Mindful and Mindless Techniques www.bestessayservices.com /blog/sample-nutritiondietary-research-proposal-on-mindful-and-mindlesstechniques/ 08/11/2016
Sample Nutrition/Dietary Research Proposal Summary on Mindful and Mindless Techniques Nutritional health risks such as obesity and being overweight are influenced by several factors. For instance, eating habits play a great role in determining the level of health associated with an individual. Various techniques are explored for maintaining positive health through improved eating habits. The research explores the application of mindful/ mindless techniques in controlling eating among pregnant women. The techniques involve raised self worth and greater self awareness which guide people to consume food based on expected benefits. Pregnancy results in many changes in the body of women. One of the changes that occur through the progress of pregnancy is the increase in body weight. Nutritional training during pregnancy can help to maintain positive weight gain through pregnancy. Mindful techniques can be used to stress positive nutrition during the pregnancy period and subsequently help the women to control their weights. The study is founded on the impacts of negative nutritional habits during pregnancy which calls for studies to be carried out on the subject of mindful techniques and their effectiveness. Programs that combine pharmacological and nutritional advances for the improvement of health and elimination of anxiety during pregnancy are assumed to be effective (Baer et al., 2005). However, the level of effectiveness is often undetermined calling for the need to enhance studies.
The concept advanced by Mindfulness involves the encouragement of mindless eating habits which are not driven by triggers. As such people have to eat from smaller plates, reducing the size of servings and keeping unhealthy foods out of view. The study aims at determining the impacts of both mindless and mindful interventions in improving nutritional behaviors. It will be guided by the question which seeks to determine whether mindful and mindless interventions can help in improving nutritional practices for pregnant women. Mindless nutritional behaviors focus on the past through identification of triggers. On the other hand, the mindful techniques focus on the future and present through identification of triggers, understanding the context, sensitivity, availability of options and making the decision on positive nutrition. Mindful nutritional behavior depends on the recognition of internal and external factors that incite negative nutritional habits. Mindless nutrition can create dependence on nutritional alternatives since it is based on historical information. The alternatives depended upon may however be unavailable to the conscious. Mindful nutritional techniques are recognized by various literatures as capable of addressing a range of nutritional dysfunctions in the genera l population. Mechanisms such as creativity, breaking negative patterns and wakefulness of internal experience are all used in mindful techniques for the development of positive nutrition characters (Beddoe et al., 2009). Based on the purported effectiveness of mindful techniques in the development of positive nutrition habits, it can be concluded that these techniques are also applicable during pregnancy. Mindfulness should thus be developed both as a habit and as a trait in pregnancy (Proulx, 2007). Mindlessness intensifies changes during pregnancy by making them seem endless. It is therefore commendable that mindfulness should be adopted during pregnancy. Evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness during pregnancy is shown through a research carried out in the U.S that indicated that women using mindfulness during pregnancy lost weight (Thomas et al., 2014). The research will be carried out through both primary and secondary information sourcing. Primary data collection will be done by interviewing of pregnant women sampled randomly. The secondary information on the other hand will be collected from various online sources relevant to the study. During the interview process, various ethical considerations will be made. For instance, the protection of identities of the interviewees and confidentiality of personal information will be taken to be imperative during the process. The qualitative approach designed for this study is considered to be the best alternative in achieving the study objectives.
References Baer, R. A., Fischer, S., & Huss, D. B. (2005). Mindfulness and acceptance in the treatment of disordered eating. Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy , 23(4), 281-300. Beddoe, A. E., Paul, C. P., Kennedy, H. P., Weiss, S. J., & Lee, K. A. (2009). The Effects of Mindfulness�Based Yoga during Pregnancy on Maternal Psychological and Physical Distress. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 38(3), 310-319. Proulx, K. (2007). Experiences of women with bulimia nervosa in a mindfulness-based eating disorder treatment group. Eating Disorders, 16(1), 52-72. Thomas, M., Vieten, C., Adler, N., Ammondson, I., Coleman-Phox, K., Epel, E., & Laraia, B. (2014). Potential for a Stress Reduction Intervention to Promote Healthy Gestational Weight Gain: Focus Groups with Low-Income Pregnant Women. Women’s Health Issues, 24(3), 305-311.
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