Office Phone (830) 997-7679 Fax (830) 997-2450 Website George E. Lumpkin, Jr. Senior Pastor Sid Spiller Associate Pastor Lisa Davis Director of Children’s Ministries Joel Griffin Director of Youth Ministries Don Doss Director of Music Ministries Tricia Small Director of Communications Linda Klein Office Manager Selena Hendrix Director of Finance
June 13, 2016 Dear Friends, Earlier this year, your Church Council initiated a Goal Development Process for church operations. Chairs and staff for 17 committees, ministries and functions were requested to prepare 2016 Operational Goals. Overall, 116 members of our congregation participated in the development of goals which focus our time, energy, and resources on achieving our church’s Mission. So, why were they asked to do this? Define goals and activities they wanted to focus on and accomplish this year. Enhance coordination opportunities among committees and programs. Share the goals with our congregation to inform them about church ministries and encourage them to become engaged and supportive of the ministries. It is indeed a joy to share these goals with you. We are blessed with vibrant ministries, a congregation committed to service, and goals that reflect that Fredericksburg United Methodist Church is doing ministry for the glory of God. “Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to Him be glory in the Church and Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3: 20-21 Yours in Christ,
George Lumpkin Senior Pastor
Bud Harris Chair-Church Council
The Goal Development Process consisted of five areas to be addressed: Purpose: Define why your committee/program exist? Goal: What do you want to accomplish in 2016? Steps/Action Items: Steps/action items are you going to take to accomplish your goals? Measurable Outcomes: How do you know you are making progress? Goal=Mission: How does your committee/program support the Church’s Mission?
2016 Operational Goals Associate Pastor
Pastor Sid Spiller
Children’s Ministry
Lisa Davis
Tricia Small
Selena Hendrix
Music Ministry
Don Doss
Youth Ministry
Joel Griffin
Biblical Garden Committee
Peggy Benson
Board of Trustees
David Wieting
Church Council
Bud Harris
Congregational Care Committee
Alice Hahn
Finance Committee
Gregg Hagelstein
Hugh Reeves
Memory Garden Committee
Peggy Benson
Missions Committee
Brenda Miiller
Staff Parish Relations Committee
Crawford Guthrie
United Methodist Women
Leta Ann Metzger
Worship Committee
Kay Telle
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Since day one of this appointment, I have stood on this theological, scriptural foundation from Matthew. Jason, when I asked him what my job description was, responded with three words: Senior Adult Ministry. Of course that has been priority but I do just about anything that the Senior Pastor delegates to me and any other ministry that my “part-time” hours can accomplish…and being blessed with joy to do have this ministry opportunity.
Therefore, I want to teach “A thematic approach to the Bible” course using the Trinity Bible Study material. Focus population: those who have never have read the Bible to those who read the Bible every day. Plan “fun” trips for the Senior Adults as requested. Support Alice Hahn as Chair of Congregational Care Committee by: Development of Home Bound Communion Ministry Develop a system for every member household to be covered with pastoral ministry Counseling by appointment
Purpose: To train up children in the way they should go to love Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Goals: Sunday School Pioneer Club VBS Special Events at Holidays Action Items: 1. Use Faithweaver curriculum for Sunday School, currently in use. Order new curriculum May 2, August 1. 2. Continue Pioneer Club after school program, last day May 4th. Plan 2016-2017 after school program beginning July 11. Planned start date week of September 12 3. VBS, June 20 – 24. Meeting with VBS director monthly, Jan. – Apr. biweekly in May. Ordering supplies by March 30. 4. Palms at the Platz church service, Easter egg hunt with scripture & puppet show. 4 Puppet practices in March, helpers to stuff eggs on Sundays. 5. Puppet performances for Christmas. Practice beginning in October. 6. Make phone calls, send emails and place information in bulletin/messenger for volunteers needed. Measurable Outcomes: 1. Curriculum being used in Sunday School classes. 2. After current year of after school program, review what needs improving. For 2016-2017, rolling out an after school program that more fully meets the needs of children and the purpose of the ministry. 3. Completing VBS 2016, selecting VBS curriculum for 2017. 4. Completion of Palms at the Platz activities. Review of success of event. 5. Attendance at Sunday School, Pioneer Club, VBS and special events will be considered for future events and necessary changes. Participation of congregation and volunteers necessary for all goals to be accomplished. Goals=Mission 65% of people who become Christians do so between the ages of 4 and 14. Training children to know, love and serve Jesus through Sunday School, an after school program, VBS and special events is vital to and directly in line with the church’s mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Compile, simplify, clarify and manage information for distribution to the congregation, community and the world through print and digital media
Develop and implement a streamlined, purposeful and truly effective communication strategy that acts as a vehicle for representing our identity and carrying out our mission.
Steps/Action Items: 1. Introduce new theme and logo (February 2016) 2. Work with factory group to develop visitor and new member packets. (March-April 2016) 3. Increase online presence through more active Facebook participation, more interactive & digitally engaging editions of The Thread, increased readership of The Messenger (Ongoing) 4. Re-structure, update and possibly redesign website for easier access to information.(Complete by end of 2016) 5. Identify and clarify the purpose of each communication channel to streamline and focus distribution of information (Complete by September of 2016) 6. Educate committee leaders about the “brand/theme/identity” and provide support for adopting and implementing it as part of their mission or ministry. (Ongoing) 7. Of course complete basic functions of my job with creativity and professionalism to strengthen the backbone of our mission. Measurable Outcome: 1. Response to Home Sunday (Very positive! Yay!) 2. Completion and distribution of visitor/new member packets. 3. Measurable statistics through post engagement, readership, time spent, links clicked, etc. 4. Anecdotal feedback: what the congregation likes, what they would like to see more of, what doesn’t work, what excites people. 5. Reception and adoption of “Make this Place your Home” by individual committees, missions and ministries. Goals=Mission Creating a communication structure that does more than just tell people what events are happening when, but truly becomes the backbone supporting the mission of the church. The goal of the communications director is not to just inform, but to help identify the passions of the church and effectively tell those stories so that others come to know more of Jesus and become disciples for him.
Purpose: Offer financial support to staff and congregational committees Goal: What do you want to accomplish in 2016? Review operating costs and make recommendations. Ensure all reports are provided to staff and committees in a timely manner Ensure there is effective communication between myself and the staff/committees
Steps/Action Items: What steps/action items are you going to take to accomplish your goals? Provide financial statements and reports to the various committees and staff Create spreadsheets that monitor spending and communicate if there is need for further evaluation
Measurable Outcomes:
How do know you are making progress and achieving your goal? Reports are provided in a timely manner to assist with the proper utilization of funds Committee chairs fully understand the review/expenses associated with their accounts
How does your committee/program goals support the church’s mission? Efficiently manage the financial accounts in order to enable staff and committees to accomplish the goals and mission of the church.
2016 GOALS MUSIC MINISTRY Don Doss Chancel Choir Operational Goals
COMBINED MUSIC MINISTRY PURPOSE: Based on the ‘Great Commission’ found in Matthew 28:16-20, the purpose of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Music Ministry is… To lead our congregation in WORSHIP and exalt our Lord with the most exuberant and eloquent artistic talents he has given to us, to WORK and serve with all of our heart in a servant attitude with humility, to WITNESS to those we come in contact with of the precious love we find in Christ our Lord, to WELCOME new followers into our family with open arms and encourage them, and to WALK the walk of being a believer and discover how to commit and encourage each other to a more mature relationship with Jesus. CHANCEL CHOIR GOALS FOR 2016: 1. Seeking more opportunities for community involvement and outreach: A. Adding a community concert in to the schedule - possible Summer Pop Concert, Patriotic Concert or Gospel Concert. B. Assisting in established community events such as Founders Day 2. Developing more choir social events to grow friendships and stronger personal ties. Helping to establish newer choir members with older members and families. A. More monthly social events while adding more opportunities for leadership service and responsibility within the choir. B. Birthday celebration lead groups from sections to mixed up groups. 3. Buying newer music so there isn’t as much repetition in anthems through the year. STEPS AND ACTIONS: 1. The Chancel Choir Council meets each month to decide which actions will achieve the greatest success and access each one as it is implemented. 2. The Council has a Social Coordinator person to establish more social events as we discuss and organize these during each monthly Council meeting. 3. The Choir Director will choose newer music based on events/message material that is given in planning worship service emphases.
MEASURABLE OUTCOMES: 1. Obviously the expected outcome for seeking additional community opportunities will be singing in more community events. 2. We hope to see more interaction from the choir members across the years of membership so that newer members are quickly assimilated into the choir as a whole. 3. Depending on budget restrictions, the reasonable outcome for this goal is to see more music being purchased and presented during our Sunday morning worship times. GOAL = MISSION: The Chancel Choir leads in our weekly worship services and brings all who attend to a closer encounter with God. In this process the choir is a tool used to reach out to new prospects to become members of our congregation and grow as disciples.
As we continue to use the talents that God has given us and WORK toward leading in WORSHIP through music, we will WITNESS our love for our God to the community that surrounds us to WELCOME new disciples into our work together, then together we will unite to WALK toward the calling that God has placed in front of us.
Kid’s Music Academy Operational Goals COMBINED MUSIC MINISTRY PURPOSE: Based on the ‘Great Commission’ found in Matthew 28:16-20, the purpose of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Music Ministry is… To lead our congregation in WORSHIP and exalt our Lord with the most exuberant and eloquent artistic talents he has given to us, to WORK and serve with all of our heart in a servant attitude with humility, to WITNESS to those we come in contact with of the precious love we find in Christ our Lord, to WELCOME new followers into our family with open arms and encourage them, and to WALK the walk of being a believer and discover how to commit and encourage each other to a more mature relationship with Jesus. KID’S MUSIC ACADEMY GOALS FOR 2016: 1. Possible separation from Pioneer Club to allow more time for musical instruction. 2. Continue the work of transforming the church children’s music program into a Community School of Music. A. Work to strengthen association with the Fredericksburg Music Club B. More appearances in community events C. More communication to local newspapers and radio stations 3. Move from congregation funding to grant funding A. Establish KMA Advisory Board to handle grant requests STEPS AND ACTIONS: 1. Discussions with Church Children’s Ministry Director to think through all possible scenarios. 2. Plan more ‘open house’ events with Fredericksburg Music Cub and have children present short concert appearances prior to normal concert times. 3. Enlist Board job needs and set chronological grant writing calendar MEASURABLE OUTCOMES: 1. A change in after-school children’s ministries for next school year. 2. KMA recognized throughout more of our community as a music school available to all community children at no or very low cost. 3. Receiving additional funds through grant organizations. GOAL = MISSION: The Kid’s Music Academy is a direct outreach from the Music Ministry of our congregation to community families. Those families which are not currently involved in a church will find our church family a great place to come and join. We continue to see new family come into our congregation from the KMA program, in fact, our new Children’s Ministry Director is part of our congregation through her sons being a part of KMA
2016 Praise Team Operational Goals COMBINED MUSIC MINISTRY PURPOSE: Based on the ‘Great Commission’ found in Matthew 28:16-20, the purpose of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Music Ministry is… To lead our congregation in WORSHIP and exalt our Lord with the most exuberant and eloquent artistic talents he has given to us, to WORK and serve with all of our heart in a servant attitude with humility, to WITNESS to those we come in contact with of the precious love we find in Christ our Lord, to WELCOME new followers into our family with open arms and encourage them, and to WALK the walk of being a believer and discover how to commit and encourage each other to a more mature relationship with Jesus. PRAISE TEAM GOALS FOR 2016: 1. Continue to find the most contemporary and well-known songs used in churches around the country in order to sing music which most visitors would know and most congregants would easily remember. 2. Finding a way to take the Praise Team out into the community for events and worship opportunities. 3. Adding more social events together to create better friendships through the group. STEPS AND ACTIONS: 1. Using tools such as the CCLI top 100 list, we will find the songs to sing that fit a particular subject or emphasis need on any given Sunday. 2. Seeking ideas from the Praise Team members in options and possible venues. 3. Look for possible dates and events to set up social gatherings. MEASURABLE OUTCOMES: 1. Adding to our library additional tunes and listening to the congregation as they sing in response to the new materials. 2. Hopefully adding to our calendar additional events outside of the Sunday music leadership. 3. Seeing more friendships and stringers ties within the group. GOAL = MISSION: Just like all of our Music Ministry organizations have the same overall purpose, all of our goals are pointed to achieving the Great Commission in reaching out to all people and bringing into the love and acceptance of our church community to make disciples. The Praise Team plays a key role in worship leadership for our congregation and aids new members and visitors in their praise and worship of our Lord. As we continue to use the talents that God has given us and WORK toward leading in WORSHIP through music, we will WITNESS our love for our God to the community that surrounds us to WELCOME new disciples into our work together, and then together we will unite to WALK toward the calling that God has placed in front of us.
2016 GOALS YOUTH MINISTRY Joel Griffin Purpose:
To connect youth (grades 6-12) with God, each other and a greater Cause through prayer, worship, fellowship and fun.
1. Recruit and train more adult volunteers 2. Provide a bi-monthly worship time for just the youth 3. Get the youth more involved in the overall church 4. See a 10 percent increase of youth in Sunday worship attendance 5. Provide a more welcoming physical environment at the backdoor
Action Items:
1. Pray for God to reveal adults within the congregation who would be a good fit in the youth ministry. “Make the Ask” to those adults. Make them feel welcome and comfortable by providing training in August and November. 2. Plan a time of worship on a Wednesday night in April, August, October, and December. 3. Work with George on getting youth involved more with worship. Seeking opportunities to have youth involved with adult Sunday school classes. 4. Encouraging youth and parents to come to Sunday worship services with continued invites. Give incentives for worship attendance (i.e. money off of cost of trips). Continue to get youth involved in worship. 5. Begin discussions with the Trustees and Finance Committees about renovating the back entrance to the church. Casting a vision for a more welcoming entrance. Have a plan for renovation.
Measurable Outcomes:
1. Have at least 2 more adult volunteers regularly attending Wednesday night youth group by year’s end. 2. Help facilitate the worship event. 3. Document youth involvement in church over the next 9 months. Review and evaluate youth participation. 4. Document Sunday worship attendance. Review incentive effectiveness and modify if needed. 5. Within the next six months meet with the Trustees about the vision for the space and begin forming a renovation plan.
Goal=Mission: These goals support our church’s mission by moving our youth ministry forward in being a place where youth feel welcome and safe to explore their faith and become disciples of Jesus Christ.
2016 GOALS BIBLICAL GARDEN Peggy Benson-- Coordinator
Why our committee exists: Although the Biblical Garden is not a formal committee in the church, it is an important part of the church’s ministry. There are twenty volunteers who maintain the garden each month and take their commitment very seriously. The garden provides guests and church members the opportunity to enjoy spending time in meditation and prayer there or just the opportunity to walk through. Having a garden filled with Biblical plants which are labeled with Biblical plant name and scripture verse where it is mentioned provides an educational experience that is unique to our church in Fredericksburg. What do we want to do or accomplish in 2016? The Garden is beautiful and most of the plants on our “want” list have been added but we plan to: 1. Mulch the beds this spring 2. Trim the acacia tree which is invading the fig, oak and bay laurel space 3. Scrape, prime and repaint the fence around the garden which was repainted by the hail repair contractors, using the wrong paint. Since they did not charge the church we have no recourse but to do the work ourselves. This will be a big undertaking. 4. Update our brochure with more current information 5. Offer more educational/spiritual tours of the Garden How does your committee support the church’s mission? The Biblical Garden hosts groups to the Garden and the guided tour gives information about the Bible through its plants. It is especially nice when school children come to the Garden and become excited about the stories surrounding the plants. They look up scriptures and then see the plant or tree mentioned there. It is a spiritual place that encourages a deeper understanding of Christian beliefs. It is always neat to see guests during the music club concert intermission make their way to the Garden to see what is blooming there at the time. I feel very strongly that the Biblical Garden supports the church’s mission through the spiritual awareness found there.
2016 GOALS BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Wieting-- President Purpose:
The objective of the Board of Trustees is to properly maintain the buildings and equipment owned by Fredericksburg United Methodist Church (FUMC). This includes all buildings and contents on the FUMC campus, the parsonage and all vehicles. The ultimate measure of sound maintenance is when the church is satisfied that the above items are safe, secure and available for the stated mission of “Making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.
Develop a methodical, proactive plan to identify needed maintenance and replacement needs of church equipment and property. Minimize overall costs by providing appropriate and timely preventative maintenance. Provide adequate planning and forethought to aid the finance committee in being able to properly provide funding for same.
Steps/Action Items: 1. Identify needed maintenance issues and items: Establish a check list of areas of the church/parsonage to physically inspect for needed maintenance or repairs. Establish a calendar schedule of when each area is actually inspected and a tracking system to log the results of the inspection and action needed and completed. Establish an inventory of equipment that require routine maintenance, including type of maintenance, timing, cost and preferred provider of service. Maintain a tracking system to document that the work that was actually done as required. 2. Maintenance schedule of mechanical items: Set up a maintenance calendar for routine maintenance and monthly cost schedule for budgeting purposes. 3. Maintenance schedule of building facilities and vehicles: Establish a schedule (with cost estimates) of major maintenance of church property. o o o o o
Interior painting Exterior painting Carpet or flooring replacement Lighting replacement Bus & Van
4. Replacement of equipment: Create an inventory of all equipment that has a “life expectancy”. HVAC units, computers, printers, kitchen equipment, water heaters, bus and van, etc. Include with the inventory, the date installed, and the “life Expectancy” which will establish a date we expect to need to replace the item. The anticipated cost to replace the item (to be reviewed and updated on a set schedule) 5. Work with the finance committee to develop a method that assures funding for these expenses are anticipated and will be available when needed.
2016 GOALS CHURCH COUNCIL Bud Harris-- Chairperson
Church Council is the church’s administrative leadership group charged with envisioning, planning, implementing and annually evaluating our congregations’ mission and ministry.
Initiate a 2016 Goal Development Process for Operational Committees/Programs.
Steps/Action Items: 1. Design and adopt a Goal Development Process (January, 2016) 2. Implement process and provide assistance (as needed) to committees/programs in the development of Goals. (January-March) 3. Review Committee/program goals with respective chairs and staff. (April, 2016) 4. Distribute committee/program goals to congregation for their information.(April/May, 2016) 5. Review quarterly report from committees/programs on progress and achievement of goals. (June, September, December, 2016) 6. Initiate 2017 Goal Development Process. (November, 2016)
Measurable Outcome: 1. Implementation of Goal Development Process. 2. Adoption of committee/program Goals. 3. Review quarterly committee/program reports and discuss goal modifications as necessary. 4. Review year-end achievement of goals and present summary to congregation. 5. Development/implementation of 2017 Goal Development Process. Goals=MissionGiven the vast array of committees, programs and initiatives within the church, the intent of the Goal Development Process is that our goals and activities contribute to and enable our church to achieve its mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ.
2016 GOALS CONGREGATIONAL CARE COMMITTEE Alice G. Hahn-- Chairperson Purpose: The congregational care committee (CCC) exists to support and nurture all “members” of Fredericksburg UMC, from birth to death. Background: Congregational care currently includes at least 15 separate ministries (Alpha, Bible studies, Barnabas ministry, columbarium, funeral receptions, homebound communion, homebound visitation, new members, prayer shawl group, prayer ministry, quilt group, Stephen ministry, Sunday school, Sunday morning welcoming [Agape, greeters, welcome desk], Wesley nurse). These ministries were originally organized in this manner to serve as a basis for educating the congregation (especially new members) as to the many areas of service that already existed at FUMC. Goal: Taken as a whole, the ministries under the umbrella of congregational care should nurture and support all age groups in the church, and should include persons who come to church as well as those members who are no longer able to attend services/activities. Steps/Action Items: 1. Clarify with Pastors Lumpkin, Spiller, and church council the definition of “members” (ie. Members in the strict sense, or regular attenders, with or without FUMC membership status) 2. Alice will identify the goals of each of the above ministries, and determine if these goals align with the purpose of the CCC and the mission of FUMC. 3. Ministries whose goals do not align with those of the CCC (but still align with the mission of FUMC) will need to be re-assigned to the appropriate committee. 4. Alice will identify age groups/areas that are currently not served, or are underserved by the CCC, in order to form a plan of action to address these concerns. 5. Update the format for homebound communion/training for volunteers (in conjunction with Pastor Spiller) 6. Recruit more volunteers for homebound visitation; clarify expectations for volunteers Measureable Outcomes: 1. Obtain consensus on definition of “member” for purposes of CCC goals (April 12, 2016) 2. Identify (in conjunction with the designated contact person) the goals for each of the above ministries (August 31, 2016) 3. Ask church council members to discuss with Alice their ideas/concerns regarding congregational care for underserved populations in the church (ongoing) 4. Homebound communion service revision/training for volunteers (quarterly, or as needed) 5. Create Word documents listing expectations for volunteers for homebound communion and visitation. Recruit volunteers from Sunday Schools and church (by May 31. 2016) Goal = Mission: The resulting ministries will create a loving, supportive church family, so that its members will feel inspired and encouraged to invite others to join our family, and thus make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
2016 GOALS FINANCE COMMITTEE Gregg Hagelstein --Chairperson
The Finance Committee is a ministry of the church created to nurture the financial vitality of the congregation. The Finance Committee is the group charged with promoting financial transparency, developing and administering a missional budget and assuring the financial health of the church. The committee will help develop good stewardship practices and implement plans to raise and safeguard the funds received.
1. To establish a goal or goals for 2016. 2. To promote regular giving patterns within the congregation. 3. To institute quarterly evaluation of budgeted revenue and expenses. 4. To accumulate one month's reserves by 6-30-16, two month's reserve by 12-31-16.
Steps/Action Items: 1. Pray for the financial health of this church. 2. Design and adopt a Goal Development Process 3. Through pastor sermons, lay and mission moments, newsletter and other media emphasize to the congregation the importance of regular monthly giving to meet our regular month budget needs. 4. Beginning April 2016 meet to review and compare revenues received and budgeted disbursements. Also to make any adjustments or revisions to budget as required. 5. The accumulation of reserves will be a byproduct of building good stewards, education of the role of giving and implementing a detailed budget review process. 6. By midyear review and evaluate progress in meeting our goals and to adjust or add steps and actions as required. Measurable Outcome: 1. Implementation of 2016 goals. 2. Quarterly review of giving patterns. 3. Are budgeted revenue and expenses goals within expected amounts. 4. Was the year end reserve equal to two month's reserve. Goals/Mission These goals of the Finance Committee will help promote the good stewardship required to meet the financial goals and obligations of the church and its ability to meet our mission to make new disciples for Jesus Christ.
2016 GOALS FUMC FOUNDATION Hugh Reeves-- President Goal: Support the Mission of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Objectives to achieve the goal: • • • • •
Increase corpus of the Foundation to $1,000,000. Publish updated brochure explaining the Foundation functions and opportunities to support the Foundation. Sponsor and promote a “Wills and Giving” seminar which can guide potential donors to include the Foundation in their planned gifts. Sponsor and promote a “First You Dream” Seminar at a time to be determined. Sponsor and promote “Foundation Sunday” at a future date to be determined by joint consensus of the Foundation Board and Senior Pastor.
Steps/Actions to realize Objectives: Design, Produce and Display “Thermometer” poster which shows progress of giving towards the $1,000,000 objective. Target date April 01, 2016 Design, Write, publish and distribute brochure explaining the FUMC Foundation. This can be an update revision to the existing brochure. Target Date June 01, 2016 Select a date, time and place for “Wills and Giving” Seminar. Jay Weinheimer will coordinate speakers and materials for the seminar. Select dates, time and place to conduct “First You Dream”. Debra Hadsell will coordinate. Select a date for Foundation Sunday mutually agreed with senior pastor. This will be an annual opportunity to raise awareness of the Foundation and its mission. Target date: 3rd quarter 2016.
2016 GOALS MEMORY GARDEN Peggy Benson-- Chairperson
Why our committee exists: The Memory Garden Committee began as a group of people who wished to offer members and former members a peaceful garden setting at church for the placement of their ashes in order for family and friends to be able to come to spend time remembering their treasured loved ones. Once the proposal was passed by the church, the formal committee was formed. Soon after the columbarium was completed, it was decided to add a Memory Wall as a place where names of members buried elsewhere could also be remembered in the Memory Garden. This Garden now is a vital part of the life of the church as it recognizes people’s lives who have meant so much to the church through the years. What do we want to do or accomplish in 2016? 1. In 2016 we want to pay off our loan which the Foundation of our church graciously provided to us with a very fair interest rate in order that we could proceed with construction. They agreed to a 10 year loan but we hope to be able to pay it off in less than five. (The loan was paid in full in February, 2016) 2. With the loan paid off, we plan to make some repairs and improvements to the area as well as begin to save for additional plaque space and eventually another columbarium unit when the need is there. 3. We plan to improve drainage of water on the patio in order to keep low spots clean and safe for people using the space for services. 4. In order to help provide more shade in the Memory Garden we plan to purchase a fairly large tree to be placed just outside of the patio to help shade from the morning sun in summer. Since most of the services are before noon we feel this will help. (A nice tree has been purchased and planted in hopes to accomplish this goal.) 5. We plan to continue working to bring good health back to the Magnolia tree which suffered from adding the rock patio. We had an arborist treat it in 2015 and now we plan to add water stakes around the perimeter of the tree to help keep it hydrated. How does your committee support the church’s mission? We feel that by providing a beautiful place for church members and their families to have a final resting place at our church offers a spiritual place similar to the church cemeteries of prior centuries. It is convenient for families and friends to stop by as they enter the church to say a short prayer or remember the persons with a special thought.
2016 GOALS MISSION MINISTRY COMMITTEE Brenda Miiller-- Chairperson Purpose: The Missions Ministry Committee is responsible for the proper distribution of FUMC funds budgeted and/or donated for Missionaries and non-profit groups in the local, national and international arenas. The Committee also reviews, develops and helps promote mission projects presented to it. Goals: 1. Distribute monies - Distribute any budgeted and/or missions-designated monies that we are responsible for in a timely, effective way. 2. New account - Get a new account set up in the church accounting system for our funds 3. Bulletin Board - Build and install a new, larger, more easily read bulletin board 4. Fehrs - Get the Fehrs on-line as church-supported missionaries in the next budget (2017). 5. Coffee Program - Develop a coffee-selling program 6. Missionary communication - Verify that each of our missionaries is communicating his/their updates/needs/challenges with the Missions Committee. 7. Reason for each goal: 1. Distribute monies - The church budgets a certain amount and individuals make contributions to be spent in the mission field. Both deserve their monies to be handled wisely and within the time frame specified. 2. New account - The current Missions-Designated account includes undesignated donations designated for the Missions committee to disburse for unexpected needs. However it is also a repository that the Financial Secretary uses to collect and disburse funds collected for specific mission projects or specific missionaries. Since the funds are mixed, the committee has no idea how much of the money in the account is available to spend – a very frustrating situation. The two categories of funds need to be separated. 3. Bulletin Board - The current bulletin board is too cramped for the number of missionaries featured, causing it to be cluttered, unsightly (despite our best efforts) and hard to know when updates have been made. A larger one would make the hall look better and enable church members to more easily keep up with what our missionaries in the field are doing and understand their needs and challenges. 4. Fehrs - The committee thinks that the work they are doing is worthy of FUMC sponsorship. We are already giving them some discretionary money and would like to make our contribution an official bond that they can rely on as income. 5. Coffee Program - The program has changed. Gary will no longer be in charge of it. Also of the profits, only $1 will continue to go to Young Life; the rest will be retained at FUMC. We need an easy program that will enable FUMC groups to advertise their ministry and sell the coffee to make money to support it with as little hassle to the Missions Ministry team as possible. 6. Missionary communication - It is important and one of our goals to know that we are spending the church’s money wisely. We can only do this in regards to missionaries through effective communications, since they are so far away. 7. Measurable objective steps to reach each goal: 1. Distribute monies a. After prayerful thought as to where it should go, get all budgeted money for each quarter distributed before the end of the quarter. b. Make sure that donated monies are distributed wisely within the stated timeframe (if there is one).
MISSION MINISTRY COMMITTEE CONTINUED 2. New account a. Write the request – done (except make sure that the “why” words above are in the request somewhere) b. Get the request to Selena and Gregg in plenty of time to have it on the next Finance Committee meeting c. If it doesn’t pass, keep bugging them (and go higher in the food chain, ie. to George if necessary)! 3. Bulletin Board a. Get it authorized by Trustees – done – oops, now it is on hold b. Make it (include “thanks to contribution for the UMW” on it) c. Mount it d. Populate it with info on the old bulletin board e. Advertise to the congregation that they now have a better resource available thanks to contributions from the UMW, the work of whoever built it and the Missions Committee f. Thank the UMW for their contribution and assure them that we plan to spend the rest of the money wisely also. 4. Fehrs a. Keep them on the bulletin board so that the church is aware of them – done b. Put an article in the newsletter so that the congregation is aware of who they are and what their connection to FUMC is. c. Include them in the next available budget request d. Keep trying each year until they are supported 5. Coffee Program a. If acceptable to Joel, use the youth Belize trip as a trial run during which we develop this process done b. Find out from Selena and Gary the average number of pounds of coffee were sold during the time that Gary did it c. Do an evaluation survey of whether or not there is interest within the church to ‘man the coffee booth’ in return for publicity and funds. From the survey results, decide whether or not to proceed. d. Develop the process i. How much of sales $ goes to Young Life, how much to seller and how much stays in the committee ii. How to apply for a stint as sellers iii. How to account for the money (work with Selena – we need to be able to easily keep track of how much money is available to buy the coffee, she needs to know how to split the sales money when it is generated) iv. How to advertise who profits (maybe a standardized poster that the seller can plug their info into plus determine who contacts Trisha with info for the newsletter, Thread, Messenger, etc during the current sales period) e. Write up an application for becoming a seller f. Write up a “here’s what you do” form for sellers g. Advertise the program through Trisha 6. Missionary communication a. Spend time in a meeting discussing the various communications we have been getting from each of our missionaries so that we can decide if any need improvement. i. If there are some missionaries that the committee doesn’t feel are communicating well enough with us, contact that missionary requesting that they send periodic updates/needs/challenges to post on our new bulletin board.
MISSION MINISTRY COMMITTEE CONTINUED Goals=Mission: The Mission of FUMC is to make new disciples of Jesus Christ. Reaching the goals listed above will, through more efficient support of missionaries and of the mission work of the members of the church encourage, empower and enable others to fulfill that mission.
Purpose: The Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee has the responsibility for facilitating the relationship between pastors and staff, congregation, and the district superintendent so that the mission of the Church moves forward. Goal: What do you want to accomplish in 2016? Create a culture where healthy, effective staff and pastors are actively engaged with a unified congregation to make new disciples of Jesus Christ Steps/Action Items: What steps/action items are you going to take to accomplish your goals? The steps/action items should be specific and include time frames. Monitor the health of the pastor and the congregation Ensure that each staff member has a job description and knows what is expected of him/her (by the end of calendar year) Conduct annual performance evaluations on each staff member with senior pastor (by the end of the calendar year) Complete Pastor Consultation form annually (December 2016) In consultation with senior pastor, evaluate need for additional staff or restructuring of current staff (October 2016) Prepare and submit budget for pastor and staff salaries (November 2016) Confer with the staff on the effectiveness of ministry and impediments to effectiveness Confer with the staff about effective use of their gifts, skills, time, and priorities Update written personnel policies and sexual misconduct policies for the congregation when needed. Consult on matters of staff support including housing, vacation, insurance, pension, and other matters outlined in the Discipline. Maintain healthy working relationships with other church committees Maintain healthy working relationship with District Superintendent (current and new)
Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Goals continued
Measurable Outcomes: How do know you are making progress and achieving your goal? Job descriptions are completed Performance reviews are completed Pastor consultation form is completed Budget and staffing recommendations are completed Staff members are effectively using their gifts, skills and talents Staff and congregation are unified in their expectations Goal=Mission: How do your committee/program goals support the church’s mission? The SPRC assures that healthy and effective staff are aligned with a unified congregation to make new disciples for Jesus Christ.
2016 GOALS UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Leta Ann Metzger President Why UMW exists: “In every local church there shall be an organized unit of United Methodist Women.” From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2012, #256.5 UMW is the only group specifically mentioned in this way. It exists to expand the mission work of the congregation and denomination. Locally, it also helps meet the needs and interests of members who wish to lead more fulfilling spiritual lives by learning more about The Gospel; by sharing it with others in need; and even by perpetuating the legacy of the dedicated women who came before us. We know the group existed locally at least as far back as the mid-1940s and understand that it was not new even then. The Vision of UMW includes turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world. Internationally, its PURPOSE statement is: ”The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” Our local “unit” may be made up of five “circles” which meet monthly, as well as associate members and members-at-large who are supportive but unable to participate monthly. Members also attend area-wide, District, and Conference events that cover both spiritual and organizational topics, as well as hands-on work. All programs are meant to prepare members for faithful living and action. Each year all UMWs study special topics focusing on an area of spiritual growth, The Bible and Human Sexuality for 2016; the needs of persons in a geographical area, Latin America this year; and a current issue of concern to the church, Climate Justice in 2016. In 2015, our UMW unit distributed well over $10,000 to local, area, and international mission causes. Area and global needs are supported by our contributions to the district and conference levels. Locally we gave to our own CDC, the Mission Committee represented on this Council, the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, the Food Pantry, the Golden Hub/Meals on Wheels, HCMH Hospice, Gillespie County Child Services Board, Hill Country Community Needs Council, and The Good Samaritan Center. We also shared the love of the congregation (it took many people) with over 500 health care facility residents with Valentine cookies and with approximately 65 at a birthday party for residents. We expect to continue to serve these children of God during this year. In addition we made contributions to the works of missionaries in seven international locations. All these funds are in addition to those given by the local church and individual members. Our funds come largely from the Annual Bazaar and the Plant, Bake, and Jewelry (PBJ!) sale. The Bazaar is scheduled for October 14-16. We’ll appreciate your donations and participation with both energy and dollars. We thank you; the recipients of the funds, especially, thank you!
2016 UMW Measurable Goals: To welcome at least one new member into each circle. To carry through on our planned programs and activities as outlined in our Yearbook. To distribute mission funds as outlined in our budget, or exceed those numbers.
2016 GOALS WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM Kay Telle Chairperson
Goals: this “group� exists to help plan and support the worship life of the church
Actions: Be open to working on or helping to coordinate church- wide events which have been approved by the Pastors and/or Church Council
Measurable Outcomes: a. When church members gather both for worship and fun, especially when food is involved, we grow in fellowship and Christian love for each other and others as well b. When these events occur outside our building (as at Marktplatz and even our parking lot) they can provide additional opportunities for making new disciples for Christ Plans or Goals: a. It would be helpful to have a permanent committee instead of just myself to carry out these worship events b. Other events to consider for 2016 might be: 1. Summer Service and picnic at Lady Bird Park 2. Assist Joel and youth with their Trunk or Treat event in the fall c. Possibly have more coordination with other worship committees such as music, ushers, decorations d. At this time, there is no budget for this group, so possibly that needs to be looked at