COURSE DETAILS 2024 - 2025
We want our Sixth Formers to be articulate, knowledgeable, rational and tolerant of others’ viewpoints. We want them to be imaginative and not narrowly focussed in their learning.
The aim of the Free Minds programme is to inspire our students about learning for the sake of learning by engaging the whole of their minds in a wide range of subjects.
The programme is free in the sense of free from an examination curriculum, even though academically rigorous in its own right, but also liberal with a small L, open to a range of viewpoints and taking interest in the wider world around us. It follows the format of a university ‘Liberal Arts’ programme as found in the US, and increasingly in UK higher education such as the degree course at King’s College, London. This sort of course is exceptionally highly regarded by employers. It builds on the great academic strengths of the teachers at Freemen’s who hold over 100 degrees in a wide range of disciplines.
Lower 6 students (apart from those doing Further Maths) will pick five courses, one from each ‘faculty’. Each course will last for six weeks and consists of a one hour seminar per week. Students will rank their choices in September and as many of their first preferences as possible will be allocated.
The creative industries offer a range of opportunities which both feed into the creative economy and drive innovation. They have the ability to change the way you see the world and influence how you interact with space and place. This introduction presents you with the chance to learn about and explore process with a focus on 3D design. You will engage with working briefs, develop imaginative ideas, and respond with practical outcomes, all the while taking risks and looking at how historical and contemporary practices can influence and inspire our own choices.
The course “What is jazz?” is an engaging and comprehensive exploration of this captivating genre. Students embark on an enlightening journey through the history, cultural significance, and key characteristics of jazz music. From its roots in African rhythms and the blues to its evolution into various subgenres like swing, bebop, and fusion, this course delves into the rich tapestry of jazz. Through insightful discussions, interactive activities, and immersive listening experiences, students will gain a deeper understanding of jazz’s improvisational nature, complex harmonies, and iconic figures. By the end of the course, participants emerge with a newfound appreciation for jazz’s unique contributions to the musical landscape and a broader perspective on its lasting impact.
The six-week practical drama course on Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist is designed to immerse students in the captivating work of one of the most satirical playwrights of the 20th Century. The course delves into Fo’s distinctive style of writing and performance. The course seeks to challenge pupils to examine subtext, comedy, dialogue and purpose, whilst also observing political influence which inspired him to write this iconic Italian comedy. Throughout the course, students engage in practical drama exercises that encourage exploration and experimentation. They learn to embrace Dario Fo’s use of Commedia Dell’arte, analysing and embodying his techniques through scene work, improvisation, and discussions, whilst developing an appreciation for political satire and its place in history.
We are stardust. The nearest star to us, apart from the sun, is 6,000,000,000,000 miles away. There have been over 5,000 planets discovered orbiting in other solar systems. The fastest humans ever travelled was 25,000 mph when returning from the Moon. There are currently 6 people in space and humans are going back to the Moon in the Artemis programme! If you want to find out how space began, what Einstein means by space-time, which star constellation is which, how Richard Branson plans to send tourists to space, whether the Star Wars films are based on fact or fiction or whether aliens exist, then this is the course for you! You only need scientific knowledge to GCSE level and the seminar titles and related questions will be:
Earth (where are we?), The Big Bang (how did it all begin?), Aliens (do they exist?), Stargazing (do you know the night sky?), Exploration (how have we explored?), Black Holes and Sci Fi films.
Ever wondered what Bitcoin really is? Why were tulip bulbs worth more than a house? Why was a currency worth so little that a country had to get rid of it all? How could the boom in US shares lead to the arrival of Hitler? How could the bank of a small country be the most valuable in the world and nearly bankrupt soon after? Why is some art ‘worth’ so much?
Are you interested in a career in Law? Have you watched legal dramas and considered yourself to be the next up and coming lawyer? If you have, then this is the course for you.
This Mock Trial course will introduce you to procedures in Criminal Law, developing your understanding of the English Legal System. You will study cases, preparing arguments for the Prosecution and Defence teams, analysing evidence and learning the art of examinationin-chief and cross-examination. Also you will experience the case from a number of different players’ points of view, as we act out the trials. You will see how the Court room comes to life, as you adopt a role of either the Court Clerk, Usher, Barrister or Witness.
If you are keen, we could organise for a Mock Trial to run during a long break with a judge and a public gallery, made up of Senior School students. The course teaches you key analytical skills, along with the skills of questioning, listening, spontaneity and public speaking. All these skills are highly valued by universities and employers.
In this module, we will dive into the world of short fiction, where every word matters and narratives are crafted with precision and intent. Through the study of both classic and contemporary short stories, we will explore a diverse range of texts—some that may shock you, others that will stay with you for some time, and a few that might even frustrate you. We’ll explore themes such as the portrayal of outsiders, the subversion of traditional fairy tales, and the complexities of morality tales, among others. Prepare to engage with stories that challenge, provoke, and inspire.
This course explores the fascinating evolution of children’s literature, tracing its origins from oral traditions and early moral tales to modern-day stories that embrace diversity, complex themes, and modern technology. Over six weeks, students will be examining classic fairy tales, and fables learning how these early stories reflected societal values and shaped the genre. As we move through the 19th and 20th centuries, we’ll explore how societal changes have influenced children’s literature, focusing on issues of race, gender, and identity. The course will also look at how digital media and interactive storytelling are transforming the future of children’s literature. Students will critically analyse and discuss texts across different periods, gaining insight into how the genre continues to evolve in response to cultural shifts and technological advancements.
The rise of the English language as a global communication tool and ‘lingua franca’ may lead some to believe that multilingualism may no longer be necessary. In this course, students will gain an overview of the international business environment and then explore the different ways in which languages are used within the different facets of corporations. We will examine several corporate case studies and discuss the significance of linguistic and cultural knowledge in a variety of situations. I will also be drawing on my own experiences within the international corporate world to enable students to consider the extent to which the knowledge of a language can make a difference within the international business environment. Ultimately, this will enable us to draw our own conclusions on the extent to which multilingualism has a place in today’s globalized world of business.
Electronics is all around us and vital to our society. If you feel what is inside a phone or computer is all a bit of a mystery this course may help. Even if you think you are unlikely to ever be an electronic engineer but do have a curiosity about knowing how things work this short series of seminars will be good for you. Amaze yourself. By the end of this course you will not only be able to design electronic circuits to solve reallife problems but also build them.
Science is breaking news all around us, all the time. Discovering new planets; sending astronauts to the International Space Station; use of nano-wires in extra long-life batteries; predicting and discovering the potential existence of 5 quark particles are just a few examples of some of the frontline stories we have seen hitting our news in the past year or two.
This course is all about reacting to the most exciting and interesting scientific discoveries as they are breaking news. You will be given the opportunity to identify the most current scientific affairs as they are happening, to research the background to the discovery, to understand the science behind it – at a level and depth determined by yourselves; to discuss and share your discoveries with your peers and to evaluate the impact of the news on our lives.
This course really has no limits to the knowledge you stand to gain, and discoveries you may make, about any aspect of our universe.
This course explores the history of cryptography by looking at how ciphers have evolved over the centuries leading up to the modern era and the use of technology. You will investigate the role played by mathematics in cracking some famous ciphers. How did the Romans send encrypted messages? And how can we describe this using the language of mathematics? Learn about substitution ciphers and the Vigenère cipher which went unbroken for over 300 years! Find out more about the Enigma machine, how it was set up and used to send messages. Understand the importance of prime numbers and factorisation to the security of modern-day communications and look ahead to 21st century cryptography. It’s a ‘cracking’ course!
Debate about China in the British media largely alternates between discussion of China’s rise as a global economic powerhouse and fear that China poses a threat to our political system and values. Have you ever wondered what China is like beyond the superficial headlines? Which factors have influenced China’s historical development? Which forces continue to shape the country that it is today? And are China and the UK as fundamentally different as the headlines imply?
This course explores the fascinating country of China through the prism of 6 key words –Nation, Family, Language, Education, Tradition and Development. We will cover topics including China’s dynastic history, Confucianism, the development of Chinese characters, the One Child Policy, the pressures of the education system, festivals, superstitions, technology, censorship and the environment, as well as many more. Each lesson will incorporate a mixture of historical sources, academic writings, newspaper articles, videos and my personal experiences of life in China to inspire discussion about these six ideas. If you are interested in learning more about one of the world’s most populous and influential countries, then come and join us!
It is hard to describe the enormity of the Holocaust and its profound effects which stretch right up to the present day. This short course aims to introduce several lesser known aspects of The Holocaust, drawing upon primary documentary evidence and personal testimony. It will explore the topic from its pre-war origins through to the post-war quest for justice, taking in a number of powerful moral questions along the way. The subject matter may, at times, be tough to come to terms with but is educationally appropriate, varied and never less than thought-provoking.
This course delves into the eye-opening stories of oppression and human rights abuses across the globe. Across six lessons, we will investigate real-life accounts of persecution, injustice, and resilience, gaining a deeper understanding of the complex socio-political landscapes that foster such violations. Through a mixture of documentaries and discussion, seminars will explore these sensitive issues and will develop critical thinking, reasoning and arguing skills and build on Freemen’s Opportunities to be emotionally, morally, and spiritually reflective and empowered to become more informed advocates for human rights. Some areas of the course which students will explore are the social effect of food shortages in Africa, living with gang violence in Central America and Europe’s attempt to resist migration.