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Web banner advertising used to be very popular many years ago when the internet first started. Banners were usually found on most web sites. However with the abuse of these adverts people became less inclined to click on the adverts and this meant the decline of banner adverts. These type of adverts started to receive really low click through rates below 0.5 percent. However, these days with the high prices of PPC adverts and ezine advertising these types of adverts are making a comeback and many of the very successful marketers are using it. There are two ways that you can use banner adverts that work. The first is to design a very visual banner usually animated that catches your attention and causes the visitor to click through to your web site. The Internet Marketing Center have many of these kind of banners which have click through rates between twelve and fifteen percent which is really exceptional. The second kind of way that you can use a banner is to have a very plain design using blue text on white. The blue text is similar to a hyperlink and will increase your click through rate. The white background makes the banner look like content and also enhances the click through rate. The effective method for using banner advertising is the placement of the banner on the web site that you are advertising on. You need to ensure that you place your banner towards the top of the web page as this is where your users are more likely to click on your adverts. If you place your banners towards the bottom of the page or in a position that your visitors can't see it will significantly reduce your click through rates. You also need to find web sites in a similar niche to yours that are not competitors and negotiate competitive advert rates to display your banner. If you can I also suggest that you first ask for a free trial to see if your banner advertising will be successful on their web site. Once you master the art of web banner advertising this will
definitely give your business the extra edge and you will generate profits from a different advertising source to your traditional ways of advertising.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A._Abrahams
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