Historic Naval Colors From the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.

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The USS Constitution at Malta. Image courtesy of US Naval Academy Museum



istory of the USS Constitution

Bearing the name of the venerated text embodying the fundamental law and principles of the United States, it should not come as a surprise that the USS Constitution has survived nearly as long as the country has, her undefeated record reflecting the indomitable spirit of the United States of America.

One of six frigates authorized by act of Congress in 1794, she was launched on October 21, 1797, christened by Captain James Sever. Put to sea July 22, 1798 and captained by Samuel Nicholson, the Constitution proved a quick study, capturing the Niger, the Spender and the Sandwich during the Quasi War with France (1798-1800). The Constitution’s next tour would take her across the Atlantic in opposition of the Barbary pirates who had increased their illegal seizures and demands for tribute in 1803. Captain Preble brought the war to Tripoli in August of 1804, successfully blockading the port and capturing innumerable vessels. In the years that followed she maintained America’s truce with Algiers and Tripoli, eventually returning home in the fall of 1807. June 18, 1812 war was declared on Britain and she struck out to sea with Captain Hull at the helm. Over the course of the war she would defeat nine merchant vessels and five ships of war. Her two greatest victories came at the expense of the HMS Guerriere and the HMS Java. The afternoon of August 19, 1812 found the USS Constitution face-to-face with the British warship Guerriere off the coast of Nova Scotia. The Guerriere’s three raised ensigns signaled it was prepared to duel, Captain Hull responded in-kind, hoisting four ensigns in response. As the Guerriere’s cannonballs ricocheted off the Constitution’s hull, the nickname, ‘Old Ironsides’ was born. The ships tangled as the Constitution’s cannonballs brought down her enemy’s mast, leaving the Guerriere an unmanageable husk. She sank, in flames, on August 20th, just one of the eventual victims of America’s ‘Ship of State.’ Five months after her signature victory, the Constitution was stationed off the coast of Brazil, under the direction of the brazen Captain William Bainbridge. December 29, 1812 found the Constitution facing off with the smaller and faster HMS Java. The Java struck first, damaging her rigging and spars and even the captain himself. As Bainbridge received a second wound, this one in the thigh, he ordered the marines in the tiller room to steer the ship. This decision proved fruitful as the larger Constitution delivered a crippling broadside, dismasting the vessel and killing its captain. The victory would lead the British

Admiralty to decree that the Royal Navy would only engage American Warships while in a squadron. Interestingly enough, the Constitution’s final victory in the War of 1812 would occur three days after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed. Just off the Madeira Islands, the Constitution encountered two smaller British vessels, the HMS Cyane and the HMS Levant. An example of brilliant seamanship by Captain Charles Stewart, he split the two frigates, delivering a broadside to the Levant, forcing it off for repairs. This allowed the Constitution to square off with the Cyane alone, and easily defeated the smaller ship. With a squadron defeated, and most single-ship battles won by the United States Navy, the Royal Navy was forced to reengineer and re-outfit her ships. Though her major battles were now behind her, the Constitution continued to play an active role in safeguarding American interests at home and abroad. In the years leading up to the Civil War, she served as a flagship for the South Pacific Squadron and the Mediterranean squadron, as well as undertaking a 30 month circumnavigation of the globe. On June 14, 1855, the USS Constitution cruised into the Portsmouth Navy Yard, an outdated wooden frigate in the new era of steamships, its days seemingly numbered. The stripping of her sails and light gear, her decommissioned status, all appeared to have confirmed as much.Yet an undefeated ship that ran the blockade at Boston on seven occasions was not to be defeated by the sands of time. Recommissioned August 1, 1860 – the constitution would spend the next century and a half living up to its billing as America’s ‘Ship of State.’ Celebrating her centennial in her home harbor of Boston, ‘Old Ironsides’ would continue to inspire pride and patriotism in millions of Americans. Saved by funds raised by the public on more than one occasion, the Constitution sailed under her own power in celebration of her bicentennial in 1997. ‘Old Ironsides’ will be lauded once again this year as the nation celebrates the bicentennial of the conflict in which she played such an inspiring role, the War of 1812.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.




The USS Constitution in Portsmouth Navy Yard, May 1858. Image courtesy of the Portsmouth Athenaeum

Captain Isaac Hull. Image courtesy of The Dietrich American Foundation

March 1, 1794

September 8, 1798

June 18, 1812

December 29, 1812

The USS Constitution is ordered to be built by the Naval Act of 1794.

She intercepts the Niger off the coast of Charleston.

War is declared with Great Britain, the War of 1812 has begun.

November 1, 1794

October 4, 1803

August 19, 1812

Her keel is laid down at Edmund Hartt’s shipyard in Boston, MA.

The Constitution arrives in Tangiers, arranging the return of American ships held by Sultan Slimane of Morocco.

The Constitution, under the command of Captain Isaac Hull, defeats the HMS Guerriere, leaving the British vessel an unmanageable hulk and burning it. The battle leads to the nickname ‘Old Ironsides.’

The HMS Java broadsides the USS Constitution, but Captain William Bainbridge gains the upper-hand and defeats the Java, burning it off the coast of São Salvador.

October 21, 1797 The USS Constitution is launched.

August 3, 1804

July 22, 1798

The Constitution begins a blockade of Tripoli harbor, destroying many Tripoline gunboats.

The ship is put to sea and ordered to patrol the Eastern Seaboard.


February 20, 1815 Even though the treaty of Ghent had been signed, a state of war still existed until it was ratified. Spotting the HMS Cyane and Levant, the Constitution gave chase and after separating the two, destroys the Cyane, and later overtook the Levant as well.

The USS Constitution and the HMS Guerriere. Image courtesy of The Dietrich American Foundation

May 13, 1821

September 2, 1841

August 1, 1860


‘Old Ironsides’ departs Charlestown Navy Yard for a three year tour of duty in the Mediterranean.

Raises her Brazilian Ensign in salute to Emperor Pedro II while docked in Rio de Janeiro harbor.

USS Constitution is recommissioned and moved to the Naval Academy.

February 22, 1837

May 29, 1844

September 21, 1897

Once again in grave condition, the nation rallies in support of ‘Old Ironsides’ including a penny donation drive by schoolchildren that raised $148,000.

In celebration of Washington’s Birthday, the Constitution, docked at Malta, raises all her ensigns, including the Broad Pennant, Brazilian and English Ensigns, captured in a painting by James G. Evans.

Refitted and recommissioned, the Constitution set sail on a scheduled three year circumnavigation of the globe.

The Constitution is laid up in Charlestown Navy Yard with an uncertain future.

May 12,1938

March 1, 1839 The USS Constitution begins her tour of duty as the flagship of the Pacific Squadron.

June 14, 1855 The USS Constitution is decommissioned in the Portsmouth Navy Yard, the 31-star, Constitution #1 ensign is brought down.

H. Richard Dietrich Jr. is born.

1906 In response to nationwide protest over the suggestion by then Secretary of Navy Charles Joseph Bonaparte that she be used as target practice and sunk, Congress partially restores the ship, spending $100,000.

1940 President Franklin D. Roosevelt places the USS Constitution in permanent commission.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


The USS Constitution. Image courtesy of The Dietrich American Foundation

Virgil D. Parris inquires about new bunting, 1860





Dietrich graduates from Wesleyan University in Connecticut.


Dietrich establishes The Dietrich American Foundation to collect, research and document historically important examples of American decorative and fine art.

Dietrich acquires the Parris family collection of naval colors from the USS Constitution.

Dietrich helps found the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s American Art Advisory Committee.

President John F. Kennedy establishes the non-profit organization, Operation Sail.

October, 1963

May 24, 1967


Dietrich purchases a 13-star flag at Charles Hamilton Auction #19 at the WaldorfAstoria.

Dietrich is elected to the Philadelphia Museum of Art Board of Trustees.


Dietrich is named chairman of the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s American Art Advisory Committee.

1962 Dietrich leaves Columbia Business School to take over operations of the Dietrich Corporation.

The Foundation makes its first acquisition, a dinner plate of the Order of the Cincinnati, previously owned by George & Martha Washington.

July, 1964 First Operation Sail gets under way in concert with New York’s World’s Fair.


Dietrich purchases a 1st edition Star Spangled Banner.


Freeman’s Chestnut Street window displaying the rare 13-star flag (lot 13).

July 4, 1976


December 2006

April 30, 2012

Operation Sail gets under way with Tall Ships sailing to many of our Country’s ports in celebration of the Nation’s Bicentennial.

Dietrich purchases a silver teapot crafted by Paul Revere, believed to be the teapot depicted in Copley’s portrait of Revere.

Dietrich named trustee emeritus at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.


July 21, 1997 The USS Constitution sails with Senator’s Ted Kennedy and John Kerry and Walter Cronkite from Marblehead, MA to Boston Harbor.

H. Richard Dietrich Jr. passes away at his home in Chester Springs, PA, surrounded by family after a heroic battle with cancer.

Historic USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr. The most extensive collection of colors known to exist, 11 of which hail from the nation’s oldest naval vessel, are auctioned at Freeman’s, America’s oldest auction house.

Dietrich family sells Luden’s to Hershey Foods Corporation.

1987 Dietrich purchases the “Cadwalader chair” for a record sum that stands to this day.

2002 Dietrich donates the Cadwalader chair to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

August 2007

March 16, 2012 The War of 1812 exhibition, “Home of the Brave: The War of 1812 in Art, Story & Song,” opens at the Independence Seaport Museum.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


“He had immense respect for the hardships endured, the risk and the adventure of our early mariners.”

H. Richard Dietrich Jr., 1938–2007



ride & Patriotism H. Richard Dietrich III H. Richard Dietrich, Jr. was a collector in every sense of the word, with a keen eye for special and unique things. During his lifetime, he created one of the largest private collections of early American art and artifacts, and established the Dietrich American Foundation in 1963 to assemble, research, document, and lend historically important examples of early American decorative and fine arts. Today, the Foundation has items on loan to nearly 30 different institutions as varied and wide-ranging as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the State Department’s Diplomatic Reception Rooms, and the U.S. Naval Academy Museum. The Foundation can be thought of as a “lending library of objects,” placed on loan to institutions that need them for special exhibitions or to fill gaps in their collections.

Dietrich loved the ocean—the lore of the sea and its ships—since childhood, and firmly believed America’s maritime history as being front and center to its success. It was not just the critical role of commerce and naval history in the forging of an American identity, but also the incredible stories and human elements to this history. He had immense respect for the hardships endured, the risk and the adventure of our early mariners. They embodied an optimism and patriotism that Dietrich carried with him his entire life. Consequentially, the Foundation’s collection has a heavy focus in this area, and includes objects from the early American maritime industries with an emphasis on whaling and maps. As a sailor, Dietrich spent a great deal of time on the water, as well as reading and studying maritime history and the sea—yearning for those days when work and other obligations didn’t get in the way. He took his family on regular trips to Mystic Seaport to see the artifacts and the workings of the preserved port. The tall ships were of a particular joy to him. In fact, a familiar refrain in the Dietrich household was “If you were on a ship…” This was invoked in response to complaints about cold weather or even slightly stale bread: “If you were on a ship this would have been a feast.” Mystic gave everyone a sense of exactly what that meant. There is little wonder of Dietrich’s delight when he was able to acquire in the early 1960s many of the original naval colors that flew on the mastheads of the USS Constitution (lots 1-12). The fact that the ship is still extant, with its aura of history and heroism, allows one to think of it in even more relevant terms. Although timely repairs were necessary on her over the decades, the most significant and compelling aspect of these flags is that every stitch, every stripe, and every star is exactly what was handled by the individuals who were among those to give the ship its place in history. Dietrich acquired them with the belief that he was their steward with an obligation to preserve history and to see that they were a benefit to scholars and a help in telling America’s story. Acquired in 1967 and donated by Dietrich to the Foundation, the 13-star flag (lot 13) is a significant piece of early American history. Its stars certainly bore witness to the dawn of the new country and it instills a sense of what was possible.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


Image courtesy of James A. Cochrane

Arkadia, home of H. Richard Dietrich Jr. Chester Springs, PA Breou’s 1883 map of Chester County. Image: Malvern Maps

Dietrich grew up in Villanova, Pennsylvania, and turned to collecting in his teens, carefully assembling favorite books, and eventually buying first editions of Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Melville. In his twenties, his collecting focus reflected a deep and abiding interest in American history, and over the years he amassed a large collection in this area. He developed a talent for finding things for which there was not a full appreciation at the time. While still in his twenties, and after the death of his father, he took the helm of the family business. The company, Dietrich Corporation, owned Luden’s, a cough drop and candy manufacturer, as well as other holdings. He served as president until the family sold Luden’s to Hershey in 1986. Although Dietrich loved business, his true calling was collecting, historical preservation and land conservation. With a knack for reconnecting items from the past, he felt that in the proper context, objects tell fascinating stories about their time; connecting a flag to a document and to a painting could brings history into the present, making it relatable. 12

A closely linked passion of Dietrich’s was the preservation of farmland and open space, especially in his beloved Chester County, outside Philadelphia. He helped provide early and ongoing support to start local land trusts and preservation efforts, and personally bought environmentally and historically significant tracts of land to keep them out of the path of development. His own home (above), built in 1721, was used as a Revolutionary War hospital during the battle of Valley Forge. The house, and surrounding land, became his inspiration to piece together and study the physical remnants of history.

Dietrich lived a richly varied life as a businessman, philanthropist, preservationist, and most significantly, collector. He served on numerous boards and associations, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the American Museum in Britain, the Rosenbach Museum and Library, the U.S. Department of State Fine Arts Committee, the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as Wesleyan University. It was a life filled with an unabiding love of history, art, the land, of things maritime, of travel, and of time with family and friends. He saw the USS Constitution as a defining symbol of America’s ascension on the world stage, and born of a time when the United States was trying to grow and prosper, with the sea as key to the new nation’s wealth. These colors, with every inch of fabric original and faithful to this belief, have acquired another chapter in their long history—that of being preserved and loved for a while and in the hands of a true American patriot.

Flags fly on the USS Constitution. Image courtesy of The Dietrich American Foundation

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.



Lot 7


quadron Flags of the 19th Century U.S. Navy Dr. Harold D. Langley, Curator Emeritus of Naval History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

To pay the bills of the newly established government of the United States under President George Washington, it was necessary to have income from foreign commerce. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was aware of that reality as were some members of Congress. Therefore, Congress passed legislation establishing a system of tariffs and custom houses to collect that income. The Revenue Cutter Service, later renamed the Coast Guard, was established to patrol the nation’s coastline to prevent smuggling and to enforce the laws of Congress.

This was also the time when Great Britain was involved in a long war with France, and the United States as a neutral nation experienced losses when ships, cargoes and sailors were captured while attempting to trade with various countries. In addition, vessels from the Barbary States in North Africa seized American ships and held their crews for ransom. Eventually in 1798 the Congress established the United States Navy to protect American commerce. This was done amid an undeclared naval war with France. When that conflict ended the U.S. Navy commenced operations against some of the Barbary states. These actions ended attacks on American shipping and led to negotiations that freed sailors in captivity. To ensure that American commerce would be protected in the future, the U.S. Navy established the Mediterranean Squadron. Its mission was to cruise those waters and make periodic stops at various ports and to resolve any issues relating to American interests in the area. The Navy Department also issued orders, rules and regulations regarding the duties of the officer in charge of the Mediterranean Squadron. That officer, who was a captain, was designated by the honorary rank of commodore. The warship in which he was stationed was indicated by a blue swallow tailed flag known as a burgee which was flown from the top of the main mast. In the navy this flag was known as a broad pendant or pennant. Similar flags, one of red and the other of white, were authorized for those commodores who were second and third in seniority to the one entitled to display the blue broad pendant. While the Navy Department prescribed a plain blue broad pendant, there is evidence that many commodores added white stars to them according to the number of states then in the federal union. There is also evidence that in at least one instance a miniature United States flag adorned a pennant. Some blue broad pendants were also in pennant form.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


As the United States commerce and influence abroad grew in the first half of the 19th Century, the number of U.S. Navy squadrons increased. By 1842 the Mediterranean, Brazil, Pacific, East India, Home and Africa Squadrons were in operation. The Home Squadron sailed along the nation’s Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. The Africa Squadron cruised off the western coast of that continent. Its mission was to intercept slave ships that flew the U.S. flag. With the growth of squadrons there was, of course, an increase in the use of squadron burgees. It was also in 1842 that the Secretary of the Navy began to rotate the squadrons to improve the health and morale of those serving in them. The arrival of two squadrons at the same port or navy yard sometimes raised questions of seniority and protocol among the respective commodores. The Secretary of the Navy had to issue orders to resolve such situations. The increased use of squadrons also led to an attempt by the Navy Department to standardize the design of the burgees. While some commodores flew plain blue burgees on their flagships, others continued to decorate theirs with stars. According to some accounts this state of affairs prevailed through the Civil War years. After that there were new designs for a different navy and changes in the number and use of squadrons.


reasures of the Sea Colonel J. Craig Nannos, AUS (Ret.). Consulting Specialist, Freeman’s When one thinks of sailing ships and treasure, the mind may wander to a vision of a ship under sail and a treasure chest on a distant island. In this case, however, the conservationism of a prominent 19th century New England family and the passion of a noted 20th century American philanthropist has protected and preserved twelve treasures of American History that we at Freeman’s are now proud to present to all of America. From research to date, we believe this to be the oldest and truly largest extant grouping of late 18th and early 19th century colors from a United States naval frigate. Based on the earliest examples to the last date of use within the collection, the national ensigns would have flown during an approximate 40 year span of service on the ship. The earliest ensign was authorized to be flown in December of 1816 and the last pattern was one used officially by naval vessels until May 1858. In reviewing the ship’s service and the bracket of years the flags would have seen use, it is determined from a review of all the documents that this group was removed from the ship’s flag locker when the ship was out of commission, floating in the Portsmouth Navy Yard between June of 1855


and August of 1860. That this significant portion of the ship’s flag locker was retained as a group is truly remarkable and until this material was brought to the public eye, an unknown occurrence. The unique aspects of so many important ensigns from the historic and military past of this ship make this a priceless collection. It could never be replaced or duplicated and thus plays a critical role in retaining the early material culture of a ship known for its involvement in many pivotal moments in the nation’s as well as world history. The entire collection, when including the commissioning pennants, spans over half a century of naval history.

The grouping consists of four very significant and extremely early and rare US ensigns. The earliest being the ship’s 19-star ensign with official usage from December 1816 to December 1817. The next example is also a very rare 28-star ensign with modification, at sea, by the addition of two stars to continue her usage and life span as an updated ensign.

As the new nation began to trade with the world community, it soon became apparent that there was a need to protect the nation’s commerce and the ships and men who were at the center of this industry. The new nation’s government then authorized and established the United States Navy. There were three ships constructed and commissioned, in the last decade of the 18th century. These were the United States, Constellation, and Constitution. Our nation’s oldest and still in-service frigate is the USS Constitution, the only remaining member of this original family. Her history and the valor of her crew on the high seas is known by all who cherish our country’s military history. Designed by Joshua Humphrey of Philadelphia, she was launched in 1797. Noted in the naval community he was selected to design the ships and in the process he developed plans for a greater speed and a stronger hull than other frigate size ships of the period. ‘Old Ironsides,’ fulfilled and substantiated the validity of the design.

The tight budget of the United States Navy in the late 18th and through the 19th century led all useful material to be reused until it could no longer be allocated for any purpose, a valid reason why very few early colors still exist. The wear, repair and condition of the examples in the collection substantiate the Navy’s frugal economic action.

She became the pride of the nation with heroic exploits from her earliest days in active service, gaining worldwide recognition. This recognition and national pride played an important role in having the country, actually its people, persuade the Navy to retain her after she became obsolete for service as a combat vessel. Virgil Delphini Parris, born of a prominent Maine family, was appointed “Keeper of Stores” at the Portsmouth Navy Yard in May of 1858. This important position made him responsible for the resources at this government facility at a time when budgets were tight. Coming into Portsmouth the Constitution was decommissioned from active duty June 14th, 1855, and left facing an uncertain future. During this a period of transition Virgil Parris was informed that her “light gear” – sails, rigging, spars, hull timbers, and various instruments as well as all flags – including small boat and signal were to be removed and condemned as “unfit for service” and ordered sold at public auction.Virgil Parris obtained the colors and his family retained them into the mid 20th century. This concern and desire to care for them was passed on by the last member of the family, when in his 70’s, he consigned them to a Maine antique dealer with the purpose of finding a new caretaker. Included with the collection are family correspondence and some original documents from the initial appointment of Virgil Parris, to correspondence between the antique dealer and H. Richard Dietrich Jr.

We also have her last main prior to decommissioning, the number #1 ensign, a 31-star ensign. The captain’s log from June 14, 1855 states, “Hauled down the colours and the ship was put out of commission.”

Ship’s colors or sails were constantly being repaired for continued use. All of the colors in this rare and unique collection show repairs to continue service. In examining the colors we find numerous repairs using bunting from other colors that were taken apart. Stripes were removed and used to continue the service of another ensign, we find the unique 28-star ensign having two stars added, and we note the heavy canvas hoist material removed from earlier ensigns, once obsolete, for other purposes on shipboard. The ship’s last ensign remained intact as it was lowered and its service ended when the ship was dry docked. Also found in the collection, is the oldest known example of a US Commodore’s Broad Pennant, an example used from 1837 to 1845 based on 26 stars placed on the dark blue swallow tailed color. The hard service at sea, reuse of the fabric and economic nature of the Navy explain why no other such grouping is known to exist. The earliest naval ensign from Dietrich’s collection, but not from the USS Constitution, is a superb and also extremely important 4-5-4 patterned canton with 8 stripes example of a 13-star American naval flag. Based on its construction and fabric this could date from the very late 18th century or the early 19th century. From 1777 to 1818 both the number of stars and stripes were mutable and a great variety is found in period paintings. The star pattern is an early pattern while 8 stripes are most unusual. The color was obtained at auction in New York City and by itself is really a wonderful example and a very important piece of Americana.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


Lot 6

lots 1–13



uss constitution colors: lots 1–12 Lynda A. Cain, Vice President, Freeman’s In June of 1855, the USS Constitution sailed to the Portsmouth Navy Yard at Kittery, Maine and was decommissioned. In a dilapidated state, the ship was declared unseaworthy and most of its contents condemned as unfit for service. Little was done to the USS Constitution until orders were received to recondition the vessel to a training ship for the Naval Academy. At that time all masts, sails, fittings, small boats and lighter gear were removed (and the USS Constitution was gutted). Among the articles removed from the ship were a small group of naval flags. These flags and other condemned items were ordered to be sold at public auction at the Portsmouth yard (the planking was sent to auction at the New York Navy Yard). The date for this auction is not recorded but it is interesting to note that the Portsmouth Shipyard and Dock Misc. fair copy book, in the National Archives, Boston Branch, records that on 27, May 1858, an order of bunting for new flags for the Constitution was sent to Boston.

The USS Constitution. Image courtesy of The Dietrich American Foundation


The flag locker from the USS Constitution was purchased at auction at the Portsmouth Navy Yard by Virgil Delphini Parris (1807-1874) of Oxford, Maine. A lawyer, former state senator of Maine, United States Marshall for the state of Maine, Parris was appointed The Naval Store Keeper for the Portsmouth Navy Yard, Kittery, Maine in May of 1858. According to an article published in Old Time New England,Vol.LXIII, No. 3 January – March 1973, by one of Virgil’s sons, Percival J. Parris (1849-1945), Parris was a collector, not only of coins and natural history but also of antiquities. A passionate Jacksonian Democrat, Parris retired from Portsmouth Navy Yard post with the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.

Virgil Parris ledger for Portsmouth Navy Yard, 1861.

Virgil Parris. Image courtesy of History of Paris, Maine

The USS Constitution flags descended in the Parris family, South Paris, Maine, until 1964 when Parris’ grandson Ken, last of the Parris’, put the group up for sale. He wrote in a letter, of May 24, 1964, that the flags remained untouched in “the same wooden chest … from the years 1874 until 1939 or 40.” The flags came to the attention of antique dealers Elinor and Horace Gordon, of Villanova, Pa through friends and antique dealers, Dort and Julie Bigg of Turner Center, Maine. The Gordons made arrangements for the sale of the USS Constitution naval colors to H. Richard Dietrich, Jr. in the summer of 1964.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


1 Rare English Naval Red Ensign of the USS Constitution first half 19th century Hoist inscribed, “Constitution” and “Vandalia’s English Ensign,” comprised of wool bunting, all hand sewn. H 13’ 2” x W 20’ 8” note: The pattern of this English Red Ensign was used from 1801-1854. The Red Ensign was flown as a courtesy by American ships when visiting British ports or returning a salute from a Royal Navy warship. This ensign may have come to the USS Constitution in 1848 when Captain John Gwinn III (1791-1849) took command of the ship. He had previously served as Captain of the USS Vandalia. $30,000-50,000


USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


2 Rare Imperial Brazilian Ensign of the USS Constitution possibly rufus m. yale, newburyport or boston, ma circa 1835 The canvas hoist inscribed, “R.M. Yale 41,” and “Constitution’s Brazilian Ensign,” in ink and also marked to the “USS Ohio”, comprised of widths of umber and green wool bunting with central appliquéd cotton lozenge with hand-painted appliquéd cotton and wool bunting coat of arms of Imperial Brazil: the royal crown surmounting a shield with an Order of Christ cross, armillary sphere enclosed by ring with 12 stars, within crossed fronds, hand sewn throughout. H 12’ 1” x W 18’ 10” $30,000-50,000

note: A courtesy ensign flown when visiting a Brazilian Port or returning a salute from a Brazilian warship, this may be the earliest example of Brazil’s naval color. Per the USS Constitution’s captain’s log, this Imperial Brazilian Ensign was hoisted on September 2, 1841 in salute of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil as he passed through the Rio de Janeiro harbor and likely again in 1844 when the USS Constitution sailed US Ambassador Henry A. Wise (1806-1876) to his post in Rio de Janeiro. The maker of the ensign may have been Rufus M. Yale. Born in Yarmouth, Maine, 1823, Yale went to sea as a young man, returning in 1840 to Newburyport, MA to learn the craft of sail and flag making. He eventually moved to Boston where he established R.M. Yale & Co. in 1847.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


“every stitch, every stripe, and every star is exactly what was handled by the individuals who were among those to give the ship its place in history”

3 Rare French Republic Naval Commissioning Pennant of the USS Constitution late 18th century The hoist inscribed, “French,” comprised of wool bunting in blue, red and white, all hand sewn. H 5” x W 37’ note: This Commissioning Pennant is extremely rare and possibly of a French ship from the Quasi-War with France 1798-1800. $15,000-20,000


(Actual size)

4 Three Pound Projectile Three Pound Cannonball from a swivel gun removed from the hull of the USS Constitution. 2 1/2 “ diameter. $300-500

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


5 Rare 31-star United States Ensign of the USS Constitution circa 1851 Hoist inscribed, “Constitution No. 1,” comprised of wool bunting and appliquéd cotton stars, all hand sewn, 13 stripes. H 11’ 4” x W 15’ 3” $150,000-250,000


note: This may have been the last ensign flown on the Constitution before the ship was decommissioned in 1855 at the Portsmouth Navy Yard. The Inscription “Constitution No. 1” refers to the size of the flag, No. 1 being the ship’s largest ensign. The arrangement of the stars is the same pattern as on the ensign used by Commodore Perry on his famous trip to Japan in 1853.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


6 Rare 28-star United States Ensign of the USS Constitution ‘Texas Flag’ circa 1846 Comprised of wool bunting, with 28 appliquéd cotton stars, two slightly larger stars - later additions, thirteen stripes, hand sewn throughout, without hoist. H 12’ 9” x W 20’ 1” $100,000-200,000


note: 28 Star flags were made in the year 1846 with the admission of Texas. This flag was modified, possibly at sea, for continued use by the addition of two stars with the admission of Iowa in 1847 and Wisconsin in 1848.

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


7 United States Commodore’s Pennant of the USS Constitution for a small boat circa 1850 Of swallowtail form comprised of dark blue wool bunting appliquéd with a single cotton star, handsewn throughout. H 36” x W 35” note: Based on the relative small size of this pennant, this was probably used on a small boat used to convey a commodore from ship to harbor dock or from ship to ship. $4,000-6,000


“The sight of that historic frigate, with it’s tall spars and black guns, stirred my imagination and made American history come alive for me.” President John F. Kennedy

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.



8 Rare Commodore’s Broad Pennant from the USS Constitution circa 1837 The hoist inscribed, “Constitution bradd pendend,” of a swallowtail form, comprised of dark blue wool bunting with twenty-six appliquéd cotton stars, hand sewn throughout. H 8’ 9” x W 19’ 5” note: This is believed to be the earliest example of a Commodore’s broad pennant. The pennant was raised on the ship of a commodore when he took command of a squadron and remained on the ship as long as the he was in that position. This Broad Pennant dates from the period when the Constitution served as the flagship of both the Mediterranean Squadron (1837-1838) and the Pacific Squadron (1839-1842) under Commodores Jesse Duncan Elliot and Daniel Turner. $150,000-250,000

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


9 Rare 19-star United States Ensign of the USS Constitution circa 1816 Comprised of wool bunting with 19 appliquéd cotton stars and nine full and two fragmentary wool bunting stripes remaining, hand sewn throughout. approx. : H 10‘ 6 “x W 16’ 8 “ $100,000-200,000


note: The earliest and one of the rarest colors in the USS Constitution collection, 19 star flags were authorized for use for one year, from December 1816 to December 1817. The following year Congress passed the Third Flag Act of 1818 which stated ,” That from and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white: that the union be twenty stars, white in a blue field and be it further enacted, that on the admission of every new state into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flag; and that such addition shall take effect of the fourth day of July then next succeeding such admission.”

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


10 11-star United States Commissioning Pennant of the USS Constitution late 18th century to mid 19th century Comprised of wool bunting with 11 appliquéd cotton stars remaining, hand sewn throughout. Overall dimension: H 51/4” x W 28’ 11” $10,000-20,000


11 8-Star Commissioning Pennant of the USS Constitution (fragment) late 18th to mid 19th century Canvas hoist with rope and toggle, wool bunting with eight appliquéd stars, fragment of wool bunting stripes, hand-sewn throughout. H 4 3/4” x W 7’ 5” $5,000-10,000

12 United States Ensign of the USS Constitution (fragment) 1847-1854 Comprised of wool bunting retaining 29 cotton appliquéd stars, fragmentary stripes, hand- sewn throughout. H 5’ 2” x W 12’ 10” note: Any ensign or fragmentary ensign dating to the first half of the 19th century is extremely rare. According to an 1812 receipt from the USS Chesapeake, American ships of the line carried six ensigns on board, four at approximately 11 feet 5 inches by 20 feet and two smaller at 8 feet 8 inches by 16 feet. The material, British single ply wool bunting woven in a plain loose weave and the large size, allowed the ensign to wave in the slightest breeze and dry quickly when wet. The daily exposure to wind sun and rain at sea however reduced most naval flags to tatters during a cruise. $10,000-20,000

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


13 Rare 13-star American Naval color late 18th/early 19th century Comprised of wool bunting and 13 appliquéd cotton stars arranged in a 4-5-4 configuration, and constructed with only eight stripes, hand sewn with cotton thread throughout. H 6’ 1” x W 10’ 10” provenance: Acquired by H. Richard Dietrich Jr. in the early years of his collecting. Estimate Upon Request


note: The 13-star flag is the earliest and one of the rarest colors in the collection. The Third Flag Act of 1818 stated, ”That from and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white: that the union be twenty stars, white in a blue field and be it further enacted, that on the admission of every new state into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flag; and that such addition shall take effect of the fourth day of July then next succeeding such admission.” end of sale

USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


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USS Constitution Colors from the Collection of H. Richard Dietrich Jr.


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