American Revolution /blog/sample-history-research-paper-on-american-revolution/ 08/11/2016
Sample History Research Paper Summary on American Revolution The American Revolution is recognized historically as the first and most inspiring revolution in the world. Through the revolution, Americans rejected British rule leading to the formation of the great republic of the United States. This subsequently became a model nation in the world. The origin of the revolution is traceable to 1973. During this period, Britain had attained victory in the Indian and French wars and came back with a huge colony and large debts.[1] To offset the debts, the colonies were subjected to policies such as the Sugar Act which impacted their economies negatively. The colonies protested against the British rules with the argument that tax payment could not be done. To counter the protests, the British government sent soldiers to the colonies. Following the resistance, various actions by the British led to the escalation of the revolution events. Some of the events included the Boston Tea party. Eventually, the colonies collected 12 delegates from various colonies to represent them in parliament. The revolution went through various phases. It began in 1775 following the positioning of British soldiers in America. The soldiers were countered by American Militia leading to war. The wars escalated leading to the capture of the Fort of Ticonderoga on May 10 th 1775; and the battle of Bunkerhill on June 17 th 1775. The battle of Bunkerhill ended because most of the American militia members had depleted their ammunition. However, the American had confirmed their ability to counter British forces. On July 3rd 1775, the American Congress had sent a peace petition to the British government which was met with prohibitory Act against international business relations with America.
Because of this, the revolutionary war continued, the Americans attacked Quebec City realizing catastrophic results. Following this war, the American elites requested for equal rights for the American people as were enjoyed by the British but were denied. Subsequently, the British lost their rights to colony as they had failed to offer protection to the colony members. Under General Washington, the American militia managed to deceive the British by carrying the artillery seized from the Ticonderoga attack into Cambridge and instilling fear in the British. They thus captured Boston even though they had guns but had no gun powder. This was on March 17th 1776. The Declaration of independence came after various efforts were thwarted by the British forces. The American congress used enlightenment ideas to obtain justification for the need for independence. Fueled by an article by Thomas Paine on the negative aspects of Monarchies, the American congress continued to press for independence. Eventually, the states were instructed to form governments, an action that the British opposed. This led to constant wrangles as the British continued to send their forces to war against the Americans but was defeated each time. Eventually, the Declaration of Independence was approved by congress on 2 nd July 1776 and adopted officially after two days.[2] However, the British reacted by waging war against the American militia. This led to the defeat of the Americans several times in the course of two months. The Americans continued to fight for their right to independence, leading to victory after the publication of another article titled ‘The Crisis’ by Thomas Paine. The British acquired the assistance of German soldiers and decided to attack Americans on two fronts leading to the Saratoga war and division among the Indian tribes living in America.[3] Defeat at Saratoga and subsequent enlistment of French assistance drove the British to begin withdrawing their forces form America. Although the war led to the Achievement of independence by America, it could have been prevented. The British could have formulated better policies or allowed Americans to choose political representatives. Bibliography David Burg, The American Revolution (New York: Facts on File, 2007), 5. John Patrick, Founding the republic: A documentary history (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1995), 24. Edward Dolan, The American Indian wars (Brookfield, Conn: Millbrook Press, 2003), 21.
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