You made a difference
Contents A message from the Chair of Governors Thank you from the Headmaster Why I support 3 4 6
Our supporters
How you have made a difference
How can I make a difference?
8 10 16
The bursary at Freemen’s School is a life-changing opportunity for my child and our family as a whole, especially being a single mum with a low income.
The bursary has helped my daughter to improve not only academically but how she interacts with people. We live in East London where the gang rate is high, but since my daughter boards and is in school most of the time, I don’t have to worry about her as much as I did before.”
Parent of a bursary student
A message from the Chair of Governors
I am delighted to take this opportunity to recognise the generous support that the Freemen’s community has given to the School over the past year.
This has come in a number of forms –from financial donations (including all the proceeds of sales from our branded merchandise which were donated to the School’s Bursary Fund) to the ‘in-kind’ support offered by our alumni, such as career guidance and mentorship.
The vast majority (two thirds) of financial donations received last year contributed to the School’s Bursary Fund, a vital cause that allows the School to provide means-tested financial support to pupils from all backgrounds, for whom a Freemen’s education would otherwise be unobtainable. Thanks to these donations, we have been able to continue delivering on our commitment to transform young lives through bursaries.
The remaining third of donations was split between the School's Unrestricted Fund (which allows the School to allocate monies to the area of greatest need), the Capital Development Plan (which supports building projects and the future development of the School campus), and the Prize Day Fund (which sponsors the Prize Day awards that are
presented annually to celebrate our students’ achievements).
I hope you enjoy reading more about the impact that your donations have had on the School and our pupils, and I thank you for your ongoing support as we look towards the School’s 170th anniversary in 2024.
Philip Woodhouse Chair of Governors
3 Thank you 2021-2022
Thank you from the Headmaster
I should like to begin by expressing my heartfelt thanks to all those who chose to support the City of London Freemen’s School through charitable donations over the past year. We are truly grateful for the kind support we receive from members of our Freemen’s community, including current families and alumni, educational trusts, livery companies, and match funding by the City of London Corporation.
It is important for me to emphasise that Freemen’s is not a charity and hence, we do not have to justify a charitable status. We undertake the fundraising and partnership work that we do because we want to, and it is what we should be doing.
Philanthropy has always been a core value of Freemen’s since it opened its doors in Brixton in 1854 to house and educate the orphans of Freemen of the City of London. We remain true to that principle today. Just as we encourage our children to learn, lead and make a difference, bursaries are one of the most significant ways in which the School itself can make a difference. We are committed to increasing our number of bursaries to widen access to the School and enable talented pupils, regardless of background or ability to pay, to benefit from a Freemen’s education.
As someone who was fortunate enough to access an independent education through an assisted place when I was younger, I am passionate about our bursarial offering.
Increasing the number of bursaries on offer will have a positive impact on every pupil at Freemen's, by promoting diversity, opportunity and inclusivity.
Our bursary students are high achievers and throw themselves wholeheartedly into school life, making the most of the opportunities afforded to them. All of our bursary recipients have progressed to higher education, including Abdul who is now studying Medicine at the University of Cambridge, working towards his life-long dream of becoming a surgeon.
If you are able to, please consider supporting the Freemen’s Bursary Fund and giving children the opportunity to change their futures. Raising funds for bursaries is an ongoing priority for Freemen’s and we rely on your generosity. Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.
As ever,
Roland Martin Headmaster
“A bursary to study at Freemen’s really means the world to me and my family. It is a blessing which we fully appreciate, as it has given me an opportunity that I never thought I would have.
There is less pressure on us as a family, knowing that I have access to a high-quality education without being limited.”
Upper 6 bursary student
Why I support
I studied piano for several years at school, reaching Grade 6 standard and eventually, playing well enough to give occasional solo performances at school concerts. The piano tuition I received at school has instilled in me a deep love of music that has enriched my life.
Rosemary Roach (née Wilkes), Class of 1967
In memory of her father, former Head Girl, Rosemary Roach (née Wilkes) has established the Wilkes Piano Bursary to provide piano tuition to students for whom this expense would be too much.
“My father, Jack Wilkes, after whom this bursary is named, chose Freemen’s for the education of my sister and me, despite the considerable financial burden this placed upon him and my mother. He was a very kind, generous and modest person, and I was indeed fortunate that he decided on Freemen’s for us. The broad-based education I received there set me up for a successful career. In addition to my academic work I studied piano, my father having decided I should receive private tuition at school.
My father died in 1990, but my mother passed away only in 2021, just one month before her 99th birthday. After her passing, I wanted to show my appreciation for the opportunities that were made available to me at Freemen's and at the same time, commemorate the efforts of both my parents – especially my father – in providing those opportunities. This inspired my donation to Freemen’s, and the establishment of the Wilkes Piano Bursary. Students who are in receipt of financial support at Freemen’s will be able to apply for the Wilkes Piano Bursary, and I hope that playing the piano brings them the same great pleasure and benefits that it has brought to my own life.”
The Worshipful Company of Grocers
“Supporting young people to succeed in education and nurturing future talent is fundamental in ensuring a prosperous future for all.
Bursary support opens up the option of private and often boarding education to a wider range of students. This benefits those who might not ordinarily think this is an option for them as well as giving a more diverse and enriching environment for those within the school. It is natural that the Grocers’ Charity would wish to invest in young people in this way. We are proud to be linked to City of London Freemen’s School and enjoy watching the successes of students that we have supported.”
Former parent and Trustee of The Sue Thomson Foundation
“It is a privilege to be able to give a talented and motivated young person the opportunity to thrive, excel and be happy at a school that provides a rigorous academic structure and extensive super curricular activities, alongside consistent support and kindness.”
7 Thank you 2021-2022
Our supporters
Thank you to all the families and organisations listed below who generously supported the School in 2021-22. We also thank those supporters who have requested to remain anonymous.
Former and current parents
Graham and Helen Arter
Yanina Bondarenko
Paul and Jutta Byers
Hee Chong Tam
Marc and Kate D'Azzo
Elisabete and Kevin de Lima
Ian and Gaya Dodd
Andrew and Louise Elliman
Nigel and Heather Field
Daniel Fineren and Karla Garcia
Andrew and Suzy Ford
Rory and Roisin Gleeson
Andrew and Rachel Grout
David and Joanne Hawes
Dishan and Nalaki Herath
Rod and Susannah Holliman
David and Jamie Hussey
Yue Bong Bosco Lau
Grigory and Elena Levinzon
Maika Kinoshita-Li
Andrew and Samantha Millward
Susan Mitchell
Ralph Stainbank and Katherine MacDermott
Timothy and Caroline Pearce
David Robertson
Ian and Sofi Robinson
Jonathan and Adriana Sullivan Pena
Dr Beverly Sutton
Suet Wai Tang
John and Charlotte Tregoning
Andrew and Mary-Elizabeth White
Claire Adams-Zuurbier
Hardship Bursary Fund
Thank you to all those families who generously donated their fee reduction to the Hardship Bursary Fund during the Covid pandemic.
The 1854 Society
The 1854 Society was established to recognise and thank those who support the School through voluntary giving. Supporters are invited to join when their cumulative giving reaches £1,854 or more, or if they inform us of their intention to make a gift to the School in their will.
Darius and Jane Berendji
Lorenzo and Sonia Corte
Torsten and Alexandra Hartmann
Lawrence and Philippa Hutter
Ian and Karen Sims
Annabel and Jon Walters
Former and current staff
John Graham (Head of Biology)
Diana Hughes (former Deputy Head of School)
Andrew McEwan (English Teacher)
Rev Jonathan Prior (Chaplain)
Steve Sarsfield (Head of Technology)
Bhargava Will Trust
Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
Freemen's School Association
Guild of Freemen of the City of London
PGL Travel Ltd
Society of Youth Music
The City of London Corporation
The Mitchell City of London Charity & Educational Foundation
The Royal National Children's Springboard Foundation
The Sue Thomson Foundation
The United Wards Club
The Worshipful Company of Actuaries
The Worshipful Company of Barbers
The Worshipful Company of Carmen
The Worshipful Company of Carpenters
The Worshipful Company of Farmers
The Worshipful Company of Farriers
The Worshipful Company of Fletchers
The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers
The Worshipful Company of Fuellers
The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silvery Wyre Drawers
The Worshipful Company of Grocers
The Worshipful Company of Horners
The Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards
The Worshipful Company of Masons
The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers
The Worshipful Company of Scriveners
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
The Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers
The Worshipful Company of Turners
The Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers
The Worshipful Company of World Traders
Ikenna Aseme (Class of 1998)
Ian Brice (Class of 1966)
Mark Cuthbert (Class of 1972)
Hugh Dunsmore-Hardy (Class of 1964)
Nicholas and Sian Goddard (Class of 1973)
Rosemary Roach (former Head Girl, Class of 1967)
Steven Rowe
David and Eileen Salter (Class of 1954)
Andrew Tyrrell (former Head Boy, Class of 1962)
Gary Youssef (former Head Boy, Class of 1992)
Penny Ayres (née Hollings)
Dr Ashley Bowes
Eleanor Darbey
Hannah Davies
Jenna Evans
Ollie Garrod
Will Joss
Stuart Paterson
Lani Robinson
Catherine Sadler
Whilst all care and attention has been taken in putting together this supporter list, we apologise for any errors or omissions.
9 Thank you 2021-2022
How you have made a difference
How many supporters?
City of London Corporation
Income from school fees which goes into the Bursary Fund
How did you support?
56% Regular gifts
22% Deposit donations
21% One-off gift
1% Legacy gift*
*One of our former pupils from the Class of 1934 kindly left a gift in his will of £33,600 for bursary support.
What did you support?
100% of bursary students went on to study at university in 2022 donors supported bursaries at Freemen's in 2021 to 2022
What was the result?
You have funded three new transformational bursary places
11 Thank you 2021-2022
How you have made a difference
Trekking for bursaries
Members of staff Reverend Jon Prior, John Graham, Andrew McEwan and Steve Sarsfield trekked the Cambrian Mountains to complete the equivalent of a Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition.
"We walked for four days in the wild and remote territory of the Elan Valley in mid-Wales, carrying with us everything we needed to survive. We slept in tents, sourced water from streams and reservoirs, and even dug our own toilets! As well as allowing us to empathise with students tackling their own DofE expeditions, we were also very keen to raise money for the School’s Bursary Fund to enable even more students to enjoy being part of the Freemen's community.
As teachers, we see first-hand the difference it makes for so many pupils at the School, not only the bursary students themselves but their peers too."
The team raised a total of £3,000 for the Bursary Fund, which was then match funded £1 for £1 by the City of London Corporation. Thank you to all those who kindly supported them.
#LoveFreemens campaign
The Freemen’s community came together in force to support the School’s inaugural #LoveFreemens campaign. All donations to the campaign were given to the Hardship Bursary Fund and were 100% matched by the City of London Corporation.
An impressive total of just over £47,700 was raised by the campaign, with additional revenue gained as a result of the Government’s Gift Aid scheme. Thank you to all of those who supported us.
Deposit donations
As our Upper 5 (Year 11) and Upper 6 (Year 13) students graduate or move on from Freemen’s, many of their parents choose to support Freemen’s by donating their deposit to the School. Parents can choose where their deposits are allocated – either to the Bursary Fund, or an unrestricted gift.
Last year, just under £4,000 (including match funding by the City of London Corporation) was raised by deposit donations alone, the vast majority of which were gifted for bursaries.
The Hutter Family
As well as being regular donors to the Bursary Fund, the Hutter Family generously made a significant donation to support the School’s Archives Room in Main House.
The family, whose five children are all Freemen’s alumni, also donate two ‘Hutter Make a Difference’ Prizes to the Junior and Senior Prize Days, which are awarded every year.
13 Thank you 2021-2022
How you have made a difference
Mark Cuthbert (Class of 1972)
Former Freemen’s pupil, Mark Cuthbert, donated 10 guitars to the Music department in 2021 and financially supports two guitar bursaries every year.
Match funding by the City of London Corporation allows the School to offer this opportunity to two students. The Mark Cuthbert guitar bursary is awarded to two current bursary students who demonstrate “an interest and flair for the instrument”. The bursary award covers peripatetic music lessons for the duration of the student’s Freemen's education.
“Mark kindly donated various sized guitars that have enabled us to run weekly guitar ensembles for the Junior pupils, which are incredibly popular. We have two groups running each week, led by our guitar teacher Mr Wallace. 27 pupils currently take part. The bursary has enabled pupils in the Senior School to learn a musical instrument that would not have been possible otherwise. This has helped strengthen their love of music, and they have used these skills in school performances such as in House Music. One pupil's guitar lessons supported them as part of their A Level Music course.”
Natalka Eaglestone,
Director of Music
“I was keen to provide an opportunity for a bursary student to enrich his or her Freemen’s education by learning how to play the guitar. I wish the students all the best as they embark on a new musical journey”.
Mark Cuthbert
“When we heard that I had a Sixth Form place at Freemen’s, my mother was overcome with a sense of relief and joy. She had always worked tremendously hard to put me and my four siblings through school, doing her utmost to provide the best opportunities she could for us, whilst simultaneously trying her best to make sense of a language and culture completely foreign to her own.
She had always believed that my future was a bright one and wanted to remove as many barriers as she could that were preventing me from pursuing my passion for education and the medical field in particular. I was ecstatic. I did my best to immerse myself into the school community, tried new things and pushed my limits. I achieved what I never thought I would. It feels good to have made my mother proud.”
Former bursary student
How can I make a difference?
Donations, of any amount, to the Freemen’s Bursary Fund are warmly welcomed and make a substantial difference.
The Bursary Fund is a registered charity (No. 284769) so we are able to increase the value of all donations from UK taxpayers by 20% via Gift Aid.
Additionally, the City of London Corporation will match fund every pound donated to the Bursary Fund, effectively doubling the value of each donation.
To donate, please visit:
Ways to give
There are a number of ways to support Freemen’s and your generosity not only makes a real difference to the children and young people of Freemen's as they move through the School and beyond, but also to their families and those around them.
• Regular giving (monthly or annually)
• Single gift
• Leaving a gift in your will
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