Support, Inc. (FVPS) will meet tomorrow at 6 p.m., at the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center, 1601 East Main Street. A board of directors meeting will be held at 6 p.m. followed by the general membership business meeting at 7 p.m. Alumni graduates from any of the 10 previously held Citizen Police Academies and the current 11th academy are invited to attend. For information about joining FVPS, contact the Law Enforcement Center Mondays through Fridays at 997-7585 or visit, click on Departments and then on Police Department. The FVPS partners with and

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a limestone trough with an oldfashioned water pump that trickles a steady stream of cool, clear water. Its simple design was beautiful, except for one thing — something written in stone. There, carved into this virgin limestone, were names, Henry, Matt, Ava and Ada. Only first names, undoubtedly meant to be anonymous, and also in my view, meaningless. The conflict of the time-honored carving sharing the same grounds as an act of petty vandalism was glaring. We may never be called on to do something as bold as build a church by hand, but we all make decisions each and every day that affect those around us. Maybe it would be best to ask ourselves “would I be proud of this decision if it were to be written in stone?” One can take all sorts of courses on business ethics at universities across the country. But a simple trip to one of Gillespie County’s simple and humble one-room school houses is just as effective. And a lot more historically interesting.

be presented this evening. Mark Hatchel, lead representative from Kimley-Horn on the project, added in his report that having a diving board would make more than half of the pool unavailable for use by non-divers. State health requirements mandate a maximum capacity at the pool of 81 swimmers with the diving board, 137 with a slide and 185 without either a slide or diving board. According to the budget provided by Kimley-Horn, the $1.4 million budget approved by voters in May would not be sufficient for either a diving board or slide based on projected cost estimates. “It is going to be tight getting the pool for $1.4 million but we think it is doable,” Hatchel said. The consultant included both a slide and a diving board as potential options in the “add alternate” portion of the budget, if the remainder of the base bid came back under budget. Kimley-Horn projected the addition of a slide would cost $20,000, while deepening the pool from 5’0” to 11’6” deep and adding a diving board would cost $50,000. As long as a decision on a final design is made tonight, city officials said they feel confident that the Town Pool project would remain on schedule for a May 2013 opening.


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Commissioners eye 3-cent hike to cover shortfall, page A/B7

Billies to host Lago Vista in home scrimmage Thursday, page A/B13

Locals remembered at event marking Civil War episode, page A/B5

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

No. 11 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Gillespie County Fair to kick off 124th year Something for everyone at oldest, continuous fair in Texas

Fair opens Thursday A variety of activities are scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday (Aug. 23), at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds to kick off the 124th exposition. Entries will be taken in the agriculture and home skills departments from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Judging gets underway at 6:30 p.m. Cont. on A/B10

ROYAL WELCOME — 2012 Gillespie County Fair Queen Ashley Allen and the sponsoring Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association are ready for the 124th Gillespie County Fair Thursday through

Sunday. With the exception of the Friday Main Street parade, all activities will take place at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Yvonne Hartmann


Look inside this issue for a special section on the 124th Gillespie County Fair. Events, history and much more are included.

• General admission, $5 for adults, $1 for ages 6 to 12, free under 6. (Thursday is free, but there is a charge for carnival rides.) • Seniors, students get in free on Friday. • After 6 p.m. Saturday, prices rise to $10 for adults and $5 for ages 6 to 12. • Horse race box seats available for $9. • Carnival wristbands, $20 Thursday, $25 Friday through Sunday.

Council eyes possible 3-cent tax hike By Matt Ward City of Fredericksburg residents could pay as much as three cents more per $100 valuation on their 2012 prop-

Inside • Stagecoach Theater closes doors for now — A/B1 • CTEC gets day in court in dispute with LCRA — A/B6 • KCs military blood drive next week at local armory — A/B8 • PCAA concert to feature ‘Cline’ at Marktplatz — A/B9 •  Nine will vie for Gillespie County Fair Queen — C1 • Welcome back, and thank you to all teachers — D2

School districts’ bells ring Monday Fredericksburg, Harper, Doss expect similar enrollment numbers in new year ing high school science lab mill work and cabinet instal  It is back to the grindstone lation and that the high school (and to earlier bedtimes) for cafeteria will be able to serve students in Fredericksburg, students on the first day. Harper, Doss and private   Several ongoing projects schools as they head back to will also be ongoing in the classes on Monday. gymnasium area and the girls   Though St. Mary’s began dressing room, he said. At Monday and other private Fredericksburg Elementary schools start later this month, School, work will continue to the majority of Gillespie Coun- complete two new classrooms. ty students will head back to All ongoing construction projcampus on ects will be Monday. off ‘The contractors had a very fenced   Marc Wil- aggressive construction and will not l i a m s o n , schedule...but they have be accessible Fr e d e r i c k s - been working hard to com- to students, burg Inde- plete everything.” he said. p e n d e n t — FISD Supt. Marc Williamson   “The conSchool Distractors had a very aggrestrict superintendent, said contractors have sive construction schedule,” raced to the finish to complete Williamson said. “But they summer projects at FISD cam- have been working hard to complete everything in a timepuses.   “We won’t be completely ly manner.” finished, but we will be able   Fredericksburg ISD teachto welcome students and hold ers will continue in-service classes in the rooms,” he said work through Thursday. A disof major projects, including trict-wide holiday will be held the sixth-grade wing at Fred- Friday to make time to particiericksburg Middle School. “All pate in events associated with air-conditioning, floors, furni- the Gillespie County Fair. ture and painting will be com-  Williamson said he is plete, though we will have a expecting enrollment similar punch list of smaller items to to that of last year.   “We budget for flat enrollfinish,” he said.   Williamson said Tuesday ment,” he said. “The past five that contractors are completCont. on A/B5


Debt from pool bonds will drive up rate


By Ken Esten Cooke

By Yvonne Hartmann Ask a youngster what he likes about the Gillespie County Fair and his answer will surely be the carnival. Some may prefer the exhibits, displays and livestock competition while there are others who come for the live pari-mutuel horse racing or the musical entertainment. For more than a century, the Gillespie County Fair has meant something to just about everyone, and this year’s 124th exposition Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 23-26, is no different. And, as part of the tradition of the “oldest, continuous county fair in Texas,” the Gillespie County Fair will again offer something for everyone. Among the highlights are two days of live pari-mutuel horse racing, a carnival and midway, displays of agricultural and home products, a queen’s contest, antique machinery displays, musical entertainment, mutton busting for youngsters, livestock shows, educational and commercial displays and more. Also planned is a parade along Main Street on Friday morning. Entertainment will be offered on Friday night by Jake Hooker and The Outsiders and on Saturday night by Jody Nix and The Texas Cowboys followed by Aaron Watson. The Texaco Country Showdown will be held on Thursday night. There will be plenty of food and drink available throughout the weekend. A special salute to the 124th Gillespie County Fair can be found in a special section inserted in this week’s newspaper. More information on the 124th Gillespie County Fair is available by contacting the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association at 997-2359 or visiting

75¢ Wednesday, August 22, 2012

erty taxes, although city officials have said they are likely to reduce the rate before final approval in September. A proposed tax rate of $0.2742 cents was approved by a 4-1 vote Monday evening by the Fredericksburg City Council, with Councilman Scott Jones opposed to

Weather August 15-21, 2012 Rainfall this week 03.23 Rainfall for August 3.42 Rainfall for 2012 22.90 Normal for date 18.26 Same date last year 5.05 Low – Aug. 19 65 High – Aug. 16, 17 98 For real-time weather information, go to:

High Low Rain Wednesday 96 72 Thursday 98 73 Friday 98 74 Saturday 93 68 3.20 Sunday 89 65 0.03 Monday 96 68 Tuesday 96 68 Total Rain 3.23 Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park


the rate. Last year’s approved tax rate was set at $0.2444 cents per $100 valuation. “No one on this council relishes raising taxes, but the demand for city services is expanding, becoming more costly and serving more people every year,” Mayor Jeryl

Hoover said via email Monday evening. “This is a conservative council and we believe in keeping the tax burden as low as possible while providing essential services.” Two public hearings on the proposed tax rate will be held Wednesday, Aug. 29 and Cont. on A/B3

A man of ‘principal’ Harper is top dog, custodian, bus driver on HISD campus By Danny Hirt Jay Harper has worn many hats during his tenure as principal of Harper Elementary School. In addition to being the administrative leader at HES, through the years he’s also been a teacher with the school’s Special Education program and currently drives a bus route. And on occasion, he’s also been known to help out in the cafeteria and perform janitorial services — from sweeping floors, to monitoring the playground, to watching the hallways, to helping out at sporting events, to unplugging toilets. “We just do what needs to be done,” he said. The bus driving chore is something Harper said he volunteered to do both in the

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mornings and the afternoons. “I started last year by my choice,” he said. For him, driving the bus has turned out to have its benefits. Cont. on A/B9

Activities planned Monday for LBJ’s ‘104th birthday’

SINGING SILKY TUNES, rowdy country songs and even opera, David Gashen performs live at the Fredericksburg Theater Company’s Steve W. Shepherd Theater on Sunday. The Texas native let his roots shine as he offered a concert ranging across his wide repertoire and including well-known numbers he fine-tuned through thousands of performances as the star in the Broadway production Phantom of the Opera. — StandardRadio Post photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

A - Front D - Community B - Sports E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds C - Lifestyles G - Entertainment

JAY HARPER has been principal of Harper Elementary School since the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Danny Hirt

A celebration to mark the 104th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s birth will be held on Monday, Aug. 27, in Stonewall. The Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site and the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park are planning special activities for Monday. Wreath laying A wreath laying ceremony will be held on Monday, beginning at 10 a.m., at President Johnson’s grave in the Johnson Family Cemetery. Representing President Barack Obama and leading the military contingent at the cerCont. on A/B5

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Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

Country ‘Showdown’ slated Thursday night at county fair A nationwide talent search called the Texaco Country Showdown will help kick off the Gillespie County Fair when the first round of the competition opens Thursday evening. Slated to begin at 8:30 p.m. on the outdoor stage next to the race track, this year’s program will feature a dozen contestants vying for the ultimate grand prize of $100,000. The event is sponsored locally by radio stations KNAF AM 910 and KNAF FM

105.7/103.1 (“The Deuce”). Designed to find the most promising country music talent in the United States for the past 30 years, the Texaco Country Showdown gives aspiring artists a chance to launch their professional careers. Thousands of performers compete annually for the Country Showdown title. Competing at the local show will be three local people — Austin Lacy, Ayra Hernandez and Jessica Kneese — along

| August 22, 2012

| A/B3

Take Us Along

with the following line-up: Neil Russell (Junction), Delaney Brooke (Roosevelt), Greg Powell (Llano), Joseph Jackson and Brian Anderson (Pleasanton), Haley McPhail (Kerrville), Alan Villarreal (Laredo), Benny Alvarez (Eagle Pass), and single-named artists Stephanie (Helotes) and Mariah (Missouri City). Judges for the event will be Debbie and Bill Green (from BGM Records) and Texas artist Jeff Griffith.

City tax rate Cont. from A/B1

Tax rate calculations The effective tax rate — calculated by Gillespie County Tax Assessor/Collector Marisa Weinheimer — is set at $0.2415 cents, down slightly from last year’s actual rate of $0.2444 cents per $100 valuation due to higher appraisals in city property values. Any proposed rate above the effective tax rate requires the city to hold two public hearings prior to approval of the rate. According to City Finance Director Brad Kott, a rate of $0.2647 cents would keep the city in line with last year’s spending levels while adding enough revenue to cover the additional $210,500 debt generated by $3.2 million in pool bonds passed by city voters in May. The proposed tax rate, originally suggested by Councilman Tim Dooley, reflects the amount of tax needed to maintain the same revenue from last year, plus debt service to the pool bonds as well as $100,000 earmarked for sidewalk projects, including along Washington Street near Main Street. In the current version of the

proposed budget for next year, $100,000 is earmarked for sidewalk projects with funds for those projects being taken out of city reserves. If the $0.2742 proposed tax rate is adopted, funding for sidewalks would come from property tax revenues and not city reserves. “Why would we reserve the capacity to raise taxes on the taxpayer when their taxpayer money is already paying for what we’re talking about doing,” Jones said. As of Monday evening, the city budget for fiscal year 2013 has a surplus of around $173,000, although city staff said that potential needs for the excess funds could arise between now and the budget approval meeting slated Sept. 17. “If we don’t see something in the next few weeks, we’re not going to invent something just to spend this additional revenue,” Councilman Graham Pearson said. “Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I can’t see why we would not go back to the lower rate (of $0.2647).” Other city business In other city business Monday, the council approved an agreement with the Fredericksburg Morning Rotary Club for a 24,000 square foot skate park adjacent to Old Fair Park and the Boys and Girls Club. Though the city previously committed the land to the project, an additional vote was required Monday to approve the contract between the city and the Rotary club.

The council also approved an amendment to their water and sewer agreement with Boot Ranch. In the amendment, 528 acres of land inside Boot Ranch known as “The Preserve” was eliminated from the city’s service area, while Boot Ranch also guaranteed to prepay water and sewer impact fees for no less than 434 and no more than 600 EDUs (equivalent dwelling unit) by April 2015.

STOPPING just outside the Nickelodeon Universe theme park located inside the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn., Winnie Crenwelge catches up on the news back home in the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post while on a trip to Minneapolis, Minn.

and Clear Lake, Iowa with her daughter, Cammie. While there, they also took a Mississippi River cruise and took in two baseball games between the Tampa Bay Rays and Minnesota Twins at Target Field.

City moving to new utility billing cycle Over the next several months, City of Fredericksburg utility customers will see slightly increased bills as the city transitions to a billing cycle. Beginning with the August bills, meters will be read on the last day of the month with bills issued on the seventh day of the following month. Bills will be due the 22nd of each month with the disconnect date changed to the second day of the following month after bills are due. Previously, city utility customer’s electric and water meters were read on the 24th of each month measuring consumption for the prior 30-31 days. The city had chosen the 24th because it matches the period that Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) bills the city for its wholesale electricity purchases. Effective July 2012, the LCRA will read the city’s mas-

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of Fredericksburg will conduct a public hearing on the 2012 - 2013 proposed budget on August 29, 2012, 7 p.m. at the Law Enforcement Center 1601 E. Main St.

receiving their bills that they ter meters on the last day of as well. each month. With the date changes, util- have had in the past to remit In order to continue billing ity customers will have the their payments in a timely customers for the same period same amount of time after manner. of consumption that matches the city’s purchases, the need arose to amend meter reading dates, billing dates, due dates and disconnection for nonpayment dates. Adjusting the date the city reads customer’s meters from the 24th to the last day of the month will be accomplished over a three month phase-in period. In each of those months, customers can expect to see an additional two days of consumption on their monthly utility bill for metered services. After the phase-in period, the consumption period will revert back to the normal 30Register to win Gifts and make a 31 days. Since water, sewer, garbage purchase to draw for a coupon or gift! and drainage are included on the utility bill, the key dates for those services will change

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Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Gillespie County Law Enforcement Center. Additionally, a public hearing on the proposed city budget for the fiscal year 2013 will be held at the Aug. 29 meeting. The budget and tax rate are both slated to be voted on during the council’s regular meeting Sept. 17. Monday’s proposed rate effectively serves as a self-imposed maximum cap on the tax rate for city residents as the council cannot propose a higher rate than $0.2742 without two additional public hearings. The council can lower the rate before final approval without triggering additional hearings. When the council proposed its tax rate in 2011, the proposed rate of $0.25145 cents per $100 valuation was seven percent higher than the effective tax rate. Later that year, the city adopted a rate ($0.2444) that was just four percent higher than the effective tax rate.

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Oktoberfest preparations continue for big event Oct. 5-7, page A2



Children’s playground dedicated in memory of local soldier, page D5

FHS cruises as they eye District 27-3A start on Friday, page B1

Fredericksburg Standard Radio Post

No. 15 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

75¢ Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Council approves 2-cent tax hike for pool bonds


26.47-cent levy will fund $38-million budget By Matt Ward

A CONGRATULATORY KISS is placed on the cheek of newly-named 2012 Fredericksburg High School Homecoming Queen Jacquelyn Crenwelge by her father, Tim, following Friday night’s halftime crowning ceremony. Crenwelge, also the daughter of Karen

Jordan, was one of five candidates voted on by the student body and presented to the home stand crowd during the Billies’ 44-0 shut-out over Brady. More homecoming photos on A12. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

Property tax bills for Fredericksburg residents will rise next year after the Fredericksburg City Council unanimously approved a tax rate of $0.2647 per $100 valuation Monday evening at the city’s regular meeting. According to City Director of Finance Brad Kott, the increase of just over two cents from last year’s approved tax rate of $0.2444 cents keeps the city in line with last year’s spending levels while adding enough revenue to cover the additional $210,500 debt generated by $3.2 million in pool bonds passed by city voters in May. Additionally, the council unanimously passed their $38,046,900

budget for 2013. Lower tax rate approved The council originally proposed a rate of $0.2742 cents in August, which allowed the city to discuss any and all rates between that rate and the effective tax rate of $0.2415 cents calculated by Gillespie County Tax Assessor/ Collector Marisa Weinheimer. The proposed tax rate, originally suggested by Council-man Tim Dooley, reflected the amount of tax needed to maintain the same revenue from last year, plus debt service to the pool bonds as well as $100,000 earmarked for sidewalk projects, including along Washington Street near Main Street. Since the lower rate of $0.2647 cents was approved Monday, the funding for sidewalk projects will be pulled from general fund reserves. Cont. on A4


Autonomy sought for golf director to fix revenue gaps Wooley tapped to improve revenue at municipal course; reopening Sept. 28

golfers expressed their desire to allow City Director of Golf Alan Wooley to oversee the newly renovated course — which reopens Friday, Sept. 28 — before determining the future of the course, which has operated at significant deficits since 2002.

By Matt Ward “Give Alan Wooley a chance” was the theme of the night Monday evening as the Fredericksburg City Council discussed and later codified green fees at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Golf Course. Also discussed in relation to the golf course was the $2.75 million still owed by Lady Bird to the city’s electric department in advances made to the course from the city’s electric department from 19922011. Members of the council and local

Guest column, letter, editorial about golf course loans — D2, D3

“We hired Mr. Wooley to run the golf course and make it work. He knows way better than I do, or anybody else on this council, what fees should be set at,” Councilman Graham Pearson said. “He’s going Green fees debated to make it work and he deserves Though the green fees for a soon- the autonomy to run it how he to-be-reopened Lady Bird Johnson thinks best.” Municipal Golf Course had already Mayor Jeryl Hoover said he disbeen publicized, the city council agreed with the notion that Wooley approved an ordinance listing all should have complete autonomy to green fees at the course during the run the course, but agreed to not council’s regular meeting Monday. insist upon any other changes to City Manager Kent Myers said he fees over the next year. would like to see all fees charged Green fees were increased for by the City of Fredericksburg writ- non-residents of Gillespie County, ten into codified ordinances, which though county residents will conprompted Monday’s discussion of tinue to pay the same rates as Cont. on A10 course green fees. THE MUSIC may have been a bit on the oldfashioned side, but the sheet music was delivered in a modern-day form as tuba player Jeffrey Randow utilizes an iPad for direction during Sunday evening’s Comal Community Band performance in the Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance’s summer season finale on Marktplatz. The band will mark a return to Fredericksburg during PCAA’s upcoming Oktoberfest celebration, Oct. 5-7. More PCAA photos on A4. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa TreiberWalter

Inside • Nimitz Symposium focuses on leadership in crisis — A5 • Sierra Homes owners earn LEED credentials — A8 • Herb Garden restaurant welcomes new chef — A9 • Billies football, 2-1, head to Lampasas on Friday — B1 • Livestock marketing seminar slated Oct. 11 — D7 •  Letter writers address variety of issues — D3

Weather Sept. 12-18, 2012 Rainfall this week 3.83 Rainfall for September 3.83 Rainfall for 2012 26.92 Normal for date 21.14 Same date last year 5.23 Low – Sept. 18 56 High – Sept. 12, 13 93 For real-time weather information, go to:

High Low Rain Wednesday 93 71 Thursday 93 62 1.85 Friday 67 61 1.35 Saturday 77 61 1.35 Sunday 68 62 0.60 Monday 81 60 Tuesday 81 56 Total Rain 3.83 Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park


SPIDER-MAN MAY FLY using a system of webs, but this Spider-Man chapswearing cowboy, Robson Aragao of Brazil, gets his lift-off from earth with the help of fury on four legs during Saturday night’s Pro Bull Riding (PBR) competition held at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. More PBR photos on D1. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

Seed Stomp scheduled Final Roots Concert Saturday and Sunday an ‘Americana’ tour A chance to help scatter wildflower seeds in a designated field will be offered on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 22-23, by the Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site at Stonewall. The Fifth Annual Seed Stomp takes place both days from 1:30-3 p.m. There is no charge and children and their families are invited to help scatter the wildflower seeds provided by the state park. Visitors are also invited to watch Lady Bird Johnson’s Centennial video that recaps Mrs. Johnson’s conservation efforts and their impact.

Featuring Americana music from the 1940s through ’80s, the final Roots Music Series concert of the summer will be held Saturday, Sept. 22 on the grounds of Pioneer Museum. The concert will feature The Copa Kings from 6:30-7:25 p.m., Caboose from 7:40-8:50 p.m. and The Georges from 9:1010:30 p.m. The Longhorn Street Cafe will offer a menu of cheeseburgers or ribeyes, with roasted corn, French fries, dinner roll and peach cob-

Cont. on A4

Cont. on A4

No West Nile cases reported in Gillespie By Danny Hirt The Texas Department of State Health Services has yet to confirm a single case of the West Nile virus in Gillespie County, according to the TDSHS website. West Nile is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito and can affect people, horses, many

A - Front D - Community B - Sports E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds C - Lifestyles G - Entertainment

LOOK-ALIKES — Allison Atkins, 11, of San Antonio, enjoys showing her pet “Lilly” a fellow dog — this time a balloon replica made by Jody Robbins of San Antonio — during Saturday’s 25th Annual Lutheran Fall Festival on Marktplatz. More photos on C1. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter

types of birds and other animals. Only one of the six counties surrounding Gillespie — Kerr County — has had a reported case of West Nile fever (WNF; the milder of the two types of ailments associated with this virus). Statewide, however, the number of human Cont. on A10

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| July 4, 2012


Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

PCAA hosts Season Finale

FOLLOWING band conductor Al Tapia (right), Billye Harris (above) plays cymbals during the Comal Community Band’s performance of German music Sunday evening in the Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance’s season finale. — Standard-Radio Post Photos by Lisa Treiber-Walter

City Council Cont. from A1

Budget changes discussed Three potential changes to the budget were discussed prior to the council vote on the issue Monday evening. Mayor Jeryl Hoover proposed adding $2,000 to the parks and recreation department for maintenance and repair of the city’s Christmas decorations. It was suggested that the Mayor’s Christmas Committee could seek hotel occupancy tax funds for the maintenance

costs. Councilman Scott Jones proposed additional funding to the police department for improvements to the department’s records storage. Police Chief Paul Oestreich said the improvements were not necessary in the upcoming fiscal year and could be included in the 2014 budget. Councilman Graham Pearson’s proposal to use $67,000 in hotel occupancy taxes to construct a storage building

for the city’s German pyramid and Christmas tree was approved by a 4-1 vote with Hoover opposed. Budget highlights The proposed budget adds one new accountant position to the city, while giving all city employees a 2.5 percent cost of living increase. Though the council has had discussion concerning meritbased salary increases, a system for determining eligibility for raises has not been agreed

upon and will continue to be discussed in the future. Among the major expenditures in the city’s general fund are $800,000 designated to aid Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Golf Course in recouping losses during renovation, new street capital equipment ($200,000) as well as rolledover projects, including the Austin Street Bridge project ($316,000) and the Morning Glory Road improvements ($472,000).

Sales tax rebates show healthy rise Fredericksburg, Gillespie County post measurable increases Sales tax rebates were issued by the Texas Comptroller’s office last week, and both Fredericksburg and Gillespie County showed healthy increases over 2011 rebates. For September, Fredericksburg received a check for $335,847, marking a 16-percent increase over the monthly rebate from September 2011. Year-to-date rebates total $3,050,776, marking a nine percent increase over the 2011 total through September of $2,791,950. Gillespie County received $138,870 in September, an increase of more than 17 percent over the same period last year. Through September, the county has received $1,296,348, an 11.5-percent increase over returns through the same period in 2011. The chart at right shows returns of area towns.

September 2012 Sales Tax Allocations Entity

Sept. ’12

Sept. ’11

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YTD 2011



































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Cont. from A1

The video will be shown throughout the day at the State Park Visitor Center. “As we celebrate Lady Bird’s Centennial Birthday this year, we are reminded of her love of wildflowers and the beautification of Texas highways,” said Iris Neffendorf, park superintendent. Neffendorf added, “The LBJ State Park hopes the public will join us for this fun activity, which will help preserve the natural resources of the park in an area of wildflower fields Mrs. Johnson frequently visited.” Those attending the Seed Stomp are encouraged to pack a picnic basket, bring the family as well as friends and spend the day in the park. The park also includes the

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conditional use permit for a drive through car-wash facility for Kustom Klean Car Wash, which will be located near the northeast corner of Friendship Lane and U.S. Highway 87 South. The city also approved contracts for services with the Gillespie County Economic Development Commission for $50,000 and with the Fredericksburg Convention and Visitor Bureau for $1,436,500 in hotel occupancy tax funds.

Seed stomp

Cont. from A1

and younger are free. A $2 discount is available for advance online ticket sales or web page printout at

Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm, presidential exhibits and films and nature trails. Visitors may also take the free self-guided CD tours to the LBJ Ranch and the Texas White House. More information is available at http://www.tpwd.state. Persons can also follow the LBJ State Park on Facebook and You Tube. Keep up with events with the daily update! Email

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Final Roots concert bler, all for $10. Gates open at 5 p.m. Wine, beer, sodas and water are available for purchase. Parking is free and guests are encouraged to bring a folding chair. All museum buildings will remain open until 7 p.m. for Roots guests. Admission is $12 for adults, while students high school age


An entrance fee increase is expected at both Park Pool and a soon-to-be-constructed Town Pool from $1 to $2. The city’s electric and water funds will spend $15,000 each toward a comprehensive study of Fredericksburg’s utility rates, with the potential for further increases in city utility rates expected early next year as the city re-invests in its capital improvements plan. Other council business The council also approved a

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Fredericksburg, Harper bands tune up for region contests, page A12


FHS volleyball clinches sixth consecutive playoff berth, page B1

Non-partisan, informational section offers look at races, INSIDE

Fredericksburg Standard No. 19 - USPS 209-080 • Periodical

Radio Post

75¢ Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624




Woman recalls hell of bad marriages; breaks family’s pattern of abuse Editor’s note: The following article is based on a real Fredericksburg resident who is willing to speak out as the victim of domestic violence. Out of respect for her school-aged children and her now successful business, her name has been changed to protect her identity.

The worst part of abuse is realizing that there is no magic wand to get yourself out.

— “Sheila,” domestic violence survivor

ly free from her abuse. She’ll know the essence of it for life. Sheila was one of the lucky “It started from a childhood ones. She’s scarred, to be sure, filled with alcohol, anger and but she broke the cycle and got shame,” she said. “It started out. She’s a survivor. with a father who tore me Approximately 10 years ago, down emotionally and physiSheila arrived in Frederickscally hurt me, and a mother burg with her two children, who knew only to turn her who were four and five back and remain silent. I years old. After she paid am scarred to this day, $200 in rent for one room especially emotionally.” to live in, plus bathroom From counseling, she and kitchen privileges, has come to learn that she had $40 to her most people choose name. abusive relationships Now, as a 49-year-old because they experiCaucasian woman, enced it as children October is she co-owns a suc- National Domestic and it is their normal Violence cessful business here expectation. and has been married Awareness Month “Often parents are for seven years to a Wear purple on a product of verbal man she describes Mondays to show and physical abuse support first and foremost as or the product of “non-violent.” neglect and abuse There are still ghosts that from alcoholism or drug abuse would drag her back down, but and, so, therefore, they become she now has the tools to ward a parent with no idea how to off any evil that might creep in raise a child,” she said. “They and tell her she doesn’t deserve end up repeating the same ‘para life like she has now. enting pattern’ and raising a Sheila will never be entireCont. on A6 By Lisa Treiber-Walter

VISITORS to the Pioneer Museum’s Log Cabin Days, held Saturday, were able to catch a glimpse of what life was like in the frontier days as volunteer re-enactor Sally Barrow demonstrates the art of spinning outside the Weber Sunday House on the museum’s grounds. Barrow made yarn from

a spinning wheel for onlookers, and is a longtime member of the Pioneer Handwerkers. The museum also is continuing its Pumpkin Patch on the grounds. More coverage from Log Cabin Days can be found on page A2. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Matt Ward

Open house Friday at jail ahead of Nov. 6 bond vote Multi-use, $15-million facility said to meet needs for 30 years With early polling set to start Monday, Oct. 22, Gillespie County Sheriff Buddy Mills is offering citizens a chance to see why they are being asked to decide — through bond election balloting — whether or not to construct a new jail facility. Mills said he will be hosting tours through the current Gillespie County Jail, 100 South Nimitz Parkway, from 2-8

See editorial, guest column and letters for and against jail proposition, pages D2, D3

p.m. this Friday, Oct. 19. The sheriff has extended an invitation to all locals to meet jail staff members and walkthrough the existing facility to “see exactly what Gillespie County currently provides for law enforcement, the housing of arrested individuals and why the proposed jail project is being brought forth for consideration by the public.” Plans for a new justice center have been in the works for

Bestfest will offer sausage, beer, polka A celebration of German favorites — beer, sausage and polka music — with a twist will be offered Saturday, Oct. 20, on Marktplatz at Bestfest. Starting at 11 a.m. and continuing until 11 p.m., the entry fee ($10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 years and younger) allows all the sausage, sauerkraut and German potatoes individuals can eat. The third annual event

years and its fate lies with voters on Election Day, Nov. 6, as well as those who will cast their decisions during early polling from Oct. 22-Nov. 2. Voters will be asked to decide whether or not they wish to approve the issuance of general obligation bonds not to exceed $15 million for the construction and equipping of a new county jail facility. If constructed, the 47,000-plus-square-foot twostory building to be situated on county-owned property Cont. on A15

City council denies Town Pool bids Staff working with lowest bidder to stay in budget

is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 9765. “We’ve combined great offerings from some of the best Texas sausage makers along with a number of the best craft beers around to create a unique sausage and beer tasting event,” organizers said. “We feel like we have put together a great value

Trying to stay within budget on a voter-approved Town Pool reconstruction project, the Fredericksburg City Council opted to hold off approving any bids to complete the work during their regular meeting Monday evening. All six bids received by the city came in over the allotted budget for the Town Pool project and while city staff

Cont. on A12

Cont. on A3

Inside • Indian Artifacts Show to be held here Saturday — A2 • LBJ State Park to mark German Heritage Day — A5 • Airport grand reopening to show off upgrades — A13 • TxDOT widening project under way on US 290 — A13 • Bridal event scheduled here on November 24 — C2 •  Club to present concert by renowned flutist Sunday — C3

By Matt Ward

IRS tax suit settled with former councilman By Matt Ward Former Fredericksburg councilman Tommy Segner, who was recalled from his post in May over a federal tax suit, has settled with the United States government. In the agreement, filed in the Austin division of the U.S. District Court, Segner is ordered to pay $306,075 in back employment and unemployment taxes, while his business, Sound Wave Electronics, is ordered to pay $12,904 in back taxes. Additionally, Segner was charged an additional $3,197 in penalties under federal tax code 6672 for failure to pay the employment and unemployment taxes. All owed money is subject to statutory additions and interest which began accruing Oct. 1 per the agreement. According to the government’s suit, Segner operated an electronics store, First Choice Enterprises, as a sole proprietorship from 2001 through 2009. Cont. on A4

Help available at Needs Council for women in abusive relationships By Lisa Treiber-Walter Get out. That advice is the same, whether it’s to a teenager with a new obsessive boyfriend or a mother of three with an abusive husband of decades. Leave. Help is just a phone call away either to 9-1-1 and the police, or 997-HELP and the Hill Country Community Needs Council. Bolt. (Before it’s too late.) One 55-year-old Gillespie

Races for the next U.S. president, a U.S. senator, U.S. representative, state representative and many more will be on the ballot when early voting by personal appearance begins Monday, Oct. 22, at the Gillespie County Courthouse for the Nov. 6 general election. Early voting will continue through Friday, Nov. 2, and will take place in the county commissioners’ courtroom from 8

a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Federal, state and local races will be on the ballot. A nonpartisan League of Women Voters Texas Voters Guide is included in this edition. The section outlines positions by candidates on major topics in their respective races. A sample ballot will appear in next week’s newspaper. Cont. on A13

Kendall County helicopter crash claims three lives

Oct. 10-16, 2012 Rainfall this week 0.74 Rainfall for October 0.74 Rainfall for 2012 28.46 Normal for date 23.66 Same date last year 7.35 Low – Oct. 12 86 High – Oct. 15 54

Pilot bought fuel at Gillespie airport

For real-time weather information, go to:

Courtesy Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park

Cont. on A7

Early voting begins Monday ahead of November 6 general election


High Low Rain Wednesday 79 61 Thursday 86 69 Friday 86 69 .02 Saturday 86 70 Sunday 82 63 .72 Monday 84 54 Tuesday 71 63 Total Rain 0.74

County woman didn’t leave in time. In 2010, her 62-year-old abusive husband made sure she couldn’t. He shot and killed her, phoned police to report it, shot the family dog, then shot himself. The incident put Gillespie County in a listing with 51 other counties in Texas in which a victim was killed by an abusive spouse. A similar “femicide” — the

SHOWING OFF his design of a custom-built rocking horse made using Victorian-era techniques and carousel-style horses Saturday was Fredericksburg resident and Mesquite Art Festival organizer Al Carr. The annual event held at Marktplatz drew 65 craftsmen who displayed their artistry in Texas mesquite wood. See more on page C1. — Standard-Radio Post photo by Matt Ward

Sections A - Front D - Community B - Sports E/F - Real Estate/Classifieds C - Lifestyles G - Entertainment

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Three persons were killed in a helicopter crash that occurred around 8 p.m. last Thursday on a ranch off Farm-to-Market Road 1888, roughly five miles southeast of the GillespieKendall County line. The victims were identified as: pilot Chester Monroe,

age 35, of Seguin; Rusty Aaron, 26, of Decatur, and Kaci Fairchild, 29, of Harwood in Gonzales County. The helicopter had been en route from Midland to Seguin and stopped at the Gillespie County Airport in Fredericksburg to refuel. The pilot used the self-serve station and had no interaction with airport staff, Airport Manager Cont. on A15 @fbgstandard

Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

| October 17, 2012

| A3

GCFFA elects new officers, directors

OFFICERS elected on Oct. 9 to lead the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association during the coming year include: (in front, from left) Greg Mohr, secretary; Edward Stroeher, president, and Wallace Britton, immediate past president, and (in back, from left) Freddy Jung, treasurer; Brian Roeder, parliamentarian, and Steve Wetz, assistant treasurer. Not pictured are Henry Sagebiel, assistant secretary; Carey Durst, first vice president, and Scott Crenwelge, second vice president. — Standard-Radio Post Photo

NEW DIRECTORS elected on Tuesday night, Oct. 9, during the annual stockholders’ meeting of the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association included: (in front, from left) Charles Schumann, Barret Duecker, Wayne Brydson, Gary Kunz, Marvin Crenwelge, Ronnie Ersch, and (in back, from left) Dorman Schmidt, Russell Hartmann, Larry Burrow, Carter Sauer, Heath Jenschke and Zachary Zenner. Not pictured are Garrett Durst, Mike Hartmann, Brad Roeder and Henry Sagebiel. Of the directors, Burrow, Sauer and Jenschke are new to the board, while Schmidt, Russell Hartmann, Mike Hartmann and Ersch are returning as honorary directors. — Standard-Radio Post Photo HONORARY LIFETIME director pins for 16 years of service to the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association board of directors were presented on Oct. 9 during the group’s annual stockholders’ meeting and business meeting. Edward Stroeher, left, the newly-elected president, presented badges to Charles Schumann, center, and Marvin Crenwelge. — Standard-Radio Post Photo

Council denies pool bids Cont. from A1

has worked with the low bidder to eliminate items from their proposal, revisions have not been fully agreed upon by either party. As a result, the council is expected to hold a special meeting next week to discuss the potential changes, though an official date for the meeting had not been set prior to press time. “I don’t want the public to believe we have a major problem here,” City Manager Kent Myers said Monday. “Based upon our discussions with both the contractor and the engineer over the past couple of days, we can bring this project within budget and still have a very attractive, functional pool.”

mercial Construction, submitted a proposal to complete the work for $1,297,117, more than $80,000 over the budget for the project. “We’re looking at the lowest bid. We’re not looking to take a higher bid and generate a cut,” Mayor Jeryl Hoover said. “This council has been very clear that we’re not going to go over on this project.” After the bids were opened Wednesday, Oct. 10, city staff met with representatives from Cox Commercial to begin the process of value engineering in order to trim the bid down to match the city’s budget for the project.

Headworks Improvements. The council also denied a request from VEI Consultants on behalf of Creekside Commercial for a drive-through facility permit at a proposed dry cleaning business at 108 and 110 East Ufer Street. After further discussion in executive session, the request was denied amid ownership concerns.

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Free Admission to the Patch! Pumpkin Decorating Contest Saturday, October 27th Present by 3 p.m., Judging at 4 p.m.

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A PLAQUE of appreciation was presented to Wallace Britton, left, the outgoing president of the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association, on Oct. 9 by newly-elected president, Edward Stroeher. — Standard-Radio Post Photo

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Other city business In other city business, the council approved the 2013 Gillespie Central Appraisal District budget and awarded a low bid from Matous Construction, Ltd. for $355,000 for the 2012 Wastewater

The Pioneer Museum Pumpkin Patch

Bids return over budget Six contractors submitted bids on the project, which has a budget of $1,215,000 after deducting bond issuance costs and design fees from the original $1.4 million approved by voters in May. The low bidder, Cox Com-

New Crop Pecans, Pumpkins, Pears and in-season Vegetables. Homemade Peach Ice Cream & Baked Goods at BEHRENDS ORCHARD

Continuous work between that time and Monday’s meeting allowed City Parks and Recreation Director Jimmy Alexander to present the council with a partially completed list of potential savings areas, though he added that Cox Commercial was continuing to work with their subcontractors on refining their bid.


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Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post


Jail project history The current Gillespie County Jail (located behind the courthouse) is a 15-bed facility that surpassed its capacity to house inmates back in 1992, when it began to transport and house prisoners at out-of-county detention centers. Through the years, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) has cited Gillespie

Cont. from A1

County for its overcrowding issues. The local jail is open now only under waivers, which may or may not be continued by the TCJS. With the population growth of Gillespie County, including spikes for visitors on special events and holidays, the jail currently has grown to an average prisoner population of 32 inmates per day. The cost to house the excess inmate population elsewhere is to the tune of an estimated $370,000 per year. A $2.4 million bond election for a proposed new 48bed jail facility to be rebuilt in the downtown area was held in 1992 and failed by a 2-to-1 margin. About two years ago, county commissioners began to revisit and reinvestigate the possibility of building a new jail. In 2010, commissioners hired Justice Concepts Incorporated to conduct a jail study. The independent firm’s findings recommended that the county build a 96-bed jail, along with an incorporated dispatch area, courtroom and adult probation office. In October 2011, county officials hired Vanir Construction Management, Inc., to facilitate the jail facility planning. Just a month after hiring Vanir, commissioners ap-

pointed a jail facilities committee to study the jail issue. Comprised of civic leaders, elected officials and law enforcement personnel, the committee visited jails in Kerr, Blanco and Bandera counties, reviewed Gillespie’s needs and identified associated needs. After three months, the committee also recommended a 96-bed jail that included a “flex” courtroom, dispatch area, adult probation offices and training room/potential emergency operations center that could accommodate the county’s needs for the next 30 years, according to Barrera. The projected tax rate increase for those whose property taxes are not frozen will be 6.2 cents per $100 valuation (which includes the debt tax rate of 4.5 cents per $100 valuation and an additional 1.7 cents per $100 valuation for maintenance and operations). Other county business In other county business, commissioners approved a request to release the retainage for the Barons Creek Bridge Project and accept a 12-month maintenance bond from the project’s contractor. Additionally, the county approved advertising for a personnel opening in the county attorney’s office.

Holiday closings Cont. from A1

lar trash collection schedules will be observed on Thanksgiving Day and again on Friday, Nov. 23. •Recycling Center and Landfill: The Recycling Center and Solid Waste Facility will be closed on Thursday and Friday. The Recycling Center will open from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 24, and the landfill will be open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. that day. Financial Institutions •For information on specific financial institutions and lending firms, refer to the advertisements found elsewhere in this issue of the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post. Newspaper •The Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov.

Peddler Show booths, will run through 8 p.m. Friday. Show hours to accommodate shopping excursions on Saturday, Nov. 24, will be from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and, on Sunday, Nov. 25, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Admission is set at $6 for adults, $5 for senior citizens aged 65 years and older and $5 for children aged five to 11 years. Those under five years old are admitted free of

22-23, in observance of the Thanksgiving holidays. After Thanksgiving, the newspaper will return to its regular publication schedule on Wednesday, Nov. 28. Schools •All school systems in Gillespie County will be observing the Thanksgiving holidays. The Fredericksburg Independent School District and Heritage School will be closed Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 21-23. They will have regular dismissal times on Tuesday, Nov. 20. Harper Independent School District will have early release on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 12:30 p.m. and then observe Thanksgiving on Nov. 22-23. The Doss Common Consolidated School District will release at noon on Wednesday and then close for the holiday

Cont. from A1

charge. Tickets are good for admission the entire weekend. Ample, on-site parking is available at no cost. The Peddler Show prides itself in offering browsers a “perfect street of shops” where they can peruse seasonal-specific items, fashion accessories, personalized, hand-crafted items, home décor pieces, jewelry, gourmet treats and much more.

on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 22-23. At St. Mary’s, students will be released at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, and then observe their Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 22-23. Ambleside School will observe the Thanksgiving holiday Wednesday through Monday, Nov. 21-26. They were dismissed at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday. The Fredericksburg Christian School will dismiss at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 21, to observe the Thanksgiving holidays on Thursday and Friday.

OUT WITH THE OLD — Demolition work began late last week as crews from Allen Keller Co. prepared the existing Town Pool site, located across from Fredericksburg Middle School, for site work and construction of a brand new $1.4 facility approved by Fredericksburg vot-

ers in May. City Parks and Recreation Director Jimmy Alexander said Monday that demolition work should be completed Wednesday, Nov. 21 with construction to begin before the Christmas holidays. — Standard-Radio Post photo

Holiday Cookie Decorating, German Traditions Saturday Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site and the Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm will host their annual Holiday Cookie Decorating and German Traditions Saturday, Nov. 24, beginning at 10 a.m. Children will be able to decorate their own wooden gingerbread ornament to take home and hang on the tree at the park visitor complex. “A great holiday photo opportunity awaits children of all ages as they pose for their holiday photo with one of our park’s life-sized gingerbread men,” Park Manager Iris Neffendorf said. Down the trail at the SauerBeckmann Living History Farm, costumed interpreters will transform the traditional German farmstead into an early 1900’s celebration of the holidays. Visitors will be able to participate in holiday traditions such as decorating cookies to adorn a German Christmas tree, in candle-making as it

was done in holidays past and the making of traditional cedar wreaths. “Visitors are encouraged to make it a family day. Pack a picnic lunch, bring the family, a camera, and dress for outdoor holiday fun as you start a new tradition or continue an old one,” Neffendorf said. She said, “Park staff recommends visitors come to the Visitor Complex first to get all the park daily event details, map and free day park permit.” In addition to all the special holiday events in the park, visitors can also follow a his-

torical self-guided CD or GPS Ranger vehicle tour through the state park and on to the LBJ Ranch and Texas Whitehouse, part of the LBJ National Historical Park. Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site is located just one mile east of Stonewall, or 14 miles west of Johnson City, just off U.S. Highway 290 at 199 Park Road 52. More information on this event and coming park events is available by visiting the park’s Facebook page, online at park/lbj or at (830) 644-2252.

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| A3

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those (bid) proposals we can take a proposal that’s within the budget. We are very cognizant of that.” Using the schematics provided by Wiginton Hooker Jeffry Architects, in conjunction with the Fredericksburg firm of Stehling Klein Thomas Architects, it was determined that the total project budget would be $14,982,370, which covers construction, furnishing and equipping, site work, professional fees and costs of issuance of the bonds. “If it goes over (budget), then something has to be cut because the cost cannot go over $15 million,” Commissioner Calvin Ransleben said. The county is expected to go out to bid on the project in June 2013. Construction would be completed in October 2014, with occupancy by county personnel in December 2014.

| November 21, 2012

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