Sunday Scoop for the Week of July 23rd

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The Sunday Scoop Welcome to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church!

July 23rd 2017


Sunday Scoop is your one-stop-shop for learning

about mission and ministry here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church! We want to keep you connected to upcoming events, ongoing activities and ministry opportunities in our home. We want you to know that whoever you are, you are welcome here, and we invite you to make

this place your home!

Sunday Schedule 7/23 9 a.m.—Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary 10 a.m.—Sunday School for Adults, Youth & Children 11:10 a.m.—Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary 9:30-11:30 a.m.—Agape Hour (coffee & snacks in the Fellowship Hall)

Retirement Celebration for Pastor Sid Many of you know Pastor Sid is taking his second retirement officially beginning August 15th. Help us celebrate his ministry with a fellowship meal following our 11:10 worship service on August 6th! We’ll provide ice cream, and will be passing around sign up sheets in worship today and next Sunday for sandwiches, chips, relish trays, cookies, and brownies. (Remember no pineapple!). There will also be a collection box for notes and cards in the Fellowship Hall on August 6th, so we encourage you to write your words of thanks to Pastor Sid!

What’s Ahead YOUTH CHOIR CONCERT Thursday, July 27th at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary The Revelation Middle School Youth Choir from Custer Road United Methodist Church in Plano, Texas will be our guests THIS Thursday and will present a concert for the Fredericksburg community in our sanctuary! There are around 70 youth from 6th-12th grade in the choir, and they tour regularly throughout the year. There is no cost for the event, so invite your friends and come check it out!

NEW TUTORING PROGRAM Tuesdays from 3:30-6 p.m. beginning September 12th Contact: Ginger Barr (254-223-3417) or Lisa Davis (830-456-1953) This Fall, we are beginning a new program to help serve 3rd-5th graders in our community. Each Tuesday, we will offer tutoring for kids recommended by the school, and we need volunteers to serve as tutors, snack helpers, and bus drivers. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up for a month, or commit for a school year. Please prayerfully consider getting involved with this new ministry. Contact Lisa or Ginger with questions or for more information!

MINISTRY DOESN’T TAKE A VACATION All Summer Long Contact: Tricia Small ( or 997-7679) Summer is a time to slow down, take a break from regular routines and regiments, travel, enjoy rest and have fun!! This is an important part of the rhythm of life as God designed it, but as Christians, we know that God is with us all the time. We are continually learning and growing as a body of Christ. Fredericksburg UMC wants to keep you connected to your faith this summer! Every few weeks, we’ll send you a postcard with some ways you can stay connected with us and with God whether you’re away from home traveling or staying in town. Going to be gone for an extended period of time? No problem! Everything is also available on our website, If you have suggestions for ways to stay connected, recommendations for books or devotional guides, ideas for bible studies, or if you would like to help us label and put postage on postcards, contact Tricia!

Noteworthy News.. -Our Missions Committee is helping a local high school representative for Joni and Friends’ Wheels for the World, a Christian wheelchair collection organization, collect wheelchairs, foldable metal walkers, metal canes and metal crutches (in any condition). Donations are restored, if necessary, and then distributed to people with disabilities around the world. If you have any of the above items, drop them off in the church office! -Our office manager, Linda Klein, is compiling a list of volunteers who are willing to answer the phone during staff meetings (Mondays at 2 p.m.) and when she occasionally is out of the office. If you are interested in helping in this way, please call the church office at 997-7679, or send an email to Let her know if you prefer mornings (8-12) or afternoons (1-5) and which day (Monday-Thursday) works best for you! We thank you in advance for your willingness to help our office. -We are already thinking ahead to our Fall/Winter programming guide. If you are a ministry leader, if you’re looking to start a new bible study or outreach event, or if you just want to verify we have all the details for your ministry correct, send an email to by August 1st! -We are hosting an ice cream social for our elementary school teachers on Thursday, August 24th at 3 p.m. to show our support for the work they do in our community! There will be a sign up sheet for ice cream and sundae toppings in the foyer soon, so be on the lookout for that. Thank you for your past help and we look forward to continuing serving and supporting our elementary school staff throughout the year! -Our church-supported workers overseas, Adam and Suzie Hailes (son-in-law and daughter to Charlie and Zala Koym) will be here on Sunday, August 13th to share more about their mission work in Madagascar! They will speak in both services and will be available between services so you can get to know them better!

This Week at a Glance.. Tues., July 25th

-Wonder Workers at 8 a.m.

-Prayer Shawl at 9 a.m.

Wed., July 26th

-Choir Rehearsal at 6 p.m.

Thurs., July 27th

-Revelation Youth Choir Concert at 7 p.m.

Vacation Bible School Blessings A huge thank you to all of our Vacation Bible School Volunteers! Whether you were a group leader, an activity leader, a snack lady, a supplies donator, or prayer warrior, we can’t do ministry without you. Thank you! VBS Maker Fun Factory was July 10th-14th, and we served about 60 kids throughout the week. Each day, kids learned that they were created lovingly by God and designed for a purpose through lots of fun activities! The kids also raised well over their goal of $300 for Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child– a ministry that shares the love of Christ with children through Christmas gifts. Check out pictures from the event on our Facebook page at https:// Fredericksburg-UnitedMethodist-Church217593975003835/

Ongoing Ministries VISITATION DISCIPLES NEEDED Contact: Alice Hahn (998-7440, Thanks to the responsiveness of our members, the Congregational Care Visitation Group now numbers 22 disciples! We have just enough to minister to our existing list of homebound members. We are asking your help to allow us to expand our homebound ministry. Disciples in this ministry visit homebound members once or twice a month, send cards and/or make phone calls to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events, and find other creative ways of demonstrating their caring and support. Some of these disciples also deliver communion once a month to the homes of the members who request it. If you feel a calling to help in this ministry, please contact Alice G. Hahn!

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Sundays at 10 a.m. We have six adult Sunday school classes available each Sunday morning. Choose Life meets in Room 6-8, Encouragers meets in Room 7-9, Inquirers meet in the Family Room. The Family meets in Room 11, Searchers meet in Room 10, and Thee Bible Class meets in Room 2. To learn more about each class, visit the Welcome Desk, or call the church office at 997-7679.

MUSIC MINISTRY Our vibrant music ministry is under the direction Don Doss, who leads the


Chancel Choir and Contemporary Praise Team. Choir

rehearses at 6 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the Sanctuary, and Praise Team rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Our Praise Team leads contemporary worship at 9 a.m. on Sundays (sound check at 8:15), and our Chancel Choir leads the traditional service at 11:10. To get involved with these groups, contact Don Doss at, or call the church office at 9977679. We also have a Wesleyan

Hand Bell Choir that will resume rehearsals at 6 p.m.

on Wednesdays in September. The bells are under the direction of Deborah Agnew. To join this joyful ministry, contact Deborah at 997-5339, or

Sunday School for Youth and Children

We have Sunday School classes in the Children’s Wing for kids in K-5, and for youth fr contact children’s director Lisa Davis at, or youth Director Joel Griff

TREE HOUSE KIDS’ CLUB Picks back up in September Contact: Lisa Davis (, 997-7679) Cost: None Our Wednesday afterschool Tree House Kids’ Club for children in K-5th grade finished out their Spring 2017 semester and will take a break for the summer. Thank you to all those who volunteered and helped us bring the love of God to so many children in our community! Tree House Kids’ Club will kick off their Fall semester in September. Contact Lisa for any additional information.

NEW DAY KMA Picks back up in September Contact: Don Doss ( or 997-7679) Cost: General music education free, contact Don for special instrument instruction tuition Our Kid’s Music Academy had a great year of musical education! Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers who helped us make New Day KMA a success. KMA will also take a break for the summer, and classes will pick back up again in the Fall. Contact Don with any questions.

BACK PORCH YOUTH MINISTRY The Back Porch has a special summer schedule Contact: Joel Griffin ( Cost: Varies by Event Middle school and high school youth are invited to join the Back Porch for special events throughout the summer. If you would like a summer schedule, visit http://, or contact Joel!

rom 6th-12th grade, as well as a nursery for kids 4 and under. For more information, fin at

If You are Checking us out on Issuu.. CLICK HERE for this week’s suggested daily prayer guide. (also

available in the bulletin and at

CLICK HERE for our full google calendar. (also

available at


Some Quick Details. . We are located at 1800 N. Llano Street, Fredericksburg, TX, 78624. Our regular Sunday Schedule is contemporary worship at 9 a.m., Sunday school for adults, children and youth at 10 a.m., and traditional worship at 11:10 a.m. Our regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch). You can reach the office at 997-7679.

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