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What is a leader? Or should I ask, what is a strong or good leader? A strong or good leader is a vibrant person who is a people magnet. In other words, people are drawn to individuals who have the personal package of confidence; love for people; desire to help people; knowledgeable; problem-solver; being an intelligent risk taker; creative/out of the box thinker; self-motivator; and integrity. Becoming a good leader requires one to drain him or her of selfishness and jealousy. A leader likes to see others achieve and gives them positive reinforcement. A leader is quick to allocate praise to others. Empower people! A selfish and jealous leader destroys his or her leadership and breeds discontent among team members. The real high for the true leader is not recognition but watching the success unfold for those who he or she has mentored and taught. The strong leader is almost obsessed with mentoring, teaching, and serving others. Recognition will seek and find a good leader just as sure as the sun rises every morning. A truly strong leader is one who is knowledgeable. However, you can only become knowledgeable if you prepare. You should possess and continually update a reading list. Books (including audio) and magazines should constantly be at your disposal. Never travel without reading or audio materials. Are you in your car a lot? Use your CD player for educational purposes (Auto College). Never cease to take courses to gain new knowledge or to refresh you. Constantly sharpen your skills and feed your mind with relevant knowledge. Personal growth never ceases. A true leader is a person of integrity. Always do the right thing and the rest will take care of itself. Yes, good guys do win. It is not what is popular or politically correct that matters, it is what is right! Do what is right and lead by example not by what you say. Practice what you preach. Walk the Walk! Stand up for what is right or for others who can't stand up for themselves even if it means a confrontation. A good leader is a person who is confident in his or her leadership and is decisive. There is not continual second guessing. Because of this confidence, a true leader uses creativity and is an "out of the box" thinker. Do your research and be decisive based on your data. Never shoot from the hip. A strong leader rids him or her of negative influences such as negative persons. Negative people will rob you of your dreams and energy and weigh you down like trying to swim with your legs in hardened concrete. They are a cancer on our team or in your personal life. Cut them Out! Furthermore, a true leader must keep his mind and abilities sharp; so, there is no room for drug, alcohol, or any other substance abuse.