从前,一个人有两个儿 子。 一天,小儿子对父亲 说∶ “父亲,把属于我 的那份产业分给我吧。”
There was once a farmer who had two sons. One day, the youngest son said to the father, “Father, I want my part of the family money now.”
父亲就把财产分给了两个 儿子。 不久以后,小儿子 带上他所有的东西,离家 到一个遥远的国家去了。
The Father gave his younger son the money. Shortly afterwards, the son packed all his things and went to a far country.
在那里,小儿子过着放 荡的生活,挥霍了他所 有的金钱。
There, the young son wasted all his money.
他花尽了所有的一切时,偏 偏又赶上那个国家闹饥荒, 此时,他一贫如洗。 于是他不得不去给那个国家 的一个公民当雇工。那人打 发他到地里去放猪。 他真恨不得用喂猪的豆荚来 充饥,可是,连豆荚也没人 给他。
Soon, there was a famine and the younger son had no food. He went looking for work and found a job helping a pig farmer feed the pigs. The son was so hungry that he would have been happy to eat the pig’s food.
这时,小儿子开始省悟过来,说: 我要动身回到我父亲身边,对他 说,父亲,今后,我再也不配做 你的儿子,请把我当作雇工看待 吧。’ 于是他动身回家。 他父亲远远地看见他,就动了慈 心,跑上前去抱着他连连亲吻。 Finally, the son decided, “I will go home to my father and tell him, ‘Father, I’m not good enough to be your son anymore. Make me one of your servants.’” And off he went. While the son was still a ways away from the house, the father saw him. The father ran out to meet him and hugged and kissed him.
父亲对他的仆人说∶ “你们 快去拿来最好的衣裳给他穿 上,把戒指给他戴上,拿鞋 给他穿上, 再把那头养得最 肥的小牛牵来宰了,让咱们 庆贺一番, 因为,我的儿子 死而复活、失而复得的!” 听罢,大家便开始欢呼庆祝 起来。 The father called the servants and said, “Give my son a new robe! Put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet! Let’s eat and celebrate! My son who was lost has been found!” So they all celebrated together.
不管什么事发生,在 上帝眼里,你都不会 失去自己的价值。对 他来说,你都是无价 的。
No matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God’s eyes. To Him, you will always be priceless.
Father – 父亲 Younger son – 小儿子 Left – 离家 Country – 国家 Wasted – 挥霍了
Money – 钱 Famine – 闹饥荒 Pigs – 猪 Servant – 雇工 Celebrate – 庆祝
双语儿童的故事 - www.freekidstories.org
Illustrations © Zondervan/Aurora Productions. Text from the Bible, Luke 15.