2 minute read
Having a Childlike Faith ������������������������������������������

Did you ever play the game, “I spy with my little eye…” as a child? As an adult this game is still one of my favorites because it forces me to notice things that I would normally look over. I used to play this game with the kids I nannied and I was always surprised by what they noticed- something red, something square, something sparkly. No matter where we were or what we were doing they saw every little thing that was around us. I think that the older we get the harder it is to notice these types of little things because we are focused on the seemingly “big” things instead. We walk around stuck in our thoughts, stress, and anxiety, but in doing so we miss out on the small and beautiful parts of life that surround us.
In our Bible study we are currently reading the book “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff, and this week we were struck by this passage:
“Big faith doesn’t need big words…One of the things about kids, in addition to their simple faith, is they aren’t afraid of the things many of us are afraid of (17).”
Does that resonate with you as well? It seems as if the older we get, the more we believe that we have to know everything. We cling to our opinions and ideas of what church or God or faith is, and we are embarrassed by our doubts or insecurities. There’s a reason that in the book of Matthew Jesus tells his listeners to have a childlike faith (Matthew 18:2-4). Children are fearless in the best way possible. They are not afraid to ask, to wonder, or to dream. They show their feelings and recklessly try new things without doubting what they can do. No wonder Jesus tells us that we should be more like them!
After reading this passage our Bible study talked about ways that we could go out this week and have a childlike faith and the ideas ranged from learning to see things like children do, to being open to mystery and welcoming in our questions about who God is and how God is working in our lives. We noted how having a childlike faith doesn’t mean acting childish, it means being open to wonder and simplicity in our faith. It means being willing to let go of our fears and doubts as we move into who God is calling us to be.
So, as you go out this week I challenge you to have a childlike faith. I hope that you will be fearless in your love for those around you. I pray that you will be open to curiosity and awe. I can’t wait for you to discover and be excited about the endless possibilities of how God is working in your life.
I spy with my little eye, something…? Blessings of peace, Pr. Joy