Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Volume 48, No. 36 Remembering 9/11 To all victims, families, and first responders... We will never forget. 9/11

Page 2 • Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 3 NEW IN 202 2 Monks Craft Beer Pub • Royal Raptor Center The Wizard’s Cote • Sock and Buskin Stage Crosswords Tavern • The Queen’s Gambit A Wake and O’Wine • Bloody Mary Bingo Shakespeare Shorts • Dilly Dally Ride Vikings Valhalla Mead Hall 9 AM - 7 PM • RAIN OR SHINE OPEN WEEKENDS AUG 20 - OCT 2 + LABOR DAY, SEPT 5 & FESTIVAL FRIDAY, SEPT 30 Cat Litter, Medium Litter Pans, Purina Cat Chow Complete (blue bag) HUMANE SOCIETY SUPPLIES NEEDED Help our furry f�iends by donating any o� �he fo�lowing items: TO DONATE ITEMS CALL THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF FREEBORN COUNTY 507-377-8501 OR DROP OFF AT 101 JAMES AVE., ALBERT LEA, MN

Page 4 • Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 5 Get paid while you walk! Call 507-373-1310 Today! EXERCISE & EARN!!! Deliver the WEFREEBORNCOUNTYSHOPPER!AREHIRINGCARRIERS!

Tree Service Linder Tree Service Tree Trimming,
Furniture & Appliances
Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster.
Collectibles& PayingWANTED:$13
Handyman Services E.L.K. License24Calltexturing,siding,construction,HomeegressUpdateHANDYMANCONSTRUCTIONSERVICES:orreplacewindows,windows&doors.repair,remodeling&decks,garages,roofrepair,drywall&concrete.Ernieat438-4307.yearsexperience,bonded.#BC710064 Junk Removal Junk Removal

Condos GREAT OPPORTUNITY with Contact Jim 507-438-9974 Top $$ prices. Will pick up 7 days/week. 641-590-7068 Years Experience, Reasonable Rates. Call Orrin Mortensen at 507-214-8099 ANYTIME - Old appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste as well as any kind of Junk from Anywhere! Basements, attics, garages. Free CallBESTSeniorEstimates.Discounts.PRICESanytime:507-219-0727 Little Lawn and Driveway Service Austin, MN Specializing in little lawns and driveways. I push mow and snowblow for that clean look. Free estimates. Call or text, I only charge a little! Ask me about senior discounts. 612-619-0190 cutting,and Boomremoval!truckand insured. Call or Text Josh Linder 507-995-7081 your here call 205.280.5667 Call eds at 205.280.5667.
older.I am
Raise your hand if you want your business to make LESS money next year. We didn’t think you would. Do you need to successfully market on a tight budget? Freeborn County classifieds has customizable programs available to fit any budget. DON’T WAIT! Call TODAY 507-396-4617
Employment Job Opportunities


TO RENT IN ALBERT LEA (located in Southwest School Area) Private 2 bedroom condo, multi-level / upper unit in a 4 plex w/ attached garage. Stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, washer & dryer. Heat, water, garbage included, except electricity. Snow removal & lawn mowing provided. Rent $925.00 per month plus deposit. References required. HURRYAvailable October 1st. 507-383-5245 leave message.. Office & Commercial Rental Available Now, Former Bus 9600 sq. ft. block building, and available RV indoor storage space
for more info Transportation Want To TransportationBuy Buying Junk Vehicles! Paying cash.

JUNK IN HER TRUNK!! 2810 Campus Ln, Albert Lea Friday | Sept. 9 | 9am-6pm Saturday | Sept. 10 | 9am-1pm Huge mums, new and vintage, indoor and outdoor decor, BoHo, upscale fall & of and also looking to such as
Page 6 • Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER • Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • PAGE 5 FREEBORN COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS 110 West Pearl Street Albert Lea, MN 56007 (507) 369-2742 classifiFreebornCountyShopper.comeds@freeborncountyshopper.com Classifieds Marketplace
easy access.
Antiques for every $1 silver also want sterling silver, gold rings, dental bracelets, necklaces, currency, wheat Indian & all Callcollectibles.Ed:651-788-6532

FOR SALE: New, never slept in, $1,000 full size adjustable bed, can’t use due to health reasons. Make an 507-402-9566offer! Lawn & Garden Stump 507-438-9141AFreeCommercial.ResidentialGrindingOrEstimatesustin
Looking for a home? Look in our classi eds section and learn of great deals for you and your family.

Services Appliance Service ON THE APPLIANCESPOTSERVICE Will Repair most Household Appliances & Commercial Cooking Products. 30+

your coins 1964
In-home Personal Care Attendant needed mornings and evenings for disabled woman (507)402-6256

STIHL Products in Stock We’re your Stihl Dealer. POWERGordonsvilleTRADING507-448-3302POSTWASHERS in Stock GordonsvilleTRADING507-448-3302POST

Rentals Apartments
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Machinery & Tools
Lawn Care & Landscaping My

Raise your hand if you want your business to make LESS money next year. We didn’t think you would. Do you need to successfully market on a tight budget? Freeborn County classifieds has customizable programs available to fit any DON’Tbudget.WAIT!CallTODAY 507-396-4617
buy older coins
Auctions & Sales Garage Sales
Equal Housing Opportunity Spacious 1 bedroom 10 miles north of Albert Lea (in $395-$425/mo,Hartland).all utilities included except electric. Background checks required. No smoking! No 507-456-9514pets! Duplexes for Rent 2BR DOWNSTAIRS DUPLEX FOR RENT . $800/MTH INCLUDES UTILITIES AND GARBAGE. NEWLY REMODELED. REFERENCES ANDCALLBACKGROUNDNEEDED.507.440.4742
ALBERT LEA RENTALS Rent based on income! Studio apartments for 62+. All utilities included! Community room with activities, on-site staff, laundry & off street parking. 507-373-5391 www.lifestyleinc.net507-451-8524orTDD:507-451-0704
1972 Wards 7 HP snow thrower. New rims and tires, ball bearing idler pulleys, belts, friction disc, spark plug, and carb was rebuilt. Runs great and well maintained. $250 Raleigh MT 300 Mountain Bike. Black/Blue Aluminum 16.5” Frame. 26” Rims. 7-speed. Good condition. $125 Call 507-202-9964
everyday stuff you can’t live without! CASH ONLY BEST GARAGE SALE EVER!! 2806 Campus Ln, Albert Lea Friday | Sept. 9 | 9am-6pm Saturday | Sept. 10 | 9am-1pm HIGH END designer jewelry, boots, shoes, coats, purses, clothing 4-2x, & much more, at LOW END prices!! GARAGEMULTI-FAMILYSALE 1809 Hale Drive, Albert Lea Saturday, Sept. 10 8am-2pm Clothing, Notoys.householdcollectibles,&holidayitems,Somethingforeveryone.EarlySales.GARAGESALE!1124S.Highway69(justpastsouthwestschool).,ThurNoon-6,Fri9-6,Sat9-12. Garage Sales Garage Sale 202 1st Ave. S. Albert Lea, MN Sept. 9th & 10th 9am-5pm He & She Sale! Come Shop! Merchandise Antiques Collectibles& ANTIQUES WANTED! TOYS, RED WING CROCKS, ADVERTISING SIGNS BEER, FOOD, MACHINERY GAS, OIL, ECT. & ADVERTISING TINS, CARPENTER TOOLS, GUNS, WWI WWII VIETNAM MEDALS,PHOTOGRAPHS,HELMETS, KNIVES, SWORDS, CAST IRON FRY PANS, FLOOR GRATES, PUMPS, POCKET WATCHES, JEWELRY, 507-402-0880.COUNTRYSIDEMADECLOTHING,WOOD&OLDSILVER,REELS,CATALOGS,CHAUFFEURPOSTCARDS,POTTERY,PLATES,BARNWEATHERVANES,PADLOCKS,CUPALAS,PULLEYS,LICENSECLOCKS,BOTTLES,MAGAZINES,MARBLES,BADGES,BOOKS,ANYTHINGPAPER,DECOYS,RADIOS,STERLINGCOINS,TOKENS,PHOTOGRAPHS,WOODPAPERSHELLBOXES,BOXES,SCALES,LANTERNS,LAMPS,ANYTHINGBEFORE1960ANTIQUES NEED CASH I give free appraisals
Equal Housing Opportunity FREEBORNRENTALSCOUNTY Rent based on income! 1 bedroom smoke free apartments in Clarks Grove, Hayward & Hollandale. Month to month leases & deposit pay plans. www.lifestyleinc.net507-451-8524TDD:507-451-0704

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 • FREEBORN COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 7 LandProz Real Estate LLC / 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007 / 1-844-464-7769 Licensed in MN, IA, MO, SD, WI, IL, KS, OH, IN Broker Brian Haugen – MN, SD, IA, WI, IL, KS / Broker Greg Jensen – MN, IA / Broker Amy Willett – MO Broker Tim Young – OH / Broker Andrew Fansler – IN | LandProz Country Living Broker Amy Willett – MN, IA, MO ONLINE BIDDINGSEPT@ 22 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: HOLIDAY INN 1701 4TH STREET NW, AUSTIN, MN 55912 • 159 +/- Deeded acres • 146.32 +/- Tillable acres • CPI of 65.1 • Open to farm for 2023 crop year • 2.9 +/- CRP Acres [paying $536-expires 9/30/25] • Corn base: 65.2 / Yield: 147 • Bean base: 57.3 / Yield: 51 • Real Estate taxes $10,660 [estimated] FREEBORN COUNTY, MN LIVE LAND AUCTION 154 ACRES+/GREG JENSEN LANDPROZ BROKER / LIC.AUCTIONEERMINNESOTA & IOWA gregjensen@landproz.com507-383-1067 SEC 2 IN MOSCOW TWP See Website for Terms - AUCTION #2365 TOLLEFSON FARM SONNY JENSEN LANDPROZ AUCTIONEER LIC. MINNESOTA 24-01 sonnyjensen@landproz.com507-402-9445