Where do we have access controls

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Where do we have access controls? The world is full of highways and roads. Buildings dot every city. Each and every border is open. The new world is integrated and open. The politician and industrialists have coined the word free access to markets and labour. In real sense, however, an access control is located everywhere. To leave your house, you must open and lock the doors. Upon arrival in your car, you must access it before driving out. Your parking lot at the office and even the office building must be entered. All these places have some form of access. Access control is used to regulate entrances into certain places. The access keys are availed to only those who have been pre-screened and therefore authorised to get into such premises. Why access is important Gone are the days where you keep a watchman and dog to protect your premises. Currently, the digital world has made inroads into providing real-time security systems for properties. Therefore, the only way to guard against unwanted intruders is through the installation of an access control. These devices keep tab of all the entries and exits for any property. The come is a variety of technologies. Types of Access Controls Physical access control: This relates to the system that regulates who, where and when someone can gain access into a complex. For ages, these have been done by locks and keys. However, these have the disadvantages of not keeping the records or when an entry took place. Further, they are easily compromised. In the event of lost or stolen keys, access to space whose keys have been lost is compromised. Further, in case of employees, having a key does not restrict their access at the time they are not required to be at a certain specific place. Digital accesses: These utilise the information technology to regulate, record, monitor and deter accesses. They are augmented with alarm and cameras as well as the real-time recording of events for future references. Current moderns employ such technology. Mostly here, computer are used to programme how the access are controlled. How it works. Historical access controls system such as the lock and keys worked by allowing only the one in possession of the key to access the space through opening of the lock using the correct keys. This, therefore, deterred the people without the keys access to the specified space.

In the case of electronic access, the devices allowed some with the correct access control devices to enter the building. Apart from deterring unauthorised people's entry, it also regulated the entry of the people issued with access by keeping tab of the time they need to get in and out of the building.

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