Souvenir Programme | 125 Year Celebration & Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge

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Most Worshipful Grand Master Hillel Benedykt invites you to a celebration of 125 years of Freemasonry in Victoria at the ...


SOUVENIR PROGRAMME Wednesday 18 June, 2014

Sir William Clarke, Grand Master, 1889

Foreword Welcome to the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria, as we celebrate the commencement of our 125th Anniversary Year celebrations. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our special guests including all non-Freemasons, wives and partners who have come along this evening. We hope you have a most enjoyable night. We have many exciting things planned for the year ahead starting tonight with the wonderful exhibition of the last 125 years of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria. Take the time to browse through the exhibition that has been developed during the Quarterly, sit back and learn about some key points in our history, presented by Don Kinsey who will also detail some of the important philanthropic activities we have participated in. We are particularly keen to involve all Lodges within the community in celebratory activities throughout this special year. Your District Coordinators have been briefed on some of the activities you can coordinate and participate in. We are also running a competition in Freemasonry Victoria Magazine for the best story and image relating to our 125 year history. So dust off those albums – you’re sure to find a few gems. I trust you will have an enjoyable evening with us tonight and we look forward to your participation and support throughout the year. MWBro. Hillel Benedykt Grand Master



OF ANTIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF VICTORIA WEDNESDAY, 18TH JUNE 2014 OPENING ODE Hail, Eternal; by whose aid, All created things were made, Heaven and Earth Thy vast design, Hear us, Architect Divine!

May our work begun in Thee, Ever blest with order be, And may we when labours cease, Part in harmony and peace.


Welcome to all in attendance, including the leaders of other degrees, the United Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria and the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria.


Grand Master

[2] Apologies - Grand Secretary [3]

Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting of Grand Lodge held on 20th March 2014


Communications from the Grand Master and Sister Grand Lodges


RWBro. Bill Hayes PDGM


Grand Secretary


Report of the Board of General Purposes Report of the Board of Benevolence Report of the Board of Directors - Royal Freemasons


Grand Secretary


Brethren deceased since last Communication


Grand Secretary

[7] Motion, to change Rule 209 of the Book of Constitutions - Grand Registrar [8]

Motion, in respect of an increase in Capitation Fees


Grand Treasurer


125th Anniversary Presentation


Bro. Don Kinsey O.S.


Cheque presentation to the Minister of Conservation in support of the Nhill Boardwalk Project


Grand Master


Presentation of Certificates of Competency & Certificates of Masonic Studies


Grand Master


Address by the Most Worshipful Grand Master


Grand Master

[13] Closing of Grand Lodge - Grand Master

CLOSING ODE Brother Masons, raise your voices, And as brothers live together, Join in harmony and love, In the bonds of truth and love,

And with shouts of acclamation, And resume those ties forever, Praise the One who rules above, In the Great Grand Lodge Above.


Philanthropy This month Freemasons Victoria has commenced the rollout of the information sessions on what may be one of the most significant changes in Freemasons Victoria structure in many years. The details of the proposal have already been delivered at Swan Hill, Wangaratta, Bendigo, DBC twice, Geelong, Keysborough and Ivalda Masonic Centres. The attendances at these presentations have ranged from fair to excellent. Those attending have been provided with copies of the presentation, extracts of the Trust deed, Answers to a number of “Frequently Asked Questions” and participated in question and answer sessions to clarify any points made or questions members may have had. Each Masonic Centre visited has been left with a display that summarises the proposal on 5 story boards. If you meet in a Centre other than those listed and would like to have these on display in your own Centre contact your District Co-ordinator. Further this information is available on the Freemasons Victoria website. A follow up series of presentations will be made during July/August. I exhort everyone to acquaint themselves with the facts regarding the proposal and if any doubts arise then please do not fail to contact any of the following to seek clarification: •

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

President of the Board of General Purposes

I would also exhort you to act according to Masonic standards of conduct and not participate in the spreading of rumours and misinformation in respect to the proposed changes. Masonic Centre Safety The Board has approved funding of a program to ensure that all Masonic Centres comply with fire risk and emergency and exit lighting regulations. The cost of this program in one year will be $112,730. It includes bringing all buildings up to standard, conducting regular inspections and performing equipment maintenance. The Board adopted this on the recommendation of the Audit and Risk Committee and the Finance Committee after a comprehensive report was prepared by external consultants showing that many buildings were not compliant. Governance The Board has formed a working group to review the governance of Freemasons Victoria. This review will include a complete review of the Constitution and the governance structure and processes that ‘rule and guide’ our organisation. Quarterly reports from this working party will be received by the Board. The working party will seek submissions from the membership in respect of this review.

The Board has also established a working party to examine the long-term financial and structural position of Freemasons Victoria. The current Strategic Plan works on a three year horizon and the Board is of the view that a longer term horizon is necessary for effective planning. Included in the review is the look at the structure of Freemasonry in Victoria. As society changes and indeed has changed over the last 125 years Freemasonry has a need to at least take a view as to what shape and form Freemasonry will take in 10, 20 and 30 years. Membership Reported to the Board are some of the recent Membership Statistics which reflect a slowdown in the rate of decline in membership numbers. The average net loss per annum over the period 2007-2010 was 694 compared to the 2010-2013 period of 427. Participation rates for night Lodges sit at around 44% and daylight Lodges at 57% with the overall rate being 46%. Buildings The project for the redevelopment of the Masonic Centre of Victoria, continues to progress albeit slowly but at a pace which is not unexpected. The government’s planning approval process is tortuous. Complaints received from two major parties have required careful negotiations to be conducted with an aim of coming to a mutually acceptable position so that this can be moved forward. This has resulted in some positive design changes. With respect to the Whitehorse Road, Box Hill project, all permits are now in place. The building contract has been awarded to Buxton Construction after an extensive tender process and with the expected completion date of 31st July 2014. Construction activities continue to proceed according to plan and we continue to maintain at least weekly, often daily, contact with the other tenants regarding activities to be undertaken, noise generated and any effects on access. To date, the relationship between all parties has been very cordial. Meetings with the Inner East Steering group are ongoing. The agenda is now shifting in consideration of relocation issues. The redevelopment of the Kew Masonic Centre is still on track with design and development well behind us and a sales and marketing program for pre-sales underway. Construction is planned to commence in August with completion and settlement in late 2015. The redevelopment of the former Station Street, Box Hill Masonic Centre is now finalising the design and development phase, with pre-sales marketing planned for later this year.

RWBro. Bruce Stockdale President of the Board of General Purposes


Since the last report, the Board met at the Masonic Centre, East Melbourne on 8th April, 14th May and 11th June 2014. During that time we met with requests for assistance in grants totalling $ 22,213. To assist a Brother with ambulance costs

$ 2,213

To assist a widow in relief of medical costs and provide maintenance, welfare & support for her 3 children

$ 8,000

To assist a Brother with urgent home renovations

$ 12,000

Details of Grants In response to requests made for support of charitable projects, the Board recommended to the Board of General Purposes, under Rule 120 (d) (iii), that donations be made totalling $ 35,777.


No. of Grants


North West District 101

$ 4,250


$ 4,250

South West District 102

$ 2,400


$ 3,100

Loddon District 103

$ 2,900


$ 4,750

Goulburn District 104





Gippsland East District 105

$ 2,700


$ 2,700

Central Highlands 106

$ 2,850


$ 2,950

Wimmera District 107





North East District 108

$ 2,400


$ 3,900

Bellarine-Otway District 110

$ 4,250


$ 4,250

Monash Gully 114





Central District 111

$ 1,000


$ 1,000

Maroondah District 115

$ 1,500


$ 3,000

Northern District 116

$ 3,457


$ 3,457

Western District 117











500 $ 35,777

Direct Applications •

Operation Newstart Victoria – To fund Youth Development Officers

iCan – Elizabeth Murdoch School


Family Life – Provide 5 training Scholarships for unemployed youth

$ 10,000

October 2013 Think Pink Cocktail functions in support of Epworth Hospital,

Think Pink Living Centre, Women Touched by Cancer and Regional Oncology

(Note that this brings total fundraising by Freemasons to $100,000)

$ 72,000 1,414

$ 33,747

Other outgoings Bursaries for three Masonic related students



Rule 120 Grant Applications I remind all Lodges, Districts, Masters Groups and other Masonic entities, that requests for financial support must be on the appropriate form which can be obtained from the Grand Secretariat or downloaded from the Freemasons Victoria website, A letter only will not suffice and will only cause a delay in consideration. Individual Lodge Benevolent Funds What is their purpose? There are many Lodges with substantial Benevolent Funds which I believe are for the purpose of supporting their indigent brethren, and yet those Lodges do not apply those funds when it comes to the relief of annual Capitation Fees payable by those same brethren. Why not? If you want the brethren concerned to remain members of your Lodges and it is their desire to do so, surely you can support them from your Benevolent Fund, to which each member has undoubtedly subscribed over the years. Philanthropic Proposal I am looking forward to a positive response from all Freemasons at the September Quarterly. Apart from making available an additional substantial amount of money for the benefit of our wide-ranging community needs, I see a great opportunity to expand the vision of Freemasonry throughout Victoria in supporting those in need and feel sure that the greater awareness of our ethos and goodwill will enhance the desire of men of good character and mindful hearts to seek to join our caring Fraternity. I urge you all to vote in favour of the proposal.

V.W.Bro.Frank Fordyce President of the Board of Benevolence

MWBro. Bob Jones presented the $5000 cheque to Donna Rullo, for her passionate project Women Touched by Cancer, but after her heart felt response MWBro. Bob doubled it to $10,000.

Marcus Georgiades from Fuzzy TV, interviews founder Irene Hendell about the Think Pink Foundation, for an episode of Channel 31’s Freemasons: The Inside Story.

JUNE 2014 Channel 31 – Homes that Care

Homes Open Day

Following the success of the ground breaking series, Freemasons: The Inside Story, produced by Freemasons Victoria, we have worked in collaboration with producer Marcus Georgiades and Channel 31 to develop our own six-part mini-series titled, Royal Freemasons –Homes that Care.

The 2014 Homes Open Day was held on Saturday 29 March. Among over 300 guests were the newly installed Most Worshipful Grand Master and Honorary President of the Homes MWBro Hillel Benedykt and the Federal Ambassador for Ageing Ms Noeline Brown in attendance.

The first episode of Royal Freemasons – Homes that Care aired at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 16 April.

The Homes Jewels for 2014 were presented at the Open Day.

The series takes a look at the lives of residents, staff, volunteers, our services and facilities, clinical innovation and our apartment living for persons over 55 years of age.

Seven President’s Jewels were awarded by the Most Worshipful Grand Master to the following most deserving individuals: •

The series is expected to enjoy a large viewing audience and provides a unique opportunity for the • community to better understand aged care through the eyes and lives of our customers, staff, volunteers, • supporters and partner organisations.

New additions to the Homes

On Thursday 1st May 2014, Royal Freemasons took over responsibility for residential aged care facilities and independent living units previously owned by the Monash City Council. These facilities include: •

Monash Gardens, a 97-bed residential aged care facility in Mulgrave

Elizabeth Gardens, a 68-bed residential aged care facility in Burwood

Monash Gardens Village, 40 independent living units in Mulgrave

New facilities at Coppin Centre As reported at the March Quarterly Communication, the Homes is in the process of converting Level 3 at Coppin Centre from office space to premium aged care apartments to address the unmet demand for this type of care and accommodation. The refurbishment will increase the capacity of the Moubray Street site to 210 beds and will add a ‘point of difference’ for the Homes. To accommodate this new development, the Day Therapy Centre will relocate to Level 1 of the Services building and Administration will move to Level 7, 580 St Kilda Rd.

Dig deep for Caring Gardens

Our 2014 Appeal, to coincide with the end of the financial year, is a fundraiser to upgrade and enhance the gardens and landscaping at our various facilities, to make them more welcoming, caring and functional for residents, families and visitors. We invite you to give generously to assist older persons to live secure, dignified and rewarding lives.

Mr N Lees - A Freemason and regular donor to the Homes since 1990. Mr CWG Wheeler - A Freemason and regular donor to the Homes since 1995. Ms Lillian Canterbury – A very committed and generous donor to the Homes.

Mr Keith Thornton and Mrs Aya Thornton – Recently donated funds for the purchase of a new commuter bus for residents of the Homes. Mr and Mrs Thornton established a Fund for the Homes which has assisted initiatives in education and research over many years.

Mrs June Bates - A Volunteer and member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary since 1980, and serving on the Ladies Auxiliary Committee since 2000.

Mrs Edna Hore - A Volunteer and member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary since 1980, and serving on the Ladies Auxiliary Committee as Treasurer since 2000. I encourage lodges to aspire to the Lodge Award which is awarded to a lodge in recognition of its collective fundraising efforts on behalf of the Homes. The entry level is funds raised to the value of $5,000 (as a single effort by a lodge or accumulated over a number of years). Recipient lodges will be recognised on an Honour Board displayed at the Homes. On behalf of the Homes, I sincerely thank each of you for your past support and I look forward to your continued support in the future. Yours fraternally

WBro Ian Buckingham PM Chairman of the Board

A Sprig of Acacia 18 June 2014

Notification of the passing away of the following members has been received since the last communication RWBro. Thomas Dawson, PDGM Wimmera Lodge No. 70

RWBro. Glen Johnston, PDGM Gisborne Lodge No. 298

RWBro. Kerry Grills, PSGW

Ringwood Lodge No. 382 Melbourne High School Lodge No. 759

RWBro. Kenneth Cameron, PSGW Frankston Lodge No. 217

RWBro. Frederick Maurer, PJGW Warrnambool Lodge No. 34

RWBro. William Brown, PJGW Fairfield Lodge No. 254

RWBro. Melville Davies, PJGW Lodge Observance No. 654

RWBro. Dr. James Martin, OAM, PJGW Lodge of Concentration No. 753

RWBro. George Elliott, PJGW Blackburn United Lodge No. 915

RWBro. David Clark, PJGW

Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge No. 916

VWBro. Ian Errey, PGIWkgs Marangan Lodge No. 64

VWBro. Alexander Conolly, PGIWkgs Mount Franklin-St. George Lodge No. 12

VWBro. Roy Muller, PGIWkgs Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 172 The Acacia Lodge of Geelong No. 913

VWBro. Robert Soutar, PGIWkgs Morwell Lodge No. 202 Commonwealth Lodge No. 186

VWBro. Norman Hadfield, PGIWkgs Lauderdale Lodge No. 361

VWBro. Joseph Dioguardi, PGIWks Ringwood Lodge No. 382 Victorian Lodge of Research No. 218

VWBro. Robert Holt, PGIWkgs Yarra Glen Lodge No. 762

VWBro. Raymond Milne, PGIWkgs Jonadab Lodge No. 771

A Sprig of Acacia VWBro. Keith Mackenzie, PGIWkgs Lodge of Honour No. 799

VWBro. Trevor Buckland, PGIWkgs Allara Lodge No. 855

VWBro. Maxwell McGill, PGIWkgs Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge No. 916

VWBro. George Piper, PGIWkgs Brunswick United Lodge No. 924

WBro. Graeme Johnston, PJGD St. Andrews in the South Lodge No. 149

WBro. Brian Hocking, PJGD Mildura Lodge No. 170

WBro. Geoffrey Osborn, PJGD Lord Northcote Lodge No. 191

WBro. James Hill, PJGD Maritime Lodge No. 569

WBro. William Abbott, PJGD Altona Lodge No. 572

WBro. Matthew Cuthbertson, PJGD Bunyip Lodge No. 676 Pakenham Lodge No. 496

WBro. Ronald Simpson, PJGD, GLOrg Seaford No. 720

WBro. George Duncan, PJGD Sunbury Lodge No. 854

WBro. Douglas Pinson, PJGD Essendon Daylight Lodge No. 861

WBro. Gordon Robins, PJGD Huon Daylight Lodge No. 874

WBro. Neil Jamieson, PJGD Sunraysia Daylight Lodge No. 909

WBro. Ronald Stanfield, PJGD Baxter Lodge No. 934

WBro. James Saunders, PGSwdB Wimmera Lodge No. 70

WBro. John Richards, PGStdB Commonwealth Lodge No. 186

WBro. Leslie Beith, PGStdB Ebden Lodge No. 871

WBro. John Fawcett, PGStdB Fairfield Lodge No. 254

WBro. John Douglas, PGStdB Djerriwarrh Lodge No. 891

A Sprig of Acacia WBro. Iain Grant, PM

Portland Lodge of Victoria No. 6

WBro. Ian Trotter, PM Warrnambool Lodge No. 34

WBro. Thomas Liggins, PM Victoria Lodge No. 82

WBro. Albert Perkins, PM Warrions-St. John Lodge No. 83

WBro. Ivan Fowler, PM The Clifton Hill Lodge No. 90

WBro. William Locker, PM Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 96

WBro. Richard Perriman, PM Malvern Lodge No. 121

WBro. William Hutchison, PM Frankston Lodge No. 217

WBro. Jack Bastian, PM

Sandringham District Lodge No. 220

WBro. Dieter Kian, PM

The Sunshine Wisdom Lodge No. 226

WBro. George Rumble, PM Cohuna Lodge No. 227

WBro. Lorence Whitehead, PM The Diamond Valley Lodge No. 252

WBro. William Bombardieri, PM Tresco Lodge No. 289

WBro. Ian Maughan, PM

Old Scotch Collegians’ Lodge No. 396

WBro. Ralph Teichel, PM

Comacine-Acanthus Lodge No. 400

WBro. Dennis Meltzer, PM Lodge Fraternal No. 603

WBro. Graeme Jenkins, PM Allara Lodge No. 855

WBro. Henry McEwan, PM Ebden Lodge No. 871

WBro. Thomas Baldwin, PM Sale Daylight Lodge No. 875

WBro. Robert Lockyer, PM

Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge No. 916

WBro. Bruce Ridgway, PM

Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge No. 916

WBro. Francesco Broccio, PM Swan Hill Lodge No. 919

A Sprig of Acacia WBro. Godfrey Payne, PM The Revival Lodge No. 926

Bro. Alan Bruton, MM

Portland Lodge of Victoria No. 6

Bro Frederick Anderson, MM Fairfield Lodge No. 254

Bro. Owen Evans, MM

The Brighton District Lodge No. 37

Bro. Rees Lewis, MM

Robbie Burns Phoenix Lodge No.88

Bro. Edward Jones, MM

Union Lodge of North Gippsland No. 62

Bro. Charles Rowsell-Morcom, MM Wimmera Lodge No. 70

Bro. Clive Springall, MM Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 96

Bro. Stewart Tribe, MM Gordon Lodge No. 99

Bro. Stanley Foster, MM

Rupertswood-Numurkah Lodge No. 104

Bro. Harley Lindemann, MM Yarraville Lodge No. 164

Bro. Phillip Shimmin, MM Nagambie Lodge No. 167

Bro. Alan Steele, MM

Old Scotch Collegians’ Lodge No. 396

Bro. Garth Honey, MM Toora Lodge No. 417

Bro. Conrad Anderson, MM Lodge of Quest No. 587

Bro. Alan Moore, MM Lodge Liberation No. 674

Bro. Robert Duff, MM Plenty Valley Lodge No. 703

Bro. Alexander Adair, MM Lodge Noble No. 783

Bro. Albert Banks, MM

Watsonia Daylight Lodge No. 870

Bro. Arthur Allan, MM Lodge Eos No. 880

Bro. Boyd Diffey, MM

The Doutta Galla Lodge No. 902


MOTION Notice of Motion already having been given at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held on 20th March, 2014 I now move: “THAT Rule 209 of the Book of Constitutions be amended to delete the words ‘active service’ and replace with the words ‘operational deployment’”.

EXPLANATORY NOTE The term “active service” meant “at war”. This terminology is no longer employed. The correct terminology is “Operational Deployment”. The intent was to enable Brethren, who were serving in conditions that did not permit regular attendance at a Masonic Lodge due to the nature of the deployment, to still be regarded as full and active members of their Victorian Lodge. This deployment would be evidenced by the issuing of a Deployment Order or its UN equivalent. It would be expected that operational deployment may be for several months or longer depending on the circumstances. It is not expected that any deployment would be in the realm of years as may have been previously experienced when Australia was at war. It would not include those Brethren who are on an overseas posting or duty as a normal part of their service. These changes have been endorsed by the Board of General Purposes.



MOTION Notice of Motion having been given at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held on 20th March, 2014 I now move, in accordance with Rules 133 and 134 of the Book of Constitutions: “THAT the half-yearly contribution payable by Brethren to Grand Lodge be increased by $4.00 ($4.40 including GST) effective from 1st July 2014, and of this, $2.50 to be allocated to the General Fund and $1.50 to the Building Fund.” I will also move THAT Rule 133 of the Book of Constitutions be amended by inserting after “Every member of each individual warranted Lodge” a comma followed by the words “with the exception of those members who are eligible to receive a 70 year service jewel and those members who have attained the age of 100 years,”

EXPLANATORY NOTE Increases in costs continue to beset the organisation. Despite considerable increases in other member associated fees legitimately charged by Grand Lodge it is a fact that costs are presently exceeding that increased revenue. In order to maintain member services at their present level it is necessary to further increase capitation fees in order to, as far as possible, cover expenses. The effect of this increase is to take the half-yearly capitation fees to $45 per member ($49.50 including GST). At $90 p.a. ($99 including GST) this is still considered a very reasonable charge compared with some other Jurisdictions in Australia. Concurrent with this increase in Capitation Fees the Board of General Purposes believes it is appropriate to recognise the long contribution and dedicated service of those members who have been awarded a 70 year service jewel, by exempting them from future capitation fees and that the same exemption should be given to those Brethren who have reached the age of 100 years. Approximately 80 Brethren fall into these categories. These changes have been endorsed by the Board of General Purposes in accordance with Rule 133.


Our Exhibition The United Grand of Victoria has been established since 1889. From this time, the Grand Lodge has maintained a Library to provide Masonic literature on the history of Freemasonry and the various theories regarding its origin, development and ultimate design to Freemasons. Over time the Library collection has increased to include objects, historical ephemera and portraits of Grand Masters. Known today as the Freemasons Victoria Library and Museum, the collection has steadily increased to include significant objects as a result of the donations which have been given over the years by various Freemasons and their families. This exhibition displays some of the most important objects from the Library and Museum Collection and includes; silverware, ceramics, bibles and hand written documents. Other objects include items once belonging to Sir William Clarke, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge. This display has been drawn and assembled by the Grand Librarian of the Library and Museum and the Library volunteers with a focus specifically towards highlighting the history of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria over the last 125 years.

IMAGES: Left - Certificates and warrants can often be affected by humidity and moisture due to incorrect display and storage methods. Right - Aprons can be produced in various materials and therefore can require different forms of conservation attention in preparation for storage and display.

IMAGES: A selection of our exhibition cases which showcase a variety of Freemasonry memorabilia, available to view in our exhibition running in the Dallas Brooks Centre throughout the evening.

With Thanks to our Sponsors:

For more information on Freemasonry and how to become a member, please visit or call (03) 9411 0111

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