A Secret Weapon For Leader In Business

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In this article I'll cover the basics of what I believe are the nuts and bolts of what makes a good leader both in business and in life in general. Our world is a world full of "leaders" who say they know what they're doing and if we follow them, we'll be on the road to success. But are they the right people to follow? Where are they taking you? Do they really know what's best? Why aren't you a leader? What makes a good leader? Since the financial collapse a couple of years ago, you can't really trust others who claim to be authorities to tell you what to do, can you? A real leader is someone who has the innate ability to help, direct, and improve the lives of others. Leaders rise above the rest by realizing that they're not special, but that they can help people and themselves at the same time. A real leader will understand that life is special and will nurture it. So the first trait to look in a good leader is a serving attitude, leadership is all about serving other people and empowering them to overcome their challenges. When looking at someone who claims to be a good leader, ask some questions! Do they care more about others than they do about their own status or financial gain? Are they selfish people, exploiting other people for their own gain at the expense of their fellow man? Or do they do everything they can to help other people? If they're the former, they're part of a long line of people who have wrought all kinds of craziness on humanity. Think of all the dictators of years past and even now; is this the kind of leader you want to be in your life and your business? A real leader will improve themselves, improve their communities, and be surrounded by a real aura of love for their fellow man. You don't have to be a saint to be a good leader; being in business for yourself should bring you some perks in your life! If you work hard, you'll reap the rewards; the key to being a good leader is to make sure that you leave the world better than you found it. Try to do a good deed every week, and help people out! Now, that you know what makes a good leader is, you need to become one! If you're not satisfied with your life, change it. Most people will trudge along in life without any direction, hoping someone else will save them or make it better; but this isn't the way. You have to take charge of your life, and learn to help yourself and help others. Keep on repeating this to yourself: "the buck stops here". Yes, a key factor of what makes a good leader is accepting responsibility for his own situation. Only accepting that where you are now is a product of your past decision, we'll make it possible for you to create a life by design. Recognize the power inside yourself, and become an example for other people to follow! When

more people become leaders, the world will become a better place. Get started today!

Lorenzo Cicetti is an Internet Marketing Success Coach. He helps people overcome their fears and create the life they really want. To know more about how him and the community is part of can help you reach your dreams and goals please visit http://meetlorenzo.com or www.ayeartoretirement.com [http://ayeartoretirement.com?v1=ezalead/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lorenzo_Cicetti

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