A to Z of Juniors
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, it is necessary to complete the online absence form on Parent Portal before 9.15am on each day of absence stating your child’s form and the reason why they are unable to attend school. Parents/guardians are asked to ensure that all non-urgent medical or dental appointments are restricted to out of school hours. Please also see ‘Holidays’ on page 12.
If a pupil must be taken out of school for any reason, permission must be requested by writing to the Head of the Junior School in advance, giving reason for the absence and the exact time off required. If a pupil needs to leave during the school day for a medical or dental appointment, it is necessary to complete the online absence request form. KS2 children should report to the Junior School Office to sign out before departing and parents are expected to collect their children from the Junior School Office. Upper 3 and Lower 4 children are permitted to sign themselves out at the Junior School Office, before meeting their parents at the school bus stop. Children returning to school during the day, should also sign back in at the Junior School Office. If a pupil is taken ill during the school day, he or she will be taken to the Medical Centre for treatment by the School Nurse. If it is decided that the pupils should be sent home, then parents/guardians will be contacted by the medical staff and suitable arrangements made. Under no circumstances may pupils ask their parents/guardians to collect them from school without following this procedure. Pupils selected for teams are expected to fulfil their commitments. Written notice is required two weeks in advance if a fixture published in the School Calendar has to be missed.
Form 1 to Lower 3 are accommodated on the ground floor of Kemp House while Upper 3 and Lower 4 have classrooms on the first floor. There are also specialist rooms within the Junior School for Science, Art, and Technology (incorporating Computing, Design Technology and Food Technology). The Junior Hall and the Junior Library are adjacent to the Foyer.
It is important that the School has correct contact information for parents/guardians (address, email, and mobile telephone number), so that parents can be contacted without delay in the event of an emergency. Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date on Parent Portal.
All pupils attend regular assemblies. Pupils participate in a variety of assemblies in Houses, age groups and as the Junior School together. The content of these assemblies varies, but provides the occasion for collective worship, reflection upon events or stories and a sense of shared responsibility and common endeavour. Pupils participate by presenting form assemblies which they prepare with staff support.
End of unit tests are taken when appropriate by all Junior School pupils. Pupils in Form 1 to Lower 3 have their reading and spelling ages measured annually. CAT4 assessments are also completed during the first term. Pupils in Upper 3 take MidYIS tests in the Autumn Term and new pupils in Upper 3 and Lower 4 also have their reading and spelling ages tested. Form 1 to Lower 3 also sit NFER assessments in the summer term.
School book bags are compulsory for children in Form 1 to Lower 3 and can be purchased from the Junior School Office. Our School house-coloured sports bag is also compulsory for pupils in Form 1 to Lower 3 and is available to purchase from the Junior School Office.
All pupils are expected to behave in a kind and honest manner. ‘Behave unto others as you would have them behave towards you’ is a simple and, if followed, effective guideline. Pupils should aim to give their best towards activities at all times, so that they make use of the many opportunities designed to ensure that every pupil is able to fulfil their potential. Please also see ‘Code of Conduct’ on page 7 and ‘Sanctions’ on page 17
The School offers a cafeteria service for School lunches and there is a choice of hot meals available. Alternatives and lighter dishes are always available on the menu. A vegetarian menu is offered and there is a salad bar with a wide range of dishes. Fresh fruit is available as an alternative to the hot or cold puddings. Parents and guardians should inform the School of any special dietary needs by completing the Food Allergy / Special Diet Notification Form on Parent Portal. The School encourages a healthy and balanced diet. The School lunch menu is available to view on our website; we encourage parents/guardians to read through the menu with their children.
All lunches are served in the Dining Hall and pupils attend in three shifts, the youngest being first. All Junior School children who bring packed lunches eat them in the Dining Hall. Good manners are expected at all times.
Parents/guardians are asked to inform the Bursar at least half a term in advance if their child wishes to change from School lunch or vice versa. However, special meals such as the Christmas lunch may be ordered on a week’s notice.
Junior School pupils should consume only fruit, vegetables or a healthy snack bar at morning break – sweets, chocolate, crisps or similar are not permitted. Please note that, for Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils, this is guidance rather than a rule. Water should be brought to school in a small re-usable plastic bottle (please also see ‘Nuts’ on page 14).
At the beginning of each academic year, the pupils choose which charities (one human, one animal) they wish to support. Pupils are invited to nominate their own favourite charities and to give a presentation to the other pupils. The whole Junior School then votes to nominate the charities for the year. Various events support the charities throughout the year.
All pupils are encouraged to participate in at least one activity and to try out new ones so that they might discover where their interests and abilities lie. A wide variety of interests are provided for (depending on the expertise of the staff) and clubs may change from term to term either in timing or in subject. Where expertise is provided from outside the School, a charge will be made. Information is also available in the termly calendar and on the SOCs website. There is often a limit to the number of pupils who can attend each club. If the club is after School, pupils must be collected promptly. All communication regarding clubs should be with Mr Jamie Shore-Nye, Head of Co-curricular: jamie.shore-nye@freemens.org
The purpose of the Code of Conduct, which is issued as a booklet to all pupils when they join the School, and the School Rules that go with it, is to outline what is expected from each member of the School if our communal life is to be both orderly and pleasant. It is hoped that, with this guide, and within the framework of these rules, each may find a way to make his or her special contribution, while at the same time preparing to live as a worthwhile citizen in the outside world (please see Behaviour on page 6). A laminated
simplified version of the Code of Conduct is displayed in each form room.
A one-way traffic system operates within the School grounds and drop-off and pick-up points for pupils are indicated with onsite signage. Crossings are often supervised but parents/ guardians should be extra vigilant at busy times. In the interest of safety, children should be dropped off on the right-hand side of the driveway. Parents/guardians should not turn right up the main drive towards the Junior School unless they are delivering large or heavy items for their children (e.g. large musical instruments).
If parents/guardians are unexpectedly delayed in collecting pupils at the end of the day, the following procedure should be adopted. Pupils should wait no longer than 20 minutes at the appointed meeting place and then report to the Junior School Office to see whether a telephone message has been received. Form 1 children to Lower 3 (inclusive) should then wait for collection from the Homework Club in the Junior Library, while pupils from Upper 3 and Lower 4 should proceed to Homework Club in the Haywood Centre (usually Computing Room 2). It should be understood that the Junior School Office closes at 5.00pm and staff supervision of pupils cannot be guaranteed after Homework Club has finished at 6.00pm unless prior arrangements have been made. At 6.00pm, uncollected children will be escorted to the Boarding House to await collection by parents (please see Homework Club on page 11). The Boarding House Phone number is 01372 822460. Children should not wait at the bus stop after 4.20pm. Those being collected from squads during the winter months should be collected from the Junior School Foyer.
Key Stage 2 children who attend a club or squad after school should be collected from the Junior School Foyer. The exceptions to this are Fencing, Badminton and Squash, after which pupils should be collected from Sports Hall. If not collected from the Sports Hall by the designated finish time, a member of staff will take pupils to the Homework Club in the Junior School Library. No Key Stage 2 pupils should be collected from the bus stop after 4.20pm.
After pupils have home fixtures they may be collected from the Dining Hall. If not collected from the Dining Hall, they will be taken to the Junior School Foyer where the member of staff in charge of the fixture will supervise them until pick-up time. After this time, pupils will be signed into Homework Club in the Junior School Library.
Pupils should be collected from the Music School Entrance Area. If not collected from the Music School by the designated finish time, a member of staff will take pupils to the Homework Club in the Junior School Library. No Key Stage 2 pupils should be collected from the bus stop after 4.20pm
When a pupil arrives in the School they will sign an ICT Safe Usage Agreement. It is important that all pupils read this carefully and are aware of what they may and may not do whilst using ICT in School. The Agreement covers both school-owned and personal devices. In particular, pupils may NOT use their own Wi-Fi hot-spots which
connect via the School internet as this can affect the Boarding House Wi-Fi signal. Pupils must also take particular care with pop-ups and cookies, which are often of an inappropriate nature and will be flagged up by the ICT department (please see Telephone Messages and Mobile Phones on page 18).
A résumé of the topics pupils will study in each year is provided for parents/guardians at the beginning of the academic year. In KS2, the majority of lessons are taught by the Form Teacher although some subjects, such as RS, Music and PE, are covered by specialist staff. This balance gradually changes as the pupils progress through the School and, in Upper 3 and Lower 4, all subjects are taught by specialist subject staff, most of whom also teach in the Upper School.
It is School policy to communicate information such as School trip details via the weekly newsletter, which is distributed via email on a Friday. Changes to sporting fixtures will be notified earlier by text message if necessary. Parents should ensure that the Junior School Office has been notified of their mobile phone numbers, current email address and any future changes. Urgent communication should not be sent by email to the teacher; teaching staff may not access their email during the day, as they are teaching. An email (or phone call) to the Junior School Office is the best option.
In the event of an emergency affecting an individual pupil, the School will make every effort to contact parents/guardians. Failing this, the School Terms and Conditions require the School to have the authority to act in loco parentis if necessary. Please also see ‘Addresses and Contact Details’ on page 5
There is a regular Enrichment session timetabled for each year group to develop the ‘whole person’. Enrichment occurs weekly for pupils in Form 1 to Lower 3, and fortnightly for Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils. We want Freemen’s students to be confident in their abilities, have excellent problem-solving skills, and to have an awareness of the world around them and how they fit into it. We also encourage our students to be kind and responsible citizens.
All syllabus text books and exercise books are provided by the School. Parents will be asked to pay for the loss of, or damage to School equipment. Heads of Year will confirm the specifics of what stationery should be brought to School during the Summer and before the start of the new School year.
The FSA is the parents’/guardians’ association and promotes a lively programme of events which enables personal and social contact between parents/guardians of present pupils. Members are much involved in the community life of the School and a strong fundraising element ensures good funding to assist the School with purchases of valuable resources which benefit the whole pupil population.
Games fixtures are detailed in a number of places:
• Online Calendar
• SchoolPost
• Individual team sheets for Form 1 only
As the pupils move through the Junior School, they are encouraged to take responsibility for any fixtures that they are involved in. We ask parents to encourage their children to do this. All pupils are expected to represent the School when selected for a sports fixture. Players are advised that when selected for a match, this includes the pre and post-match activities. If, having referred to the calendar, parents discover that there is a serious problem with a particular fixture, for example a family wedding, they are asked to give two weeks’ notice in writing to provide the PE Department with adequate time to account for this. Should a situation occur where less than two weeks’ notice will need to be given, parents are requested to discuss the situation with our Director of Sport.
If your child is off Games and cannot take part in the lesson, please provide a letter explaining the need to be excused from the lesson. When pupils arrive at their lesson, they must give the letter to the relevant member of staff. Only in exceptional circumstances will pupils who are off Games be allowed to go home or to the Library as pupils should be aware of the subject matter of the PE lesson and much can be learnt by observing others, analysing and listening to the various instructions. This decision is made at the discretion of the Director of Sport. Pupils should bring appropriate PE and Games Kit/tracksuit and footwear to allow them to contribute to the activity.
All sports kit items are listed in the School Uniform Booklet available on the website at www.freemens.org/uniform. All sports kit and equipment must be clearly named.
The School has an active Health and Safety Policy which is followed carefully in every possible situation. Fire drills take place regularly, and instructions and emergency procedures are displayed in every Form Room.
Pupils are given homework on a regular basis and are supplied with a Homework Planner in which they must write details of the homework given for a particular day. The types of homework given may differ from subject to subject but they should not exceed 20 to 30 minutes. The time required
increases as the pupil moves up the School but it should be remembered that homework in the Junior School is a reinforcement of the day’s learning or preparation for a subsequent lesson and should be tackled with a positive attitude. If parents/guardians feel that their child is spending too much or too little time on homework, the Form Teacher should be consulted.
Each pupil is issued with a planner where they is expected to record homework tasks, reading, things to remember (such as music lesson times or pick up arrangements), co-curricular activities, timetable and more. In addition, the planner contains lots of useful information about school life, learning tips and a plan of the school to help pupils find their way around. This is the main point of communication between parents and school, as planners are checked regularly by form staff. Parents/guardians are requested to sign Homework Planners on a regular weekly basis for children in Form 1 to Lower 4 pupils, always having checked that the homework has been completed to the required standard and any comments from subject teachers have been noted.
Should you find that homework is taking much longer than the prescribed amount of time, please sign your child’s Homework Planner stating that they have worked hard for that amount of time but have been unable to complete the task.
Parents/guardians should take an interest in homework and insist upon an environment conducive to the successful completion of the task(s). However, although help can be given, parents/guardians should not do the work for their children.
This is available to all children in the Junior School and a small charge is made. Bookings must be made via the School Portal. It is held in the Junior School Library for pupils in Form 1 to Lower 3 between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. Homework Club for Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils is usually in Computer Room 2 in the Haywood Centre from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. All children must be collected by 6.00pm at the latest. Any pupils not collected from Homework Club by 6.00pm will be taken to the Boarding House.
Parents/guardians are notified of term dates well in advance. Pupils are not allowed to take holidays in term time other than in exceptional circumstances. Permission to do so must be sought from the Head of the Junior School at least two weeks beforehand.
The School has a vertical House System, with each pupil being assigned on entry to one of the three houses: Gresham, Hale and Whittington. Each pupil is given a House badge when they start at School.
The three Houses compete for the Kemp House Shield by participating in various competitions. Every pupil is encouraged to contribute to this by entering some, or all, of the many House Competitions held throughout the year and their efforts are co-ordinated by the Heads of Junior Houses.
House competitions include: Football (boys in Form 1 to Lower 3); Swimming; Art; Music; Netball (girls); Hockey (girls); Rugby (boys).
In the summer term, the House competitions are: Cricket (boys and girls); Athletics; and Cookery (Upper 2 to Lower 4).
The merits and distinctions awarded to the pupils throughout the year also count towards the Kemp House Shield.
Pupils have the opportunity to learn to play one or more instruments and details of this are given in the Welcome to Music Booklet. You can book the lessons by completing the form Application for Instrumental Lessons on Parent Portal. It is recommended that parents ensure that their child’s instrument is insured through house insurance in case of theft or damage whilst on the School premises.
From Form 1 to Upper 5, pupils are provided with an iPad to support their learning. This is a tool for learning and is not designed to replace our normal way of working. All iPad’s are controlled via our MDM system which filters internet, restricts access and keeps students safe online. We have our own bespoke app store to ensure all resources on the iPad are pupil appropriate. Form 1 pupils have use of shared iPads and Lower 2 to Lower 3 have and 1:1 iPad but these kept at school.
On entry to the Junior School all pupils are given a locker in which to keep their Games Kit and valuables.
All lost property, named and unnamed, is gathered up from around the site by Sodexo staff weekly and brought to the Junior School. All items are sorted and named articles are returned to the pupils via the School Office. Unnamed items will remain in the Junior School until the end of that term.
for 24 hours if they have had a temperature. If it is decided that a pupil is not fit for lessons, a School Nurse will contact parents/guardians and request that the pupil be collected. We appreciate if pupils can be collected promptly. Our COVID procedures can be found on the policy page of our website.
The Medical Centre is staffed by fully qualified nurses. In addition, in the Junior School, there are a number of trained First Aiders. Medical information about pupils is kept securely in the Medical Centre. It is the parents’ responsibility to keep the School informed in writing of any changes to their child’s health or medical requirements. The School must be notified of any infectious diseases immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. The same procedure should be followed in the event of head lice or nits. Regular head checks by parents /guardians are recommended.
Pupils should not be sent to school if they are unwell. In the case of diarrhoea and vomiting, pupils must be free of symptoms for 48 hours before they return. They should be symptom-free
If a pupil requires hospitalisation, the parent /guardian will be contacted and requested to travel with the pupil to the hospital. If that is not possible, the pupil will be accompanied to hospital in an ambulance, school minibus or taxi by a member of the teaching or support staff, who will remain with the pupil until a parent or guardian arrives.
Pupils who need to have medicine with them at all times (e.g. Epipens, inhalers, insulin) must know how to self-administer such medication. Spare named medication must be lodged with the Medical Centre. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure their child has the medication with them. For pupils under 16 years old, all other medication should be handed to the Medical Centre for administration and safekeeping, and the appropriate permission form completed and signed by a parent.
Pupils should bring money to school only if requested to do so by staff e.g. for a charity contribution or event, or to spend on an outing. Parents/guardians are usually notified in advance of such circumstances.
At all times close liaison between parents /guardians and staff is encouraged and there are several opportunities to meet together formally during the school year. The dates of these meetings are communicated in the weekly School Newsletter. Pupils in Forms 1 to Lower 3 will have meetings in November/December and towards the end of the summer term. Upper 3 and Lower 4 will have meetings in November and the spring term. Parents of new pupils in Upper3 and Lower 4 also have the opportunity to meet the Form Teacher in September/October.
We are a nut-aware school, but we must be particularly cautious in the Junior School where traces of nuts can easily be transferred. Therefore nut based products are NOT permitted. This includes chocolate spreads that contain nuts, such as Nutella. These are potentially dangerous and will be confiscated if found.
In addition to the above, parents/guardians are advised that the Junior School adopts an ‘open door’ policy. Parents should feel free to email or telephone and make an appointment to see or chat to the Form Teacher if they have any concern, as it may be possible to deal with minor issues there and then. More important matters however require a more formal meeting and this should be arranged at a mutually convenient time with the appropriate teacher or the Head of the Junior School’s PA on 01372 822474. Please also see ‘Reporting Procedure’ on page 17.
It is essential the staff and parents/guardians build a strong working relationship for the benefit of the pupil. If there is a concern over the progress of a pupil, parents/guardians will be contacted and a meeting arranged with the Form Teacher in the first instance. Where appropriate, a Head of Year and/or the Assistant Head or the Head of the Junior School will be in attendance. Similarly, if parents/guardians have concern over any aspect of their child’s life relating to school, they are asked to contact, in the first instance, the Form Teacher so that the matter may be tackled
without further delay. Parental support is essential in ensuring that pupils receiving sanctions attend on the date specified. Please also see ‘Sanctions’ on page 17.
Parents guardians are very welcome to attend School matches as well as all events advertised to parents.
All visitors will be directed to the main car park. There is a 5mph speed limit at all times within the School grounds.
The cherishing of the individual is at the heart of our School policy. Each pupil has a Form Teacher who oversees their academic progress, who is on hand to give guidance and support on pastoral matters and who should be regarded as a parent’s/guardian’s first point of contact in all matters. Teachers are easily accessible for advice, support and encouragement.
The Heads of Year oversee the pastoral care of their year group in conjunction with the Assistant Head of Junior School.
Children will have a range of opportunities and experiences to showcase their performance skills during their time at Freemen’s ranging from plays, concerts, house competitions and poetry competitions. Throughout the year, there are many opportunities for pupils to play their chosen musical instrument at public performances. There is an annual Junior School House Music Competition and musical performances take place every term in a variety of formats. Parents and guardians are warmly invited to attend these events whenever possible.
All property brought to school must be clearly marked with pupils’ names. This includes items of clothing, books and other equipment. Pupils should not bring in valuable articles unless asked to do so. Please also see ‘Lost Property’ on page 13.
PSHE aims to enable pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. PSHE education incorporates health education, relationships education/RSE and economic wellbeing and careers, and contributes significantly to SMSC development and the promoting of British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs). Our aim is to encourage individual responsibility and informed decision-making. Pupils are given a voice enabling them to understand and express their feelings in a safe environment.
PSHE does not begin and end in the classroom. The subtle messages which pupils receive about PSHE topics from the daily life of the School, for example in form time and assemblies, are just as important as those given during lessons, and we therefore aim for consistency. The importance of relationships between staff and pupils is recognised, and emphasis is placed on courtesy, concern, respect and acceptance of responsibility for self and others. Open communication can make an individual feel wanted and valued, and a strong pastoral system supports personal development.
While all Junior classes have a timetabled one-hour PSHE lesson a week, some aspects of the syllabus may be covered or enhanced in other specialist subjects such as Science, PE and Food Technology. Open communication between pupils, staff and parents/guardians is encouraged
and, where appropriate, visiting speakers will be involved. Further details about PSHE may be obtained from Mrs Whiteley (Head of PSHE).
Prefects are selected from Lower 4 pupils and assist staff with the running of the Junior School. Two pupils from each House, one boy, one girl, are chosen to be House Captains in the Junior School. Neither House Captains nor prefects are empowered to punish children and instead are expected to lead by example. Pupils from the Senior School are often in the Junior School assisting with general supervision alongside staff, as well as presenting effective role models to the younger pupils.
Punctuality is a courtesy we expect from pupils. Pupils must be in their form rooms by 8.30am. Any pupil arriving after registration at 8.35am or 2.05pm must report to the Junior School Office to sign the Late Book before joining their class. Similarly, those pupils who are absent from registration due to attending a medical appointment or music lesson are required to sign in the Late Book.
Regular lateness sets a poor tone for what goes on for the rest of the day. The School is fully aware of the problems that all commuters face and appreciates the support given by parents /guardians in presenting their children punctually on a regular basis.
Pupils in Form 1 to Lower 3 receive a written report at the end of the spring term in addition to grade sheets three times during the year (including immediately before both Parents’ Evenings). Pupils in Upper 3 and Lower 4 receive a written report at the end of the summer term. In addition, grade sheets are produced termly for Upper 3 pupils and every six weeks for Lower 4 pupils. There is a Parents’ Evening in the Spring and autumn terms, which Upper 3 and Lower 4 children are encouraged to attend with their parents/guardians.
These are awarded by members of staff as a reward for academic, sporting or co-curricular achievement within the school programme, as well as for good behaviour and manners, and concern for others. Distinction slips are signed by the member of staff and taken home by the pupils for their parents/guardians to see and sign. Pupils with distinctions must then present themselves with the signed slip within one calendar month from the date of issue to their Form Teacher in Form Time who will record their name and return the slip. The distinctions appear on reports and count towards the Kemp House Shield. Please also see ‘Houses’ on page 12.
These are awards which are linked as much to effort as achievement and are issued as rewards for good effort/work/behaviour/action which falls below the distinction level. Pupils’ merits should be signed on to the Form Teacher’s Merit Sheet and count towards merit badges and certificates, as well as the Kemp House Shield.
Staff are on duty at appropriate times throughout the day but cannot become responsible for pupils until 8.30am. Pupils are required to be outside (weather permitting) during morning and lunch breaks, and should confine themselves to the play areas designated for them.
The Junior School Guide to the Code of Conduct provides clear guidelines regarding behaviour which is unacceptable. Teachers take great care in explaining to pupils the pitfalls of anti-social action. Lunchtime detentions and after school detentions are given to pupils whose behaviour or work ethic falls below the expected standards. The lunchtime detention can be given for more minor offences while an after-school detention is used for misbehaviour of the kind which merits punishment outside the classroom situation and takes priority over all other activities, including school fixtures. Parents will be notified via email at least two days in advance of the punishment.
The Satis System is a means of monitoring the progress of pupils whose work or conduct is giving serious cause for concern. A Satis Sheet (or Target Card) is issued for poor performance in classwork or homework over a significant period of time and may also be used for pupils whose behaviour in class is proving to be a continued distraction to those around. The Satis sheet is presented to the teacher for signature and comment on the pupil’s conduct throughout every lesson. Parents sign the card when the evening’s homework is completed and the Head of Year or Form Teacher monitors progress by meeting with the pupil on a regular basis. Specific targets are set on these sheets for Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils.
Lucy Douglas can be contacted on 07476 789 835 or by emailing: counsellor@freemens.org
Christian values are the cornerstone of the School’s foundation. However, the School is non-denominational and pupils of all faiths are welcomed and valued. A Key Stage 2 Christian Union Group, Explore, meets weekly to explore the Christian faith in an informal and supportive manner. The Key Stage 3 group is Spotlight.
The Junior School holds an assembly for Key Stage 2 pupils in St Giles’ Church on a weekly basis. Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils attend assemblies at St. Giles’ each term. Other services at St Giles’, such as carol services, are included in the School Calendar.
Key Stage 2 pupils (Form 1 to Lower 3 inclusive) must not bring mobile phones into School unless they have a good reason, in which case parents must write to the Head of the Junior School seeking permission. If pupils (including Upper 3 and Lower 4 pupils) do carry a mobile phone, it should be turned off during the School day. Mobile phones should not be activated during the School day except in an emergency, in which case staff permission must first be sought. The mobile phone can then only be used outside the Junior School Office. Use of a mobile phone without permission will result in the phone being confiscated until the end of the day. An after-school detention may well be given for further instances of misuse. The School accepts no responsibility for the security of mobile phones.
Pupils will be allowed to use the telephone in the Junior School Office if the call is necessitated by a change to School routine. Phone messages for pupils should be kept to a minimum and be of an urgent nature only.
For a full uniform list please refer to the website www.freemens.org/uniform. The only official uniform supplier for the School is SchoolBlazer.