Be More, Give More, Have More

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Be More, Give More, Have More /2016/06/06/be-more-give-more-have-more/

Getting what you want can be simple in theory:be more, give more, have more. But what does this actually mean? In this article I will explore that question. “How do I become rich?” “How do I get a pay rise?” “How do I become more successful?” “How do I improve my relationships?” “How do I find/keep/not lose a girlfriend or boyfriend?” “How do I get more from life?” “How can I have more time to travel” Perhaps some of these questions are familiar to you. I know they are familiar to me. I have asked myself these questions, or a version of them, often in the past few years. Personal development is one of my passions, and I can follow a guru with the best of them “To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are” – Jim Rohn We tend to focus only on the visible result much of the time. Therefore we tend to judge ourselves by what is materially present – eg money, promotion, strong relationship etc. We often desire the result, but are unwilling or unable to take the action necessary to produce those results. All of us want success of some sort, but many of us are unwilling to do what it takes to manifest that success. One piece of advice which is used by most personal development leaders is ‘Be. Do. Have.’ But what does this


mean for us in real terms? How can we apply this advice in our lives?

First, you ‘be’ What this means simply is that you have to cultivate the mindset of the person that has the type of success you want. You can define success how you want, but the fact is that rich people think differently to poor people. Those with great relationships think differently to those who have terrible relationships. If you want to have riches in the material sense, first you have to become a rich person internally. You do not first achieve wealth and then suddenly start thinking like a wealthy person. That would be putting the horse before the cart. You achieve wealth by thinking the way a wealthy person thinks. If you desire fantastic, rewarding relationships, you have to first think the way someone who is great in relationships thinks. You have to be prepared to sacrifice your needs for those of others, be selfless, listen well, etc. It is actually very simple. Lack leads to lack and abundance leads to abundance. If you think like a person who already has the results you want, eventually you will have those same results too. The reason this happens is that your thoughts lead to your learning, and then to your action. If you want wealth, you have to study wealth, learn about money, study rich people, finance etc. This cultivates a wealth mindset which you can then practical apply with action. Which bring me to the next step…………..

Second, you ‘do’ Although the second part of the equation is to ‘do’, I actually prefer to use the word ‘give’. The reason is that once you change your thoughts, you have to take action and ‘give’ more of yourself to those areas in which you want to achieve success. Giving more of yourself could mean simply rectifying your financial mistakes of the past. Usually though to create great abundance, the ‘give’ part usually means giving more of ourselves to the World; to other people. Let’s take money as an example. If you want to generate great wealth, you first have to become a person who is mentally capable of giving valuable service to as many people as possible. This is the ‘be’ part, and it does take a large mental shift from the way many of us are used to thinking. Then the giving part is being able to apply that newly cultivated mentality to the actual service itself. To have the energy and inclination to apply what we know in our minds for the benefit of others. The more we give of ourselves in the service of others, the better we can expect to do. Of course this applies in relationships too. You can cultivate a great mindset towards relationships, you can read all the books and know what to do theoretically. Yet if you don’t give of yourself and apply what you know then it’s for nothing. Its called TAKING ACTION! Give, and you shall receive. Which brings me to the 3rd part of the equation….

Third, you ‘have’ Finally this is where we begin to see the results of our learning, our mindset cultivation and our action taken. It makes perfect sense: if you become more, you are able to give more and therefore you receive more. This is the ‘having’ part. Riches (of any kind) can manifest themselves in ours lives, but first we have to earn them through a dedication to thinking differently and acting differently. Sometimes it can be as small as an attitude shift. A change in the way we view our role in life.


For example, moving from a ‘getting’ mentality to a ‘giving’ mentality may be one of the most important, but hardest, shifts we can make. We are all so used to consuming in the modern world, and often our first reaction when we want more of something, is to expect to get it. However to have significantly more of anything in life, we have to look at our own ability and willingness to give first. The more people we help, service, impact etc, the more money we can receive through fair exchange. The more selflessness and love we show in relationships, the more love and selflessness we can expect to receive in turn. Its’s very easy to miss these simple truths, and I missed them for a very long time. I would focus on the result and having more stuff, and I invested in myself and my learning – but I didn’t invest in others, and others are a requirement for any type of exchange.

Be more, give more, have more A rather long post but a fascinating subject. I have long tried to make sense of the Be, Do, Have principle in my own mind and it is an ongoing journey. What is your view on the subject? Is my view overly simplistic? Is it nonsense? I am open to opinions and comments if you have them! The deeper I delve into the various aspects of life, the more convinced I am of the efficacy of the Be, Give, Have principle. Funnily enough, living a life more focused on others also becomes rather rewarding for us, personally. Sounds like a good bargain. Andy



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