3 minute read
Improving Quality of Life������������������������������������ 8


your needs to be met�
Deciding you wish to age in place means you are choosing: • how you want to spend your retirement years • how you want your home to be set up • what your health care choices will be • which types of assistance are right for you • what your wishes are for major life events (sickness, housing transitions, financial decisions)
Making these choices gives you control over your independence, quality of life and dignity� Most importantly to note, aging in place does not mean you have to do everything yourself; that’s where the plan comes in� It means you get to plan how your needs are met, who meets them and when�


Financial planning encompasses a host of strategies designed to help people enjoy the fruits of their labors� Financial planning is often associated with saving for retirement� However, smart credit management is an integral component of financial planning that can begin paying dividends long before adults are ready to retire�
Capital One notes that the benefits of a good credit score include lower credit card and mortgage interest rates, which can save individuals tens of thousands of dollars over the life of their home loans� In addition, the Federal Trade Commission reports that the better an individual’s credit history, the easier it is for that person to establish utility services, including electricity and internet service�
With so much to gain, individuals should do everything they can to be smart credit consumers� These strategies can help consumers use credit to their advantage as they look to gain from this vital component of financial planning� • Recognize the factors that affect your score�
A credit score is generated using a formula that takes various factors into consideration�
These factors include payment history, credit utilization rate, length of credit history, and credit inquiries, among others� Each variable is important, but paying balances in full and on time each month is a great way to build a strong financial reputation in the eyes of creditors� In addition, avoid overutilization of credit, especially if you can’t pay balances in full each month� • Check credit before looking for a job� One easily overlooked benefit of being a smart credit consumer is its impact on individuals’ ability to find a good job� The Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau urges individuals to check their credit reports before they begin looking for a job so they can correct any mistakes that may be on their reports�
That’s because some employers look at applicants’ credit reports as part of their background checks� Smart credit consumers rec-
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