978.542.7555, M–F 10 am – 4 pm sponsorship opportunities
978.542.7560 online
salemstate.edu/series The Series is a project of the Salem State College Foundation, Inc.
KENNEDY JR. Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010 Feature Sponsor
box office
Douglas Kiker Jeane Kirkpatrick Henry Kissinger Ed Koch C. Everett Koop Jay Leno Mary Matalin Kevin McCarthy David McCullough George Mitchell The Motley Fool Brian Mulroney Jamling Norgay Dr. Christiane Northrup Thomas “Tip” O’Neill Shimon Peres Colin Powell Robert Redford Christopher Reeve Ann Richards Cal Ripken Jr. Joan Rivers Bill Russell Mark Russell Helmut Schmidt Pat Schroeder Beverly Sills Howard K. Smith Lesley Stahl Gloria Steinem George Stephanopoulos Helen Thomas Bishop Desmond Tutu Jesse Ventura Mike Wallace George F. Will Jack Welch Suzy Welch Elie Wiesel Tom Wolfe Bob & Lee Woodruff Judy Woodruff
352 Lafayette Street Salem, Massachusetts 01970-5353
Maya Angelou Dave Barry Bill Belichick William Bennett Benazir Bhutto Ed Bradley Patrick Buchanan Art Buchwald Ken Burns Barbara Bush President George H. W. Bush The Capitol Steps President Jimmy Carter James Carville Mary Higgins Clark President William Clinton Dr. Robin Cook Walter Cronkite Mario Cuomo Sam Donaldson Abba Eban Geraldine Ferraro Mary Fisher Doug Flutie President Gerald Ford Thomas Friedman Robert Fulghum Rudy Giuliani Dr. Jane Goodall Doris Kearns Goodwin Linda Greenlaw Alexander Haig David Halberstam Alex Haley Mia Hamm Goldie Hawn Peter Hillary Molly Ivins Rev. Jesse Jackson Bianca Jagger Sebastian Junger Marvin Kalb
Presenting Sponsor
Life Lessons and Making a Better Tomorrow
An Evening with...
Author and Physician
Civil Rights Advocate Attorney and Cancer Survivor
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Few will forget the moving eulogy Ted Kennedy Jr. gave at his
Acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest leaders in
father’s funeral in August 2009. Spoken from the heart of a
the field of mind body medicine, Deepak Chopra, continues
grieving son, its passion—at once “moving, simple and personal”
to transform our understanding of the meaning of health.
in the words of Eloqui Communications—led to him being named
Through his creation of The Chopra Center for Well Being in
one of the best speakers of the year.
California in 1996, Chopra established a formal vehicle for the
It was a rare appearance on the national stage for one who long ago—and far from the media spotlight—found his true voice championing the civil rights of the disabled. Having lost a leg to bone cancer himself as a youngster, Ted Kennedy Jr. knows firsthand the struggles faced by those with physical challenges,
expansion of his healing approach using the integration of the best of western medicine with natural healing traditions, in both conventional and complementary healing arts. Chopra’s work is changing the way the world views physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness.
and has devoted much of his professional life and personal energy
Chopra is known as the prolific author of over 56 books,
as ally and advocate.
more than 100 audio, video and CD-ROM titles. Many know
Working with corporations, he has sought to expand job opportunities for the disabled. As a teaching fellow on disability policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of
2010 order form
him from his regular work with PBS, which includes The Happiness Prescription, Soul of Healing: Body, Mind, and Soul and Body, Mind and Soul: The Mystery and The Magic.
complete information required
Name ________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ________ Zip __________ Phone (_______) ___________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________ In order to conserve resources, future communications and notification will be by email.
SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES Premium Subscription..............................................._____ x $120 = $________ Assigned Premium seats and post-lecture receptions Reserved Subscription.............................................. _____ x $75 = $________ Assigned floor seats for both speakers General Admission..................................................... _____ x $40 = $________ Bleacher seats for both speakers INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Individual tickets on sale February 22 Salem State students can purchase tickets by calling 978.542.7555.
Ted Kennedy Jr. Tuesday April 27, 2010
Deepak Chopra Thursday September 23, 2010 Subtotal
Premium Floor Seating ___ x $65 = $______ ___ x $65 = $______ $________ Including post-lecture reception
Government, he educates those in a position to effect change in
Chopra’s popularity as an international presenter and keynote
Reserved Seating ___ x $40 = $______ ___ x $40 = $______ $________ Assigned floor seating
the future. As an attorney for the rights of persons with disabilities,
speaker is exemplified in an impressive list of honorariums.
General Admission
and as executive director of Facing the Challenge, a nonprofit
As the keynote speaker, he appeared at the inauguration of
advocacy and public policy office on disability-related matters, he
the State of the World Forum, hosted by Mikhail Gorbachev
puts a public face on an issue that affects millions of Americans.
and the Peace and Human Progress Foundation, founded
The boards of directors of the Special Olympics; Very Special Arts, an international education and arts organization for people with disabilities; and the American Association of Persons with Disabilities are but a few that have benefited from his membership and wise counsel. Additional passions are health care law, and the environmental factors that lead to disease and disability. Since 1992, Kennedy has worked on the research faculty of the Yale University School of Medicine, and as director of the New Haven Lead-Safe Home and Community Health Project, a comprehensive community-based initiative addressing pediatric lead poisoning, a leading cause of mental retardation. He currently serves as president of the Marwood Group, a health care-focused investment bank.
by the former president of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace
___ x $20 = $______ ___ x $20 = $______ $________
Bleacher seats
Student General ___ x $10 = $______ ___ x $10 = $______ $________ With valid college or high school ID Handling Fee (student tickets exempt)
prizewinner Oscar Arias. In 1995, he joined the distinguished
Additional donation to support the Salem State College Series Individuals who donate $25 or more will be listed in the program.
company of President Nelson Mandela, Congresswoman
Barbara Jordan, Tom Peters, and Garrison Keillor as a recipient
Check/Money Order enclosed, payable to SSC Foundation, Inc. Mail to: Salem State College Series Series Box Office 352 Lafayette Street Open M–F 10–4 Salem, MA 01970
of the Toastmasters International Top Five Outstanding Speakers award. Through The Chopra Center, Dr. Chopra is revolutionizing common wisdom about the crucial connection between body, mind, spirit, and healing. His mission of “bridging the technological miracles of the west with the wisdom of the
TOTAL $________
NEW! Purchase tickets online at salemstate.edu/series or charge by phone: 978.542.7555
public seminars and workshops and provide training for
Please review your order carefully. Once purchased, tickets will not be refunded nor exchanged. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating will be assigned based on the best seats available at the time your completed order is received. Please let us know if you have special needs we should consider.
health care professionals around the world.
east” remains his thrust as he and his colleagues conduct
DB________ RE ________-________-________ Batch__________ Order taken by _______
Programs begin at 8 pm in the Salem State O’Keefe Sports Center, 225 Canal Street, Salem, Massachusetts
Speaker 1 Seats _____________ Date Sent ________
Speaker 2 Seats ______________ Date Sent ________