Drama HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mrs J McCullagh EXAMINATION BOARD: EDEXCEL SPECIFICATION CODE: 9DR0 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: GCSE English Literature Grade 6 “Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein. This exciting course integrates both practical and academic study of plays, practitioners, and the theatre making process. The syllabus has three components and aims to develop and assess students’ knowledge of theatre. The course has been designed to enable students to understand the demands of performance values in theatre, looking at the roles of performers, designers and directors. The course lends itself to further study beyond Sixth form. The specification for this course can be found here. COURSE ASSESSMENT Component 1: Devising (40%). Internally assessed and externally moderated (80 Marks).
Component 2: Text in Performance 20%. Externally assessed (60 marks).
Students use one key extract from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as stimuli. They are assessed in two parts which form their NEA.
The classroom teacher will make an informed choice of performance texts for the students to perform to an external examiner between February and March in the second year of study. They will have to prepare:
1. A portfolio (60 marks). This can be handwritten or typed evidence between 2500–3000 words or recorded / verbal evidence between 12–14 minutes, or, a combination of handwritten / typed evidence (between 1250–1500 words) and recorded / verbal evidence (between 6–7 minutes). 2. The devised performance / design realisation (20 marks). This will be to an intended audience.
1. A group performance / design realisation of one key extract from a performance text (36 marks). 2. A monologue or duologue performance / design realisation from one key extract from a different performance text (24 marks).