Hodgepodge Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 80" x 80" (2.03m x 2.03m)
Finished Block Size: 20" x 20" (50.80cm x 50.80cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Hodgepodge Quilt
Project designed by Stacey Day | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Roman Glass Lime
(B) Lotus Leaf Emerald
(C) Lotus Leaf Grey
(D) Guinea Flower Moss
(E) Spot Toast
(F) Folk Flower Pink
(G) Folk Flower Purple
(H) Folk Flower Blue
(I) Folk Flower Red
(J) Folk Flower Dark
PWGP001.LIME 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWGP029.EMERALD 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP029.GREY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP059.MOSS 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWGP070.TOAST 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP204.PINK 2⁄3 yard (0.61m)
PWGP204.PURPLE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP204.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP204.RED 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWGP204.DARK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (K) Wobble Pastel
(L) Wobble Blue
(M) Wobble Green
PWBM092.PASTEL 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWBM092.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM092.GREEN 2⁄3 yard (0.61m) (N) Bloomers Black
(O) Bloomers Cobalt
(P) Snow Flower Pink
(Q) Snow Flower Green
(R) Gameboard Magenta
(S) Gameboard Purple
PWBM093.BLACK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM093.COBALT 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM094.PINK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM094.GREEN 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWBM095.MAGENTA 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM095.PURPLE 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (T) Pasha Paisley Purple
PWBM096.PURPLE 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (U) Pasha Paisley Pink
PWBM096.PINK 1⁄2 yard (0.46m) (V) Urchin Dark PWPJ125.DARK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (W) Urchin Blue PWPJ125.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (X) Urchin Red PWPJ125.RED 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (Y) Urchin Pastel PWPJ125.PASTEL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) continued on next page...
Hodgepodge Quilt
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(Z) Jungle Red PWPJ126.RED 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(AA) Jungle Neutral PWPJ126.NEUTRAL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(AB) Papaver Green PWPJ127.GREEN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AC) Papaver Orange PWPJ127.ORANGE* 3⁄4 yard (0.69m) (AD) Papaver Blue PWPJ127.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(AE) Papaver Grey PWPJ127.GREY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AF) Ammonites Pink PWPJ128.PINK 2⁄3 yard (0.61m) (AG) Ammonites Blue PWPJ128.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AH) Fittonia Green PWPJ129.GREEN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AI) Japonica Green PWPJ130.GREEN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AJ) Japonica Blue PWPJ130.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide Folk Flower Blue PWGP204.BLUE 5 yards (4.57m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide Japanese Chrysanthemum Magenta QBPJ003.MAGENTA 21⁄2 yards (2.29m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 88" x 88" (2.24m x 2.24m) battingFabric Requirements
(Z) (AA) (AB) (AC) (AD)
(AE) (AF) (AG) (AH) (AI)
(AJ) Backing 108" Backing 44"
WOF = Width of Fabric, cut from selvage to selvage
Tip: Cut 1 of each size piece from each WOF strip for most efficient use of fabric.
Fabric A, cut:
(3) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(9) 21⁄2" x 41⁄2"
Fabrics B, H, N, W, AB, and AD, cut from each:
(2) 21⁄2" x WOF - keep together after cutting as Group 2
Fabrics C, J, R, AH, and AI, cut from each:
(2) 21⁄2" x WOF - keep together after cutting as Group 1
Fabric D, cut:
(5) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 101⁄2"
(9) 21⁄2" x 81⁄2"
Fabric E, cut:
(2) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(4) 21⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(4) 21⁄2" x 41⁄2"
Fabric F, cut:
(9) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 161⁄2"
9) 21⁄2" x 141⁄2"
Fabrics G, L, O, V, AG, and AJ, cut from each: (2) 21⁄2" x WOF - keep together after cutting as
Group 3
Fabrics I, S, T, X, and Z, cut from each:
(3) 21⁄2" x WOF - keep together after cutting as Group 4
Fabric K, cut:
(4) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 81⁄2" (9) 21⁄2" x 61⁄2"
Fabric M, cut:
(9) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 181⁄2" (9) 21⁄2" x 161⁄2"
Fabric P, cut: (1) 41⁄2" x WOF; subcut (4) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2"
Fabric Q, cut: (8) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut (9) 21⁄2" x 141⁄2" (9) 21⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabric U, cut:
(6) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 121⁄2"
(9) 21⁄2" x 101⁄2"
From Fabric Y, cut:
(1) 41⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2"
Hodgepodge Quilt
Fabric AA, cut:
(1) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(4) 21⁄2" x 41⁄2"
(4) 21⁄2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric AC, cut: (9) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabric AE, cut:
(1) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(4) 21⁄2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric AF, cut:
(9) 21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(9) 21⁄2" x 201⁄2"
(9) 21⁄2" x 181⁄2"
Hodgepodge Quilt
All seam allowances are 1⁄4" and pieces are sewn right sides together. Press seams as instructed, or as shown by the arrows in the diagrams.
1. Arrange 21⁄2"-wide pieces around a Fabric Y 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" square as shown in the diagram. Sew strips counter-clockwise around the center square, in the order listed. Repeat to make a total of 9 Log Cabin blocks (201⁄2" x 201⁄2" including seam allowances). (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Hodgepodge Quilt
2. Sew 1 each of Group 1 21⁄2" x WOF strips together, following order shown, into a strip set 101⁄2" tall. Repeat to make a second Group 1 strip set. (Fig. 2a)
Group 1- Make 2 stripsets
Cut into 8 Group 1 segments 61⁄2"-wide. Repeat to make 2 strip sets each from the Group 2 and 3 strips, measuring 121⁄2" tall. Cut into 8 each Group 2 and Group 3 segments 61⁄2"-wide. (Fig. 2b)
Fig. 2b
Tip: Mark the first and last fabric in each segment (i.e 1C, 5AI) to more easily assemble the borders.
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b
Hodgepodge Quilt
3. Arrange 1 each Fabric AE and Fabric AA 21⁄2" x 21⁄2" squares, 1 each Fabric AA and Fabric E 21⁄2" x 41⁄2" pieces, and a Fabric E 21⁄2" x 61⁄2" piece as shown. Sew together in the order shown make a Corner Block. Make a total of 4 (61⁄2" x 61⁄2" including seam allowances). (Fig. 3)
4. Arrange 1 each Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 segments in order as shown. Sew together along the short ends to make a Half Border unit. Make a total of 8. (Fig. 4)
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Hodgepodge Quilt
5. Sew pairs of Half Border units together along the Fabric V ends to make 2 Side Borders. (Fig. 5)
Fig. 5
6. Repeat the previous step, then add a Corner Block to each end, noting orientation, to make 2 Top/Bottom Borders. (Fig. 6)
7. Sew 1 each of the Group 4 21⁄2" x WOF strips together, following the order shown, into a strip set 101⁄2" tall. Repeat to make a total of 3 Group 4 strip sets. Cut into (24) Group 4 segments 61⁄2"-wide. If desired for ease of assembly, again mark the first and last fabric in each segment. (Fig. 7) Fig. 7
Fig. 5 Group
Fig. 6
Hodgepodge Quilt
8. Sew 2 Group 4 segments together along the Fabric Z ends. Repeat to make 12 total. Set aside 6 as Small Sashing units and use the rest in the next step. (Fig. 8)
9. Arrange 3 of the reserved units from the previous step in a row with 2 Fabric P 41⁄2" squares. Sew together to make a Long Sashing unit. Make 2 total. (Fig. 9)
10. Referring to the Quilt Layout diagram (page 10), arrange the Log Cabin blocks, rotated as shown, in 3 rows of 3 blocks each with a Small Sashing unit between each.
11. Sew the blocks and Small Sashing units together into rows.
12. Sew the block rows together with Long Sashing Units between them, pinning to match at the intersections of the Fabric P squares, to complete the quilt center (681⁄2" square including seam allowances).
13. Sew the Side Borders to the left and right sides of the quilt center. Then add the Top/Bottom Borders, noting orientation, to complete the quilt top.
Fig. 8
Small Sashing Unit Make 12
Fig. 8
Group 4 Group 4
Fig. 9
Long Sashing Unit Make 2
Fig. 9
Small Sashing Unit
Small Sashing Unit
Small Sashing Unit
Quilt Top Assembly
Hodgepodge Quilt
Quilt Layout Diagram Quilt Layout
14. Sew together the 2 1⁄2" Fabric AC binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
15. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
16. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
17. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 50" x 70 5⁄16" (1.27m x 1.78m)
Finished Pieced Diamond Block: 8" x 18 3⁄4" (20.32cm x 47.63cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Project recolored by FreeSpirit Fabrics | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Lotus Leaf
(D) Folk Flower Dark PWGP204.DARK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(E) Wobble Brown PWBM092.BROWN 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(F) Bloomers Grey PWBM093.GREY 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(G) Snow Flower Green PWBM094.GREEN 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(H) Pasha Paisley Black PWBM096.BLACK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(I) Pasha Paisley Aqua PWBM096.AQUA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(J) Urchin Dark PWPJ125.DARK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(K) Jungle Neutral PWPJ126 .NEUTRAL 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(L) Papaver Orange PWPJ127.ORANGE 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(M) Papaver Grey PWPJ127.GREY 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(N) Ammonites Neutral PWPJ128.NEUTRAL 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(O) Ammonites Blue PWPJ128.BLUE 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(P) Ammonites Dark PWPJ128.DARK 13⁄8 yards (1.26m)
(Q) Fittonia Red PWPJ129.RED 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (R) Fittonia Gold
PWPJ129.GOLD 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (S) Shot Cotton - Wide Stripe Ink SSGP001.INK* 7⁄8 yard (0.80m) * includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Fittonia Green
PWPJ129.GREEN 33⁄8 yards (3.09m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Millefiore Jade QBGP006.JADE 13⁄4 yards (1.60m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 58" x 79" (1.47m x 2.01m) batting
• Spray starch/starch alternative
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
1. Print 1 of the Diamond and 2 each of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns (pages 6-7) at 100% and measure to confirm accuracy of printout. Tape 2 halves of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns together along the dashed lines.
2. Trace template patterns onto template plastic or another sturdy material and cut out on the outer line to make cutting templates. If desired, mark a hole at the quarter inch seam allowance at the corners to aid in piecing accuracy. Transfer the piece names and grainline arrows. To cut reversed pieces, flip the template so the text is wrong side up.
WOF = Width of Fabric
Note: If desired, spray fabrics with spray starch before cutting with templates to reduce stretch on bias-cut edges.
Fabrics A, and D- R, cut from each:
(1) 97⁄8" x WOF
Fabrics B and C, cut from each:
(10) 23⁄8"* x WOF
Fabric P, cut:
(1) 431⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1) 181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle
Fabric S, cut:
(7) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
(4) 23⁄8"* x WOF
*The cut width of the sashing and diamond pieces is just shy of 2 3⁄8" – use the Sashing and Diamond templates to cut WOF strips the exact width needed, following the grainline arrow on template. See Figures 2 and 3 for template placement.
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
1. Using the Triangle Template, cut 4 triangles each from Fabrics A, D-K, and M-R and 2 triangles from Fabric L. Fig. 1
2. Using the Sashing Template, cut 14 each sashing strips from the Fabric B and C 23⁄8" strips. With the reversed Sashing Template, cut 14 each reversed sashing strips from the remaining Fabric B and C 23⁄8" strips. Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Cut 14 each
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
3. Using the Diamond Template, cut 38 diamonds from Fabric S 23⁄8" strips. Fig. 3
4. On the Fabric P 181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle, measure and mark the center of each side of the rectangle. Cut the large diamond by trimming the corners, center point to center point. Fig. 4
Quilt Top Assembly
Note: When sewing the quilt top together, sew it into four sections as shown divided by red lines in the Quilt Layout diagram.
5. Noting the Quilt Layout diagram ( page 5 ), arrange the large Fabric P diamond, triangles, Fabric B and C sashing strips, and Fabric S diamonds in diagonal rows.
6. Wherever two triangles meet, sew them together along short sides to make a Diamond block. Press open. Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Fig. 5
7. For each section, stitch diamond blocks, sashing strips, and triangles into diagonal block rows. Stitch diamonds and reversed sashing strips into diagonal sashing rows.
8. Sew rows together within each section. Sew small sections to the lower left-hand and upper right-hand sides of the large Fabric P diamond, then add the larger sections to complete the quilt top.
9. Trim the edges of quilt top to square up 1⁄4" past outermost seam intersections, to approximately 501⁄2" x 707⁄8". Baste edges of quilt to prevent stretching the edges of quilt top.
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
10. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric S binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
11. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
12. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
13. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Quilt Layout
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Diamond Template 2 1/2” x 5 1/4”
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
*** Measure templates before cutting to confirm printing at 100%*** This square should measure 1" x 1" (2.54cm x 2.54cm) when printed.
owtombineC esvhaletaemplt etomplecmakeot .etaemplt
uiltQoughRtheinDiamondstnElega etaemplTashingS es:rMeasuetemplaTullF 3/8”2x1/8”13
Trace templates onto template plastic. Cut out shapes and label.
This square should measure 1" x 1" (2.54cm x 2.54cm) when printed.
Elegant Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
uiltQoughRtheinDiamondstnElega etaemplTashingS es:rMeasuetemplaTullF 3/8”2x1/8”13
Trace templates onto template plastic. Cut out shapes and label.
C ombine t w o t empl a t e hal v es t o make c omple t e t empl a t e . Elega n t Diamonds in the R ough Q uilt T r iangle T empl a t e
*** Measure templates before cutting to confirm printing at 100%***
Facets Cool Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 72" x 82" (1.82m x 2.08m)
Finished Block Size: 8" x 12" (20.32cm x 30.48cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Facets Cool Quilt
Project designed by Stacey Day | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Paperweight Emerald
(B) Lotus Leaf Emerald
(C) Guinea Flower Moss
(D) Folk Flower Purple
(E) Folk Flower Blue
(F) Wobble Blue
(G) Wobble Green
(H) Bloomers Black
(I) Gameboard Magenta
PWGP020.EMERALD 1 yard (0.91m)
PWGP029.EMERALD 1 yard (0.91m)
PWGP059.MOSS 1 yard (0.91m)
PWGP204.PURPLE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWGP204.BLUE 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWBM092.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM092.GREEN 1 yard (0.91m)
PWBM093.BLACK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM095.MAGENTA* 13⁄8 yards (1.26m)
(J) Urchins Dark PWPJ125.DARK 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(K) Urchins Blue PWPJ125.BLUE 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(L) Jungle Lavender PWPJ126.LAVENDER 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(M) Jungle Neutral PWPJ126.NEUTRAL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(N) Papaver Green PWPJ127.GREEN 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(O) Papaver Blue PWPJ127.BLUE 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(P) Ammonites Blue PWPJ128.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(Q) Ammonites Dark PWPJ128.DARK 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(R) Fittonia Green PWPJ129.GREEN 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(S) Japonica Dark PWPJ130.DARK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (T) Japonica Green PWPJ130.GREEN 1 yard (0.91m) * includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide See page 4 for scrappy backing 51⁄8 yards (4.69m) OR
108" (2.74m) wide QBGP006.JADE 23⁄4 yards (2.51m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match • 80" x 90" (2.03m x 2.29m) batting
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
(F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O)
Cutting WOF = Width of Fabric
Fabrics A, B, C, G, and T, cut from each: (5) 41⁄2" x WOF; cut (36) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" (2) 21⁄2" x WOF
Fabrics D and P, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (2) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics E, J, L , and N, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (6) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics F and S, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (3) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics H and M, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (1) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabric I, cut: (5) 41⁄2" x WOF; cut (36) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" (9) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabrics K and Q, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (4) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics O and R, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (5) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Facets Cool Quilt
All seam allowances are 1⁄4" and pieces are sewn right sides together. Press seam allowances open unless otherwise stated.
1. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner across the wrong side of all the Fabric A, B, C, G, I and T 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" squares.
2. Place a marked Fabric I 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" square on the top left corner of (1) Fabric M 81⁄2" x 121⁄2" rectangle, right sides together with the line oriented as shown. Sew along the line, trim to a 1⁄4" seam allowance, and press out towards Fabric I. Repeat with the adjacent top corner, then sew a pair of Fabric C 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" squares to the bottom corners in the same manner, to complete a Facets Block (81⁄2" x 121⁄2" including seam allowances). Refer to the Facets block table below to make 9 unique Row 1 blocks, using the fabrics listed. When all the blocks for the row are completed, stack the blocks from top to bottom in the order listed in the table (so the Fabric M block will be on top, then the block with Fabric P, and so on…) so they will be ready to sew into rows.
3. Using the same techniques as in Step 2, make and stack the blocks for Rows 2-6 using the fabrics and in the exact order listed in the table.
Facets Block Table
Fig. 1
Facets Cool Quilt
Quilt Top Assembly
• Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 5) while assembling the quilt. Press seam allowances towards the Sashing Strips. Measure the Quilt Center width and height before cutting and adding borders and adjust border measurements if necessary to match your measurements.
• If using a 108" wide backing skip to step 6.
4. Referring to the quilt layout diagram and the Facets block table for the order, sew the blocks together into Rows 1-6.
5. Sew the Fabric A 21⁄2" x WOF strips together end to end. Trim to 721⁄2" long (or the length of your completed block rows) sashing strips. Repeat with Fabric B, C, G, and T strips.
6. Sew Rows 1-6 together in order with a matching fabric sashing strip between them to complete the quilt top (721⁄2" x 821⁄2" including seam allowances).
If you prefer a backing pieced solely from yardage, make that in your normal fashion and skip ahead to step 10.
7. Note: If you plan to send your quilt out for longarm quilting, check to see that the longarmer will accept pieced backs and what their minimum required overage is, as this pieced quilt back may be narrower than their standards. For a scrappy pieced backing, sew the triangles leftover from the quilt top together randomly along the long sides into HST units. Square up to 31⁄2" x 31⁄2". Make (216) HST. Sew 12 HST units together into a row. Make 18 rows, and then sew the rows together to make the center of the backing (361⁄2" x 541⁄2" including seam allowances).
8. From backing fabric, cut a strip 541⁄2" x WOF, then cut in half parallel to selvages. Sew the long raw edge to the 541⁄2" sides of the quilt back center.
9. From backing fabric, cut (2) pieces 181⁄2" x the length of your pieced backing (it may vary depending on the width of the fabric added in the previous step). Sew the 181⁄2"-wide strips to the top and bottom (the seamed edges) of the quilt back to complete the pieced backing.
10. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric I binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
11. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
12. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
13. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Facets Cool Quilt
Quilt Layout
Facets Hot Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Size:
Finished Size: 72" x 82" (1.82m x 2.08m)
Finished Block Size: 8" x 12" (20.32cm x 30.48cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
designed by
Stacey Day | Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Folk Flower Pink PWGP204.PINK 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(B) Folk Flower Red PWGP204.RED 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(C) Wobble Pastel PWBM092.PASTEL 1 yard (0.91m)
(D) Wobble Brown PWBM092.BROWN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(E) Wobble Red PWBM092.RED 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(F) Bloomers Lilac PWBM093.LILAC 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(G) Bloomers Orange PWBM093.ORANGE 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(H) Bloomers Green PWBM093.GREEN 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(I) Snow Flower Pink PWBM094.PINK 1 yard (0.91m)
(J) Gameboard Pink PWBM095.PINK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(K) Gameboard Purple PWBM095.PURPLE 13⁄8 yards (1.26m)
(L) Gameboard Red PWBM095.RED 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(M) Pasha Paisley Blue PWBM096.BLUE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(N) Pasha Paisley Purple
PWBM096.PURPLE 1 yard (0.91m)
(O) Papaver Red PWPJ127.RED 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(P) Jungle Red PWPJ126.RED 1 yard (0.91m)
(Q) Papaver Orange PWPJ127.ORANGE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(R) Urchins Red PWPJ125.RED 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(S) Ammonites Pink PWPJ128.PINK 1 yard (0.91m)
(T) Fittonia Red PWPJ129.RED 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
Facets Hot Quilt
Backing 108"
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 80" x 90" (2.03m x 2.29m) batting
QBPJ004.NATURAL 23⁄4 yards (2.51m)
44" (1.12m) wide See scrappy backing on page 4 51⁄8 yards (4.69m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
**Note: If making scrappy pieced back (page 4) using scraps from the quilt top, you will need only 4 yards (3.66m) of 44"-wide backing fabric, or 23⁄8 yards (2.17m) of 108"-wide fabric.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
(F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(L) (M)
Cutting WOF = Width of Fabric
Fabrics A and B, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (5) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics C, I, N, P, and S, cut from each: (5) 41⁄2" x WOF; cut (36) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" (2) 21⁄2" x WOF
Fabrics D and Q, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (2) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics E and F, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (4) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics G, H, O, and R, cut from each: (2) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (6) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabrics J and L, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (1) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Fabric K, cut: (5) 41⁄2" x WOF; cut (36) 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" (9) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabrics M and T, cut from each: (1) 81⁄2" x WOF; cut (3) 81⁄2" x 121⁄2"
Facets Hot Quilt
All seam allowances are 1⁄4" and pieces are sewn right sides together. Press seam allowances open unless otherwise stated.
1. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner across the wrong side of all the Fabric C, I, K, N, P, and S 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" squares.
2. Place a marked Fabric K 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" square on the top left corner of (1) Fabric J 81⁄2" x 121⁄2" rectangle, right sides together with the line oriented as shown. Sew along the line, trim to a 1⁄4" seam allowance, and press out towards Fabric K. Repeat with the adjacent top corner, then sew a pair of Fabric C 41⁄2" x 41⁄2" squares to the bottom corners in the same manner, to complete a Facets Block (81⁄2" x 121⁄2" including seam allowances). Refer to the Facets block table below to make 9 Row 1 blocks, using the fabrics listed. When all the blocks for the row are completed, stack the blocks from top to bottom in the order listed in the table (so the Fabric J block will be on top, then the block with Fabric D, and so on…) so they will be ready to sew into rows.
3. Using the same techniques as in Step 2, make and stack the blocks for Rows 2-6 using the fabrics and in the exact order listed in the table.
Facets Block Table
Facets Hot Quilt
Quilt Top Assembly
• Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 5) while assembling the quilt. Press seam allowances towards the Sashing Strips. Measure the Quilt Center width and height before cutting and adding borders and adjust border measurements if necessary to match your measurements.
•If using a 108" wide backing skip to step 6.
4. Referring to the quilt layout diagram and the Facets block table for the order, sew the blocks together into Rows 1-6.
5. Sew the Fabric C 21⁄2" X WOF strips together end to end. Trim to 721⁄2" long (or the length of your completed block rows) sashing strips. Repeat with Fabric I, N, P, and S strips.
6. Sew Rows 1-6 together in order with a matching fabric sashing strip between them to complete the quilt top ( 72 1⁄ 2 " x 82 1⁄ 2 " including seam allowances).
If you prefer a backing pieced solely from yardage, make that in your normal fashion and skip ahead to step 10.
7. Note: If you plan to send your quilt out for longarm quilting, check to see that the longarmer will accept pieced backs and what their minimum required overage is, as this pieced quilt back may be narrower than their standards. For a scrappy pieced backing, sew the triangles leftover from the quilt top together randomly along the long sides into HST units. Square up to 31⁄2" x 31⁄2". Make (216)HST. Sew 12 HST units together into a row. Make 18 rows, and then sew the rows together to make the center of the backing (361⁄2" x 541⁄2" including seam allowances).
8. From backing fabric, cut a strip 541⁄2" x WOF, then cut in half parallel to selvages. Sew the long raw edge of each piece to the 541⁄2" sides of the quilt back center.
9. From backing fabric, cut (2) pieces 181⁄2" x the length of your pieced backing (it may vary depending on the width of the fabric added in the previous step). Sew the 181⁄2"wide strips to the top and bottom (the seamed edges) of the quilt back to complete the pieced backing.
10. Sew together the 2 1⁄ 2" Fabric K binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
11. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up).Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
12. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
13. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Facets Hot Quilt
Quilt Layout
Framed Hearts Quilt - Cool
Featuring Kaffe Fassett August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cotton
Collection: Kaffe Fassett August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cotton
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Size:
Finished Size: 80" x 96" (2.03m x 2.43m)
Finished Block Size: 8" x 8" (20.32cm x 20.32cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Framed Hearts Quilt - Cool
Project designed by Lucy A. Fazely | Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 20 pc 6" DS Cool FB4DSGP.AUG24COOL
(B) Shot Cotton Peacock SCGP123.PEACOCK*
(C) Shot Cotton Glacier SCGP124.GLACIER 4 yards (3.66m)
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately) 44" (1.12m) wide
Urchin Dark PWPJ125.DARK
OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Millefiore Blue QBGP006.BLUE
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 88" x 104" (2.24m x 2.64m) batting
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
(A) (B) (C)
WOF = Width of Fabric
Fabric A, cut:
From each of (20) 6" x WOF strips, subcut
(12) 31⁄4" x 6" pieces
Fabric B, cut:
(6) 81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 81⁄2"
(60) 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" pieces
(6) 6" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 6"
(60) 11⁄2" x 6" pieces
(10) 31⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(120) 31⁄4" squares
(10) 21⁄2" x WOF, for binding
(10) 11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(240) 11⁄2" squares
Fabric C, cut:
(6) 81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 81⁄2"
(60) 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" pieces
(6) 6" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 6"
(60) 11⁄2" x 6" pieces
(10) 31⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(120) 31⁄4" squares
(10) 11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(240) 11⁄2" squares
Framed Hearts Quilt - Cool
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
Block Construction
1. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of all Fabric B and C 31⁄4" and 11⁄2" squares.
(Fig. 1)
4. In the same manner as step 3, make 3 Unit 1b, noting reversed bottom diagonal seam. (Fig. 3)
5. In the same manner as step 3, replacing Fabric B squares with Fabric C squares, make 3 Unit 2a. (Fig. 4)
2. Select 12 of the same Fabric A 31⁄4" x 6" pieces. These are the pieces you will use in Steps 3-9.
3. Arrange 2 marked Fabric B 11⁄2" squares and 1 marked Fabric B 31⁄4" squares on a Fabric A 31⁄4" x 6" piece, with the diagonal lines oriented as shown. Stitch along the marked lines. Trim seam allowances to 1⁄4". Press corners out. Repeat to make 3 Unit 1a.
(Fig. 2)
Fig. 2 Framed Hearts COOL - Diagram Page 1 Fig. 1
Fig. 6
6. In the same manner as step 4, replacing Fabric B squares with Fabric C squares, make 3 Unit 2b. (Fig. 5)
Framed Hearts COOL - Diagram Page
Framed Hearts Quilt - Cool
COOL - Diagram Page 1
7. Stitch 1 each Unit 1a and 1b together as shown. Make 3 Unit 3a (6" x 6" unfinished). (Fig. 6)
COOL - Diagram Page 1
Fig. 6
Fig. 6
8. In the same manner as step 7, sew together 1 each Unit 2a and 2b as shown. Make 3 Unit 3b. (Fig. 7)
Fig. 7
Fig. 7
Fig. 7
9. Sew a Fabric C 11⁄2" x 6" piece to left-hand side of a Unit 3a, and Fabric C 2" x 6" piece to right-hand side of unit. Add Fabric C 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" piece to top and Fabric C 2" x 81⁄2" piece to bottom to complete Light-Frame Block (81⁄2" square unfinished). Make a total of 3 Light-Frame Blocks. (Fig. 8)
10. In the same manner as step 4, replacing Fabric C pieces with Fabric B pieces, make a total of 3 Dark-Frame Blocks (81⁄2" square unfinished). (Fig. 9) Fig. 9
Quilt Top Assembly
12. Noting the Quilt Layout diagram (page 5), arrange 10 blocks each into 12 horizontal rows, alternating the Light-Frame and DarkFrame blocks.
13. Sew the blocks into rows, backstitching at the top of the top row and the bottom of the bottom row. Press the seam allowances in each row towards Fabric B.
14. Sew rows together, nesting seam. Backstitch at both ends of seams.
15. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric B binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
16. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
11. Referring to Steps 2-10, make a total of 3 Light-Frame and 3 Dark-Frame blocks from each of the remaining (19) 6" roll fabrics for a total of 60 each Light-Frame and Dark-Frame blocks.
17. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
18. Turn binding to the back of quilt and handstitch in place.
Framed Hearts Quilt - Cool
Quilt Layout
Framed Hearts Quilt - Hot
Featuring Kaffe Fassett August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cotton
Collection: Kaffe Fassett August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cotton
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 80" x 96" (2.03m x 2.43m)
Finished Block Size: 8" x 8" (20.32cm x 20.32cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Framed Hearts Quilt - Hot
Project designed by Lucy A. Fazely | Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 20 pc 6" DS Hot
(B) Shot Cotton Bloom SCGP126.BLOOM* 43⁄4 yards (4.34m)
(C) Shot Cotton Dawn SCGP121.DAWN 4 yards (3.66m)
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Ammonites Pink PWPJ128.PINK 51⁄2 yards (5.03m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Millefiore Pastel
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 88" x 104" (2.24m x 2.64m) batting
QBGP006.PASTEL 27⁄8 yards (2.63m)
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
(A) (B) (C)
WOF = Width of Fabric
Fabric A, cut:
From each of (20) 6" x WOF strips, subcut
(12) 31⁄4" x 6" pieces
Fabric B, cut:
(6) 81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 81⁄2"
(60) 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" pieces
(6) 6" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 6"
(60) 11⁄2" x 6" pieces
(10) 31⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(120) 31⁄4" squares
(10) 21⁄2" x WOF, for binding
(10) 11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(240) 11⁄2" squares
Fabric C, cut:
(6) 81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 81⁄2"
(60) 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" pieces
(6) 6" x WOF; subcut
(60) 2" x 6"
(60) 11⁄2" x 6" pieces
(10) 31⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(120) 31⁄4" squares
(10) 11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(240) 11⁄2" squares
Framed Hearts Quilt - Hot
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
Block Construction
1. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of all the Fabric B and C 31⁄4" and 11⁄2" squares.
(Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
4. In the same manner as step 3, make 3 Unit 1b, noting reversed bottom diagonal seam. (Fig. 3)
1 Framed Hearts HOT - Diagram Page 1
5. In the same manner as step 3, replacing Fabric B squares with Fabric C squares, make 3 Unit 2a. (Fig. 4)
2. Select 12 of the same Fabric A 31⁄4" x 6" pieces. These are the pieces you will use in Steps 3-9.
3. Arrange 2 marked Fabric B 11⁄2" squares and 1 marked Fabric B 31⁄4" squares on a Fabric A 31⁄4" x 6" piece, with the diagonal lines oriented as shown. Stitch along the marked lines. Trim seam allowances to 1⁄4".
Press corners out. Repeat to make 3 Unit 1a.
(Fig. 2)
Fig. 3
Fig. 2 Framed Hearts HOT - Diagram Page 1
Fig. 7
6. In the same manner as step 4, replacing Fabric B squares with Fabric C squares, make 3 Unit 2b. (Fig. 5)
Fig. 8
Fig. 8
Framed Hearts Quilt - Hot
7. Stitch 1 each Unit 1a and 1b together as shown. Make 3 Unit 3a (6" x 6" unfinished). (Fig. 6)
- Diagram Page 1
8. In the same manner as step 7, sew together 1 each Unit 2a and 2b as shown. Make 3 Unit 3b. (Fig. 7)
10. In the same manner as step 4, replacing Fabric C pieces with Fabric B pieces, make a total of 3 Dark-Frame Blocks (81⁄2" square unfinished). (Fig. 9)
Quilt Top Assembly
12. Noting the Quilt Layout diagram (page 5), arrange 10 blocks each into 12 horizontal rows, alternating the Light-Frame and DarkFrame blocks.
13. Sew the blocks into rows, backstitching at the top of the top row and the bottom of the bottom row. Press the seam allowances in each row towards Fabric B
14. Sew rows together, nesting seam. Backstitch at both ends of seams.
15. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric B binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
16. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
9. Sew a Fabric C 11⁄2" x 6" piece to the left-hand side of a Unit 3a, and a Fabric C 2" x 6" piece to the right-hand side of unit. Add a Fabric C 11⁄2" x 81⁄2" piece to top and a Fabric C 2" x 81⁄2" piece to bottom to complete a LightFrame Block (81⁄2" square unfinished). Make a total of 3 Light-Frame Blocks. (Fig. 8)
11. Referring to Steps 2-10, make a total of 3 Light-Frame and 3 Dark-Frame blocks from each of the remaining (19) 6" roll fabrics for a total of 60 each Light-Frame and Dark-Frame blocks.
17. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
18. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Framed Hearts Quilt - Hot
Quilt Layout
Kinetic Cool Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Size: 90" x 90" (2.28m x 2.28m)
Finished Sizes:
Finished Block Sizes: 18" x 18" (45.72cm x 45.72cm) 9" x 18" (22.86cm x 45.72cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
designed by
| Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Paperweight Emerald
(B) Lotus Leaf Emerald
(C) Guinea Flower Moss
(D) Folk Flower Purple
(E) Folk Flower Blue
(F) Wobble Blue
(G) Wobble Green
(H) Bloomers Black
(I) Gameboard Magenta
PWGP020.EMERALD 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWGP029.EMERALD 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
PWGP059.MOSS 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWGP204.PURPLE 1⁄3 yards (0.31m)
PWGP204.BLUE 1⁄3 yrds (0.31m)
PWBM092.BLUE 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
PWBM092.GREEN 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWBM093.BLACK 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
PWBM095.MAGENTA* 1 yard (0.91m)
(J) Urchin Dark PWPJ125.DARK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(K) Urchin Blue PWPJ125.BLUE 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
(L) Jungle Lavender PWPJ126.LAVENDER 1 yard (0.91m)
(M) Jungle Neutral PWPJ126.NEUTRAL 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(N) Papaver Green PWPJ127.GREEN 1 yard (0.91m)
(O) Papaver Blue PWPJ127.BLUE 7⁄8 yard (0.80m)
(P) Ammonites Blue PWPJ128.BLUE 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(Q) Ammonites Dark PWPJ128.DARK 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
(R) Fittonia Green PWPJ129.GREEN 1⁄3 yard (0.30m)
(S) Japonica Dark PWPJ130.DARK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(T) Japonica Green PWPJ130.GREEN 1⁄3 yard (0.30m) * includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Folk Flower Dark
PWGP204.DARK 71/2 yards (6.86m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Millefiore Jade
QBGP006.JADE 21/2 yards (2.29m)
Kinetic Cool Quilt
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 98" x 98" (2.49m x 2.49m) batting
WOF = Width of Fabric
• Press fabrics with starch or starch alternative and let dry before cutting to stabilize edges to be cut on the bias. Handle biascut pieces carefully so as not to distort.
• If you prefer to work with oversized triangles and trim completed half-square triangle (HST) units or blocks down, then increase all cut sizes that end in 1⁄8" or 7⁄8" by your preferred amount (usually 1⁄8" – 1⁄4").
• Some completed blocks will have bias edges – if desired, blocks can be stabilized on the wrong side with narrow strips of fusible interfacing.
Fabric A, cut:
(4) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(26) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric B, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1) 91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1) 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(4) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(2) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(11) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8" (15 total)
Fabric C, cut:
(4*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(23) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric D, cut:
(2*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(8) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric E, cut:
(2) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(14) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric F, cut:
(5*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(29) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric G, cut:
(3) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (17) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric H, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8" (1) 91⁄2" x WOF; subcut (1) 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(2) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (13) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric I, cut:
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(11) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabric J, cut:
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Kinetic Cool Quilt
Fabric K, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1) 91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(3) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric L, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1) 91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1) 91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(5) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric M, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1) 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric N, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8" (1) 91⁄2" x WOF; cut
(1) 91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(2) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric O, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1) 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(2) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8" (2*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (8) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric P, cut:
(1) 187⁄8" x WOF; subcut (1) 187⁄8" x 187⁄8" (1) 91⁄2" x 91⁄2" (1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(6) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric Q, cut:
(1) 91⁄2" x WOF; subcut (1) 91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(5) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(2) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (15) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric R, cut:
(1) 91⁄2" x WOF; subcut (1) 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(4) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric S, cut:
(1) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (5) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric T, cut:
(2) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut (11) 51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
*Yardage is calculated at 40" usable WOF, which allows for 7 squares from a 51⁄8" x WOF strip. If you are able to cut 8 squares, you will need 1 less WOF strip.
• All seam allowances are 1⁄4" and pieces are sewn right sides together. Press seam allowances open unless otherwise stated.
• As some blocks will be trimmed down to size, you may wish to shorten your stitch length slightly so trimmed seams will not open up.
• Note that the Blocks D and E will have bias edges, so handle gently, even after starching fabric, to avoid stretching bias edges.
1. Cut all the 51⁄8"* squares in half once diagonally. Sew (2) 51⁄8" triangles together along long sides to make an A Unit, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantity of each to make. Save any leftover triangles for the next step (a few will still be extra). Square up to 43⁄4" x 43⁄4" (41⁄4" x 41⁄4" finished). (Fig. 1) *or your preferred cut size
Kinetic Cool Quilt
2. Arrange (3) matching A Units together with (3) additional 51⁄8" triangles, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantity. Sew together in horizontal rows, aligning pieces at bottom of rows, then sew rows together, matching intersections, to complete the B Units. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Kinetic Cool Quilt
3. Arrange (2) matching A Units together with (2) additional 51⁄8" triangles, referring to the table below for fabric pairings. Sew units together with 1 triangle in a single row, then add the remaining triangle as shown to complete a C Unit. Make 1 of each. (Fig. 3)
C1 A1 Fabric S
C2 A2 Fabric D
C3 A3 Fabric T
C4 A4 Fabric E
C5 A5 Fabric G
C6 A6 Fabric Q
C7 A7 Fabric C
C8 A8 Fabric A
C9 A9 Fabric F
C10 A10 Fabric I
Fig. 4
4. Arrange (4) B Units together as shown, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantities.
Sew together in pairs, then sew 2 paired units together to complete Block D. If needed, square up to 181⁄2" x 181⁄2". (Fig. 4)
Fig. 3
5. Sew (1) B Unit and (2) C Units together as shown to make Block E. Use the chart below for the fabric pairings and quantity of each to make. Trim through the seam intersections along the angled side so the block measures 91⁄2" wide x 181⁄2" high. (Fig. 5)
matching B & C units
Block E
Matching B & C Units
Contrasting C Unit Quantity to make
B5/C5 C4
E3 B9/C9 C8
B1/C1 C10 1
E4 B7/C7 C6
E5 B3/C3 C2
Kinetic Cool Quilt
6. Cut all the 187⁄8"* squares in half once diagonally. Sew (2) 187⁄8" triangles together along long sides to make Block F, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantities. If needed, square up to 181⁄2" x 181⁄2".
There will be a few extra triangles. (Fig. 6)
*or your preferred cut size
6 Block F 187⁄8"
Quantity to make
Block E
di erent C unit Trim.
Kinetic Cool Quilt
7. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of each 91⁄2" square. Place a 91⁄2" square RST at one end of a 91⁄2" x 181⁄2" rectangle as shown. Sew along the line, trim the seam allowance to 1⁄4", and press to complete Block G. Make 1 of each fabric pairing shown. (Fig. 7)
Block G 91⁄2" x 91⁄2" 91⁄2" x 181⁄2" Quantity to make
Quilt Top Assembly
Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 8) while assembling the quilt.
8. Refer to the Quilt Layout diagram (page 8), to arrange Blocks D, E, F, and G in 5 rows of 6 blocks each, paying close attention to the layout diagram for placement and orientation of the blocks.
9. Sew the blocks into rows, placing any blocks with bias edges towards the feed dogs to help manage bias edges while sewing.
10. Sew the rows together to complete the quilt top (901⁄2" x 901⁄2" including seam allowances).
11. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric I binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
12. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
G2 Fabric N Fabric H
G3 Fabric L Fabric B
G1 Fabric K Fabric M 1
G4 Fabric P Fabric O
G5 Fabric Q Fabric R
13. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
14. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Kinetic Cool Quilt
Quilt Layout
Kinetic Hot Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Size: 90" x 90" (2.28m x 2.28m)
Finished Sizes:
Finished Block Size: 18" x 18" (45.72cm x 45.72cm) 9" x 18" (22.86cm x 45.72cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Kinetic Hot Quilt
Project designed by Stacey Day | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Snow Flower Pink
PWBM094.PINK 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
(B) Wobble Red PWBM092.RED 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
(C) Gameboard Purple PWBM095.PURPLE 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
(D) Bloomers Orange PWBM093.ORANGE 1⁄3 yard (0.31m)
(E) Ammonites Pink PWPJ128.PINK 1⁄3 yard (0.31m)
(F) Gameboard Red PWBM095.RED 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(G) Papaver Red PWPJ127.RED 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(H) Urchin Red PWPJ125.RED 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
(I) Bloomers Green
(J) Wobble Brown
(K) Bloomers Lilac
(L) Pasha Paisley Purple
PWBM093.GREEN* 1 yard (0.91m)
PWBM092.BROWN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWBM093.LILAC 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWBM096.PURPLE 1 yard (0.91m)
(M) Pasha Paisley Blue PWBM096.BLUE 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(N) Fittonia Red PWPJ129.RED 1 yard (0.91m)
(O) Wobble Pastel
(P) Folk Flower Red
PWBM092.PASTEL 7⁄8 yard (0.80m)
PWGP204.RED 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(Q) Folk Flower Pink PWGP204.PINK 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
(R) Papaver Orange PWPJ127.ORANGE 1⁄3 yard (0.30m)
(S) Gameboard Pink PWBM095.PINK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (T) Jungle Red PWPJ126.RED 1⁄3 yard (0.30m) *includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 98" x 98" (2.49m x 2.49m) batting
yards (2.63m)
yards (5.14m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
• Spray starch or starch alternative
• Optional: narrow lightweight fusible interfacing strips, such
(A) (B) (C)
WOF = Width of Fabric
• Press fabrics with starch or starch alternative and let dry before cutting to stabilize edges to be cut on the bias. Handle biascut pieces carefully so as not to distort.
• If you prefer to work with oversized triangles and trim completed half-square triangle (HST) units or blocks down, then increase all cut sizes that end in 1⁄8" or 7⁄8" by your preferred amount (usually 1⁄8" – 1⁄4").
• Some completed blocks will have bias edges – if desired, blocks can be stabilized on the wrong side with narrow strips of fusible interfacing.
Fabric A, cut:
(4)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(26)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric B, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1)91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(4)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(2)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(11)51⁄8" x 51⁄8" (15 total)
Fabric C, cut:
(4*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(23)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric D, cut:
(2*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(8)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric E, cut:
(2)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(14)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric F, cut:
(5*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(29)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric G, cut:
(3)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(17)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric H, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1)91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(2)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(13)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric I, cut:
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(11)21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabric J, cut:
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Kinetic Hot Quilt
Fabric K, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(3)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric L, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1)91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(5)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric M, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric N, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(2)187⁄8" x 187⁄8" (1)91⁄2" x WOF; cut
(1)91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(2)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(7)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric O, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(2)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(2*) 51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(8)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric P, cut:
(1)187⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(1)187⁄8" x 187⁄8"
(1)91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(6)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric Q, cut:
(1)91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1)91⁄2" x 91⁄2"
(5)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
(2)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(15)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric R, cut:
(1)91⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1)91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
(4)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric S, cut:
(1)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(5)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
Fabric T, cut:
(2)51⁄8" x WOF; subcut
(11)51⁄8" x 51⁄8"
*Yardage is calculated at 40" usable WOF, which allows for 7 squares from a 51⁄8" x WOF strip. If you are able to cut 8 squares, you will need 1 less WOF strip.
Kinetic Hot Quilt
• All seam allowances are 1⁄4" and pieces are sewn right sides together. Press seam allowances open unless otherwise stated.
• As some blocks will be trimmed down to size, you may wish to shorten your stitch length slightly so trimmed seams will not open up.
• Note that the Blocks D and E will have bias edges, so handle gently, even after starching fabric, to avoid stretching bias edges.
1. Cut all the 51⁄8"* squares in half once diagonally. Sew (2) 51⁄8" triangles together along long sides to make an A Unit, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantity of each to make. Save any leftover triangles for the next step (a few will still be extra). Square up to 43⁄4" x 43⁄4" (41⁄4" x 41⁄4" finished).
*or your preferred cut size
2. Arrange (3) matching A Units together with (3) additional 51⁄8" triangles, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantity. Sew together in horizontal rows, aligning pieces at bottom of rows, then sew rows together, matching intersections, to complete the B Units.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Kinetic Hot Quilt
3. Arrange (2) matching A Units together with (2) additional 51⁄8" triangles, referring to the table below for fabric pairings. Sew units together with 1 triangle in a single row, then add the remaining triangle as shown to complete a C Unit. Make 1 of each.
4. Arrange (4) B Units together as shown, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantities. Sew together in pairs, then sew 2 paired units together to complete Block D. If needed, square up to 181⁄2" x 181⁄2".
C1 A1 Fabric S
C2 A2 Fabric D
C3 A3 Fabric T
C4 A4 Fabric E
C5 A5 Fabric G
C6 A6 Fabric Q
C7 A7 Fabric C
C8 A8 Fabric A
C9 A9 Fabric F
C10 A10 Fabric I
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
5. Sew (1) B Unit and (2) C Units together as shown to make Block E. Use the chart below for the fabric pairings and quantity of each to make. Trim through the seam intersections along the angled side so the block measures 91⁄2" wide x 181⁄2" high.
Kinetic Hot Quilt
6. Cut all the 187⁄8"* squares in half once diagonally. Sew (2) 187⁄8" triangles together along long sides to make Block F, referring to the table below for fabric pairings and quantities. If needed, square up to 181⁄2" x 181⁄2".
There will be a few extra triangles.
*or your preferred cut size
B & C Units
Fig. 5
Block E
matching B & C units
di erent C unit Trim. Block
Fig. 6
7. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of each 91⁄2" square. Place a 91⁄2" square RST at one end of a 91⁄2" x 181⁄2" rectangle as shown. Sew along the line, trim the seam allowance to 1⁄4", and press to complete Block G. Make 1 of each fabric pairing shown.
Kinetic Hot Quilt
Quilt Top Assembly
Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 8) while assembling the quilt.
8. Refer to the Quilt Layout diagram (page 8), to arrange Blocks D, E, F, and G in 5 rows of 6 blocks each, paying close attention to the layout diagram for placement and orientation of the blocks.
9. Sew the blocks into rows, placing any blocks with bias edges towards the feed dogs to help manage bias edges while sewing.
10. Sew the rows together to complete the quilt top (901⁄2" x 901⁄2" including seam allowances).
Block G
Block G 91⁄2" x 91⁄2" 91⁄2" x 181⁄2"
G2 Fabric N Fabric H
Quantity to make
11. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric I binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
12. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
G3 Fabric L Fabric B
G1 Fabric K Fabric M 1
G4 Fabric P Fabric O
G5 Fabric Q Fabric R
13. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
14. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Fig. 7
Quilt Layout
Rainbow Sherbet Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cottons
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024 & Kaffe Fassett Shot Cottons
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 50" x 70 5 ⁄16" (1.27m x 1.78m)
Finished Pieced Diamond Block: 8" x 18 3 ⁄4" (20.32cm x 47.63cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Rainbow Sherbet Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Project recolored by FreeSpirit Fabrics | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Roman Glass Lime
(B) Paperweight Emerald
(C) Lotus Leaf Emerald
(D) Guinea Flower Moss
(E) Folk Flower Pink
(F) Folk Flower Red
(G) Folk Flower* Dark
(H) Bloomers Grey
(I) Snow Flower Pink
(J) Snow Flower Green
(K) Pasha Paisley Pink
(L) Pasha Paisley Purple
(M) Pasha Paisley Aqua
(N) Urchin Pastel
(O) Papaver Red
(P) Ammonites Pink
(Q) Fittonia Gold
(R) Shot Cotton Camelia
(S) Shot Cotton Strawberry Blonde
(T) Shot Cotton Glacier
*includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Fittonia Red
PWBM093.GREY 3⁄8
PWBM094.PINK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWBM094.GREEN 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWBM096.PINK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWBM096.PURPLE 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWBM096.AQUA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWPJ125.PASTEL 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWPJ127.RED 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWPJ128.PINK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWPJ129.GOLD 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
SCGP109.CAMELIA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
SCGP122.STRAWBERRYBLONDE 7⁄8 yard (0.80m)
SCGP124.GLACIER 7⁄8 yard (0.80m)
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
PWPJ129.RED 33⁄8 yards (3.09m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Japanese Chrysanthemum Magenta
QBPJ003.MAGENTA 13⁄4 yards (1.60m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 58" x 79" (1.47m x 2.01m) batting
• Spray starch/starch alternative
• Template plastic
Rainbow Sherbet Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
1. Print 1 of the Diamond and 2 each of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns (page 6) at 100% and measure to confirm accuracy of printout. Tape 2 halves of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns together along the dashed lines.
2. Trace template patterns onto template plastic or another sturdy material and cut out on the outer line to make cutting templates. If desired, mark a hole at the quarter inch seam allowance at the corners to aid in piecing accuracy. Transfer the piece names and grainline arrows. To cut reversed pieces, flip the template so the text is wrong side up.
Cutting WOF = Width of Fabric
Note: If desired, spray fabrics with spray starch before cutting with templates to reduce stretch on bias-cut edges.
Fabrics A – D, F, and H – Q, cut from each: (1)97⁄8" x WOF
Fabric E, cut: (1)431⁄2" x WOF; subcut (1)181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle
Fabric G, cut:
(8)21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabric R, cut: (4)23⁄8"* x WOF
Fabrics S and T, cut from each: (10)23⁄8"* x WOF
*The cut width of the sashing and diamond pieces is just shy of 23⁄8" – use the Sashing and Diamond templates to cut WOF strips the exact width needed, following the grainline arrow on the template. See Figures 2 and 3 for template placement.
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
1. Using the Triangle Template, cut 4 triangles each from A – D, F, H, and J – Q, and 2 triangles from Fabric I. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
2. Using the Sashing Template, cut 28 sashing strips from the Fabric S 23⁄8" strips. With the reversed Sashing Template, cut 28 reversed sashing strips from the Fabric T 23⁄8" strips. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2
Fig. 2 S Cut 28 each T reversed
3. Using the Diamond Template, cut 38 diamonds from Fabric R 23⁄8" strips. (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Cut 38
Rainbow Sherbet Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
4. On the Fabric E 181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle, measure and mark the center of each side of the rectangle. Cut the large diamond by trimming the corners, center point to center point. (Fig. 4)
7. For each section, stitch diamond blocks, sashing strips, and triangles into diagonal block rows. Stitch diamonds and reversed sashing strips into diagonal sashing rows.
Quilt Top Assembly
Fig. 4
Note: When sewing the quilt top together, sew it into four sections as shown divided by red lines in the Quilt Layout diagram.
5. Noting the Quilt Layout diagram (page 5), arrange the large Fabric E diamond, triangles, Fabric S sashing strips, Fabric T reversed sashing strips, and Fabric R diamonds in diagonal rows.
6. Wherever two triangles meet, sew them together along short sides to make a Diamond block. Press open. Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Fig. 5
8. Sew rows together within each section. Sew small sections to the lower left-hand and upper right-hand sides of the large Fabric P diamond, then add the larger sections to complete the quilt top.
9. Trim the edges of quilt top to square up 1⁄4" past outermost seam intersections, to approximately 501⁄2" x 707⁄8". Baste edges of quilt to prevent stretching the edges of quilt top.
10. Sew together the 2 1⁄ 2" Fabric G binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
11. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
12. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
13. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Quilt Layout
Quilt Layout
Trace templates onto template plastic. Cut out shapes and label.
Rainbow Sherbet Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
RainbowSherbetQuilt SashingTemplate FullTemplateMeasures: 131/8”x23/8”
Combinetwo templatehalves tomakecomplete template.
Measure templates before cutting to confirm printing at 100%***
Combine two template halves to make complete template.
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Collection: Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 50" x 70 5 ⁄16" (1.27m x 1.78m)
Finished Pieced Diamond Block: 8" x 18 3 ⁄4" (20.32cm x 47.63cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Project recolored by FreeSpirit Fabrics | Tech edited by Alison
M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
August 2024 20 pc FQB Cool
August 2024 20 pc FQB Hot
August 2024 11 pc FQB Light
August 2024 11 pc FQB Dark
(AM) Urchin
Multi PWPJ125.MULTI 11⁄2 yards (1.37m)
(BH) Spot Noir PWGP070.NOIRX 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(BI) Spot White PWGP070.WHITE 11⁄2 yards (1.37m)
(BJ) Shot Cotton - Wide Stripe Ink SSGP001.INK* 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
PWPJ125.PASTEL 33⁄8 yards (3.09m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Onion Rings
Additional Recommendations
Black QBBM001.BLACK 13⁄4 yards (1.60m)
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 58" x 79" (1.47m x 2.01m) batting
• Spray starch/starch alternative
• Template plastic
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Fat Quarter Bundle Fabric Requirements
A Paperweight Emerald PWGP020.EMERALD
B Lotus Leaf Emerald PWGP029.EMERALD
C Lotus Leaf Grey PWGP029.GREY
D Guinea Flower Moss PWGP059.MOSS
E Spot Toast PWGP070.TOAST
F Spot Buff PWGP070.BUFF
G Folk Flower Pink PWGP204.PINK
H Folk Flower Purple PWGP204.PURPLE
I Folk Flower Blue PWGP204.BLUE
J Folk Flower Red PWGP204.RED
K Folk Flower Dark PWGP204.DARK
L Wobble Pastel
M Wobble Blue PWBM092.BLUE
N Wobble Brown PWBM092.BROWN
O Wobble Green PWBM092.GREEN
P Bloomers Lilac PWBM093.LILAC
Q Bloomers Orange PWBM093.ORANGE
R Bloomers Green PWBM093.GREEN
S Roman Glass Lime PWGP001.LIME
T Bloomers Grey
U Snow Flower Pink
V Snow Flower Green
W Snow Flower Black PWBM094.BLACK
X Wobble Red PWBM092.RED
Y Bloomers Black
Z Gameboard Pink PWBM095.PINK
AA Gameboard Magenta PWBM095.MAGENTA
AB Gameboard Purple PWBM095.PURPLE
AC Gameboard Red PWBM095.RED
AD Pasha Paisley Blue PWBM096.BLUE
AE Pasha Paisley Black PWBM096.BLACK
AF Pasha Paisley Aqua PWBM096.AQUA
AG Pasha Paisley Purple PWBM096.PURPLE
AH Pasha Paisley Pink
AI Urchin Dark PWPJ125.DARK
AJ Urchin Blue PWPJ125.BLUE
AK Urchin Red PWPJ125.RED
AL Urchin Pastel PWPJ125.PASTEL
AN Jungle Lavender PWPJ126.LAVENDER
AO Jungle Brown PWPJ126.BROWN
AP Jungle Red PWPJ126.RED
AQ Jungle Neutral PWPJ126.NEUTRAL
AR Papaver Green PWPJ127.GREEN
AS Papaver Orange PWPJ127.ORANGE
AT Papaver Blue PWPJ127.BLUE
AU Papaver Red PWPJ127.RED
AV Ammonites Neutral PWPJ128.NEUTRAL
AW Ammonites Pink PWPJ128.PINK
AX Ammonites Blue PWPJ128.BLUE
AY Ammonites Dark PWPJ128.DARK
AZ Fittonia Red PWPJ129.RED
BA Fittonia Green PWPJ129.GREEN
BB Fittonia Blue PWPJ129.BLUE
BC Japonica Contrast PWPJ130.CONTRAST
BD Japonica Dark PWPJ130.DARK
BE Japonica Green PWPJ130.GREEN
BF Japonica Pastel PWPJ130.PASTEL
BG Papaver Grey PWPJ127.GREY
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
1. Print 1 of the Diamond and 2 each of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns (page 7) at 100% and measure to confirm accuracy of printout. Tape 2 halves of the Sashing and Triangle template patterns together along the dashed lines.
2. Trace template patterns onto template plastic or another sturdy material and cut out on the outer line to make cutting templates. If desired, mark a hole at the quarter inch seam allowance at the corners to aid in piecing accuracy. Transfer the piece names and grainline arrows. To cut reversed pieces, flip the template so the text is wrong side up.
Cutting WOF = Width of Fabric
Note: If desired, spray fabrics with spray starch before cutting with templates to reduce stretch on bias-cut edges.
From Fabric AM, cut:
(1) 431⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(1) 181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle
From Fabric BJ, cut:
(8) 21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fabric BH, cut:
(4) 23⁄8"* x WOF
Fabric BI, cut:
(20) 23⁄8"* x WOF
*The cut width of the sashing and diamond pieces is just shy of 23⁄8" – use the Sashing and Diamond templates to cut WOF strips the exact width needed, following the grainline arrow on the template. See Figures 2 and 3 for template placement.
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
1. Sort through the 4 different fat quarter bundles and refer to the swatches in the Fat Quarter Bundle Fabric Requirements table on page 3 to pull and label the 38 fabrics needed. Using the Triangle Template, cut 1 triangle each from Fabrics A-AL and AN-BG. Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Fig. 1
2. Using the Sashing Template, cut 28 sashing strips from the Fabric BI 23⁄8" strips. With the reversed Sashing Template, cut 28 reversed sashing strips from the remaining Fabric BI 23⁄8" strips. Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
3. Using the Diamond Template, cut 38 diamonds from Fabric BH 23⁄8" strips. Fig. 3
4. On the Fabric AM 181⁄2" x 431⁄2" rectangle, measure and mark the center of each side of the rectangle. Cut the large diamond by trimming the corners, center point to center point. Fig. 4 Fig. 4
Quilt Top Assembly
Note: When sewing the quilt top together, sew it into four sections as shown divided by red lines in the Quilt Layout diagram.
5. Noting the Quilt Layout diagram (page 6), arrange the large Fabric AM diamond, triangles, Fabric BI sashing and reversed sashing strips, and Fabric BH diamonds in diagonal rows.
6. Wherever two triangles meet, sew them together along short sides to make a Diamond block. Press open. Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Fig. 5
7. For each section, stitch diamond blocks, sashing strips, and triangles into diagonal block rows. Stitch diamonds and reversed sashing strips into diagonal sashing rows.
8. Sew rows together within each section. Sew small sections to the lower left-hand and upper right-hand sides of the large Fabric P diamond, then add the larger sections to complete the quilt top.
9. Trim the edges of quilt top to square up 1⁄4" past outermost seam intersections, to approximately 501⁄2" x 707⁄8". Baste edges of quilt to prevent stretching the edges of quilt top.
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
10. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric BJ binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
11. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
12. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
13. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Quilt Layout
This square should measure 1" x 1" (2.54cm x 2.54cm) when printed.
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Triangle Template Full Template Measures: 8 1/2” x 9 7/8”
Combine two template halves to make complete template.
Trace templates onto template plastic. Cut out shapes and label.3 -
TossedDiamondsintheRoughQuilt SashingTemplate FullTemplateMeasures: 131/8”x23/8”
Combinetwo templatehalves tomakecomplete template.
*** Measure templates before cutting to confirm printing at 100%***
Tossed Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Diamond Template 2 1/2” x 5 1/4” WOF
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024 Collection
Finished Size: 72" x 72" (1.83m x 1.83m)
Project designed by Jessica VanDenburgh - Sew Many Creations, Re-Colored by FreeSpirit Fabrics
Purchase pattern at sewmanycreationsny.com
Technique: Pieced | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Flip Flop Quilt - Cool
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 40 pc DR Cool
(B) August 2024 42 pc 10" CP Hot
(C) Gameboard Magenta*
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately) 44" (1.12m) wide
Lotus Leaf Emerald
Flip Flop Quilt - Cool
PWBM095.MAGENTA* 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWGP029.EMERALD 41⁄2 yards (4.11m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Lotus Leaf Purple
QBGP007.PURPLE 21⁄4 yards (2.06m)
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
(A) (B) (C)
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024 Collection
Finished Size: 72" x 72" (1.83m x 1.83m)
Project designed by Jessica VanDenburgh - Sew Many Creations, Re-Colored by FreeSpirit Fabrics
Purchase pattern at sewmanycreationsny.com
Technique: Pieced | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Flip Flop Quilt - Hot
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 40 pc DR Hot
(B) August 2024 42 pc 10" CP Cool
(C) Gameboard Magenta*
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately) 44" (1.12m) wide
Lotus Leaf Emerald
Flip Flop Quilt - Hot
PWBM095.MAGENTA* 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWGP029.EMERALD 41⁄2 yards (4.11m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Lotus Leaf Purple
QBGP007.PURPLE 21⁄4 yards (2.06m)
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
(A) (B) (C)
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Stepping Up Quilt - Cool
Finished Size: 50" x 60" (1.27m x 1.52m)
Project designed by Janice Pope - Anything But Boring
Purchase pattern at anythingbutboring.com
Technique: Pieced | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Stepping Up Quilt - Cool
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 20 pc 6" DS
(B) Japonica
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Pasha Paisley Black
108" (2.74m) wide
1 DS
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
(A) (B) Backing 44" Backing 108"
Featuring Kaffe Fassett Collective August 2024
Stepping Up Quilt - Hot
Finished Size: 50" x 60" (1.27m x 1.52m)
Project designed by Janice Pope - Anything But Boring
Purchase pattern at anythingbutboring.com
Technique: Pieced | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Fabric Requirements
(A) August 2024 20 pc 6" DS Hot
Stepping Up Quilt - Hot
1 DS (B) Japonica Pastel
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
OR 108" (2.74m) wide
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
(A) (B) Backing 44" Backing 108"