Freemasonry Victoria Mag Issue 136

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Freemasonry Victoria SPRING 2013 ISSUE 136

John Connell A Great Australian Freemason

Little girl big heart

Teena-Kay Class reflects on how grateful she and her family is for the support of HeartKids

Think Pink

Big Pink Cocktail Party a success

Our Principles Make a Difference


Grand Installation and You are Invited Freemasons Victoria invites you and your guests to the Grand Installation of

RWBro. Hillel Benedykt as Grand Master

20 March 2013 at 7:30pm Masonic Centre of Victoria You are also cordially invited to the Grand Banquet and associated functions, details and applications forms for which are included with this magazine. Email enquiries to: Online registrations: www.trybooking.com165688

In this issue: 3 From the Archives 6 Little Girl Big Heart

Teena Kay-Class and HeartKids

9 Freemasons in Sport

Bro. William (Bill) Lawry

10 Think Pink

Big Pink Cocktail Party a huge success

12 Member Interviews Who are we?

13 Habits of Going the Extra Mile John Millar

14 Book Review

The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation

16 Field of Remembrance 17 The Anzac Spirit

We remember our diggers


Pieces of My Life Joe Dioguardi: Oriental Treasures

20 Around the World

London Calling QLD Installation Weekend

22 Making A Difference

Helping Cancer Patients at Epworth Freemasons Hospital

24 Behind Every Great Man Is a Great Woman

26 Quiz Time

4 John Connell The Great Australian Freemason

Freemasonry Victoria Magazine Issue 136 The official magazine of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) Website: FaceBook: Twitter: @freemasonsvic YouTube: LinkedIn: Freemasons Victoria Google+: Freemasons Victoria Telephone: (03) 9411 0111 Toll Free: 1800 068 416 Fax: (03) 9416 1468 Editor Justin White (03) 9411 0117 Deputy Editor Gabrielle Forman (03) 9411 0101 Contact Us Email: Fax: (03) 9416 1468 Mail: The Editor, Freemasonry Victoria Magazine C/- 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne Editorial submissions: Article or photo submissions for each issue must be received by the end of the month, following the release of the previous issue. Email submissions are preferred and images must be 300dpi or higher. Submissions should be addressed to: The Editor: Freemasonry Victoria Magazine PO Box 553, East Melbourne VIC 8002 Telephone: (03) 9411 0101 Email: ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: Advertising Manager Justin White (03) 9411 0117 Disclaimer: Freemasonry Victoria is published quarterly by the Grand Secretariat, Freemasons Victoria. Printed by East Print, Melbourne, Australia Ltd. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising if it is deemed inappropriate and to change the size of the ad, print type or other specifications if material is not compatible with our system. Publisher: Freemasonry Victoria is distributed by mail direct to the homes of all members each quater and is published online at by Freemasons Victoria 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002.

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor As a young professional who works in journalism, and a proud Freemason living in Footscray, Victoria, I have spent many years making sure real people have a voice in the Community. I wanted to write and say, that the new look Freemasonry Victoria Magazine, goes a long way to expanding our image and message, covers some wonderful insights and stories about the works we do and provides a delightfully fresh perspective on the connection between our communities and Freemasonry in Victoria. As I read the recent article, about the origins of Football and the direct ties with some of the names that have been involved in our great game, I felt a huge sense of pride and honour, in knowing such major decisions were in ways, impacted by that of Freemasonry as we know it. Based on my experiences working in journalism, and at times covering sport, I feel this article was a fantastic representation and example of how our values and principles have impacted even the sports we love. Thank you Freemasons Victoria for producing this story, and making sure that all Victorians have an opportunity to understand the pivotal connections that have formed so much of our history. Journo, Football lover and proud Freemason Dear Editor Thank you for your recent story in your magazine about getting a health check at age 40! My husband recently turned 40, and to be honest I had been at him for years about having a full health check. The story about how Justin had recently embarked on a mid-life campaign to check his health, really resonated with me, and as a result (and after many hours of rallying), I have finally convinced my husband to start looking at the state of his health! I think it is true, that most men simply push their health to the side, or at least the thought of doing something about it! Maybe its pride or the fear of knowing, but in any case, it certainly is something that is needed and in this instance, really made an impact on our family. Thanks again.


Hidden treasures from the Freemasons Victoria Library and Museum Is publication injurious to Freemasonry? We think not Jim Spreadborough enlightens us with an extract from The Masonic Star, Thursday 13 September 1888. Cost – 1p.


he secrets of Freemasonry are her signs, words and tokens; these the Oath regards, and no more!

This is the dictum of a Masonic writer of many years gone by, and with which we entirely agree. It is almost intolerable to reflect on the fact that there exists a narrow minded objection, to permit mankind generally to share in the possession of the beautiful precepts of the Craft, from fear that the exact nature of the obligations which bind together its several members should become universally known. Such mistaken reticence has done more harm than good to Freemasonry; and has induced a curiosity which could only be satisfied, and then but partly, by the production of presumed revelations alike untrustworthy and disingenuous. The condemnation of Freemasonry in the past as a secret society would probably have never been experienced had it been made patent to objectors that whatever secrecy there may be is limited solely to the means whereby we can make ourselves known to each other, and so distinguished from the rest of the world. The SILENCE enjoined upon us on our entry into Freemasonry has been misunderstood. It has distinct reference to the ‘signs, words and tokens’, but not to the moral teachings and invaluable precepts which are contained in its ritual and ceremony. We declare, and rightly so, that if those precepts and the principles of the Order were carried out in practice, the whole human family would be benefited thereby. By what right, then, should we arrogate to ourselves alone the benefits of their influence? To be true to our principles we should extend our endeavors to fight and afford instruction to all our fellow creatures, and so praise in our works the Great Architect of the Universe, whose power and goodness to ourselves we never cease to gratefully acknowledge. "He's true to God who's true to Man! Wherever wrong is done. To the humblest or the weakest 'neath the all-beholding sun. That wrong is also done to us, and they are slaves most base whose

love of Right is for themselves, and not for all their race”. The secrecy which surrounds our signs, words and tokens should certainly be held most sacred—as sacred as the obligations of councils, committees, corporation; or the details of family life, but results should not be withheld. If they are, doubt and distrust at once induce depreciatory comment, not infrequently followed by injurious action. On the other hand, what we expound to one another as Freemasons, distinct from all that is affected by our obligation, may beneficially be known to what we are pleased to term ‘the outer world’. The treasures we as Freemasons possess in our beautiful rituals and ceremonials are precious jewels which we have no right to lock away from universal gaze. They have been bequeathed to us by master minds, and the influence they have for good should be comprehensive. We are led to these remarks by finding, even in this enlightened era, still some amongst us who seem to think that there is too much publicity about Masonry and Masons, and would, if they could, put a stop to it. Now, what does this mean if it does not evidence a somewhat selfish desire to keep that which is of universal good within the narrowest possible limits? Is Freemasonry so weak in principles and practice that it cannot stand the scrutiny of inquiring minds? Certainly not! Then why seek to relegate its mysteries (which, after all said and done, are not much of mysteries now a days), and, what is more important, its moral philosophy to the darkness of absolute ignorance. We are pleased to think that these would be with-holders of Masonic teachings from universal knowledge and adoption are in a considerable minority in relation to the aggregate body of the Craft; and it will be our earnest endeavor; prudently and with all due regard to the preservation of what are our real secrets, to lessen their number by proving that the tenets of the order can be communicated by publication without any injury to Freemasonry in any sense. FV Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 3


John Connell The Great Australian Freemason turns 100


reemasonry commonly establishes lists of famous Freemasons and routinely expresses pride that these men saw fit to belong to our organisation. Frequently the focus is on the spectacular, men who have attracted the attention of the media, without consideration of the individual and their personal contribution. In October this year MWBro. Dr John Connell AM, Past Grand Master will celebrate his centenary, the first Australasian Past Grand Master to have achieved this milestone. The traditional family celebrations will embrace the customary letters of congratulations from HM the Queen, the Prime Minister, the Premier and other civic dignitaries but what do we, as Freemasons, know of this man who has earned the respect of so many community elements as well as the admiration of all Freemasons who know him? After all, this man is one whom history will judge to be a famous Australian and Freemasonry will loudly proclaim its pride in being associated with him. Born in Brunswick, John Connell commenced his practical engineering studies before the outbreak of WWII, after which he enlisted in the Australian Army. The 57/60 Battalion had served in the Middle East as part of the 9th Division before retraining in Queensland and embarking for New Guinea. Here John’s

leadership skills became apparent and the young infantry officer was quickly promoted to the rank of Major, a significant role for a young militia member. A tough, uncompromising enemy in an equally tough, uncompromising environment challenged many people, but John Connell was up to the task, leading by example, never shying from duty, never demanding from his soldiers something that he was unable or unwilling to do himself. John’s leadership style was firmly established during those rugged jungle campaigns. The respect he engendered in those days is reflected by the warmth with which he is greeted each ANZAC Day prior to his leadership of his former comrades in arms in the Annual March in Melbourne. After discharge from the Army, John resumed his engineering studies at the Working Men’s College (now RMIT) and specialised in structural engineering. He established his own company in 1958 and grew it progressively as he set his sights on international engineering tasks. The formation of Connell Wagner in 1989 saw the creation of a massive engineering complex capable of the most diverse projects. Further amalgamations over the years culminated in the formation of Aurecon in 2009, a huge

conglomerate with offices in four continents. The Connell engineering expertise resulted in many landmark constructions across the world, either exclusively managed by the Connell company, or as part of numerous joint projects. Tunnels and bridges, hospitals, the Melbourne Arts Centre and the Melbourne Underground Rail Loop all bore the Connell touch. Not only was John Connell professionally involved in these projects but in many of them he also designed new technologies to overcome the hurdles confronted during construction. Anyone who has heard of the underground bridges, deep piles and the freezing of an underground river during the course of construction of the Melbourne Underground Loop will testify to the amazing ingenuity of this astonishing Melbourne engineer. This project will surely be his permanent testament.

JOHN CONNELL His designs to combat vibration from trains, acoustic difficulties and structural challenges posed by Melbourne’s geography are now professional legends. Is it any wonder that this extraordinary engineer derives great pleasure from something as simple as riding in the locomotive of Puffing Billy? John Connell was an engineer with extraordinary vision. The company that bore his name was never merely competent, it was excellent and that excellence reflected the skill and ingenuity of its founder. He remains a proud Australian but he was never happier than when walking on the world stage. Some engineers deride those such as John who did not graduate from a conventional university. Such was his renown that many universities, traditional as well as innovative, have perpetuated his name with awards bearing his name or have honoured him with academic accolades. One of the most prestigious structural engineering awards in Australia is the Engineers Australia John Connell Award of a gold medal bearing John’s likeness. Every winner of that medal is proud to proclaim their success and their own achievements are reflections of John’s personal achievements. RMIT University conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering on him, the University of Melbourne awarded him the Kernot Medal and Monash University presents a John Connell Leadership Scholarship donated by his former company. The principal auditorium of Engineers Australia Victorian Division is the John Connell Auditorium. Is it any wonder that he was awarded membership of the Order of Australia (AM) in 1987! Ordinary men restrict their endeavours to one field only and devote personal time and ener-

gies to personal interests. John has never done that. As a Scout Leader he gained the Wood Badge (the highest level of Leader training), he served as an Elder of the Presbyterian Church and he is a Life Governor of Ivanhoe Grammar School. He has served on numerous Government agencies and panels ranging from the Gas & Fuel Corporation to the Zoological Board. He also served on the RMIT Centenary Foundation. Whilst he was Vice President of the Austin Hospital Board he strongly influenced the development of the Austin Research Institute. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Health and a member of the Royal Society of Victoria (the premier scientific body in Victoria). In his spare time he embraced beef farming and became renowned in the Poll Hereford Society of Australia for his innovation towards artificial insemination. John Connell was initiated into Freemasonry in Francis Ormond Lodge in 1946. He served as Master in Lodge of Adoration in 1959 and now belongs to both Lodge of Commerce and United Service Lodge. His ANZAC oration at the United Service Lodge ANZAC Meeting is the highlight of the Masonic year for many who admire his research and profound understanding of the issues that confronted the original ANZACs. Conferred with Grand Rank in 1964, he served as Freemason Victoria’s Grand Superintendant of Works from 1972-78, Senior Grand Warden in 1982, Deputy Grand Master in 1984-86 and Grand Master in 1986-89. He led the project to develop the Victoria Parade site into the Freemasons Hospital Day Procedure Centre and hosted that magnificent function at the National Tennis Centre when Freemasonry Victoria celebrated its centenary in 1989. The function remains one of the biggest Masonic functions ever held.

Brother General Douglas MacArthur once said “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent”. Perhaps he had met a young Australian infantry officer in New Guinea but he definitely could have been describing MWBro. Dr John William Connell AM, PGM. How apt that the Grand Master who led us into our centenary is an acknowledged leader? All who meet him are struck by his humility, warmed by his friendship and intrigued by his stories. MWBro. John, we salute and thank you. We congratulate you and we wish you well on this momentous occasion. FV Truly an inspiring man, a true leader who never resiled from what he believed to be the right course of action. He has always been at the coalface of innovation, inspiration and enthusiasm. A man who fought for his country, but a humble and unassuming person. An empowering presence, he exudes confidence, and brings the best out of people around him. Most Wor Bro John, I am humbled to be able to call you a friend, and I salute you for your achievements in every field of your endeavours for 100 years. A man’s man, and a Freemasons Freemason. May the Great Architect bless you with continued health and happiness for many, many more years. MWBro. Bob Jones Grand Master

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 5


Little girl

Big heart

Gabrielle Forman met with Teena Kay-Class to reflect on how grateful she and her family are for the support of Heart Kids.


avid Kay celebrated his 80th birthday on 25 August and has kindly donated all of the monetary gifts he received for his birthday to HeartKids, in honour of his grand-daughter Kimberley who has Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). David, who has been a Freemason for more than forty years, has been donating

funds from each of his birthday celebrations to charity organisations both locally and internationally, and said that he would like to continue this tradition with HeartKids. “I know first-hand how HearKids improves the lives of children with Heart Disease. We are so grateful for the support our family received when my granddaughter Kimberley was born. 6

Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

This is my way of saying thank you”, he said. Little Kimberley, the daughter of Teena Kay-Class, was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease when she was born. At Teena's 20-week scan, Kimberley’s father, Marc, was adamant that the radiologist take a very close look at Kimberley’s heart. Teena said that if it weren’t for Marc’s persistence, they wouldn’t have known that Kimberley was going to have a heart condition. “Marc’s younger son was born with a congenital heart defect, so to take all precautions he suggested that the radiologist take a very close look at their baby’s heart at the 20-week scan. Upon close examination the radiologist identified a minute discrepancy between the right side and the left side of her tiny heart”, Teena said. Teena was requested to undergo further ultrasound testing at the Freemasons Hospital in the presence of a paediatric cardiologist. The cardiologist found that baby Kimberley had a ventricular septal defect (VSD - a hole in the heart between the ventricles) and there were concerns of a narrowing in the aortic arch. On the same

day Teena also had to endure an amniocentesis to find out whether Kimberley would have any ‘syndromes’ (a heart condition can often go hand-in-hand with a syndrome). Two weeks later Teena finally received the news that no syndromes were present. A weight lifted off her shoulders. As Kimberley’s heart condition could not be confirmed until birth, Teena still had an agonising five month wait until Kimberley’s health could truly be determined and managed. As time progressed Teena asked her medical team whether she could be induced so as

We are so grateful for the support our family received when my grand-daughter Kimberly was born. This is our way of satying thank you. to make sure that all hospital staff required for Kimberley’s delivery would be on hand. Since it was a high risk birth (managed through the Foetal Management Clinic at the Royal Women’s Hospital), Teena was informed that she could not be induced prior to 38 weeks as the baby needed to be given


every fighting chance to survive the birth. Teena and Marc understood and agreed to wait until then. At 38-weeks and 3 days Kimberley was born, hooked up to heart monitors and taken straight to the 'Neonatal Intensive Care Unit'. Kimberley underwent an ultrasound in order to determine the full extent of her congenital heart defect. It was confirmed that she had a VSD (ventricular septal defect) an ASD (atrial septal defect) and a narrowing in her aortic arch. The next day, when a bed became available in intensive care at The Royal Children's Hospital, Kimberley was transferred to NETS (Newborn Emergency Transport Service). Teena spent the first week in a special Maternity Unit based within the Royal Children’s’ Hospital and was then moved to hospital accommodation on another floor. Teena sat by Kimberley’s bedside in the cardiology ward all day every day, while Kimberley was cared for around the clock by the wonderful staff. At only two days of age, Kimberley underwent life saving surgery to correct her aorta. Kimberley did not undergo surgery for the holes in her heart immediately. “Many babies are born with holes, but the holes can sometimes close over naturally”, Teena said.

Whilst at the hospital Teena was introduced to HeartKids. Members of HeartKids would visit the babies on the ward and meet with the families, offering information, resources and

Over the next few weeks after her first surgery, Kimberley became jaundiced and suffered from failure to thrive. She wasn’t feeding well due to a lack of oxygen. She was restricted to only five millilitres of expressed milk, given over an hour every four hours, via her nasogastric tube. One morning Teena noticed that Kimberley was struggling to breathe. The doctors confirmed that Kimberley was suffering from cardiac failure and the decision was to have a second surgery to patch over the two holes in her heart.

emotional support. A special parent’s lounge was dedicated to the families of HeartKids, enabling them to get away from the wards, relax, watch TV and eat comfortably. “HeartKids brought families together. We were able to talk to each other about our experiences, cry together, laugh together, love together. One thing you notice when you are in a hospital like the Royal Children’s Hospital is that there is always someone worse off than yourself. That realisation helped put things into perspective”. Teena recalls.

Teena said that watching her baby get taken away for her first surgery was extremely difficult, but to have her taken away for a second surgery was just too much to cope with. “This time I couldn’t follow the nurses down to the operating theatre. This time I waited in the cardiology ward and put all of my faith in the wonderful nurses and doctors to wheel her crib down the corridor and into the lift to the surgery", Teena said. Marc tried to convince Teena to venture out of the hospital for a time, but she couldn’t bear the thought of going out. Continued Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 7

LITTLE GIRL - BIG HEART When Kimberley came back from surgery that day Teena said that from that point it was all about making sure she got better. Teena, a qualified speech pathologist, said that her Masters Research Project was in the field of babies and feeding. She had the benefit of professional knowledge that babies who are fed via a nasogastric tube can often lose the instinct to suck and this can in-turn lead to difficulties with speech. Teena was determined to make sure this didn’t happen so she took every opportunity to sensitise Kimberley’s tiny lips and mouth with her fingers and a dummy, and constantly massage and stroke her little cheeks. Unable to feed directly from the breast, Kimberley was also given skin-on-skin time referred to as ‘Kangaroo Care’ so as to nurture the mother-baby bond and give Kimberley opportunities to attempt suckling. With a big scar on her chest, and constant dressing of the wound to ward off infection, Kimberley, still suffering jaundice, was struggling to gain weight. Additionally, medical staff became concerned that she may be at risk of developing spina bifida due to the detection of a sacral dimple. After undergoing a number of tests including x-rays, ultrasound and MRI this was later dismissed. Gradually, Kimberley’s health began to improve. She started to gain weight and in the last couple of weeks Teena began to attempt some breastfeeding. Still on the nasogastric feeds, Kimberley showed signs that she was able to feed. On her last night prior to discharge, Teena only breastfed Kimberley and did not offer Kimberley a nasogastric top up feed. On the 8

Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

day of discharge Kimberley was weighed. Medical staff believed that Kimberley’s weight gain was due to the combination of breastfeeding and a nasogastric top up overnight. Teena informed the medical staff that Kimberley had only been breastfed over the last 24 hours and that her weight gain was as a result of breastfeeding alone. Teena requested that the tube be removed prior to discharge. Convinced of Kimberly’s achievement, medical staff removed the nasogastric tube that helped Kimberley survive over the past months. Staff arranged ‘post acute care’ at the home for Teena and Kimberley and warned Teena that if Kimberley stopped gaining

HeartKids brought families together. We were able to talk to each other about our experiences... Since then, little Kimberly has never looked back. She is a bubbly little five year old doing common five year old things and has just started her first year at school. “A year ago I was interested to find out about Kimberley’s capabilities and asked her doctor if anything would stop Kimberley from being, let’s say, an elite athlete”, Tina said. “The doctor said that as long as Kimberley is involved in something that she is able to pull out of if she needs to, then there is no reason why she cannot have big dreams like any other child.” I asked Teena how she explains Kimberley’s heart condition to her when she asks.

“I have always told Kimberley that Kimberley is cradled by her older sister Mindy and her mum when she was born Teena, with her father Marc, and proud grandparents her heart wasn’t David and Celine Kay. working properly so weight or lost weight that she the doctors had to fix her heart would need to have the nasoand that for this reason she has gastric tube re-fitted. After two a special heart. I am hoping that months however, Kimberley as she grows she will underwas gaining a little bit of weight stand that her surgeries, which every day and her oxygen levels left scarring to her chest, back were good. and abdomen, allowed us to take our baby girl home with The nurses and doctors were us and that she should not be confident that Kimberley would ashamed of them.” no longer require post-acute care.

FREEMASONS IN SPORT Teena went on to say that in preparing to talk with Freemasons Victoria about her story, she did further research and found that one of Kimberley’s surgeons is conducting a study into aortic coarctation and the long term effects it has on patients. Teena was shocked to read that there are possible long-term effects of the surgeries that Kimberley had to endure as a newborn baby. “My belief was that she was completely out of the woods, however, I am now aware that although she is doing extremely well, I’ll always need to be vigilant, take her to her annual cardiology appointments and make sure she is closely monitored and observed during physical activity, through to adulthood”. On speaking about HeartKids, knowing of her father’s intentions, Teena said “Throughout the entire process from birth until now, HeartKids has supported my family. This is an organisation that, even during the hardest of times, helps bring families together. It’s then that you realise you are not alone. HeartKids publish a regular magazine in which Kimberley has been featured. They wrote an article about Kimberley in the local newspaper to help raise awareness of CHD, during CHD Awareness month and we have attended several of their wonderful events that they organise (free of charge) for these wonderfully resilient kids. We have been to several special events including a lovely day at the farm and a fantastic circus show. Now, this is my family's opportunity to say thank you and offer our ongoing commitment to HeartKids Victoria". For more information on HeartKids, please visit: FV


Our very own cricket legend and Freemason


ro. William Lawry, Master Mason, esteemed Australian Cricket legend and commentator, is perhaps one of the most recognisable voices and personalities in the history of Australian Cricket. A legend of the game, and a proud Freemason, Bro. William Morris ‘Bill’ Lawry, AM, born 11 February 1937, joined Freemasonry on 4 October 1962 at the age of 25. He was initiated at Manangatang Lodge No. 705 near Swan Hill, and remains a Freemason today. Lawry worked through his 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees of Freemasonry, reaching the level of Master Mason on 7 July 1963. It can be argued, that some of Lawry’s traits, including his poise, tenacity, decision making and focus during his illustrious and hugely successful career, can be attributed to the lessons and teachings of Freemasonry. He captained Australia in 25 Tests, winning nine, losing eight and drawing eight, and led Australia in the inaugural One Day International match, played in 1971. An opening batsman with a reputation for resolute defence, he had the ability to spend long periods of time at the crease. Lawry was born in Thornbury, Melbourne. Aged nine, he played competitive cricket for the first time with the Thornbury Presbyterian Church team. At twelve, he entered Melbourne's district competition

working his way up to the First XI by the age of sixteen. A few months before turning nineteen, Lawry made his debut for Victoria, against Western Australia at the Junction Oval in the 1955–56 season. He played in all but one of Victoria's matches in 1956–57. Along with Bob Simpson, he formed an opening partnership that was regarded as one of the finest in Test history. Lawry was fast between the wickets, and the pair were especially well known for their understanding, as exemplified by their fluency in rotating the strike with quick singles. Lawry was known for his peculiar stance. He had little bend in his knees, and as a result batted with a stoop over his bat. His strengths were regarded as his composure and intense concentration. His defiant style was accentuated by his habit of tugging on his cap after every ball, as though starting afresh. Famous English author John Snow wrote 'He always had to be got out and even if you managed to knock all three stumps over he still stayed at the crease, a moment looking round for some excuse to continue batting before reluctantly starting his walk back to the dressing room'. Bill is now part of Channel Nine's cricket commentary team and has been in the role for over 30 years. FV Story and research by Justin White, Membership Operations Manager

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 9


Think Pink

Freemasons Victoria's Big Pink Cocktail Party was a huge success with in excess of $85,000 raised towards Breast Cancer Awareness.


t's not often you see the Grand Master Bob Jones dressed in a pink racing outfit, or the Deputy Grand Master Hillel Benedykt wearing a pink wig, but on this very special occasion, all pink attire was most accepted! With raffles, auctions and pledges from Lodges throughout the State, the Big Pink Cocktail Party raised in excess of $85,000 for breast cancer awareness with funds to be distributed between the Epworth Oncology Department, Think Pink Foundation and selected rural communities. Irene Hendel, Founder and Chairman for the Think Pink Foundation said that it was great to see so many people getting into the spirit of the event, and doing their best for this worthy cause. "The Think Pink Foundation is so incredibly grateful for all of the support and effort from Freemasons Victoria, and it's wonderful to see so many people here tonight all getting into the pink spirit of things", Irene said. The evening was hosted by the ladies of the Grand Team, lead by Kerry Jones and MC for the evening Peter Julier. With more than 40 raffle items and over 55 Auction items being donated, many were fortunate not to leave empty handed. Auction items were donated by Freemasons, their family and friends and ranged from wine, art, house-hold items and vouchers, along with jewellery and AFL memorabilia. Also up for grabs was a dinner for four with the Grand Master. With over 150 people in attendance, the band, led by WBro. Jim Puohotaua, played to a sea of pink top-hats, feather boas, dresses and suits, not to mention a suspicious pink panther assisting WBro Justin Stark with tickets at the door.

10 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

At 9:30pm the winning bids were announced, along with 'best dressed' awards - winning in the mens category was Ben Quick for his attempt at 'man in tights' and the De La Rue sisters, Jade and Holly in the ladies category for their pink kangaroo onesies.

The Think Pink Foundation is so incredibly grateful for all of the support and effort of Freemasons Victoria... Executive Assistant Donna De La Rue, said that over the past month some fantastic events have been coordinated by the Lodges throughout Victoria, generating great interest in the campaign. "Many Lodges took part this year by organising breakfasts, dinners, barbecues, trivia nights and raffles, to mention a few and the proceeds were personally handed to the Grand Master Bob Jones and his wife Kerry at the Big Pink Cocktail Party. Lodge events alone raised more than $55,000", Donna said. Freemasons Victoria set the bar high this year and challenged members and Lodges to exceed last year's target of $80,000. With funds raised being tallied as we speak for the month of October, and with several more events still to come, we hope to announce the final figure very soon. For further details, visit our website, Facebook page and the next issue of Freemasons Victoria Magazine. FV




Christina Chia, Royal Freemasons Homes and Gabrielle Forman, Freemasons Victoria.

VWBro. Frank Fordyce and WBro. Ben Quick.

Kerry Jones and son Robert.

Marcus Georgiades from Fuzzy TV, interviews Founder Irene Hendell about the Think Pink Foundation, for an episode of Channel 31's Freemasons: The Inside Story.

VWBro. Peter Julier and his wife Lyn

Grand Master Bob Jones in pink racing-wear

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 11


Who are we? We caught up with WBro. Robert Brennand to find out his thoughts on Freemasonry and how he joined.

the supermarket when we were both trying to find something. He asked if I'd be interested in Freemasonry and we met another time for coffee. After that I visited his Lodge for dinner and got to know its members before joining.

WBro. Robert Brennand

Hearts of Oak Lodge No. 681, Lodge of Commerce No. 837, Lodge Amalthea No. 914 and Victorian Lodge of Research No. 218


obert is 44 years old, an Auditor and has also featured on Channel 31 ‘Freemasons: The Inside Story’. “How did you find out about Freemasonry?” Through a chance meeting with a complete stranger, who turned out to be a member of Freemasons Victoria. I was shopping, and got talking to someone at

12 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

“What do you look forward to when you attend Lodge meetings?” I generally refer to it as my night out with the boys. For me, it’s a bit like the men’s shed concept. I enjoy the opportunity to meet with men who share similar values “What do your friends think about your involvement?” Generally it’s generated a sense of curiosity. It’s been interesting as I’ve had three friends follow me and join after they found out I was a Freemason. I’ve found it is something they or their families have had an interest in, but didn’t know anyone to talk to about it. “Why is Freemasonry important to you?”

I enjoy the fraternal aspect of Freemasonry – the fact that every Freemason is my brother. I usually wear a masonic badge on my suit and find that Freemasons I don’t know approach me to introduce themselves. It creates an instant rapport between its members and breaks down all other barriers. “Why is Freemasonry important to the community?” I find Freemasonry encourages its members to contribute to the community in their everyday lives, as well as providing the opportunity to become involved in activities and projects that support charities and community organisations. “How has Freemasonry inspired you or how has it made you a happier person?” Freemasonry encourages me to bring out my better qualities. I can identify with the basic principles and values and being involved in Freemasonry is a reminder to me to always strive to be the best person I can. “Have you enjoyed being a part of ‘Freemasons: The Inside Story’?” It has been a wonderful experience. Each member has a unique story and I feel privileged to be able to share mine. FV

Habits of going the extra mile Bro. John Millar of Peace and Loyalty Lodge No. brings us Part 2 of this uplifting series.


abits of Going the Extra Mile part two is part of a four-part series that outlines some of Napoleon Hill's greatest success philosophies. Please read these with the intent of employing key principles into your life, and impart this wisdom directly to those around you. It is a well-known fact that Andrew Carnegie developed more successful leaders of industry than has any other great American industrialist. Most of them came up from the ranks of ordinary day labourers and many of them accumulated personal fortunes of vast amounts, more than they could acquire without the guidance of Mr. Carnegie. The first test that Mr. Carnegie applied to any worker whom he desired to promote was that of determining to what extent the worker was willing to go the extra mile. It was this test that led to the discovery of Charles M. Schwab. When Mr. Schwab first came to Carnegie’s attention he was working as a day labourer in one of the steel master’s plant. Close observation revealed that Schwab always performed a better service than that for which he was paid. Moreover, he

performed it in a pleasing mental attitude that made him popular with his fellow workers. No one is forced to develop the habit of going the extra mile and seldom is anyone ever requested to render more service than that for which he is paid. Therefore, if the habit is followed it must be adopted on one’s own initiative. keeps him on good terms with his conscience and serves as a stimulant to his own soul!

of ethics and sympathy for the weak and the unfortunate. It teaches one how to properly consider his neighbour and, at the same time, rewards him for so doing. It was this very asset which enabled Charles M. Schwab to climb, step by step, from the lowly beginning as a day labourer to the highest position his employee had to offer and it was this asset as well which brought Schwab a bonus of more than ten times the amount of his salary. FV

There is still another benefit to be gained by the man who follows the habit of going the extra mile: It keeps him on good terms with his own conscience and serves as a stimulant to his own soul! Therefore, it is a builder of sound character which has no equal in any other human habit. Teach a child the benefits of rendering more service and better service than that which is customary, and you will have made contributions of character to that child which will serve him or her all through life. The philosophy of Andrew Carnegie is essentially a philosophy of economics. But it is more than that! It is also a philosophy

Stay tuned for Bro. John's third part to this series in the next issue of Freemasonry Victoria Magazine..

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 13


The Secret Science of

Masonic Initiation

Masonic Services Manager WBro. Bruce Cowie reviews the Secret Science of Masonic Initiation by Robert Lomas, co-author of The Hiram Key.


obert Lomas scientist, author, Freemason has written this slim volume which is a look at some of the deeper understandings of Freemasonry. At a mere 110 pages, it is a useful book that has much to offer both the new and the experienced Freemason alike. He has authored alone and co-authored with Christopher Knight a number of books on the history and possible origins of Freemasonry. However, recently he has written more on the symbolism of Freemasonry. I believe the later books are far superior to his earlier works which are very speculative and developed theories based on shaky foundations. When he writes on philosophy and the symbolism of Freemasonry, particularly from the point of view of a scientist, who I believe has successfully reconciled science and spiritual matters, he has produced some interesting and worthwhile work. The author in this book asks the reader to temporarily set aside science and to listen, as a child to the ancient teachings of the Craft as it shows how you might know yourself. The book focuses on the changes that we should experience as we take our first steps into Freemasonry. What the three degrees represent in

14 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

the initiatory experience, and shows that it is not unique but has been used throughout the ages. The book does not contain anything that is significantly new, rather it describes the adventure of initiation, provides insights that will give many pause for thought and provides a refresher in some basic understanding of the ritual and symbolism of Freemasonry. The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation is about the philosophy of Freemasonry, the Science of Life, understanding who we are and our relationship with nature, each other and God. The book emphasises the importance of the Tracing Boards to understanding each degree. It provides a short and succinct pathway through Craft Freemasonry that should prompt further study and reflection. How many of us have really studied each tracing Board and could describe each symbol? Much of the book can be read in a short time but you may want to read it again as there are a number of points that provide room for thought. Chapter one entitled 'Why become a Mason', refers to the many reasons why men join Freemasonry and highlights that perhaps the ceremonial workings are what have given

Freemasonry its widespread appeal and sustained the organisation over a number of centuries. It is the philosophy embedded in these ceremonies that is the essence of Freemasonry. This book is for the Master Mason who has completed the three degrees. It is useful for those who are mentoring others and is recommended to anyone seeking more light on Freemasonry. It is not an expose or a step-by-step guide to Freemasonry but a series of essays that successfully illuminates the journey. After reading the book, it prompted that common dilemma, that too often we are focussed on the destination rather than the journey. FV

Freemasons Victoria


The Freemasons Victoria e-store can be accessed at via the member’s log-in. If you do not have access to a computer, you can place an order over the phone: (03) 9411 0111 or email

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Field of

Remembrance Be recognised in the Field of Remembrance event


reemasons Victoria has a long and proud association with the armed forces. Throughout Australia’s involvement in wars and peacekeeping operations, Freemasons have always been ready to serve and defend their country. That trend continues today with many of our younger members being active air, navy or army personnel. Victorian Freemasons with a military background include a large number of its leaders: most recently Major General Frank Poke AO RFD ED and Dr. John Connell AM. Other prominent Freemasons with a military background include Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop AC CMG OBE, Charles Bud Tingwell AM and former Victorian RSL President, Bruce Ruxton AM OBE. The Field of Remembrance presents a wonderful opportunity for Lodges, members, their families and friends to have a white cross or remembrance token planted in honour of someone who fought for our nation. Between 6 and 13 November, the lawn outside the front of the Dallas Brooks Centre will be

16 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

transformed into a field of remembrance, honouring a serviceman or woman who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Freemasons, their families and friends, and RSL members will be invited to honour a particular service person or for general commemoration. Those who donate will be able to personalise their remembrance with a water-proof tag containing details of the person they wish to remember. You can donate by contacting Freemasons Victoria on (03) 9411 0111 or visiting us here at the Masonic Centre, 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne. Donations will go to the RSL Welfare Fund. Planting day will be Wednesday 6 November from 11am and 2pm. A special event will be held on 8 November at the Dallas Brooks Centre which will feature a wreath laying service, and a performance of the Ceremony of the Unknown Soldier. Those who donate are invited to this event. FV


In the spirit of


We remember our diggers on 11 November with one minute of silence, but why?


emembrance Day, also known as Veteran's Day (in the USA), Poppy Day (in South Africa) and Armistice Day (in the UK) is a day of commemoration observed in the Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America and various European countries. It is observed on 11 November to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918. The observance was created by King George V on 7 November 1919. While having its roots in remembrance of the First World War, it has subsequently been extended to remember those who served in all wars. Why do we remember? There are a lot of reasons for remembrance. Some people do it as a form of nationalism. Some do it to connect with their heritage and there are those who want remembrance to be about reflecting on the appalling loss of life of so many people, in such conditions, as a stark reminder of what work we have to do to prevent that reccuring. The First World War is such an incredible story, so far removed from our personal experiences. A time when imperialism, patriotism, militarism (and the philosophies that blended them) were common place and credible. It was amazing how easily that war began and once it was up and running, how difficult it was to stop. This so surprised the generals in charge that they had no idea of what to do other than to let it escalate and expand. Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher in 1914 observed: "And all this madness, all this rage, all this flaming death of our civilisation and our hopes, has been brought about because a set of official gentlemen, living luxurious lives, mostly stupid, and all without imagination and heart, have chosen that it should occur rather than any one of them should suffer

some infinitesimal rebuff to his country's pride." In most wars the fighting stops when the papers are drawn up to make it official. In the First World War the fighting had become so automated that it continued long after. Although we mark the Armistice on 11 November, the date when fighting actually ceased, it is popularly believed that the war was finalised a week earlier and the papers signed some five hours before 11:00am on 11 November, the time 'we remember' with the observance of a minute's silence. The social change that the war brought in its wake was staggering. The Patriotism soon gave way to cynicism. As Ernest Hemmingway, a WWI veteran, observed in reflecting on that time - A Farewell to Arms: "There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Abstract words such as glory, honour, courage, or hallow were obscene." The smashing of old certainties and trust laid the ground for unrest, right across Europe exemplified in the Russian Revolution and the rise of Nazism. This sowed the seeds for the Second World War. For two generations we decimated the world's youth. In WWI, 3 per cent of the world's population were mobilised and 1.8 per cent of the world's population were either killed, wounded or taken prisoner. Remembrance contains our gratitude for the sacrifices made by so many men and women, through all conflicts, both on the battlefield and those supporting them in industry and security. Remembrance also includes our gratitude for their efforts in ridding the world of oppressive regimes. But remembrance also recognises that war is to be mourned, and realising what fuelled the destruction so that we remain vigilant in avoiding recurrence. FV


Oriental treasures Gabrielle Forman visits VWBro. Joseph Dioguardi to truly appreciate the beauty of Oriental artefacts


oseph Dioguardi, or 'Joe' as he likes to be called, contacted me and let me know of his collection. Joe, who collects all matter of things, including glass paper weights, vases and coins, is most proud of his oritental tobacco bottles, or 'miniature snuff bottles' as they're more widely known. With a cabinet full of bottles, Joe's collection would exceed at least 50. All have been lovingly cared for over the years - 35 years to be exact, when Joe first started collecting. "I met an asian woman at the Wantirna Trash and Treasure one day who showed me some of her oriental pieces", Joe said. From that point on, Joe started collecting all sorts of these special bottles, made from varying materials - glass, quartz, jade, coral, amber or porcelein. "Some are from Korea, others from Japan, but most are from China, and most have the artist's signature's on them". Joe was quick to point out the importance of the artist's signature, and that if that were not visible, the item has less significance. I asked Joe, whether he had visited Asia, but he hadn't and said that he finds most of his

precsious bottles from garage sales and markets. "I know what I'm looking for, and often those who are selling these bottles at markets or trash and treasure stalls rarely know the value of what they're selling", he said. Some of the bottles still have their spoon inside, used to carefully extract powder tobacco from the inside, before placing it on your hand. Joe explained that the artists were extremely talented young girls with a sharp eye and steady hand. They would work upside down, tipping the bottle on it's head to see the inside which they would paint with a fine hair brush on a bamboo stick. Joe said that now that he has been collecting for so long, he often refers to books and journals to find out more about an item or to learn of it's origin. "I don't speak a word of Chinese but the books and their images help me understand the pieces, what they're made of and where they originate from", he said. Joe was a registered builder and belongs to many masonic orders. He was also the initiator and Foundation Master for the Garibaldi Lodge No. 890. FV

These 18C. hand painted bottles feature traditional Chinese script and the dragon and are stamped on the base with the Emporor's reign date.







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Phone: 8543 9800 or Freecall: 1800 640 454 Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 19


London calling Deputy Grand Master RWBro. Hillel Benedykt shares his trip to London, which included meeting his grandson for the first time!


s most people would know, Sue and I had a granddaughter (Emma) in May 2013 and a grandson (Dylan) in July 2013. Emma was born in the Epworth Freemasons Hospital, and Dylan was born in London. On 13 August we ventured to London to see the newest Benedykt, not to mention our son Adam and his wife Claire. They had only recently moved to East Dulwich. Naturally, for the two weeks we

Little Dylan Benedykt gets to know his grand-parents for the first time.

spent in the UK, we stayed with them, and as such, you could say we were resident babysitters. For us, it was a magical time where we felt we really got to know young Dylan and hopefully vice-versa. While this trip was not one for sightseeing, one excursion was pre-planned, and that was a private meeting with the Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), VWBro. Nigel Brown. 20 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

On a previous visit to the UK, we did have the opportunity to take a tour of Grand Lodge, so on this occasion, we spent our few hours in open discussion with the Grand Secretary. We shared a number of stories from our respective Constitutions and enjoyed finding out a little bit about each other. UGLE’s membership is in the order of 230,000 spread across the globe and their Grand Master, the Duke of Kent, will celebrate 50 years as leader in 2017. That same year the UGLE will celebrate 300 years since its beginnings. I took the opportunity to update the Grand Secretary on our Channel 31 achievements, and gave him an invitation for the Duke of Kent to attend our Grand Installation celebrations in 2014. Staff of the Grand Secretariat total approximately 200, with half that number involved in administering the four main charities supported by the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary gave us a brief, but intriguing, back of house tour of their magnificent complex in Great Queens Street. The overriding theme of all of our discussions was the desire to increase the level of openness of Freemasonry to the general public.

RWBro. Hillel Benedykt meets Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), VWBro. Nigel Brown.

The Grand Secretary shared some of their promotional literature with me which is now in the hands of our marketing department at Freemasons Victoria. Finally, the Grand Secretary conducted us out of the building via a private door used (almost) exclusively by the Duke of Kent so that he could leave the building discreetly. What a very special few hours we spent there. It was very memorable. Of course, our grandson Dylan was the real reason and highlight for our travels and we were well rewarded for making the effort to travel to the UK and back in two weeks. While we look forward to visiting the Grand Lodge of England next time we are there, we can’t wait to see Dylan again and are hopeful he will attend the 2014 Grand Installation to see his proud grandfather! FV


United Grand Lodge

of Queensland

Installation Weekend


n the weekend of 5 July, some 40 members and their partners, left a chilly Melbourne and headed to sunny Brisbane to support the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bob Jones and his wife Kerry at the Grand Installation of RWBro. Dr Gary Bacon in Queensland. The event got into full swing on Friday night with a reception for visiting delegations at the Tattersalls Club in Queen Street, where Grand Master Bob Jones thanked the Grand Lodge of Queensland for their hospitality, on behalf of all visiting delegations. On Saturday morning the ladies were entertained at breakfast before heading off to enjoy a ‘shop-till-they-drop’ experience in the marvelous boutiques of Brisbane City Centre, while their husbands headed off to the Grand Installation at the Ann Street Memorial Centre. Some were lucky enough to be given a tour of this magnificent building prior to the Installation, and if you ever have the opportunity to visit the Masonic Centre and Grand Hall it is a sight not to be missed.

After the Grand Installation, a Grand Banquet was held at the Hilton Hotel. The evening started with wonderful entertainment from Lucy Bignall and John Colwill who compered the evening. After a lovely meal and wonderful company we were entertained by Judy Glen, one of Australia’s unique singer/comedians. After a wonderful night of catching up with old friends, and making new friends, we all retired after a long and most enjoyable day. Sunday saw us up bright and early, and yes the sun was shining again as we headed off to the Grand Hall for the Ecumeni-

cal Thanksgiving Service, before strolling down to the Eagle Street Pier to board the Kookaburra Queen, an authentic paddle steamer built by entrepreneur Gary Balkin. A beautiful lunch was served as we sailed the Brisbane River while being entertained by a troupe of bush poets. With the sun still shining, and a couple of hours before we were due to depart, several of us wandered up to the Wheel House where we were given a most interesting history of the river by the Captain. . FV Story by Graham Berry, Assistant Grand Persuivant

The Installation was colourful, interesting and the sense of grandeur was heightened by the wonderful surroundings and acoustics of the hall.

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 21



Helping cance Epworth Freem

reemasons Victoria recently committed to support a major refurbishment of the Oncology Ward at Freemasons Hospital which is one of Australia’s leading hospitals for treating breast cancer and other women’s oncology conditions. The refurbishment will improve the care and comfort of cancer patients in both the Inpatient ward and Day Oncology facilities by modernising key equipment and technologies, upgrading the Palliative Care facilities, improving the aesthetic environment of the ward, and upgrading the staff training facilities. This is the next chapter in a long and positive history for us with The Epworth Freemasons Hospital, which opened in 1937 as a practical expression of the tolerance, equality, charity and honour practiced by Freemasons. Today, the hospital specialises in women’s health services such as breast and gynaecological surgery, provides a comprehensive range of cancercare and surgical services, and is the biggest private maternity hospital in Australia. Epworth Freemasons already provides a full suite of worldclass cancer services, including chemotherapy, radiation oncology and surgery.

22 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

In Australia, breast cancer is the most common cancer for women, and the second-most common cancer to cause death. Despite significant increases in community awareness of the disease in recent years, one in 12 Australian women will develop breast cancer at some stage in their lives.

Joy Millen, Manager of the Breast Clinic at Epworth Freemasons, encourages all women to be 'breast aware'. This means to become familiar with the look and feel of their breasts, to detect and act on any changes. Key changes to look out for are:

Early detection of breast cancer is critical.

• •

The Epworth Freemasons Breast Clinic opened in 1986 to care for women in this very personal area of health. It is a one-stopshop, providing patients with care from regular screenings, biopsies and diagnoses to treatments including radiology, chemotherapy and surgery. Staff at the Freemasons Breast Clinic are committed to helping our patients in every way we can as they undergo treatment for their breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer is critical. More than 13,000 women in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and 1 in 8 women will have developed the disease by the time they are 85. But when breast cancer is detected early, women have a much greater chance of being treated successfully and, for most women, the cancer will not return after treatment.

A new lump, lumpiness or thickening of the breast Changes in the skin of the breast, such as puckering, dimpling or a rash Persistent or unusual breast pain Change in the shape or size of a breast Discharge from the nipple, nipple rash or a change in its shape.

Epworth’s Breast Clinic offers complete breast screenings for all women, including those with no symptoms, those with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer (who are therefore at greater risk), and those who have uncovered symptoms in their own breast exams. When examining a newly discovered lump or symptom, the clinic undertakes a triple-test to diagnose breast cancer. This includes a breast examination, medical imaging via a mammogram or ultrasound and tissue samples to examine under a microscope. All components of the test are available at Epworth Freemasons. If a breast cancer diagnosis is made, a full suite of treatment options is available.


cer patients at masons Hospital Tests and treatment for a cancer-causing gene mutation


cientists have discovered a gene mutation that makes women more prone to breast cancer. The good news is that being able to detect the gene-mutation also means being able to treat it in a targeted manner, saving patients’ lives. All humans have genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 that produce tumor-suppressor proteins to help ensure the stability of the cell’s genetic material, by repairing DNA damage. Any mutations to these genes may inhibit them from functioning correctly, leaving the person more susceptible to cancer.

the area of the surgery, and allows for increased doses of radiation to be administered across shorter treatment times.

Tests are available to identify gene mutation, and should be applied to women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer. In fact if brachytherapy is the sole method of radiation therapy after surgery, treatment times can be reduced from five-to-six weeks down to just five-to-seven days.

Epworth Radiation Oncology treated its first high-dose radiation (HDR) brachytherapy gynae vault patient earlier this year, with great success. Thanks to generous supporters like Freemasons Victoria, cancer patients at Epworth have access to the best possible care, and the most advanced radiation oncology services in the State. Now, with the help of Freemasons Victoria, it will be even better equipped to meet growing demand from patients with breast and other cancers by treating them with state-ofthe-art equipment, in cuttingedge facilities, and the most comfortable environment possible. FV

Specific mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 can be inherited from either a mother or father, and carry associated increased risks of breast and ovarian cancers, as well as other cancers. Tests are available to identify the gene mutation, and should be applied to women with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer. Oncologists now use a technique called 'brachytherapy' (high-dose, high-precision, targeted radiotherapy) to treat cancer patients with this gene mutation. This highly-localised method confines irradiation to

Epworth Medical Foundation highlights the importance of women in health care at a recent Epworth Ladies Luncheon.

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 23


Behind every GREAT man Donna De La Rue met with two great ladies who are just as passionate about Freemasonry as their husbands are. with people worldwide, not only during his working life, but in his retirement also. It has taught him to treat all men as equals, and to recognise that some people need more help in life than others. The positions in Freemasonry that he has attained have allowed him to meet more people and travel to places worldwide and within Australia that would not have happened without his involvement in Freemasonry. Anne Patterson Married to RWBro. Laurie Patterson, PSGW. Henty Lodge No. 279 Initiated in 1972


he first thing that struck Donna on meeting Anne Patterson was just how spirited she is, and how proud she is of her husband. What are your thoughts on Freemasonry? "I think Freemasonry is a wonderful worldwide organisation, allowing like-minded men to meet together on a regular basis; allowing them to use the brains they were given, to learn, retain and deliver ceremonial performances; to learn about life in general because of the people from all walks of life that they mix with, and to aid with charity for the less fortunate." What do you feel Freemasonry has done for your partner? "Freemasonry, I’m sure has given Laurie confidence mixing

24 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013

Freemasonry has taught our family to live by it's teachings of honesty, integrity, trust and confidence After retirement, Freemasonry allows men to have the companionship and social interaction that they often lack without a work commitment, and as Laurie is in 11 different Masonic Orders (including his Craft Lodge) he is certainly able to get plenty of this." What does Freemasonry mean to you? "I was aware of Freemasonry before I met Laurie in 1975. Many of my friends were Freemasons, but Laurie had much more interest in Freemasonry in general, rather than just being able to say he was ‘a Freemason’. I feel we've both grown into Freemasonry together over the years."

How are you involved in Freemasonry? "I've been very socially active with him over the years. I've met and associated with some wonderful people, some of whom have certainly become lifelong and very close friends. Through Laurie’s involvement, I became a volunteer with the Ladies Auxiliary at the Royal Freemasons Homes about 20 years ago, and upon retirement of the then President of the Auxiliary, became President in the year 2000, a position I still hold and love being involved with." You obviously derive great satisfaction by being involved in Freemasonry. How does it benefit you and Laurie and why is that important to you? "Freemasonry has taught our family to live by its teachings of honesty, integrity, trust and confidence. These values make Freemasons good role models." Do you feel Freemasonry is relevant in today’s society and if so in what way? I feel it can give people a sense of belonging and allows them to see that they can do a lot of good in the community by using their individual abilities, and by just being involved with other men and listening to their perspectives." FV

FURTHER AFIELD a GREAT woman D iedre tells Donna that Freemasonry has helped her and her husband Peter build some special lifelong friendships.

What does Freemasonry mean to you? "I was unaware of Freemasonry until I met my husband Peter. Peter was already a Freemason when we met and through him I learnt about the way they interact with each other and work for the betterment of themselves and the community through their benevolence and charitable works. Freemasonry helps men to be more selfconfident and self-assured and better able to mix with likeminded men. It is a strength for men in many ways. It is about trust and friendship and knowing that the people we associate with are true and honest people of excellent principles. It is like a big warm, welcoming family unit. Peter has been a very active Freemason for many years and our family has supported him whole heartedly. These days Freemasonry is a big part of my life, especially now that Peter is Deputy First Grand Principal, and all of the other Orders to which he belongs. How are you involved in Freemasonry?

I am particularly active within

Freemasonry, not only in supporting Peter in his Chapter and Craft duties but I enjoy using my computer skills to

Diedre Crick Married to RWBro. Peter Crick, PDGM. Mitchell River Lodge No. 742 Initiated in 1967

create the Installation cards for local Craft, Chapter, Royal & Select Orders and I also write the East Gippsland Monthly Newsletter, with the assistance of our District Coordinator. I enjoy taking an active part in organising social functions that involve the ladies, and assisted with arranging funds, food and fodder for stock in Omeo, Benambra and Swifts Creek after the Alpine fires. I have also assisted local fund raising for dialysis chairs, and oncology equipment for our local Bairnsdale Health Service. I’m also a member of the Ladies Auxiliary." You obviously derive great satisfaction by being involved in Freemasonry. How does it benefit you and Peter and why is that important to you? "Freemasonry benefits me with values that I can model my life around. I have worked in education all my life and have brought the values and strengths of Freemasonry to my everyday life, especially when

working with children. I feel this is important because we have similar moral values of Masonic teachings and are able to impart these into our working lives, especially in teaching children at all levels. These days many basic values are not part of some families’ lives and to be able to support children in a good honest way is very pleasing. Freemasonry is also important to me because I believe that all of society can benefit from the teachings, in caring for others and their welfare. I’ve particularly enjoyed extending our social network even as far as overseas. I believe it has made me a better person and enables me to meet with like-minded people in a social atmosphere." Do you feel Freemasonry is relevant in today’s society and if so in what way? "I feel that Freemasonry is probably more relevant in today’s society, particularly given the lack of participation and accountability being experienced throughout the community. Many do not wish to be involved in selfimprovement and assisting others less fortunate than themselves. It is also very relevant as the support for family life has changed over recent generations and now that families are sometimes not living in the same home-town the Masonic framework is very important. It also assists in promoting confidence in younger men and selfimprovement." FV

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 25



Word Find

26 Freemasonry Victoria Spring 2013



Answers to crossword issue 135 DOWN




Competition Winner - Who am I? Issue 135 Shane Taylor


Golden and Corinthian Lodge No. 7 Answer: Robert Heatley

Victorian Football Association Club President: 1901-1903 (V.F.L.) Games: 33 approx. Goals: 11 Career: 1883-1884 Recruited from the Star of Carlton Football Club

Spring 2013 Freemasonry Victoria 27

Please include Freemasons Hospital in your Will. If someone you love requires hospital care, you can trust in Epworth Freemasons to provide them with the best possible care, treatment and support.

And every bequest we receive helps to provide the best possible: Equipment World-class, state-of-the-art equipment that ensures Freemasons patients receive the best in medical and technological advances to aid their recovery

Research Practical research that gives Freemasons patients access to cutting-edge, global discoveries in medical treatments, preventions and cures Support More facilities and services that provide a comfortable, supportive and nurturing environment for Freemasons patients while they are in our care

If you would like more information about leaving a bequest to Freemasons please contact the Epworth Medical Foundation: mail: Reply Paid 84307 (no stamp required) 89 Bridge Road, Richmond Vic 3121

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