Online Entrepreneurs part 2: The Power of Having Online Business Mentors /2016/05/06/online-entrepreneurs-part-2-the-power-of-having-online-businessmentors/
Today I am going to be looking at why it is important to find online business mentors if you are serious about creating an online business. In my previous post about becoming an online entrepreneur (link), I talked about some of the options available to you if you want to start an online business. In the coming weeks I will go into a bit more detail about those various options. Today though, I am going examine a topic that is important for those ready to take the plunge into online business; the power of finding online business mentors.
What is a mentor anyway?? Different people will have different ideas about the role of a mentor. Some people use the word interchangeable with the word ‘coach’. To me, these are two separate roles. A mentor is someone who can show you a certain path because they have already walked that particular path before themselves. A coach, on the other hand, is someone whose job is to bring the best out of you. The difference is that a coach may or may not have experience in the domain you want to tackle, but they are experienced and wise enough to ask you the right questions of you and hold you accountable to your goals.
So why look for online business mentors?
The online world of business and marketing is completely different from the ‘physical’ business world that many of us have been accustomed to. If you are starting a business for the first time, you may have to learn a lot about marketing, sales, distribution, accounting etc. But if you start an online business, you add on top of these things a layer of technical knowledge which is also required. The online world is so vast and there are so many possible mediums to use, that if you try to master everything by yourself it is almost certain you will become frustrated and discouraged. I’ve been there myself; it felt as if I was completely blind and taking random actions whilst having no idea if they would work or not. In short, it was a huge struggle; it was a lot of work without even the knowledge of reward at the end.
Online business mentors are CRUCIAL for your online business development Online business mentors have been there before. They have already walked the path that you want to walk. Tony Robbins, the personal development guru, always talks about the power of modelling. Modelling is studying people who have done what you would like to do, and copying their thoughts and actions to achieve similar results. It is crucial that you find an online business mentor who can fill this role for you. Finding a good mentor will:
Increase your rate of progress by cutting out some of the learning curve Give you confidence that what you want is possible (it has been done before) Give you a set of behaviours and thought patterns which can serve you well over time Keep you accountable as you will have nowhere to hide if you don’t put in the effort Ensure you don’t waste time on the mass of stuff that doesn’t work These are just a few of the benefits of having a mentor (online or otherwise). Another benefit is just the knowledge that you are not alone in what you are attempting to do, and this is a very powerful feeling. I am very open about the fact that I have tried online business before and not been successful. I tried to do it all myself and, although I enjoyed it, my progress was painfully slow. My results have been infinitely better since I found my online business mentors and a programme that I could follow to gain all the necessary digital business skills. If you want to learn more about online business mentorship or some of the courses and opportunities that have made a huge difference to me – click the link below. You will receive a FREE 7 day video course explaining more about how you can get started online. Click here to receive the free 7 day video course about mentorship and online business. In my opinion if you are eager to get started with online business, or with making money online, then finding online business mentors is a crucial step. Having a proven business system to use and ‘earn while you learn’ is also priceless. Good luck and have fun!