Fred Fucks Everything

Page 36

我一直堅守著我的原則,不讓自己的底線後退,這般固執被眾人稱為不懂世故,不成 熟,得罪人多,會令你在社會沒法立足。 這一次的讓步,下一次的妥協,最後你的原則,價值觀,信念會到哪裡去了? 如果我退讓的話,我跟你們說的話還能有說服力嗎? 生命這回事也沒你想像中他媽的長,成熟只是膽小弱者給自己留一條後路的安慰詞, 我才不會讓膽怯令我的決定有所遺憾。 要是作為一個成熟的男人謙卑地活著,我寧可當個不成熟的男人英勇地死去,你們就 看著,老子一定會站穩這雙腳,盡全力跟這醜陋的世界對著幹。 I stand by my principles, and never go backward, people call me dumb, immature. They said that I can’t live in society if I do somethings like this. Yeah, I know, but if you make a concession at this time, and next time you let it happen again. Where’s your values and principles finally? If I make a concession, how can people believe what I’m saying now? Life is not fucking long, mature is a way of escape of people who are weak and I won’t do this. I would rather to be the immature man to died for bravely instead of the mature man living the rest of life. Fuck you, look at me, I will fought the world alone as long as I can stand.

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Fred Fucks Everything by manfai265 - Issuu