Critical Success Factors In E-Commerce /blog/sample-technology-issue-paper-on-critical-success-factors-in-ecommerce/ 08/20/2016
Sample Technology Issue Paper Summary on Critical Success Factors in E-commerce The use of online platforms to purchase, sell and transfer commodities is described as E-Commerce. The increase in the use of technology and globalization has continued to enhance the rate at which businesses opt to use E-commerce. The aspect increases profitability of businesses and enhances economic growth for countries. In particular business contexts, using E-Commerce successfully depends on various factors. The key aspect associated with success in E-Commerce is reliability. With regards to this, the business operating based on E-Commerce should be able to maintain the operations of the website of choice. Moreover, the ability to interact with customers reliably through product deliveries, billing accuracy and information accuracy based on the website are all indicative of reliability in the use of E-Commerce (Sung, 2006). Another factor that improves the success capacity for E-commerce is responsiveness. This is achieved through the ability to answer customer queries and to address customer complaints via the online platforms (Al-Fadhli, 2011). Other factors that make E-Commerce successful include user-friendliness of the media used and the availability of customer self service options. User friendliness regards the ease or simplicity with which the customers can access various features on the website. For instance, the ease with which a customer can interact with the business owners or with customer service personnel, the ease of placing orders or billing are all part of user friendliness. Customers prefer websites that are user friendly to those that are not. On the other hand, self service is necessary for the E-Commerce platforms to enable the customers to carry out certain undemanding
tasks on their own without re lying on the business personnel. This can come in handy especially when during off peak hours. Availability of answers to common queries could be one of the ways through which self service is achieved (Sebora et al., 2009). Secure platforms also enhance the electronic shopping experience. Customers need to be assured of the security of their confidential information once they carry out purchases via a particular website. Eradication of fraud through security measures such as identity authentication and authorization can all contribute to enhanced security. Moreover, through the use of encryption, antivirus software and firewalls can help to enhance the security levels in the provision of E-Commerce services. In addition to this, an understanding of the online environment is also necessary for the clients to achieve a positive shopping experience. The online environment is characterized by the availability of features such as online chat and instant messaging. Consequently, the customers expect to get such an environment once participating in E-Commerce. The ability to provide such an environment increases the success factors. The right technologies are also part of the crucial success factors for E-Commerce. Understanding the concepts of TCP, ARPANET and Turnkey solution is mandatory for the success of online businesses (Usman & Shah, 2013). Failure to comprehend this can result in catastrophic results for the business. It is therefore necessary for any impending online business to hire the services of individuals who understand these concepts prior to engaging in the business. Finally, the choice of product to be sold online and the pricing strategy also has to be right in order for E-Commerce to be successful. The clients should be given an opportunity to make a choice between product alternatives since the most appropriate choice and price frameworks increases the chances of business success. Through the availability of alternatives and adequate pricing, companies such as eBay have continued to be successful in E-Commerce. It is therefore necessary for companies considering getting into E-Commerce to effectively make use of all these factors in order to achieve greater success levels.
References Al-Fadhli, S. (2011). Critical Success Factors are influencing E-Commerce in Kuwait. Journal of Internet Banking & Commerce, 16(1), 1-7. Sebora, T. C., Lee, S. M., & Sukasame, N. (2009). Critical success factors for e-commerce entrepreneurship: an empirical study of Thailand. Small Business Economics, 32(3), 303-316. Sung, T. K. (2006). E-commerce critical success factors: East vs. West . Technological Forecasting & Social Change: An International Journal, 73(9), 1161-1177. Usman, A. K., & Shah, M. H. (2013). Critical Success Factors for Preventing e-Banking Fraud. Journal of Internet Banking & Commerce, 18(2), 1-15.
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