Freemasonry Today - Issue 56 - Winter 2021

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Issue 56 ~ Winter 2021

Freemasonry Today

Issue 56 ~ Winter 2021


The Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent K.G. signs the Armed Forces Covenant

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FROM THE GRAND S EC R E TA RY & GRAND SCRIBE E As I write to you from my office in Freemasons’ Hall, I can look out onto Great Queen Street to the businesses with whom we share this great London thoroughfare. It is a delight to see this street, which had fallen silent for so long, alive with the hustle and bustle of Freemasons going about their business. Within Freemasons’ Hall, the sounds of members, reunited after such a long absence from one another, ring out from Lodge and Chapter rooms and anterooms. There is a continual murmur of enjoyment coming from the cafe and bar, which fully opened its doors in September, as well as from the award-winning shop – a fantastic place to pick up last-minute gifts, I might add! This is the glorious chorus that assails us as we move around the building, and that heralds our return to the familiar Masonic rhythm of life. Freemasons’ Hall is not returning to a ‘normal’ that we would remember from before the pandemic – it is, in fact, a hub of new opportunities and enthusiasm. As we come to what is the end of a long and arduous journey, I am struck by all we have learned along the way. Getting to this position has often felt like chasing a distant horizon without ever being close enough to reach out and touch it, but I have long since understood that there is benefit to be found in embracing the journey, not just the destination, and in overcoming challenges to become

‘Within Freemasonry, we have discovered stamina, and a profound ability to support each other and the wider society even in the harshest of times’

stronger both as individuals and as an organisation. Within Freemasonry, we have discovered stamina, and a profound ability to support each other and the wider society, even in the harshest of times. We hope this enthusiasm will prove to be a huge asset as we embed The Members’ Pathway. There are things that each and every Lodge can do better to attract and support its new members, engage and listen to its current members, and seek out those who may, for whatever reasons, have lost their connection to the Craft. The cyclical programme provides good practices, support and guidance that Lodges can consider and discuss. Throughout the pandemic, time and time again, we have seen that the actions of individuals can make a huge difference, and we are keen to ensure that some of this enthusiasm is directed to ensuring that all of our members value their membership and are fully committed to uniting in the Grand Design of being happy and communicating happiness. Here within Freemasons’ Hall, we have been doing our part to reach out to the public. We have been hard at work since April developing The National Digital Marketing Campaign with the Provinces. This September, all that hard work came to fruition with its successful launch, complemented by our superb, newly redesigned website. In preparation, we undertook extensive market research, and the data we received is being applied all over the country to attract new members who will share our love for Freemasonry, its history and its place in modern society. As the year is drawing to a close, I look forward to a much jollier festive season than we have seen for the last couple of years. We all deserve the opportunity to FMT Winter 2021

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spend time with our loved ones and rest our weary bones. Between Christmas and New Year, Freemasons’ Hall shuts its doors and the staff at UGLE are given a well-deserved break. Phones and emails go unanswered for a few days as we take a moment of calm. I particularly look forward to thinking back on all that we have achieved in the past year: the large-scale events that filled the building; the monumental changes that have taken so much effort to shepherd the institution safely through the pandemic, and the great strides we have taken together in bringing an understanding of Freemasonry to the wider public. But I am also going to spend time being grateful for the quiet everyday acts that I witness – acts that show kindness and care to individual brethren and companions. In those moments, I see the commitment that you all have to making this organisation better for its members and I am humbled to stand in a position that allows me to support you in that great work. I wish you, and those nearest and dearest to you, a restful festive period and hope that the New Year brings you the opportunity to face the journey ahead with a spring in your step. Dr David Staples Grand Secretary & Grand Scribe E


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The official journal of the United Grand Lodge of England Issue 56 – Winter 2021

Editor Donna Hardie Editorial Panel Michelle Worvell, Shaun Butler, Guy Roberts, Martin Cheery, Julian Perry (Culture editor) Published by Sunday, 207 Union Street, London SE1 0LN, for the United Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ Editorial Manager Shaun Butler Freemasonry Today, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ Advertising contact Gaynor Garton 020 3283 4056 Square7 Media Ltd, 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RE Circulation 020 7395 9392 Masonic enquiries 020 7831 9811 Printed by Walstead Roche


Welcome 3 From the Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe E Dr David Staples welcomes you to the winter issue

Out and about 6 News and views from the Provinces Stories of community, charity and comradeship from the UK and beyond


Contact us

Cover images: Richard Gleed

@freemasonry2day @ugle_grandlodge @grandchapter FreemasonryToday UnitedGrandLodgeofEngland SupremeGrandChapter @unitedgrandlodgeofengland @freemasonrytoday @freemasonshall

28 Armed Forces Covenant

54 Standing on ceremony

HRH Prince Edward The Duke of Kent endorses UGLE’s pledge to military Masons

The Chapter of Promulgation

32 Making history

60 Book reviews and crossword

36 60-second interview

Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire Anthony Howlett-Bolton

A daily advancement 40 Brothers Past

Culture In the community 65 Charity and the Craft

How the MCF and Freemasons are continuing to support members and their families nationwide

Fraternal world 69 Home and abroad

Leading 18th-century educator and Freemason Martin Clare

UGLE lodges around the world

42 QC writes

72 Letters

William Dugood, jeweller to the exiled Jacobite Court in Rome

Grand Lodge 46 Quarterly Communication

74 Your tweets 82 Thēsauros

The fascinating and unusual

Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence on exciting developments in Freemasonry

48 Onboarding with Solomon

W Bro John Roscoe on ways of satisfying the expectations of new members FMT Winter 2021

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The Royal Arch

Buckinghamshire initiates more than 100 members at Freemasons’ Hall © United Grand Lodge of England 2021. The opinions herein are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not reflect the views of the United Grand Lodge of England or Sunday.



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Out About Out & about Future-facing

A roundup of what’s happening in the world of Freemasonry

M o d e r n i s i n g f o r a n ew generation of members The United Grand Lodge of England is launching a nationwide digital marketing campaign that aims to modernise communication channels with the public A new national digital campaign is sending a clear message about the world of Freemasonry and what being a member has to offer. The campaign has already started to take effect – the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) now has a waiting list of 6,000 potential members. Recent research showed that one in four people would consider joining the Freemasons today, compared with one in 10 in 2018. The same research showed that those aged 18-34 think the most favourably towards the organisation, suggesting that the marketing drive

is a real opportunity to engage with young people. The project aims to inspire and challenge individuals to practise Freemasonry’s core values – integrity, friendship, respect and charity – in their private and public lives, enabling them to develop into thoughtful, confident people. A recent study found that 75 per cent of Freemasons participate in civic or charitable activities, compared with just 31 per cent of non-Freemasons, in a matched geodemographic. The campaign involves all 48 regions across England and Wales, and includes a new website and social


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The campaign shows the traditions of Freemasonry through ceremony

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Future-facing Out & about

The new website aims to engage with new audiences

media strategy. The project is operated through paid Facebook advertising, giving Freemasonry the opportunity to engage with new audiences from all backgrounds and lifestyles. Dr David Staples, Grand Secretary and Chief Executive of the UGLE, said, ‘We’ve been planning this initiative for a long time, with the ultimate goal of demystifying misperceptions around Freemasonry. Now the time has come to speak directly to our audiences, whether that’s visitors to Freemasons’ Hall or simply members of the public who want to learn more about Freemasonry and what we do. ‘Everyone should know that we are Freemasons because we want to be part of something unique and make lifelong friends. We eat, drink and meet together, and our goal with this campaign is to use digital media to make people aware of this.’ UGLE’s new website aims to change the public perception of Freemasonry and looks forward to cementing the reputation of Freemasonry as a force for good in communities around England and Wales. Dr Staples added, ‘There is much misinformation about what Freemasonry is and stands for, and the new

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website dispels those myths through clear, engaging content. Combining elegant, illustrated details with impactful, high-quality images, users will experience a warm, friendly welcome from Freemasonry.’ The new UGLE digital experience provides online users, prospective members and visitors to Freemasons’ Hall with a cutting-edge platform and enhanced design. In a dedicated section, users will be able to book tours and visits to Freemasons’ Hall and the Museum of Freemasonry as well as select from a calendar of events. There are also links to the shop and the new café and bar at Freemasons’ Hall. Elsewhere on the website, visitors can discover exciting facts and the history of both Freemasonry and Freemasons’ Hall via an interactive timeline. Users can also locate their nearest Masonic centre via an interactive map. The website includes a section for the Universities Scheme, offering information and support for applicants who would like to join the organisation through the scheme Lodges. The site reflects the symbolism, traditions and heritage of Freemasonry, while maintaining a modern and engaging experience that works towards UGLE being recognised as a historical organisation that is just as important and relevant today. Michelle Worvell, UGLE Director of Communications and Marketing, added, ‘This national digital marketing campaign speaks to audiences of all ages, genders, races and backgrounds. We are confident that it will be a success and that a wider audience will learn more about Freemasonry, including the amount we raise for charity and how we support our local communities. ‘Hopefully, it will also encourage visitors to the websites, or those attracted to the digital marketing campaign, to consider becoming future members.’ 7

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Out & about UGLE Provinces


Along for the ride

Two years after its warrant was signed by the Grand Master, and 16 months after it should have happened, Lincolnshire has at last consecrated its newest Lodge – Free Wheelers No. 9991. With a membership made up of motorcycling enthusiasts, the peripatetic Lodge is nominally based in Horncastle, but has ambitions to meet in each of Lincolnshire’s 21 centres. The idea of forming a motorcycle Lodge started in a bar on a road trip to Switzerland. Chris Jones had the honour of being the Primus Worshipful Master. The Lodge has a unique set of gavels made from pistons by Inner Guard Stuart Buckingham, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘firing on all cylinders’. In the presence of 150 members in Grimsby’s Masonic Hall, the Lodge was consecrated by Past Provincial Grand Master Graham Ives, in the absence of current Provincial Grand Master Dave Wheeler through illness. He was assisted by Deputy Provincial Grand Master John Crutchley, Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Peter Brooks and Bruce Goodman, and Provincial Chaplain the Rev Dr Brian Roberts, all under the watchful eye of Provincial Director of Ceremonies Noel Fisher. This was followed by the first installation of Officers for the Lodge.

members had the largest attendance. The headset would then be claimed by another Lodge which, at their next meeting, would organise their own talk. In September, the Lodge of Repose even managed to attract the presence of the Grand Secretary Dr David Staples who took a Q&A session. The number of attendees rose and regularly approached 100 attendees. Andy Glaves commented, ‘Appreciation must be given to all those who have helped to make the Amadeus travelling headset a success – the Provincial Grand Master for his support and promotion of the initiative, Julie Foster at Provincial Office for advertising the meetings while she was working from home, Steve Williams for his encouragement, the Secretaries and Masters of the headset Lodges for hosting and organising their meetings, but, of course, the huge number of visitors and Lodge members who attended.’ On 23 September the travelling headset was formally retired. Purely by chance it had returned to its home – Amadeus Lodge. Every Lodge which had claimed it received a framed certificate presented by the Provincial Grand Master to proudly display at their meeting places. Congratulations go to Andy Glaves for this great initiative which was a beacon of light at a very dark time.


The social network

When COVID restrictions began in early 2020 and face-to-face meetings ceased, a void was created that some Freemasons had difficulty filling. Zoom became a new byword for many and it turned into a lifeline for people unable to leave their homes. The Amadeus Lodge No. 9539 who meet at Dore in the Province of Derbyshire, held weekly Zoom meetings to keep its members informed and involved, initially averaging 15 participants, several of whom were visitors. They realised that this was a great opportunity to encourage members, not only at Dore but throughout the Province, to meet and join in. As an incentive, they looked for a way to spread the word about Zoom socials by encouraging friendly competition. Senior Deacon and Social Media Officer of Amadeus Lodge Andy Glaves came up with idea of the virtual travelling headset which could be claimed by any Lodge whose 8

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Heart felt

Having seen an appeal by Maldon Saints YFC for funding to purchase defibrillators, the members of Mitre Lodge No. 9307 decided to donate £500 towards the cost. However, this wasn’t enough to buy all the equipment that was needed, so the Secretary of Mitre Lodge asked the members of the other Maldon Masonic Lodges if they would offer support. All were pleased to join in, including the Lodge of St Peter, Beeleigh Abbey Lodge, Daen Ingas Lodge, Wheel of Fellowship Lodge, Frederick Leistikow Lodge, Coromandel Chapter, Frederick Leistikow Chapter, and Plume Chapter.

Maldon Lodges supported an appeal to buy defibrillators for Maldon Saints

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UGLE Provinces Out & about

The grand total was increased from £500 to £1,140, enabling Maldon Saints to buy the portable defibrillator and fund training for the members who will operate it. The donation was made on Saturday 4 September by Dave Harrop, the Master of Mitre Lodge and Paul Beech the Chairman of Maldon Masonic Hall on behalf of the Maldon Lodges.

5 YO R KS H I R E , N & E R I D I N G S

Down the generations

On 12 August, at a meeting of The Old Hymerian Lodge No. 6885 in Kingston-upon-Hull, the Worshipful Master Chris Shuttleworth vacated the Chair in favour of the Provincial Grand Master Jeff Gillyon. The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to initiate his grandson, Nicholas Gillyon, son of the late Philip Gillyon, who is currently reading Classics at the University of Edinburgh. Philip was himself initiated by his father in 1989, as Jeff was Master of the Lodge at that time. The ceremony was witnessed by 80 members and the dinner that followed was excellent and accompanied by much singing.


The sky’s the limit

Manchester Freemasons Dean Lynch – an avid skydiver and adrenaline junkie – and trusty sidekick Darren Fletcher, wanted to raise funds for their selected charities. So, they put the call out for Freemasons and non-Freemasons to take part in an exciting challenge – the Manchester Masons/Manchester Level Club Skydive. Within a week, they were fully booked with 60 adventure seekers signing up. The original date of 14 August was postponed due to adverse weather, but it hasn’t dampened anyone’s spirits as there have been quite a few people who have jumped since. Freemasons from multiple Provinces spread across England took part. John Merrett, a 70-year-old member from Bristol, jumped with his regalia under his flight suit while Rob Manchester from Leicestershire was raising funds for the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland’s Festival. Rachel Cookson, who jumped to support the East Lancashire Masonic Charity (ELMC), raised more than £2,000. She was skydiving in honour of Charles Ward who died earlier this year. In a display of leadership, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Manchester Districts Mark Davis took to the skies, raising a considerable amount for the upcoming Province of East Lancashire 2026 Festival in support of The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity). To date, more than £20,000 has been raised collectively and the work isn’t finished yet.


Gift of life

Adventurous Freemasons are skydiving to raise money for the Province

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The West Kent Masonic Clay Shooting Club was set up a few years ago to enable members to combine their hobbies and to support their local communities. While the members have a passion for clay shooting, they also care greatly about the wellbeing of those around them and are continually looking for opportunities to make a difference. As a result, they decided to support local clay shooting clubs by raising funds to buy them life-saving defibrillators. Their first donation went to the Dartford Clay Shooting Club, after which the pandemic temporarily prevented further meetings. During this time, members of the Lodge of Sincerity and the Masonic Clay Shooting Club agreed that their first meeting back would be a charity shoot to raise funds for a second defibrillator, this time for JJS Clay Shooting Club near Bluewater. With the lifting of restrictions, they were able to hold the event in late June with all funds raised on the day going to the purchase of the defibrillator which was recently presented to Mark West, owner of JJS Clay Shooting Club, by the Provincial Grand Master for West Kent Masons, Mark Estaugh. West was overwhelmed by the generosity of West Kent Masons, who often use his club, and said, ‘Hopefully it will never need to be used, but it’s fantastic that we now have this life-saving piece of equipment should we ever need it.’ 9

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons honour those lost in the pandemic


We will remember them

Around 150 Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons and their families gathered at Bradgate Park’s Memorial Wood on 29 August for a service of remembrance to those lost during the pandemic. The Memorial Wood was reopened in 2017 with the help of the Freemasons and the County Council, making it a fitting location to remember loved ones. Head of Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons Peter Kinder introduced the speakers as guests were led through the order of service and chosen hymns. The Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire Mike Kapur gave an address and read a touching Sanskrit poem. Also taking part was Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes who had made a special journey to the county from Hampshire that morning. The hymns and prayers were led by the Reverend Canon Michael Wilson, who, along with Peter Kinder, read out the names of 82 Freemasons from the county who have sadly passed away in the past 18 months. After the service, the gates of the Memorial Wood, set in a tranquil area overlooking Cropston reservoir, were opened as the guests took a moment to walk around the woodland and pay their respects. The wood is home to distinctive wooden pillars that display beautiful bronze leaves commemorating passed loved ones and family members. Peter Kinder said, ‘I would like to thank all of those who attended this special service. It was such a fitting tribute to those who are no longer with us and who have given so much to others during their lives.’

9 M A S O N I C V E H I C L E A S S O C I AT I O N

Full throttle

Formed during lockdown, the National Masonic Vehicle Association held its first annual meeting on 5 September at the invitation of the Province of Worcestershire in the grounds of Worcester’s Rainbow Hill Masonic Centre. The event attracted more than 70 vehicle enthusiasts and their cars from as far afield as Yorkshire, Sussex, Pembrokeshire and Kent. Association President Geoffrey Dearing was at the event, which raised £1,700 for Worcester’s 2022 Festival. Robert Vaughan, the head of Worcestershire Freemasons and himself a keen classic car owner, was also there. The aim of the NMVA is to forge links with likeminded Lodges and Masonic vehicle clubs who are keen to promote the interests of Freemasonry among their members, as well as encouraging membership, networking, events, trips and inter-Lodge visits. There are already 30 Lodges and Masonic Clubs from all across England and Wales that are members, plus a strong social media presence at

8 S TA F F O R D S H I R E

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Fun for families

Treasure trove

Staffordshire Freemasons have donated £15,000 to Sandwell Parents for Disabled Children in West Bromwich. The charity was founded in 2003 and supports physically disabled children and those with special needs, along with their parents and siblings. They cater for children up to eight years old and provide a wide variety of activities. On 9 August, Head of Staffordshire Freemasons John Lockley and Charity Steward Dr John Skellern caught up with the children and their parents as they met up for the first time since the start of the pandemic 10

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at the Blackwell Adventure Park in Worcestershire for a fun day out. Together with operations manager Linda Lloyd and activities co-ordinator Sam Ward, they watched as the children took park in many exciting activities, including the 3G swing that allows children and their parents to swing through the air at high speed, helping to overcome the fear of height and speed. Other attractions included a Tree Top walk where children are safely hoisted into the tops of trees and along catwalks. John Lockley said, ‘It is a pleasure to see the children enjoying themselves so much, the money is going to such a worthwhile cause. This charity gives wonderful support to the children and gives them experiences they would not otherwise enjoy.’ Linda and Sam thanked John for the generous donation.

The Imperial Dinner, held at Sindlesham Court on 18 September played host to the official world launch of the English hallmarked limited editions of the Berkshire Hart Egg and Berkshire Hart Pendant. The R W Provincial Grand Master Anthony HowlettBolton OBE, welcomed everyone, including Sir Paul and Lady Williams and Michelle and James Worvall. Sir Paul is the Deputy President and Chairman of the Trustees of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, and Michelle is Head of Communications for UGLE. FMT Winter 2021

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UGLE Provinces Out & about

During the evening, guests were treated to a display of Fabergé eggs from the St Petersburg Collection, such as the Four Seasons, the Rose Garden, the Icon and the Hole in One. Over dinner, the Chairman of the St Petersburg Collection Philip Birkenstein presented a short history of the Fabergé family and the story of how Carl Fabergé became the jeweller to the Tsars of Russia. Philip also explained his friendship and association with Theo Fabergé, grandson of Carl, and the creation of the St Petersburg Collection. The Provincial Grand Master showed the two reveals of the Berkshire Hart Egg, explaining the connection between Craft, Royal Arch and Mark Masonry. Under the direction of the Chairman of the St Petersburg Collection, the Berkshire Hart Egg is based on the Bristol blue crystal Creation by Theo Fabergé ‘The Egg of the Covenant’. It has been conceived from the ‘Dragon’s Passion’, which was Theo Fabergé’s first fantasy collection of Passion Pendants, launched in 1991.

Certificate of Service to Freemasonry. John Arthur then presented the framed certificate to John Thompson. John responded, ‘I’m absolutely blown away to receive the Certificate of Service to Freemasonry from

the Provincial Grand Master. It’s been an absolute pleasure to support the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham over the past eight years and I will continue to do so from the back benches. It was wonderful tonight to see Andrew Moule invested as our new Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Many thanks to everyone who has supported me over the past few years.' 1 2 W E S T WA L E S

Curtain call

West Wales Freemasons were delighted to support the Fishguard Musical Theatre Society at its performance of the musical Sister Act on 25 October in Ysgol Bro Gwaun, Fishguard. Provincial Festival Steward Stephen Roscoe and Worshipful Master of Strumble Lodge Eurig Evans presented cheques to members of the cast. The West Wales Grand Charity gave £1,500 – the third such donation over the past three years, and Strumble Lodge gave £500 – the fifth such donation since the theatre society was founded. Altogether, the theatre society has received £9,500 from the West Wales Freemasons since it was established in 2016 and this support has enabled the society to restart following its closure during the pandemic. The society is a community group run by volunteers, with more than 100 members aged from five to 70. It gives people an outlet to perform, gain confidence and make new friends, while learning a new skill.

There are 33 eggs, representing the 33 Degrees of The Antient and Accepted Rite, and 100 pendants available to buy. A Berkshire Hart Egg is on display in the Library & Museum of Berkshire Freemasonry at Sindlesham Court. Email Gerry Preston, Provincial Grand Charity Steward: 11 DU R HAM

Doing the honours

A deputation led by the Provincial Grand Master John Arthur attended Lodge of Freedom at Stockton Masonic Hall to obligate, invest and appoint Andrew Moule as the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master. After presenting Andrew with his chain of office, Provincial Grand Secretary Tom Gittings read out a special Charter for the Lodges’ Centenary. This was then handed to the current Master of the Lodge, Andrew Moule and all retired to dine at the Festive Board. Following the toast to the Provincial Grand Master, John Arthur asked John Thompson to assist him by presenting the 2021 Festivals Platinum award to the Lodge. Just at the point of John Thompson’s ‘photo opportunity’, John Arthur interrupted and asked John Thompson to remain standing while Tom Gittins read something out – the Provincial Grand Masters’

West Wales Freemasons present a cheque to the stars of Sister Act

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

Life-limited and disabled children receive support from Cornwall Freemasons

Sheriff for Gloucestershire, Mrs RJ Tufnell, and the Deputy Lieutenant, Roger Head were there to witness this celebration of Freemasonry in the county.

1 3 C O R N WA L L

Tech support

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall has supported the small charity Lifelites with a £2,000 donation so they can continue to provide assistive technology for life-limited and disabled children. These children are particularly isolated and vulnerable during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The life-changing technology donated by Lifelites enables children at Little Harbour Children’s Hospice to play with their brothers and sisters, communicate with their parents and control something themselves. Based in Cornwall, the Little Harbour Children’s Hospice service has been receiving assistive technology from Lifelites since it opened in December 2011. Lifelites and the Freemasons of Cornwall are particularly aware that the pandemic has led to many people feeling extremely isolated, losing touch with their communities and experiencing additional stress. Everyone has been getting a living insight into what it is like to be a life-limited and disabled child; unable to leave the house independently, speak to people and socialise naturally. Lifelites-donated assistive technology enables extremely vulnerable children to overcome isolation, communicate their wishes and fears in this extraordinarily stressful time, and connect with their loved ones. The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity), matched the generous £1,000 donation by The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall, enabling £2,000 to be provided to Lifelites. Simone Enefer-Doy, chief executive of Lifelites said, ‘We are so grateful to have received the support of the Freemasons of Cornwall for many years now. Their donations help us make the impossible, possible for life-limited and disabled children using hospice services in Cornwall.’


In remembrance

During August, a team of four veterans of the Falklands War rode around the UK by motorbike, visiting the graves and memorials of men who lost their lives in the conflict in 1982. They covered a total of 2,600 miles in 15 days, visiting more than 80 graves and memorials during that time. The team had several aims, to promote, including remembrance, respect, awareness and support. They wanted to show that these men are not forgotten, and they wanted to pay their respects to each one and the families of those lost. Also, the aim was to raise funds for the South Atlantic Association which continues to support veterans of the war and the families who have lost loved ones. On Saturday 14 August, Gordon Mather of Dean Waterfield Lodge had the great privilege to host the team at a service held in the SAS memorial plot at St Martin’s church. To his surprise and delight, three of the bikers were Freemasons. Herefordshire’s Provincial Grand Master is himself a keen biker, indeed a founder member of Columbanus Lodge No. 9941 (a Lodge for motorcycle enthusiasts based in Somerset, but which meets peripatetically across Wiltshire and Gloucestershire too). So he met the team in Ross-on-Wye on Friday evening at a ceremony at the grave of Timothy Jenkins, killed in action aged just 19 while serving with the Parachute Regiment. The following morning, Lee Oxenham of Dean Waterfield led the riders, along with 15 other bikers, to St Martins, where, once again, the PGM joined the team. Following the ceremony, the PGM accompanied the team on their next leg to Worcester.

14 G LO U C E S T E R S H I R E

Celebration of the Craft

Gloucestershire Freemasonry’s Family Service at Gloucester Cathedral was held on a sunny 10 October, when the Dean Stephen Lake gave those Freemasons attending an equally warm welcome after two and a half years’ absence due to COVID. He noted that the cathedral had not been closed since 1208. The High 12

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16 N O R F O L K

At your convenience

It has been a base for daring rescues and lifesaving feats since 1972, but Sea Palling Lifeboat Station has never had one of the most basic facilities – its own toilet. FMT Winter 2021

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UGLE Provinces Out & about

For the past 49 years, volunteers at the station have had to use the nearby public toilets. The station also lacked a kitchen and rest area, and had only a makeshift shower. But that has now changed thanks to support from Norfolk Freemasons, who have funded a Groundhog Mobile Welfare Unit for the station. This unit contains a chemical flush toilet, a crew room for storage of equipment and clothing and a COVID-friendly kitchen area that crew members and other emergency services can use after a rescue at sea. Jennifer Roberts, secretary at the independently run station, said, ‘Traditionally, the majority of the crew were male, and everyone coped. But it’s more of a problem now and also anyone rescued might need to

use the public toilets. We do have a make-do shower used by the crew to wash the seawater off their dry suits when they return, but now with the additional space, a purpose-built shower can be installed away from the kitchen. We are so grateful to Norfolk Freemasons for providing us with the new unit, which has already made a positive impact on how we can operate.’ Presenting a plaque to mark the donation to coxswain Andreas Schroer, Stephen Allen, Head of Norfolk Freemasons, said, ‘Several of our Norfolk Lodges support Sea Palling lifeboat with donations to assist with running costs and maintenance of the lifeboats. Seeing the additional needs of the station, I am delighted to be able to give this significant grant from the Province on behalf of all our members. It will improve the comfort and operational facilities for the lifeboat crew and those in need of their lifesaving skills.’

a memorable Pie Jesu descant by soprano Felicity Murphy and an equally moving recitation of the verses from Ecclesiastes by David Bromley. Four rousing hymns with newly restored organ and a brass ensemble directed by Stephen Pritchard-Jones were led by the Abbey choir, which also sang a setting of Psalm 121 by Oswestry’s composer Walford Davies and Stanford’s Justorum Animae. PrG Chaplain

Brian Thomas conducted the service, and there were readings on Masonic themes by the Provincial Wardens. Dennis Hill gave an account of the work of the charities with their Masonic partners, giving a clear reminder to all present that Freemasonry had not been idle, but had been working at the heart of the community throughout the pandemic. A very visible mark of that work was the Shrewsbury Food Hub van ‘Ronnie’, parked outside the Abbey. Named after Salopian Lodge of Charity’s WM Ron Gee, it almost doubled the capacity of the food hub.

17 S H R O P S H I R E

Memories to music

The last 16 months represent the worst of the pandemic, During the various lockdowns, Shropshire Freemasons have been unable to help support families of members who have passed away at their funerals. On Sunday 10 October, a full Shrewsbury Abbey witnessed a memorial service for the 50 or so who have died during that time. Their names were read, a candle lit, and the assembled members sang a special arrangement of the Closing Ode, composed for the occasion by DepPrGM Jeremy Lund. This included

18 S O M E R S E T

Bear necessities

The Somerset Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) programme was pleased to donate 100 teddy bears to Designability. The charity provides the truly amazing Wizzybug, an innovative, electric wheelchair for physically disabled children with amputations or other conditions that affect their ability to walk, including children with cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, spina bifida or muscular dystrophy. FMT Winter 2021

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Somerset Freemasons present charity Designability with TLC teddies


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Out & about UGLE Provinces

Paul Williams had the honour of initiating son Mitchell Bryce Williams into his Lodge

hospitals across the county. St Richards in Chichester, Worthing Hospital, the Royal Sussex County in Brighton, the Princess Royal in Haywards Heath, the Eastbourne District General Hospital and the Conquest Hospital in Hastings will each receive £5,000 to help improve the working experience of the frontline staff.

19 N O R T H WA L E S

Double celebration

North Wales Freemason Paul Williams initiated his son Mitchell Bryce Williams into Plas Teg Lodge No. 6898 in Caergwrle. Mitchell celebrated his 18th birthday on 1 October and is currently the youngest Member in North Wales.

Dr Harry Walmsley, the chair of The Friends of Eastbourne General Hospital stated, ‘This money will be used for all sorts of things, from drinks and snacks through to camp beds for those staff who cannot get home because they are too busy, or their family are in isolation. We know that this support will be a huge morale boost for staff.’ Michael Harris, Chair of the Sussex Masonic Charity Foundation, said, ‘At this time of need, it is so important that we do all we can to help keep up the morale of frontline NHS staff. Sussex Freemasons fully support our incredible NHS, and we are delighted that we can play a small role in helping them and making their working lives a little more comfortable in their ongoing battle with this awful virus.’

20 S U F F O L K

Care in a crisis

K1 Britannia Foundation’s disaster relief and crisis team has successfully completed its relief efforts in Haiti after the tragic 7.2 earthquake on 14 August. Suffolk Freemasons, working together with the Masonic Charitable Foundation, donated £2,000 to enable the K1 team to respond within 48 hours of the crisis developing. The team’s relief efforts took place within the main areas of emergency logistics and included the provision of personnel to load and offload much-needed supplies and equipment to affected areas. Based in Port-au-Prince, the team was able to help streamline and assist with managing emergency logistics at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport. This meant helping to manage flights carrying relief aid, supplies and personnel back and forth between the affected areas in the South and Port-au-Prince.

22 J E R S E Y

Help through adversity

Brightly, the Jersey-based charity that supports children and young people in care, has received a £20,000 donation from Jersey Freemasons. Formerly the Brig-y-Don Children’s Charity, Brightly supports between 160 and 250 children and young people in Jersey each year. Its aim is to help them make a life for themselves by providing financial support for education and training, health, wellbeing and independence. The funds donated will be used to support up to 10 young people in Jersey who have been in care and are now aged between 16 and 21 years, wishing to live independently, and who have the life skills to do so successfully. Brightly will be offering each of them a one-off gift called an ‘Independent Moving On Grant’ (IMOG), agreed at the discretion of the Charity, up to the value of £2,000 per grant. The young person can use the funds to purchase, with the help of their social worker, items such as furniture, white goods, deposits/initial rents for independent accommodation, televisions, mobile phones, laptops and clothing for job interviews.

21 S U S S E X

On the frontline

Sussex Freemasons, through the Sussex Masonic Charity Foundation, have donated £30,000 to directly support NHS staff working in the major 14

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

23 W O R C E S T E R S H I R E

Welcome home

Worcestershire Freemasons have celebrated the opening of a new Freemasonry centre in Stourbridge after quitting their long-time Masonic hall at The Talbot Hotel, where they had been meeting for centuries. The Deputy Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Sue Greenaway, and her consort, husband Desmond, attended the official opening of the new base at the former Carlisle Hall in Victoria Street on 29 August. A cheque for £150 was given by the Freemasons for the Mayor of Dudley’s chosen charities for 2021-22. Wollaston resident Constance Webb cut the ribbon at the new centre, having bought the building for the Freemasons in memory of her late husband, James Webb. The Stourbridge Masonic Management Co had been looking for a new place to meet for some time – having called the historic Talbot Hotel in Stourbridge High Street home since 1733. Lodges from Dudley have also joined the Stourbridge Freemasons in relocating to the new centre, which will be known as the James S Webb Freemasonry Centre.

The dedication ceremony itself was held under the banner of the oldest Stourbridge Lodge – the Lodge of Stability No. 564 – and attended by 82 members. The Provincial Grand Master Robert C Vaughan, accompanied by officers of Grand and Provincial rank, was the Dedicating Officer for the evening, which was followed by a Festive Board at Stourbridge Rugby Football Club. Built in 1922 as a Temperance Hall in memory of the Countess of Carlisle, president of the British Women’s Temperance Association, the building was previously used by local charity Dudley Mind and before that the Women’s Royal Voluntary Society.


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Left: Constance Webb cuts the ribbon. She bought the building in memory of her husband, James Webb

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

24 S O U T H WA L E S

A Masonic first

Dr Steven Bassett installed his successor David Jones as Worshipful Master


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Dewi Sant Lodge No. 9067 made Masonic history with its installation at Bridgend Masonic Hall on 7 September 2021. This was the first time anywhere in the world that an installation was held completely in the Welsh language. Located in the Province of South Wales, Dewi Sant Lodge was consecrated on St David’s Day (1 March) 1983. It was founded by 27 Freemasons with a love of all things Welsh, particularly the language, and originally met in Maesteg before moving to its current home, the Bridgend Masonic Hall, in 2006. In April 2019 the Lodge was granted permission by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) to conduct ceremonies in Welsh. To date, Dewi Sant is the only Masonic Lodge in the English constitution permitted to carry out its ceremonies in Welsh. This installation ceremony was translated into Welsh – and approved by UGLE – by Elfan Jones, the secretary of Dewi Sant Lodge. In a memorable and historic ceremony, 54 members were present to witness Dr Steven Bassett flawlessly install his successor, David Jones, as Worshipful Master. David said, ‘Steve Bassett put a lot of work into memorising this historically significant ceremony for which I, as the first Worshipful Master to be installed in the Welsh language, am extremely grateful. I was very moved by the way Steve delivered the ceremony.’ The Executive Officer for the evening was Assistant Provincial Grand Master Stephen Harries, who was accompanied by the Provincial Deputy

Director of Ceremonies, Mark Newbold, and Past Provincial Grand Steward, Peter Williams. Stephen, who is not a first-language Welsh speaker, learned the address to the Worshipful Master in Welsh and delivered it perfectly, with conviction, passion, and full of Welsh ‘hywl’. A large number of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers attended the evening, including the Provincial Grand Master Gareth Jones OBE – who is a member of the Lodge – the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, William Jenkins, Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Marc Lewis and Kelvin Jones, Past PGM Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards, Past DPGM, Andrew Gretton and the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp Gerald Rowbottom. The Provincial Senior & Junior Grand Wardens, Almoner and Charity Steward were also in attendance. Stephen said, ‘Having already undertaken the first initiation ceremony in the Welsh language in November 2019, this was an event that has been long awaited and was in no way a disappointment. The Installing Master was a Welsh learner and, to his immense credit, performed an immaculate ceremony, which was both impressive and emotional for those who had worked for so long and hard to reach this goal. It was also encouraging to see the initiate from November 2019, Wayne Robinson, present the firstdegree working tools to the Worshipful Master.’ The Provincial Grand Master, Gareth Jones, who – subject to the next election – is likely to be the Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 2022, said, ‘This was indeed a momentous occasion, both in the Masonic calendar for the Province of South Wales, and for Freemasonry in general under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England. It’s the first time anywhere in the world that an installation ceremony was undertaken entirely in the Welsh language. ‘I feel very privileged to have been present to witness it, and see it performed with such sincerity, professionalism and panache.’

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

Carla has just graduated from Barnard University in the US, an institution that is affiliated to Columbia

25 N O R T H U M B E R L A N D

Passing it forward

A young Northumberland student has just graduated from the Columbia-affiliated Barnard University in the US, thanks to a helping hand from Northumberland Freemason Bill Leece and a kind legacy from late Tynecastle Lodge member Norman Johnson. Bill first met Janice Melaco at an exercise group around 10 years ago, and chatted about her daughter Carla and her son Amonik and their various activities. He told her about being in the Freemasons and, with Brian Rudd’s help, they helped her with £500 each for Carla and Amonik to attend Youth Music Theatre. Carla, then 15, went to London while Amonik, 13, travelled to Plymouth, to hone their skills in dance, drama and acting. A year later, Carla was given a flyer about applying to The Sutton Trust from her state school, Monkseaton High. The Sutton Trust US Programme is a once-in-alifetime opportunity for young people to explore what studying in the US is like. Although it is a fully funded programme, there are certain criteria. Applicants should attend a state-funded school, must not hold US citizenship, must be from a low- or middle-income family, and be interested in US culture and higher education. Among other stipulations, they also look for students who would be the first generation of their family to attend university, live in a neighbourhood with a low rate of progression into higher education, and have excellent GCSE qualifications. Carla was accepted onto the scheme from about 2,000 applications, after which she enjoyed a week in the US to visit prospective universities. She chose Barnard largely because of its dance department but also because it is an inclusive institution that supports students of colour. Barnard’s motto is ‘Be Bold, Be Barnard’, and they inspire students to go on to be world leaders. The future looked bright, but Janice’s earnings couldn’t cover the additional costs of personal expenditure such as food and toiletries. Bill Leece wanted to help out again. In 2018, he visited the Provincial Office to see whether Freemasons could offer further support. Several meetings were held with Carla and Janice, and a projected income 20

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and expenditure identified an annual shortfall of £4,000-£12,000. Brian Rudd, the Past Provincial Grand Secretary, had an idea. He referred to a legacy from Norman Johnson who had been a personal friend of his, and suggested that this would be the perfect use of that gift. Norman was a member of Tynecastle Lodge No. 6317, went through the chair in 1982 and was part of the 1982 team of Masters. He was also a joining member of Celtic Lodge, Edinburgh & Leith and was a Past Master there too. Professionally, Norman was a Bursar at a college in Durham and then in Consett, from where he retired. Norman was a great exponent of youth progression and a keen scout. Tragically, his wife died at a young age, and they never had a family of their own. But this did not stop Norman from taking an active interest in the development of young people. When he died in 2017, Norman bequeathed £20,000 to the Northumberland Masonic Charity Association, with a specific request that it be used for a local good cause rather than be added to Festival activities in support of the RMBI. The Province put the suggestion of using Norman’s legacy to the Trustees of the NMCA, who readily agreed to support Carla to the full amount of £12,000 over the three years of her course. It has certainly been put to good use. Happily, Carla has graduated and has recently been proposed and accepted into the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, the oldest academic honour society in the US. FMT Winter 2021

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Out & about UGLE Provinces

In 2003/4, I was a Sheriff of London and travelled the world with the then Lord Mayor, Sir Robert Finch. I was impressed by the number of countries promoting engineering apprenticeship schemes. In 2016, I became President of the Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society (founded 1799), which stages one of the biggest agricultural shows of the year. As a contribution to my year, I created an agricultural engineering apprenticeship scheme, which places school leavers with agricultural machinery companies with a view to encouraging them to become apprentices. The scheme has worked well. Based on its success, I met with the Provincial Grand Master for Nottinghamshire, the Right Worshipful Brother Philip Marshall, who was keen to extend the education offer of the Province of Nottinghamshire. In line with UGLE’s strategic direction of encouraging us to

FUNDING FUTURE ENGINEERS Geoffrey Bond OBE, DL describes the positive impact of The Midland Masonic Education Partnership

take a greater role in local communities,

Images: NUAST

Left and right: MMEP engineering students in Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology (NUAST) workshops


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UGLE Provinces Out & about

we saw an opportunity to be involved with more outreach work with young people, particularly those experiencing financial hardship. Discussions also took place with the Lord-Lieutenant for Nottinghamshire, Sir John Peace, who is chairman of the Midlands Engine and who supported our wish to create a Masonic engineering apprenticeship scheme. I had discussions with Robert White, the Principal of Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology (NUAST), a great supporter of science and technology schemes who was pleased to work with us. In 2017, Worshipful Brother Barry Woodhead, Provincial Grand Charity Steward for Nottinghamshire, headed a committee taking the apprenticeship idea forward and creating the Midland Masonic Education Partnership (MMEP), an element of which is the apprenticeship scheme for engineering science and technology. It has proved very successful.

A key aim of the MMEP is to make a contribution in assisting young people into work within the county, helping to improve productivity and strengthening the local economy. As we know, there is a great shortage of engineering apprentices and NUAST is doing much to remedy this situation. It has many students from a diversity of backgrounds and they are given an opportunity to study in a variety of engineering-based subjects. The science element is founded on a broad spectrum, whereas technology is more focused on computer programming, seen as vital in modern engineering. The MMEP has worked with local schools, companies and organisations willing to take students on placements to give them further experience. Financial support is also forthcoming from the MMEP; for example in September 2017 it provided support for students from NUAST going on an exchange programme to an academy in China. From time to

time, distinguished guest speakers in the engineering field also support the MMEP. Our outcomes include: A • transformational life experience for young people studying science and/or technology for those intending to go into traineeships or higher apprenticeships in Nottinghamshire. • Improved student understanding of the needs of the workplace in qualitative and quantitative terms. It is hoped that individuals will become more ‘work ready’. • An appreciation of different cultures and methodologies in the global setting of industry and competition. The success of the MMEP is such that I recommend it to those in Provinces who are considering further education initiatives. In particular, more support for engineering apprenticeships is required. Such initiatives are invaluable to the young people concerned, and promote important educational outreach programmes by Freemasons.

The scheme has assisted young people from schools and academic institutions such as NUAST (above) into work or placements

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Out & about UGLE Districts and Groups


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Bro Ronnie Scott has returned to Freemasonry after a 37-year absence – and the WWII veteran has a century of action-packed experience to share with his Lodge


he District Grand Lodge of South America, Southern Division has many stories to tell, but none more special than that of the extraordinary life of Bro Ronnie Scott of Pampa Lodge No. 2329. Ordinarily, when a gentleman joins a Lodge there is very little fanfare. However, when that gentleman is returning to the Craft after a 37-year absence, is over 100 years old, flew Spitfires for Britain in World War II and has recently starred in a documentary about his own life, one does take notice. Ronald David Scott, or ‘Ronnie’ to his fellow members, was born in Buenos Aires in October 1917, to an English mother and a Scottish father. Today,


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he still lives in the city and is a keen cyclist and occasional footballer at the local sports club. During the pandemic, Ronnie rekindled his passion for Freemasonry and joined Pampa Lodge No. 2329, 37 years after his mother Lodge had been erased. One of the stories he likes to tell is of the event that started his unique adventures. ‘I used to go to the Hurlingham Club and I was watching a polo match when someone galloped right up to the fence. I realised it was Edward Windsor,’ he says. The then Prince of Wales and later Edward VIII asked the 13-year-old Ronnie if he would mind fetching him some tonic and they started up a conversation. They talked about the recently

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UGLE Districts and Groups Out & about

docked British aircraft carrier HMS Eagle. Ronnie’s enthusiasm must have been quite something as the prince arranged a private tour. While on board, Ronnie saw biplanes from World War I. ‘I came away and I knew I was going to be a naval pilot,’ he recalls. Ronnie was 21 when World War II began in September 1939, and living in a neutral Argentina led Ronnie to question his own identity. Many of those around him were admirers of the Nazis. Ronnie’s attitude was very different, partly because his parents were British and all too well aware of Hitler’s atrocities. Being Argentinian, he was not obliged to risk his life, but did so because of an overpowering sense of justice.

In 1942 he was one of the 2,000 Argentine volunteers, both men and women, who would fight in the British Armed Forces. Of those, 860, like Ronnie, joined the Royal Navy. He left Argentina at the beginning of 1943, aged 25. Ronnie spent five weeks in Britain before travelling to undergo pilot training in Canada at an airfield close to Lake Huron. He flew with 794 Naval Air Squadron, part of the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm, where he was involved in pilot and aircrew training. In late 1944, he joined London’s attempts to combat the enemy’s V1 flying bombs. Based at the Naval headquarters in Greenwich, Ronnie found himself in command of the fire, ambulance and home guard response in charge of the area around St Paul’s Cathedral. ‘There were occasions when you knew you were hanging on a thread. War is a horrible thing. There are people with families who get shelled out of existence.’ After returning home from the war, Ronnie got a job as a commercial pilot and married his sweetheart Marion in 1950. He was initiated in St David’s Lodge No. 3952 in 1955 and stayed a member until it was erased in the 1980s. Sadly, Marion passed away in 2014, but she left Ronnie with two wonderful sons and three grandchildren. Ronnie still lives in Buenos Aires and often visits the Buenos Aires British cemetery to pay his respects to former friends and comrades at the Royal British Legion memorial wall. The inscription reads: ‘In memory of our volunteers from Argentina who died fighting for the freedom we enjoy today. We will never forget them.’ In 2019, award-winning British filmmaker Alex Bescoby made a documentary about Ronnie. His film, Buena Onda: The Tale Of Ronnie Scott, was released in March and is available on Vimeo. ‘Buena onda’ is slang for ‘good vibes’ or ‘cool’. Alex Bescoby says, ‘Ronnie is a remarkable, wonderful man with a philosophy of life that we could all learn from. It’s hard to believe he is 104. The energy of the man... I ended up in awe.’ Ronnie doesn’t think of himself a hero in wartime or peacetime, he simply considers himself lucky to have had such a long and fulfilling life. It is a philosophy we can all learn from. FMT Winter 2021

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Centenarian Ronnie joined Pampa Lodge No. 2329 after a 37-year absence from the Craft


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Contents Stories

People, places, history and more

HRH The Duke of Kent signed The Armed Forces Covenant in a momentous event

28 Military Masons The Armed Forces Covenant is signed at Freemasons’ Hall

32 Memorable day for Bucks

More than 100 new Freemasons initiated in historic ceremony FMT Winter 2021

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36 60-second interview Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire Anthony Howlett-Bolton OBE 27

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Stories Military Masons

B R OT H E R S IN ARMS Demonstrating a commitment to its military members and their partners, the United Grand Lodge of England has signed the Armed Forces Covenant at a most memorable occasion

Photography: Richard Gleed


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Military Masons Stories


he Freemasons signed the Armed Forces Covenant during a ceremony at Freemasons’ Hall on 20 October, led by His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent. The partnership aims to support members of the armed forces community and ensure that they have the same access to government as well as commercial services and products as any other citizen. By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) will be able to demonstrate its support to members of the armed forces in a number of areas, such as education, family wellbeing, getting a home, starting a new career, access to healthcare, financial assistance and discounted services. UGLE has a strong armed forces background through its military Lodges. This partnership therefore represents an important step in further supporting both active and retired military personnel. Notable armed forces figures such as Admiral Sir Peter Parker, 1st Marquess of Hastings Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Captain Robert Falcon Scott, General Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum, Lieutenant Elias Henry Jones, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Cyril Louis Norton Newall, Commodore Wilfred Henderson and Thomas William Gould VC were all extremely well-known Freemasons. UGLE’s MW Bro The Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent, has a longstanding relationship with the military. In 1955, he graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as a second lieutenant. It was the beginning of a military career that spanned more than 20 years. He was promoted to captain in 1961 and after having served in Hong Kong, he was promoted to major in 1967. Three years later, he commanded a squadron of his regiment serving in the British Sovereign Base Area in Cyprus. In 1970, HRH The Duke of Kent served in Northern Ireland, before being promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1973.

Having retired from active service on 15 April 1976, he was subsequently promoted to major general in 1983 and to field marshal in 1993. HRH The Duke of Kent, said, ‘It is my great pleasure to sign the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of the United Grand Lodge of England. This document represents part of our ongoing commitment to support active and retired military personnel. We are proud of our long-standing relationship with the armed forces and we will continue to promote their welfare, support and respect among all our members.’ He added, ‘Our Lodges, through the centuries, have always had a close relationship with those who serve in the armed forces. Servicemen have found that our values of integrity, friendship, respect and charity are a natural fit with their own and many ex-servicemen comment that the camaraderie they find in a Lodge is second only to that they have experienced while serving. It is also true to say that the experiences and friendships that they form help a much wider cross-section of

‘Our Lodges, through the centuries, have always had a close relationship with those who serve in the armed forces’ FMT Winter 2021

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His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, signing the Armed Forces Covenant alongside Major General Simon Graham, Director Reserves Army


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Stories Military Masons

Clockwise from top left: Chelsea Pensioner Ray Pearson in conversation; Steven Varley (PGM Derbyshire, Johnson Beharry VC, Jeff Gillyon (PGM Yorkshire N&E), Dave Wheeler (PGM Lincolnshire); Chelsea Pensioners greet MW Bro The Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent; The Grand Master chats with Major General Simon Graham


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society better understand the military, its ethos and its purpose. I am delighted to have formally recognised, in this document, the relationship that has always existed between our great institutions.’ By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, the UGLE demonstrates its intention to support the armed forces community, which, in turn, allows the UGLE to be recognised by the UK government’s Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS). An ERS award shows that the recipient is delivering tangible support for the armed forces community. Major General Simon Graham, Director Reserves Army, signing on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, said, ‘The Armed Forces Covenant is a commitment to support those who have served and their families. The support of employers and making a public pledge of support to the armed forces community that they are valued by society is vital. This year,

we celebrate the Armed Forces Covenant’s 10th anniversary, and for centuries the United Grand Lodge of England has had a solid connection to the armed forces, and it makes perfect sense for us to have the Freemasons signing up to Armed Forces Covenant this year. I’d like to thank the UGLE for supporting the armed forces community.’ Dr David Staples, UGLE’s Grand Secretary and Chief Executive, said, ‘It is a great honour to be able to sign the Armed Forces Covenant. From its earliest foundations, Freemasonry has always had a strong relationship with the armed forces. Today, we want to thank those brave men and women who dedicate their lives to protecting our country and the people who live here. They deserve all our thanks and our respect, and this is one of many steps we aim to take in helping both active and retired members of the armed forces and their families.’

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Military Masons Stories

G R A N D S E C R E TA RY ’ S A R M E D F O R C E S C OV E N A N T S P E E C H 20 OCTO BER 2021

On the same day that the UGLE signed the covenant at Freemasons’ Hall, heads of Freemasonry on the Isle of Man, and in Cheshire, East Lancashire, West Lancashire and North Wales also made their commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant. This is in addition to Staffordshire and Yorkshire North and East Riding regions. In total, 24 Provinces have either signed or will sign the Covenant. The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will also sign the covenant this December at their annual general meeting.

‘Your Royal Highness, my lords, ladies, gentlemen, brethren. Welcome to Freemasons’ Hall. Each year, more than 40,000 members of the public visit this building to learn a little more about the values and purpose of Freemasonry, and to marvel at this Art Deco masterpiece, the only Grade II*-listed building in London still used for its original purpose. It was conceived and built out of great conflict, as a lasting memorial to peace, and to those thousands of Freemasons who lost their lives in the Great War. ‘Those Lodges that contributed to the building of this great memorial are carved for posterity into the stones of its very walls, and the scroll of honour, the centrepiece of our building, behind me, lists the names of our fallen. ‘Organised Freemasonry was conceived over three centuries ago out of a time of great conflict. Huguenots and Stuarts, Catholics, Protestants and Jews, vying for power and influence in unsettling times. From this crucible of social discord arose an organisation which promoted religious tolerance, something wholly radical in a world characterised by conflict. Freemasonry spoke for meritocracy at a time when birth and wealth determined success; it elected officers subject to democratic accountability, it introduced new norms of civility and discourse and promoted education and self-improvement, principles that spread around enlightenment Europe from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge. ‘Freemasonry offers a simple philosophical message to its members – to act with integrity, to show respect to our fellows, to be charitable, kind and tolerant, and have a huge amount of fun along the way. The purpose is not only to promote virtue, but also to promote a thoughtful approach to being virtuous. It is centred around an analogy of building, or creating, and thus by chipping away our rough edges and our inadequacies FMT Winter 2021

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we reveal the better people we can be – more fit to serve those less fortunate than ourselves, those who have fared less well in life than us, and those communities from which we are drawn. ‘I am delighted therefore that the Masonic Charitable Foundation and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company are today announcing their intention to sign the Armed Forces Covenant during their Members’ Meeting on 8 December this year. Freemasonry’s charities have a long and proud history of supporting the armed forces and their decision to make this commitment through the covenant will enhance this support over the years ahead. ‘At the end of the Second World War, a great many sailors, soldiers and airmen, seeking to maintain contact with their former colleagues and recapture the camaraderie they had known in the forces, turned to Freemasonry. It was a golden time for us as hundreds of new Lodges, each with military connections, were consecrated, and today it is no wonder that so many servicemen, and women, find a parallel between the lives they have led in uniform and the support and friendship they find within Lodge. ‘It is for those men and women, and those still serving, and in recognition of the very high regard that the members of the United Grand Lodge of England have always had for our armed forces, that I am delighted to be able to host our signing of the Military Covenant – a tangible demonstration of our continued commitment to those here represented by Major General Graham. I now invite him on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, and the MW Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent on behalf of the United Grand Lodge of England, to sign the covenant.’


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Stories Swelling the ranks


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Swelling the ranks Stories

S u n d ay service

As lockdown persisted, Buckinghamshire’s membership enquiries mounted up. In celebration, they turned a mass initiation ceremony into an event to remember Photography: Dom Tyler

S More than 100 new members were initiated at Freemasons’ Hall

unday 12 September 2021 was an historic day for Freemasonry. Freemasons’ Hall played host to an unprecedented event for the Buckinghamshire Freemasons when more than 100 new members were initiated in a single day. But before we tell you more, we have to go back to June 2017, when a decision was made in Buckinghamshire that would culminate in this memorable occasion. The then new Provincial Grand Master (ProvGM), John Clark, decided to make membership the number one focus for the new administration. The rationale was that by focusing on membership, the other elements of the Province such as ritual, communications, marketing and mentoring would have to be in order, too. As such, the ProvGM set out to build a team of dedicated Buckinghamshire Freemasons whose brief was simple – attract and retain members. It was decided that to attract young, enthusiastic candidates, the marketing and communications strategies had to reflect the behaviours of that group, while the membership and mentoring strategies should be standardised to ensure an optimal experience for all who used it. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Hugh Douglas-Smith, was challenged to produce a digital platform that would manage and track the membership enquiries for the Province, but also allow for streamlined processing of membership data, executive reporting and the appointment and promotions procedures. The Provincial Marketing Officer, Phil Whitney, and the Provincial Communications Officer, Matt Perkins, were tasked with producing a marketing and communications strategy that FMT Winter 2021

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brought the good works, camaraderie and mystery of Freemasonry to the attention of the public. By taking a single communications message across social media, the website and the Provincial magazine, Concord, it ensured that no matter where someone encountered Buckinghamshire Freemasons, they received the same content presented in the same way. The development of a new Provincial logo and inclusion of the recommendations from the survey on attitudes to Freemasonry were also key parts of this sea change. The formation of a landing page (www.buckspgl. org/info) meant that all communications would have a call to action, and direct interested parties to a contact form linked to the membership team. In January 2020, Provincial Membership Officer Simon Williams implemented a structured and detailed membership pathway, including methodology to allocate enquiries to suitable Lodges based on geography and availability. Little did Simon know that instead of assessing, vetting and allocating candidates to Lodges, he would soon have to keep them interested for 18 months during the first suspension of Freemasonry in 300 years. The changes to the marketing and communications strategies soon started to yield results, with improved engagement across all platforms and, most encouragingly, with the number of people filling in the contact form increasing from one-to-two per week to one-to-two per day. This was naturally a cause for celebration, with many prospective candidates stating they were interested in Freemasonry after seeing the good works that we do, but also the friendships that are built by the fraternity. The hard work of the whole team was starting to pay off by February 2020. 33

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Stories Swelling the ranks

Then in March 2020, disaster struck and Freemasonry was suspended due to the pandemic. Many of our members work in key-worker roles and were at the frontline of the COVID effort. Under the tireless leadership of the Provincial Executive, large numbers of Buckinghamshire Freemasons mobilised to provide urgent relief to those in need in the local communities. Initiatives included donating tonnes of food to local food banks; providing hot meals to the elderly, vulnerable children and women’s refuges; delivering PPE to NHS hospitals; delivering pamper packs and food to carers; undertaking marshalling duties at NHS vaccination centres; and providing support within NHS hospitals and clinics. These activities rightly attracted a lot of attention on social media and in the local and national press. So what was thought to be a disaster for our new recruitment initiative actually led to a further increase in the membership enquiries, with potential members seeing the benefits of our institution and wanting to join a community of like-minded people who were bringing help to their local communities. Membership enquiries went up and the membership team set about creating a programme to engage these potential 34

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members and keep them interested until such a time as they could be initiated. This included Zoom calls, family quiz evenings and virtual pub nights, which proved very popular with all. As the lockdown persisted, membership enquiries mounted. With more than 200 candidates through the Provincial channels, plus Lodges’ own recruitment efforts, more than 300 candidates were awaiting initiation, many having waited more than a year to join because of the lockdowns. Buckinghamshire now had a lovely problem: what to do with everyone? The Provincial Grand Master had a solution and asked the Rulers to allow him to initiate as many as possible in Freemasons’ Hall. He was met with a great wave of support. The Grand Master His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent gave a special dispensation to meet on a Sunday as this was the only day of the week when the whole of Freemasons’ Hall would be available for use – this in itself was historic as Freemasons cannot usually meet on a Sunday. The Buckinghamshire Initiations at Grand Lodge Day was born, affectionately known as BIG. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Worshipful Brother Bill Smithson, assembled a team and planning began with less than 12 weeks to go.

A harpist and saxophonist entertained the initiates as they dined

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Swelling the ranks Stories

Entertainment day and night

A monumental effort from the membership and communications teams meant that engagement with potential members was huge, with a final social barbecue being organised that pushed the number of candidates booked in to 103.

The day arrives

More than 100 candidates had booked in to be initiated into Freemasonry in a single day. In the morning, both Freemasons and candidates boarded all types of transport to get them to the event. The day started early, setting up all the temples, and the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 9:30am so that the officers from the ‘lost year’ of the pandemic had their opportunity to perform their roles in the Grand Temple. At 10:30am, the formalities began and the initiates were arriving thick and fast. Some Lodges were initiating four, five or even six candidates and were calling off during the day for refreshments. The day ran incredibly smoothly with a lovely lunchtime Festive Board in the Gallery Suites for those Lodges initiating in the morning sessions. After lunch, the Lodges continued to initiate their own candidates, with visitors there to increase the support for every Lodge.

During the day, the members were entertained by a harpist and a saxophonist. The beautiful new café in Freemasons’ Hall was ideal for the provision of much-needed refreshment. It was also the perfect location for members and candidates from all over Buckinghamshire to meet and update each other on news. At 15:30pm, everyone gathered in the Grand Temple for the main event. Marcellians Lodge No. 4450 was initiating its candidates in the Grand Temple, with more than 619 Freemasons staying all day to witness it, and the Provincial Grand Master in the Chair. It was a flawless ceremony with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies acting as Junior Deacon. Once the newly installed candidates retired from the Lodge, 88 of the new initiates who had stayed to the very end took to the floor to receive the Charge on Initiation with their new brothers. The sight of nearly 90 entered apprentices on the floor of Grand Lodge was an unforgettable experience. The Charge was given in spectacular fashion by Deputy Provincial Grand Master Hugh Douglas-Smith. There was then a most enlightening demonstration of the First Degree Tracing board before the Lodge was closed. Before the processions out, singer Jenny Ball serenaded the crowd from the balcony of the Grand Temple. The evening dining – the Festive Boards – took place both in the vestibule and the Gallery Suites. The exquisite food, wine and entertainment made for a most enjoyable occasion. In summary, the BIG Day was one that will stay in the memory of all that attended – especially the newly made Freemasons, who are now members of a very special group – as an event like this is unlikely to ever happen again. And, of course, we still have 150 more candidates to initiate, not to mention the second and third degree ceremonies to carry out. Perhaps another BIG third event is in order? FMT Winter 2021

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Buckinghamshire’s mass initiation event was unprecedented in Freemasonry’s history


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Stories 60 seconds with...

Law and Orders

Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire and former deputy chief constable Anthony Howlett-Bolton OBE sees a bright future for Freemasonry With a distinguished background in law enforcement, Anthony Howlett-Bolton’s career culminated in being awarded an OBE in 2016 for his work with ex-offenders. He worked in two police forces and retired as a deputy chief constable. ‘Following this, I spent several years as an international senior strategic security and justice advisor with the UK Government.’ Anthony was born and still lives in Buckinghamshire with his two dogs, and dotes on his family. ‘I have been blessed with two sons, two fabulous daughters-inlaw and five grandchildren.’ Here, he gives us an insight into his Freemasonry journey and his hopes for the future. What inspires you most about being a Freemason? It is an organisation based on social interaction. I am inspired by the camaraderie, the welcoming approach, the building of existing and new friendships and the common desire of Freemasons to make a real contribution to wider society. I am humbled when I see so many quiet acts of generosity that go on behind the scenes. Has Freemasonry improved your life? The enriching aspects of Freemasonry seem to me to be about self-development, and learning to be a better and more rounded person. The Charge after Initiation encompasses it all and I try hard to live my life by those principles. It is still very much a work in progress and always will be. What do you enjoy about being PGM? The simple answer is our members. I can’t begin to tell you how much I value and enjoy their company. The talent within Freemasonry is simply breathtaking and we are only just scratching the surface. 36

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The thought of being a Provincial Grand Master never featured in my mind and so I was totally wrong-footed when asked to lead the Province of Berkshire. It is an incredible honour, a huge responsibility and time-consuming to be asked to take on the role. But what makes it worthwhile is the support and encouragement one receives from literally everybody. We are part of one organisation. My role is to steward my Province as we continue to build Freemasonry together as a team. What challenges has the pandemic presented? The pandemic has interrupted the normal cycle of events and caused people in all walks of life to reflect on their priorities. It seems to me that our members fall into one of three camps. Some are eager to return, others are wary and the third group have reflected on their level of engagement. We need to be skilful in how we steadily re-engage so as to satisfy the needs of the eager, address the concerns of the wary and reinvigorate the distracted. We will rebuild together and reshape our lives. And what of your work with Solomon? Like most things in life, my work with the Solomon team, initially led by Stuart Hadler, was a chance event. I have been involved since day one and not missed a meeting yet. I was proud to take over from Stuart upon his retirement and I lead an extraordinarily talented and committed team; I simply conduct the orchestra. For me, the UGLE Learning & Development Programme is mission critical if we as an organisation and our members are to flourish. Fostering curiosity and developing understanding is at the heart of Freemasonry if we are to be a force for good.

What are your hopes for Freemasonry? The future is bright. Freemasonry brings hope and meaning to many in a way that is difficult to find elsewhere. While we will always compete with other spheres, I believe that, if we get our messaging right, there has rarely been a better opportunity for Freemasonry to thrive as part of normalised and valued society. As part of my work with UGLE, I am hugely impressed and encouraged with the drive, commitment and fresh talent evident within UGLE from both paid staff and volunteers. It is awe-inspiring to play a part. If we don’t succeed it won’t be through a lack of trying. Do you have a hero figure you aspire to? I dread this question because as soon as one mentions a name there is polarisation. I would rather say that I have never yet met the perfect person. We are all a work in progress but my heroes are those people who are genuinely compassionate about others, exude integrity, selflessly lead by example and make a real positive difference to society. These are true Freemasons in my book. What is the best advice you’ve received? The three best pieces of advice I have been given are these. Don’t believe your own propaganda, don’t delude yourself by self-aggrandisement and ensure that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you see a person of absolute integrity looking back at you. What’s your favourite way to relax? I am a reasonable, technical photographer, a green-fingered gardener and, in more recent times, a dreadful piano player. I maintain a keen interest in the law, both criminal and civil, as well as international security and justice reform.

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A daily advancement Extending knowledge of Freemasonry

40 Masonic enlightenment

The life of Freemason Martin Clare, a leading London educator

42 Duplicitous Dugood

Scottish jeweller William Dugood and his life as a double agent

Image: Getty

London’s Soho Square in the 1700s when Freemason and teacher Martin Clare walked its streets

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16/11/2021 14:33

Daily advancement Brothers Past


Freemason and one of London’s leading educators, Martin Clare was a proponent of Masonic enlightenment, as Dr Ric Berman explains

Image: Alamy


escribed as ‘one of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, and the Master of the Academy in Soho Square’ in his obituary in the General Evening Post (18 May 1751), Martin Clare (c1689-1751) sat on the Middlesex Bench until just a few months before his death. But it was his role as an educator and as a Freemason that would defi ne him. Clare was one of London’s most influential Freemasons in the 1730s to 40s, appointed a Grand Steward in 1734, Junior Grand Warden in 1735, and Deputy Grand Master in 1741. He was also a leading member of the King’s Arms Lodge in the Strand, now known as the Old King’s Arms or ‘OKA’. There he was Senior Warden and deputised for the often-absent Sir Cecil Wray, the Master. Clare was also Master of the Lodge at the Shakespeare’s Head in St James’s, where 14 members hailed from the OKA, and attended the Lodge at the British Coffee House in Cockspur Street near Charing Cross. However, Clare is known best as the author of A Defence of Masonry, published in 1730 in response to Samuel Prichard’s ‘exposure’, Masonry Dissected (1730). Clare’s retort was so admired that it was reprinted in Read’s Weekly Journal on 24 October that year. Clare was also a prolific and popular Masonic lecturer. The few surviving Lodge minute books dating back to the early 18th century suggest that it was customary in at least some Lodges for members with skills or hobbies to share their knowledge through talks and lectures. The fi rst surviving OKA minute book underlines this, recording 36 lectures given by a variety of members in the decade to 1743. They cover everything


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Brothers Past Daily advancement

Left: one of the Lodges Clare attended was at the British Coffee House in Cockspur Street, near Charing Cross

from human physiology to architecture, art and mathematics. Clare was the driving force behind the OKA’s lectures and had been one of London’s foremost educators for almost two decades. Since 1717, he had been proprietor and head of The Soho Academy, one of London’s leading boarding schools, and his textbook, Youth’s Introduction to Trade and Business (1720), ran to 12 editions. He summed up his approach to education as being centred on ‘practicality’, making sure his charges were ‘fitted for business’ by combining sciences with social graces. The Soho Academy syllabus was an amalgamation of mathematics, geography, French, drawing, dancing and fencing, combined with lectures on morality, religion, and natural and experimental philosophy. The school was viewed as one of England’s most celebrated and successful of private boarding schools and attracted students from affluent, well-connected families. Clare’s approach to Masonic education was in the same vein. He noted in his discourse given to the Grand Stewards’ Lodge and then to the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on 11 December 1735 that ‘the chief pleasure of society – viz, good conversation and the consequent improvements – are rightly presumed... to be the principal motive of our fi rst entering into then propagating the Craft... We are intimately related to those great and worthy spirits who have ever made it their business and aim to improve themselves and inform mankind. Let us then copy their example that we may also hope to attain a share in their praise.’ The Discourse was reprinted widely and incorporated into various editions of A Pocket Companion for Free-masons and in translations overseas. Clare based it in large part on John Locke’s Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693). He invokes the idea of an ‘inward civility of the mind’, arguing that a Freemason should have an enlightenment perspective that is guided by respect and concern for others both in and out of Lodge: ‘Men, whatever they are FMT Winter 2021

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guilty of, would not chuse to have their Blemishes displayed and set in open View. Failings always carry some Degree of Shame with them; and the Discovery, or even Imputation of any Defect, is not borne by them without Uneasiness.’ Whether because of its lectures, the scientific eminence and status of its members – many of whom, including Clare, were Fellows of the Royal Society – applications for membership of the OKA became numerous. In 1734, joining members included: Viscount Weymouth, who became Grand Master the following year; Viscount Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl; Lord Vere Bertie, eldest son of the Duke of Ancaster; and William Todd, Keeper of the King’s Wine Cellar at St James’s Palace. In an attempt to lessen the flow, the annual members’ fee was increased to five guineas for gentlemen, albeit remaining at three guineas for others. Nonetheless, this was high and would have excluded most. The OKA’s minute book outlines the structure of Lodge meetings. The Lodge would open around 6pm and an extract read from the by-laws or constitutions and proposed new members announced. The principal activity of the evening, the lecture or talk, would follow and be followed in turn by an initiation or the Masonic examination of Lodge officers to demonstrate their command of ritual. After toasts and songs, the evening would conclude around 10 or 11pm and the Lodge would then close. As Clare noted, ‘We are, let it be considered, the Successors of those who reared a Structure to the Honour of Almighty God, the Grand Architect of the World, which for Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, hath never yet had any Parallel. We are intimately related to those great and worthy Spirits, who have ever made it their Business and their Aim to improve themselves, and to inform Mankind. Let us then copy their Example, that we may also hope to obtain a Share in their Praise. This cannot possibly be done in a Scene of Disorder: Pearls are never found but when the Sea is calm; and silent Water is generally deepest.’ 41

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Daily advancement QC writes


e know from expense accounts kept by Thomas Coke, later Lord Lovel, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (1731), that while in Italy on his Grand Tour in 1716 he purchased prints and antiquities from a William Dugood. What is less clear is whether Dugood, a Scottish jeweller, was in Rome on his own account or part of Coke’s entourage. The Stuart papers at Windsor indicate that Dugood remained in Rome where he was associated with the exiled James Stuart and his court in exile. Francis Paton, another Scot, introduced Dugood to John Erskine, Earl of Mar, a senior figure in Rome’s Jacobite circles. Mar was influential. He had slipped into Scotland in 1715 and raised the Stuart standard at Braemar, proclaiming him king, an act that set off the Rising. When it failed the following year, Mar fled Scotland to return to exile in Europe with the Jacobites granted sanctuary in Rome under the protection of Pope Clement XI. On Mar’s recommendation, Dugood became court jeweller and received a Stuart warrant. He also became a trusted intermediary. His access made him a target for Philip von Stosch, a Prussian in Rome who had been recruited as a spy by the British. Stosch was a valued source on Jacobite activities and his reports under the alias ‘John Walton’ circulated at a senior level in London. Stosch persuaded Dugood to work for him and became his best source. But Dugood came under

Jeweller to the exiled Jacobite court in Rome, Scot and Freemason William Dugood escaped multiple inquisitions for his role in government espionage, as Dr Ric Berman explains


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Image: National Galleries of Scotland. Purchased with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Art Fund 2001


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QC writes Daily advancement

suspicion and in November 1722 was arrested and imprisoned by the Inquisition under the pretext of heresy. Believing that his own position would be compromised if Dugood confessed, Stosch persuaded one of Pope Clement’s cardinals, Alessandro Albani, to use his influence to free Dugood. Albani succeeded, and Stosch arranged for Dugood to flee to London. Charles Delafaye, the government’s anti-Jacobite spymaster and senior under-secretary, approved the plan. On Stosch’s recommendation, Dugood was encouraged to establish a business as a jeweller in the Haymarket and received commissions from senior Whig politicians including the Duke of Devonshire. He was also introduced to Freemasonry shortly after his arrival and was initiated at the Goose and Gridiron on 15 March 1725; Dugood is also listed as a member of the Lodge at the Three Tuns, Billingsgate. Masonic connections may also have played a role in his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1728. His sponsors included two senior Freemasons: Rev Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers, a Past Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master; and Martin Folkes, another Deputy Grand Master and a Vice President (and later President) of the Royal Society. Dugood’s election was noted in the press: ‘A very ingenious man, [an] inhabitant of Rome, who was formerly the Chevalier’s jeweller’. Dugood decided to return to Italy in 1731. He had been contacted by Countess Dorothea Sophie of Neuburg, Regent of the Duchy of Parma, and asked to value and catalogue a collection of antiquities. Dugood’s arrival was noted by the British agent in Parma who informed Delafaye; it was also known to the Jacobites in Rome where his espionage was not forgotten. Despite Jacobite pressure, Dugood did not leave Parma until mid-1733, and, when he did, he was granted letters of recommendation from the Countess designed to secure a safe passage. From Parma, Dugood travelled to Florence to meet with Stosch, who had been exposed as a spy a year earlier but was granted protection in Florence. Many of those involved with Stosch, including Lord Chesterfield, Lord Harrington and Delafaye, were Freemasons –members of the Horn Tavern Lodge. Stosch also became a Freemason and after settling in Florence he co-established Florentine Lodge with Charles Sackville, Earl of Middlesex. Dugood attended the Lodge during his time in Florence, as did Martin Folkes.

Left: Prince James receiving his son, Prince Henry, in front of the Palazzo del Re in 1747 (multiple artists)

‘The Stuart papers at Windsor indicate that Dugood remained in Rome where he was associated with the exiled James Stuart’ FMT Winter 2021

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The Stuart influence in Italy was extensive and, while in Florence, Dugood was entrapped by Thomas Tyrell, a Jacobite agent, and arrested. The British chargé d’affaires, Brinley Skinner, secured his release, but rather than leave Italy, Dugood travelled south to Rome in the belief that his letters from the Countess would protect him. They did not, and Dugood was seized on entering the city. Dugood’s freedom was secured once more by Cardinal Albani, and to ensure that he would not be rearrested, Skinner arranged berths for Dugood and his family on the Dolphin, a naval vessel leaving for England via Portugal. Dugood’s flight was approved by London on the understanding that he would be debriefed: ‘There might be gathered some useful knowledge from him relating to the Jacobites and their affairs abroad, and particularly of persons in England, and Scotland most attached to the Pretender.’ However, Dugood disembarked at Lisbon, using his letters of recommendation to obtain entré to the Portuguese court. The Countess’s sister, Maria Anna, was queen of Portugal and, with her support, Dugood secured a position as court jeweller. Dugood had been resident in Lisbon for more than a decade when John Coustos, another British agent, arrived in the city from Paris. Dugood was possibly the ‘chosen friend’ in whose house we ‘dine together and practice the secrets of Freemasonry’. Regardless, Coustos mentioned Dugood overtly in his testimony to the Inquisition following his arrest: ‘Mr Dogood [Dugood], an Englishman [sic], who was born a Roman Catholic and was a Freemason. This gentleman had travelled with and was greatly beloved by Don Pedro Antonio, the king’s favourite, and who, having settled a lodge at Lisbon 15 years before, could acquaint them, in case he thought proper, with the nature and secrets of masonry.’ Why Coustos would mention Dugood is unclear. It may have been to deflect attention away from Coustos himself when under interrogation, or to show that Freemasonry was de facto accepted in Portugal. Or it may have been retribution. It is not known whether Dugood’s disembarking in Portugal was contrary to Whitehall’s wishes or at their behest. Either way, Dugood was not arrested nor did he face sanction. His connections at Court remained intact and he continued to live and work in Lisbon. Dugood amassed a large collection of artifacts and owned thousands of casts taken from Greek and Roman antiquities: ‘as perfect as … the medals themselves’. Held in three purpose-built chests, the collection was sold to William Constable in 1760 and it is today at Burton Constable Hall in Yorkshire. Unlike his collection, Dugood did not return to Britain but remained in Portugal; he died in Lisbon in 1767. 43

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27/10/2021 15:45

Grand Lodge News from Great Queen Street

46 Quarterly Communication Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence on digital developments

48 Onboarding with Solomon Managing the expectations of new Freemasons

Image: Getty

Freemasons’ Hall is featured in the new digital marketing campaign FMT Winter 2021

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Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication

Digital futures In his in-person September message, Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence shared his excitement about the digital developments in Freemasonry


rethren, I am delighted to see so many of you here today as we continue to move towards a more normal rhythm in our meetings. We all very much hope that things will continue to improve as more and more of our Lodge and Chapter meetings are able to take place and our members return to a fuller enjoyment of their Freemasonry. Having stated what I am sure we all hope may be the case, none of us are in any doubt that there is a continuing level of uncertainty on how things will develop with COVID-19 over the next few weeks and months. There will undoubtedly be a few alarms along the way, but as we move from a pandemic situation to one where we have an endemic infection in the population, we need to adjust and adapt our responses, especially in our Lodges and Chapters. I mention both Lodges and Chapters as what I am about to say will surely apply to both the Craft and the Royal Arch. A significant number of Lodges and Chapters have already met and more will do so over the next few weeks. I am sure you will all experience, as I have, that individuals respond differently to the current situation. Some of our members in meetings will just carry on as normal, but others will wish 46

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to wear a mask or sit at more of a distance from others than before, and I am sure there will be other responses. It is vitally important for every member of a lodge or chapter to feel comfortable in a meeting and we should all be entirely supportive of the choices individuals make to be able to attend. The important thing is for everyone to want to attend, be supported to do so and to be engaged with their Freemasonry. We should also be understanding of those members who may not yet feel able to attend a meeting in person and ensure they are very much supported in their continued membership. Such an approach will very much live up to our values. As you will realise from the numerous communications over recent months, a great deal of work has been done over the last year or so in developing and enhancing our approach, both in engaging with existing members and in attracting new members. I would like to thank all those who have been involved in this work, particularly the Metropolitan, Provincial and District Grand Masters, as it is only with their support, encouragement, and sound advice that we have been able to make as much progress in these trying times. Brethren, I think we all appreciate it is every bit as important to engage with those who are already members as it is to attract new ones. It is you, our members, through your enthusiasm, who are the best advertisement and ambassadors for Freemasonry. One has only to think of the extraordinary levels of engagement in our communities by Freemasons, particularly in recent times, to realise how critical this is for any organisation that wishes to thrive. Very shortly an updated Members’ Pathway will be rolled out across the Provinces and individual Lodges and you have all seen the material sent in preparation for this. This is an exciting development and enhancement to what we have done over the past three years or so and has been warmly welcomed by Provincial Grand Masters and Provincial Membership Teams. I am sure it will be equally well received in Lodges. Brethren, as you will also be aware, we are going to launch a national digital marketing campaign. This is a first for us. This campaign will be promoted under the auspices of ‘Why Freemasonry?’, with memorable sentences that capture the essence of Freemasonry. This builds on the mission statement published with the annual report in April. Creating ‘Why Freemasonry?’, in other words why become a Freemason and why remain one, was not as straightforward a task as some

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Quarterly Communication Grand Lodge

might imagine. We all have our own reasons why we became a Freemason and the different aspects that strike a chord within us to maintain our interest and enthusiasm. I am sure we will all do as much as we can to ensure this campaign is a great success. It is essential all new members, whether arising from this national campaign or through existing ways of joining, are properly looked after and welcomed into their Lodges and Freemasonry more widely and, most importantly, remain engaged with Freemasonry for many years to come. This is a responsibility for all members of a Lodge, not just the Lodge Membership Team. And while on the subject of the Lodge Membership Team and in particular the Lodge Membership Officer, as you all know, a number of changes to the Rules in the Book of Constitutions have been introduced over the past year.

The jewel for the Lodge Officer is available exclusively from the shop at Freemasons’ Hall

One of these was the creation of the office of Membership Officer, both at Lodge level and at Metropolitan, Provincial and District Grand Lodge level. What you may not realise is that the jewel for the Lodge Officer is available exclusively from the shop on the first floor of Freemasons’ Hall, and I hope those of you who have not yet seen it may wish to inspect it before you leave the building today and, perhaps, even buy one for your own Lodge if you wish. Brethren, I was recently discussing the nature of Freemasonry with one of my friends who is in their mid-30s, and we concluded that one of the strengths of the organisation is that it is truly intergenerational in its membership. This, together with Freemasonry being a rare facilitator for us to meet others from different backgrounds, religions and races who we might otherwise not get a chance to do so and enjoy their friendship and company, is something of which we must never lose sight. Notwithstanding the tragedies, difficulties, and challenges of the last 18 months Brethren, we have an opportunity to ensure Freemasonry thrives. We should not aspire to return to the status quo prevailing before the pandemic. That would be a failure of imagination on all our parts. We must aim to be better and stronger than we were before, with strong member engagement, thriving Lodges and Chapters with every member engaged and looking forward with anticipation to the next meeting, and a convivial meal afterwards. Our aim must be to become an organisation with members who continue to act with confidence. This is the raison d’etre of the updated Members’ Pathway and the national digital marketing campaign. I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of the Working Parties who have contributed to these two important developments. I believe every single member can and should be able to contribute to ensuring Freemasonry thrives, both as individuals and within our respective Lodges. With your support, we will succeed.I very much hope we will all grasp this opportunity as we come out of the pandemic with unbridled enthusiasm to ensure Freemasonry under the United Grand Lodge of England thrives over the years to come. Brethren, thank you.

‘We must aim to be better and stronger than we were before, with strong member engagement and thriving Lodges and Chapters’ FMT Winter 2021

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15/11/2021 19:23

Grand Lodge Solomon

Welcome onboard

The Learning and Development Team’s Worshipful Brother John Roscoe describes how Solomon satisfies the expectations of new Freemasons, while teaching them about Freemasonry’s history, traditions and symbolism


Solomon can help members understand Freemasonry’s rituals and ceremonies


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eople often talk about life as a journey. These obviously have a start point and usually a destination in mind, too. In Freemasonry, we frequently describe people as having a Masonic journey. Each of us who is a Freemason knows the reason we decided to join. These vary, although interviews with many Freemasons reveal surprising commonalities across individuals as to why they wish to become a Freemason. At core, these include a desire to be with like-minded people with an underlying altruistic or charitable disposition; to become a ‘better man’ – motivated by curiosity to explore and understand the moral lessons contained in Masonic ritual, tradition, history, allegory and symbolism; to belong to an organisation that has enduring values over time and provides a sense of tradition that gives meaning, as part of something that puts your own life in the context of existing before and after your own life.

What is that meaning that people seek? Perhaps to achieve a sense that their life has been meaningful and that they have been able to contribute. For many, it is because they were inspired by a family member or someone else they respect who is a Freemason and wanted to join because of a desire to emulate them as an individual. Others join because of an innate curiosity about the Order. For some, it’s to recapture that sense of camaraderie and fraternity that they may have experienced in the forces. All of these are the kind of motivations that lead an individual towards becoming a Freemason. Perhaps the generic qualities in men attracted to Freemasonry include an empathic concern for others and a heightened sense of altruism. This journey starts with an approach to a friend or perhaps through the internet and visiting a Masonic website. The next step is to meet people who are Freemasons and members of a Lodge that

FMT Winter 2021

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Solomon Grand Lodge

the individual may wish to join. Traditionally, a candidate would be interviewed and then initiated into the Lodge. Their first experience is perhaps likely to be one of bewilderment at what they have been through, but also a sense of being made to feel special, particularly at the Festive Board sitting next the Worshipful Master at dinner, being the centre of attention and guest of honour for the evening. The sense of being included and valued at that point is very strong. However, after that experience, the new initiate may sometimes begin to experience small disappointments, such as being told to learn the answers to questions for subsequent degrees, but otherwise not being told very much and being asked to leave the Lodge room when other ceremonies are being conducted. Nowadays, it is expected and good practice that someone who is more experienced sits out with them to keep them company, but this does not always happen. FMT Winter 2021

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Similarly, at the bar and Festive Board, they may sometimes feel a little left out unless their proposer or others ensure that they are looked after. Sometimes the new Freemason experiences the responsibility of having to integrate themselves into the pre-established social network of the Lodge rather than being brought in and included. Research shows that reciprocity is a key factor in sound, enduring relationships. Therefore, those who hold the values that attract them to Freemasonry also expect those values to be demonstrated towards them. Surveys conducted for FMT in 2015-16 indicated that the most important areas of concern for members were mutual respect for each other, together with the sense of feeling personally valued, being with like-minded people, meeting people from different backgrounds to their own and pride in their membership of the Craft. Equally important to the social relationships was the desire to learn about Masonic symbolism and 49

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Grand Lodge Solomon

history and their relation to the ethical and moral ethos of Freemasonry. In business, people joining new companies often go through a process called onboarding – what used to be called induction. This is also a concept that is increasingly being used to describe the journey that the new Freemason makes through their initiation and subsequent ceremonies of Passing and Raising. In many Provinces and Districts, the importance of social relationships is well recognised and people seeking to become Freemasons are often invited to informal social events or white table nights in order to get to know members of the Lodge before they join. Equally, the importance of family support is well recognised, and initial interviews often take place with the partner, as well as with the man seeking to become a Freemason, to ensure that the commitment and expectations are clear. Similarly, after initiation in many Provinces, care is taken to invite the new Freemason to other Lodges to watch people being initiated and have the opportunity to see this important moment from another perspective. This step is repeated after they’ve been passed and raised. All of this cements the nature of the reciprocal relationship, based on the mutual respect and friendship that binds us into this fraternity. What perhaps has been missing is the need to satisfy the curiosity for understanding the Craft, which is embedded in the ritual and symbolism

‘Surveys conducted for FMT in 2015-16 indicated that the most important area of concern for members was mutual respect’ of Freemasonry as well as in the traditional history. However, exploring and understanding the ritual needs the bedrock of that sense of fraternity described above if it is to flourish. Recently, the Learning and Development Team at the United Grand Lodge of England have introduced onboarding courses for new Freemasons, covering all three degrees and soon to include companions new to the Royal Arch. Enrolment is straightforward. Each course comprises a number of sections, with quizzes to test your knowledge. Feedback suggests that people value the sessions and enjoy the interactive nature of the way they are presented. Each course is structured in a way that helps to develop and expand on the lessons and symbolism of the 50

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Access Solomon’s onboarding modules at www.solomon.ugle. or scan the QR code

degree through which they have just passed. The courses can be completed at your own pace and they help you explore the symbolism in order to fi nd ways that assist you in your own personal journey towards becoming a better person. Although this takes place on the Solomon platform, in an ideal world such opportunity should also be available within Provinces via the internet or locally at Masonic centres rather than at Lodge meetings. Also, they should be supported with learning circles and discussion groups, either online or in person. Much valuable learning can take place in informal discussion groups, perhaps meeting over a drink given that, originally, Lodges of instruction were established for exactly that purpose – to instruct and develop understanding, rather than just to practice ritual. If you are interested in these modules, whether you have just completed a particular degree or even if you are a more experienced Freemason, log in to Solomon ( and links to all the onboarding modules are available from the home page.

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Contents The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch Thoughts from the Supreme Grand Chapter

The Duke of Sussex by Samuel Drummond (c 1812), presented by the Lodge of Antiquity

54 The Chapter of Promulgation

Image: Museum of Freemasonry

The rituals adopted to clarify the Royal Arch ceremonies

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Royal Arch Stand on ceremony

The Chapter of Promulgation Describing 1834 as a watershed year, Keith Tallon details the standardised ritual adopted to clarify and confirm the Royal Arch ceremonies


he Grand Lodge of the Antients worked the Royal Arch in their Craft Lodges from about 1751, whereas the Moderns Grand Lodge had their separate Chapters after about 1766. At that time, the Royal Arch was only open to Past Masters and the device of ‘Passing the Chair’ was developed that involved a nominal placing in the Chair in order to gain entry to the Royal Arch. Passing the Chair would either be carried out in Lodge or in what was called ‘a previous Lodge’ within the Chapter, and the password for entry to the Royal Arch was the word of an Installed Master. In 1834, a long time after the Union of the Grand Lodges and Grand Chapters in 1813 and 1817 respectively, the Duke of Sussex decided to set up a committee charged with the task of clarifying and confirming the Royal Arch ceremonies. In one sense, 1834 was therefore a watershed. A ritual was agreed and a Chapter of Promulgation was set up in 1835 to demonstrate it and ensure that a standardised ritual was adopted around the country. Prior to 1834 there are a number of fragments of Royal Arch ritual in existence. Information about this can be found at After logging in to the Royal Arch section, you will find a number of papers presented to Supreme Grand Chapter, including


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Some thoughts on the origins of the Royal Arch by John Hamill. In the 1790s and the first decade of the 1800s, the ceremony seems to have developed from a fairly simple one with a short lecture in three parts to a more complex ceremony, and a more formalised six-section lecture. These lectures are not what we know today but were Lecture Sections done in catechetical form, that is, question and answer, rather like the Emulation Craft Lecture Sections. Two scripture readings, including one from St John’s Gospel, underline the Christian nature of the Royal Arch in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Some of the Christian references disappeared even before 1834. To give a flavour of the pre-1834 ceremony and to provide insight into how things were done, I quote from Bernard Jones’ Freemasons’ Book of the Royal Arch: The First Principal directs that the Sojourners be ‘well bound’ and provided

‘The Chapter of Promulgation’s original manuscript containing the agreed ritual was then locked away and quietly forgotten about’

with lifelines and supplied with “proper refreshment to assist them in their labours”. (The Sojourners each have a glass of wine, and are instructed in the use of the lifelines). Almost a pity, then, that in 1834 things changed, although the consumption of alcohol during the exaltation ceremony itself is no longer recommended by Supreme Grand Chapter. Differences in working clearly existed before 1834 and the opportunity was taken to de-Christianise the ritual and to make the Order open to those who had not passed through the chair of a Craft Lodge. It then became open to Master Masons of 12 months and upwards. The Craft had already been de-Christianised by that stage and with the Royal Arch now being part of pure Antient Masonry, it followed that the Royal Arch must also be open to all faiths. The committee reported and the ceremonies were agreed and signed ‘Augustus’ by the Duke of Sussex as ‘Grand Master Z’ on 2 November 1834. Supreme Grand Chapter resolved on 4 November 1835, that this ritual contained the ceremonies of the Order ‘which it is the duty of every Chapter to adopt and obey’. The problem, of course, was that this new ritual was not made available to companions either in manuscript or printed form. Instead, a Chapter of Promulgation was formed to demonstrate the new ritual over a period of six months. John Hamill, in his talk to Supreme Grand Chapter in September 1996, pointed out that in 1835 companions travelling from Chapters in Carlisle, Newcastle, Truro or Wales would have a journey back from London taking many days. He paints a wonderful picture of the companion muttering the ritual to himself in the carriage as they travelled back. What we are able to say today is that the Chapter of Promulgation was responsible for the present format of the ceremony, but the exact words would have been lost on the journey home. The Chapter of Promulgation’s original manuscript containing the agreed ritual was then locked away and quietly forgotten about for more than 100 years, as written versions of any Masonic ritual were frowned upon at that time. It was

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Stand on ceremony Royal Arch

An original page from the 1834 ritual. The Chapter of Promulgation was set up the following year

apparently rediscovered in the Library and Museum in 1947 by the then Assistant Librarian. He took it to show the Grand Scribe E who then put it in his safe and allegedly told the Librarian never to say a word about it. This was still in the dark old days of absolute secrecy. A few years ago I spoke to the then Grand Secretary and gained access to the manuscript. It is no longer in his safe and I obtained professional photographs of the original. Because no printed copies were made available, it was inevitable that the uniformity of ritual that Supreme Grand Chapter had hoped for was not to be, but the basis of the 1834 ceremony is still the same as today, and the local variations that resulted from this ill-fated attempt to standardise the ritual now add even more colour to our Chapter meetings across the country. Keith Tallon, SLGCR is currently Scribe E of the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement that operates like a Lodge of Instruction open to Royal Arch Companions ( He is also author of a forthcoming book provisionally titled It is Found… that will contain, not only a copy of the 1834 ritual itself, but also up to date Lecture Sections for users of both main Royal Arch rituals, Aldersgate and Domatic. FMT Winter 2021

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Culture From book reviews to crosswords

60 Best of the books William Preston’s influence on English Freemasonry

62 Play on words

Image: National Galleries of Scotland. Bequeathed by William Finlay Watson 1886

Test your knowledge of the Craft with our Masonic crossword

Outstanding thinker William Preston influenced the fundamentals of Freemasonry

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Culture Book reviews Chequred Existence-cover_Layout 1 02/02/2021 08:51 Page 1

Looking at England and Wales

Although much has been written about freemasonry hardly anything as substantial or so comprehensive as this study has been published previously to describe the history of the organisation’s development during the 20th-century. This is all the more surprising since that century witnessed the greatest growth in the organisation’s history which extends over more than 300 years. It was the century in which freemasonry became ‘a mass movement’ drawing into its ranks much larger numbers of people than ever before and significantly re-shaping its social composition. Although freemasonry entered the 20th-century in Britain as a respected organisation, heavily patronised by royalty, praised by church leaders and wellrepresented in government, it was by the end of the century on the defensive and facing a chorus of criticism and suspicion from parliament, the churches and the press, and endorsed in public by few.

This book therefore attempts to trace the path of freemasonry as it journeyed through the 20th-century – and to understand its chequered existence.

This Chequered Existence A History of Freemasonry in the Twentieth-century 1900 – 1999

Paul Calderwood

P. R. Calderwood

The book examines the remarkable expansion of this significant organisation during this period, its royal connections and its role as a major force for good in the charitable sector. It also addresses important changes in its relationship with religious bodies and the media.

This Chequered Existence

This Chequered Existence

A History of Freemasonry in the 20th-century

Printed in England



Time for reflection

A satisfying feast

Because Masonic ceremonies are largely about making individuals reflect on themselves, how they should behave towards others and so on, there has always been plenty of scope for writers to come up with their own interpretations of what Freemasonry is about. A few interpretations are far-fetched or bizarre, others unimaginative or plodding, while others are clear, profound and illuminating. This book is one of the latter. It comprises a collection of 47 thoughtful, balanced and well-written essays by seasoned and always-readable Masonic writer and lecturer Julian Rees. Rees started in Freemasonry in 1968 in Kirby Lodge and remained very actively involved in English Freemasonry until 2011 when he resigned in order to join the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women (Le Droit Humain). That is neither here nor there, since his intellect, learning and convictions

Dr Paul Calderwood is a distinguished member of that distinguished body, Quatuor Coronati Lodge, and was the Prestonian Lecturer for 2013. In this, his latest book, he gives the reader a deeply satisfying feast of information. This is the second book he has developed from his PhD thesis at Goldsmiths, University of London. The subtitle, A History of Freemasonry in the Twentieth Century, tells of its scope. Calderwood has realised his ambition of telling the story of 100 years of English and Welsh Freemasonry magnificently. He covers the story of UGLE’s fortunes in that period so very well. It is general and narrative where that is wanted, full of scholarly detail where that is required. There are substantial appendices, footnotes and a bibliography running to some 98 pages. However, none of that should be taken as suggesting that it is drily academic or only for the research student. The main work, just over 200 pages, is printed in pleasantly large

A stimulating collection of essays

Plenty to attract the general reader

sparkle as consistently, strongly and clearly as they have for decades. The essays cover a wide range of themes, such as truth, harmony, brotherhood, spirituality, allegory, light and love. An underlying thread throughout is that it is important to reflect on the content of Masonic ceremonies, rather than trudge through them unthinkingly in order to bowl off to dinner. What Freemasonry has to say to us is rather like a door ajar: it’s all there ready to be discovered, but we have to make the effort to push that door open and go in. Some readers may fi nd this book of no interest whatsoever. Perhaps they are what have sometimes been waspishly called ‘knife-and-fork’ Freemasons. I found it not only engaging, but thoughtprovoking too. Review by Lionel Brough Freemasonry for the Heart and Mind: Sketches from an Esoteric Notebook, Julian Rees, Arima Publishing, 122pp, £15.99

text and if footnotes and appendices are not really your thing, it does not matter. The book succeeds in its aim without forcing the reader to look closely at the sources listed, and can be read as a convenient and easy-going Masonic history of the past 100 years or so. Dr Calderwood wears his academic palms lightly and there is plenty here to attract the Masonic reader who wants a chapter of 15 or 20 pages to round off the day. Calderwood guides us through the growth of British Freemasonry which has tended to mirror the waxing and eventual waning of the British Empire; of its royal patronage, leadership and members and of its relationship with the wider political world. I recommend it without reservation. Review by Cestrian This Chequered Existence, A History of Freemasonry in the Twentieth-century 1900-1999 Paul Calderwood, Lewis Masonic, 320pp, £15.00

Books wanted for review. FMT welcomes book submissions for review. We will consider all genres, and the only requirement is that the book has a connection to Freemasonry. To submit a book for review, go to the link below and complete the form. We will let you know if we need a physical copy. The book must have an ISBN and be available for purchase by the general public (printed book, e-book, audiobook).


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Book reviews Culture



A strange order

Aristotle’s contribution

The word Freemasonry has been applied to all sorts of activities for hundreds of years. Some are familiar to many of us, while others are so esoteric, obscure and strange that any connection with mainstream Freemasonry can be hard to see. This book is about one of the latter – the 18th century Order of Knight-Mason Elect-Cohens of the Universe, founded by the shadowy figure of Martinès de Pasqually (1709-1774). The order was one of several branches of a phenomenon known as Martinism, itself named after Pasqually. Another branch was the Scottish Rectified Rite, or Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte, founded in the late 18th century by one of Pasqually’s pupils, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824). The background to these extraordinary developments was the rapid spread of higher degrees (often ascribed a Scottish origin) across much of 18th-century Europe. Interestingly, Pasqually was excluded by the then Grand Lodge of France in 1766 from the Lodges it controlled and, after his death, his order arguably petered out. Between 1770 and 1772, one of Pasqually’s fi rst adherents,

In 300 hundred years, English Freemasonry has produced many outstanding thinkers, but none has had a more prolonged influence than William Preston. The fundamentals of our three central ceremonies, and the lectures that go with them, remain indebted to him. From the publication of his Illustrations in 1772 until the adoption of the agreed rituals after the reconciliation of the Antients and Moderns in 1816, Preston’s defi nitions of ‘a system of morality’ and ‘illustrated by symbols’ and ‘veiled in allegory’ underpin everything. This short book contains Professor Boys-Stones’ Prestonian Lectures for 2020 and 2021. He sets out with academic precision how he thinks Preston’s education in Aristotelian philosophy guided the drafting of our rituals. He explains how our rituals emerged after a prolonged period of philosophical discussion before UGLE was formed. Boys-Stones describes how Preston used the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple as an analogy. This illustrates how a Freemason should build himself to be a temple of morality and how that construction would take

Not Freemasonry, but fascinating stuff

Preston’s role in our ceremonies

a French army officer called André de Granville (1728-1793) wrote a manuscript describing in great detail Pasqually’s complicated system, doctrines and practices. Also known as the Manuscript d’Alger, this manuscript now lives in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. The Green Book of the Élus Coëns provides the fi rst translation in English of that manuscript, together with lists of symbols, kabbalistic names and a catechism. Stewart Clelland writes and translates very well and the whole volume has been produced to a high standard of scholarship. So does all of this count as Freemasonry in any usual sense? Probably not, but for anyone interested in 18th-century esoteric movements this book is absolutely essential, if rather complicated, reading. Review by Julian Perry The Green Book of the Élus Coëns, Stewart Clelland, Lewis Masonic, 445pp, £29.99

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place over the three degrees and how those related to each other. He suggests that means a Freemason has a responsibility for his own education and, in a sense, is both craftsman and temple. He breaks down the allegory to show how each ceremony relates to a different aspect of the Temple and its construction. The Hiram legend does not always fit comfortably with Preston’s philosophy, although Boys-Stones says the ritual offers Hiram ‘as an exemplar of moral fortitude for us to emulate’. Although the name Aristotle does not appear in Preston’s work, he is never far from the heart of the argument in these two profound and wellresearched lectures that provide an opportunity for an in-depth consideration of our rituals that we might otherwise take for granted. Review by Richard Jaffa A Peculiar System of Morality: William Preston and the Definition of English Freemasonry, George BoysStones, independently published, 95pp, £10.00


15/11/2021 19:34

Culture Crossword

Cryptic crossword by Pornopion ACROSS 6. Betray fruit tree (5) 7. Rossini’s Count filled with hostility for mandarin house (8) 10. Piggy sounds round atraments (5) 11. Make every effort to include large tub (5) 12. Strange alpeens found in Wookey Hole, say (7) 13. Hand over tax to auditor for persian characters (7) 14. No backward boor ascends, we are told, to win these awards! (5,6) 19. Impressive directions for men and women (7) 21. Two taverns – one missing name – for those on the inside (2-5) 23. Austin must admit changes where necessary (7,8) 25. Free Italian measurement (not British) for bread in Milan (8) 26. Gathering to bake eggs (5) DOWN 1. Yes, German beacon somehow dated from early Stuart period (8) 2. Accident in short part of church (6) 3. Met weird nubile yobs? (4,2,4) 4. Chemise in small coffer (4) 5. Decorated band is heard to stop suddenly (6) 6. Derogatory ‘urban’ tag, say, suggested by wild hippos? (6) 8. Move faster and go in Milwaukee? Wow! (3,4) 9. Huge transducer of smells (5) 13. Special railcar put out (10) 15. Parry’s sirenic pair are this happy (5) 16. Low ranker to fade behind small Oxford court (8) 17. Directs alien to abandon head coverings (5) 18. Cato’s role to show entity in expression of surprise (6) 20. Opening notes in sort out (6) 22. Leads ladies on board (5) 24. Incite to attack suffering (4)



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16 18

17 20









Freemasonry in focus Do you have a photo you’d like to share with us that demonstrates what Freemasonry means to you? We’d love to see it and share it in FMT. Email your favourite Freemasonry pic to, along with details of your name, address and Lodge by 31 January 2022. The winning photo will be sent a copy of the Inside the Freemasons DVD.


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16/11/2021 09:51

Crossword Culture

Solution to Autumn 2021 crossword by Smintheus


Last issue’s winner


Ian Chandler from Surrey






R 14

















C 15













































S 18














17 17




H 29







O 25







N 27



















E 28



























The winner of last issue’s competition is Noah Nacilla of Discovery Lodge No. 8601. This photo (below left) was taken in the Cardiff Masonic Hall. Noah says, ‘I would like to share this photo of our first ceremony for 19 months. It’s clear from our faces that we are very happy to see each other again, and we are able to continue what we have been doing for many years.’



L 12





Please send your completed cryptic crossword puzzle to the Crossword Editor at, with your contact details, including name and address. The closing date for entries is 31 January 2022. Open only to members of UGLE. Only one entry per person. Correct entries will be placed into a cryptic crossword prize draw. Winners wil be announced in a future edition of FMT and will receive a free publication from Letchworth’s, the shop at Freemasons’ Hall. For full terms and conditions, go to:

Please use this form to receive FMT, to notify us of a change of address or to request to be deleted from the FMT database. Do include the reference number found on the wrapper in which FMT arrived, where this is known. For a change of address, please fill in both your current and new address. Please tick the box below as appropriate: I wish to receive a free copy of FMT I wish to notify a change of address I wish to be removed from the FMT database Please state reason (resignation/not interested/ deceased/receive duplicate copies, etc):


GL membership number

Current address Distribution reference number New address

Postcode Lodge number

FMT Winter 2019

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Chief Nurse, Joanne Bennis (left) and Dr David Staples (front right) at the hospital’s Amazon Children’s

Three millionth teddy

Dr David Staples presented the landmark comfort bear to Peterborough City Hospital Peterborough City Hospital has been presented with the three millionth bear from Teddies for Loving Care (TLC). TLC is a scheme that provides teddy bears for children who attend accident and emergencydepartments in England and Wales. The scheme is led and funded by Freemasons who also volunteer hundreds of hours each year. North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, which operates both Peterborough City and Hinchingbrooke Hospitals, have been part of the scheme since 2003 and shares the bears with children to comfort them, reward them for their bravery and to demonstrate procedures. The landmark bear was presented to Jackie James, Peterborough City Hospital’s play specialist, by Dr David Staples, a hospital clinician and CEO and Grand Secretary of UGLE. Jackie said, ‘The Teddies for Loving Care bears are very special to us in the emergency department and have a wonderful, positive impact on children who are receiving care.’ Children are often first met with a bear when they arrive at the hospital’s emergency department, and the

sight of the friendly face can help them in a number of ways. Jackie continued, ‘When a child first arrives at hospital, not only are they feeling unwell but they may also be scared and anxious. I like to meet children off an ambulance with a bear to provide some comfort and help make them feel at ease. The bears are also a great way of showing children what to expect from different procedures and I’ve seen a number of bears leave the hospital with matching bandages!’ Dr David Staples added, ‘We are delighted to be able to present the three millionth bear from this initiative to the hard-working staff at Peterborough City Hospital. As a doctor, who also works at

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this hospital, I know how important these bears can be; both for the children who receive them and the staff who give them. ‘This simple but effective idea was started by Freemasons in Essex in 2001 and since then has been rolled out across the UK and Wales. The programme also benefits the community through the accident and emergency departments that serve them, and Freemasons will continue their efforts to donate these bears nationwide to children when they are feeling at their most vulnerable.’ There are 47 regional Teddies for Loving Care programmes across England and Wales that provide teddies for their local A&E departments. Once a hospital joins the scheme they can replenish teddies on request through their local representative. Some Teddies for Loving Care programmes also donate a portion of their funds towards teddies for minor injuries units, children’s wards and hospices; there are even teddies flying on air ambulances. The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) provides central support and administration for each Provincial TLC scheme. 65

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Quick off the starting blocks

Ian (left) and John (below) both took on charitable running challenges

Fundraising Freemasons are happy to be hitting the ground running once more Hands up those who have had something cancelled in the past 18 months? For UK charities such as the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity), pandemic-related cancellations were more than just frustrating. Cancelled fundraising events have resulted in billions of pounds of lost income for UK charities and one in 10 are now threatened with permanent closure. Thankfully, events such as sponsored bike rides, galas and marathons are now back up and… running. And who are at the start line raring to go? Freemasons, of course. Freemason John was pounding the pavements around his home in Durham. He had originally planned to compete in the 40th annual Great North Run to raise money for the MCF in 2020. However, he and his 57,000 fellow runners fell victim to the cancellations that accompanied lockdown. The event was pushed back to September 2021. ‘When I turned 50, I had a health check and the doctor basically told me I needed to exercise more,’ says John. ‘I started off doing a lot of walking, then increased the pace. I had to keep my fitness up during lockdown, because I didn’t want the work I’d already done to go to waste. There are definitely moments when you doubt yourself – the halfway point of any run is always a big mental hurdle. But there’s an incredible feeling when you cross the finish line, both because you’ve completed such a massive challenge and because you’ve supported an important cause. I held that at the front of my mind and just kept putting one foot in front of the other.’ John was not alone in his wait for the Great North Run. Freemasons including Wayne, Stephen and Ian also found 66

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themselves caught up in the same wave of uncertainty, with all three signed up to run in support of the MCF. Says Ian, ‘the money has to come from somewhere. The MCF is brilliant at supporting charities and individuals all over the country, but they rely on people fundraising to be able to do that. This is my second time running for the MCF and the thought of being able to support such an important cause again is what kept me motivated.’ Despite finding his days filled up with new-dad responsibilities, Stephen also looked to the MCF for motivation. ‘We’ve had people from the charities

the MCF supports come into Lodge meetings before. You can see the good it does locally.’ Wayne adds, ‘It really helps that my Province, Durham, were in festival. The postponement meant I missed the festival finale, but I looked to other fundraisers in my Province, who were in the same boat, for moral support.’ Every one of the eight MCF supporters involved in the Great North Run crossed the finish line. With reduced income and increased demand for services, the charity world’s road to recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. But, as these Freemasons can tell you, commitment, determination and enthusiastic supporters can help bring that finish line into sight. Now more events are being given the green light, Freemasons are back at the forefront of fundraising and the MCF is able to change even more lives in communities across England and Wales.

Want to fundraise for the MCF? Visit FMT56/support or scan the QR code

FMT Winter 2021

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Left to right: Gary Neilson, Jon Devlin, Andrew Evans

Inclusive hospice care for the LGBTQ+ community Helping to provide end-of-life hospice care for marginalised members of our communities In March, the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) awarded £450,000 to help 16 hospices expand their services to marginalised members of their communities who have, historically, been prevented from accessing hospice care and support. Among the projects funded was a new partnership between Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice (GBCH) and equality and diversity charity METRO, which aims to support more LGBTQ+ people – particularly those without a partner, carer, or family support. For older LGBTQ+ people, the discrimination and trauma of the 20th century casts a long shadow, leaving many still reluctant to engage with their local health and social services. And while some may believe that institutionalised discrimination is a thing of the past, the sad reality is that mistreatment when accessing healthcare is still common for people of all ages. In fact, a recent government survey of LGBTQ+ people revealed that 16 per cent had had a negative experience while trying to access public health services, with many denied access.

Hospices offer a unique and invaluable service to people reaching the end of their life. Not only do they provide physical care and the help needed to maintain as much independence as possible, they also offer financial, spiritual, physical and emotional support. GBCH became aware that LGBTQ+ people were underrepresented among those they cared for, but lacked the expertise to tackle the issue. The MCF’s £17,000 grant will enable a community engagement specialist from METRO to immerse themselves in the work of GBCH and put into practice a strategy that will widen access to their care and support. As well as increasing awareness of the services available and building links with local LGBTQ+ organisations that can refer people to the hospice, this grant will also improve care by funding specialist training for staff. London Freemason Gary Neilson recently met with GBCH’s Jon Devlin, who will be leading the project, to learn more about the hospice and how Freemasonry’s support will make a difference. ‘I’m so pleased we’ve been able to help Greenwich & Bexley Hospice with this FMT Winter 2021

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excellent project to work with southeast London’s LGBTQ+ community,’ said Gary. ‘Hospices do wonderful work with those approaching the end of their lives and it’s hugely important that LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones will be able to fully access these services.’ Hospice services have always been overstretched and underfunded, and never more so than now. Freemasons have donated millions of pounds through their Lodges, Provinces and the MCF, to help cover core running costs and ensure that they can continue their essential work. In 2018, the MCF decided it was time to take this support a step further, teaming up with leading national charity Hospice UK to establish a grants programme that is creating meaningful changes to the sector and making the biggest impact possible.

Learn more about our Hospice UK partnership: FMT56/hospice 67

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Celebrating 50 years of history The Pro Grand Master honours Connaught Court’s golden anniversary at the Home in York In September, the Pro Grand Master, Peter Lowndes, unveiled a plaque at Connaught Court in York to celebrate 50 years of service to Freemasons, their dependents and communities. ‘A fitting tribute to our dedicated staff

and volunteers in supporting our residents,’ says Mark LLoyd, RMBI Care Co.’s managing director. RMBI Care Co. remains committed to building new care homes to extend their geographical offering, with their first new build

in a decade now in development in Reading. RMBI Care Co. has recorded their year through an impact report, Our Covid Response, which can be viewed at:

Left to right: Peter Lowndes, Pro Grand Master; Victoria Wilson, Mark LLoyd and Mark Payne

Stronger together The safety and protection of our members has been paramount throughout the pandemic RMBI Care Co. has navigated its way through the pandemic by working tirelessly to adapt and protect its residents and staff. Last year, the charity’s Board invested more than £1 million to secure adequate supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure staff safety. A successful early vaccination programme, now backed up by booster doses, has given all RMBI Care Co. Homes’ residents the opportunity to get protected, while all staff members have been mandated to be vaccinated. Currently, all visitors to their 18 care homes must undergo a lateral flow test (LFT) and receive a negative result prior to meeting residents, and all staff members in their CQC registered 68

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Homes in England are tested twice a week. The Welsh Homes are closely following Welsh Government guidance. ‘The charity is in a good position in terms of the resilience and commitment of our workforce, the recovery of so many residents and the support of families, who were kept fully informed throughout the pandemic,’ says Mark LLoyd, managing director at RMBI Care Co. ‘Last year, more than 300 positive media stories about the charity were published. Now, thanks to the confidence in our safe delivery of care, we receive around 40 new enquiries for placements every week.’ During lockdown, the charity went above and beyond to support residents to maintain regular contact with their

families. In 2020, each of the care homes opened COVID-19-secure visitor pods, consisting of rooms split with a glass screen, to enable residents to meet safely with their loved ones again. On behalf of the charity, Mark LLoyd received a Certificate of Commendation for their outstanding contribution to Freemasonry from the Duke of Kent.

‘The charity is in a good position in terms of the resilience and commitment of our workforce’

FMT Winter 2021

15/11/2021 20:18

UGLE Provinces Fraternal world

Fraternal World The UGLE globe at a glance Key

Metropolitan Grand Lodge

Provincial Grand Lodges

Hertfordshire 188 lodges

Buckinghamshire 116 lodges Berkshire 98 lodges Surrey 253 lodges

Middlesex 195 lodges Northumberland 138 lodges Cumberland & Westmorland 77 lodges

Durham 178 lodges Yorkshire, West Riding 198 lodges

Isle of Man 19 lodges

Yorkshire, North & East Ridings 98 lodges

East Lancashire 198 lodges West Lancashire 342 lodges Cheshire 173 lodges

Derbyshire 75 lodges

North Wales 106 lodges

Worcestershire 116 lodges West Wales 27 lodges Monmouthshire 29 lodges

Somerset 89 lodges

Cornwall 80 lodges

Bedfordshire 55 lodges Nottinghamshire 86 lodges

Leicestershire & Rutland 80 lodges

Staffordshire 96 lodges

Norfolk 76 lodges

Cambridgeshire 30 lodges Suffolk 68 lodges

Oxfordshire 55 lodges

Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire 93 lodges

Bristol 37 lodges

East Kent 181 lodges

South Wales 161 lodges Sussex 161 lodges

Devonshire 131 lodges

Herefordshire 15 lodges

Dorset 49 lodges

Guernsey & Alderney 11 lodges

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Lincolnshire 74 lodges Warwickshire 156 lodges

Shropshire 36 lodges

Gloucestershire 82 lodges

West Kent 178 lodges

London 1,252 lodges

Hampshire & Isle of Wight 255 lodges

Essex 307 lodges

Wiltshire 44 lodges

Jersey 11 lodges


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Fraternal world UGLE Districts and Groups

1 5



3 6

Across the globe


4 8

Each international Grand Lodge is sovereign and independent

George Georgetown Town Bridgetown Halifax


Antigua Kingston Willemstad Port of Spain



São Paulo

Nassau Santiago Jamestown

Buenos Aires


Rio de Janeiro Lagos


Gibraltar Vilamoura

1. CANADA Montreal/Halifax The Group of Lodges in Montreal & Halifax (3 lodges)


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2. CARIBBEAN Kingston/George Town District Grand Lodge of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands (24 lodges) Willemstad Igualdad Lodge, No. 653 Port of Spain District Grand Lodge of Trinidad & Tobago (8 lodges) Bridgetown District Grand Lodge of Barbados & The Eastern Caribbean (21 lodges) Georgetown District Grand Lodge of Guyana (15 lodges)

3. ATLANTIC Nassau District Grand Lodge of Bahamas & Turks (12 lodges) Hamilton District Grand Lodge of Bermuda (5 lodges) Jamestown St Helena Lodge, No. 488

4. SOUTH AMERICA São Paulo/ Rio de Janeiro District Grand Lodge of South America, Northern Division (17 lodges) Buenos Aires/ Santiago/Montevideo District Grand Lodge of South America, Southern Division (11 lodges)


5. EUROPE Portugal The Group of Lodges in Portugal (4 lodges) Gibraltar District Grand Lodge of Gibraltar (9 lodges) Valleta The Group of Lodges in Malta (2 lodges) Limassol District Grand Lodge of Cyprus (17 lodges) Zakynthos Star of the East Lodge, No. 880

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UGLE Districts and Groups Fraternal world

Ndola Johannesburg Windhoek

Lilongwe Harare

Kimberley Bloemfontein

New Delhi Kolkata

Gladstone Mumbai




Cape Town Port Elizabeth

10 11




Dar es Salaam

Accra Nairobi



6. WEST AFRICA Freetown/Banjul District Grand Lodge of Sierra Leone & The Gambia (21 lodges) Accra District Grand Lodge of Ghana (58 lodges) Lagos District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (42 lodges)


7. EAST AFRICA Nairobi District Grand Lodge of East Africa (48 lodges)

8. SOUTHERN AFRICA Johannesburg District Grand Lodge of South Africa, North (101 lodges) Kimberley District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Central Division (8 lodges) Windhoek District Grand Lodge of Namibia (4 lodges) Cape Town District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Western Division (30 lodges) Ndola District Grand Lodge of Zambia (11 lodges) Harare/Lilongwe District Grand Lodge of Zimbabwe & Malawi (12 lodges) Durban District Grand Lodge of Kwazulu-Natal (26 lodges) Bloemfontein District Grand Lodge of Orange Free State (7 lodges) Port Elizabeth District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Eastern Division (28 lodges)

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9. THE SUBCONTINENT Mumbai District Grand Lodge of Bombay (23 lodges) New Delhi District Grand Lodge of Northern India (5 lodges) Kolkata District Grand Lodge of Bengal (23 lodges) Chennai District Grand Lodge of Madras (18 lodges) Colombo District Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka (10 lodges)

11. AUSTRALIA Albany Plantagenet Lodge, No. 1454 Melbourne Combermere Lodge, No. 752 Tully Geraldton Lodge, No. 3544 Gladstone Port Curtis Lodge, No. 2235

Hong Kong Thailand



Kuala Lumpur Singapore



Vanuatu Fiji

10. THE FAR EAST Kuala Lumpur/ Singapore/Thailand District Grand Lodge of Eastern Archipelago (40 lodges) Hong Kong/Kobe District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong & The Far East (20 lodges) Vanuatu/Fiji The Group of Lodges in the South West Pacific (3 lodges) Rabaul Rabaul Lodge, No. 4468

12. NEW ZEALAND Christchurch District Grand Lodge of South Island, New Zealand (13 lodges) Auckland District Grand Lodge of North Island, New Zealand (24 lodges)


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Fraternal world Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Write to: The Editor, FMT, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ Email:

Sirs, I have just read the best article I have ever seen in any Masonic publication - the contribution by The Grand Director of Ceremonies Charles Hopkinson-Woolley should be essential reading for every Freemason, regardless of rank, length of service or experience. Follow his guidance and the atmosphere and enjoyment in any Lodge or Chapter would be enhanced beyond measure. Congrats on an amazing, constructive and well-argued essay. Thomas Carr, Alnwick Lodge. No.1167, Province of Northumberland Sirs, The challenges of the past 18 months to our Masonic world have been huge as we have had less contact with our Lodges than we’d like. Zoom meetings have been a fantastic means of staying in touch. But we didn’t become Masons to sit on our own in front of a webcam, feeling a little like participants in an awkward online dating channel. We love Masonry for the camaraderie, the pursuit of perfect ceremony, the ritual of donning a pristine suit, the polished shoes, the well-crafted tie, the learning of ceremony and the pleasure of seeing ourselves or our brothers smash a piece of floor work. The Festive Board, the friendships, the support we share. If you feel like me, you’ve little enthusiasm left for the online Freemasonry experience.

We’ve recently been conditioned to be afraid of ‘others’. We’ve become insular, spending the last 16 months learning how to exist without physical interaction. But we now arrive at a remarkable moment. We can finally attend our Lodges again, to rekindle the fire in our lives of all that Masonry has to offer. Many of us will happily continue our hobby. Four to six meetings a year, perhaps a few rehearsals and Lodges of Instruction to see us through. Perfectly acceptable, but a wasted opportunity? I’ve discovered one of the greatest secrets in Masonry. It can be found, not in my own Lodge, but in all the others. Meeting with strangers, forging new friendships, enjoying new experiences in new places, opening our lives to a wonderful world of friends we have yet to meet. Visiting other Lodges is one of the most rewarding experiences our order has to offer its members. I didn’t join Masonry for a mere four to six meetings a year or to wave at my brethren via a webcam. I joined to open up a world of discovery. To learn new (old) lessons and see new (old) places and do new (old) things and meet new... people. To have fun, to be happy and to share that happiness with friends. As we return to our Lodges, we must consider this question: Are we content just to return to our regular meetings, or do we open ourselves to the (re)discovery of the finest secret of our ancient order? I urge every Mason wearing a light blue or white apron to consider their local Light Blue or Young Masons Cub as the doorway to enriching the Masonic experience by making lifelong friends one would otherwise never have met. If you are a brother of longer standing, perhaps you might remind yourself of the joy of visiting by reaching out to acquaintances you might not have seen at their Lodge for a long while. The meetings

which stick most fondly in my memory are those in which the Lodge has been full, with guests bringing a greater dynamic to the proceedings and Festive Board. By visiting Lodges, we support every member of the Lodge we visit, and encourage them to do us the same favour. For many of us, it was a long time ago. But we’ve all knocked on the door and a wonderful world was opened to us. I wonder how many will rediscover some of the forgotten treasures which await behind the door of another Lodge not quite so near home? Colin Bickers, Dependable Lodge No. 6325 Sirs, I write with respect to the photograph printed in ‘thēsauros’ in the last issue of Freemasonry Today (Autumn 2021). The caption identifies the photograph as ‘Henry William Makepeace in the regalia of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies for Bristol in 1900.’ However, HW Makepeace never served as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Province of Bristol. In 1900, that office was held by Walter Stuckey Paul and additional images in Bristol confirm the identity of the sitter: I contacted Susan Snell at the Museum of Freemasonry and provided our local evidence. The donor of the cabinet portrait based her original identification on ‘Grandpa Makepeace’ written in ink on the reverse of the print. However, after double checking resources and looking at our evidence, Susan has confirmed the portrait as WS Paul. Working together, the Province of Bristol and the Museum of Freemasonry have corrected the historical record and solved this mystery. AR (Tony) Baker, MA, MD, FRCS, PJGD (Transactions Editor of the Bristol Masonic Society)

The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Grand Lodge of England. All UGLE members’ letters printed are appended with the contributor’s name, his mother lodge name and number, the town where that lodge meets, and the Province; please include these details at the foot of your letter. Please enclose an SAE for any items sent by mail that you wish to have returned.


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28/07/2021 09:49

Fraternal world Social media

e-masons @freemasonry2day @ugle_grandlodge @grandchapter

Tell us what’s on your mind

FreemasonryToday UnitedGrandLodgeofEngland SupremeGrandChapter

@unitedgrandlodgeofengland @freemasonrytoday @freemasonshall

6 October @WLancsUniSchJNS Unprecedented interest in Freemasonry at Lancaster Uni Freshers Fair. Over 100 discussions. 13 ‘contact me’ request forms signed. 30 leaflets for @hfaf_uni womens’ Freemasonry given out. Excellent day. @UGLE_UniScheme @UGLE_ GrandLodge @UGLE_Wootton @WestLancsPGL @AMULLfreemasons

24 October @_DianaAllen_ Had a great time at the #NYMCC2021, representing the @OrderWomen with @MiaR8. Thank you @pglherts @UGLE_GrandLodge for making us feel so welcome. It was a pleasure meeting everyone and the talks were very informative and engaging! #Freemasonry #owf #ugle

25 October 18 October @OrderWomen After five Grand Lodge meetings abandoned due to the pandemic it was a wonderful weekend for members of @OrderWomen who attended Grand Lodge this weekend. It’s good to be back! #freemasonry #friendship #grandlodge

23 October @PGLNorthWales Great to host the first Roadshow in #Flint to prepare for the launch of Festival 2028 with a target to raise £2.5m for @Masonic_Charity. Thank you to everyone who attended, we now look forward to #Bangor on Sat 6th Nov. @UGLE_GrandLodge @ WorvellMichelle @Shaun_ UGLE #Fest2028


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@Shaun_UGLE #NYMCC2021 #Freemasons

UGLE last week, we’re pleased to have been recognised as a Bronze Award employer. Find out more at UGLEAFCBronze #Freemasons

@Herefordshire Freemasons Fantastic finale to Herefordshire 2020 Festival after 5 years fundraising, culminating with luncheon with the Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence, senior members of the MCF Freemasons Charity, Deputy Lord Lieutenant & The High Sheriff for Herefordshire. Thank you all! @DGLBMason

@westkentmasons Happy Halloween to all our #friends and #Brothers

29 October @UGLE_DrDStaples Following on from HRH Duke of Kent signing the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of

your follicles and let your facial hair flourish. Freemasons, it’s time to show your support for the battle against men’s health issues! Are you a #MoBro this month? Send us a photo of your ‘tache’s progress! #TesticularCancer

30 October

31 October

@WorcsMasons It’s moving day and our new website is here! Head to worcestershirefreemasons. com to have a look. We love feedback or comments so feel free to contact our Webmaster at webmaster@ #ugle #worcsmasons #freemasons

Follow Dr David Staples, UGLE’s Chief Executive & Grand Secretary @UGLE_DrDStaples

1 November @PGLNorthWales APGM Steven Jones visited Colwyn Lodge No. 7675 to present Robert Henry Hughes with a 50-yr Long Service Certificate. In recognition of this special occasion, Colwyn Lodge donated £1,000 to Festival 2028. Congrats & best wishes Bob. @UGLE_ GrandLodge @Masonic_ Charity #Fest2028 @Masonic_Charity It’s #Movember again! Flex

2 November @Matthypro3 Tonight I get invested with my Senior Deacon Collar then straight into a Passing and then for the Grand Finale… The Second Degree #Tracingboard. Wish me luck – I might need it! @UGLE_ GrandLodge @GlosPGLodge #RoyalLebanon493 #Freemasonry #Motivated @GurSquare A fantastic meeting of my mother Lodge, Lady Margaret 4729 last night – our first since January 2020! We initiated one of my best and oldest friends into Freemasonry, what better way for our Lodge to return to labour! @622Cuthberga A rare reverse Lewis took place last night. @RickClarkson622 vacated the Chair to allow @diddlesforever our IPM to conduct the ceremony of Passing for his dad Keith, a former member of the RAF.

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Mint Solutions

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FMT’s pick of the unusual, striking or just plain fascinating


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Image: Museum of Freemasonry

Tyre-Rhenews, April 1945 This is the newsletter of the Tyre-Rhenian Masonic Club, formed by Freemasons among the American, British and Commonwealth servicemen fighting in the Italian campaign in the final year of the Second World War. The Tyrrhenian Sea is the part of the Mediterranean Sea off the western coast of Italy.

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