Freemasonry Victoria Magazine #140

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Freemasonry Victoria SPRING G 20 2014 IS ISSUE 14 140

Honouring our fallen police ser servicemen and women Blue Ribbon Day Memorial Service

Portrait trait of an Unk Unkown wn Freemason William Farquharson Lamonb Lamonby

Spotlight on Seavic Lodge No. 8 We tak take a look att Seavic's History and Founders

Our Principles Principles Make Make a Difference Difference

SPECIAL NOTICE Freemasons Victoria in conjunction with Little Projects are pleased to announce the launch of this new residential project on the site of the former Box Hill Masonic Centre. Together with Little Projects we want to keep you informed about this redevelopment before public marketing commences and offer you an early opportunity to purchase prior to public launch. If you are interested in purchasing one of these apartments, please contact Little Projects, whose details are set out below.



Residents lounge & dining room – Artist impression

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Little Projects invites you to be the first to experience Belle Box Hill. REgISTER yOuR INTEREST NOw Call Leone Steele on 03 9234 0040 or visit


In this Issue: the Archives: Archives: The Geneva Geneva Bible 3 From the traitt of an Unk Unko own Fre Freemason emason 4 Porortrai Spottligh lightt on Sea Seavic Lodge No.8 No.8 5 Spo Histtor His orical ical St Stor oryy: first shot shot of WW1 8 FrFreeemason fires firs Freemasonr emasonryy 10 Women in Fre Grand Chapt Chapter goes 16 Supreme Intter In ernational national

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Freemasonry Victoria Magazine Issue 140 Fr The official magazine of the United Grand Lodge e r of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) e: Website: FFaceBook:: T er:: @freemasonsvic Twitt YouTube: YouT ouTube: y YouTube: LinkedIn:: Fr Freemasons Victoria Google+:: Freemasons Victoria Fr T Telephone Telephone:: (03) 9411 41 0111 111 Toll FFrree: 1800 T 068 416 1 16 Fax: x: (03) 9416 41 1468 Editor Edit Gabrielle Forman (03) 9411 41 0101 101 Contact tact Us Email:: Fax: x: (03) 9416 41 1468 Mail:: The Editor, or, FFrreemasonry Victoria Magazine or C/- 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne Editorial submissions: Edit Article or photo t t submissions for each issue must be received by the end of the month, following issue. tthe release of the previous e Email submissions are preferred r and images must be 300dpi or higher. Submissions should be addressed to: Editor:: The Edit Freemasonry Victoria Magazine Fr PO Box 553, East Melbourne VIC 8002 P T 9411 0101 Telephone: (03) 941 101 Email: Disclaimer:: Freemasonry Victoria is published quarterly by the Fr t Grand Secretariat, Freemasons Victoria. et r Printed by East Print, Melbourne, Australia Ltd. Pr r The publisher reserves v the right to refuse advertising if it is deemed inappropriate and to t change the size of the ad, print type or other t specifications if material is not compatible with h our system. Publisher:: P Freemasonry Victoria is distributed Fr t by mail direct to t the homes of all members each quarter t and is published online at by Freemasons Victoria 300 Albert Street, East b r Melbourne, Victoria 3002.

Freemasons Victoria invites your comments and feedback on our magazine - we aim to make this publication as interesting and appealing to our audience as possible. If you have any constructive feedback or comments on how we can improve your reading experience please get in touch. Please keep your comments respectful and in line with the values of our organisation.

Letter from the Editor ... What a busy quarter it has been! This September Quarterly Communication included the continuation of the 125th Anniversary Exhibition which was again a wonderful addition to the event. WineLand was also a feature of the Merchandise stall this time, offering tastings of the new 125th Anniversary commemorative wine, and gift packs that include the Freemasons Victoria commemorative wine glasses. This officially launches the Freemasons Victoria Wine Club; a great way to save on some lovely wines and network with fellow wine lovers. In this edition of Freemasonry Victoria Magazine, we pay our respects to the servicemen and women of the Victoria Police Force who have died in the line of duty. September, Blue Ribbon Foundation month, was supported by Freemasons Victoria and on Monday 29 September was culminated by the National Police Remembrance Day ceremony held at the Shrine of Remembrance. We have had some great contributions this quarter, towards the 125th Anniversary Competition, with submissions from WBro. Richard Mills of Geelong Lodge of Unity & Prudence No. 5, VWBro. Alan Mitchell of The Army Lodge No. 478 and WBro. Brendan Kyne of Gordon Lodge No. 99 and the Victorian Lodge of Research No. 218. These members have put a lot of time and effort into the stories and images provided, for which we are most grateful. I would again like to reiterate the importance of keeping Freemasons Victoria up to date with your contact details. We would like to ensure that ALL members receive the Magazine and that no one misses out – please call 9411 0100 if you have recently moved house or changed your phone number/email address. This quarter members who submit the best Letter to the Editor will receive a prize of two bottles of Freemasons Victoria 125th Anniversary wine along with two embossed wine glasses. The winning submission will be featured in Summer #141 as Letter of the Quarter. Happy reading!

Please contact us by email editor@freemasonsvic. or on Facebook at freemasonsvic



The Geneva Bible The Freemasons Victoria Library and Museum holds a volume of the Sacred Law from 1559. How and when we obtained this magnificent treasure has been a challenge to trace. While we do not know the history of the actual Bible in our possession, we pass on a little of the history surrounding the Geneva Bible. The History of the Reformation in England is largely centred on the desire of the common people to read the Bible in their own homes in their own language. The first printed version of the Bible was the Roman Catholic Vulgate, written in Latin and printed by Gutenberg in Germany in 1454. In 1535 William Tyndale translated the Bible into English, despite exile, poverty and persecution by Bishops of the Church of Rome. He was finally captured, strangled, and his body burnt at the stake for heresy.

In 1539 the he English Bishops produced their own Great Bible to counter Tyndale’s influence. This was a large volume, designed for use in churches. In 1553 Mary, daughter of Henry VIII came to the English throne. As she was a Roman Catholic, Rome once more dominated Church and State, and Protestants were persecuted mercilessly. The Bishops of London and Worcester were burnt at the stake. Their colleagues fled to Geneva, where they translated a new version of the Bible, not from the Latin Vulgate, but by returning to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. Shortly after Mary’s death and the restoration of religious tolerance under Elizabeth, these scholars returned to England with their newly completed volume, now known as the Geneva Bible, of which this is one of the rare copies. Smaller and cheaper than the Great Bible, The Geneva Bible was designed for the use of people in their own homes. It was the first version to divide the Bible into chapters and verses. For sixty years it was the popular Bible of the people, being the Bible of William Shakespeare, and the Bible Pilgrim Fathers took with them on The Mayflower on their voyage to the New World. In 1611 King James the first commissioned a combined team of Episcopal and Puritan scholars to produce the Authorised Version, which is characterised by a nobility of expression reached at the height of the Golden Age of English Literature.

Grand Librarian Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 3


By WBro. Brendan Kyne, Gordon Lodge No. 99 and The Victorian Lodge of Research No. 218

The portrait to the right is from the BBC Website section called “Your Paintings”, and is entitled “William Farquharson Lamonby” (1839–1926), painted by James Clarke Waite. The description accompanying the painting states; “This unknown Freemason is wearing two Masonic medals, or jewels. The one on the left indicates that he has served as Master, or Ruler of a Lodge, and the one on the right shows that he served as First Principal, or Ruler, in the Royal Arch, another Masonic Order.” However, for Victorian Freemasons this portrait is not of an unknown Freemason, for during the 1880’s William Lamonby became very influential in Victorian Masonic affairs. Lamonby was born in England in 1839 and became an active Freemason and journalist, publishing in 1881 his first book, “Craft Masonry in Cumberland and Westmorland 1740-1879”. He rose to the rank of a PPSGW – EC. Lamonby arrived in Victoria in early 1882 to take up a position with Argus newspaper and stayed in Victoria for ten years and played a large part in the Masonic affairs of the State. During his time in Victoria Lamonby became a member of the Combermere Lodge and was the driving force, founder and first Master of Gordon Lodge No. 99 (2112 EC). I suggest to you that this portrait of Lamonby was painted here in Melbourne in the 1880’s, and that this is what the first Worshipful Master of Gordon Lodge looked like at the time of the founding of the Lodge in 1886. Also, that is the Past Master’s jewel he is wearing, and why do I say that? Well the artist, James Clarke Waite (1832-1920) was born at Whitehaven, Cumberland, England, and became well known in the north of England before he settled in London during 1869, exhibiting many works over the period. He was eventually elected a member of the Royal Society of British Artists in 1873. 4

Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

In 1886 Waite arrived in Melbourne, held his first exhibition of thirty works in November of that year and became the leading portrait painter in the State. His paintings commanded high prices in the 1880s and ‘90s when he was noted for his “conscientious work and quiet style”. He appears to have stayed in Australia, and died at Woollahra, Sydney, of bronchitis on 8 August 1920, aged 88. Among Waite’s early commissions here in Victoria, were portraits of the architect Joseph Reed and Sir William Clarke. Waite was the artist who painted the famous portrait of the first Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria, which still hangs inside the front doors of the Dallas Brooks Centre. Given that Lamonby was a figure of influence in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria (EC), the fact Waite painted the portrait of Clarke suggests he came into contact with Lamonby at this time and that this portrait of Lamonby was painted here in Melbourne sometime between 1886 and 1891. Lamonby returned to London in 1891 and continued his Masonic activities until his death in 1926 at the age of 87 years. Upon his return to England Most Worshipful Brother Lamonby was conferred the rank of Past Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria by Grand Master Sir William Clarke. Portrait of an unknown Freemason indeed!


‘The old order changeth, yielding place to the new, And God fulfils himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world’ - Tennyson

SEAVic Lodge No. 8 By RWBro. Jim Mitchell PDGM


he discovery of gold in 1851 brought with it almost unbelievable outcomes in the settlement of Australia. The existence of alluvial gold, gold lying almost exposed in sands of creek beds, was known long before the 1851 discovery of gold in the Orange district of New South Wales but economic and social conditions in the colonies were such that it was considered unwise that such news be made public.

When it was finally announced, immigrants and settlers rushed in uncontrollable numbers to New South Wales. Melbourne was deserted of its population and ships lay at anchor, motionless in Port Phillip Bay, as crews deserted their ships and sought their fortune on the gold fields. Such was the serious decline in the population of Victoria that the Gold Discovery Committee was established in Melbourne and offered a reward of £200 ($400) to anyone finding payable gold within 200 miles (320km) of Melbourne. Many discoveries were quickly made, firstly at Clunes in mid-1851, but before the close of the year also at Buninyong, Ballarat, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Mount Alexander (Castlemaine) and McIvor. Gold opened rural Victoria to settlement and provided the main nucleus of rural towns and cities that maintain the State today. By December 1853 the estimated number of adult males on the gold fields was 15,000 in each of the towns of Ballarat and Castlemaine and 11,000 in Sandhurst, 41,000 in total. However,

within six months, estimates of population had been increased to 18,000, 34,000 and 21,000 respectively – 73,000 in all, an increase of nearly 80 per cent. This rush of able bodied men to the gold fields resulted in early Lodges of Freemasons being formed on many of the diggings and with various allegiances to the Grand Lodges of Ireland, Scotland, England and to the Grand Orient, however most of these Lodges ceased to exist once the alluvial or surface gold was exhausted.

Continued >> Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 5

HISTORICAL In January 1854 a notice, written on cardboard and nailed to a gum tree in an area between Bendigo and Ironbark Gully, advised Freemasons that a meeting of members of the Craft would be held at a local store on the following Wednesday 20 January. In Ballarat, Freemasonry saw the light of day in June 1854 with the opening of the Victoria Lodge of Instruction with the Lodge itself becoming operational in September 1855. Mount Alexander Lodge, No. 8, was formed soon after in 1856, the name chosen for the Lodge being the name of the country surrounding today’s Castlemaine and that Lodge went onto prosper for 148 years, only returning its warrant as recently as 2004. It was from this Lodge that our present day SEAVIC Lodge owes its origin. When the Freemasons of Canterbury Lodge, ably lead by RWBro. Keith Thornton and WBro. Kim Lai saw the need to establish a new Lodge to bind together the fraternal relationships of brotherly love, relief and truth existing between the Freemasons of Melbourne and Malaysia, they sought permission of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria to re-use this no longer allocated number 8 on the register - the number ‘8’ itself having particular significance in Chinese culture. Approval was granted, provided that permission be sought from the few remaining members of the original Mount Alexander Lodge. It was during this process that a Past Master’s jewel of the original No. 8 Lodge was donated and which was to become the perpetual Past Master’s jewel of the new Lodge, a jewel that had been originally presented to WBro. Stanley George Leversha by Mount Alexander Lodge in recognition of his service as Master in 1988-89.

WBro. Stan Leversha (pictured) was made a Freemason in 1954 in the Harcourt Lodge No. 713, passed to the Fellowcraft’s Degree in June 1954 and raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason in January 1955. In 1985 when Harcourt Lodge returned its charter, Bro. Stan joined the Mount Alexander Lodge and in three short years was installed as its Master. The Leversha family was a long established family of the Harcourt District, mainly very successful apple growers until the devastation of the industry as a result of Great Britain joining the European Common Market with its common agricultural policy in 1973. Ian Leversha of Traralgon, Victoria, nephew of WBro. Stan, said that at one stage eight separate units of the family lived side by side in the Harcourt District. The family name, ‘Leversha’, predates the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066, with the family being established in Norfolk after resettling from Somerset in 1848. It is thought that the family members migrated from Europe to escape religious prosecution. WBro. Stan Leversha was also a prominent Rotarian in the District and in later life, trained and practiced in radio and television repairs and installations. For a short time he and his brother operated as such in Melbourne until Stan returned to Harcourt in support of his aging father on the family orchard. Like the original Mount Alexander Lodge, the newly established No. 8, ‘SEAVIC’ Lodge vibrates with the exultant enthusiasm of a new era. The old order has changed, yielding place to a new membership no longer drawn from countries of the far-away world seeking gold in creek-beds but predominantly of new-age men seeking ‘gold’ in the knowledge and understanding of one another as Australia becomes part of the Asian-Pacific region but with particularly ties to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The Lodge is vibrant with young men and their partners regularly dining - a feature of each Lodge meeting.


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Membership is attracted from students and graduates seeking tertiary academic qualification and business experience bringing with them fathers and families but, above all, SEAVIC Lodge attracts Australian men seeking Brotherly love and fellowship.

WBro. Keith Murray, WBro. Stuart Thompson, WBro. Kim Lai and WBro. Keith Thornton at Lodge.

SEAVIC Lodge No. 8 was consecrated in July 2011 with a Foundation Membership of 75 and in its first three years 11 men were made Freemasons with an additional 23 Masons seeking the privilege of membership. Current membership is now recorded at 104 including 42 Malaysian Brethren, many of whom regularly visit the bimonthly meetings. The history of SEAVIC Lodge and its Perpetual Past Master’s jewel dates back more than 150 years to one of the earliest Lodges in Australia, to the days of the gold rushes and to the settlement of the central highlands of Victoria. The tradition of excellence of the original Lodge No. 8 has been retained at SEAVIC Lodge with two equally great proponents of Freemasonry, RWBro. Keith Thornton, our first Master, and his successor, WBro. Stuart Thompson, both having worn the Leversha Jewel recognising their years of service as Master.

(Former Grand Master) MWBro. Bob Jones [centre] with our newly initiated Freemasons.

Danalakshmi and Bro. Ganesh Palaniappan.

First four Masters of SEAVIC Lodge; WBros. M.R. Chandran [3rd], Kim Lai [4th], Stuart Thompson [2nd] and Foundation Master Keith Thornton.

Andrea and Bro. Arthur Tan.

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Colonel John Pur Purdue, urdue, OBE (1890 (1890 - 1980) 1980)

By VWBro. Alan Mitchell, PGIWkgs, The Army Lodge No. 478


t is not commonly known that the first shot fired by the British Empire in World War I was not on the battlefields of Europe - it came from the windswept fort south of Melbourne, half a world away. A 24-year-old Australian soldier fired on the German merchant ship, SS Pfalz, which was attempting to flee Melbourne less than four hours after hostilities began. What is even less well known is that the soldier who fired the shot was a Freemason.

Brother John Purdue, a sergeant with the army's Royal Australian Garrison Artillery, was stationed at Fort Nepean on the Mornington Peninsula. At 12.45pm on 5 August 1914, he was ordered to fire on the Pfalz to stop it escaping Port Phillip Bay into the open sea. From his gun emplacement, and with support from his team, he blasted a shell across its bow. Australia’s war began when a German freighter, SS Pfalz, departed Melbourne port at 9am on 5 August 1914, less than two hours before Britain, and therefore Australia, declared war. The Pfalz’s Captain, Wilhelm Kuhlken, knew that war was likely any day and so he had delayed departure by one night so that his men could load up enough coal to power them to South America rather than to their original destination of Sydney. 8

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But as they steamed towards the heads and freedom, they did not know that war had been declared that same morning and that this message was being relayed to the gun batteries guarding the heads at Fort Nepean on the Mornington Peninsula. Shortly after midday an initial flag signal from Fort Nepean for the ship to stop went unheeded, because the Australian pilot aboard the Pfalz, Captain Montgomery Robinson,

whose job it was to guide all ships safely through the heads, did not see it. At Fort Nepean, Gunner John Purdue and his colleagues were ordered to man the six-inch coastal artillery guns and fire a warning shot across the ship to halt it. It was a tricky job because if they fired too high or wide, they could have hit Swan Island and people on the other side of the bay. “They told us to engage,” Purdue once recalled. “The tide was flowing very fast when we had the word to fire and I pressed the electrical trigger and saw it land with a splash in the water, the splash went right up over the bridge of the ship”, he said.

HISTORIC HIST ORICAL AL On the ship, pilot Robinson reacted to the shot by ordering the ship to halt. But he was immediately overruled by Captain Kuhlken who ordered full-steam ahead in an attempt to escape. A scuffle broke out. One of the Germans then pulled a gun on Robinson, but he finally persuaded the German captain to stop.” Recalled Purdue “The German captain had to be manhandled by Captain Robinson, who told him it was no use, the next shot would be amid ship.” As this drama was unfolding on the water, Purdue was preparing to take what might have been the fatal shot. “The last order we had was to stop her or sink her,” he once recalled. But a second shot was not needed. Captain Robinson guided the Pfalz to shore, beginning four long years in a prison camp for the German crew. Their war was over on the first day. The Pfalz, which was carrying German consular officials and contraband, was captured and used as an Australian troop ship in the war. Its crew was interned as prisoners of war. A small plaque at the fort commemorates the shot and the first moments in a war that shaped much of the 20th Century. Sergeant Purdue, a career soldier, rose to the rank of Colonel and in 1944 was charged with inspecting the Commonwealth's munitions manufacturing, commanding more than 8000 workers.

Carolyn Smyth, John Purdue and Louise Nicol with a portrait of their grandfather Colonel John Purdue, from a recent story in Sydney Morning Herald. Photo: AAP

He was admitted to the Order of the British Empire in 1952, retired in 1955 and past to the Grand Lodge above in 1980 aged 90. Initiated in Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 96 on 17 December 1913. He was Affiliated with Moonee Ponds Lodge No. 407 on 8 June 1926 where he became Worshipful Master. Purdue was also Affiliated with The Army Lodge No. 478 on 2 March 1945, where he remained a member until his death in March 1980. This account was compiled from extracts of news articles published on 4 August 2014.

Australia’s war began when a German freighter, SS Pfalz, departed Melbourne on 5 August 1914.

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In the words of Maria Portokalos from My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) “The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head in any way she wants.” This statement, although meant to be comical, holds a lot of truth. The neck supports the head, and ‘enables’ decisions. The three wonderful women featured in this edition’s ‘Women in Freemasonry’ tell us exactly how their important role as ‘neck’ has assisted their husband’s progress within the fraternity.

Diane Pintado is the wife of Master Mason Bro. Felix Pintado of Middle Park Lodge No. 206. Felix is the Chief Executive Officer of Royal Freemasons Homes.


iane tells us that she grew up a Freemasons daughter and that Freemasonry was a very large part of her father's life. Her father joined the Craft the year she was born, so he had been a member her entire life. Diane said the Craft was one of the most important elements for her Dad outside of his family, and that he lived his life based on the grand principles of Freemasonry. “These principles translated into a man full of honesty and integrity”, she said. She remembers her Dad going off dressed in a suit with one of his cases in hand to spend time with other men in his Lodge, knowing that he would be reciting the words he had been practising with either Diane or her younger sister.

Diane Pintado Married to Bro. Felix Pintado, Middle Park Lodge No. 206

“Dad was so proud and pleased when my brother joined the Craft and moved through the various roles in the Lodge right up to the Master's chair. He was equally proud to be presented with his 50 year jewel. More recently, he experienced the joy of being a significant part of my husband Felix becoming a Freemason”, she said. Diane said that in addition to building men of integrity, who are confident and can be trusted, the Craft encourages deeper thinking about the more important things. “It has certainly helped to reinforce what is of value in our lives. This last year in particular, has seen our family go through some tough emotional times with elderly parents needing care, my father passing away,

10 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

WOMEN IN FREEMASONRY the unexpected death of Felix's brother and his other brother becoming seriously ill. In one way or another, Freemasonry has helped us through these times”, she said. While Diane is currently involved in Freemasonry through social functions with her husband's Lodge, and with Royal Freemasons, and other social and fundraising events, she says that all of this activity brings many opportunities to meet like-minded people and form new friendships. Felix took on the role of Chief Executive Officer with Royal Freemasons before he became a Freemason. Diane said that it's a union that needs to be managed well. “More often than not, there is a real synergy between living the principles that make a difference in his life and being care-oriented and commercially-focused as CEO. Like all good things, it's always going to be a work in progress”, she said.

'A Handbook for the Freemason's Wife', a collaborative effort of British Masonic wives Phillipa Faulks and Cheryl Skidmore.

“Recently, my husband and I were fortunate enough to visit and tour Freemasons Hall in London. While waiting for Felix, who was engrossed in the bookshop, I picked up a book entitled, 'A Handbook for the Freemason's Wife'. It is a collaborative effort of British Masonic wives Phillipa Faulks and Cheryl Skidmore and it answers almost every question that a spouse or partner of a Mason or prospective Mason could imagine to ask. This book was first published in 2009. I wondered why it took so long for something like this to be written. If you get the chance it is well worth the read”.

“There have been many changes in Freemasonry, particularly a willingness and recognition of the need to be more transparent with the general public about the advantage that Freemasonry can contribute to a man's way of life. The Channel 31 series, Freemasons: The Inside Story has been very liberating and I believe has shown that the fraternity is not an exclusive men's club or secret society”, Diane said. “I have had the privilege of attending a Grand Installation a number of times now and my parents have watched the event from the country online. This would not have been possible even a few short years ago”. “From what I have observed, Freemasonry provides a workable framework for understanding the purpose of life and for living it properly. Today's world needs this more than ever. It provides a guide and a measure for men, a time to pause, reflect and engage, without the cover of their professional lives”. Freemasons Hall in London

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Isabella King is the wife of WBro. Myles King, PJGD, DGDC Designate, Lodge Observance No. 654

It was through those same good friends that Isabella met her husband, Myles. A couple of years ago Isabella was invited to a Pink Ribbon Breakfast where Myles provided the musical entertainment. She had a great time, but says that she did not notice the man playing guitar on the other side of the room. It wasn’t until a few months later that they met again and she now finds herself part of his life and part of the Freemason 'family'. Isabella tells us that Myles has been a Freemason for 32 years and during this time has served on a number of committees and has been involved in two Grand Lodge teams, first as Grand Steward then as Junior Deacon. “We have recently learned of his appointment as Deputy Grand Director in next year’s Grand Ceremonial Team. He is very proud to continue his contribution to Freemasonry. This will also give me an opportunity to become more involved and to support him in this important role”, she said.

Isabella King Wife of WBro. Myles King, PJGD, Lodge Observance No. 654


sabella's first introduction to Freemasonry was about 10 years ago when a good friend of hers was Master of his Lodge and invited her to attend his installation at the Dallas Brooks Centre. Prior to the Installation, invited guests were taken to one of the smaller rooms where they were given a talk about Freemasonry, its origins and principles and an explanation of the ceremony they were about to attend. Isabella says she had never experienced such a process before and was very impressed by the theatre aspect of the ceremony and discipline displayed by its participants. The supper that followed completed a very pleasant evening and left her with the feeling that this organisation provided strong support and friendship among its members and their families. “For a very long time Freemasonry was perceived as a secret organisation”, she said, “but that is no longer the case”. “For me, the advent of the Channel 31 Freemasons, the Inside Story has had a huge impact on promoting the organisation and its good work. I have learned a great deal by watching this program and feel comfortable talking about it with people in the community. It also gives me pleasure when I see the Second Bite food van displaying the Freemason sign…”

12 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

“Myles has derived a great sense of involvement and participation as a Freemason. He is able to utilise his communication and leadership skills through the committees on which he serves. It has provided an avenue to meet and fraternise with men of a similar moral and ethical standard, to grow together as a team, to encourage each other to be better men and to extend those principles into his workplace, family and community in general”, she continued. Another highlight for Isabella was the Grand Installation of MWBro. Hillel Benedykt in March this year and the special activities associated with it, including the Shabbat Service at the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, and the Grand Banquet. “ We both enjoy the social aspect of Freemasonry. I especially enjoy the gatherings with the women, whether it be a dinner, a cooking demonstration or a fashion show, all of which have been organised by some of the great women in the group. They are a varied and interesting selection of women who have welcomed me into the fold as a newcomer ”, Isabella said. “I feel Freemasonry is relevant today because when a young man becomes more mature and recognises the value of belonging to a membership organisation, it provides him with the chance to mix with other men and women


from all walks of life. He can gain experience, guidance and the opportunity to extend himself to do greater things. Not to mention the friendship and sense of being a part of a special community. In today’s fast paced and often egocentric society, it’s good to belong to an organisation whose main purpose is to provide service to the community. I look forward to extending my involvement in the charitable aspect of the organisation, which is one of the fundamental roles that Freemasonry undertakes in the community”.

Carol May, wife of WBro. Lionel May, PJGD, District Coordinator Monash Gully, Brae Dale Lodge No. 936

Both Lionel and I get a great deal of satisfaction from Freemasonry. Lionel enjoys his Lodge nights and degree work and I like that we get to do a great deal together and that we get to see a lot of our friends socially, some of whom we have made some wonderful and life-long friendships with. I feel that Freemasonry has developed significantly since we first became involved. It is much more open and the ladies are encouraged to become socially involved and are included in many more events. Men are so busy with their work and families and I feel that Freemasonry is very relevant today as it allows them time with others whom have similar interests and it also teaches them confidence, integrity and honesty. In fact, one of my favourite things about Freemasonry is that I’ve noticed how much Lionel has grown in confidence as he goes through different degrees and positions in his Lodge. To anyone whose partner is looking to join Freemasonry, I would encourage her to support their partner as much as they can. By doing so, they will gain as much satisfaction from Freemasonry as he does and the more you get involved, the more you will understand the fellowship of Freemasonry”, Carol said.

Carol May Wife of WBro. Lionel May, PJGD, District Coordinator Monash Gully, Brae Dale Lodge No. 936


arol May, wife of WBro. Lionel May, PJGD of Brae Dale Lodge No. 936 tells us about her experiences within Freemasonry.

“ When my husband Lionel first joined the Lodge I knew nothing about Freemasonry other than just that it was a club for men, but I soon discovered that women also get very involved in it. I personally become involved by helping Lionel wherever I could, particularly with fundraising within our district.

Spring Spr ing 201 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 13

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14 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014




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Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 15


MExComp Ted Ted Har Harrrison (L ) Most Excellent Excellent Grand Grand High Pr Prriest iest of General Gener al Grand Grand Chapt Chaptter er Inter Int ernat er national nat ional and MExComp Piers V Vaughan aughan (R) International Most Excellent Excellent Grand Grand High Pr Prriest iest Grand Grand Chapt Chaptter er of New Y Yor ork at the the York Wedding of the the Wat W aters at ers Ceremon Cer emony emon y. Waters Ceremony.

MExComp Ted Har Harrison, General Grand High Priest (First Grand Principal) at the Wedding of the Waters Ceremony with (right) REmComp Wayne Smith, PGH – GSE Victoria.


n 25 – 30 September 2014 our First Grand Principal, Most Eminent Companion Graeme O’Donnell made the first official visit by an Australasian Grand Chapter to the “General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International” in New York. Established 24 October 1797 General Grand Chapter acts as something of an umbrella organisation for those Grand Chapters who work the “York Rite”.

The first stop was New York itself where MEmComp Graeme O’Donnell and his delegation of six Grand Officers and their ladies, and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria, MWBro. Doug Mount together with his wife were graciously received by the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York for a guided tour of the Grand Temple. The delegation viewed six of the Lodge Rooms and to say that they were breath taking would be something of an understatement. The Lodge Rooms in the Grand Temple were recently renovated at a cost of US$5 Million. Craftsmen from Europe were engaged to perform the work, and genuine craftsmen they were too, faithfully restoring the Lodge Rooms to a splendour 16 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

that truly boggled the mind. The actual Grand Secretary's office was big enough to hold a barn dance! The Grand High Priest (First Grand Principal) of the Grand Chapter of New York was also in attendance to welcome MEmComp O’Donnell together with Victoria’s Grand Representative near to the Grand Chapter of New York. It was an amazing experience. Next stop, about an hour and a half flying time, the delegation arrived in Buffalo, New York State. Here the 69th Triennial Grand Convocation Meeting was held in conjunction with the 45th General Cryptic Council. Red and purple coats were everywhere, so Victoria in white mess jackets made quite a splash. Following a day trip to Niagara Falls and bus tours of the Buffalo Town and District, things got down to business with the Parade and Reception of Flags. More than seventy State and National Flags were received. The Australian National Flag was received in the place of honour, being the last to enter with the General Grand Chapter Banner and the American Flag following. It was a proud moment for our Grand Standard Bearer, EmComp Allan Gee, who had the honour to carry our National Flag into such an august and international assembly – it was received with applause!

FURTHER AFIELD One of the highlights of the visit was the working of the Royal Arch Degree as observed by Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, the only known Craft Lodge warranted to work the Royal Arch. Some nineteen candidates were Exalted to the Supreme Degree. About half way through the ceremony the Chapter was adjourned and all retired to a ‘Table Chapter’ (or as we would know it, the Festive Board, only with more strict rules than we would observe). The ceremony and Table Chapter lasted five and a half hours! A significant event, for two of the members of the delegation (VEmComp Warren Gilbert and EmComp Allan Gee) was their reception – along with almost thirty other Candidates, to the Degree of Super Excellent Master in the Cryptic Rite (part of the Degree of Royal and Select Masters here in Victoria).

non-York Rite Grand Chapter to be received. The close affinity between Victoria and Scotland was renewed with vigorous cordiality. This most spectacular and interesting visit was done with all the razzmatazz we expect from our American cousins! The kind hospitality afforded to all members of the delegation left nothing to be desired; the food was more than plentiful; the weather perfect; and the genuine warmth of affection displayed by our American companions was proof of the international unity and universality of Royal Arch Masonry. It was both humbling, yet exhilarating, to represent the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria on this world stage. It is hoped that Grand Chapter Victoria and Grand Mark Victoria will be in attendance at the 70th Triennial, in Portland, Oregon in 2017.

A further important event was the “Wedding of the Waters” to mark the 250th anniversary of the opening of the Erie Canal. Two hundred Masons in full regalia and led by bagpipers marched from the hotel to the Erie Canal where the Grand High Priest (First Grand Principal) MExComp Ted Harrison poured a barrel of water from the Atlantic Ocean to mix with the waters of Lake Erie at the precise spot where the canal was originally opened, thus providing a unique water course for the transportation of all kinds of goods off loaded from ships in Lake Erie and transported by barge or lighter to New York City; thus making Buffalo one of the richest towns in America before the canal was overtaken by the railway. At the opening of the Triennial Grand Convocation both MEmComp Graeme O’Donnell as First Grand Principal of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria and MWBro. Doug Mount as Grand Master of Mark Master Masons were received with honour and dignity. The Convocation also saw the issue of six Warrants or Charters creating new Grand Chapters (under the York Rite) from South America, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. At the Grand Installation each Grand Officer (they hold office for three years) individually took his Oath of Office, and was then invested with his chain collar by no lesser personage than his wife. An interesting concept to say the least! Along with Grand Chapter Victoria and Grand Mark Victoria, the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland was the only other

Warren Gilbert, GDC; MEmComp. Graeme O'Donnell, GZ; Piers Vaughan (New York) in the Egyptian Room of the Grand Lodge of New York.

The Parade of Flags at the Open of General Grand Chapter International. MEmComp Graeme O'Donnell, GZ can be seen on stage at left.

Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 17


Honouring our fallen police ser vicemen servicemen


he Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation honoured our fallen police servicemen and women in a moving ceremony held on Monday 29 September at the Shrine of Remembrance, in Melbourne.

Freemasons Victoria, represented by Grand Master Hillel Benedykt and Acting Grand Secretary Bruce Stockdale were there to support and capture the event. Headed up by police on motorcycles, National Police Remembrance Day 2014 commenced with a march from Princes Bridge at 10am to

and women women

Flags were lowered to half-mast and the lone piper played as parade participants assembled around the memorial. Reverend Dr John Broughton, Senior Police Chaplain welcomed guests and introduced the event, saying that the day was about honouring the memory of those who have paid the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty and to support their loved ones. The Vigil Party (or Catafalque Party) marched on and carried out drill manoeuvres into rest on arms reversed position. The Party posted outwards with rifles reversed to show that the fallen are now at peace. This was followed by an Ensign presentation. The Ensign and escorts marched on and carried out drill manoeuvres into stand at ease position, their colours embodying the history, spirit and traditions of the service to which they belong.

the Victoria Police Memorial, that included the Mounted Police Branch, the Chief Commissioner of Police, the Police Executive Command, Valour Award Recipients, uniformed members, the Academy Constables Squad, the Protective Services Officers Squad, former and retired members and civilian participants.

18 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

Chief Commissioner Ken Lay APM addressed those in attendance with the importance of recognising the recent event in Endeavour Hills, that injured police personnel. His speech was followed by words from Victorian Premier Denis Napthine. A very moving ‘Amazing Grace’ was sung by Constable Bree Sellwood. Mr Leo Kennedy, invited to the event as guest speaker, is a descendant of Sergeant Michael Kennedy, who was murdered by the Kelly Gang at Stringybark Creek in 1878. He detailed the incredible story of officers Scanlon, Kennedy and


Lonigan who were involved and subsequently murdered while capturing Ned Kelly those many years ago. Mr Kennedy described how the story of the Kelly Gang is somewhat misunderstood, and that some still refer to Ned Kelly as a hero of sorts, when in fact, although legendary, he was a murderer and an outlaw. Reverend Dr John Broughton led a series of hymns and blessings before the final Police Valour Hymn which was written by Reverend James Pilmer, PSM, former Senior Victoria Police Chaplain and was performed by Bree Sellwood. Constable Adrian Staudt and Protective Services Officer Trent Oehme read the Roll of Honour of all those police officers, protective services officers and public service staff who have died in the line of duty in the south west pacific region during the past 12 months. Senior Constable David John Hobden, who died on 24 December 2011 while on duty, was acknowledged by his wife Glenda Hobden and Chief Commissioner Ken Lay APM with a historical addition to the Police Memorial Honour Wall. The Chief Commissioner and Mrs Hobden unveiled the new plaque in his memory.

Mayor Robert Doyle on behalf of the City of Melbourne, The Hon. Kim Wells MP, Minister for Police & Emergency Services and Minister for Bushfire Response on behalf of the State Government, and Mr Bill Noonan OAM, Chairman Blue Ribbon Foundation. The Police Ode and a minute’s silence was followed by the Australian National Anthem, sung by Bree Sellwood which concluded the event, with Reverend Dr John Broughton providing the last blessing. Freemasons Victoria is proud to support the Blue Ribbon Foundation and recognise the brave officers who have died in the line of duty. Freemasons Victoria continues to promote the purchase of the Blue Ribbon lapel pin and encourages all members to visit to find out more about this great Foundation.

Chief Commissioner Ken Lay APM made the Victoria Police Star (VPS) presentation, recognising Sergeant Michael Kennedy, Constable Thomas Lonigan and Constable Michael Scanlon who were murdered during the course of their duties at Stringybark Creek on 26 October 1878. Wreaths were laid by a number of dignitaries including His Excellency The Hon. Alex Chernov AC QC Governor of Victoria, The Rt Hon. Lord

Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 19


By Bro. Michael Schiavello

Experiencing Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the USA! In April of this year, Bro. Michael Schiavello, of Balwyn-Deepdene Lodge No. 275, (who resides in Las Vegas, USA where he works as a TV broadcaster), was conferred the 28 Degrees (4 - 32) of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in a whirlwind weekend that left a lasting impression and an even greater passion for Freemasonry!


he degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry are divided into four bodies: 4º - 14º the Lodge of Perfection; 15º - 18º the Chapter of Rose Croix; 19º - 30º the Council of Knights Kadosh; and 31º - 32º the Consistory of Masters of the Royal Secret.

These Higher Degrees of Masonry were developed in France (not Scotland!) in the 1700s as the Order of the Royal Secret, consisting of 25 Degrees. The conferring of these Degrees spread abroad and in 1801 came the establishment of the first Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree, the Mother Council of the World, with a motto of “Ordo ab Chao” (Order from Chaos). It announced a new 33-Degree system of high degrees that incorporated all 25 of the Order of the Royal Secret, and added eight more, including that of 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General (an honorary degree).

In terms of membership, the Scottish Rite is the most successful Masonic system in the world. Candidates for Scottish Rite Masonry must have attained the Degree of Master Mason. The Scottish Rite Degrees expand upon the teachings and lessons of the first three Degrees, teaching a series of moral lessons culminating with the 32º, Master of the Royal Secret. The degrees of the Scottish Rite are conferred in events known as “reunions”, which typically take place over a few days. During a reunion, candidates take part in one-act plays, staged with costume, scenery, and special effects. Reunions feature the enactment of select Degrees only, with all other Degrees being communicated verbally. “Looking back at it now, it is a blur,” says Schiavello, who took part in a two-day Scottish Rite reunion in Las Vegas in April. “Eighteen candidates took part in the reunion in which we saw the performance of five degrees — the 4º Secret Master, 14º Perfect Elu, 18º Knight Rose Croix, 30º Knight Kadosh and the 32º Master of the Royal Secret. The other 23 Degrees were communicated to us verbally.” The performance of the above-mentioned five degrees were productions that would have made DeMille envious. “The preparation and execution of the Degrees was remarkable,” says Schiavello. “They were performed on stage with elaborate sets, vivid period costumes, sound effects, lighting and voice overs. It felt like we were transported in

20 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014


Candidates of the April Scottish Rite Reunion in Las Vegas.

time and standing in the middle of Enoch’s Crypt, which is the setting of the 14º. The hours put into not only learning the ritual text but acting it out with the aplomb of a Broadway star was stunning”, he said. The reunion concluded with a large banquet where guests of honor included the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Nevada (a 33º) and the Grand Master of Masons in Nevada. Family members and partners of all candidates were in attendance at the three-course banquet which culminated in the presentation of the candidates with their 32º hats and 14º rings. “In Scottish Rite Freemasonry we wear hats instead of aprons. The different coloured hats represent the Degree of the wearer. As newlymade 32º Masons, we were presented with a circular hat made of black silk. The front of the cap is adorned by a double-headed eagle — the symbol of Scottish Rite Masonry — above whose head is a red triangle, embellished by golden rays, and bearing the number 32. The hat is to be worn during Scottish Rite Lodge meetings only, never outside the Lodge, and never to be removed during lodge, not even during prayer”, he said.

In continuing his quest for further Masonic knowledge, Schiavello is now undertaking two correspondence courses: The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman Program, which is administered by staff at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C., under the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Council, 33°, of the A&A. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. and the College of the Consistory which is administered by the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple. “Undertaking the Scottish Rite Degrees was a mind-blowing experience but now the real challenge begins and that is studying each degree, its history, its characters, its symbols and examining what it all means and what lessons each degree is trying to impart. As Rex R.Hutchens, the famous Scottish Rite author wrote, ‘These teachings are not a random collection of moral precepts but are rather an organised and coherent system of doctrine relating to the perfectibility of human conduct… no man can be perfect but he can strive toward perfection and so constantly improve his nature'.

The 14º ring, presented by the candidate’s partner or family member, is the only Degree ring in all of Masonry. The gold ring bears the Hebrew letter yod enclosed in an equilateral triangle. Inscribed on the inner band is the motto Virtus junxit mors non separabit (Virtue has united and death shall not separate). “We are told that the ring’s circle expresses the unbreakable fraternal bond between Masons of all generations. Upon the death of the owner, the ring should go into the hands of his widow, eldest son, the friend who was loved above all others, or another Scottish Rite Mason, but must never be worn by them”, he said.

Bro. Michael Schiavello (right) with fellow recipients of the 32º.

Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 21


A trowel’s journey

WBro. Richard Mills, Geelong Lodge of Unity and Prudence No. 5

WBro. Richard Mills, Immediate Past Master, Geelong Lodge of Unity and Prudence No. 5, has found the trowel that was originally used on 1 May 1850 to lay the Foundation Stone for the Geelong Hospital and Benevolent Asylum (now a part of Barwon Health). The trowel, used again in 1924 to lay the Foundation Stone of the Geelong Hospital (Kitchener Memorial), and in 1926 to lay the foundation stone of the Geelong Lodge of Unity and Prudence No. 5 and the Foundation Stone for the Gheringhap Street Temple, is inscribed with details of each of its duties as below:

FACE: Presented by the W.M. George Faircloth Esq. On the occasion of Laying the Foundation Stone of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum to the Geelong Lodge of Unity & Prudence No. 801 1st May 1850 Reverse: This trowel was again used on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Geelong District Hospital “Kitchener Memorial” by His Excellency Col. The Right Hon. The Earl of Stradbroke KCMG; C.B; C.V.O; C.B.E.; A.D.C. Governor of Victoria M.W. Grand Master of the United Lodge of Victoria 10.12.1924 Handle: This Trowel was again used on the occasion of laying of the foundation stone the Masonic Temple for Geelong Lodge Unity & Prudence No. 5 V.C. W.M. Bro. W.H. Smith 30.11.26 According to Lodge minutes “The laying of the Foundation Stone was then proceeded with in the usual form and ceremonies according to pristine usage after which the procession returned in reverse order to Mack’s Hotel. A Masonic Banquet was held at Mack’s Hotel in the evening at which about 70 gentlemen attended, including many of the dignitaries of the town, and after having partaken of a splendid entertainment the company parted about 12pm, with expressions of gratification and delight at the day’s proceedings.”

The face of the trowel

22 Freemasonry Victoria Spr Spring ing 201 2014


Book Review from Manager Masonic Services,

WBro. Bruce Cowie A Quick Guide to Freemasonry By Dr David Harrison


he fourth book from Dr David Harrison is different to his three earlier works. In this book, the author answers a large number of questions that are of interest to the enquiring Mason. Although it will be more useful for the newer Mason it will be of interest to anyone who is searching for answers. Primarily based on English Lodges, the similarities to our Constitution are obvious. Towards the end of the work Australia does get a specific mention. The title is accurate in that it is a ‘quick guide’, do not look for long and detailed explanations, however many of the answers will provoke further questions and research. Even to a person who has read many books on Freemasonry, there are bound to be some points that will be new or provide a different view.

One example is the white gloves. The author points out that the gloves go back to the Stonemasons who wore gloves to protect their hands, and being white they symbolise purity. Both these facts are well known but then he goes on to say that the contrast of the white gloves against the black clothes reflects the chequered floor. Not something this writer had previously considered. However there are other reasons not given regarding preserving equality in the Lodge, as no one is judged by their hands, which is not discussed. The author provides a brief history of the old custom in England of giving white gloves to the initiate and that later this was changed so that in

the mid-18th Century each initiate was given two pairs of white gloves, one for him and one for his wife. In England it is still the custom to give the candidate a pair of white gloves. Another example of a different perspective is a question about the snake clasp on the side of the apron. It is in the shape of a figure-of-eight or the symbol of infinity, which reflects the theme of immortality. Again something of interest and a different perspective on what could just be considered a standard belt clasp used on belts and uniforms. The author tackles more challenging questions such as ‘do we take obligations or oaths?’ something that is important to understand when talking to a non-Freemason. ‘What are Noachidae?’ and ‘Where does squaring the Lodge originate?’ are two more interesting questions that perhaps will prompt much discussion. There are many questions which deserve long and thorough explanations but which are lightly covered, however again, they provide a basis for further discussion. The end of the book provides some interesting comparisons between different countries which is useful information if one is contemplating an overseas trip. There are some surprises in that in some States of America, casual clothes are worn in Lodge. This reflects the history as many of these Lodges are rural where great distances are travelled to attend lodge. This publication is a good primer for any Freemason.

Spring 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 23


Find out at epworth’s Priority endoscopy!


ustralia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world. Bowel cancer is the second most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in the country with about 15,000 Australians diagnosed with the disease each year. In fact bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer, after lung cancer claiming 4,000 lives each year.

The good news is that when detected early, bowel cancer is one of the most curable of all cancer types. Unfortunately, less than 40 per cent of bowel cancers are detected early which means that they have already progressed to the stage of requiring surgery and other forms of cancer treatments. Statistics show that when bowel cancer is detected whist contained within the bowel, 90 per cent of people survive five years or more and return to their normal lifestyle. However, most cases of bowel cancer are detected at a later stage which means their prognosis is not as favourable.

Not all polyps become cancerous, but to reduce the risk and hinder the development of bowel cancer all polyps that have been identified should be removed to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Most polyps can be removed during a regular colonoscopy. Early detection of bowel cancer offers the best hope of reducing the number of Australians who die from the disease each year. Both men and women are at risk of developing bowel cancer. Based on current trends, 1 in 12 Australians will develop bowel cancer before the age of 85 years. The risk of developing bowel cancer increases with a significant family history of bowel cancer such as a parent, brother, sister or if more than one relative on the same side of your family has had bowel cancer. The risk also increases with

Also known as colorectal cancer, bowel cancer is a malignant growth that develops in the lining of the large bowel. Usually starting as a tiny growth called a ‘polyp’ this can develop over time to become cancerous. Cancer can narrow and block the bowel or cause bleeding. In more advanced cases, the cancer can spread beyond the bowel to other organs in the body. 24 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2014

Pathology determines the nature of the disease.

HeALTH wATC HeAL CH age over 50 years and with people with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or adenomas in the bowel. Endoscopy is used to diagnose many conditions, including bowel cancer and coeliac disease. Epworth Priority Endoscopy provides easy access to a colonoscopy and gastroscopy performed by specialists using the latest technology, with all specialist and anesthetist’s fees covered for patients with eligible health cover. At Epworth Priority Endoscopy, these procedures are generally performed as a day procedure, involving only a short period of sedation, with patients admitted just prior to the procedure. This allows for minimal waiting time and disruption to the patients’ schedule. A colonoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to examine the inside lining of your large bowel. The doctor will use a colonoscope - a long, thin flexible tube with a small camera and light attached, to see pictures of the inside of your bowel on a video screen. The colonoscope bends so it can move around the curves of your colon. It can also be used to remove growths or polyps, which are fleshy growths in the bowel lining. A colonoscopy can also be used to take a biopsy, a very small section of the bowel lining, which can be tested to identify many conditions.

Prof. Geoffrey Metz performs a colonoscopy at Epworth Priority Endoscopy.

Prior to undergoing a colonoscopy, you will need to have a consultation with your GP, who will determine if you are suitable to be referred directly to Epworth Priority Endoscopy. Once your GP has given you a referral, you can contact Epworth Freemasons Hospital to book an appointment. Prior to undergoing a colonoscopy you are required to undertake preparation in order for the procedure to be successful, which may include fasting and taking a bowel preparation.

Epworth staff members are happy to assist.

The Epworth Research Institute is currently undertaking research in the area of bowel cancer. The study aims to audit the removal of small colonic polyps in several major endoscopy centres across Australia in order to compare the various polypectomy techniques. To support this research contact the epworth Medical Foundation on 03 9426 6359.

The latest technology is available at Epworth Priority Endoscopy.

Spring Spr ing 201 2014 Freemasonry Victoria 25

Please include Freemasons Hospital in your Will. If someone you love requires hospital care, you can trust in Epworth Freemasons to provide them with the best possible care, treatment and support.

And every bequest we receive helps to provide the best possible: Equipment World-class, state-of-the-art equipment that ensures Freemasons patients receive the best in medical and technological advances to aid their recovery

Research Practical research that gives Freemasons patients access to cutting-edge, global discoveries in medical treatments, preventions and cures Support More facilities and services that provide a comfortable, supportive and nurturing environment for Freemasons patients while they are in our care

If you would like more information about leaving a bequest to Freemasons please contact the Epworth Medical Foundation:

mail: Reply Paid 84307 (no stamp required) 89 Bridge Road, Richmond Vic 3121

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Your chance to to remember remember those who fough ought for or our freedom. freedom....

Remembrance Wall all If you have purchased a poppy, you are invited to personalise a tag t containing the details of a Freemason, relat elativ ive e or friend friend you y wish to remember. Freemasons Victoria ia will place the the tag tag on a Remembrance Wall in the foyer of the Dallas Brooks Centre.

Freemasons have a long and proud association with the armed forces. Throughout Australia’s involvement in wars and peacekeeping operations, our members have been ready to serve and defend their country. That trend continues today with many of our younger members being active e air, air, navy or army personnel.

Remembrance Remembr ance Ceremony Cer A special event will be held at the Dallas Brooks Centre on Thursday 13 November from 10am to 11:30am (followed by morning tea) which will feature a wreath laying service and Ceremony of the Unknown Soldier. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Erin Olsen on 9411 01 0107 or email by Friday 31 October, ober ober,, 2014. Please contact Erin for parking information.

About Fr Freemasons Vict Victor oria ia’’s Field ield of Remembrance Remembrance On 12 November, ember, ember, the lawn outside the Dallas Brooks Centre will be transformed in remembrance of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the nation. For only $20 you can buy a poppy in advance that will be planted in the ground for all to o see. You You are encouraged to take your poppy home after the Remembrance Ceremony on 13 November as a token of your remembrance. Proceeds from each poppy will go to the RSL and the Victorian Shrine of Remembrance. Please call Freemasons Victoria on (03) 9411 0100 to order der your your poppy poppy today! t Alternatively, pop in and order your poppy y at the t Freemasons Victoria reception counter during ing normal nor office hours from om 9am – 5pm Monday Monday to to Fr Frida iday.

Please send this this for form m along with with a cheque or money mone order der der,, or use the credit card option below, to Freemasons Victoria marked ed ‘Field of Remembrance’, ance’ ance’,, 300 Alber t Street, East Melbourne Vic 3002.

First Name: Lodge: Poppies $20.00 each

Last Name: Qty Poppies:

No: T To otal of Order: $

Name on Card:

Phone: VISA

Credit Card:


Will you be attending the Remembrance Day Ceremony? YES




Please call Freemasons Victoria on (03) 9411 0101 to personalise your remembrance tag.

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